the PDF - Scholarship America

A Publication of Scholarship America®
Charlene is Grateful – for You!
Charlene Hinton remembers that first dismal
Thanksgiving after graduating from high school
as class valedictorian. This bright, motivated
student’s future seemed promising, but a darker
reality intruded. Charlene suddenly found
herself homeless, with no support from her
parents. Her meager income was only enough
for basic necessities. Now, on this blustery
Thanksgiving break, she had no home to return
to for turkey and trimmings. She was alone in
her Syracuse University dorm room. “The dining
halls were shut down so I didn’t have anything
to eat except half a burrito I’d saved from the
night before.”
Persevering through Despair
Charlene knew her future depended on
staying in school, so she muscled through
the loneliness of the holiday searching for
scholarships. That’s how she discovered
Scholarship America’s Dream Award. “I felt
like this award had been created just for me,”
Charlene said. “I needed funding to continue my
education and the Dream Award was available
for students already in college and needing
financial support to stay in school. It was
perfect.” Charlene applied and waited. “From
the moment I applied after Thanksgiving, I was
holding my breath,” she explained. “The Dream
Award would mean no more financial barriers
so I could focus on school and turn my dreams
into a degree. It meant having the stability to
develop my potential and contribute to my
community.” The possibility of a Dream Award
meant everything.
In May, Charlene received great news; she was
one of 12 finalists for the Dream Award invited
to appear on Katie Couric’s talk show. During
the program, the suspense was palpable who would be the winner? Then, Katie (she’s
a Scholarship America donor, too!) dropped
the bombshell - all 12 finalists were winners
of Scholarship America’s Dream Award
Charlene Hinton, Dream Award recipient
“I am so grateful for Scholarship
America and its supporters. You
helped turn my academic dreams
into a bright future, and it’s been
scholarships. “I started crying in relief because
all the pressure and stress were suddenly gone,”
Charlene said, tearing up as she recalled that
life-changing moment.
“I am so grateful for Scholarship America and
its supporters who literally changed my life.
You helped me turn my academic dreams into a
bright future, and it’s been life-changing. Thank
you so much.”
Charlene graduated summa cum laude from
Syracuse University with a degree in Information
Technology. She currently lives in California and
works with the IT Risk and Assurance staff at Ernst
& Young, selected in 2016 by Fortune magazine as
one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For.
Dear Friends,
Scholarship America is a nonprofit
with a mission to mobilize America
through scholarships and other
educational support to make
postsecondary success possible
for all. We are working to engage
the private sector in programs and
policies that advance equity in
postsecondary education, helping
more students overcome barriers to
access, persistence and attainment.
The late Dr. Irving A. Fradkin, Founder
Robert C. Ballard, President & CEO
Michael D. Ryan, Chair
J. Barry Griswell, Vice Chair
Mim Schreck, Immediate Past Chair
Timothy Christensen, Secretary
Michael J. Ryder, Treasurer
Judith Allen
Michael Davis
Tina Lee
Phyllis McGrath
Douglas J. Mello
Jay Morris
Richard J. Schwab
Seema R. Shah, Esq.
Joyce Smith
Roxanne Spillett
Mark Turchan
William C. Young
There is nothing more profound than changing a life.
Thanks to your support last year, Scholarship America
and our partners distributed more than $225 million
to help nearly 105,000 students overcome barriers to
continue or complete their college studies - an amazing
accomplishment to celebrate.
As I complete my first year as CEO of Scholarship America,
my passion has only grown for this mission. I’m convinced
that higher education is the best pathway out of poverty
and toward prosperity for students and for our nation.
Our industries need millions of educated, credentialed
people who can move into skilled jobs and do great things. The bright, motivated
students who receive Scholarship America assistance are the future scientists,
engineers, researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs, and medical specialists of tomorrow.
That’s the beauty of philanthropy; it converts charitable love from generous people
into a fantastic uplift that benefits all of us.
You are the heart and soul of everything we do. Thank you for being as passionate as
I am about helping students achieve their dreams of a higher education.
Robert C. Ballard, President & CEO
Scholarship America
P.S. At the time this publication is going to print we received word of our founder
Dr. Irving A. Fradkin’s passing. He was 95 years old and still serving as an active
member of Scholarship America’s Honor Roll Trustees. Dr. Fradkin’s love of our
country and belief in the power of education will continue to inspire our work. We
will honor the rich life and legacy of Dr. Fradkin in our upcoming spring newsletter.
