October 2012 - Norwin School District

October 2012
Electronic Newsletter of the Norwin School District
281 McMahon Drive, North Huntingdon, PA 15642
Bring Your Own Device Program Engages Students
Two Norwin High School students and four Norwin teachers demonstrated the School District’s new
Bring Your Own Device program at the October 17, 2012 meeting of the Business-Education
Roundtable. A full story is available here.
Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD, refers to the District’s new program that allows students to use a
personal electronic device for academic work as directed by a teacher. A new wireless network at the
High School and Middle School makes the program possible. It is driven by the belief that 21 st Century
learning requires school districts to provide real-world experiences for their students.
Financial Reality Fair Educates 45 High School Students
Approximately 45 Norwin High School students from Mrs. Kristen
Kelly’s “Marketing Applications” and Mr. Doug Aftanas’ “Money
Matters” classes attended a “Financial Reality Fair” on October 17, 2012,
at the Westmoreland County Community College in Youngwood.
This event was designed to help students understand the reality and
practicality of planning and implementing a monthly budget, centered on
a career/occupation choice with a corresponding monthly income.
A full story is available here.
LEGO Robotics Program Excites Third-Graders
Norwin third-grade students are responding enthusiastically to hands-on robotics lessons with LEGO Education
sets that they began using in October.
Shouts of “Look what I did!” and “Look what I can do!” are common during the LEGO lessons, according to
teachers Ms. Karyl Morrison of Sunset Valley Elementary School, Ms. Trisha Brunazzi of Stewartsville
Elementary School, and Ms. Judith Zindren of Sheridan Terrace Elementary School. To find out how this is
more than just playing with toys, click here.
Good Citizenship and Character Education
With two months of school completed, student and teacher enthusiasm is building around the
School District’s new Good Citizenship and Character Education approach to school climate
and relational skills. All elementary schools provide instruction about the seven character
traits (for example, November’s trait is “courage” to coincide with Veterans Day) and share
similar goals with regard to Good Citizenship and Character Education. However, each
elementary school approaches the effort in a unique way. Click here to learn how.
Band Victories
Norwin High School won first place out of 25 highly ranked bands at the Towson, MD Regional Marching Band
Championship Saturday, October 27, 2012 in Towson, MD. Norwin won for Outstanding Music Performance,
Outstanding Visual Performance, and Outstanding General Effect. This was the first year in the band's history that they
won three regionals through Bands of America in a single season. The previous two victories were at Gateway High
School on September 22 , and at the University of Akron, OH, on October 13, 2012.
New Band Uniforms Arrive
Norwin High School’s award-winning, competitive marching band members are wearing new uniforms with a "knightlike" look and the inspiration of armor, crest, shield, and crown on the front of the jacket. They will wear them one
last time this season at the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Marching Band Association (PIMBA) Championships at PennTrafford’s Warrior Stadium on Saturday, November 3, 2012. Norwin performs at 9:45 p.m. in what will be the last
show of the fall season. Click here to read more.
Young Knights Nov. 13
Norwin varsity coaches submitted
several items about the fall sports
season, including Girls Tennis, Girls
Soccer, Cheerleading, Girls
Volleyball, and Cross Country
Alumni. Click here to read this
month’s Norwin Athletics roundup.
Norwin School District’s first session of Young Knights will
be held at all four elementary buildings on Tuesday,
November 13, 2012.
This program is open to any preschool age family who has a
child entering kindergarten in the 2013-2014 school
year. Please call Teri at 724-861-3020 ext. 1600 to register
for this event. The building tour begins at 6 p.m. and the
program starts at 6:30 p.m.
Photo by High School Journalism
Production students.
A “Lemonade War” at Hillcrest Intermediate
Hillcrest Intermediate School students waged a “lemonade war” on Tuesday, October 16 and Thursday, October 18 to
raise money for Alex’s Lemonade Stand, a nationally renowned organization that raises money for childhood cancer.
