dask dogay 2009 yarişma şartnamesi̇

Terms and Conditions of Nature Shoot-out Contest (DOGAY) 2017
(PAFT Approve Nr: 2017-064) - (GPU Patronage Nr: 2017 L170094-M5G5S5B)
The XXI st DOGAY, will be held between May 17-20, 2017 in Turkey, at Düzce, Akçakoca district.
The aim in organizing DOGAY is to document and present the natural and cultural values and to develop photography art.
It has been held since 1995 by Nature Research, Sports and Rescue Association (DASK) in different places of Turkey.
It’s a unique and comprehensive photography contest which is consisting all the steps of a photography contest (registration,
shooting, selection, evaluation and award ceremony) and lasts 3 days (72 hrs).
People aged over 15 could attend. The cameras should support “RAW” format and “minimum 6 million pixels”.
It is approved by Photographic Arts Federation of Turkey (PAFT) and a delegate of PAFT will be present throughout the contest.
Supported by Global Photographic Union (GPU).
To transfer the registration fee to bank account below or paying cash with the “Application Form” to the DOGAY Desk at Akçakoca,
until May 17th 2017, 24:00.
Registration fee is 22 Euro.
Bank account that registration fee will be paid:
Bank name: Is Bankasi
Account name: Adil Hakan Gonendik
Bank name: ISBANK (Is Bankasi) (Bank Code: 00064),
Ankara-Cayyolu Section (Section Code: 4266). Account number: 0082835
IBAN: TR870006400000242660082835, SWIFT code: ISBKTRIS
Procedures in the contest area
Contestants should apply to DOGAY DESK with the “Application Form” (filled and signed).
Required things that contestants should have with them during application:
2-Camera for shooting during the contest.
3-Memory card that will be used during the contest.
ATTENTION, IMPORTANT: Each contestant can enter the competition with SINGLE MEMORY CARD, there is no limitation for the capacity
of this card; even if the contestants camera have 2 card slots, single card can be used for the competition. Because of this we highly
recommend you to bring and register the serial number of a high capacity memory card. In order to shorten the registration process please
help the registration desk personel during these card serial number registration process.
During the registration, contestant ID cards, DOGAY 2017 Memoir Package, contest program and contest area chart are given to
the contestants.
For each contestant, employees will register the brand and serial number of the camera and the memory card that will be used for
the contest. Employees will apply some procedures to the camera. After the registration procedures the first photo should be taken
on Thursday, May 18, 2017 to the registred memory card.
Contest will be held on Digital Color Category in 5 sections.
Contestants can attend to all categories with selected photos taken by their cameras appropriate to the Terms and Conditions of
the Contest.
* All photographs should be in ”RAW+JPEG High” format, color and must be in the cameras native sensor ratios (panoramic or
16:9 ratio photographs are not accepted).
* In all categories Polarized, UV, Skylight, graduated or full Neutral Density (ND) filters can be used. Other filters cannot be used.
* In all categories different types of shooting techniquies can be used without giving any harm to the nature.
* Electronic flash can be used in all categories except “Birds photos”
* For all categories in case of detection of alteration on the photos and/or exif data the photographs will be disqualified.
* Each contestant can attend to each category with maximum 4 photos.
3.1 Categories
1-General Nature (Colored): The aim of this category is to document biological, geographical, climate and geomorphological
characteristics of the region by using the aesthetical photography measurements. Human beings and constructions, cultural
vegetation (field or garden vegetation), domestic animals, coastal life, fishermen, agricultural areas, labourers etc. can not take
place in the photos. Photos of pure nature that do not meet the meaning of macro and landscape categories should be submitted
in this category.
2-Landscape (Colored): The main aim of this category is to document regional authentic characteristics (geographics, climate,
geomorphology and vegetation characteristics of the region on a large scale) by using the easthetical photography measurements.
Humans beings and constructions, cultural vegetation (field or garden vegetation), domestic animals, buildings, villages, coastal life,
fishermen, agricultural areas, labourers etc. can take place in the photos.
3-Macro Nature (Colored): By revealing the geographical, biological and geological variety, to document the contest area in macro
and close-up techniques. Human beings and constructions, cultural vegetation (field or garden vegetation), cultured mushrooms
and domestic animals should not take place in the photos. There should be no use of artificial backgrounds.
4-Local Life (Colored): This category bears the idea of having the relationship between culture-nature-history-human beings and
reveals local folkloric values. Human beings, components related to human beings, domestic animals, cultured vegetation are
included to this category. DASK camp area should not take place in the photos.
5-Birds (Colored): Birds belong to that region is the subject of this category. Items related to human beings can be accepted if they
are going to be in minimum. Captured or domestic birds are excluded.
Offsprings and birds in the nests are forbidden to be photographed. Shooting with flash is forbidden and these kinds of shots will be
Only for this category, if the competitors want, they can crop their chosen photographs by the help of the DASK officials after
transferring them to the DASK officials computer.
3.2 Awards
In all categories;
1st place winner will be awarded with DOGAY cup, Gold GPU medal.
