CTB/McGraw-Hill Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank

Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5
Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
Test Directions
General Offline Instructions:
Today you will take the Acuity test. Read each question carefully and decide which answer is
correct. Using your scan sheet, fill in the bubble that contains the letter for the answer you choose.
Additional Instructions:
These are only sample questions that may appear on the end of quarter assessment.
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
A ship is carrying 125 shipping containers. Each container holds 53 boxes, and each box holds 12 bottles
of olive oil. Ashley wants to find the total number of bottles of olive oil. She multiplies 125 × 53 × 12
using these steps.
Ashley concluded that there are 79,500 bottles of olive oil total. Which statement best evaluates Ashley's
O A O B O C O D 2.
She made a regrouping error in Step 1.
She made no errors in Step 1 or Step 2.
She made regrouping errors in Step 1 and Step 2.
She made an error adding the partial products in Step 2.
The owner of a food stand must pay one-sixth of his food and drink sales for rent. In addition, he pays $6
for water and electricity. This expression can be used to determine the total amount he must pay on
Saturday for rent, electricity, and water.
What total amount must the owner of the food stand pay on Saturday?
O A O B O C O D $82
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
Felix completed the problem shown correctly, but smeared his work before turning it in.
Which procedure should he use to determine the dividend for the problem?
O A O B O C O D 4.
Divide 46 by 32
Multiply 46 times 32
Divide 14 by 3 and find the remainder
Multiply 4 times 3 and subtract from 14
Ms. Johanssen created the following expression.
5(14+ 16) − 2
What is the value of the expression?
O A O B O C O D 84
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
A store owner used this computation to find the number of square feet of floor space in her store.
Which best describes the error the store owner made in her computation?
O A O B O C O D She added the partial products incorrectly.
She left off a zero at the end of the final product.
She regrouped correctly but did not add the 1 ten in the next step.
She multiplied 5 times 1 and added 2 instead of multiplying 5 times 2 and adding 1.
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
There are 9 opened bags of fertilizer in a shed. The fraction of each bag of fertilizer is included in this line
If the total amount of fertilizer were distributed equally among the 9 bags, what would be the fraction of
each bag of fertilizer?
O A more than
O B exactly
O C between
O D exactly
A company packs 208 printers in 52 shipping boxes. Each box contains the same number of printers.
How many printers does each box contain?
O A O B O C O D 4
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
The number sentences show how 0.00215 meters can be converted to decimeters, centimeters, and
0.00215 × 101 = 0.0215 decimeters
0.00215 × 102 = 0.215 centimeters
0.00215 × 103 = 2.15 millimeters
If a decimal is multiplied by 104, which of these describes how the decimal point is moved to get the
correct product?
O A O B O C O D 9.
4 places to the left
4 places to the right
5 places to the left
5 places to the right
Stuart and his family pick 77 ears of corn. They eat 5 for dinner. Then they divide the rest of the ears of
corn equally into 12 bags to freeze.
Which expression represents the number of ears of corn in each bag?
O A O B O C O D (77 + 5) x 12
(77 – 5) x 12
(77 + 5) ÷ 12
(77 – 5) ÷ 12
10. An office supply store sells paper clips in boxes of 102, 103, or 104. The number sentences show the total
number of paper clips in 5 boxes of each size.
5 × 102 = 500
5 × 103 = 5,000
5 × 104 = 50,000
According to this pattern, if 5 is multiplied by 1012, how many zeros will be in the product?
O A O B O C O D 11
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
11. A student completed a multiplication problem incorrectly.
Which of these best describes where the student made a mistake?
O A O B O C O D multiplying the basic facts
adding the partial products
lining up the partial products
regrouping in the tens place
12. Look at this expression.
8 ÷ (2 – 1)
What is the value of the expression?
O A O B O C O D 3
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
13. Theresa earns $1,350 each paycheck. What total amount does she earn if she receives 26 paychecks?
O A O B O C O D $10,800
14. A publisher will divide 72 books evenly into 6 boxes. The publisher uses the expression 72 ÷ 6 to
determine that 12 books should be packed in each box. Which equation can be used to check the
publisher's calculation?
