Self Assessment: The Fossil Record

Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________
Date: _____________
Self Assessment: The Fossil Record (Earth Science)
1. The fossil record is LEAST likely to provide scientists with which information?
a) the relative age of rock formations
b) documentation of climatic conditions and changes on Earth
c) evidence of how and when life began
d) a complete record of pre existing life on Earth
2. Fossils usually are found in which kind of rock?
a) igneous
b) sedimentary
c) metamorphic
d) molten
3. Different episodes in Earth's history are marked by changing climatic factors, and different life forms were
able to survive in one location or during one time. Fossils that are specifically associated with certain
intervals of geologic time are known as _____.
a) index fossils
b) primary fossils
c) trace fossils
d) relative fossils
4. Fossils preserved in stone can form in many ways, but they all have one general process in common. The
organic remains must be completely covered in sediment and be _____.
a) submerged in water
b) decomposed
c) deprived of oxygen
d) completely dry
5. When minerals replace most or all of the internal structure and shape of a plant or animal, what is left?
a) impression
b) petrified remains
c) carbonaceous film
d) mummified remains
Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________
Date: _____________
Self Assessment: The Fossil Record (Earth Science)
6. Approximately how old are the oldest known fossils?
a) 3.5 million years
b) 35 million years
c) 35 billion years
d) 3.5 billion years
7. After an organism dies, its remains may be buried under sediments and slowly decay as the sediments
harden into rocks. When all of the organic material is completely gone, an impression is left in the rock
called a _____.
a) cast
b) coprolite
c) gastrolith
d) mold
8. Fossils are useful in which type of dating method?
a) absolute dating
b) radiometric dating
c) relative dating
d) carbon dating
9. Which of the following items will NOT form into a fossil?
a) footprints
b) decomposing organic material
c) plant impressions
d) loose bones
10. One of the most important factors influencing the types of fossils found is the alteration of sea levels. How
do periods of glaciation affect global sea levels?
a) less water is frozen in the ice caps and less water is in the sea
b) more water is frozen in the ice caps and more water is in the sea
c) more water is frozen in the ice caps and less water is in the sea
d) more water is in the sea and less water is in the ice caps
1. d
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. d
7. d
8. c
9. b
10. c