2nd place winner will be awarded with DOGAY cup and Silver GPUmedal.
3rd place winner will be awarded with DOGAY cup and Bronze GPU medal.
Furthermore, in all categories there will be 7 mentions that will be awarded (1 DOGAY mention and 6 GPU mentions).
3.3 Special awards
Akçakoca Governership special award: Award will be given to one of the photos which was participated to the Birds Category.
Akçakoca Municipality special award: Award will be given to one of the photos which was participated to the Landscape Category.
Necmettin Külahçı special award: Award will be given to one of the photos which was participated to the General Nature Category.
Gültekin Çizgen special award: Award will be given to one of the photos which was participated to the Local Life Category.
Dursun Ali Sarıkoç special award: Award will be given to one of the photos which was participated to the Makro Category.
DOGAY, Gökhan Türe Performance award: One contestant that attends to DOGAY will be rewarded with a “Performance Award”.
This award is given to the contestant who receives the maximum number of awards and presentations. If the contestant number
is more than two, the one who is more successful on exhibition or have more awards than the other is announced as the winner.
3.4 Exhibition
Maximum 70 photos for each section.
17 May 2017 Wednesday
-Contestants should apply to DOGAY DESK in Akçakoca after 12:00 (12 am).
DOGAY DESK will be open at Fedai Karabıyık Park (situated in the city center) between 12:00-19:00 and after 19:00 it will be open
at the square next to Akçakoca Municipality Building
19:30 Opening Coctail and Briefing at the square in next to Akçakoca Municipality
18 May 2017 Thursday
-First day for shooting photos.
-Contestants can take photos in Akçakoca, for two days time (May 18th-19th 2017, Thursday and Friday).
19 May 2017 Friday
-Second day for shooting photos.
-Delivery of the photos DOGAY DESK in Akçakoca Municiplity building
*After deciding the category of their photos, contestants should fill the “Photo Submission Form”.
*Contestants will apply to Dogay Desk with their Photo Submission Form, cameras and memory cards between 19:30–
21:30 (7.30 p.m.–9.30 p.m) and write their names to the list. (The contestants who do not write their names to the list
before 21:30 could not give their photographs)
*The selected photos will be transferred from their memory cards to the computers of the responsibles by announcing
according to the list.
*For each contestant, transferring their photos to the responsibles computers is limited by 15 minutes. After that time limit,
the photos could not be transferred.
20 May 2017 Saturday
-Evaluation will be carried out between 09:00-18:00 (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.).
-After 19:00 (7 p.m.) Award Ceremony will begin in Akçakoca city center.
5.1 Contest is open to everybody except Organizing Committee, Selection Committee members and PAFT delegate. The registered
contestants are accepted as to commit the terms and conditions of the contest and the rules. The contestants that will not be in lieu
with the terms and conditions will be discarded from the contest. Contestants should carry contestant ID cards which was given
during the registration; the cards should be attached to a visible place all time through the contest.
5.2 The photos taken out of the pre-determined contest area will not be taken into consideration for evaluation. Contestants wonder
around contest area with their own possibilities (by walking, private or leased vehicles etc.) Although different kinds of transportation
organizations will be provided; DASK do not hold any responsibilites for any interruptions, accidents or injuries.
5.3 The characteristics of cameras of the contestants:
The photographs shooted should be “RAW+JPEG High” format. (The ones who have only RAW format in their cameras could
attend the contest too). Contestants could not attend with the cameras which shoot only JPEG format. Photos should be identical
with the contestants own camera RAW format. Contestants whom presents photos transferred to a different “RAW” format (or
similar formats) by using photoshop will be disqualified. The cameras should be minimum 6 million pixel and adjusted to colour
mode. Time and dating of the cameras will be adjusted before the contest. (Contestants should know how to adjust their own
cameras and have manuals with them). If they did not know how to adjust the timing, this may prohibit them to attend the contest
and DASK is not responsible for this situation. Contestants will be disqualified in case of camera retuning due to battery failure, etc.
during contest.
5.4 Contestants should have one appropriate memory card and the photos will be selected from this particular memory card. There
are no limitations for the memory card capacity and number of the photos taken during the contest. Contestants may delete any of
the photos during the contest from their memory card. Brands and serial numbers of the memory cards of the contestants should
be readable. Illegible memory cards are not accepted. In case of any technical jeopardize of a memory card or camera, the
contestant cannot continue the contest with a different memory card or camera. Contestants should have their camera manuals,
USB cables and CDs necessary for uploading pictures to the computers. The photos would transfer from memory cards to the
computers by memory card readers. DASK is not responsible for any techonological disablement born during the computer
5.5 Contestants can use tuning devices on the camera for sharpness, exposure value and white balance. These regulations can
only be carried out from the camera itself but not with computer or Photoshop etc. programs. In case of any interference discovered
to the photo by computer, the contestant will be discharged from the contest.
