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March 17, 2017
Safe Utilization of Hydrocollator Packs
Most all physical and occupational therapists as well as assistants are familiar with the use and
indications for hot packs: increases vasodilation resulting in increased blood flow; reduction of pain and
muscle spasms. Seems basic enough – obtain the hot pack, wrap in covering apply to the patient, check
at intermittent intervals to ensure patient comfort. Remove after pre-determined time frame. No
problem, right? Actually no, problems can arise ~ this “non-skilled” intervention can be the cause of
patient injuries. Just because it seems basic, doesn’t mean that we can take the treatment for granted
and not pay adequate attention to the application.
Areas of Concern:
• Confused or disoriented patients – patients who cannot provide feedback in regard to comfort and
• Elderly patients – skin is more fragile and susceptible to burns
• Scar tissue – more sensitive than normal skin
• Areas of bony prominence
Points to Remember:
• The temperature of the hot pack machine should be documented daily. This log should be made
available upon state surveyor request
• At a minimum 10-14 layers of toweling or hot pack covers (or a combination of both) should be
utilized to cover the hot pack
• Consider the patient’s condition, skin integrity, level of alertness, etc., when determining the number
of towels or hot pack covers to utilize for each patient
• Do not leave the patient unattended; ask frequent questions regarding comfort
• Be sure you document clearly area treated, duration of treatment, patient’s response to treatment,
and if there was any change in functional status
Remember even basic modalities and interventions can cause injury – we always have to be diligent and
observant in our treatment. The patient’s safety should always be of utmost concern.
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