CONTENTS Pages Letter of Transmittal 1 Grants Notes to Grants 2 3 Employee Remuneration Notes to Employee Remuneration Board Members Remuneration Third Party Payments Notes to Third Party Payments Remuneration - City Council Members 4 - 52 53 54 55 - 66 67 68 Letter of Transmittal July 15, 2013 The Cities Act requires the reporting of certain financial data not formally contained in the year-end financial statements. The attached statements and schedules have been prepared in accordance with these requirements from the same records from which the audited financial statements have been extracted. The audit opinion accompanying the financial statements does not, however, pertain to these supplementary statements and schedules. The following summarizes the contents of the supplementary statements and schedules: 1. Grant Payments - 2012 Lists the total of all grants exceeding $50,000 to any individual, corporation, or government. 2. Employee Remuneration - 2012 Lists the names, most recent job title, and salary for each employee of the City of Saskatoon, whose remuneration exceeded $50,000 in 2012. Salaries may include vehicle usage reimbursements. 3. Board Members Remuneration - 2012 Lists the member's name, board name, total remuneration and expenses for all board members. 4. Third Party Payments - 2012 Lists the total of all payments (other than salaries) exceeding $50,000 to any individual, corporation, or government. 5. City Council Remuneration - 2012 Lists the total remuneration and expenses for all City Council members. The City of Saskatoon Annual Financial Report also forms part of the Public Accounts. Finance Manager 1 CITY OF SASKATOON GRANTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 GRANT PAYMENTS AMOUNT Broadstreet Properties Ltd. Buffalo Ridge 515,000 51,000 Cress Housing CUMFI 318,460 153,915 EGADZ 80,000 Habitat for Humanity 227,960 Innovative Residential 932,092 Jastek Ginger Loft Project 315,527 K.C. Charities 880,000 Meewasin Valley Authority Memorial Cup 2013 Inc. 517,125 50,000 Persephone Theatre 71,500 Quint-Affordable Housing 142,750 Receiver General of Canada 100,000 Saskatchewan Housing Corporation Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Center Saskatoon Downtown Youth Centre Inc. Saskatoon Health Region Saskatoon Housing Initiatives Partnershp Saskatoon Minor Hockey Association Saskatoon Regional Economic Saskatoon S. P. C. A. Saskatoon Symphony Society Saskatoon Visitor & Convention Saskatoon Youth Soccer Stewart Property Holdings-Affordable Rentals 328,255 62,600 170,000 100,000 108,329 379,722 365,100 128,660 60,000 305,025 229,988 67,968 Lighthouse 661,667 University of Saskatchewan-College Quarter Residences Wanuskewin Heritage Park Authority Whitecap Dakota First Nation 1,200,000 92,000 80,000 2012 Tim Horton's Brier 628318 Sask Ltd.-Rental Project 75,000 100,000 2 CITY OF SASKATOON NOTES TO GRANTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Note 1 Grants have been reported in accordance with The Cities Regulations . Note 2 This includes grants paid to organizations or individuals that are $50,000 or greater. 3 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Ablass, Edwin N Adair, Phil J Adams, Gregory R Adams, Kelly J Adams, Ronald G D Adams, Vince S Adamson, David E Adamson, Deborah F Adelakun, Adebolanle (Bola) I Adeyinka, Olawale (Wale) Adkins, Ryan P Adrian, Cory D Adrian, Kevin N Afseth, Laurie S Ahmed, Amin R Akindipe, Olanrewaju (Lanre) O Akre, Morley A Alarcon, Rodrigo A Alas, Jorge A Aldorfer, Lloyd E Alexander, John (Cameron) T Allen, Gerry D Allen, Thomas N Alm, Robert L Altrogge, Dale P Altrogge, Deborah V Amundson, Louise A Amy, Lisa D Amyotte, Dale R Andal, Linda J Andal, Rodney W Andersen, Kurt A Anderson, Brent J Anderson, Christopher R Anderson, Douglas R Anderson, Huston J Anderson, Jesse Anderson, John R Anderson, Judy M Anderson, Lesley I Anderson, Rhonda L Andre, Konrad J Androsoff, Deborah B Andruchiw, Daniel Apostolakis, Nick J Arcand, Adina J Archibald, Donald J Ardell, Jason R J Armstrong, Allen G Armstrong, Kathryn D Arndt, Evan M Arnold, Heather J Building Operator Captain Information Management Consultant Customer Service Representative Facilities Superintendent Building Operator (TCU Place) Station Captain Accounting Clerk 12 Assessment Research Analyst Human Resource Consultant III Water System Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 4th Class (2nd Year) Building Inspector Application Delivery Manager Infrastructure Engineer Operator Building and Grounds Labourer Operator Supervisor VI Mechanic (Journeyman) Engineering Technologist 15 Systems Support Supervisor Utility Collections Operator Senior Captain Sergeant Corporate Payroll Clerk Constable 4th Class (2nd Year) Constable (10th Year) Financial Policy and Strategy Analyst Supervisor IV Painter Project Coordinator Assistant Plant Operator Assistant Plant Operator Water and Sewer Labourer Supervisor II Firefighter 2nd Class Accounting Clerk 12 Neighbourhood Planning Manager Manager, Human Resources, Saskatoon Public Library Senior Planner 21 Senior Land Specialist/Tax Enforcement Legal Assistant Body Repairman (Journeyman) GIS Technologist Fire Dispatcher 1st Class Special Projects Firefighter 1st Class Patrolman / Service Truck Operator Customer Service Representative Firefighter 1st Class Clerical Supervisor 14 4 $ 50,603 101,146 94,700 51,289 79,342 69,524 111,654 61,212 75,743 92,649 59,291 95,029 57,957 60,331 115,183 76,421 55,527 52,075 52,713 62,657 72,989 86,446 61,147 54,642 104,618 104,397 56,464 57,520 104,633 103,303 59,897 61,352 72,328 71,500 77,517 56,606 66,138 70,022 56,464 83,226 107,486 69,941 61,147 59,615 73,036 81,845 71,892 83,018 75,036 54,123 74,687 61,660 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Arnold, Jim Arnold, JoAnne L Arnold, Michelle (Ally) Arnst, Reena L Arntsen, Sarah B Arsenault, Jason W Ashmeade, Vincent N Ashton, Taylor G Atamanenko, Sasha A Atkinson, Blake R Aulis, Elaine L Austin, Melissa D Avivi, Jay Avrantinis, John C Azinfar, Hossein Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Human Resource Consultant II Customer Service Representative Sergeant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Sergeant Utility B (Roadways) Firefighter (7th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Clerical Supervisor 13 Planner 16 Relief Shop Supervisor Meter Reader Infrastructure Engineer Babichuk, Wanda J Babyak, Bradley J Babyak, Christopher W Baccus, Shauna L Bachinsky, Giles K Back, Renee A Badham, George A Bahrey, Tim M Bailey, Kyle T Baillargeon, Bryce L Baillie, Scott I Bains, Greg N Baker, Edward N Bakker, Deanne E Bakker, Nick J Balderston, Greg D Ball, Martin J Balogun, Danae C Baptist, Beverley L Baptist, Dean J Baran, Bob Baran, Kristijan Baraniecki, JoAnn R Baraniecki, Matthew J Baranski, Christopher R Barbar, Patrick Barkway, Joan L Baron, Bradley M Baron, Chelsea L Baron, Dennis A Barreras, George A Barrett, Kim S Barsi, Wendell G Barss, Steve D Bartel, Trudy M Bartoli, Mateo A Accounting Clerk 11 Facility Supervisor Electrical Engineering Technologist II Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Assistant Plant Operator Programmer Analyst Pool Technician Greenskeeper Firefighter 3rd Class Sergeant Parking Meter Technician Lawyer Utility B (Roadways) Constable (10th Year) Parking Enforcement Coordinator Employment Supervisor Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Planner 16 Legal Systems Specialist Utility B (Roadways) Manager, Building Standards Operator Assessment Appraiser Parks Supervisor Programmer Analyst Sergeant Accounting Clerk 12 Firefighter (7th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Relief Operator Programmer Analyst Constable (10th Year) Programmer Analyst Senior Fire Inspector Power Electrician 5 $ 97,525 83,093 55,582 104,757 91,512 93,269 119,667 55,508 86,172 95,565 55,737 60,464 86,744 53,156 87,481 57,826 83,189 81,451 77,257 74,896 78,538 53,846 70,418 58,888 106,483 53,491 143,198 51,196 98,160 66,605 95,457 90,088 58,714 62,750 58,862 118,019 50,936 68,452 68,060 80,084 121,791 56,464 86,570 84,463 80,148 68,207 68,840 101,516 69,331 87,515 84,901 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Barton, Jay W Baseden, Blaine A Basko, Brent N Bassett, Larry K Bast, Barbara Bast, Leon M Bauman, Gerald M Bautista, Joel C Bayda, Karen H Bayly, Alison R Bayly, Timothy K Bayly, Todd W Beal, Michael A Beaman, Velda A Beatty, Kenton G R Beaudry, Lincoln T Beaudry, Philip G Beck, Allen P Beck, Gerald J Beck, Heather L R Beck, Keith D Becker, Jesse C Becker, Michael S Beerling, Ryan D Beesley, Darrell A Belanger, Marc D A Belanger, Yves Belitsky, Clint C Bell, Drew R Bell, Lorne D Bell, Michael J Bell, Trevor J Bellegarde, Nancy L Benson, Conan W Benson, Jared S Bent, Jeffrey Bentley, Brian R Benz, Brennan M Berg, Kendell D Berg, Matthew J Berg, Nolan D Berg, Timothy B Berge, Kim E Bergen, Kenneth A Bergen, Nathaniel A J Bergeron, William A Bergstresser, Laurel (Lynette) Bergstrom, Matthew L Berikoff, Robert M Berk, Robert S Bernhardt, Robert Berscheid, Sheila Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Operator Utility A Systems Analyst Secretary V Firefighter (7th Year) Supervisor VI Constable (10th Year) Accounting Clerk 12 Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Sergeant Sergeant Project Engineer Sergeant Firefighter (7th Year) Utility Collections Operator Operator Senior Captain Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Operator Inventory and Disposal Services Manager Engineering Technologist 15 Drafting Technologist 15 Constable (10th Year) Utility A (Roadways) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Recreation Site Administrator Firefighter 10th Year Information Technology Consultant Senior Captain Water and Sewer Trouble Manager, Saskatoon Light & Power GIS Design Analyst Firefighter (7th Year) Firefighter (10th Year) Superintendent General Manager, Fire and Protective Services Firefighter (10th Year) Firefighter (10th Year) Firefighter (7th Year) Sergeant Constable (10th Year) Parks Superintendent Supervisor VI Labourer Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Clerk Design Assistant 15 Systems Analyst Supervisor IV Special Projects Executive Assistant, City Manager 6 $ 92,069 54,601 54,830 96,684 66,836 86,228 63,061 96,380 56,464 84,348 115,897 115,413 67,181 108,138 84,073 58,363 70,632 106,599 91,605 51,914 77,856 62,480 63,581 100,224 64,611 86,854 78,654 86,739 78,930 102,526 65,644 139,471 71,378 85,387 90,687 157,952 160,141 86,179 87,323 86,621 133,760 101,452 89,724 80,369 57,583 91,893 51,509 61,082 83,769 58,848 77,856 74,523 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Bestvater, Stacy C Betker, Boyd P Bettig, Shelly Ann M Bezoplenko, Ron D Bhandal, Harvinder S Bick, N. Alyson Bidaux, Steven Bideshi, Nicholle S Bilanski, Marlys J Bilinski, Kirk T Billett, Darryl R Bird, Craig J Bird, Kelley K R Bird, Lynn M Bischoff, Wayne A Bishop, Brandon L Bishop, Cody B Bjorndahl, Richard D Black, Emily J Blackport, Douglas W Blades, Adam C Bleakney, Blair P Block, Kassie R Blom, Robert G Blomquist, Sharon M Blondeau, Darwin L Blue, Robert J Blum, Daniel M P Blumers, Carla M Bodman, Brenda G Bodnar, Donald W Bodnarchuk, Kim M K Bodnarchuk, Michael P Boechler, Gerald A Boechler, Karen Boechler, Kim P Boehm, Judy K Boehm, Kurt A Boensch, Anthony R Bogad, Christine G Bohun, Bob R Boisvert, Denis M Boisvert, Devon D Bomersbach, Noreen Bonynge, James P S Boone, Jeffrey W Boos, Glen A Borisko, Gregory J Borneman, Tracy Borsa, Tyrone A Boser, Douglas M Bothorel, Jason M Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Service Writer Equipment Operator Sergeant Operator Director of Public Affairs, Saskatoon Police Service Meter Reader Manager, Business Administration General Manager, Corporate Services Operator Staff Sergeant Supervisor VI Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Special Constable (10th Year) Solicitor II (Risk Management) Firefighter (10th Year) Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Facilities Maintenance Person Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Solicitor II Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Captain Sergeant Senior Captain Health and Safety Superintendent Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Communication Manager Controller, Credit Union Centre Director of Finance, Saskatoon Police Service Solicitor II Body Repairman (Journeyman) Sergeant Assistant CSR Supervisor Sergeant Fire Dispatcher 1st Class Firefighter (7th Year) Sergeant Solicitor II Mechanic Supervisor Body Shop Supervisor Mechanic (Journeyman) Zookeeper Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Pest Management Supervisor Information Management Consultant Electronic Foreman Patrolman / Service Truck Operator Engineering Technologist 15 Supervisor VI Firefighter (7th Year) 7 $ 87,404 53,640 88,990 125,096 53,100 97,281 50,475 58,459 181,574 74,232 131,928 82,135 91,717 74,947 115,183 85,148 76,533 57,347 75,690 61,657 98,540 115,183 70,563 99,967 120,178 87,076 96,843 74,237 87,918 81,765 136,748 100,638 59,549 108,737 57,395 118,448 82,945 85,937 111,722 112,536 82,754 78,135 75,071 56,998 75,006 68,989 94,700 96,528 85,208 84,252 76,447 84,745 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Bothorel, Tyler J Botting, Dylan P Boucher, Gerald E Bouliane, Conrad J Bourassa, Wade J Bouthillette, Bruce F Boutin, Luke M Bouyer, Phillip A D Bowers, Casey R Bowkowy, Jerry S Bowman, John M R Bowring, Ian T Bowring, Steven J Boyce, Adam J Boyd, Karen A Boyenko, Colin A Boyer, C. Alan Boyko, Aaron A Boyko, Darlene R Boyko, Jared A Boyle, Dean S Braaten, Lorilee D Brace, Tim P Bracken, C. Paul Braconnier, Peter R Bradford, Matthew J Bradley, Roger J Bradley, Ryan S Braich, Jivjot S Braitenbach, Daryl Braithwaite, Sandra L Brake, Terrence P Brand, Carolyn Brandrick, Jamie L Braun, Bonnie L Braun, Harry R Braun, Lyle B Brauner, Leslie L Brayshaw, James R Brecht, Douglas L Brehaut, Travis A Brentnell, Jared E Briant, Keith W Briant, Wayne F Brick, Aaron L Brightley, Garcia A Brissaw, Steve Britton, Carrie L Britton, S. Bruce Broadbent, J. Jeffrey Brockmeyer, Theodore J Broda, Jeff W Firefighter (10th Year) Human Resource Consultant II Facility Operator Equipment Operator VII Sergeant Project Coordinator Firefighter 1st Class Utility Collections Operator Senior Captain Utility Collections Operator Mechanic (Journeyman) Equipment Operator V Utility C (Roadways) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) CPIC Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Engineering Technologist 15 Systems Analyst Clerk-Steno 10 Programmer Analyst Maintenance Support Coordinator Parks Technician 14 Firefighter (10th Year) Roadways Manager Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Sergeant Building Inspection Engineer Firefighter 1st Class Assessment Technician Supervisor VI Special Constable (17th Year) Constable (10th Year) Clerk 11 Service Supervisor Human Resource Consultant Utility Powerline Technician Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Sergeant Firefighter (7th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Staff Sergeant Manager, Parks Operations Engineer Constable (10th Year) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Utility B (Roadways) Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Programmer Analyst Operator 8 $ 86,189 72,043 50,609 59,033 110,524 76,703 83,018 53,402 106,258 70,476 65,499 60,142 56,773 82,656 59,085 104,214 78,344 70,985 52,017 61,374 63,801 59,326 87,042 113,108 93,082 103,849 85,618 84,169 54,101 71,050 94,771 103,067 59,116 65,017 55,002 52,727 76,717 87,332 90,003 104,939 84,946 100,030 130,266 118,630 81,843 106,553 99,381 60,772 90,836 77,544 68,840 55,986 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Bromstad, Courtney M Brooks, Yvonne M Brophy, Michael D Brossart, Dale A Broste, Gary C Brotzel, Bruce Brower, Rachel A Brown, Corey J Brown, Darrell S Brown, Kendra A Brown, Kent A Brown, Lori J Brown, Robert K Brownlee, Trevor B Bryant, Shellie Bryden, Daniel J Bryksa, Linus F Buchholz, Daniel J Buchholz, Dean R V Budz, Wayne Bueckert, Charlie E C Bueckert, Dale E Bueckert, Richard J Buhler, Curtis R Buhr, Jaymeann R Bullin, Gregory J Buness, Joy A Buness, Rebecca L Burak, Jason P Buratenski, Donald M Burghardt, Rodney H Burke, Shelley E Burlock, David E Burnett, Blair W T Burrows, Brennan C Busa, Dean M Busa, Ryan P Busby, Clayton K Busby, Jason B Busby, Ruth A Bushman, Tim S Bushman, Tyler J Butt, Mubarka Butterfield, David R Buydens, Edwin L Bykowy, Dave M Bzdel, Gerald W Bzowy, Jeremy M Building Code Engineer Secretary III Utility Labourer Captain Deputy Police Chief Customer Service Coordinator Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Apprentice Traffic Signal Technician Supervisor VI Manager, Central Records Utility A Recreation Technician 13 Constable (10th Year) Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Administrative Services Manager Sergeant Planning Supervisor Operator Facility Planner Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Operator Operator Constable (10th Year) Service Asset Control Clerk 13 Plumber Utility Services Manager Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Buyer I Sergeant Entomologist Secretary IV Utility A (Roadways) Labourer Constable 4th Class (2nd Year) Firefighter 1st Class Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Systems Analyst Auto Mechanic Supervisor Inventory Analyst Plant Manager Utility C (Roadways) Manager, People Strategies Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Operator Assistant Chief Sergeant Relief Operator Calaguian, Eric J Caldwell, Patricia A Calette, Gregory K Assessment Appraiser Branch Head Operator 9 $ 72,290 54,013 56,604 100,433 54,328 51,432 70,995 54,043 83,241 83,363 71,853 58,883 101,772 91,419 81,236 108,934 65,491 56,126 88,304 95,370 67,284 57,538 100,585 50,704 57,776 52,511 82,800 89,344 61,927 109,344 59,938 55,215 