US History, Ms. Brown Need Help? Email: abrown

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Course: US History/Ms. Brown
Date: ___________________
7th Grade US History
Standard # – Do Now – Day #88
Aims: SWBAT explain two conflicts the new government was faced with
SWBAT explain Washington’s idea of neutrality
Directions: Answer the following questions in complete and historically accurate sentences. You
must attempt each question, there should be absolutely no blank spaces. Be sure to provide
examples and evidence to support your answers.
SKILL DRILL: Cause and Effect
Last month Karen broke up with her boyfriend and was really sad. She stopped doing her school
work and participating in class. On last week’s progress report Karen’s grade dropped by 20 points.
She brought the report home to her mom and her mom grounded her. Karen was not allowed to
watch T.V., talk on the phone, or go on the computer. Needless to say Karen was upset and she
wanted her privileges back. She decided she would get her grades back up. She made up all her
missed homework and study all week for her midterm. She found out yesterday that she got a 98.
When she told her mom, her mom gave her privileges back. Hopefully Friday’s progress report will
be back to normal!
List 2 causes of this scenario
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
List 2 effects in this scenario
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
US History, Ms. Brown
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Date: ___________________
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Washington as President
The most critical problem facing the new government was money. The national treasury
was empty. Congress had the power to raise funds through taxes. But its members
argued endlessly about what to tax any by how much. In 1791, Congress finally agreed
to place an excise tax on whisky and other “luxury” goods, such as carriages. An excise
tax is a tax on the production or sale of a product.
1. What was the most critical problem the new government was facing?
2. How did Congress decide to raise money for the national treasury?
The Whisky Rebellion
Settlers living west of the Appalachian Mountains howled in protest. Western farmers
found it too costly to haul their grain across the
mountains to sell in Eastern cities. Instead, they distilled
their bulky wheat into whisky, which could be shipped
more cheaply. Many farmers complained that the tax
made their whisky too expensive, and refused to pay it.
To end these protests, Congress lowered the excise tax
in 1793. Most farmers began to pay up, but not the tax
rebels of Western Pennsylvania. These “Whisky Boys”
tarred and feathered tax collectors who tried to enforce
the law.
Hamilton and Washington saw the Whisky Rebellion
The Whisky Rebellion was a
serious challenge to the new
as a threat to the authority of the national government.
At Hamilton’s urging, Washington led 13,000 state militia nation’s ability to enforce its
laws. When several hundred
troops across the mountains to crush the rebels. Faced
Whisky Boys refused to pay a
with overwhelming force, the rebellion melted away.
federal whisky tax, President
Jefferson though that the idea of sending an army to
Washington personally led
catch a few tax rebels was foolish. Even worse, he
13,000 state militia troops to
believed, Hamilton was prepared to violate people’s
put down the rebellion.
liberties by using armed force to put down opposition to
government policies.
US History, Ms. Brown
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Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
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1. What were the Pennsylvania farmers protesting?
2. How did the national government handle the situation?
3. What two groups were fighting in the West?
4. What was the effect of Washington sending an army to the Northwest Territory?
The French Revolution
When the French Revolution
turned violent, and an
endless stream of nobles was
beheaded on the guillotine,
many Americans withdrew
their support for the
Meanwhile the nation was caught up in a debate over events in
France. In 1789, the French people rebelled against their king.
The leaders of the French Revolution dreamed of building a
nation based on “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity,” or
brotherhood. Three years later, France became a republic and
declared “a war of all peoples against kings.”
Many Americans were thrilled by the French Revolution
This was especially true of Jefferson and his followers, who began
calling themselves Democratic-Republicans, or simply
Republicans. The Republicans saw the French Revolution as part
of a great crusade for democracy.
In time, news from France caused supporters of the
revolution to think again. Cheered on by the angry mobs,
France’s revolutionary government began lopping off the heads of
wealthy nobles. Some 20,000 men, women and children were
Hamilton and his followers, who called themselves
Federalists, were appalled by the bloodshed. Many Federalists
themselves well-off. After hearing about the fate of wealthy
families in France, they began to finger their own necks,
wondering whether such terrors could happen in the United
States. “Behold France,” warned one Federalist, “an open hell…in
which we see…perhaps our own future.”
US History, Ms. Brown
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Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
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As war erupted between France and Great Britain, Washington decided his foreign policy
strategy would be that the United States remain neutral in the conflict. Jay’s Treaty with
Great Britain officially declaring their neutrality.
1. Why did most Americans support the French Revolution at first?
2. Why did support for the French Revolution decrease over time?
3. What was the Federalists opinion about the French Revolution? Explain
Document Analysis
George Washington’s Farewell Address . . .The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. . . . Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. . . . Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice [whim]? It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world. . . . — George Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796 Next page
US History, Ms. Brown
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Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
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1. Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course.”
What do you think George Washington meant by this statement?
2. According to this document, what United States foreign policy did President George
Washington favor (or prefer)?
Wrap Up
Whisky rebellion showed __________________________________________________________________
America’s involvement in the French Revolution was ended by ______________________________
In Washington’s farewell address, Washington warned America
This idea is called _______________________________
US History, Ms. Brown
Need Help? Email: [email protected] or Call 646.477.2663
US History, Ms. Brown
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Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
Homeroom: __________________
_____/10 Mastered/Passing/Not Mastered
1. Neutral - ________________________________________________________________________
Use the word “neutral” in a sentence:
Daily Review
1. What was Washington’s response to the war between England and France?
2. What did Washington warn against in his Farewell Address?
US History, Ms. Brown
Need Help? Email: [email protected] or Call 646.477.2663
US History, Ms. Brown
Need Help? Email: [email protected] or Call 646.477.2663
Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
Homeroom: __________________
_____/5 Mastered/Passing/Not Mastered
1. In his farewell address, George Washington recommended the United States use
a. Alliances
b. Neutrality
c. Mercantilism
d. Union with other nations
2. Which document ended the United States involvement in the French Revolution?
a. Treaty of Paris
b. Treaty of Versailles
c. Jay’s Treaty
d. Washington’s Treaty
3. George Washington adapted the Executive Branch by
a. Increasing his powers
b. Creating the Cabinet
c. Developing political parties
d. Changing the court system
4. Dealing with foreign countries in the main responsibility of the
a. Secretary of State
b. Secretary of Treasury
c. Secretary of War
d. Attorney General
US History, Ms. Brown
Need Help? Email: [email protected] or Call 646.477.2663