100% - Flashtalking

Telecom Company
Advertiser Challenge
A telecom company wanted to activate a combination of their valuable first party
data and external 3rd party data sources in order to achieve their business
1. Drive 3x online orders compared to previous year.
2. Reduce average cost per acquisition.
BlueKai data-driven
The Flashtalking Solution
dynamic creative
The client created 15 audience segments within BlueKai that were ‘activated’ via
Flashtalking’s decision engine and programmatic creative platform.
Data-drive dynamic creative delivered personalized content and messaging to
specific segments.
100 Million test impressions were dedicated towards data-driven creative
messaging via Flashtalking’s platform, activating BlueKai data.
The BlueKai universe of user cookies was divided 25% DCO via Flashtalking and
75% basic ad unit via Doubleclick. The same target audiences received entirely
different messaging stratagies….one being promotion and product based, the
other being more customer focused.
The client saw a 15% lift in conversions and a reduction in their CPA compared
to standard, non data-driven, ad units that ran in parallel.
Achieved stated goal of shifting 100% of their acquisition budget to data-driven
dynamic messaging replacing their incumbent standard ‘ad’.
CONTACT: [email protected]
Business Implications for the client
They are converting all existing standard ad units into
dynamic creative, powered by Bluekai’s data and
increasing volumes five-fold.
Ad serving budget expected to increase to $1MM/quarter.
Based on the success of this data-driven program, they are
now using the same methodology to test messaging that
will impact offline marketing messaging and creative.