- Greenlanes National School

Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
Scoil na Lanaí Glasa
Drama Policy
Whole School Development Plan for Drama.
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
Table of Contents
Guiding Principles
Introductory Statement and Rationale
Vision and Aims
Curriculum Planning;
Strand and Strand Units
Approaches, Methodologies and Strategies
Children with Different Needs
Linkage and Integration
Assessment and Record Keeping
Equality of Participation and Access
Organisational Planning;
Health and Safety
Individual Teacher’s Planning and Reporting
Staff Development
Parental Involvement
Community Links
Success Criteria
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
1. Guiding Principles
The guiding principles which direct the teaching of drama in our school are;
Drama is a subject
Drama is for all pupils and teachers alike
Process Drama explores the real world through the fictional world.
2. Introductory Statement
It was decided by the staff that all curricular policies would be updated in the
academic year 2014/2015. The staff worked in conjunction with the Deputy
Principal and Principal to choose a subject and formulate a plan for that
This plan is intended to assist our teachers with their Drama planning and is a
record of our intent and decisions regarding Drama. It has been formulated
with referral to the 1999 NCCA Curriculum for Primary Schools.
3. Vision
Our school recognises that education in Drama is necessary as part of a
balanced education. It is expected that the development of a clear and concise
whole school policy on Drama will help ensure that each pupil in the school
receives regular and structured experiences in Drama, so that during the
pupil’s time in the school he/she will achieve complete fulfilment of the aims
of the Drama Curriculum as stated in the 1999 Curriculum for Primary Schools.
We approve and strive to achieve the aims of the 1999 Primary School
Curriculum for Drama Education. These are;
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
1. to enable the child to become drama literate
2. to enable the child to create a permanent bridge between makebelieve play and the art form of theatre
3. to develop the child’s ability to enter physically, emotionally and
intellectually into the drama world in order to promote questing,
empowering and empathetic skills
4. to enable the child to develop the social skills necessary to engage
openly, honestly and playfully with others
5. to enable the child to co-operate and communicate with others in
solving problems in the drama and through the drama
6. to enable the child to understand the structures and modes of drama
and how they create links between play, thought and life
7. to enable the child to acquire this knowledge of drama through the
active exploration of themes drawn from life (past and present),
whether they have their source in other curriculum areas or in general
areas relevant to the child’s life
8. to enable the child to begin the process of translating a knowledge of
drama into the active exploration of life themes from drama literature,
leading to the appreciation of world drama culture to form the criteria
with which to evaluate the drama texts, written or performed, to
which he/she is continually exposed.
4. Curriculum Planning
All information in the following Sections 5 – 10 have been garnered from the
NCCA 1999 Primary School Curriculum for Drama and Teacher Guidelines for
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
5. Strand and Strand Units.
Drama has one strand at each class level which is ‘Drama to explore feelings,
knowledge and ideas, leading to understanding.’
Strand Units for Drama:
1. Exploring and making drama
2. Reflecting on drama
3. Co-operating and communicating in making drama
6. Approach to Drama
The content for Drama is our school will come from the children’s own
experiences. Something they have studied in another subject area, something
they have read, seen, or a topic the teacher feels the children should explore.
Stimuli such as stories, poems, paintings, schoolyard incidents, photographs,
newspaper clippings or real-life objects will be used.
Most of the Drama activities studied in Greenlanes National School will be
based on Educational Drama, where the emphasis is on the activity and the
exploration of life and understanding and insights attained through the
dramatic activity. Where possible, every second/third year emphasis will be
placed scripted drama for the purpose of performing a school play/musical for
the wider school and parish community.
Methodology and Strategy
A safe environment is crucial in order for children to feel safe and happy in the
Drama environment. To ensure this occurs the children and teacher will
sign/agree upon a Drama Contract at the beginning of the year. The children
will be given the opportunity to suggest items for the contract and once the
contract has been finalised it will be displayed in the classroom to remind
children of proper and improper conduct during Drama classes.
In this school we recognise the usefulness of Strategies in Drama.
See below a suggested list of Drama Strategies per class. Teachers should note
that these are merely suggestions and should employ their own strategies
where appropriate.
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
Class Level
Junior and Senior Infants
Suggested Strategies
- Still imaging
- Defining the space
- Teacher in role
- Whole group improvisation
- Mimed narration
- Hot seating
- Freeze Framing & Think Aloud
- Still imaging
- Defining the space
- Teacher in role
- Paired
- Mimed narration
- Hot seating
- Freeze Framing & Think Aloud
- Thought tracking
- Still imaging
- Defining the space
- Teacher in role
- Paired
- Improvisation in small groups
- Mimed narration
- Hot seating
- Freeze Framing & Think Aloud
- Thought tracking
- Briefing
- Conscience alley
- Flashback/flashforward
- Still imaging
- Defining the space
- Teacher in role
- Paired
- Improvisation in small groups
- Mimed narration
- Hot seating
- Freeze Framing & Think Aloud
- Thought tracking
- Briefing
- Conscience alley
- Flashback/flashforward
First and Second
Third and Fourth
Fifth and Sixth
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
We recognise that reflection is an important part of the Drama experience. Each
teacher will do their utmost to ensure that reflection occurs at appropriate points
throughout lessons and also at the end of the lesson.
7. Children with Different Needs
We recognise that some children may not be comfortable with Drama
Education. With this in mind we will strive to ensure that all children are
comfortable and taking part in, Drama lessons. Where a child is continually
uncomfortable in Drama lessons the teacher will make note of the issue and
discuss with the appropriate people as per school policy.
