Council of 500 - Digital Writing Workshop

The challenges of farming
Can you imagine framing on mountains? In Ancient
Greece it was some what hard for farming. Because they
had challenges but, they had over come it. It wasn't easy.
There were three challenges of farming one was that rain v
was scares and the rain usually came in the winter but
just a little bit not much. Seconded there was cows. As
you all know that cows needed a lot of flat and grassy
land, but Ancient Greece didn't have the land or the
grass because of the mountains. Last there was the
mountains, mountains took up a lot of space and there
wasn't enough space so that they can plant their crops.
The kind of mountain
Ancient Greece had
The way they over come
the challenges
They way they had over come these problems
were that they grew plants that didn't need
much water as other plants such as grape
vines and olive trees. Instead of having cows
they had goats and sheep. They had goats,
because they can give them goat milk and
hey can climb on rocky mountains, and they
had they had sheeps, because they can give
them wool, and they also can climb rocky
mountains. At Last the mountains, the way
they had over come that was that they put
these kind of steps in the mountains so they
can grow plants in each step, and it wasn't
hat rocky as much, and it had more nutrients
in the soil.
How the government of Athe
Do you know the 4 goverments? Athen
government and Sparta were where
different. The government was different
because, the Athen government was a
Direct Democracy, and Sparta had the
Oligarchy. The Direct Democracy was
where the people got to vote, and men met
ever 10 days. They always had calm
meetings. You got to vote if you were a free
man and 18 and over. That sounds very
similar to our government today. The
Oligarchy government is were you had one
king in charge and when he dies the oldest
sone was in charge. In the Oligarchy they
had a lower class and upper class, the
upper class is where the people are rich and
the lower class is where the people were
poor. The lower class did all of the work
such as house work and entertaining the
upper class.
ens and Sparta were different
Direct Democracy
These girls are
showing the
Oligarchy. The
upper class
and the lower
How the Education of
Sparta and Athen's
where Different
Can you imagine learning how to fight
for the military when you were 7? In
Sparta boy's and girls had to learn how
to fight for the military. They still
went to school but is wasn't important
as military tasks. At age 30 you were
allowed to return to your family, but
you had to return to military. So the
woman had to everything for the
children. At age 60 you were allowed to
retire and join the Council of Elder,
the Council of Elder is where you make
day to day laws. The girls can go to
military if they were qualified for it.
They had some what the same rights as
the boys.
In Athen the education was way
different. Because, girls and boys
didn't train for the military when
they were 7. Girls didn't go to
school. They usual stayed at home
helping there mom the house work
such as sewing, cooking, pottery,
and lots more.
After the girls were 15 they would
get married. Boys went to school
they, did many things is school,
things like math, writing, music.
They also had to do military to
when they were 18. After they were
done with that, there parents
would get the boys a private
w tottering for policy's so they can
join the Council of 500, the
Council of 500 is where they made
day to day business.
They are showing how they
practice for the military in
Have you ever wanted to go back in time to see what Greec
governments which were, , monarchy, the monarch governmen
was by inheritance. The king makes the rules, for example if yo
monarchy was over thrown, because people didn't like the wa
oligarchy government was some what different from the monarc
class people thought the rich were cruel. The rich thought of
because the lower class did all of the work such as entertain
were nice, mean. The way that the nice tranny were nice was b
and it will help them a lot, but the mean tranny was different. A
the people got to vote. Both poor and rich where happy bcau
male, and 18 & over. The democracy had a council of 500 , the
the meeting were very calm. The assembly was the law making
500, but the council of 500 was m
They are showing the tw
(democracy, and monar
ce governments were like? There were 4 different types of
nt was where one king was in power, the way you became king
ou didn't pay you taxes the king would punish you. After that
ay the government was going, so the oligarchy took over, the
chy, because the oligarchy government , was where the lower
the lower class as slaves, they way that they were cruel was
ning the rich and lots more. After that cam the tranny, there
because, they would take off all of the depth form the poor,
After that they got over thrown by democracy, that is where
use, almost everything was fair. To vote you had to be a free
ey voted by majority. They usually voted to day to day laws,
g group, the assembly was a bigger group then the council of
more powerful then the assembly.
wo different kinds of the government