understanding by design lesson template

Interactive Learning Campus
Title of Lesson/Unit: Amazing Adjectives
Subject Matter Emphasis and Grade Level: English 3rd Grade
Heidi Eitemiller
School District & Position: Mitchell Christian School, 3rd grade teacher
Email: [email protected]
Stage 1: Identify desired results.
1. What enduring understandings are desired?
Students will understand parts of speech.
Students will understand grammar concepts and spelling patterns in writing.
Students will understand how to connect prior knowledge to what is seen and heard.
Students will use technology to enhance presentation.
Students will understand how to use proper presentation methods.
2. What essential questions will guide this unit and focus teaching/learning?
How many different ways could you describe my desk?
Is it possible to describe things without using adjectives?
What is unique about an adjective?
What questions does an adjective answer?
3. What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this
Students will know and be able to:
• identify adjectives.
• describe objects using adjectives.
• answer the questions that adjectives ask.
• use a digital camera.
• transfer pictures from a digital camera to a power point presentation.
• create a power point presentation.
• include text, graphics, and sound in their power point presentation.
• present power point to peers and other students.
Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence.
1. What evidence will show that students understand?
Performance Tasks:
Students will:
• learn from the basic adjective unit in the English book.
• Design adjective posters.
• Create Adjective Andy and Adjective Annie.
• Participate in an adjective memory game.
• Participate in an adjective guess who game.
• Apply their knowledge to a power point presentation.
• Demonstrate their adjective presentation to younger students.
Other Evidence:
Quizzes, Tests, Prompts, Work Samples (summarized):
Work Samples
Unprompted Evidence: (observations, dialogues, etc.)
Observations while playing games, making posters, creating Adjective Andy and Annie,
and designing their power point presentation.
Student Self-Assessment
The students will fill out a peer assessment for each of their classmates’ Power Points that
they view.
Students will fill out a checklist for performance tasks.
Stage 3: Plan learning experiences and instruction.
1. What sequence of teaching and learning experiences will equip students to
develop and demonstrate the desired understandings?
The unit is introduced using the adjective memory game.
Present a story using no adjectives and then re-read the story including numerous
Participate in a class game of adjective guess who.
Complete adjective unit in English book.
Students will find adjectives in the newspaper, cut them out, and create a collage poster.
Have students draw, color, and label adjectives on Adjective Andy and Adjective Annie
Have students take pictures using the digital camera.
Observe and coach students as they develop their adjective power point presentations.
Allow students to present their adjective power point presentations to younger students.
Students complete final test.
Evaluate and give feedback on the power point presentations.
Conclude the unit with student evaluations.