61,081 56,886 57,317 83,838 95,697 90,732 65,435 54,261 118,423 55,401 115,181 90,117 73,174 118,592 118,738 78,364 61,543 70,549 53,774 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Cameron, Guy G Cammidge, Dean J G Campbell, Charmaine Campbell, Deanna L Campbell, James R Campbell, Kimberley R Campbell, Mark R Cao, Hai T Carleton, Andrew L Carlson, Barry J Carlson, Jarrod W Caron, Douglas Carpenter, Don Carr, Kayla D Carriere, Monique D Carter, Brennen W Casey, Brian A Cassidy, Alan R Cassidy, Justin R Cassidy, Patty J Cathcart, Bradley T Cave, Gwen N Ceaser, Allan G Cey, Geri D Chabot, Derek L Chalmers, Ross A Chan, Jimmy C M Chan, Vincent C Chanthasiry, Orasa (Beth) Chanthavone, Coralie F Charpentier, Christopher J Chartier, Michelle A Chatterbok, Mark S Cheke, James R Chelack, Rhonda M Chen, Jake Chenier, Adrien D Cherepacha, Larry E Cherepacha, Leonard R Cherewyk, Daniel M Cherry, Rick W Chesney, Derek D Chevli, Ajay J Chillog, Tyson G Chimboryk, Sandy L Chittick, Dale Chodyka, Melissa D Chomyn, Alvin M Chouinard, John P Christensen, Kristen M Christian, Roxanne D Chrun, Ervin J Event Services Supervisor Mechanic (Journeyman) Customer Services Analyst Access Transit Supervisor Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Operator Open Space Consultant Assistant Plant Operator Wash Bay Attendant Facility Supervisor Utility A Assistant Parks Supervisor Service Building Inspector Human Resource Consultant II Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility Rate Analyst Constable (10th Year) Supervisor II Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Clerical Supervisor 11 Traffic Signing and Painting Special Constable (5th Year) Machinist Trouble/Service Powerline Technician Specifications Engineer Electrical Engineering Technologist II Accounting Clerk 12 Secretary IV Apprentice Power Electrician Parks Supervisor Deputy Police Chief Firefighter 2nd Class Events Manager, TCU Place Project Engineer Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Mechanic I Bylaw Inspection Supervisor Building Inspector Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Sergeant Firefighter (10th Year) Customer Service Representative Arborist Engineering Technologist 15 Budget and Financial Services Coordinator Operations Assistant II Recreation Technician 13 Parking Enforcement Coordinator Equipment Operator IV 10 $ 56,464 54,603 60,732 66,955 96,820 52,203 59,352 97,231 53,496 85,978 60,049 53,161 52,461 56,257 57,208 101,939 89,393 98,968 77,900 60,044 87,517 54,151 72,712 76,075 59,163 108,793 77,856 89,163 57,931 58,474 69,383 69,828 188,048 70,201 96,771 71,029 88,812 76,096 76,236 74,232 57,889 68,022 105,203 86,726 54,123 50,498 95,149 70,310 51,636 63,598 67,514 67,839 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Chubak, John Chuhaniuk, Christopher A Church, Corey J Cirkvencic, Viktorija L Clackson, Sean F Clancy, Brendan R J Clancy, Dale Clark, Bruce Albert Clark, Bruce Allan Clark, Bruce J Clauson, Joanne K Claypool, Marius Clement, Craig W Clement, Kenneth Cleveland, Robin H Closson, Mark A Cloud, Matthew T Coates, Erin K Coates, Stuart C Cochrane, Joseph R Coffin, William N Cole, Harold John Cole, Howard G Cole, Wesley G Colleaux, Kim C Collins, Christine A Collins, Paul Connell, David D Connolly, Tracy L Constantinoff, Lorne D Conway, Brian C Cook, Donald A Cope, Jill Coquet, Gilbert M Corbett, J. Reid Corriveau, Sylvain R Costello, Michael J Cotts, Timothy P Countway, Barry G Cousin, Dale G Couture, Suzanne P Cox, F. Douglas Cox, Glenn F Craig, Rod J Crawford, Owen A Creary, Jenifer L Crilly, Karla M Crocker, John E Crockett, Kristen L Cross, J. Fraser Cross, Trevor J G Cui, Wei M Utility B (Roadways) Training Coordinator Power Electrician Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Equipment Utilityman Firefighter 2nd Class Corporate GIS Manager Meter Reader Senior Captain Operations Superintendent Human Resource Assistant Utility C (Roadways) Relief Operator Commercial Building Inspector Sergeant Staff Sergeant Operator Sergeant Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Utility C (Roadways) Assistant Chief Carpenter Plumbing Inspector Operator Sergeant Law Office Manager Marketing Assistant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Event Ticketing Administrator Inspector Fire Inspector Level VIII Planning and Design Engineer Project Manager Captain Manager, Water and Wastewater Treatment Auto Mechanic Accounting Coordinator I Operator Operator Instrument Technician Records, Information and Bylaw Supervisor Technical Support Coordinator Sergeant Utility (Containers) Assistant Plant Operator Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Library Assistant/Page Supervisor Firefighter (7th Year) CPIC Operator Operator Firefighter (7th Year) Programmer Analyst 11 $ 65,615 67,425 76,622 89,893 57,246 70,274 115,183 50,539 104,291 89,982 55,109 60,125 54,701 77,872 126,906 113,153 55,705 109,758 89,498 59,020 128,069 63,300 90,496 50,605 108,353 82,550 58,696 93,130 63,755 153,817 91,136 97,461 103,303 100,659 153,887 62,559 77,856 57,718 52,491 84,046 59,691 71,501 109,942 66,865 107,002 75,404 52,371 84,830 54,540 51,050 85,690 82,353 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Culbert, Jody L Cullen, Gerard Cummine, Tara L Curren, Judith A Cuthbert, Tim B Czaplejewicz, Roman Czarnecki, Dylan J Czerniak, Noreen Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Sales Coordinator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Special Constable (10th Year) Supervisor VI Utility A Community Consultant Supervisor VI Dahl, Bruce W Dahl, Kenneth R Dahl, Stephen M Daku, Lisa D Dale, Kelly A Dale, Kristie L Dament, Trenton D Danielson, Tara L Davern, William J David, Gary F Davidson, Catherine O Davidson, Rosanne (Rosie) M Davies, Deborah C Davies, Kevin W Davis, Donna M Davis, Shelley L Davison, Donald G Daw, Troy L Dawson, Brenda M Dawson, Darryl J Day, Jill M De Castro, Jaybee G DeBoice, Carolyn J DeBray, Sherry L Deck, Darlene L Decker, Suzanne E DeGirolamo, Daniel E DeGirolamo, Marc A Dehod, Thomas P Deibert, Susan B Delainey, Ian M Delawski, Gerald J Dellezay, Henry J Delorme, Kurt R Dempster, Kyle S Deneault, Sonia M J Denis, Claudette M Denniss, Gord R Densham, Glen W Denysiuk, Adam J Depeel, Trevor G Derbawka, John W Derdall, Dean W Quality Assurance Coordinator Assistant City Archivist System Operator Fire Dispatcher 1st Class Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Special Constable (5th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Solicitor III Sergeant Health and Safety Superintendent Human Resource Assistant Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Payroll and Systems Administrator Assessment Technician Assessment Manager Environmental Technologist Special Constable (17th Year) Business Licence and Bylaw Compliance Manager CPIC Shift Supervisor Senior Planner 21 Sergeant Clerical Supervisor 13 Special Constable (10th Year) Sales Coordinator Electronic Communications Technician Station Captain Asset Planning Technologist Sergeant Operator Facility Operations Supervisor Pool Technician Community Relations Coordinator (1st Class) Drafting Technologist 13 Operator Bucket Truck Operator II Operator Parks Supervisor Powerline Technician Engineering Technologist 15 Trouble/Service Powerline Technician Purchasing Services Manager 12 $ 75,084 70,319 62,885 84,138 52,593 62,435 72,663 92,867 81,630 63,729 68,688 82,160 91,341 74,595 88,919 82,741 143,198 108,581 80,668 50,334 88,926 90,810 61,339 52,775 86,268 68,351 87,938 91,486 70,110 63,987 108,692 53,978 79,972 68,614 92,194 109,582 67,889 107,351 54,778 79,930 51,024 72,237 54,561 52,859 87,542 52,188 73,300 87,708 80,788 121,675 93,215 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Derksen, Mavis Desmarais, Judy L Desmarais, Morland (Morley) F DesRoches, Patrick B Detillieux, Lori Dexter, Sean A Diaz, Julio A Diaz, Ricardo A Didur, Diane M Diederichs, Twila C Dimen, Ryan W Dinelle, Marty D Dionne Facca, Jacquelyn J Diplacido, Stefano M Dishko, John D Dmytrowich, Cole M Dobrohoczki, Philip H Dobrowney, Susan M Dodds, Lana M Doell, Donald W Doerksen, Robert D Dogniez, Martin Donahue, Debbie J Dong, Kim Donison, Kimberly L Dorval, Gilles Dottermann, Adam J Dougan, Darren S Dressler, Darwin W Drever, Cameron M Drever, Doug Driedger, Abe Drysdale, Heather L Dubnyk, Andrew M Dubyk, Kyler Dudiak, Robert A F Dulle, Calvin M Dumka, Lynda A Durand, Luc Durant, Ryan E Duriez, Christopher D Durkin, David J Durocher, Brant E Durocher, Jason D Durston, Darwin Dust, Theresa M Dutka, Henry D Dyal, Deo Dyal, Shawn A Dybvig, Trent R Dyck, David A Dyck, Glen S Sergeant Fire Dispatcher 1st Class Firefighter (7th Year) Resident Building Operator (TCU Place) Clerk-Steno 10 Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Firefighter 1st Class Operator Systems Analyst Accounting Clerk 12 Plumber Building and Grounds Maintenance Supervisor Health and Safety Superintendent Constable (10th Year) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Utility A (Roadways) Engineering Technologist 15 Laboratory Technologist Traffic Program Coordinator Utility C (Roadways) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility C (Roadways) Supervisor (Utility Customer Service) Programmer Analyst Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Aboriginal Relations Advisor Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Resident Building Operator - Pools Utility A Staff Sergeant Circle Drive South Project Manager Maintenance Manager Greenhouse Technician 14 Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Service Senior Project Management Engineer Utility B (Roadways) Customer Service Cashier Fire Inspector Level VIII Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Project Engineer Pool Technician Water and Sewer Trouble Operations Assistant III Labourer City Solicitor Community Consultant Welder (Journeyman) Relief Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Equipment Operator IV Plumber 13 $ 113,038 81,741 84,882 59,188 50,538 94,872 75,933 54,911 82,175 56,464 65,865 78,382 86,839 96,636 96,041 60,631 76,641 65,567 65,302 67,566 80,721 65,486 80,990 55,725 96,387 105,877 74,786 74,587 74,190 120,570 149,481 93,202 61,505 78,416 52,989 81,246 50,377 52,249 92,163 86,332 53,255 54,847 61,435 57,173 53,091 191,949 73,193 86,036 53,363 91,118 56,321 68,243 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Dyck, Kurtis A Dyck, Murray J Dyck, Terrance P Dyksman, Shaun P Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Operator Operator Audio Technician Eagle, Devon J Earl, Curtis S Earl, Joanne L Edelman, Veronica L Edwards, Dennis W Edwards, Michou A Eggen, Tracy Ehalt, Ryan B Ehlert, Delwin Ehman, Bruce N Elash, Ted Eley, Marylynn Elia, Phillip L Elliott, Della D Elliott, Donald L Elliott, Ross G Elliott, Scott A Emery, Daniel D Emigh, Robert Trent Emmons, Mark D Emson, Susan A Engele, Jerome W English, Cynthia S Enns, Terry W Ens, Corey L Erfanmanesh, Afshin Erickson, Richard G Erickson, Ryan D Ertell, Jessica J A Espenant, Dean A Ethier, Ernest P Ethier, Guy J Evans, Donald K Evans, Kenneth J Evans, Trevor J Evenson, Laura L Operator Firefighter (10th Year) Sergeant Recreation Technician 13 Building Inspection Manager CPIC Operator Utility Containers (Special Services) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Maintenance Support Manager Fire Service Instructor Carpenter Circulation Services Coordinator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Legal Secretary Assistant Manager, Computer Systems Project Engineer Operator Sergeant Sergeant Senior Planner 21 Literacy Librarian Inspector Systems Analyst Supervisor (Storm and Wastewater) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Time Clerk Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Traffic Signal Technician Utility B (Roadways) Senior Captain Concrete Finisher Operator Operator Landfill Attendant Firefighter (7th Year) Sergeant 57,087 89,453 96,358 56,346 95,995 60,303 62,558 105,859 89,733 95,792 79,823 54,218 91,798 54,123 103,303 88,379 52,485 113,484 109,922 76,765 52,583 159,805 71,543 76,908 92,693 62,604 75,519 82,906 59,142 104,618 51,452 59,839 54,879 66,202 85,368 114,989 Fabe, Kimberly L Fadlelmawla, Moussa Fafard, Roger C Fagnou, Kara R Failler, Timothy W Fairbairn, Mark L Falk, John E Farago, Jason G Farion, Jeffrey B Farmer, Brad J Special Constable (5th Year) Project Engineer (Customer Service) Supervisor VI Senior Building Code Engineer Sergeant Firefighter (10th Year) Powerline Foreman Firefighter (7th Year) Mechanic Customer Service Representative 77,284 78,630 88,486 93,190 107,264 87,042 116,663 87,248 78,682 68,696 14 $ 90,843 76,254 53,329 60,132 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Farmer, Karen M Farquharson, Peter J Farrell, Craig Farries, Debra J Farwell, Linda M Fast, Joyce A Faulkner, David C Fawcett, Darren M Fawcett, Wade C Fay, Chad T Fay, Christopher M Fedoruk, Steve V Fehr, Brody J M Fehr, Christopher L Fehr, Clayton D Fehr, Garnet G Fehr, Gregory J Fehr, Helen Fehr, John P Fehr, Lori A Fehr, Stewart R Feng, Yan Fentiman, Cale D Ference, Thomas M Ferraro, Tanya E C Ferrell, Ernie C Fesser, Karen N Fesser, Kirby W Feszyk, Lane Fick-Dryka, Jodi L Fidyk, Tosha L Figg, Carla M Figueroa, Cristian L Findlay, Drew S Fisher, Allan R Fisher, Corey E Fisher, Karen R Fisher, Kenneth J Fisher, Mark S Fisher, Terrell R Fitzpatrick, Donna M Fitzpatrick, Mike J Flath, Zachary A Fleming-Holowaty, Bonnie Fletcher, Donald L Fleury, Timothy W Floch, Ken H Flogan, Eric R Flynn, Ronald W Fogen, Randy M Folk, Debora J Follick, Tara L Community Consultant Technology Integration Manager Fire Inspector Level VIII Corporate Records Manager Parks Supervisor Committee Assistant Fire Inspector Level VIII Firefighter 2nd Class Firefighter (7th Year) Utility Large Meter Installer/Tester Utility A Firefighter 3rd Class Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Engineering Technologist 15 Programmer Analyst Utility (Containers) Systems Analyst Firefighter (10th Year) Clerk 10 Systems Analyst Accounting Clerk 12 Landfill Attendant Electrician Event Ticketing Administrator Landfill Attendant Health and Safety Superintendent Senior Assessment Appraiser Operator Diversity Coordinator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Operations Superintendent Building Operator Firefighter (7th Year) Carpenter Plant Operator Accounting Assistant Senior Captain Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Operator Special Constable (10th Year) Facilities Maintenance Person Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Credit and Collections Representative Mechanic (Journeyman) Relief Operator Operator Constable (10th Year) Engineering Technologist 15 Senior Cross Connection Inspector Customer Service Representative Marketing Assistant 15 $ 67,868 128,429 93,449 74,638 65,829 65,953 90,476 70,217 86,707 51,398 61,457 60,496 61,270 88,098 78,015 68,935 54,667 82,175 88,746 51,816 89,141 56,464 61,424 66,670 53,181 63,737 90,457 75,417 51,512 82,476 87,567 76,956 61,281 84,127 66,197 92,364 63,951 106,965 90,049 53,600 86,167 51,019 88,505 56,291 70,475 72,947 59,220 91,891 65,330 79,341 61,281 55,785 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Fontaine, Leonard B Ford, Darren B Ford, Scott W Forsyth, Gregg O Forsyth, Thomas N Fortier, Marie-Lise C Fortier, Paul G Fortugno, Arnaldo A Foss, Jenny Foster, Ann L Foster, Patrick J Foster, Thomas G Fouquette, Beau J Fouquette, Pamela D Fraese, Bruce W Frain, Dale E Francais, Jared V Francis, Daniel L Frank, Robert M Franklin, Mark S Franson, S. Grant Fraser, Hugh Fraser, Sandra P Frassetto, Gino Freeman, Chad K Frehlich, Cyril D Freimark, Terrance E Freistadt, Denette R Freistadt, Kelvin M Frie, Lionel L Friesen, Brenda D Friesen, Dax T Friesen, Don G Friesen, Robert J Friesen, Russell B Friesen, Sheila M Fritz, Brad J Froc, Glen R Froehlick, Kevin J Fullerton, Carolyn J Funes, Francisco A Funes, Jose S Funk, Cory T Funk, Darren R Funk, Dorothea L Fusco, Terry J Utility B (Roadways) Sergeant Director of Marketing, Credit Union Centre Apprentice Powerline Technician Constable Prob Yr (2nd 6 Months) Mayfair Branch Supervisor Commercial Building Inspector Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Assessment Technician Alice Turner Branch Supervisor Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Superintendent Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Labourer Trainer Programmer Analyst Senior Arborist Manager, Strategic Services Constable 3rd Class (3rd Year) Power Electrician Foreman Metering Foreman Associate Curator Assistant Shop Supervisor Programmer Analyst Electrician Operations Superintendent Claims Administrator Operator Machine Operator Customer Service Representative Firefighter 2nd Class Information Technology Consultant Senior Project Management Engineer Inspector Administrative Assistant II Power Electrician Programmer Analyst Equipment Operator IV Accountant 17 Operator Operator Construction Services Manager Constable (10th Year) Local History Coordinator Senior Planner 21 Gaboury, Dennis A Gabruch, Donald K Gabruch, Vincent R Gaco, Zeljko Gajadhar, Grant A Resident Building Operator - Pools Station Captain Constable (10th Year) Operator Firefighter 1st Class 16 $ 51,219 107,128 103,303 77,374 67,272 60,918 79,070 73,903 63,149 56,975 96,002 165,416 86,859 85,842 57,917 63,325 69,237 61,591 120,954 62,578 111,503 98,805 70,511 102,437 69,057 65,960 80,814 56,464 51,249 63,920 54,151 70,159 94,700 101,726 172,582 55,937 93,715 65,726 58,765 65,490 56,904 51,646 100,828 95,147 60,898 77,534 76,333 108,803 97,249 70,954 84,873 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Galbraith, Dean R Gall, Tim F Gallays, April A Ganchar, A. Glen Garbe, Greg C Gardiner, Angela M E Gardiner, Jay R Gardner, Grant D Garg, Smita P Gariepy, Lisa A Garner, Patricia A Gaston, Dale G Gawley, Lesli J Gawryluk, Nathan V O Geary, Joe Gebhardt, Richard L