Understanding the Trial To Kill a Mockingbird Note

Name ______________________________________________
Date ________________________ Period _________________
Understanding the Trial
To Kill a Mockingbird Note-Taking Tool
Directions: As you read chapters 17-19, provide each witness’s answer to the following questions. Write each answer in a complete
sentence that paraphrases what the witness said while testifying. There are also questions about each witness. End by writing an
argumentative paragraph about whose testimony you find most believable.
Witness: Heck Tate (chapter 17)
Explain Mayella’s injuries.
Who harmed Mayella Ewell?
What other important information did this person provide?
Where did this person get his information?
How did this person behave on the witness stand?
Was this person willing to admit to information that might make him look bad? Explain.
Witness: Bob Ewell (chapter 17)
What happened when Tom was inside the house?
Who was Bob Ewell yelling at?
Why did Tom run away?
Who harmed Mayella Ewell?
What other important information did this person provide?
Where did this person get his information?
How did this person behave on the witness stand?
Was this person willing to admit to information that might make him look bad? Explain.
Witness: Mayella Ewell (chapter 18)
Had Tom ever come inside the Ewell’s fence before? Explain.
On the day in question, when Mayella asked Tom to come inside the fence, what did she ask Tom to do for her?
What happened when Tom was inside the house?
Who was Bob Ewell yelling at?
Why did Tom run away?
Who harmed Mayella Ewell?
What other important information did this person provide?
Where did this person get her information?
How did this person behave on the witness stand?
Was this person willing to admit to information that might make her look bad? Explain.
Witness: Tom Robinson (chapter 19)
Had Tom ever come inside the Ewell’s fence before? Explain.
On the day in question, when Mayella asked Tom to come inside the fence, what did she ask Tom to do for her?
What happened when Tom was inside the house?
Who was Bob Ewell yelling at?
Why did Tom run away?
Who harmed Mayella Ewell?
What other important information did this person provide?
Where did this person get his information?
How did this person behave on the witness stand?
Was this person willing to admit to information that might make him look bad? Explain.
Argumentative Paragraph: On a separate piece of paper, write an argumentative paragraph in which you argue that one
witness’s testimony more credible/believable than another’s. Include a claim, at least two specific pieces of evidence and
substantial elaboration.