How does CLH work?

Published by:
Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos CLH, S.A.
Communication and Institutional Relations Management
Tel: (+34) 91 774 60 00
[email protected]
Design and illustrations:
Elena Mateo del Caño
Where does gasoline
come from Daddy?
- is it in the gas pump?
- how does it get there?...
No, my love.
The gas pump is just the last link
in a long chain.
Although it looks so simple,
there are lots of people working
so we can fill up with fuel.
...and it`s not just
about cars.
Fuels are also used
to heat our homes,
make aeroplanes fly,
make factories work...
And what are those companies?
- where are all those people?
- where do they work?
- how does the chain work?
I'll explain it to you on the way home.
We're going to drive past one of the CLH
facilities - that's the most important
company in our country and its work is
to distribute energy - it's also one of the
most important in the world!
Look, Silvia: that's one of the CLH facilities. That's where the fuel is stored,
and then it's distributed to lots of gas stations and homes.
does the fuel come
right out of here?
- how did it get here?
- how do they
distribute it?...
hold a minute...
That’s a lot of
to answer
all at once!!
There's a really big
oil pipeline network,
that means fuel pipes
connected up
with each other, to carry
the product from
one part of the country
to another.
Like pipes?
Yes, like pipes, but much bigger.
The pipeline is under the ground,
but we can see where it runs because
there are markers above the ground
to show where it is.
That way accidents are avoided
and if anything goes wrong with it,
it's easy to find and fix the problem quickly.
Safety and good pipeline signposting make it
harmless for the nature round about it.
"The pipelines connect these
facilities with the most important
refineries in the country, which is
where the products that come
from petroleum are
manufactured, and with the most
important ports where fuels
manufactured in other countries
arrive in Spain."
Do the trucks come out of here too?
I've seen lots like that on the road...
The trucks cover smaller journeys to bring the fuel
from the CLH facilities to the people using it.
Take Grandpa's house in the country, for example,
or the gas stations themselves....
Anyway, it's not just about gas stations or houses...
"... they also take fuels to airports. There, CLH Aviación takes care of refuelling the planes through a system
of pipes that runs underground, and special vehicles as well."
Of course!
Planes can't go to
the gas station...!
must be very
complicated for them
to control so many things
at once and look after so
many people,
mustn't it?
That's right, Silvia.
To make sure
everything functions
properly, there are a
lot of people working
at the facilities and in
the offices...
...and in Central Dispatch,
which is a control room that
manages the whole of the pipeline
network to guarantee and keep an
eye on transportation and
distribution operations.
So many things
And that's not all...
and so many people!
In CLH they also analyse the fuel in
I didn't expect all this
laboratories to guarantee its quality,
to be behind
wherever it has come from.
a gas pump!
They also have a group of people who
work to make sure that all the equipment
that measures temperature, quantity
and other aspects of all the products do
the job properly.
CLH is outstanding in this too - it's called
"The most important thing of all is that CLH devotes teams of people, time and technology to keeping a watch on its activities
and monitoring them so they don't affect the environment.
Not only that, the company looks after its relationship with the people living near its facilities and the land that its pipeline
run through, creating an atmosphere of trust and harmony, providing them with information and working with them
in caring for the environment.
But then you already know that looking after nature is the most important thing of all."
"This CLH commitment to the environment includes
making special adaptations to its facilities in order
to be able to distribute biofuels, that come from
organic matter and vegetable sources that
pollute less.
This is how CLH helps in the development of
renewable energies."
"What's more, it's not just about business.
CLH doesn't forget about solidarity and its commitment to social problems."
"With support from the company and help from its
employees, special collaboration programmes and
volunteer work are organised for helping others:
assistance for children with problems, the collection
of clothing or medical supplies for needy people,
collaboration projects with countries needing help,
employees who share their knowledge to help
in a particular area (doctors, drivers,
educators...), and so on."
What a surprise to discover
there's so much activity
involved in allowing us to fill
up our car with gasoline...!
I didn't expect it...
Sometimes there's a lot of work
hidden behind something we
do routinely.
In CLH, they make it all seem so
simple that we don't even realise...
You'll see things differently from
now on.
Come on, it's tea time!
Compañía Logística de
Hidrocarburos CLH, S.A.
Titán, 13. 28045 Madrid.
Tel: (+34) 91 774 60 00
[email protected]