Gebka, Margaret T Gee, David Geib, Ronald F Geib, Ryan A Geier, Terrance R Gelowitz, Jarett L Gelowitz, Lorne G Gendron, Eroca Gent, Mitchell C Georget, Shelby L Gerbrandt, Judy D Germann, Douglas A Germann, Shantel A Gervais, Rashel L Gibbs, Twyla L Gibson, Chris Gibson, Krystal A Gibson, R Lynne Gilbertson, Kyle K Gilchrist, Ryan E Gilhuly, Robert A Gilley, Marty Gilroy, Gregory D Giocoli, Barbara M Gipman, Jaime C Girling, Richard V Glass, Richard M Godwin, David B Goertzen, Stanley H Goldsberry, Shannon L Goodheart, Rodney L Goodnough, Kent A Goodwin, Cory M D Gordon, Bruce A Gorenko, Dawn M Gorham, Kimberly Operator Resident Building Operator Planner 16 Powerline Technician Firefighter (7th Year) Manager, Transportation Utility B (Roadways) Monitoring Technician Community Resource Coordinator Special Constable (10th Year) Operator Systems Support Supervisor Special Constable (5th Year) Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Virtual Reference Librarian Electrician (Journeyman) Special Constable (17th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Bylaw Inspector 16 Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Sergeant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Staff Sergeant Operator Mechanic Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Special Constable (17th Year) Recreation Technician 13 Fitness Specialist Building Inspector Customer Service Representative Traffic Signing and Painting CPIC Operator Human Resource Consultant III Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Welder (Journeyman) Facility Supervisor Security Services Supervisor Operator Landscape Architectural Technologist Clerk-Steno 9 Operator Pool Technician Community Consultant Sergeant CPIC Operator Utility C (Roadways) Buyer I Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Sergeant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Clerk 10 17 $ 55,289 74,308 62,771 127,112 86,413 129,362 50,339 59,812 88,769 58,751 51,854 61,407 73,861 80,068 57,698 82,316 110,458 88,746 68,901 84,997 105,216 84,966 125,129 61,035 78,017 82,160 80,136 58,852 58,806 77,916 54,764 70,147 54,798 88,612 104,047 74,746 82,342 54,123 52,473 56,866 50,710 51,318 58,759 73,314 114,043 55,649 73,025 61,979 93,584 113,863 61,067 51,891 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Gosselin, Noah K Goulet, Monica J Gowda, Greg W Goyer, Kelly G Grabowski, Brent A Grabowski, Todd S Graff, Loriann Graham, Christopher B Graham, David B Graham, Garth J Graham, Tammy K Graham, Valerie H Grant, David S Grant, Jeffery A Grant, Karen J Grant, Kellie I Grant, Susan D Grasby, Christopher R Grasby, Travis E Grass, Scott N Grauer, Randy W Graves, Cameron C Gray, Adam C Gray, Daniel R Gray, Dufferin C Gray, James R Gray, Kent D Gray, Ryan J Grazier, Matthew A Greabeiel, Dean C Greack, Burc F Greba, Trent J Grebeniuk, Curtis R Greenshields, James W Greenstien, Lloyd M Greenwood, Kelly D Gregor, Scott J Grenier, George J Grenier, Gilles P Gresty, Jaramie J Gresty, Thomas J Grieman, Dean C Grills, Robert J Grindheim, Darren G Grisdale Jr., Michael Grismer, Murray C Grona, Kyle P R Gronsdahl, Troy A Gronsdal, Murray G Groshok, Jim J Grosiak, Debra T M Gross, Garry R Building Operator Aboriginal Relations Consultant Captain Environmental Coordinator Sergeant Project Engineer Clerk 9 Programmer Analyst Engineering Technologist 17 Zoo Supervisor Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Operator Staff Sergeant Operator Communication Consultant II Senior Planner 21 Staff Sergeant Firefighter (10th Year) Power Electrician Senior Firefighter (20th Year) General Manager, Community Services Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Landfill Attendant Planner 16 Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Trainer Captain Labourer Planner 16 Operator Environmental Operations Manager Engineering Technologist 15 Mechanic Supervisor Facilities Superintendent Utility Support Services Manager Accounting Coordinator Facility Operations Supervisor Utility Collections Operator Special Constable (3rd Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Programmer Analyst Apprentice Powerline Technician Fire Dispatcher 4th Class Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Sergeant Firefighter 2nd Class Associate Curator Investment Coordinator Utility C (Roadways) Operator Assistant Plant Operator 18 $ 50,220 94,718 98,812 68,170 113,463 73,545 52,433 62,772 58,855 60,271 89,687 58,801 60,192 59,740 58,076 68,742 118,801 89,810 80,303 92,210 179,200 102,241 55,881 62,585 89,393 59,454 100,734 55,060 64,522 53,320 85,199 60,203 96,299 84,156 53,690 65,582 83,093 97,271 68,288 66,764 102,422 75,133 59,241 52,224 87,538 123,686 70,835 60,778 83,982 69,924 51,984 100,846 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Gryba, Catherine Gryba, Douglas T Guerrero, Victor M Guilmette, Andrew Gulka, Dean E Gursky, Kory M Guskjolen, Marcia J Gustafson, Geoffrey G Gutek, Carl E Gutek, Michael D Guttormson, Ralph G Gyug, Scott R Strategic and Business Planning Manager Service Supervisor Operator Water System Operator Sergeant Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) CPIC Operator Constable 4th Class (2nd Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) General Manager, Infrastructure Services Apprentice Mechanic Firefighter (10th Year) Haanen, Lyle W Haapala, Daniel A Hackl, Morgan L Haday, Clifford W Hadzihasanovic, Elvedin (Eddie) Haeusler, Daryl H Haeusler, Randy B Haffner, Chris Hahn, Nathan Hails, Heather M Haines, Richard Hall, Marlene Hall, Murray Hallam, Chris R Halstead, Tim P G Halter, Lorri L Halyk, Kruze B Halyk, Trevor B Hamilton, Clifford R Hamilton, Sandra Hamilton, Tammy M Hamilton, Thomas S Hamm, Cole E Hampton, Robert S Hancock, Dennis Hannigan, Theresa R Hanson, Ken W Hanson, Shannon M Harder, Jerry R Harder, Trudy L Hardy, Valerie J Harington, Daisy R Harmon, Kirby H Harms, Todd H Harris, Christopher J Harris, Christopher W Harrison, Brett W Harrison, Calvin Harrison, Vernon J Supervisor VI Motor Mechanic Senior Captain Senior Captain Design Assistant 15 Electrician (Journeyman) Facilities Superintendent Mechanic Carpenter Secretary II Station Captain Committee Assistant Assistant Plant Operator Manager, Construction and Design Manager, Facilities Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Apprentice Powerline Technician Assistant Plant Operator Senior Firefighter (20thYear) Customer Services Supervisor Clerk 10 Water and Sewer Trouble Engineering Technologist 17 Zookeeper Mechanic (Journeyman) Constable 3rd Class (3rd Year) Assistant Plant Operator Community Initiatives Manager Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Central Library Public Service Manager Land Development Coordinator Building Code Engineer Staff Sergeant Operations Superintendent Firefighter (10th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Meter Installer I Parts/Storesman Senior Captain 19 $ 154,145 69,762 61,791 53,949 107,905 71,149 55,658 56,448 92,452 183,691 53,767 86,657 71,236 80,300 105,507 106,394 60,868 94,985 80,267 103,477 58,283 52,457 110,404 83,982 50,336 127,627 52,587 88,722 85,899 88,898 91,477 57,577 51,782 50,369 74,501 57,027 80,191 67,923 92,287 86,815 86,997 113,666 58,760 67,159 135,328 93,213 88,866 89,659 62,799 53,611 104,618 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Hart, Brent W Hartell, Gary N Hartery, Matthew W Hartl, Chad G Hartley, David B Hartley, Melanie R Hartman, Elizabeth A Hartman, Travis D Hartney, Laura M Harvey, Darrin R Hassen, Colleen J Haubrich, Dawn L Hauck, Curtis M Haugan, Trevor S Haughn, Cheryl L E Haughn, Phil L Hawreluik, Riley R Hawrysh, Andrew J Hay, Bill J Haye, David L Hayes, Nicholas J Hazelwanter, Bradley A Heatcoat, Karly D Hebig, Lionel D Hebig, Trevor A Hedlin, Joel H A Hegedus, Neil J Hegel, Terrance Edward Heidecker, Ryan L Heidt, Dean M Heidt, Melvin A Hein, Jason R Heine, Martina Heineke, Richard R Heinrichs, Galen W Heiser, Jack G Heiser, Trevis T Heit, Mark K Hellquist, Carol L Helt, Christopher J Hemstad, Tyra A Henderson, Barry B Henderson, Dorry L Hendriks, Tracey Henry, Rhonda I Hepp, Mervin J Heppner, Norman G Herauf, Joseph D Hergott, Kristen Heuchert, Kim D Heusdens, Richard A Heusdens, Robert L Senior Captain Building Inspector Constable 4th Class (2nd Year) Concrete Finisher Building Inspector Engineering Technologist 17 Landscape Architect Engineering Technologist 15 Future Growth Manager Sergeant Staff Scheduling Clerk Drafting Technologist 13 Auto Mechanic 15 Special Constable (5th Year) Training Coordinator Parking Services Manager Electrician (Journeyman) Mechanical Maintenance Foreman Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Inspector Audio Technician Staff Sergeant Permit Supervisor Electronic Communications Technician Plumbing Inspector Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Programmer Analyst Assessment Manager Plumber Firefighter (7th Year) Utility Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Corporate Payroll Clerk Technical Services Manager Water and Sewer Engineering Manager Director, Information Services, Saskatoon Police Service Operator Parks Supervisor Accounting Clerk 12 Programmer Analyst Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Operator Operator Identification Records Clerk Clerk 10 Sergeant Operator Utility B (Roadways) Operator Utility Operator Employee Benefits Supervisor Terminal Supervisor 20 $ 107,186 75,727 56,060 50,854 80,604 68,170 71,506 77,920 103,585 113,087 51,782 61,919 64,901 76,115 68,755 75,993 105,077 82,583 84,799 158,001 51,555 107,908 61,295 115,178 87,759 90,352 71,466 87,956 65,829 84,957 52,198 94,042 53,419 70,959 98,473 136,749 60,700 66,239 57,041 66,534 89,887 54,792 53,231 56,574 52,031 100,187 66,594 64,746 52,586 76,446 97,483 69,418 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Hicks, David Hicks, Kyla A Hiebert, Marvin L Hilbert, Michelle L Hildebrand, Wesley R Hildebrandt, Andrew D Hildebrandt, Raymond P Hill, Brenda J Hill, Gregory K Hill, Kelly M Hill, Ryan W Hill, Wayne Hills, Chad Hillstrom, Debbie M Hilton, Richard Hiltz, John Hindmarsh, Wade L Hinds, William C Hippe, Gregory B Hlady, Carolyn L Hnidy, David B Hoang, Ken Hoffman, Collin L Hogan, Michael (Mickey) Hogan, Robert J Holaday, Jonathan C Holden, Kelly R Holden, William J Holeha, Tyson C Hollinger, Joey R Hollinger, Mia A L Holmes, Douglas M Holmes, Garry J Holmes, Janice Holmes, Roy A Holmstrom, Mark Holovach, Christina R Holowachuk, Darryl R Holowaty, Ryan W Holte, Dale M Holtom, Richard R Hood, Sheri Hoover, Dean J Hopkins, Stephen D Horbay, David M Horbay, Leon P Hordal, Trina L Horne, Travis L Horner, Gary B Hornung, Blaire R Horsley, Todd R Horvath, Michael C Utility A Constable (10th Year) Cemetery Utilityperson 8 CUC Events Manager Relief Shop Supervisor Asset Preservation Manager Operator Administrative Assistant II Apprentice Mechanic Special Constable (10th Year) Mechanic (Journeyman) Utility Rate Analyst Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Secretary IV Supervisor IV Project Coordinator Captain GIS/LAN Support Technician Operations Superintendent Sergeant Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Water and Sewer Trouble Meter Shop Superintendent Plant Operator Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Power Electrician Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Senior Planner 21 Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Buyer II Controller, Credit Union Centre Body Repairman (Journeyman) Security Systems Technician Senior CPIC Supervisor Schedules Planner I Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Mechanic (Journeyman) Customer Service Representative Laboratory Technologist Sergeant Operator Supervisor IV Equipment Operator IV Benefits Consultant II Senior Assessment Appraiser Utility A (Roadways) Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Constable (10th Year) Sergeant 21 $ 53,994 112,270 50,484 58,477 84,217 82,873 50,901 55,937 52,393 94,222 68,486 92,694 90,890 59,943 59,646 74,657 98,751 83,323 95,752 108,669 95,085 75,759 83,982 106,739 91,113 98,745 93,768 81,640 84,367 66,741 80,190 58,414 73,555 62,990 53,905 96,556 90,381 91,785 85,164 78,740 68,825 64,840 115,239 56,327 66,600 68,531 75,530 75,425 58,946 90,660 104,358 110,081 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Horyn, Alvin H Hoskins, Morley E Houdek, Lesley C Houk, Aaron S Hounsell, Ryan B Howden, John J Howe, Bob J Howie, Scott C Howse, Richard Hrooshkin, Michael L Hryniuk, Dale G Huang, Chiung-Yu (Amy) A Huang, Shao (Anita) L Huber, Eden F Huber, Kurt L Huber, Wayne W Huculiak, Debby Hude, David B Hudec, Delores M Hudec, Dennis C Hudson, David E Hudson, David R Hudson, Kevin W Hudson, Rey Hueser, Wilbur Huisman, Darcy M Huisman, Randal A Humen, Randy J Humphrey, Cary P Hunchak, Sherri R Hundeby, Gordon D Hunt, Andrew (Drew) J Hupet, Catherine M Hupet, Gerald L Hupet, Perry K Hustej, Jaysen M Huston, Karen Husulak, Ernie J Husulak, Nathaniel J Hutchison, Carrie D Hydamacka, Norman M Hyde, Patrick J Hyland, Brian R Hyland, Daryl R Hyshka, David D Hyshka, Shawn M Hysuick, Garry L Hysuick, Kirk D Auto Mechanic Plumber Clerk 10 Time Clerk Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Director of Business Development and Promotions, CUC Manager, Transit Senior Plumbing Inspector Special Projects Trainer Facilities Superintendent Assessment Research Analyst Time Clerk Firefighter (7th Year) Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Carpenter Sales Supervisor Resident Building Operator Clerk Constable (10th Year) Coliseum Operator Sergeant Metering and Sustainable Electricity Manager Arborist Fire Service Instructor (6th Year) Assessment Manager Sergeant Plumber Manager, Leisure Services Sergeant Right-of-Way Management Engineer Programmer Analyst Operator Operator Operator Firefighter 1st Class Clerk 10 Zoo Supervisor Firefighter 2nd Class Community Consultant Apprentice Mechanic Manager, Public Works Firefighter 2nd Class Accounting Coordinator I Parks Technician 14 Relief Operator Painter Equipment Operator VI Illerbrun, D. Jeff Imrie, Larry Ingram, Lorne B Power Electrician Design Assistant 15 Sergeant 22 $ 77,242 67,566 52,040 52,277 95,951 56,942 107,850 97,272 144,734 59,454 92,162 77,069 58,123 85,368 87,753 66,145 61,147 71,699 61,107 94,953 57,035 112,741 96,516 53,168 98,542 80,478 130,452 65,916 123,580 78,013 91,197 67,932 66,732 76,052 64,357 83,558 51,782 54,456 70,159 72,514 53,590 144,544 70,303 77,856 65,113 73,994 61,855 56,661 77,887 63,487 142,415 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Ingrouille, Matthew M Irvine, Kael A Irwin, Robert H Isaac, Tim P Isbister, Warren T Ivanco, William (Bill) J Iverson, Shane L Ives, Gregory P Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Firefighter 2nd Class Operator Supervisor VI Inclusion and Aboriginal Consultant Mechanic Supervisor Firefighter 2nd Class Information Management Consultant Jablan, Snezana Jackle, Doug O Jacobson, Jason L Jago, Braden A Jakobsen, Alex K Janbakhsh, Mehrnoosh Janson, Kayla M Janzen, Dale J Janzen, Gary L Janzen, Hector J Janzen, James W Jarvis, Ryan K Jean, Daniel Jelinski, Michelle R Jenkins, Lucy (Sandy) S Jensen, Dale Jiang, Yaping (Judy) Y Jobson, Dwayne S Johner, Carol M Johnsgaard, Jeffrey B Johnson, Blair D Johnson, Dustin I P Johnson, Margaret L Johnson, Mary A Johnson, Michael L B Johnson, Michele C Johnson, Nancy L Johnson, Ross F Johnston, Brent D Johnston, Desmond R Johnston, Justin R Johnston, Murray G Johnston, Tony C Johnstone, Andrew W Jones, Darryl J Jones, Lee D Jonsson, Kristina H Jordan, Michael C Jordan, Molly R Jordan, Scott L Jorgenson, Arin M Jorgenson, Jeff A Jorgenson, Joe J Programmer Analyst Plant Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Design Assistant 15 IT Systems Administrator Design Engineer Constable Prob Yr (2nd 6 Months) Electrician Plumber Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Mechanic (Journeyman) Firefighter (7th Year) Parks Supervisor Project Engineer Clerk-Steno 11 Painter Engineer II Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Manager, Community Relations Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Powerline Technician Firefighter 3rd Class Assessment Appraiser Recreation Technician 13 Constable (10th Year) Sergeant Open Space Consultant Manager, Facilities Powerline Technician Equipment Operator IV Power Electrician Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Constable (10th Year) Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Sergeant Accounting Clerk 12 Government and Aboriginal Relations Manager Design Assistant 15 Electrician (Journeyman) Employee Development Coordinator General Manager, Utility Services Sergeant 23 $ 97,049 71,960 51,536 78,362 70,912 75,501 70,616 94,700 69,081 97,934 93,020 63,487 59,788 65,699 56,856 65,878 54,781 92,801 74,372 85,420 68,037 76,546 54,123 61,382 73,208 89,885 96,400 94,030 128,107 61,700 68,394 63,920 109,248 117,747 68,977 107,035 76,428 55,267 92,697 94,416 90,467 99,327 88,716 120,510 56,464 127,431 63,784 92,237 77,528 184,910 109,865 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Josephson, Amy R B Joslin, Scott A Juarez, Jose R Junor, Neil M Zookeeper Sergeant Supervisor VI Systems Analyst Kachur, Brian M Kachur, Rick Kahl, Dean A Kambeitz, Catherine J Kaminski, Gwen Kanak, Diane I Kane, Ken A Kapeller, Gordon L Karol, Randy A Karst, Sandy Kaszas, Frank J Katabarwa, Joseph Kateryniuk, Lisa L Kautzman, Debbie A Kaye, Stephen M Kazmir, Landon L M Kearns, Jodi B Keating, Gordon James (Jay) Keegan, David R Keehborn, Warren J Keen, Lorne A Keindel, Anthony J Keith, David G Keleman, Robert J Keller, Mark R Kellett, Kristen I Kellington, Jonathan D Kempin, Gregory F Kendal, Scott C Kennedy, Christine G Kennedy, Clayton G Kerney, Randall W Kerpan, Garth A Khan, M. Nisar Khan, Sohrab N Kiesman, Andrew R J Kilgour, Pamela K Kindrachuk, Randy D Kindrat, Korey L King, Neil J Kingsfield, Robyn K Kinzel, Laura L Kinzel, Michelle