The students read the book The Lemonade War, and this fund-raising project extended the content of the book, in
which two siblings have a lemonade-selling competition to earn money. Hillcrest students worked hard to create
posters, persuasive letters, and commercials for other classrooms to promote business for the war.
They split into two competing teams named after characters from the book: “Team Evan” sold lemonade on Tuesday,
October 16, and “Team Jessie” sold lemonade on Thursday, October 18. In the photo at right, fifth-grade students
Jonathan Lamanti, Harrison Barnett, and Paul Hope sell lemonade as members of “Team Jessie.” When the dust had
settled, Team Evan had raised $1,175, and Team Jesse had raised $831.18, together raising more than $2,000 for Alex’s
Lemonade Stand.
Wildlife Works at Sunset Valley
Sunset Valley Elementary School students got to see a screech owl, a corn
snake, an Eastern box turtle, and an American Kestrel falcon during a
special presentation October 19, 2012, from Wildlife Works, Inc., a
nonprofit organization that rehabilitates injured animals in Westmoreland
Ms. Marsha Osborne, a retired elementary teacher and guidance counselor
who volunteers for Wildlife Works, displayed the rehabilitated animals that
the group had rescued locally.
For the second straight year, the school extended an opportunity for student
and family donations to Wildlife Works. This year, third-grade student Zoey
Hresko responded with great enthusiasm. She and her grandmother went to
Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and Target and solicited donations. Read about the
amazing donations that Zoey Hresko coordinated by clicking here.
Clothing Drive
For the second year, Norwin
School District teachers are
organizing the “Knights
Helping Knights” clothing
drive. There is a drop-off
event this Thursday, Nov. 1, at
Stewartsville from 6-8 p.m.
and the Hillcrest drop-off
event has been rescheduled for
next Monday, Nov. 5, from 68 p.m. Click here for details.
Hahntown Elementary Students
Walk Around the School
International Walk to School Day had a twist at Hahntown
Elementary on October 3, 2012. Because a majority of students ride
the bus, Hahntown celebrated with “Walk Around the School
Day.” All students had an opportunity to walk around the building
with their classroom. This 15-minute activity helped promote the
importance of exercise and good health. Check out some of
Hahntown’s walkers by viewing this PowerPoint.
Hahntown Elementary School walk around school. By Deborah Polczynski.
Hahntown Teacher Wins iPods Through Grant
Hahntown Elementary School Teacher Mrs. Dana Helphenstine recently received a grant from a project called “Reach for the Stars with
Technology.” Through this grant, she was awarded two Apple iPods for her classroom. There are many educational apps that allow students to
work at their level and these iPods will be a great resource. Hahntown Elementary thanks Mrs. Helphenstine for applying for the grant.
Guidance Corner
Financial Aid Night was held on Thursday, October 25, 2012. The presentation is posted on the Guidance website.
Keystone Exams will be given December 3rd – December 14th (Algebra I; Biology; Literature).
Central Westmoreland Career and Technology Center Open House will be held on Monday, November 5, 2012 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Instant Decision Day with the University of Pittsburgh Greensburg Campus will be held on November 15, 2012. Information about Instant
Decision Day can be found on the Guidance website.
Visit the High School Guidance Web site for more information.
Math Arrays at Stewartsville Elementary
Ms. Erin Turkowski’s fourth-grade students at Stewartsville Elementary School have been studying
multiplication strategies, including arrays. An array is a picture of equal columns and rows that represents the
answer to a multiplication problem. As part of the chapter, students created Array Projects. First, the students
developed a story problem that could be solved using multiplication or repeated addition. Then, the students
made arrays to help show the solution of their problem. Next, the students created two multiplication equations
and two addition equations that correctly represents the array and solves the story problem. In the photo at right,
student Brady Kukich demonstrates a pumpkin-themed array. Photo by Erin Turkowski.
