What you can expect from us - West Lothian Housing Partnership

West Lothian Housing
You and WLHP
Customer service commitments
What you can
expect from us
Better homes, better lives
Customer service commitments
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You and WLHP
We’re committed to great customer
service and exceeding expectations
as your landlord. We firmly believe
commitments must be met.
This booklet outlines the service
commitments we’ve made to our
tenants, but if it hasn’t answered
all your questions give us a call on
01506 416438.
Need to contact us?
Call us 24/7 on 01506 416438
Write to us at West Lothian Housing Partnership
Ltd, 3 Michaelson Square, Kirkton Campus,
Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 7DP
Visit us online www.wlhp.org
Email us at [email protected]
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Customer service commitments
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Are commitments a good thing?
There are certain standards of service you have
a right to expect when you are in contact with
our members of staff and the contractors who
are appointed by us. We call these standards
our customer service commitments.
Yes! We are committed to respecting you and your community’s
needs while always treating you in the way you’d like to be
treated. These commitments are the responsibility of all staff
and we encourage everyone in WLHP to put customers at the
heart of everything we do.
Why we have these commitments
We are focused on providing excellent customer service
that meets the needs and exceeds the expectations of our
customers. These commitments tell you how we will do this
and what you can expect from us in all your dealings.
Customer feedback told us we need to shape and deliver caring
and consistent customer service. We also now know what issues
matter to you. Our commitments focus on these.
We hope you always experience the levels of service this leaflet
describes. If this is not the case at any time, please contact us
on 01506 416438.
We hope our commitments continue to help improve the
standard of our services. If this isn’t the case, we will review
the commitments, taking account of your feedback.
Will we deliver on the commitments?
To help us ensure we deliver on the commitments, we
monitor our performance in a number of ways, including
customer feedback. We also assess the performance,
attitudes and behaviours of our suppliers’ and contractors’
staff and obtain feedback from our partners on their
customer service. We use this information to identify areas
for improvement in how we deliver services to you.
Want to know more?
You can download our
complete customer
service commitments
at www.wlhp.org
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Customer service commitments
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Frequently asked questions
Our commitment to you
To help explain more about our customer
service commitments here are some frequently
asked questions.
Here is an overview of the standards of service
you have the right to expect when you are
in contact with members of our staff and the
contractors appointed by us.
What if we don’t deliver?
We have a new, improved comments and complaints service
you can use to tell us about the good service you receive or
where you feel we could have done better.
Our office has the guides and forms you need to note
your comments and concerns. No matter how you decide to
make a complaint, we will treat you equally and with respect.
If you need a bit of extra support to make a complaint, we will
be happy to help. This might include an interpreter, getting the
information in Braille or large print or help in completing
a complaint form.
We will
How will you know about our performance?
We will publish our performance against these commitments
in our tenant newsletter.
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Customer service commitments
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We will
We will
Provide you with access to
advice and assistance
24 hours a day,
seven days a week
through our Customer
Service Centre
If unable to complete our
action within this time, we will
inform you of progress
Every five
working days
Identify ourselves, be polite,
approachable and helpful
In all your
contacts with us
Use a private interview
room when you visit
one of our offices
On request
Listen to you and give you full
opportunity to have your say
In all your
contacts with us
Visit you at home if this
is necessary
Resolve your enquiry
At the time of request
or inform you who
will get back to you
and when
Within five working
days of agreeing
to visit
Within five working
days of the request
Answer your telephone calls
Within five rings
Provide our publications and
other information in ways that
meet your needs (translations,
interpretations, large print,
audio versions etc.)
Ensure you meet a member of
staff who can assist you with
your enquiry when you visit
one of our offices
Within 15 minutes
Advise you of how to request
a review of any decision or
make an appeal, and the
relevant timescales
When advising you
of any decision
Respond in full to your phone
enquiry (where unable to
deal with your enquiry at
first contact)
Within one
working day
Within 40 days.
Respond to your letters, faxes,
emails and text messages
Within five
working days
Acknowledge Subject Access
Requests and respond in full
to requests made under
Section 7 of The Data
Protection Act 1998
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Customer service commitments
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Would you like more information?
Phone: 01506 416438
Email: [email protected]
Visit: www.wlhp.org
West Lothian Housing Partnership is registered as a company
limited by guarantee, register no. SC188968. It is also recognised
by HM Revenue and Customs as a Scottish charity (SC031668)
and is registered with The Scottish Housing Regulator under the
Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 as a registered social landlord, no.
318. VAT registration no. 135531726. Registered office: Wheatley
House, Wheatley House, 25 Cochrane Street, Glasgow G1 1HL
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