If you would like more information about Dr. Fradkin’s legacy and influence on our
work, please visit our website:
Barry Griswell:
Why I Give
The Scholar is a publication of
Scholarship America®
The Scholar is produced three times a year.
If you wish to receive The Scholar electronically,
or be removed from the list, change your
address, or submit ideas, please contact us at:
Scholarship America
7900 International Drive, Suite 500
Minneapolis, MN 55425
[email protected]
Business & civic leader
J. Barry Griswell
The Nelsens: A Gift for
Generations of Students
When Bill and Margie Nelsen were doing their estate planning, they included
Scholarship America in their will. “We are pleased to know that our estate gift will
continue to improve educational opportunities in people’s lives for generations to
come. That gives us great comfort,” Margie said.
“We included Scholarship America in our estate planning because it is a great
steward of charitable resources,” Bill explained. “Our Charitable Remainder Trust
benefits us and the organization. It’s a win-win.”
A Final Act of Generosity
Bill and Margie Nelsen
With a planned estate gift, you join an inspiring movement to change lives and
build stronger communities.
“We included Scholarship
America in our estate planning
because it is a great steward of
charitable resources.”
– Bill Nelsen
As a respected member of Scholarship America’s Mortarboard Society, you
transform the lives of struggling post-secondary students by helping them
achieve their academic dreams.
Scholarship America accepts gifts of cash, appreciated securities, and other
assets, including stock, life insurance and retirement assets. As a 501(c)3
nonprofit organization, all gifts to Scholarship America are tax-deductible to the
fullest extent allowed by law.
To learn more about ways to support Scholarship America with a gift, pledge or
bequest, please contact us at 1-800-642-7207 or visit
Is Scholarship
America in your will?
Please notify us if you have included Scholarship America in your will. We’d
appreciate the opportunity to thank you for your generosity. The official legal
bequest language for Scholarship America is:
“I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to Scholarship America, One Scholarship Way, Saint
Peter, MN 56082 [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of asset/property] for its unrestricted
use and purpose.”
Barry Griswell came from a broken
home, but inherited a strong work ethic
and persevering spirit from his devoted
mother. He earned a Masters degree and
enjoyed a long leadership career with
MetLife. Later, he served as CEO of the
multi-billion dollar Principal Financial
Group and as CEO of the Community
Foundation of Greater Des Moines.
Barry understands the power of
philanthropy to motivate people to
improve the lives of bright, motivated
students in need.
“My wife and I have always viewed
education as the great equalizer in our
society. That is why we view supporting
education as foundational to our
philanthropic agenda.
Scholarship America has become the
centerpiece of our support of higher
education,” Barry said.
Why did you decide to become a
Scholarship America donor?
“Having been able to attend college solely
because of a scholarship I realized that
I had to pay it forward. We have great
confidence that Scholarship America is a
good steward of donated resources and
will stay true to its mission.”
As a Scholarship America donor,
what’s especially heartening and
satisfying for you?
“Without question hearing the stories
of young people who have been given
the opportunity to pursue their dreams
because of Scholarship America is the
most satisfying to me and my wife.”
Mr. Griswell was elected to the
Scholarship America Board of Directors
in 2010 and currently serves as Vice Chair.
7900 International Drive, Suite 500
Minneapolis, MN 55425
Twin Cities, MN
Permit No. 3810
From your friends
at Scholarship America
Since its founding in 1958,
Scholarship America has
distributed more than $3.5 billion to more than 2.2 million students. Scholarship America is the
largest provider of private scholarships in the nation, and the only nonprofit of its kind working
with students, businesses, communities, colleges, foundations, and individuals.
12 new recipients
received $109,000
18,620 students awarded $18,676,743
across 31 states
Average award: $1,003
839 awards totaling $12,920,224
83,903 awards, totaling $194,534,721,
through 1,368 programs
357 partners as of Dec 31, 2015,
with a 96 percent retention rate
907 awards to students, totaling $438,307,
in partnership with 44 institutions
Average award: $483
For more information on how to help students turn their dreams into degrees,
please visit
©2016 Scholarship America. All Rights Reserved. Scholarship America is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
“Scholarship America,
with its partners, has
been critical to the
success of the nation
for decades. It’s helped
ensure a brighter future
for millions of students,
students like me who
have achieved their
own American dream.”
Jamie P. Merisotis
President and CEO
Lumina Foundation