10th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion 6-9 November 2016 Belgrade, Serbia Mitigation of Cascading Outages and Prevention of Blackouts:System-Wide Corrective Control Lei Ding Shandong University Cascading Outages and Blackouts • Power System Blackout: the loss of supply to the load in the entire power system, or parts of the system • Cascading Outage: a sequence of events in which an initial disturbance, or a set of disturbances, causes a sequence of one or more dependent component outages • Each blackout has its own specific nature large number of scenarios and blackout paths 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Cascading Outages and Blackouts • Electric power systems have become extremely complex and difficult to operate and protect • It is impractical and uneconomical to design power systems to be stable for every possible disturbance • To maximize profit and utilization of all available generation and transmission assets, power systems operate relatively close to their stability limits • There is always a risk that cascading outages or blackouts happen. • The economic and social implications of blackouts can be disastrous and difficult to quantify in advance 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia New Challenge 1—Integration of RES H D Pw Popt E B C Vw A 0 ωt1 ωt2 ωt3 MPPT 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia ωt New Challenge 2—AC/DC Hybrid System Modern power systems take more cascading risks in AC/DC hybrid system due to: • Tightly-coupled interaction between HVDC and AC systems • Large global impact subject to failure in HVDC system • HVDC delivers a large amount of active power to receiving AC system. • Commutation failure and even cascading commutation failure may be caused by faults in AC system. • Once HVDC is blocked, the loss of large power transmitted will create a large disturbance to AC systems connected. • Such disturbance is huge for AC system to be withstood in a limited area. Larger disturbance, low inertia system and weakened regulation ability 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia New Challenge 2—AC/DC Hybrid System • Two risky accidences, which may result in cascading events, were recorded although no severe blackout was triggered • On Aug. 8, 2012 simultaneous commutation failures in four HVDCs • On Jul. 5, 2013 simultaneous commutation failures and forced blocking in two HVDCs • Power grids in China feature typical AC/DC hybrid interconnections • Central Grid transmits large power to East Grid by five HVDCs • one of which is Ultra HVDC with power of 6400MW From Prof. Xiaoxin Zhou 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia New Challenge 2—AC/DC Hybrid System Procedure during “7.5”(2013) event • A 500kV AC line in East Grid was tripped by temporary single-phase fault • Two HVDC i.e. Fulong-Fengxian and Tuanlin-Fengjing suffered commutation failure successively • AC faulted line was reclosed successfully • Single pole at Fengjing inverter and bipolar at Fulong converter were blocked • Power transmitted by HVDC reduced 4,530 MW • Frequency of East Grid decreased to 49.82HZ • Power through AC tie line from other grid increased to 700MW From Prof. Xiaoxin Zhou 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Power System Collapse - Blackouts • A generic path to a blackout: Uncontrolled System Separation Initiating Event Precondition Restoration can be very time Restoration consuming Cascading Events Partial or total blackouts Steady-State Progression High Speed Cascade Triggering Event 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Power System Collapse - Blackouts • A generic path to a blackout: Special System Protection Initiating Event Emergency control Uncontrolled System Separation Corrective control Precondition Cascading Events Steady-State Progression Restoration High Speed Cascade Triggering Event 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Power System Collapse - Blackouts • A generic path to a blackout (HVDC system, with RES integration): Initiating Event Precondition Uncontrolled System Separation Cascading Events Restoration High Speed Cascade • Initiating event, such as HVDC blocking, will be a huge disturbance. • System inertia and regulation ability are weakened. • Whole cascading process will be highly accelerated. 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Power System Collapse - Blackouts • A generic path to a blackout (HVDC system, with RES integration): Initiating Event Precondition Uncontrolled System Separation Cascading Events Restoration High Speed Cascade System-wide emergency control: alleviate or limit the impacts of the large disturbance using all possible system-wide measures: regulation capacity of RES, active load control, storage, etc. System-wide corrective control: mitigate the cascading outages and prevent blackouts: controlled islanding, system-wide coordinated load shedding 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Role of Controlled Islanding • Controlled islanding is a typical system-wide corrective control measure • Avoid uncontrolled system separation (blackout) by initiating a controlled system separation • Separation can prevent mechanisms that would, without islanding, cause the system to collapse: – e.g. unstable oscillations – or voltage collapse • Separate the system into isolated islands 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Role of Controlled Islanding Initiating Remedial Event Actions Taken Healthy System Uncontrolled System Separation Remedial Actions Fail Steady State Progression High Speed Cascade Restoration Healthy System Verify Feasibility of Islanding Solution Triggering Event Pre-Islanding Actions Determine Necessity of Islanding Blackout Post-Islanding Corrective Actions Plan Separate Islands Islanding Stable Islanded Operation Healthy System Resynchronise Islands Islanding can avoid a blackout: limiting the load unsupplied and accelerating the return to healthy operation 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Supporting Infrastructure • Successful Controlled Islanding will require extensive supporting infrastructure – Wide area monitoring – Algorithms for detecting imminent collapse – Algorithms for creating the islanding solution – Centralised processing to implement algorithms – Automated, wide area control of: • Breakers for separation • Control elements for pre/post islanding actions (e.g. shedding relays) • Protection settings (settings must be changed post islanding) 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Supporting Infrastructure System-wide Corrective Control System state, dynamics and events Performed within centralised control centre Transparent database technique Reliable, Fast Communication Network Centralised Computing Algorithm to Detect Imminent Cascade Algorithm to Determine Islanding Solution State estimation Security Evaluation Risk Pre-warning Wide Area Monitoring Centralised, Automated Decision Making Power System Automated, remote access to protection settings External Inputs Initiate Islanding Reliable, Fast Communication Network 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia - Breaker opening schedule - Pre/Post control actions - New protection settings Role of Controlled Islanding • Need an islanding solution to island the system • Islanding solution must describe: – – – – If or whether to split? Where to split: splitting boundary? When to split: timing What order should the islands be created and should other actions be taken before/after this, e.g. load reduction (HOW?) • The answers to these may be interdependent and not optimally determined in isolation 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Where to Split?