C Kirchgessner, Dale M Kirchgessner, Scott A Kirkness, Brennan A J Kirkpatrick, Bruce E Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Senior Planner 21 Systems Analyst Records, Information and Legislative Services Manager Sergeant Operator Meter Reader Exhibit Control Manager Customer Service Representative Utility Collections Operator Constable 4th Class (2nd Year) Utility Collections Operator Staff Sergeant Programmer Analyst Special Constable (5th Year) Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Sales Coordinator Painter Sergeant Operator Systems Analyst Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Vehicle and Equipment Manager Operator Firefighter (7th Year) Supervisor IV Sign Maker Central Records Trainer Irrigation Technician 14 Service Supervisor Senior Captain Design Engineer Project Engineer Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Director of Finance, TCU Place Recreation Site Administrator Water and Sewer Labourer Electrician Operator Public Programs Coordinator Constable (10th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Utility B (Roadways) Senior Captain 24 $ 57,311 113,961 81,922 82,692 91,063 89,440 90,490 63,130 82,175 92,649 119,692 53,193 52,438 74,927 67,360 63,514 58,475 54,402 118,729 72,147 75,124 78,490 68,854 62,709 116,817 54,593 85,246 91,986 109,995 51,551 84,546 67,370 71,969 60,995 53,201 67,202 104,820 67,931 69,151 98,664 87,777 73,062 70,235 57,458 56,961 68,170 91,080 95,320 86,251 57,794 101,921 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Kirwan, Gerard Kitchen, Kevin P Klaassen, Richard A Klane, Arnold A Klassen, James M Klassen, Sandra R Klath, Taya D Klein, Jeffrey J Klinger, Jason S Kluz, Kristopher N Knight, Marieke C C Knittig, Jeffrey J Knittig, Timothy L Knowles, Tim J Knutson, Steven G Koback, Brady L Koback, Vanessa L Kobelsky, Curtis J Kobelsky, Sharlene A Kobylka, Layton Kocay, Tony M Koch, Carmen R Koch, Mark A Kochan, Allan A Kohuch, Emil D Kolosnjaji, Vladimir Kondra, Colleen R Konkin, Glenn C Kook, Wenona A Kope, Charles H Korchinski, Timothy N Korczak, Ryan A Kornelsen, Benjamin J Korol, Robert M Koroluk, Marlon N Korte, Shelley D Korthuis, Riley R Kosteniuk, David C Kostur, Beth N Kostyk, John K Kot, Michael J Kotasek-Toth, Paula M Kotelmach, Andy J Kotowski, Krystyna Koutecky, Judy M Kovacs, A. Ferencs Kowalchuk, David A Kowalenko, Jason D Kowaluk, Beverley J Kowaluk, Darren B Kowaluk, John J Kozak, Kurt D Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Community Initiatives Manager Utility A Operator Traffic Signing and Painting Meter Reader Constable (10th Year) Firefighter (7th Year) Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Community Consultant Administration and Data Support Manager Instrument Technician Relief Operator Sergeant Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Bylaw Inspector 13 Programmer Analyst Constable (10th Year) Programmer Analyst Access Transit Operator Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Constable (10th Year) Utility A (Roadways) Senior Building Inspector Design Assistant 15 Service Supervisor Mechanic (Journeyman) Benefits Consultant I Vehicle and Equipment Supervisor Sergeant Utility A (Roadways) Recreation Technician 13 Chief Executive Officer, TCU Place Arborist Manager, Administration Firefighter 2nd Class Assistant Plant Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Firefighter (7th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Senior Planner 21 Battalion Chief Senior Project Management Engineer Administrative Assistant Operator Mechanic Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Customer Service Representative Utilityman I Supervisor Arborist 25 $ 94,716 86,783 59,953 55,661 70,452 50,571 84,955 84,073 88,754 90,190 72,623 77,856 72,915 72,907 80,787 90,831 66,108 71,810 93,850 64,548 50,542 87,042 101,330 63,058 81,471 59,730 61,083 70,661 67,031 83,982 131,079 57,823 58,983 141,126 52,139 117,910 70,202 98,937 93,772 86,047 95,894 77,534 117,308 97,345 61,882 55,612 74,746 75,451 54,221 60,816 112,185 51,724 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Kozicki, David H Krahn, Dorcas (Dori) S Krahn, John A Krakowka, Jacqueline A Krause, Judith A Krawchuk, Gregory W Krawetz, Wally Kreke, Lyle A Kreke, Regina E Kreuger, Cassandra L Kreuger, Traci A Kripki, Dana L Kristinsson, Hrolfur M Kropelnicky, Richard S Krowchenko, Heather D Krozser, Belinda E Kruesel, Michael B Kryszak, Kendra S Kryzanowski, Dean J Krzak, Pamela R Krzyzaniak, Jasen C Kucherhan, Al Kudryk, Robert P Kuemper, Brent A Kuemper, Justin K Kuffert, Chad E Kuhlen, Claudia Kukurudza, Warren J Kulpa, Wally J Kumar, Akhil Kuntz, Todd R Kuny, Brian G Kuny, Richard A R Kurczaba, Randy Kurmey, Donald S Kurmey, M. David Kurmey, Stacey D Kurulak, Della F Kusch, Cheslie C Kushnier, John M Kyowski-Bzdel, Gloria L Kyplain, Christopher E Sergeant Community Relations Coordinator (1st Class) Mechanical Supervisor Utility Worker I GIS Design Analyst Cross Connection Inspector Engineering Technologist 15 Operator Accounting Clerk 12 Programmer Analyst Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Senior Planner II Landscape Architect Health and Safety Superintendent Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Revenue Control Coordinator Utility Containers (Special Services) Landscape Development Coordinator Powerline Technician Accounting Clerk 12 Firefighter 2nd Class Equipment Operator IV Supervisor IV Sergeant Landfill Attendant Operator Operator Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Meter Reader Building Code Engineer Engineering Technologist 17 Sergeant Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Systems Analyst Station Captain Utility A Sr. Fire Dispatcher (10th Year) Executive Assistant Traffic Signing and Painting Senior Captain CPIC Shift Supervisor Operator Laberge, Jennifer M Laberge, Todd L LaBrash, Kim D Lacoursiere, George P Lacroix, Lynne LaFontaine, Adrian P Lafreniere, Lisa M LaFreniere, Troy S B Lagace, Romuald P Accounting Coordinator I Crane Operator Supervisor IV Bylaw Inspector 13 Manager, Community Development Utility Collections Operator Staff Sergeant Plant Manager Drafting Supervisor 26 $ 108,097 72,237 91,598 52,964 67,679 74,262 65,044 56,630 56,464 66,123 83,433 83,347 68,036 80,985 76,367 63,338 64,461 71,608 107,258 56,464 70,179 60,471 63,532 105,950 50,913 52,460 52,740 88,372 49,962 76,336 73,716 130,937 74,701 95,734 111,817 78,008 83,217 62,370 83,048 106,188 67,343 56,449 63,195 102,899 59,288 80,242 132,688 59,647 118,192 125,525 68,170 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Lagacy, Jason M E Lagasse, Darrell R Lagos, Luis R Laidlaw, Russell D Lalonde, Joel R Lam, Hal E Lam, Shall Lamabe, Jeannette M Lamb, Bonnie J Lambe, Matthew J Lancaster, D. Bradley Lander, Michael G Landry, Tony J Lang, Amber R Lange, Faye V Langen, Karen E Langenhoff, Bradley D Langston, Reg P Larmer, Bobbi-Daye Larner, Courtney L Larocque, Arnie Larocque, David A Larson, Angela Larson, Pamela D Larson, Robert R Laturnus, Joseph A Lau, Henry C Y Lavallee, Jamie D Lavallee, Tyson S Laverty, Terence Lawley, Donald Lawrence, David Lawrence, Gregory M Lawrence, Sylvia D Layton, Amy F Lazic, Goran Le Roux, Marthinus H Leach, Sharon M Leard, Gary M LeBoutillier, David W Lechner, Robert J LeClaire, Cameron B Ledoux, Clinton A Ledoux, Leroy J Ledray, Glenn W Lee, Dianne M Lee, Joseph P Lee, Roger W Leedahl, Derek Leedahl, Greg L Leedahl, Linda N Leibel, Garry Instrument Technician Systems Analyst Operator Sergeant Constable (10th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Planner 16 Accounting Clerk 12 Secretary III Constable 3rd Class (3rd Year) Parks Technician 12 Captain Constable (10th Year) Constable (10th Year) Customer Service Representative Engineering Technologist 17 Water System Operator Supervisor VI Human Resource Consultant II Special Constable (4th Year) Mechanical Shop Supervisor Sergeant Director, Finance and Operations, Mendel Art Gallery Planner 13 Operator Parks Technician 14 Senior Planner 21 Utility A Sergeant Sergeant Utility A (Roadways) Systems Analyst Building Inspector CPIC Operator CPIC Operator Traffic Operations Engineer Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Parks Superintendent Operations Assistant V Planning and Design Engineer Sergeant Utility A Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Utility B (Roadways) Battalion Chief Identification Records Clerk Senior Project Management Engineer Greenskeeper Captain Operator Buyer Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Labourer 27 $ 73,934 82,175 56,930 116,936 97,009 89,544 63,487 56,464 53,760 64,179 57,382 100,616 109,731 88,641 54,123 68,211 57,436 84,571 83,093 65,977 81,005 111,985 121,112 56,072 52,645 61,879 80,118 58,662 114,139 106,652 58,451 86,671 90,346 54,960 52,748 93,190 90,926 75,859 65,064 93,190 104,798 67,487 88,388 54,848 110,000 56,464 88,701 69,013 100,433 52,167 59,524 50,647 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Leibel, Neil P Leigh, Michael E Leith, Rory Lemaire, Darren J LeMay-Becker, Chantal Lemke, Brendan M Lengyel, Erin L Leniuk, Jason R Lenius, Corey B Lens, Bram Leonard, Verne H Leon-Fuentes, Cristian A LePage, Marc A LePage, Mark J Lepard, Anita L Lepine, Lealand J Leschyshyn, Dennis Letendre, Carey J Leuschen, Candice M Leuschen, Carla M Leuschen, Robert W Levesque, Jody J Levesque, Michel R Lewendon, David J Lewendon, Jennifer L Li, Serene S F Li, Yamin (Thomas) Libke, Adam J Libke, Mike J Liebrecht, Dean C Lieffers, Luke E Lim, Alan Linares, Omar V Lind, Roxanne J Lindberg, Russell (Jason) Lindsay, James W Linklater, Grant K Lisson, Dylan M Listoe, John S Listoe, Pamela J Little, Grant W Liu, Jian Lodoen, Raymond D Loewen, Gregory M Lofdahl, William N Logie-Sigfusson, Leslie L Lohneis, Jim E Long, Elaine L Long, Frank A Longair, Barbara E Longley, Tammy L Longworth, Randy S Engineering Technician Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Mechanic Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable (10th Year) Engineering and Technical Support Manager Clerk Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Sergeant Operator Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Utility B (Roadways) Electronics Storekeeper Firefighter (7th Year) Building Inspector Utility A (Roadways) Utility C (Roadways) GIS Technologist Legal Secretary Research Coordinator Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Mechanic Patrolman / Service Truck Operator CPIC Operator Accounting Coordinator I Electrician (Journeyman) Firefighter 3rd Class Community Initiatives Manager Sergeant Programmer Analyst Operator Powerline Technician Systems and Training Coordinator Firefighter (7th Year) Battalion Chief Sergeant Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Parks Supervisor Operations Analyst Sergeant Programmer Analyst Preparator Operator Chief Executive Officer, Credit Union Centre Traffic Operations Technologist Systems Analyst Secretary V Land Bank Manager Fine Arts Coordinator Event Coordinator Operator 28 $ 79,723 88,716 68,792 91,466 74,232 113,500 54,158 88,869 122,356 52,603 90,969 52,901 57,431 86,448 59,989 51,126 53,543 62,585 51,653 51,659 68,458 95,049 77,118 83,268 56,230 79,301 90,379 61,339 86,903 111,487 72,511 80,057 100,352 75,321 86,212 68,241 115,502 72,799 70,303 57,205 119,763 70,306 61,546 55,467 133,900 60,953 83,183 66,342 115,582 55,745 50,569 54,253 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Longworth, Tammy A M Loran, Pamela A Lord, Arthur J M Loucks, Dean Q Loughran, Ian Louttit, Ernie T Love, Scott B Lovick, Jonn Low, Barry J Lowndes, Cy G Lozinsky, Bradley L Lu, Raymond Lu, Thomas Lucas, Barbara Lucas, Dwight J Lucas, Kevin B Lucier, Dion R Lucyk, Brandon W Lucyk, David W Lucyshyn, Brent J Lucyshyn, Dwayne A Lucyshyn, Justin M J Lund, Neilson A Lupkoski, Brian A Luskey, Danny G Lutzer, Brian E Ly, Henry H Lynch, Blaine W Lynden, Brock M Lynn, Terry D Lyons, Glen A Lyrette, Anthony J CPIC Operator Project Engineer Community Consultant Large Meter Installer/Tester Energy and Sustainability Engineering Manager Sergeant Powerline Technician Engineering Technologist 15 Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Operator Firefighter 1st Class Body Repairman (Non-Journeyman) Programmer Analyst Customer Service Representative Stage Carpenter Captain Utility A Firefighter 2nd Class Senior Captain Fire Service Instructor Charter Coordinator Firefighter 3rd Class Sergeant Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Parks Supervisor Constable (10th Year) Sergeant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility B (Roadways) Operator Water and Sewer Trouble Ma, Junyuan (John) Macala, Agnes (Ness) M Macala, Marvin A Macala, Stanley MacDougall, Michael J MacGillivray, Marlene A Mack, Chelsey J Mack, Steven J Mack, Thomas J MacKay, Ingrid F MacKenzie, Corridawne S V Mackie, Thomas A MacNeill, Shannon B MacNeill, Shelley G Maddaford, Farley B Mager, Luke F Mah, Kim K Maier, Carol J Makeechak, Philip E Programmer Analyst HRIS Administrator Relief Shop Supervisor Assistant Parks Supervisor Water and Sewer Trouble Accounting Coordinator I Human Resource Consultant III Firefighter 1st Class Meter Installer (Shift) Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Senior Fire Inspector Plant Operator Recreation Technician 8 Staff Sergeant Mechanic (Journeyman) Operator Training and Promotions Coordinator Fire Inspector Level VIII 29 $ 56,497 80,345 73,499 63,133 95,981 121,964 76,016 80,695 105,342 53,891 84,539 58,723 78,972 54,123 61,797 98,470 66,397 70,169 106,371 105,920 56,123 60,635 110,936 67,829 86,872 64,136 91,786 104,155 92,121 61,290 51,410 57,352 68,840 59,943 62,183 67,793 65,776 78,588 87,192 74,681 60,189 53,605 85,111 93,914 92,378 54,265 119,406 83,451 51,910 61,147 91,496 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Maki, Brett Makulowich, Chad M Malanowich, Chad M P Malkowich, Douglas R Maloney, Matthew Mamer, Troy D Manaois, Elmer Manaois, Elpidio Mann, Janice A Mann, Jonathon P Mann, Leonard G Manning, John R Mantyka, Elaine O Marchand, Keith A Marchildon, Sarah Marchuk, Randal L Marek, Andrew P Mark, Reynold E Markus, Jon T Markwart, Richelle Marlatte, Bruce G Marshak, Jason M Martel, Karin K Martens, Gary R Martfeld, Wyatt A Martin, Brendan A Martin, Christopher F Martin, Christopher J Martin, Daniel J Martin, James Martin, Janice D Martin, John W Martin, Kerrie A Martin, Nicholas Martin, Randy Martin, Scot C Martin, Tara M Martinez, Cruz Martinka, Colin R Marushak, Doug Marzolf, Vernon E Maslen, Robert V Mason, Erin S Masuskapoe, Roddy C Materi, Tyson R Mather, Fay E Matheson, Kimberley A Matheson, Perry R Mathiason, Sarah J Mathieu, Ann-Marie Matieshin, Dale Matieshin, Matthew E Sergeant Firefighter (7th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Mechanic Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Curatorial Assistant Operator Operator City Clerk Constable 3rd Class (3rd Year) Sergeant Solicitor III Special Constable (5th Year) Mechanic (Journeyman) Executive Director (Broadway BID) Time Clerk Constable 4th Class (2nd Year) IT Security Administrator Planning and COMPSTAT Manager Supervisor VI Engineering Technologist 17 Accounting Coordinator I Special Constable (5th Year) Commercial Building Inspector Firefighter 2nd Class Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Operator Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Body Repairman (Journeyman) Operator Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Fire Dispatcher 1st Class Drafting Technologist 13 Constable 3rd Class (3rd Year) Sergeant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility C (Roadways) Firefighter (7th Year) Operations Superintendent Engineering Technologist 15 Operator Drafting Technologist 15 Water System Operator Apprentice Mechanic Clerk Manager, Occupational Health and Safety Access Transit Supervisor Programmer Analyst Deputy Director, Planning and Support Services Building Custodian 3 Special Constable (4th Year) 30 $ 105,432 87,183 94,344 90,763 103,958 58,806 57,438 55,342 151,660 66,171 86,543 143,198 73,380 81,584 57,459 61,010 59,173 92,649 82,793 64,046 83,477 65,660 73,902 80,087 70,304 78,085 82,822 54,377 74,323 58,798 55,252 87,827 88,023 54,568 64,277 92,235 88,479 54,573 86,102 93,709 65,135 58,342 62,228 56,698 65,732 56,595 115,718 66,955 69,237 105,610 50,641 75,119 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Matlock, Keith J Matschke, Bryan G Matt, Shirley A Matthies, Harold P Matyas, James F Maxwell, Sandra L Mazurak, Cara D Mazurek, Graham M McAdam, Brent L McAuley, Warren W McAvoy, Bradley R McAvoy, Rolanda V McBain, Ed McBride, Cameron G McCabe, Bryan K McCaig, Scott D McCall, Arthur R McCallen, Sean M McCallum, Donald Glen McCannell, Andrew J McCarthy, Calvin R McCarthy, Wanita D McCorkell, Keith A McCormick, Eron E McCrea, Todd D McDonald, Caitlin C McDonald, Glen C McDonald, James F McDonald, Randall W McDougall, Reginald N McDougall, Ryan R H McEwan, Bradley J McFadzen, Teresa L McFarland, Erin McFarlane, Ashley S McFie, Rian J McGhee, Larry A McGillivray, David McGillivray, Douglas D McHarg, Judy L McHarg, Kim D McIntosh, Sherry L McIvor, Adelle E McKay, Norma J McKay, Randy J McKay, Richard G McKee, Dave O McKenzie, David S McKenzie, Michelle L McKenzie, Rod R McKerlie, Tracey A McKinlay, Shelley Supervisor II Resident Building Operator CUC Traffic Management Engineer Operations Manager Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Staff Sergeant Accounting Clerk 12 Operator Planner 13 Firefighter 2nd Class Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Sergeant Supervisor VI Sergeant Manager, Information Technology Services Property Agent Utility Worker II Firefighter 1st Class Building Inspector Planning and Design Engineer Corporate Accounting Manager Sergeant Trainer Fire Service Instructor URD Foreman Human Resource Consultant I Senior Planning Engineer Power Electrician Foreman Programmer Analyst