Cultivating Our Youth Americanism – Get Out To

Cultivating Our Youth
Americanism – Get Out To Vote
From David Lee, SAL National Legislative Chairman
ComradesWith Election Day coming up on Tuesday November 8, I felt it was
important to get one last message out about Election Day.
I know that this election cycle has been a long and at times contentious
process and I understand when the process seems to go on for what it
seems “forever” and people “can’t wait for it to be over”. But at the
end of the day one question and only one question will matter and that
is “Did you vote?”
Some refer to Election Day as a civic holiday, public holiday or even a
national holiday. But I see it as much more than that. I see it as a duty
to our country, a duty to the future of democracy, an honor that has
been given to us by the service of our military to protect that right and
the many individuals who have given so much to make sure that the
right to vote is for ALL and will never be taken away.
Cultivating Our Youth
Americanism – Get Out To Vote
When I sit back and listen to reports and read various articles and hear
that our service men and women from around the world are taking the
time to cast absentee ballots, it allows me to better understand my own
personal responsibility. When our men and women serving around the
world in some of the most dangerous situations that anyone could
imagine take the time to vote as they know firsthand the importance of
voting, it reinforces the urgency for me to vote!!
I ask that you please take the time to think on why we have elections
and the importance of that civic duty when you are sitting in that
comfortable chair at home. Take the time to understand that you and
only you can make the decision to take your civic responsibility
seriously. Because at the end of the day only that one question will
remain “Did You Vote?”
Cultivating Our Youth
Americanism – Get Out To Vote
David W. Lee
National Sons of The American Legion
Legislative Commission Chairman
“Civic Responsibility - Comprised of actions and attitudes associated
with democratic governance and social participation, civic responsibility
can include participation in government, church, volunteers and
memberships of voluntary associations. The importance of civic
responsibility is paramount to the success of democracy and
philanthropy. By engaging in civic responsibility, citizens ensure and
uphold certain democratic values written in the founding documents.”