Sheridan Terrace Teacher Wins iPods for Students
Ms. Amanda Brunetto, a second-grade teacher at Sheridan Terrace, earned funding at DonorsChoose.org
for a classroom project called “iPods for Rock Star Students.” Visitors to the Web site provided
donations for four iPods, which she is now using to enhance her students’ learning.
The iPods are being used in all subject areas as well as during station time. Students can record
themselves reading on video and play it back to check for reading fluency and expression. They will also
be encouraged to search for apps that directly relate to a topic of study. For example, when students learn
about Washington, D.C. in social studies, they can use an app that tours the monuments and gives
interesting facts about each one. The learning apps will be used throughout the day by various students.
Her special needs students will appreciate using the iPods because they are similar to the iPads they get
to use outside of the regular classroom. Photo at right by Amanda Brunetto.
Third Grade Rotary Club Dictionary Distribution
Each year, as part of the Norwin Rotary Literacy project, the Norwin Rotary Club provides all third-grade students in
the District with a brand new dictionary. All third-grade students in all K-4 buildings were given their dictionaries
Monday, October 29, 2012.
At right is a picture of the Rotary Dictionary distribution to all third-grade students at Hahntown. The students
pictured from left to right are Niko Walker, Aslee Rice, Cole Stewart, and Anthony Baker, along with Rotary Club
members and Mrs. Lisa Willig, Hahntown Elementary School principal.
Two Hillcrest Sixth-Graders Named “SciGirls”
Sixth-grade students Lexi Gray and Katie Heuer were chosen as SciGirl Ambassadors by WQED, which airs the
Emmy Award winning TV show of the same name that encourages tween girls to be interested in science,
technology, engineering, and math (STEM). They were chosen from girls all across Southwestern Pennsylvania.
Lexi and Katie will be able to try experiments and activities, meet mentors in science, participate in online
community, and become Science Ambassadors for Hillcrest Intermediate School and their friends. Lexi and
L-R: Lexi Gray and Katie Heuer
Katie earned these spots by demonstrating hard work, a strong interest in science and positive leadership skills.
They attended an “Expanding Your Horizons” conference at Robert Morris University in October as an orientation and kick-off celebration to
being their work in the SciGirls program.
Science Alumni Days December 20 and 21: Call for Speakers
Norwin is currently planning for the fifth-annual Science Alumni Days (ScAluDa) to be held on Thursday, December 20 and Friday,
December 21. College students and recent graduates in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) are invited to return to
share their experiences with students in grades 6-12. In addition to traditional four-year programs and graduate schools, event organizers are
also seeking speakers who have entered STEM fields with two-year or shorter degree programs. If you are interested, visit
tinyurl.com/2012ScAluDa to register as a speaker. For questions on this event, please contact Norwin High School science teacher Mr.
Matthew Anticole at [email protected].
Pumpkin Science at Stewartsville Elementary
Students held pumpkin science experiments during the week of October 22, testing to see whether
a pumpkin floats, how to estimate, how to weigh pumpkins, how to take measurements of
pumpkins, and counting the different number of seeds each pumpkin has. Additionally, secondgrade teachers provided each second-grade student with a pumpkin. To teach the character trait of
responsibility, more than 80 students were assigned to care for their pumpkins, including taking
time to personalize and decorate their pumpkin. Photos at right by Erin Anticole.
Candy Cane Castle Event Saturday, December 8
Candy Cane Castle will be held on Saturday, December 8, 2012 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in the Norwin High School cafeteria, small gym and
auditorium. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased at Norwin Chamber of Commerce, White Oak Giant Eagle, or from any Norwin High
School Student Council member. Event organizers strongly encourage buying tickets in advance. Tickets will be available beginning
November 12, 2012. Crafts, games, costumed characters and performances by Norwin Show Choir and Norwin Theater Club are some of the
activities planned. Any questions, please contact Mrs. Lynn Clark at [email protected] or Mr. Ryan Lynn at [email protected].
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Norwin Theatre Club recently produced The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn October 19-21, 2012.