Metering Technician Building Operator Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Credit and Collections Representative Clerk 10 Constable Prob Yr (2nd 6 Months) Systems Analyst Operator Support and Operations Manager Bylaw Inspector 15 Staff Sergeant Building Inspector Zookeeper Credit and Collections Representative Fire Inspector Level VIII Assessment Appraiser Traffic Signing and Painting Pest Management Supervisor Staff Sergeant Senior Assessment Appraiser Vehicle and Equipment Manager Captain Inspector 31 $ 82,217 92,130 94,586 103,585 93,248 117,237 56,767 52,045 55,538 70,159 93,689 104,827 99,407 118,472 79,999 70,085 62,232 75,494 57,770 84,129 103,303 119,796 61,840 96,565 113,202 67,232 88,181 100,501 70,736 88,139 60,913 87,369 54,139 51,911 88,357 89,794 53,897 92,649 71,087 114,323 75,806 59,895 53,900 84,334 67,889 56,689 65,987 120,010 68,316 101,274 100,455 159,571 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS McKinna, Dave G McLane, John Paul J McLaren, Brian McLaughlin, Douglas I McLaughlin, Neil A McLean, Michael F McLean, Raymond G McLeod, Geoffrey D McLeod, Robert B McLeod, Wendy C McMillan, Grant B McNair, Joel D McNairn, Kelly B McNeely, Michael R McNeil, Douglas M McNeil, Melanie A McPhail, Calvin B McPhee, Don L McRae, Joanne G McRobb, Jane E McRobbie, Norman G McRorie, Sheryl G McShane, Tyson B McVittie, George (Sandy) A McWillie, Eugene R Meadows, Jason M A Meckelborg, Keith J Meddins, Patricia L Medernach, Ted Medinski, Gregory P Medrano, Alda A Medrano, Guillermo A Medrano, Gustavo E Meek, Robert N Megaw, William D Meggs, Kerry Meginbir, Randy W Meier, Dione L Meinema, Jeremy T Melchiorre, Marina M Mellor, Warren D Melnychuk, Darrell L Melnychuk, Donna Melnychuk, Tyler J E Melnyk, Roxane L Mercredi, Michel Merkosky, Christine M Meszaros, Bernie A Meyers, Kristian S Meyers, Reginald Michasiw, Ken W Michell, Justin J Electrical Engineering Technologist II Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Machinist (Journeyman) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Apprentice Powerline Technician Constable (10th Year) Firefighter (10th Year) Parks Superintendent Firefighter 1st Class Communication Consultant II Constable (10th Year) Firefighter (7th Year) Firefighter (10th Year) Communications Technologist Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 4th Class (2nd Year) Operations Superintendent Capital and Operating Projects Manager Secretary IV Information Services Coordinator Water and Sewer Labourer Director of Ticketing and Business Projects, CUC Senior Planner 21 Engineering Technologist 15 Maintenance Engineer Programmer Analyst Sergeant Branch Supervisor Powerline Technician Wastewater Inspector Clerk 10 Asphalt Raker Utility B (Roadways) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Metering Technician Equipment Operator IV Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Finance and Sales Manager Infrastructure Engineer Senior Captain Operator Director of Sales, TCU Place Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Facility Supervisor Recreation Technician 13 Building Inspector Utility B (Roadways) Utility A Supervisor VI Senior Captain Constable 1st Class (5th Year) 32 $ 86,537 96,575 68,773 93,176 75,951 99,311 87,710 89,105 84,054 71,336 100,334 85,368 86,179 79,837 90,537 57,594 62,264 89,707 57,854 63,403 69,501 103,939 74,303 85,977 117,921 69,310 104,139 53,214 101,990 58,446 50,940 59,078 57,719 90,895 96,624 66,128 88,716 81,402 74,594 80,719 104,359 52,614 96,944 78,152 76,880 59,113 69,214 55,966 72,758 58,362 102,884 90,466 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Middleton, John P Miklautsch, Cole W Mikytyshyn, Maurice J Millard, Barb Miller, Arron S Miller, Elisabeth Miller, Patrick S Miller, Philip W Mills, Mary-Dee Minor, Leonard R Mireau, Claude P Miskolczi, Andrew A Mitchell, Candace D Mitchener, Lindsey B K Mitzel, Brian R Miyashita, Stephen N Mochoruk, Jack A Moehler, Richard M Moellenbeck, Michael M Mogenson, Robert (Glen) Mohan, Randy R Mohninger, Laura A Molberg, Nicole L Moline, Donna M Mollison, Ian S Molnar, Peter-Joseph W Moncur, Robert S Mongovius, Douglas W Mongovius, Pat K Monk, Ian R Montes, Arnold D R Montgomery, Julie N Montgomery, Kevin W Monvado, Florinda Mooney, Dan C Moore, Bruce S Moore, Christine C Moore, Christopher D Moore-Wright, Jonathan E Moorhouse, Bonnie M Moorhouse, Glenn C Moran, John Morgan, Corey K Morgan, Kerry B Morgan, Mark J Morin, Judith Morley, Shelley (Jackie) L Morris, Dwight E Morrison, Dallas F Morrison, L. Neil Morson, Keith Moser, Aaron P Staff Sergeant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Superintendent Special Projects Corporate Payroll Supervisor Information Technology Consultant Senior Planner 21 Operator Plant Operator Meter Installer II Senior Electronic Communications Technician Captain Client Services Sales Coordinator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Asset Planning Technologist Sergeant Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Stores Supervisor Operator Accounting Coordinator I Electronic Technician Supervisor VI Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Constable (10th Year) Accounting Clerk 12 Firefighter 1st Class Firefighter (7th Year) Corporate Support Services Manager Operator Access Transit Operator Buyer Constable 1st Class (5th Year) CPIC Shift Supervisor Sergeant HRIS Administrator Stage Lighting Technician Powerline Technician Customer Service Representative Wastewater Inspector Information Management Consultant CPIC Shift Supervisor Mechanic Supervisor Facility Supervisor (Zoo) Programmer Analyst Facility Operator Sergeant Treasury Systems Manager Service Supervisor Buyer Operations Superintendent Operator Facilities Superintendent Constable 1st Class (5th Year) 33 $ 145,551 87,773 89,052 68,965 85,484 77,534 53,336 92,705 72,396 62,699 96,576 56,730 98,721 74,304 109,247 88,716 61,283 52,137 69,843 90,614 66,309 76,074 97,728 63,424 74,671 82,474 98,258 80,297 52,085 54,865 107,498 57,427 127,958 52,716 65,090 95,891 54,123 51,994 94,700 64,385 88,796 88,580 68,486 50,739 113,314 79,640 63,041 80,412 71,347 52,530 81,423 84,462 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Moser, Moira L Moskal, Ken A Moss, Gregory W Mostoway, Maureen Mostoway, Patrick J Mudasia, Joseph A Muller, Darryl J Mundell, Chris R Mundell, Troy E Munro, Russell O Murdaugh, Willie T Murdock, Neil N Murphy, Christopher G Murphy, Travis D Murray, Brad W Murray, Carl J Murray, Matthew J Murray, Trent M Myall, Alicia N Myers, Ryan A Greenhouse Technician 11 Metering Technician Building and Grounds Labourer Customer Service Supervisor Supervisor VI Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Power Electrician Systems Analyst Programmer Analyst Maintenance Engineer Water and Sewer Trouble Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Operator Land Development Project Manager Landscape and Walkway Labourer Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Engineering Technologist 15 Marketing Coordinator Utility A (Roadways) Nachtegaele, Jeffrey G Nadon, Anthony J Nahachewsky, David M Nahachewsky, Steven G Naqvi, Syed S Nash, Katherine E Navrot, Heather E Navrot, Spade B Neault, Aaron O Nelson, Jared R Nelson, Linette E Nelson, Rhett L Nelson, Steven L Nelson, Tatum A B Nemanishen, Michelle J Nemeth, Anthony J Nesbitt, Donald (Ben) A Ness, Chad T Nett, Terence J Neufeld, Arthur L Neufeld, Rodney A Neufeld-Churchman, Amber S D Neufeldt, Kevin D Neufeldt, Spencer D Newell, Heather J Newlove, Blaine A Newnham, Yvonne L Ng, John (Johnathan) G H Nguyen, Minh B Nguyen, Ryan Khac Nha Nichols, Kristi B Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Sergeant Battalion Chief Firefighter (7th Year) Project Engineer Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Sergeant Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Maintenance Engineer Electrical Engineering Technologist II Assistant Plant Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Special Constable (3rd Year) Special Constable (10th Year) Captain Permit Supervisor Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Operator GIS Technologist Engineering and Technical Support Manager Special Constable (5th Year) Operator Operator Open Space Consultant Building Inspector CPIC Operator Special Constable (4th Year) Quality Assurance Technician Firefighter 1st Class CPIC Operator 34 $ 51,655 93,582 56,115 59,946 75,636 96,142 82,791 94,801 70,393 88,811 66,785 52,786 78,351 62,469 83,744 50,938 90,287 63,487 62,860 57,991 86,803 115,417 117,009 84,613 89,305 90,061 90,787 108,033 80,448 84,863 84,212 77,553 96,504 61,394 94,958 100,702 79,125 90,355 58,587 59,259 109,120 78,308 54,288 55,436 61,450 80,496 57,048 64,048 101,209 76,622 58,606 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Nickel, David M Nixey, Maryanne L T Noble, Jeremy R Noesgaard, Kai P Nogier, Patrick G Nolan, Chad W Nordmarken, Michael D T Nordstrom, Gregory D Norman, William (Bill) A Norris, Cindy L Northcott, Bradford J Nowosad, Lisa M Noyes, Roger A Nunweiler, Sarah M Nupdal, Trisha L Nyen, Justine M Nyirfa, Craig A Firefighter 1st Class Clerk 10 Programmer Analyst Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Staff Sergeant Constable (10th Year) Programmer Analyst Operator Police Fleet Supervisor Accounting Clerk 12 Operator Constable (10th Year) Sergeant Marketing Manager Roadway Activity Coordinator Traffic Safety Engineer Sergeant O'Brien, J. Jeffrey O'Brien, Kathy J O'Brien, Lori C Obst, Grant R Ochitwa, Kory M Odishaw, Trevor D Odorico, Loretta Oftebro, Keith S O'Keefe, Gary A Olafson, Kelly P Olenchuk, Michael J Olenchuk, Spencer M Olexyn, Dustin S Olfert, James D Olfert, Roanne E Oliver, James R Olson, Boyd D Olson, Lisa A Olson, Lisa R Olson, Regan T Olson, Wendy Olver, Greg M Olynyk, Clifford D Ong, Jamie C H Opheim, Chris A Opheim, Perry J Orchard, Marjorie J Orr, Donald T Orsen, Gary L Osachuk, Landon W Ostrander, Jim E Ostrosky, Laurie C Ottenbreit, Dale Ottenbreit, Ryan S Archivist Committee Assistant Clerk-Steno 11 Staff Sergeant Sergeant Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Facility Supervisor Facility Operator Utility A Constable (10th Year) Powerline Technician Apprentice Powerline Technician Senior Project Management Engineer Engineering Technologist 15 Operator Sergeant Building and Grounds Foreman Director of Human Resources, Saskatoon Police Service Special Constable (10th Year) Environmental Protection Officer Utility Billing Supervisor Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility Collections Operator Preparator Human Resource Consultant II Apprentice Powerline Technician Utility C (Roadways) Constable 3rd Class (3rd Year) Engineering Technologist 15 Mechanic Senior Captain GIS Design Analyst 35 $ 83,018 51,782 61,982 103,033 122,068 107,325 70,046 54,243 64,553 56,659 54,007 95,648 111,383 66,529 78,748 59,688 122,409 68,170 61,139 54,123 119,375 125,298 91,879 86,816 56,203 86,727 104,641 126,742 63,047 91,739 63,458 56,215 114,112 66,724 129,840 76,466 64,572 65,768 88,907 63,714 89,785 59,338 62,138 83,472 70,295 54,858 65,467 86,481 84,754 106,599 68,170 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Ottley, Shelly K Special Constable (5th Year) Pacheco, Rouel U Page, Jocelyne H Page, Les Painchaud, Cindy Paliy, Ivan Palmer, Barbara G Palmer, Leslee Palyvos, John Pampu, David A Panamaroff, Edward P Pannell, Bernard R Papouches, Anastasia Papunen, Gary S Paquette, Ryan N Parenteau, Franklin A Parenteau, Lynnette M Parish, Curtis G Parisien, Darren M Park, Jeffery J Parker Moore, Shannon D Parker, Frederick W Parker, Vicki D Parkvold, Lauren Parnell, Larry Parranto, Preston P Parsley, Raymond Pascoe, William (Bill) C Pasiechnik, Kevin K Pasitney, David Pattanashetty, Ashish Patterson, David R Patterson, Debra A Paulsen, Dan P Paulson-Huebert, Sherry Y Paur, Camela G Pawluk, Donna M Peacock, Kevin E Peakman, Jason R Pearson, Bruce D Peberdy, Tanner B Pedersen, Gary A Pedersen, Joel N Pederson, Darcy J Pela, Roman Pellerin, Blair P Pelletier, Cory L Pelletier, George Penner, Brent H Penner, Rob L Penny, Richard D Operator Parks Technician 14 Operator Roadway Activity Coordinator Operator Branch Head Building Custodian 3 Operator Carpenter Constable (10th Year) Deputy Police Chief Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Mechanic (Journeyman) Building Inspector Sergeant Sergeant Powerline Technician Sergeant Golf Course Equipment Service Technician Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility A Accounting Clerk 12 Painter Traffic Signals Technologist II Constable (10th Year) Building and Grounds Maintenance Carpenter (Journeyman) Carpenter Mechanic Station Captain Design Engineer Relief Operator Municipal Prosecutor General Manager, Fire and Protective Services Bylaw Inspector 15 Guest Services Coordinator Special Constable (10th Year) Manager, Corporate Information Services Mechanic (Journeyman) Recreation Site Administrator Apprentice Powerline Technician Parks Supervisor Sergeant Operator Operator Sergeant Utility A (Roadways) Building and Grounds Foreman Staff Sergeant Concrete Finisher Inspector 36 $ 77,208 56,885 53,662 53,906 77,426 65,773 86,457 51,665 60,314 66,525 98,082 181,650 94,145 86,008 77,700 110,372 104,377 77,626 116,308 57,657 86,254 66,197 56,464 61,382 83,534 106,724 71,811 66,228 76,928 108,688 61,172 53,408 63,487 132,212 72,856 59,943 75,189 143,198 73,257 74,691 81,392 67,206 105,899 51,578 73,227 133,118 53,318 74,558 110,653 60,228 163,905 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Penteluke, Kyle R Penteluke, Lyle G Pepin, Lorraine B Peppler, Leonard D Perrett, Linda M Perrin, Allison (Allie) Pert, Lyle J Perverseff, Timothy T Pesenti, Jennifer L Peters, Donavan G Peters, Leonard N Peters, Paul C Peters, Stanley W Peters, Wesley J Petersen, Dean K Peterson, Douglas J Petrachek, Cory S Petrie, Patrick M Petro, James (Lyle) Petrovicz, Derek P Petrucha, Rick E Petrun, Dale J T Pettigrew, Alexandra (Sandy) Pewapisconias, Brennan A Pfeifer, Bill Pfeifer, John W Pfeifer, Shannon C Pfeil, Jason T Pfeil, Keith M Phelps, Brad J Phipps, Barbara A Phipps, Leslie A Piche, Adrien L Piche, Dawn R Pidgurski, Ken S Pidhaychuk, Bradley A Piecowye, Herb Pierlot, Evan (Butch) A Pilkey, Laurie M Pingue, Hugh M Piprell, Aaron J Piska, David L Pitzel, Paul H Planchot, Mark P Plantje, John F Plessl, Walter E Pocha, Kenneth G Podiluk, Edward Joseph Poglod, Jaroslaw (Jarek) Pohler, Adam S Poilievre, Constant P Poitras, Justin N Assistant Plant Operator Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Pool Technician Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Victim Services Supervisor Drafting Technologist 13 Plant Operator Operator Marketing Manager Operator Operator Water System Operator Utility C (Roadways) Constable (10th Year) Schedules Planner II Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Facilities Technician Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Programmer Analyst Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Carpenter Business Systems and Project Supervisor Accounting Clerk 12 Power Electrician Assessment Appraiser Labourer Accounting Clerk 12 Sergeant Real Estate Manager Utility A (Roadways) Customer Services Manager Mechanical Maintenance Foreman Operator Sr. Fire Dispatcher (10th Year) Station Captain Water and Sewer Labourer Supervisor VI Electrician Assessment Appraiser Sign Maker Sergeant Operator Sergeant Community Consultant Fire Inspector Level VIII Maintenance Manager Business Systems and Project Supervisor Service Supervisor Operator Apprentice Powerline Technician Firefighter (10th Year) Power Electrician 37 $ 79,260 92,382 51,216 94,296 68,170 56,787 76,173 55,459 64,149 54,916 58,562 52,796 59,343 95,919 56,576 92,215 84,251 89,944 66,764 86,227 56,840 62,855 56,464 80,171 70,672 50,921 50,430 106,745 97,279 73,058 83,982 85,868 61,241 81,202 107,705 65,509 69,933 65,829 67,764 64,882 106,130 52,683 111,041 73,237 93,775 99,230 64,997 63,012 82,202 66,551 87,042 103,055 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Pollard, Mitchell E Polsfut, Travis L Pomazon, Garry R Pongracz, Dean J Popoff, Orin M Porteous, Jenny L Porter, Patrick R Porter, Scott E Postnikoff, Kim J Potter, Glen H Potter, Matthew D Pouliot, Leslie L Pouliot, Luc A Poundmaker, R. C. Shawn Powell, Ann L Powiada, Michael A Pozniak, Charlene J Pozniak, Gregory L Prang, Colin A Pratt, Stephanie A Prediger, Lavern Predinchuk, Peter P Prefontaine, Daniel J Prefontaine, Gerald E Prentice, David Press, Andrew J Prima, Blaire O Primeau, Heather J Prince-LeBlanc, Lorraine (Lori) C Pringle, Darren R Pringle, Dean G Procyshyn, Giles J Prosofsky, Tyler J Protz, Jayson M Protz, Lenny P Prychak, Micheal T Prystupa, Bernie F Prytula, Brian Prytula, Jeff T Pshebylo, Randy Pura, Astrid L Pura, Steven E Purich, Carol L Service Supervisor Asphalt Raker Operator Powerline Technician Equipment Utilityman Time Clerk Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Plumber Supervisor IV Electronic Technician Mechanic (Journeyman) Firefighter (7th Year) Plumber Utility Budget and Financial Services Coordinator Sergeant Special Constable (10th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Asset Preservation Manager Pay and Benefits Coordinator Plumber Utility Shift Supervisor Captain Drainage Inspector Trouble/Service Powerline Technician Water and Sewer Trouble Senior Planner 21 Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Fire Dispatcher 1st Class Sergeant Sergeant Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Firefighter 2nd Class Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Engineering Technologist 15 Mechanic (Journeyman) Facilities Technician Executive Director (Riversdale BID) Sergeant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Executive Support, Mayor's Office Quail, Eric W Quan, Edward Quayle, Sharon R Quon, Teresa M Project Engineer Powerline Foreman Clerk 11 Manager, Business Administration 