If a child has a Special Needs Assistant the class teacher and the SNA will work
together to make the child’s experience as pleasant as possible and refer to
the Special Educational Needs team when assistance is needed.
8. Linkage and Integration
Linkage is of the utmost importance in Drama. All exercises in lessons will try
to include exploring and making Drama, reflecting on Drama and co-operating
and communicating while making Drama.
Teachers are encouraged to maximise integration between subjects where
appropriate and where the children’s learning and enjoyment can be enriched
and maximised. A thematic approach to integration is favoured by the school
and should be reflected in the teacher’s planning.
Certain subject areas are seen as especially suitable for integration with
o English
o Art
o Music
o SESE; History and Geography in particular.
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
9. Assessment and Record Keeping.
As a school, we recognise the importance of Assessment and Record Keeping
in the delivery of the Drama Curriculum. Assessment will focus on the
children’s learning and how best to inform later teaching and planning.
Teachers will engage in self-assessment and monitor in which areas is success
being achieved and which areas need to undergo further development.
The extent to which the child can preserve the characteristics of
make-believe play in Drama activity will indicate to an important degree the
success, or otherwise, of his/her drama experience. The most important of
these are;
o A willingness to believe that the symbol is real
o Sincerity in playing their characters
o An acceptance of the fictional consequences of the drama
o An impulse to explore.
(NCCA Drama Teacher Guidelines, p99)
Teachers should refer to p 99, 100 and 101 of the 1999 NCCA Teacher
Guidelines for Drama in order to better inform their Assessment of Drama.
Here they recommend the following tools for assessment of Drama;
o Teacher Observation
o Teacher Designed Tasks and tests
o Work Samples, Portfolios and Projects
o Curriculum Profiles in Drama
10. Equality of Participation and Access
Equal opportunities of participation will be given to all children in each lesson.
The teacher will employ different teaching styles to ensure that all students
feel comfortable in Drama lessons.
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
11. Organisational Planning
Junior and Senior Infant will have a minimum of 50 minutes Drama education
per week, with First to Sixth having a minimum of one hour Drama education
per week.
12. Timetable
It is recognised that given Drama and Improvisation activities so often arise
from other subject areas or from incidents in the classroom/playground that
Drama work will not always take place at the same time each week within a
designated time slot. However it is still important that a specific time be
allocated for Drama activities to occur each week to ensure the children are
receiving a balanced education within Drama.
At certain times in the school year we recognise that it may be appropriate to
spend more times on Drama education than others. E.g. in preparing for a
school play at Christmas time. Discretionary time may also be used for this.
13. Resources
Resources are held centrally and in the classrooms. This includes drama
books, basic props and suggested stimuli (music, poetry, stories, visual
images). The children will also be encouraged to bring in their own stimuli
when appropriate.
Teachers are encouraged to teach their drama lessons in their own
classrooms or outside when possible.
14. Health and Safety
As with teaching across all subjects, proper care and attentions will be given
while teaching Drama. Teachers should refer to the school’s relevant policies,
particularly Child Protection and the Health and Safety statement when
teaching Drama.
Care and attention will be given to the following:
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
Hidden dangers if children are moving around the classroom.
Ventilation of the classrooms.
Amount of space for children to sit or stand when engaged in drama work.
Particular care will be needed when children are setting up the drama space.
Children should not be engaged in lifting heavy classroom objects.
Appropriate volume levels when using audio equipment or when engaged in a
very loud activity.
Particular attention should also be given when exploring topics to do with
bullying and the Drama Contract should be adhered to at all times.
15. Individual Planning and Reporting
Each teacher will be given access to this plan and will be encouraged to refer
to it while completing their planning for the school year.
Teachers who are teaching the same level will be encouraged to plan together
to ensure continuity of learning across the different classes.
The elements of Drama should be carefully considered while planning lessons
and a thematic approach to Drama is encouraged in our school.
Examples of some of these themes are;
A New Year
St Patrick
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
A Journey
Positive behaviours / Friendships
Teachers will record work they have completed in the Cúntas Míosíuil and file the
document in the principal’s office each month.
16. Staff Development
Teachers will be informed about upcoming development courses via the Staff
Notice Board and by email. Staff will also be given the opportunity to discuss
new teaching strategies/concerns/issues at staff meetings and through
conferral with the Deputy Principal and Principal.
17. Parental Involvement
If a parent has particular expertise in the area of Drama they may invited to be
part of the process of Educational Drama in the classroom or school. Parents
may also be invited to showcases of work the children may be putting on
throughout the year and at the end of the year if a school play has been
18. Community Links
Individuals in the local community such as actors, Drama teachers, education
officers and singers will all be considered a valuable resource when
considering the teaching of Drama in our school.
Where possible and appropriate the children will form an audience for local
theatre and musical productions.
19. Success Criteria
The success of this plan will be assessed by;
- Teachers using this document to inform their own planning
- The procedures and guidelines in this plan being followed by staff.
Greenlanes National School Drama Policy, Revised 2014.
Teacher, child, parent, Principal and Inspector feedback will also all be used to
assess the success of this plan.
20. Implementation
This plan will be supported, implemented and developed by the Principal,
Deputy Principal and all staff of Greenlanes National School.
21. Review
This plan was reviewed in July 2014 and a date for further review will be
decided upon in September 2014.
22. Ratification
This school plan for Drama has been ratified by the Board of Management and
the staff of Greenlanes National School. It will be reviewed after one year and
every three years thereafter. All members of the teaching staff will be
responsible for becoming familiar with this plan and notifying the appropriate
personnel with any amendments they deem necessary.