5.6 Each contestant could attend to the contest with their own registered memory card and camera. One can attend to all categories
by selecting different photos. One photo can only be used for one category. Photographs should not bear any date, title, name etc.
Date and little stamps of the cameras should be off.
5.7 Contestants could not exchange ideas with the Organizing Committee, Selection Committee and PAFT delegate all through the
contest and during photo evaluation. DASK will archive the photos in all categories which receive prizes, exhibited or spared for
DASK archive by the Selection Committee. DASK can use the photos reserved in the archive as promotional material or etc. only
by stating the name of the artist and also holds the right to duplicate, distribute, manipulate, use, use of property by the approval of
DASK. Awarded and exhibited photos will be published on the web page of DASK (www.dask.org.tr). Furthermore awarded photos
will be published on the web page of PAFT (www.tfsf.org.tr) and in the pages allocated for our organization in PAFT 2017 almanac.
5.8 Contestants should take every necessary precautions against natural risks because they will be competing in a natural
environment. Every contestant is responsible for their own safety and belongings during the contest. Contestants should take
photos without giving any harm to nature. If any scenario, movement or setup determined which is harmful to nature or customs
and gives disturbance to local people, the contestant will be discarded from the contest. Contestants will be responsible for any
harm given. Contestants will carry their garbage with garbage bags or discard them to appropriate places. Contestants who shows
harmful behaviors to others and to the environment will be discarded from the contest. Any contestant who cause any harm will be
solely responsible for his/her own actions.
5.9 DOGAY is a contest which is held in outdoor conditions. Due to this reason, if any harm and unexpected situations occur during
any phase of the contest (against our attention), such as, some or all parts of the photos memory cards could be damaged/lost etc.
with the approval of Organizing Committee, only the registration fee will be reimbursed to that particular contestant. Contestant
could not make any objections to the decision of Organizing Committee such like issues or could not ask for different
5.10 All contestants declare and commit that every piece of work submitted is solely belong to his/her and accept that all necessary
permissions are taken. The awarded ones whom act against the decleration and commitments, the awards, title and acquisitions
are withdrawn. However, this does not mean that the grading of other contestants will change.
5.11 The ones who fraud on the photograps, block out or made changes that was submitted to the evaluation committe are
dismissed from the contest. In such cases, copyright infringement solely belongs to the contestant.
5.12 Sanctions mentioned in the Item 13 of” PAFT Directive of Standards for Organizing National/International Contest” (Turkish
version: http://www.tfsf.org.tr/tr/indir/yarisma_duzenleme_standartlari_yonergesi.pdf) is applied to participants who violate the rules.
Award, title and all achievements of the participant is withdrawn. The place allocated for the award remains empty. If awarded, the
participant has to return the award. Such condition does not bring any right to other participants. Participants with ongoing decision
of limitation according to PAFT principles cannot participate in the contest. Organizing association will determine and eliminate those
participants who are in the limitation list of PAFT before evaluation of the judge.
5.13 Organizing Committee can decide to cancel the contest or cancel some parts of the contest or postpone the contest. In case
of cancellation or postponement the registration fees are not reimbursed. Organizing Committee holds the right to determine and
execute the methodology and rules to be followed in case of cancellation or postponement. Organizing Committee holds the right
to make necessary changes for the solution of the disputes and problems; also the rules of the Terms and Conditions, evaluation
methodology and awarding.
6. SELECTION COMMITTEE (names in alphabetical order)
Mustafa ESER
EFIAP, MOF, SSS honorary member
Tuğrul ÇAKAR
İFSAK, AFSAD honorary member, DASK, BÜ GSF Öğretim Görevlisi
Gültekin ÇİZGEN
İFSAK honorary member, İstanbul Photography Museum Director and Curator
Necmettin KÜLAHÇI
FSK, AFSAD, SSS and DASK honorary member
Akçakoca Photography Group
* The Selection Comittee meeting must be held at least 3 people
PAFT Delegate: Ender Ozan ALBAYRAK
=Ankara Fotoğraf Sanatçıları Derneği / Association of Art Photographers of Ankara
=Doğa Araştırmaları, Sporları ve Kurtarma Derneği / Nature Research, Sports and Rescue Association
=Fotoğraf Sanatı Kurumu / Photographic Art Society
=Mersin Olba Fotoğraf Derneği / Mersin Olba Photography Society
=Sille Sanat Sarayı / Sille Art Palace
=Türkiye Fotoğraf Sanatı Federasyonu / Photographic Arts Federation of Turkey (PAFT)
=Artiste“Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique”
=Excellence “Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique”
+90 533 3948957
+90 533 3948967
+90 536 2468023
+90 532 5852619
+90 536 2468023
+90 532 3075422
+90 537 0642266
+90 535 5532684
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Transportation and accommodations are being carried out by contestants own resources. Details related to transportation and
accommodation will be announced with “DOGAY Contest Information” document. Announcements publish in “www.dask.org.tr“ .
+90 533 3948967
[email protected]
+90 532 3075422
[email protected]
(TFSF/PAFT 2017-064)