94,250 129,744 53,428 107,177 Rachul, Arthur L Rachul, Christopher W Racicot, Devon W Sign Maker Apprentice Powerline Technician Sergeant 64,766 64,057 118,021 38 $ 61,583 53,563 51,548 76,720 51,477 55,338 88,945 71,271 58,801 98,564 79,060 84,235 65,272 50,390 81,749 107,369 92,126 91,994 93,813 62,795 67,979 63,022 100,476 65,829 107,660 59,609 65,964 78,819 84,889 116,775 111,501 77,714 86,837 70,163 101,076 88,716 72,705 73,388 62,800 59,154 123,098 88,292 83,093 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Radke, Amy E Radu, Mark B Raeber, Rochelle M M Rainville, Derek A.G. Rainville, Kelly R Ralston, Michael J Ramage, Jay O Ramage, Mark E Ramler, Jordan M Ramos, Venerando (Randy) C Ramsay, Wesley A Rapko, Rita J Rathgeber, Kevin B Rathwell, Patrick W Rauckman, Meghan D Rawlyk, Donna M Rayner, William M Rea, Doug Reddekopp, Clifford F Reddekopp, Collin J Reddekopp, Gary D Redekop, Shelley J Redekopp, Christopher J Redekopp, Regan J Redl, Rodney J Rees, Gerald Reese, Wes L Regan, Cindy M Regan, Susan M Regier, David W Regier, Matthew D Regnier, Vince Reichel, Cheryl D Reid, Gordon P Reid, Heather A Reid, Norrie J Reid, Rodney J Reid, Timothy M Reinhart, Ashlin J Reinhart, Lowell B Reisinger, Walter M Rempel, B. Kim Rempel, Dennis D R Rempel, Kylin W G Renfer, David D Repesse, James B Repesse, Tonya M Reschny, Colton Reschny, Mike J Rewuski, Lindsey E S Rey, Arlene M Reynolds, Judy A Special Constable (10th Year) Operator Branch Head Constable (10th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Captain Mechanic (Journeyman) Captain Drafting Technologist 13 Engineering Technologist 15 Staff Sergeant Operator Systems Analyst Sergeant Records Management Technician Executive Secretary Station Captain Senior Captain Supervisor VI Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Mechanic Special Constable (5th Year) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Firefighter (10th Year) Supervisor VI Parks Superintendent Facility Operations Supervisor Equipment Operator IV Operator Meter Installer II Environmental Management System Coodinator Resident Building Operator Utility B (Roadways) Greenskeeper Accounting Clerk 12 Special Constable (2nd Year) Parks Supervisor Station Captain Firefighter (7th Year) Infrastructure Analyst Senior Captain Engineering Technician Operator Utility Contract Administrator Sergeant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Firefighter (7th Year) Sr. Fire Dispatcher (15th Year) Communication Assistant Accounting Clerk 12 Bylaw Inspector 15 39 $ 73,823 58,645 86,457 89,539 88,377 100,558 78,017 100,865 57,872 81,840 106,131 63,739 78,279 114,399 52,139 66,836 72,370 104,618 82,386 73,581 80,174 74,097 91,361 88,235 74,579 90,092 60,187 60,339 54,607 71,207 68,262 64,401 61,567 70,003 80,036 53,137 66,027 108,803 85,533 66,194 104,685 68,915 53,488 54,703 62,587 105,449 75,238 85,368 89,789 55,866 56,644 71,042 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Reynolds, Robert J Rhodes, Christopher C Riabko, Mitchell D Richard, Trevor J Richards, Christopher J Richards, Darren D Richards, Jami L Richards, Kathy Richards, Steven M Richelhof, Dylan L Richert, Murray G Richter, Howard Richter, Jo-Anne M Rieger, Andrea A Rieger, Jared P Riemer, Timothy Riley, William (Bill) T Rings, Justin J Rioux, Rhonda M Ritchie, Tim G Ritz, Kevin S Ritza, Andrew C Roach, Donald C Robert, Shannon L Roberts, Andrew M Robertson, Kevin Robertson, Kevin R Robertson, Raymond G Robertson, Sheila A Robertson, Stacey T Robinson, Jamie W Robinson, Perry S Roblin, Mark C Robson, Jason P Robson, Kimberley E A Rodger, Wayne P Rodgers, Roy J Rodriguez, Leonel H Roesler, Steve P Roesler, Tyler S Rogstad, R. Mark Rohachuk, Lois Rolleston, Betty A Rollheiser, Leanne C Rolph, Owen J Romanow, Wendy L Rorick, Jason A Ross, Richard T Rossmann, Barry H Roth, Daniel J Roth, Mark E Rothenburger, Richard N Senior Captain Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Manager, Transit Water System Operator Project Engineer Operator Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Special Constable (10th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Relief Operator Maintenance Assistant Instrument Technician Senior Planner II Accounting Clerk 12 Constable 3rd Class (3rd Year) Biosolids Foreman Station Captain Maintenance Technician Clerk-Steno 11 Assessment Valuation Operations Manager Senior Captain Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Registrar Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Facility Supervisor (Golf Courses) Power Electrician Building Inspector Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Communication Coordinator Firefighter (10th Year) Access Transit Manager Zookeeper Firefighter (7th Year) Utility A Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Fire Marshal (2nd Year) Constable (17th Year) Operator Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Firefighter 1st Class Communication Consultant Small Systems Supervisor Storekeeper SIMS Supervisor Firefighter (10th Year) Payroll Coordinator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility C (Roadways) Solicitor III Firefighter 2nd Class Firefighter (7th Year) Resident Building Operator 40 $ 105,612 92,181 146,569 54,987 82,764 51,977 72,365 86,798 93,368 80,405 60,416 94,561 80,449 56,529 64,779 99,711 108,803 74,592 54,453 117,930 104,865 97,471 60,968 88,716 84,530 101,884 68,288 87,684 64,065 86,253 89,122 57,495 86,083 59,127 76,511 106,112 70,910 68,297 88,888 83,712 71,262 66,174 80,556 58,806 87,778 58,806 87,359 56,860 143,198 70,353 84,048 67,475 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Rozon, Damien A Rudd, Kimberly L Ruddick, Kerry D Ruddick, Sherry L Rumak, Lonnie G Rumpel, Dave W Runquist, Cal Rupchan, Velda C Rurak, Brad G Rusnell, Roland C Russell, Christopher M Rutar, Candace M Ryan, Jennifer S Ryan, Michael Rybchinski, Gordon N Rysavy, Scott D Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Interior Design Consultant Sergeant Director of Central Records and Asset Management, Police Electrician Deputy Fire Chief Machine Operator Clerk 10 Plumbing Inspector Supervisor VI Firefighter 1st Class Adult/YA Librarian Youth Services Coordinator Body Repairman (Journeyman) Arborist Operator Saccucci, Keith A Sach, Richard W Sackmann, Debby R Sackmann, Murray W Sader, Darrell B Sadlowski, Shawn P Sadownick, Nathan T Sadowski, Michael J Salahub, Emery D P Salahub, Morris Salisbury, Lorriene D Salmon, Kevin J Salt, Lorraine G Salzl, Keith A Sampson, Derek K Sampson, Robert S Samson, Randy N J Sander, Ryan M Sanders, Bradley R Sanders, Donald W Sanders, Faye I Sanderson, Alfred Sanderson, Jeffrey A Sankovic, Sinisa Santoro, Dominic Santos-Vargas, Felicitas (Fay) A Sargent, Jonathan E Saric, Gavrilo Sasakamoose Kuffner, Becky A Sasbrink-Harkema, Sietse (Allen) Sasse, Barbara J Sauer, Jeff P Saunders, Jason E Saunders, Steven B Savino, Jesse Design Assistant 15 Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Clerk-Steno 11 Recreation Site Administrator Powerline Technician Environmental Technologist Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Design Engineer Firefighter (7th Year) Utility C (Roadways) System Trainer Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Technical Services Coordinator Sergeant Programmer Analyst Constable (10th Year) Mechanic Construction Services Manager Equipment Operator II Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Special Constable (10th Year) Utility C (Roadways) Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Operator Parks Technician 14 Clerical Supervisor 13 Machine Operator Senior Project Management Engineer Race Relations Coordinator Building and Grounds Labourer Secretary IV Coliseum Operator Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Powerline Foreman Meter Reader 41 $ 92,340 62,298 106,865 115,121 66,268 128,021 90,659 51,782 92,640 66,637 83,694 52,487 53,622 59,711 51,740 51,477 63,545 85,479 54,799 72,852 109,700 68,579 96,746 66,227 85,530 70,476 55,453 93,153 58,866 104,523 69,671 102,989 79,526 74,230 51,184 87,624 76,084 55,991 87,042 71,579 61,436 58,806 83,617 97,814 69,926 51,916 59,943 62,903 77,449 119,805 51,649 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Savoie, Patricia E Sawatsky, Tammy C M Sawchuk, Gregory R Sawchyn, Matthew Sawyshyn, Robert W Sayer, Gregory E Sayers, Christen M Scaddan, Terry Scanlan, Michael S Scarrow, Traci G Schaan, Janice R Schaefer, Clayton V Schafer, Karl J Schafer, Michael J Schafer, Terry R Scharbach, David G Schatkoske, Kevin K Schatz, Dani Scheibe, Paul D Scheirich, Jason T Schellenberg, Brent M Schenn, Jeffrey J Schindel, Jordan W Schlechte, Judy A Schlosser, Charlene S Schlosser, Michele D Schmidt, Adam C Schmidt, Darren Schmidt, Daryl G Schmidt, Dave G Schmidt, Gwen M Schmidt, Lyle W Schmidt, Tal D Schmidt, Trent P J Schmidt, Wade F Schneider, Debra J Schnitzler, Patrick R Schoenemann, Christel A Schoffer, Jeff Schriemer, Joceline S Schroeder, Timothy S Schulte, Rhonda L Schultenkamper, Colleen Schultenkamper, David E Schultz, Kelvin Schultz, Lawrence W Schulz, Christopher J Schutz, Dynette K Schwalm, Greg A Schwark, Jessie J Schwartz, Kevin D Schwartz, Michael A Manager, Labour Relations Operator Firefighter (7th Year) Utility Shift Supervisor Arborist Station Captain Concrete Finisher Executive Director (Downtown BID) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Special Constable (5th Year) CPIC Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Firefighter (10th Year) Welder (Journeyman) Water System Operator Senior Project Management Engineer Utility A (Roadways) Operator Equipment Operator VII Operator Firefighter (10th Year) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Firefighter 3rd Class Director, Human Resources Secretary III Special Constable (5th Year) Special Constable (5th Year) Powerline Technician Land Development Manager Mechanic (Journeyman) Outreach Services Coordinator Staff Sergeant Firefighter 2nd Class Water and Sewer Manager Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Clerk-Steno 10 Captain Fiction Specialist Programmer Analyst Sergeant Auto Mechanic 15 Sergeant Accounts Payable Coordinator Maintenanceperson Utility A Engineering Manager Senior Planner II Police Payroll Supervisor POSSE Workflow Coordinator Firefighter 3rd Class Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Apprentice Power Electrician 42 $ 127,769 52,108 84,910 61,050 52,046 110,344 59,278 86,000 101,902 73,260 57,730 104,048 87,939 68,904 52,327 101,808 80,082 50,631 52,626 57,626 88,002 90,170 61,572 167,381 53,760 75,923 74,606 141,673 109,962 81,820 57,525 102,807 71,140 111,649 90,467 51,782 100,433 52,364 73,862 104,344 63,579 108,485 69,091 58,806 71,557 118,247 66,669 63,494 56,769 62,507 86,015 69,602 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Schwartz, Scott G Schwartzenberger, Rob Schweighardt, Jennifer L Scott, Dennis W Scott, Kevin D Scott, Natalie D Scott, Raymond F Scott, Russell W E Seabrook, Erwin K Sedelnick, Jonathan T Sedgewick, Christopher W Sedgewick, Daniel J Seed, Catherine L Seidel, Chad M Sellers, R. Alan Semkiw, Jeffrey R Sendecki, Nikki D Senger, Crystal G Senger, Stephanie P Senick, Craig G Serack, Duane W Sethi, Sanjeev Severson, Lesley S Sevold, Patrick J Sexauer, Jill A Sexsmith, Daryl R Sexsmith, W. Calvin Seymour, David V Shabaga, David S Shalovelo, Brian W Shang, Keqiang Sharma, Prem Sharp, P. Jemmie Shenher, Monica L Shepherd, Chelsea D Shepherd, Tracy J Shepherdson, Donald Sheppard, Sylvia J Sherin, Steven Sherwin, Keith R Shewchuk, Kevin E Shiels, Wayne A Shier, Lisa B Shirran, Richard A Shivak, Marcel J Shmon, Derrick Shoffner, Adam D Short, Alexander I Shukin, Darcy D Shumay, Darrin S Shupe, Levi E Shutiak, Bradley J Programmer Analyst Operator Special Constable (5th Year) Staff Sergeant Traffic Signing and Painting Interior Design Consultant Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Senior Fire Inspector Operator Firefighter 3rd Class Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Information Management Consultant Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Sergeant Mechanic (Journeyman) Engineering Technologist 15 Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Assistant Collections Supervisor Facilities Superintendent Utility Collections Operator Programmer Analyst Electrician Traffic Signal Technician Special Constable (5th Year) Housing Analyst Manager, Future Growth Engineering Captain Building Operator Inspector Building Code Engineer Laboratory Technologist Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Landscape Architectural Technologist Sergeant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility A CSR Supervisor Firefighter (10th Year) Building Operator Information Management Consultant Utility B (Roadways) Credit and Collections Representative Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility B (Roadways) Meter Installer I Constable 3rd Class (3rd Year) Apprentice Mechanic Staff Sergeant Information Management Consultant Instrument Technician Motor Mechanic 43 $ 56,170 53,665 71,774 119,923 75,630 61,045 89,815 86,370 53,613 60,645 71,347 76,030 94,700 73,276 111,088 82,844 72,059 91,120 56,610 75,623 60,535 68,840 65,937 84,277 75,431 74,022 145,493 100,433 63,933 159,194 81,436 64,138 95,849 56,152 102,069 94,614 81,566 63,576 86,338 62,437 94,700 75,596 50,357 97,431 52,514 53,891 65,903 76,453 110,162 89,910 68,319 80,406 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Shutiak, Raymond Shwydiuk, Ryan M Shyluk, Sandra M Sick, Jason G Sider-Wiens, Kathleen M Siebert, Luke D Siegel, Janelle D Sielski, Richard S Siemens, Bruce M Siemens, Frederick L Siemens, Russell J Siermacheski, Jaret L Sies, Carol C Silbernagel, Bradley J Silver, Robin J N Silzer, Bryan R Simmons, Grant M Simmons, Wendy G Simpson, Kevin S Simpson, Regan Simpson, Thomas G Sinclair, Douglas A Sinclair, Nichole L Singer, Glenn K Siraj, Imran Siratt, Jennifer L Sirdar, M. Hashim Sirois, Rick Sirota, Luanne D Skene, Alan B Skiftun, Kenneth W Skinnider, Patrick J Sklapsky, Sterling M Skomar, Katherine L Skorlatowski, Eugene Skwarchuk, Ronald E Slaney, Richard M Slind, Theressa J Slivenski, Jason M Sluzalo, Blaine M Slywka, Dwayne J Smallbones, Joanne M Smart, Sharon D Smith, Aaron J Smith, Barry A Smith, Brian G Smith, Cheryl J Smith, Derek H M Smith, Glen W Smith, Heather A Smith, Karen Smith, Kari A Resident Building Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Assessment Manager Planner 13 Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 3rd Class (3rd Year) Building Inspector Utility Operator Captain Constable (10th Year) Utility Collections Operator Design Engineer Clerk-Steno 10 Utility A (Roadways) Programmer Analyst Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Asset Manager Systems Analyst Programmer Analyst Firefighter (10th Year) Service Supervisor Operator Special Constable (3rd Year) Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Special Constable (5th Year) Operator Resident Building Operator Policy Manager Engineering Technologist 17 Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Supervisor VI Event Coordinator Utility A Operations Superintendent Engineering Technologist 15 Adult Collections Librarian Utility A (Roadways) Powerline Technician Constable (10th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Assessment Appraiser Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Operator Station Captain Children's Librarian Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Operator Fire Dispatcher 1st Class Media Production Coordinator Accounting and Support Services Manager 44 $ 66,000 94,927 72,626 54,802 82,782 64,527 70,769 83,158 101,309 89,515 70,326 63,669 52,488 59,926 58,206 89,605 99,804 82,175 53,527 87,676 60,113 53,163 63,317 61,268 90,704 76,089 52,405 71,549 83,982 77,671 53,465 86,576 77,227 56,464 50,695 90,832 106,814 57,666 65,129 130,773 94,714 86,113 68,651 83,160 54,103 108,476 55,167 106,117 57,693 87,633 83,093 75,334 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Smith, Lesley G Smith, Michael C Smith, Ryan A Smith, Ryan H Smith, Terri L Smith, Terry E Smith, Tyler G Smithson, William E Smytaniuk, Katherine Snodgrass, Jeffrey D Soderberg, Jacky A Sofiak, Bill P Sofiak, Karen L Sokalofsky, Stacy Sokalofsky, Trent B Solie, Dale E Sommacal, Bryon A Sommerfeld, Nathan J Sosnowski, Marian Sotnikow, Mike R Sotnikow, Renae D Sotnikow, Tom M Soulie, Daryl G South, Jeanna L South, John S Southam, Cheryl J Southern, Susan G Spady, Doug J Spark, Michele D Sparks, Allan S Specht, Allan Specht, Kathryn A Speed, Tom Spence, Michele L Spence, Sean G Spencer, James B Sperling, Jarret L Sperling, Theodore R Spock, Damian P Spott, Avery C Sproule, Joanne St. Onge, Luke J St. Pierre, Robert H Stack, Murray J Stalwick, Timothy D Stamnes, Harley L Stang, Tim J Stanley, Beverly D Steel, Clayton Tyler Steel, James F Steele, Tyson M Stefiuk, Kyle A City Assessor Utility Firefighter (10th Year) Sergeant Parks Supervisor Plumber Operator Powerline Technician Clerk-Steno 11 Operator Customer Service Representative Meter Installer II Accounting Clerk 12 Accountant 17 Water Service Technician Staff Sergeant Sergeant Electrician Landfill Attendant Recreation Technician 13 Clerk Meter Installer II Water and Sewer Labourer Special Projects Manager Electronic Technician Assistant Plant Operator Operator Service Supervisor Operator Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Parks Supervisor Sales Supervisor Machine Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Plant Operator Staff Sergeant Mechanic Constable (10th Year) City Clerk Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Project Engineer Utility C (Roadways) Apprentice Power Electrician Constable (10th Year) Operator Accounting Coordinator I Firefighter (10th Year) Operator Assistant Plant Operator Utility C (Roadways) 45 $ 132,367 50,663 86,522 116,059 63,838 66,082 62,751 84,753 54,123 52,750 54,265 67,954 