Nearly 80 students had a role as an actor, musician, or member of the stage crew under the leadership of
Ms. Erin Shrader, dramatic director, Ms. Lauren McCurdy, musical director / producer, and Mr. Todd
Leighty, technical director. Photo at right by High School Journalism Production students.
Canadian Wilderness: A Hillcrest Outdoor Class
Sixth-grade students at Hillcrest Intermediate have been busy completing a literature unit based on Gary
Paulsen’s famous Hatchet. Along with studying the many aspects of the novel that correspond with the
sixth-grade Pennsylvania standards, students also had the opportunity to step out into the wild. The
students took a nature hike through the Tinker’s Run Trail on the Norwin Campus to imagine the world
of the main character, Brian Robeson, who was trapped in the Canadian Wilderness for 54 days. To read
about these adventures, click here. Photo and story provided by Laura Swick.
October Energy Savings
As the nation celebrated Energy Awareness Month in October, Norwin School District announced more than $360,000 in savings achieved
through an innovative energy conservation program. The $360,000 savings is equal to 18 percent of the expected energy costs without the
program. In environmental terms, the energy saved equates to 2,650 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions being prevented, or 480 autos
off the highway annually or more than 68,000 tree seedlings planted and grown in ten years. Click here to read the full article.
Norwin Council of PTAs
The Norwin Council of PTAs will sponsor the second-annual Dancing with the Staff on Saturday, November 3, 2012, at 7 p.m. at the High
School. Even though the event is sold out, the officers of the Norwin Council of PTAs would like to thank everyone for their support of this
year's Dancing with the Staff. For those who will be attending, the Council reminds that your "votes" (amount of donations in the dancer's
jars) that evening will help in determining this year's winning couple. Videos of the show can be ordered by mailing your request and
payment to Ray Adams Photography, 13470 Saint Clair Drive, North Huntingdon, PA 15642. The cost is $23, which includes sales tax and
mailing (please include your name, address and phone number with your payment). Part of the proceeds will benefit the PTA. Still
photographs of the performance may be viewed and ordered directly by logging on to www.cjslattphoto.com, clicking on preview portraits,
preview portraits again, and entering keyword: DWTS.
For more information about the Norwin Council of PTAs, please visit their Web site at www.norwinpta.org or their Facebook page.
Homecoming Floats Provide
Canned Goods to Food Pantries
This year’s Homecoming parade in downtown Irwin had a charitable
twist. Nonperishable goods were part of all five floats (Freshman,
Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes, as well as Student Council)
The Junior Class coordinated donations
and all items were donated to food pantries after the parade.
of four giant carts of nonperishable food
The Freshman Class amassed nearly $600 worth of donations. The
The freshman class float was made
items as part of their float for
Sophomore Class contributed an estimated 400 to 500 items. The
up of many donated goods valued at
Homecoming. Submitted by Danae
Junior Class began working in August to solicit donations of
about $600. Submitted by Tim Lloyd.
nonperishable items from local businesses, and were able to purchase,
use, and donate items worth more than $1,000 to the local food banks. The Senior Class collected more than 500 donated items. Student
Council donated 200 cans of food which made the base of their elephant float.
Quick Links
School Board Information
Board Policies
Lunch Menus
Administrative Reports
Norwin Athletics
2012-2013 Calendar
Norwin High School
Norwin Middle School
Hillcrest Intermediate School
Hahntown Elementary School
Sheridan Terrace Elementary School
Stewartsville Elementary School
Sunset Valley Elementary School
The award-winning KnightVision e-newsletter highlights success stories from the Norwin School District with a primary focus on student achievement and
student activities. It is emailed to every Norwin School District parent the last business day of each month (except summer). We welcome comments,
questions, or ideas — write to [email protected]. If you can think of another person who might enjoy this newsletter, by all means, forward it to them.
© 2012, Norwin School District (www.norwinsd.org)
281 McMahon Drive
North Huntingdon, PA 15642
Jonathan Szish, School and Community Relations
Moving Forward from Great to