--SCCI Description • Stable islanded operation: Coherent generators and small power-imbalance • SCCI: Spectral Clustering based Controlled Islanding • Two Steps – Construct Dynamic Graph and cluster generator nodes – Construct Static Graph and cluster all nodes • Spectral Clustering – Construct the Laplacian matrix of graphs (dynamic, static) – Compute the first two eigenvectors (bisection case) – Use K-medoids to cluster nodes 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia SCCI Description First Step: Dynamic graph and generator grouping Generator groups {1}, {2,3} 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia SCCI Description Second Step: Static graph and splitting boundary Splitting boundary {4-5;4-6} (red dash line) 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 19 When to Split? Disturbance pre-islanding process Separation post-islanding process Pre-disturbance SEP Post-islanding SEPs • The post-islanding SEP is determined by the splitting boundary-island topology. • Find a proper splitting boundary to make sure post-islanding SEP exists • During the whole process, dynamic stability must be satisfied. • Given a certain the splitting boundary, the post-islanding dynamic process is determined mainly by the timing of controlled islanding. •If the separation is undertaken at the right time, the transition will be smoothly. 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia When to Split?-right time to split • Construct a transient energy function of each intended island • If the island is separated when the energy is below the critical energy, then the island will retain its stability • If the island is separated when the energy of the island is greater than critical energy then the island may lose its stability. 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 21 When to split? 22 • Consider two islands: Island 1 and Island 2 • The stability of each island (post separation) is determined by the time the separation occurs at A window for stable separation is created Legend stable unstable ISLAND 1 ISLAND 2 Time 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 22 Interdependency 23 No intersection time exists where the islands can be separated and both remain stable? Legend stable unstable ISLAND 1 ISLAND 2 t1 • • • • t2 Time change the splitting boundary produces a non-empty intersection; take remedial control; split in a sequential way. So, by changing where the islands are created it is possible to create a suitable When for separation 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia Controlled Islanding Example 1 Wind Speed >= Cut Out Speed Disconnection of Wind Farms Initiating Event Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 24 Controlled Islanding Example 2 Line trips due to overload 2.16s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 25 Controlled Islanding Example 3 Line trips due to overload 2.22 s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 26 Controlled Islanding Example 4 Line trips due to overload 2.29 s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 27 Controlled Islanding Example 5 Generator trips due to out of step operation 2.64 s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 28 Controlled Islanding Example 6 Line trips due to overload 6.01s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 29 Controlled Islanding Example 7 Line trips due to overload 6.43s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 30 Controlled Islanding Example 7 6.43s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 31 Controlled Islanding Example 8 Generator trips due to out of step operation 7.10s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 32 Controlled Islanding Example 9 Generator trips due to out of step operation 8.03s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 33 Controlled Islanding Example 10 Generator trips due to out of step operation 9.55s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 34 Controlled Islanding Example 9.55s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 35 Controlled Islanding Example 1 Wind Speed >= Cut Out Speed Disconnection of Wind Farms Initiating Event Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 36 Controlled Islanding Example 2 Intentional tripping of the lines 0.60s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 37 Controlled Islanding Example 2 0.60s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 38 Controlled Islanding Example 3 Generator trips due to out of step 1.24s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 39 Controlled Islanding Example 3 1.24s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 40 Controlled Islanding Example 4 Line trips due to overload 2s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 41 Controlled Islanding Example Comparison 9.55s Time(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Without Controlled Islanding With Controlled Time(s) Islanding 0 2s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Element Assets Lost Capacity Lost (%) Element Assets Lost Capacity Lost (%) Tripped Generators 1,8,9,10 33.9 Tripped Generators 1 13.2 6 18.1 Unsupplied Unsupplied 1,3,4,6 42.0 Loads Loads Non-Energised Lines 1,2,3,4,11,17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 28.5 Non-Energised Lines 1, 2, 4, 9, 11 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 9.1 42 Conclusion • System-wide corrective control could play a role in mitigating cascading outage and preventing blackouts, especially in AC/DC hybrid systems with large-scale RES integration. • Prevents an uncontrolled separation by performing a controlled separation of the power system • System-wide corrective control is very complex and must be found online, during a system collapse • Demands high level of confidence in automated, closed loop control with widespread authority over breakers and other control procedures 10TH MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY CONVERSION 6-9 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia 10th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion 6-9 November 2016 Belgrade, Serbia Mitigation of Cascading Outages and Prevention of Blackouts:System-Wide Corrective Control Lei Ding Shandong University
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