54,871 68,170 71,284 113,873 117,495 68,677 60,463 59,023 57,787 66,596 54,782 98,028 50,820 83,972 50,955 68,964 51,666 90,641 65,618 51,912 77,446 78,733 91,879 89,174 86,381 127,859 92,350 95,488 107,316 91,946 65,361 60,277 64,808 106,647 51,304 77,918 86,179 54,464 72,987 53,726 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Stefiuk, Michael Stephanson, Murray D Steuart, Tim J Stevens, David E Stevens, James (Jim) W Stevens, Joanne Stevenson, Chelsea D Stevenson, John R Stewart, Dale J Stewart, David C Stewart, Donald C Stewart, James A Stokalko, Taras Stonehouse, Tisharae Stove, Jeffrey L Stove, Yvonne J Stowe, Mervyn J Strachan, Krista L Stratemeyer, Kim M Strawson, James (Cory) C Strobbe, Bart J Strohan, Wendy L Strongarm, Jennifer T L Stronski, Allan J Strouts, James P Strugnell, Kenneth B A Stushnoff, Gordon F Stushnoff, Steven R Sullivan, Robert D Sully, Sandra L Summach, Dean W Sun, Yinshe Sutherland, Elaine Sutherland, Shelley M Swanstrom, Darren J Swidrovich, Shaina C Swiftwolfe, Dorthea L Swistun, Theresa M Syrenne, Real Szabo, Perry R Building and Grounds Maintenance Carpenter (Journeyman) Mechanic (Journeyman) Development Review Manager Firefighter 1st Class Access Transit Operator Assessment and Property Taxation Administration Manager Programmer Analyst Health and Safety Superintendent Systems Analyst Building Inspector Coliseum Operator Firefighter 2nd Class Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable (10th Year) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Senior Fire Inspector Customer Service Coordinator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Special Constable (10th Year) Environmental Operations Superintendent Access Transit Supervisor Customer Service Representative Aboriginal Resource Officer Traffic Signing and Painting Stores Supervisor Building Operator Lighting and Drafting Superintendent Power Electrician Powerline Technician Special Constable (17th Year) Accounting Coordinator Systems Analyst Meter Reader City Treasurer Constable Prob Yr (1st 6 Months) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Missing Person Liaison Officer Assistant Plant Operator Traffic Signing and Painting Sergeant Tabin, Kent L Talic, Sven Talloden, Christine A L Tarala, Jasen A Tarasoff, Gregg K Tarasoff, Kerry C Tataryn, Anthony J Tataryn, R. G. Joseph Taylor, Glenda D Taylor, Joseph A Taylor, Robbie J Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Constable 4th Class (2nd Year) Firefighter (7th Year) Station Captain Manager, Finance Emergency Measures Coordinator Constable (10th Year) Engineering Technologist 15 Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable (10th Year) 46 $ 70,550 80,761 106,420 84,216 56,675 85,127 68,418 89,564 82,520 68,403 60,966 70,600 90,078 94,035 91,737 90,595 65,749 80,608 73,576 62,875 59,775 52,079 54,447 75,939 64,845 57,104 91,524 86,653 111,558 80,294 67,607 82,175 51,307 128,429 92,492 78,100 56,464 77,308 62,406 140,282 92,470 70,842 53,230 85,274 108,960 128,429 92,151 118,668 94,471 97,864 90,501 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Taylor, Shelley A Taylor, Thomas J Teichreb, Christopher D A Tennent, M. Marie Terlesky, Kenneth J Thachuk, Cameron Thai, Thomas Thaller, Jacqueline G Thebaud, Irene Theede, Scott F Thibodeau, Lisa L Thiessen, Donna M Thiessen, Jannay Thody, Sean T Thomas, Jesse G Thomas, R. Wade D Thomas, Robert E Thome, Kim N Thompson, Aaron K D Thompson, Alisa J Thompson, Derek W Thompson, Diana D Thompson, Dolores M Thompson, Kathryn M Thompson, Scott M Thompson, Stephen M Thomson, Angie C Thomson, Gwen Thomson, John D Thomson, Reginald R Thorarinson, Trent R Thorn, Robert W Thorpe, Glennis L Thorsteinson, Justin T Timpson, Erinn L Ting, Vinh Tinline, Anna M Tisdel, Erin N Tkachuk, Nick E Tkatchuk, Daniel D Toews, Anthony (Tony) K Toh, Rick Tomchuk, John Jr. (Jay) A Tomiyama, Robert C Tooley, T Kevin M Torgerson, Blair A Torgerson, Chris C Torres-Moreno, Harold M Totland, Murray L Tracksell, Barry Lee Tracksell, Dustin L Tracksell, Ian H Special Constable (5th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Clerk 11 Labourer Powerline Technician Assistant Plant Operator Special Constable (17th Year) Bylaw Inspector 13 Project Engineer Community Consultant Crime Free Multi-Housing Coordinator Branch Public Services Manager Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Utility A Design Assistant 15 Operator Clerk-Steno 11 Mechanic (Journeyman) Apprentice Power Electrician Land Development Project Manager Operator Customer Service Representative Marketing Coordinator Firefighter (10th Year) Operator Clerk-Steno 9 Manager, Adult and Information Services, Library Senior Captain Supervisor IV Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Systems Analyst Human Resource Consultant II Constable (10th Year) Business Administrator, Saskatoon Public Library Sales Coordinator Accounting Clerk 12 Constable (10th Year) Utility A Compensation and HR Systems Supervisor Arborist Power Electrician Firefighter 3rd Class Project Services Manager Senior Assessment Appraiser Coliseum Operator Plant Operator Water System Operator City Manager Commercial Building Inspector Apprentice Powerline Technician Parks Technician 14 47 $ 77,631 96,701 74,449 59,122 54,361 113,162 87,130 113,595 68,746 76,674 72,342 68,170 94,717 89,007 58,727 62,354 58,990 54,123 79,750 70,246 88,634 67,181 54,123 50,864 87,360 58,622 50,116 96,400 106,188 70,402 93,730 84,889 83,093 104,155 96,400 68,776 55,641 103,518 67,204 84,460 54,641 77,013 61,286 102,756 66,258 64,971 100,504 50,413 236,000 86,203 55,026 61,038 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Tran, Linsey J Tran, Son T Travis, Tyler J Trelnuk, William L Trew, Bryce L Trimble, Michelle L Trischuk, Bruce Tropeau, Derek J Truscott, Dustin J Tryon, Caren L Tryon, Kelly A J Tsang, Christopher W P Tuck, Bradley A Turcotte, Richard J Turnbull, Jason K Turner, Bruce E Turple, Brian E Turta, Dale K Turta, Leslie M Tuzon, Enrico P Tweidt, Lyle Twigg, Melanie Tyler, Roy Tyndall, Don A Tysdal, Brent M P Tysdal, Jeffrey A Legal Secretary Design Assistant 15 Supervisor IV Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Assessment Appraiser Box Office Supervisor Utility A (Roadways) Firefighter (7th Year) Occupational Health Consultant Executive Secretary Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Operator Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility B (Roadways) Budget and Financial Services Coordinator Landscape Technologist Carpenter Coliseum Operator Purchasing Services Manager Utility Powerline Technician CPIC Operator II Operator Senior Captain Firefighter (7th Year) Firefighter 3rd Class Udchic, David D Uhren, Adam R Unger, Jacob R Unger, John Unrau, Brenda Unrau, Ray M Unrau, Terry R Unser, Tom G Urlacher, Theresa M Usselman, Blake J Usselman, Darcy K Maintenance Technician (20th Year) Electrical Engineering Technologist I Water and Sewer Labourer Resident Building Operator Credit and Collections Representative Director of Emergency Planning Parking Meter Technician Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Accounting Clerk 12 Firefighter (7th Year) Utility A (Roadways) 81,678 69,964 63,167 68,894 54,123 102,998 52,975 88,716 54,932 83,608 59,838 Van Den Beuken, Leslie Y Van Dijk, Audrey Van Doornum, Robert J Van Essen, William A Van Kampen, Teresa (Tess) E Vandale, Paul J Vandale, Philip C Vandeven, Michael J Vanthuyne, Brent A Varga, Jarret A Varga, Vincent J Vaudreuil, Jarret S Vaxvick, Nancy M Sergeant Facility Planner Electrician Building Operator (TCU Place) Occupational Health Consultant Utility Collections Operator Painter Supervisor Constable 3rd Class (3rd Year) Apprentice Mechanic Executive Director and CEO, Mendel Art Gallery Utility A Accountant 17 104,310 80,102 66,908 61,814 87,773 51,613 50,946 100,791 65,258 60,802 149,616 61,672 69,977 48 $ 50,889 62,317 51,944 79,525 60,145 53,810 58,358 85,788 91,742 58,739 103,895 58,449 89,710 59,462 82,869 56,135 64,873 68,179 62,976 53,915 98,680 59,345 56,356 104,618 85,022 64,374 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Venne, James L Verboom, Roderick D Vogel, Andrea C Vogelgesang, Anthony J Voisard, Joseph J Vold, Maurice G Volk, Dreu M Volk, Michelle D Vols, Larry G Voth, Brenda Voth, Michael R Voulgaris, George Operator Time Clerk Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Service Supervisor Staff Sergeant Systems Analyst Firefighter 1st Class Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Inspector Clerk 11 Human Resource Consultant III Auto Mechanic Waddell, Andrew J Wagner, Michael J Waldbauer, Clayton D Waldenberg, Brady G Waldinger, Larry S Walker, Jimmy L Wall, Jason M Wall, Lindsey B Wallace, Alan G Wallace, Brenda L Walliser, Keith A Walz, Matthew S Wang, Yixiang Ward, Bethany J Ward, Chad D Ward, Matthew F Warlow, Gerald A Warren, Douglas H Warren, Trevor G Warwick, Patricia J Wasmuth, Shannon A Wasylowich, Darrell S Watkins, Albert W Watt, Tamar E Wawryk, James K Wawryk, Kelly A Webb, Neil G Weber, Erica T Webster, Stephen D Wegren, Doug J Weighill, Clive Weightman, Sonya Weiman, Cameron L Weisgerber, Kenneth M Weiss, Darilyn A Wells, Donna L Wells, Robert J Welter, Robert J Wen, Mingyang (Amy) Sewer Camera Operator Painter Planner 13 Human Resource Consultant II (Health and Safety) Operator Firefighter (7th Year) Building Inspector Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Manager, Planning and Development Manager, Environmental Services Firefighter (10th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Electrical Engineering Technologist I Constable 4th Class (2nd Year) Firefighter (7th Year) Sergeant Operator Programmer Analyst Senior Firefighter (10th Year) City Solicitor Exempt Legal Assistant Project Coordinator Apprentice Powerline Technician Director of Operations, TCU Place Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Utility Collections Operator Utility B (Roadways) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Service Supervisor Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Police Chief Clerk 10 Relief Operator Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Accounting Coordinator I Manager, Youth Circulation and Outreach Services Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Firefighter 2nd Class Accountant 18 49 $ 61,564 55,599 87,084 61,310 129,273 85,902 74,681 80,387 155,551 55,655 73,302 66,359 64,391 61,676 54,275 52,372 53,845 84,677 64,122 101,317 122,890 120,361 86,189 108,291 74,602 56,162 84,126 120,287 63,816 82,406 87,042 147,760 66,836 75,308 79,345 81,123 90,073 60,528 56,531 86,629 60,343 87,154 207,345 51,782 53,275 92,217 70,826 96,400 89,977 70,491 64,755 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Wensley, David L Werner, Jonathan P Werner, Ruth A Westlund, Frances A Wheeler, Darren A Wheeler, Tori A Wheten, Cathy A White, Benjamin B White, Ryan G W White, Scott Whitecap, Leanna J Whitenect, Dave A Whitenect, Paul B Whiteside, Dwayne W Whyley, Robert A Wiebe, Curtis M Wiebe, Jason R Wiebe, Rueben P Wiebe, Shelley A Wieler, Jim R Wiens, Dale A Wiens, Richard J Wiggins, Jason R Wilde, Brenda Wilde, James H W Wilkinson, Eldon W Wilks, Kim W Willard, Jason E G Willems, Daniel J Williams, Janet A Williams, Kelly K Williams, Susan L Williamson, Ian M Wilson, Bruce A Wilson, Donald Jamie Wilson, Logan W Wilson, Neil G Wilson, Stacy L Winkenweder, Gregory L Winter, Douglas Winter, Michael J Wintermute, Robin E Wise, Matthew T Wohlberg, David V Wohlgemuth, Joseph Shawn Wojnakowski, Henry Wolfe, Michelle K Wolfe, Thomas F Wong, Dwayne S Wong, Eddie Wonsiak, Lorraine S Wood, Billi D Operator Operator Clerk 10 Community Consultant Large Meter Installer/Tester Environmental Protection Officer Revenue Clerk Constable (10th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Senior Firefighter (10th Year) Operator Recreation Site Administrator Senior Planner II Senior Planner 20 Trouble/Service Powerline Technician Patrolman / Service Truck Operator Operations Superintendent Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Accounting Clerk 12 Captain Assistant Plant Operator Operator Firefighter 2nd Class Business Librarian Sergeant Cleaner Mechanic (Journeyman) Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) Asset Preservation Manager Customer Services Supervisor CPIC Operator Manager, Resource Development Planner 13 Mechanical Engineer Commercial Building Inspector Carpenter Building Operator Service Coordinator Operator Operator Senior Firefighter (15th Year) Sergeant Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Programmer Analyst Arborist Utility A (Roadways) Recreation Technician 13 Operator Accounting Clerk 11 Cemetery Technician 14 Clerk 10 Operator 50 $ 55,458 51,979 51,782 73,047 58,816 65,273 50,190 103,849 91,836 87,042 52,522 72,852 83,982 75,276 107,867 78,209 72,433 95,947 51,317 101,070 73,286 50,730 70,864 52,403 110,245 54,018 80,072 76,768 91,815 60,202 62,832 70,212 57,044 89,946 79,129 62,815 65,134 54,813 57,791 54,615 89,688 113,193 97,821 82,014 55,083 64,366 53,373 51,798 53,319 67,685 56,670 63,919 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Wood, Murray Wood, Stephen K Wood, Travis W T Woodvine, Richard Worobec, Janice B Worobec, Jason P Worth, Robert J Worth, Sara M Wourms, Matthew G Woytowich, Scott E Wright, David E Wright, Dianne V Wright, Don W Wright, Peter O Wright, Robert Wright, Sandra J Wudrich, Walter J Wuhlar, Sharon Wunder-Buhr, Tanda N Buyer Asset Preservation Manager Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Facility Operations Supervisor Special Constable (10th Year) Constable (10th Year) Bylaw Inspector 16 Validation Clerk Utility A Mechanic (Journeyman) Operator Recreation Site Administrator Forestry Technician Powerline Technician Water and Sewer Maintenance Time Clerk Building and Grounds Labourer Utility Collections Operator Traffic Signal Technician Xiang, Zhonghua Time Clerk Yagelnesky, Richard B Yakubowski, James E Yakubowski, Janelle Yang, Fan (Frank) Yanik, Viola S Yelland, Cindy L Young, Ashley D Young, Craig S Young, Kenneth T Young, Linda K Yourk, Ron Yousie, Trevor W Yurach, James K Yuzdepski, Mitchell K Yuzik, Scott D Yuzwa, Phil A Design Assistant 15 Operator Special Constable (17th Year) Programmer Analyst Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Solicitor III GIS Technologist Battalion Chief Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Operator Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Operator Constable (10th Year) Inspector Constable (10th Year) Operator Zaichkowski, Kelly T Zalesak, Emil Zapski, Donald J Zarubiak, Zonnie M Zary, Scott D Zawislak, Mark A Zeiler, Gregory M Zerebeski, Bryan M Zerebeski, Chris Zhang, Li Ziegler, Kirk D Ziegler, Nathan M Zimmer, Daniel N Equipment Operator IV Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Labourer Electrician (Journeyman) Supervisor VI Constable 1st Class (5th Year) Senior Firefighter (20th Year) Mechanic (Journeyman) Project Engineer Cemetery Technician 14 Programmer Analyst Equipment Operator IV Sustainable Electricity Engineer Constable 2nd Class (4th Year) $ 56,464 86,834 88,518 74,930 61,231 112,023 67,865 57,237 58,525 76,465 54,127 72,869 60,987 83,478 56,685 66,558 57,167 61,157 80,631 53,050 51 63,487 51,410 84,792 68,840 92,357 141,578 63,949 121,183 93,108 53,664 92,337 56,264 97,928 120,548 89,085 51,533 54,284 55,901 99,031 93,242 99,894 95,749 82,344 67,597 64,520 74,123 60,080 65,458 76,771 CITY OF SASKATOON EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 EMPLOYEE NAME JOB TITLE EARNINGS Zimmer, Joseph B Zimmer, Marc L Zimmer, Natalie Ziola, Mikael O Zoorkan, Mark E M Zoretich, Michelle D Zunti, Ashton R Zuzak, Zenon S Operations Superintendent Firefighter 3rd Class Collections Supervisor Constable (10th Year) Constable 1st Class (5th Year) CPIC Operator Powerline Technician Director, Saskatoon Public Library 52 $ 88,841 60,729 61,211 122,373 98,094 61,961 93,218 134,559 CITY OF SASKATOON NOTES TO EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Note 1 Employee remuneration has been reported in accordance with The Cities Regulations . Note 2 Employee title represents the official employment title of the employee as at December 31, 2012 or at date of termination/retirement. Note 3 Information is included for those employees earning salaries in excess of $50,000 which may include overtime and amounts paid to an employee upon termination/retirement. Salaries may include vehicle usage reimbursements. 53 CITY OF SASKATOON BOARD MEMBERS REMUNERATION For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 NAME BOARD REMUNERATION Brockbank, Michael Property Maintenance Appeal Board $ Deschamps, Adrian Dutton, Marvin Board of Revision Board of Revision Fleming, Roy Property Maintenance Appeal Board Gabruch, David Board of Revision Hobbis, Jason Development Appeals Board Katzman, David Board of Revision 1,275 Lepage, Raymond Lepage, Raymond Board of Revision Development Appeals Board 3,450 425 McGunigal-Ruys, Christine Development Appeals Board 375 Nazarenko, Susan Development Appeals Board 1,050 Oliver, Ian Oliver, Ian Board of Revision Property Maintenance Appeal Board 2,100 425 Rodych, Bernie Board of Revision 975 Sarkar, Asit Snowsell, Brandon Stiller, Don Stroh, Peter Board of Revision Development Appeals Board Property Maintenance Appeal Board Board of Revision 450 300 275 300 Wiks, Dan Property Maintenance Appeal Board 50 Note 1 Board member remuneration has been reported in accordance with The Cities Regulations . Note 2 Includes all payments for remuneration and other amounts made by the City of Saskatoon in 2012. 