O A O B O C O D 2 × 6 = 12
6 × 72 = 432
12 × 6 = 72
72 × 12 = 864
15. This line plot shows the weights, in pounds, of 20 watermelons sold at a store.
What is the total weight of the watermelons that weigh less than
O A 20
O B O C 21
O D Go to the Next Page
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
16. One day 7 friends decide to play baseball in the city league. They are joined by 4 more friends to make a
whole team. The city league has 12 teams with the same number of players on each team. Which of these
expressions can be used to find the total number of players in the city league?
O A O B O C O D 7 + 4 x 12
(7 + 4) x 12
7 + 4 + 12
(7 x 4) + 12
17. What is the value of the expression 2(18 − 12) ÷ 3?
O A O B O C O D 4
18. Which expression is equivalent to 14 added to the product of 5 and 6?
O A O B O C O D 5 + 6 + 14
14 × 5 × 6
(5 × 6) + 14
(14 × 5) + 6
19. What is the quotient of 1, 936 ÷ 25?
O A O B O C O D 79 R1
73 R11
77 R11
70 R18
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
20. What is the value of the expression (6 + 9) ÷ 3?
O A O B O C O D 5
21. In which of these numbers is the value of the underlined digit 10 times greater than 3,000,000?
O A O B O C O D 333,333,333
22. What is the product of 836 × 54?
O A O B O C O D 45,144
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
23. This line plot shows the wingspans of several moths that Carla measured.
Which set includes the wingspans of all the moths, in inches, shown in the line plot?
O A O B O C O D Go to the Next Page
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
24. The table shows the number of nails of different lengths that Kieran used in his carpentry project.
Nails Used in Project
Length (in inches)
Number of Nails
Which line plot represents these data?
○ A
○ C
○ B
○ D
25. Look at these decimals.
0.05, 0.33, 5.2, 17.0
Which statement is true if each decimal is multiplied by 103?
O A O B O C O D The decimal becomes 30 times greater.
The decimal becomes 300 times greater.
The decimal point moves 3 places to the left.
The decimal point moves 3 places to the right.
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
26. Karen had 26 golf balls, but she lost 5 of them while practicing. She divided the rest evenly among 3
separate baskets.
Which expression can be solved to find the number of golf balls in each basket?
O A O B O C O D 26 + 5 ÷ 3
26 − 5 ÷ 3
(26 + 5) ÷ 3
(26 − 5) ÷ 3
27. A dairy farm sells milk in bottles that hold 64 fluid ounces each. One day, the farm sells a total of 2,432
fluid ounces of milk.
How many bottles of milk did the dairy farm sell that day?
O A O B O C O D 36
28. Look at this expression.
9 × (6 ÷ 2) + 7
What is the value of the expression?
O A O B O C O D 6
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
29. Troy plants a total of 84 tomato seedlings in 7 rows.
Which equation can be used to find the number of tomato seedlings, n, that Troy plants in each row?
O A O B O C O D n − 7 = 84
n + 7 = 84
n × 7 = 84
n ÷ 7 = 84
30. What is the quotient of 4,236 ÷ 51?
O A O B O C O D 83
83 R3
85 R1
31. Look at this numeral.
What is the value of the underlined 7?
O A O B O C O D 7 hundred thousand
7 million
7 ten thousand
7 ten million
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
32. Look at this line plot showing the lengths, in inches, of 10 beetles that Jordin found in her yard.
Which data set matches the line plot?
O A O B O C O D 33. A store had 42 toys to sell, but 6 of the toys were damaged. The rest of the toys were sold to 12 different
children. Each child bought the same number of toys.
Which expression shows the total number of toys each child bought?
O A O B O C O D 6 + 42 ÷ 12
6 − 42 ÷ 12
(42 + 6) ÷ 12
(42 − 6) ÷ 12
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Test Name: Quarter 1 MATH Grade 5 Question Bank 2013_2014
Test ID: 683271
34. Look at this numeral.
What is the value of the underlined 2?
O A O B O C O D 2 million
2 ten million
2 hundred million
2 hundred thousand
This is the end of the test.
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