54 200 3,450 1,275 150 1,275 325 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID ABB Inc Acadia Construction Ace Truck Driver Training Ltd Acklands Grainger Inc Acme Environmental Services Inc Acrodex Inc Action Office Interiors ADA Architecture Inc Aecom Canada Limited Aim Electric Ltd Allan C. Hjelte Law Office Allan Construction Co Ltd Allen-Vanguard Inc Allied Contract Sales Ltd ALS Canada Ltd Alsco Saskatoon Altec Industries Ltd Altus Geomatics LP Always Towing Ltd Amec Earth & Environmental Anholt, Jill Anisoft Group Inc Anixter Canada AON Consulting Aquifer Distribution Ltd Arborcare Tree Service Ltd Arborist Supply Co Inc Armtec Limited Partnership ASL Paving Ltd Associated Engineering (Sask) Ltd Auto Body Specialties Auto Clearing (1982) Ltd Avensys Avery Dennison $ B & B Tree Service Inc Baker Transit Parts Inc Bea Transit Services Inc Bea Transit Solutions Inc Bilan Interior Construction Black and Mcdonald Limited Blue Cross Bolt Supply House Ltd Boychuk Investments Ltd Brad's Towing Ltd Brandt Tractor Ltd BRC Group Brenntag Canada Inc 780,159 1,168,456 53,918 585,806 347,519 124,803 114,905 245,221 1,355,501 851,875 520,000 4,070,412 52,584 69,365 57,941 86,309 317,140 77,580 308,243 739,860 171,600 391,491 238,870 79,300 105,833 101,354 173,008 100,500 15,244,567 2,373,458 64,970 134,766 158,697 65,913 417,916 74,049 91,934 251,154 97,032 214,261 4,833,058 65,704 1,092,108 97,736 321,440 123,333 121,516 55 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID Brentwood Industries Inc Brewers Distributors Ltd Bridge City Electric Sask Ltd Brigadier Security Systems (2000) Ltd Broadway Across Canada Brunners Construction Ltd Bullee Consulting Ltd Bunzl Canada Business Furnishings (Sask) Ltd $ Calmont Leasing Ltd Canada Post Corporation Canadian Corps of Commissionaires Canadian Dewatering Fluid Canadian National Canadian Pacific Railway Company Capital Sewer Services Inc Carmont Construction Ltd Carswell Cascadia Sports Systems Inc Caterpillar Financial Services Limited Catterall & Wright Central Asphalt & Paving Inc Century 21 Fusion Century Roofing & Sheet Metal Ltd Century Vallen CG Power Systems Usa Inc CH2M Hill Canada Limited Chamtech Systems (C.T.S.) Choice Electrical Supply Ltd Cimco Refrigeration City Asphalt Paving Ltd Clark Roofing (1964) Ltd Clarks Supply & Service Ltd Cleartech Clifton Associates Ltd Coldwell Banker Rescom Realty Colliers McClocklin Real Estate Corp Colorado Time Systems LLC Colored Shale Products Inc Comcor Environmental Limited Commercial Aquatic Supplies Commercial Solutions Inc Commercial Truck Equipment Co Compass Group Canada Computronix (Canada) Ltd Continental Imaging Saskatchewan Ltd CPAS Systems Inc 615,665 89,276 51,587 140,550 446,745 1,604,762 65,171 70,148 164,907 335,956 718,780 2,316,708 243,008 617,711 178,641 394,631 273,131 140,847 386,400 99,347 328,416 26,297,556 51,700 184,623 196,123 151,424 384,812 173,182 67,579 69,159 458,174 176,586 207,210 177,237 162,702 71,643 1,698,969 54,302 105,831 274,676 57,376 171,572 436,378 3,093,546 64,742 70,469 56,278 56 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID Creative Door Services Ltd Creative Fire Creative Staging Inc Crestline Coach Ltd Crosby Hanna & Associates Crown Enterprises Ltd CTV Television Inc Cuelenaere Kendall Katzman & Watson Cummins Western Canada LP $ D.James Construction Danrich Environmental Controls Davey Tree Expert Co of Canada Ltd Davies Supply Group Ltd Daytech Mfg Ltd DCG Philanthropic Services Inc De Lage Landen Financial Services Canada Del Equipment Ltd Dell Canada Inc Deloitte & Touche LLP Delta Bessborough Diners Club International Dirty Devil Hydrovac Services Dodge City Auto (1984) Ltd Domco Construction Inc Don Wehage & Sons Trucking Double D Electrical Service Driving Force Dunmac General Contractors Ltd Dynamex Canada Corp Dynamic Construction 81,402 222,213 744,777 505,960 435,636 101,673 90,636 7,323,483 558,710 59,850 76,692 140,342 50,914 51,806 259,748 134,648 72,497 238,724 313,425 102,488 251,352 180,826 179,589 931,153 99,378 57,285 175,086 57,212 85,612 236,365 Early's Farm & Garden Centre Inc Earthworks Equipment Corporation Eaton Yale Company EBSCO Canada Ltd Echologics Engineering Ecol Laser Services Econolite Canada Inc EDA Environmental Ltd Eecol Electric (Sask) Inc Election Systems & Software Eljay Irrigation Ltd Ellisdon Corporation Elster Metering Emco Corporation Enermodal Engineering Ennis Paint Canada ULC 203,149 223,560 281,514 98,905 93,187 107,441 226,297 163,955 1,918,183 54,255 58,111 42,157,258 1,347,318 327,728 54,705 124,958 57 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID Enviro EMD Envirotec Services Inc Enviroway Detergent Mfg Inc Epicor Software Canada Ltd Erical Cleaning Services ESRI Canada Limited ESTI Consulting Services Evergreen Playground Services Ltd Excel Excavating Inc Expocrete Concrete Products Ltd $ 124,688 316,730 102,343 121,136 350,331 117,222 94,164 63,409 351,163 230,474 Fame Facility Software Solutions Inc Farm & Garden Centre Fasttrack Management Group Ltd Federated Cooperatives Limited Fer-Marc Equipment Ltd Fireside Singers Fisher Scientific Limited Flaman Investigation and Security Agency Ltd Flaman Sales Ltd Flame Tech Services 2000 Flocor Inc Flynn Canada Ltd Forms + Surfaces Fort Garry Industries Ltd Fountain Tire Fresh Properties Inc Front Line Office Products Frontier Peterbilt Sales Ltd Frontline Outfitters Frontline Truck & Trailer 63,213 128,753 663,893 68,603 1,596,794 68,374 79,820 246,052 54,055 62,184 219,045 1,040,344 106,306 412,437 50,853 71,218 74,288 52,275 53,341 698,365 G. J. Bell International Trucks Ltd Gabriel Construction Ltd Gabrush Management Garman, Weimer & Associates Ltd Garnett Industries Ltd GB Entertainment Services GDP Rosewood Pointe Homes Inc General Body & Equipment Ltd General Cable Company General Management Services Ltd General Paint Ltd Genivar Inc George, Nicholson, Franko & Associates Geoware Inc Gescan Ltd Glacier Refrigeration Air Conditioning 387,246 149,906 50,243 404,192 4,613,113 90,937 198,000 73,306 654,161 185,976 91,075 593,186 162,173 78,966 70,282 68,271 58 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID Global Environmental Solutions Inc Golder Associates Ltd Goodall Goodyear Canada Inc Graham Construction & Engineering/Graham Flatiron aJV Grand & Toy Office Products Graycon Group Ltd Graymont Western Canada Inc Gregg Distributors Co Ltd GT Flooring Guardian Traffic Services Ltd Gunther's Masonry Construction $ 991,293 430,807 76,865 168,265 70,722,226 275,979 58,407 628,320 91,732 56,667 89,227 1,100,000 Hamm Construction Ltd Handy Group Handy Special Events Hatch Mott Macdonald Ltd HBI Office Plus Inc HSD Supply Canada Inc HD Supply Power Solutions Headway Commercial Real Estate Inc Hinz, A Rockwell Automation Company Hoffmann Kool Insurance Home Depot Homestead Ice Cream Horizon Computer Solutions Inc Hoskin Scientific Ltd Hub City Paving Stone Ltd Husky Oil/Pounder Emulsion Hy-Way Construction Inc 27,983,917 55,897 129,488 85,597 390,019 55,019 68,891 184,946 1,221,809 274,566 53,766 63,448 534,237 62,635 75,213 127,246 1,216,991 IBM Canada Ltd ICR Property Management Imaginit Canada Impact Security Group Imperial Parking Infor (Canada), Ltd Information Services Corp of Sask Infusion Development Corp Inland Aggregates, A Division of Lehigh Inland Audio Visual Limited Innovative Civil Constructors Inc Insightrix Research Inc Insituform Technologies Limited Intercontinental Truck Body Ltd International Road Dynamics Inc Interprovincial Traffic Services Ltd ION Secured Networks 151,335 1,033,482 69,857 180,543 79,597 57,026 214,639 80,363 896,749 787,887 1,246,433 82,151 2,866,227 96,705 117,441 108,502 79,842 59 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID IPL Inc Ivis Inc $ J & J Trailers Manufacturers and Sales Inc Jastek Sandpointe Homes Inc Jelcon Equipment Ltd Joe Johnson Equipment Inc Jones Entertainment Group Inc Jubilee Ford Sales (1983) Ltd 199,442 294,844 62,367 268,000 62,927 294,081 161,181 121,226 Kavanagh, W. P. Key West Engineering Ltd Kim Constructors Ltd Klark's Trenching Ltd Knappett Industries (2006) Ltd Knight Signs Koenig & Associates HR Services Inc Konica Minolta Business Solutions Kramer Ltd Kramer Rents-The Cat Rental Store 107,779 66,738 723,385 217,160 5,583,825 74,870 65,649 65,082 691,329 59,619 L W Diamond Environmental Services Inc La Troupe Du Jour Lafarge Aggregates Lafarge Canada Inc Laroche-Mcdonald Agencies Ltd Laurie Korchin Law In Trust Lee Golf Ltd Library Bound Inc Live Nation Canada Inc Lloyd Libke Law Enforcement Sales Inc Lonesome Prairie Sand & Gravel Ltd Loraas Disposal Services Ltd Ludwig Golf Ltd Luminator Holdings LP Lundholm Associates Architects Lux Construction Ltd 68,703 60,177 284,489 121,471 529,608 400,000 84,186 1,248,443 259,414 73,841 593,381 201,243 65,028 74,027 55,959 948,329 M. D. Ambulance Care M. D. Charlton Company Ltd M.T.E. Kos Excavating Ltd Macewen Constructors Inc Magna Electric Corporation Market Tire (1976) Ltd Marsh Canada Limited McDougall Gauley LLP McGills Industrial Services Mckim Cringan George 247,758 79,227 131,730 1,463,246 103,674 328,624 1,267,365 4,985,799 208,116 143,342 60 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID Meewasin Valley Authority Mega-Tech Meridian Surveys Ltd Merlin Ford Lincoln Metafore Technologies Inc Mi-Sask Industries Ltd Michels Canada Co Microsoft Licensing, GP Mid-West Sportswear Ltd Minlan Management Ltd Mitchinson Flying Service Ltd MMM Group Limited Moloney Electric Morrison Hershfield Limited Motorola Solutions Canada Inc $ 293,415 50,384 105,467 563,966 87,838 6,949,323 2,055,504 602,432 51,690 78,993 117,484 119,218 79,076 57,237 3,537,161 Navigant Consulting, Ltd New Flyer Industries Canada ULC Newterra Ltd Nexans Canada Inc Nickel Plumbing & Heating Ltd Nine One One Outerwear Noramco Nordic Industries (1979) Ltd Northern Blacktop Nova Bus Nova Pole International Inc NSC Minerals Ltd Nu-Gro Ltd DBA 91,893 756,267 144,886 601,403 72,401 144,737 67,167 149,949 2,759,162 1,682,150 296,796 168,609 62,068 Oakcreek Golf & Turf Inc OK Tire Service Centre On Purpose Leadership Inc Open Roads Ltd Ornacraft Iron Works Ostara Nutrient Recovery Tech OTV Technologies Ltd Owen Ebner 116,351 143,711 112,644 126,857 560,391 3,241,914 53,906 94,313 P R Developments Ltd P. Machibroda Engineering Ltd Panasonic Canada Inc Park n Play Design Co Paul Mercs Concerts Inc Peak Mechanical Ltd Pelican Signs & Decals Percy H. Davis Ltd Peters Excavating Ltd 140,595 110,178 680,920 433,624 142,128 97,622 61,079 139,763 493,365 61 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc Piano Centre Pillar Properties Corp Pioneer Transformers Ltd Polar Refrigeration Service Ltd Postage By Phone Pow City Mechanical Power & Mine Supply Power-Lite Industries Inc Prairie Alternative Energy Solutions Prairie Central Line Supply Ltd Prairie Graphics Inc Prairie Laser Inc Prairie Mobile Communications Prairieland Park Pre-Con Limited Precision Asphalt Precision Electro-Mechanical Ltd Prevost, A Division of Volvo Group Price Waterhouse Coopers Production Lighting Ltd Productions Juste Pour Rire II Ltd Professional Computer Services Progressive Yard Works Ltd Provincial Galvanizing Ltd Python Mfg Inc $ Questica Inc Quick Delivery Services Inc Quik Caretaking Ltd 303,573 144,270 551,250 256,080 81,832 367,500 65,680 153,010 418,259 53,164 74,889 97,828 137,433 58,555 358,800 164,825 53,283 80,071 71,531 51,700 92,923 99,829 198,930 60,345 152,331 648,138 76,409 113,456 90,977 R. Nicholls Distributors Inc R. P. Industries Inc R.M. of Corman Park #344 Ranco Manufacturing Inc RDP Technologies, Inc Reach Communications Inc Realty Executives Saskatoon Rebanks Pepper Littlewood Architects Receiver General for Canada Redekop Manufacturing Inc Redhead Equipment Redline Cycles Ltd Regina Elevator Co Ltd Remai Construction Group Inc Rite-Way Fencing (2000) Inc Riverbend Developments Ltd Robertson Stromberg LLP 58,467 112,350 69,974 94,323 62,226 141,681 82,704 863,070 11,951,675 253,750 676,941 55,984 158,811 56,504 342,324 76,000 74,684 62 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID Rocky Mountain Phoenix Rotating Right Roto-Rooter Royal Bank Visa Payment Centre Russel Metals Inc $ S & C Electric Canada Ltd Sabtronic Systems Inc Sask Abilities Council Sask Energy Sask Government Insurance Sask Power Sask Research Council Sask Tel CMR Sask Transportation Company Sask Urban Municipalities Association Sask Workers Compensation Board Saskatchewan College of Paramedics Saskatchewan Housing Corporation Saskatchewan Information & Library Saskatchewan Liquor & Gaming Authority Saskatoon Animal Control Agency Saskatoon Co-op Centre Saskatoon Housing Authority Saskatoon Land Surveyors Saskatoon Machine Works Limited Saskatoon Media Group Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corp Saskatoon Radio Cabs Ltd Saskatoon Real Estate Services Inc Saskatoon Regional Economic Saskatoon Restoration Action Program Inc Saskatoon S. P. C. A. Saskatoon Soccer Centre Saskatoon Symphony Saskatoon Tribal Council Saskatoon Visitor & Convention Saskatoon Zoo Society Saskcon Repair Services Ltd Sauber Mfg Co Sawyers Trees & Landscapes Scharfstein Gibbings Walen & Fisher LLP Schneider Electric Canada Inc Schwinghammer's Tree Service Ltd SCS Steel Container Systems Inc Shak Golf Ltd Shanahan's Limited Partnership Siemens Industry Inc 81,885 96,748 71,102 326,702 51,970 421,496 58,777 100,814 2,911,300 465,533 70,819,874 81,667 2,740,091 126,952 184,498 2,787,970 51,425 79,624 218,004 228,334 466,739 62,135 91,646 197,264 91,728 103,533 270,372 53,755 90,019 135,753 75,000 375,863 105,831 373,532 200,000 106,060 97,033 9,324,244 131,232 1,655,124 458,254 50,174 225,784 113,806 60,569 64,949 150,127 63 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID SKL Trailers SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd Smith Carter Architects Softchoice Corporation Sommerfeld Electric (Saskatoon) Ltd Sonepar Canada Inc - Texcan West Southwest Paving Ltd Space2Place Design Inc Spartan Controls Ltd SPI Health and Safety Inc Spicers Canada Limited Sprague-Rosser SSG Safe Security Services Canada Stadium Power Stantec Consulting Ltd Staples STC Urban First Nations Services Inc Stepp Mfg Stevenson Hood Thornton Beaubier Stooshinoff Bitzer Stuart Olson Dominion Construction Ltd Success Office Systems Suer & Pollon Mechanical Partnership Suncor Energy Products Partnership Suncorp Valuations Ltd Sunshine Drilling Ltd Superior Truck Equipment Inc Supreme Office Products Sutherland Automotive Sysco Regina $ T & M Janzen Farms Inc T & T Realty Ltd Tandus Flooring Canada Tap Communications Inc Tennant Sales and Service Company The Canadian Red Cross Society The Ceati International Inc The City of Calgary The Paquin Entertainment Group Inc The Partnership The Pepsi Bottling Group (Canada), Co The Rent-It Store & Tool Supply The Star Phoenix The Union Ltd Thoen's Painting Thomcat Management Ltd Thurston Engineering Services 65,216 53,249 2,750,190 420,816 327,151 55,939 85,130 186,375 210,612 154,108 83,733 8,676,805 53,738 231,139 3,345,454 54,966 105,942 206,102 63,758 105,474 1,470,234 89,930 787,535 8,871,133 70,584 311,418 140,879 253,284 98,404 70,087 163,195 600,564 64,431 79,824 70,603 50,839 108,670 50,324 57,988 411,341 120,090 80,401 657,664 73,413 66,869 92,258 53,989 64 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID Timberland Equipment Ltd Titan Clean Energy Projects Corporation TMA Systems, LLC TNT Enterprises Ltd Top Shot Concrete Systems Trafco Canada Trak Ventures Fire & Safety Trans Canada Yellowhead Highway Assoc Transgas Limited Trapeze Software Inc Triod Supply (N.B.) Ltd Truckline Parts & Service (Sask) Ltd $ 183,172 97,930 222,595 91,586 80,014 704,529 132,763 62,012 767,550 502,509 54,741 144,187 ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc Unique Drywall Ltd Unisource Canada Inc United Library Services Inc United Protection Services Inc United Rentals of Canada Univar Canada Ltd University of Regina University of Saskatchewan 239,291 97,637 88,297 235,356 219,728 59,808 1,243,274 136,246 560,790 V-Tec Petroleum Services Vantage Developments Corporation VCM Construction Ltd Versaterm Inc Vortec Mechanical Sales Inc 70,008 176,000 7,414,451 461,471 125,125 Wajax Power Systems Wallace Meschishnik Clackson Zawada WBM Office Systems Inc Webb Surveys Weber Supply Company Inc Webster Surveys Ltd Wenck Associates Inc West Coast Engineering Group Ltd West-Can Seal Coating Inc Westburne Electric Supply (Midwest) Westech Engineering Ltd Western Concessions Western Fitness Equipment Western Information Management Inc Western Redi-Mix Inc Westridge Construction Ltd Wheaton Pontiac Buick Cadillac GMC Ltd Wilco Contractors Southwest Inc Wilkinson Steel Metals 229,945 2,038,523 320,904 172,925 56,249 151,090 179,645 617,827 243,778 296,703 578,961 476,450 144,905 77,385 231,554 2,419,481 382,893 6,340,827 123,812 65 CITY OF SASKATOON THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 VENDOR NAME TOTAL PAID William Cleaning Service Ltd Winacott Spring/Western Star Wolseley Waterworks Group Woodgrain Manufacturing Ltd Wozniak & Sons Enterprises Ltd $ XCG Consultants Ltd Xerox Canada Ltd Xylem Water Solutions 257,212 78,262 369,925 159,000 224,665 343,538 130,338 386,899 Zep Manufacturing Company of Canada 58,356 101122135 Saskatchewan Ltd 5050 Central Ltd 614128 Ontario Ltd-o/a Trisan 56,700 57,557 114,659 66 CITY OF SASKATOON NOTES TO THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Note 1 Expenditures have been reported on the accrual basis in accordance with The Cities Regulations . Note 2 Expenditures include all payments of $50,000 and greater made by the City of Saskatoon and its Boards during 2012. Expenditures for TCU Place, Credit Union Centre and the Mendel Art Gallery boards relate to capital expenditures. 67 Remuneration City Council Members 2012 D. Atchison Remuneration Travel and Other Expenses $ $ 116,956 24,384 52,870 3,204 9,486 315 R. Donauer 52,870 7,850 B. Dubois 43,826 7,677 M. Heidt 44,326 2,348 D. Hill 52,870 8,190 A. Iwanchuk 52,870 1,637 Z. Jeffries 9,486 476 M. Loewen 52,870 1,110 P. Lorje 52,870 4,030 E. Olauson 9,486 127 T. Paulsen 52,870 3,276 G. Penner 43,826 1,038 C. Clark T. Davies 68
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