
March 2, 1954
‘Filed June 16, 1950
Patented Mar. 2, 1954
c?rmrs ADrU‘s‘TABLs
Jeron'ie SzKaufmanl', New RpchelléyNrYs;assignorh‘
tUéTidY’PI‘OdHCtSKGUBY’NéW ¥ork,-1N'.~"¥.;,a pan-tic:
2 Glaimsiw
(01. seams:
24380911,: 1625592»,
This invention relates ‘to snowsuitsiaridfl'moi'ei'ipears‘- ‘ri-ylitoisnewsmtsiroraiyoung @hil'dren‘l _~
dance'ithe’i'v‘eofls‘o tHatEipbi-i removi‘ugvonelon'imore ’
er" 0 "th‘e'71 ‘
iace’c'imffié'date amine-rem;inzsirei'ofvtheq
“illustrated iwit' a-‘i'sndwsiiit’lo
‘ ne‘ltype an‘or"
young children and includes a body portiorfi's-l0,3"v
sleevszporuons ll‘ifi'ar'id'lqeg amides-112i. ‘In "its
single‘; gar-r
men‘?il‘desirably"haVirigl‘a sna-istbanawporticn 1 urr~
{the garment
ligrbwthi Iof Iitlie“
thwartrélé 6f deterrents-1;
Still more particularly itmis an ‘injection-my?‘
inven?oiiytoiipr'otideiiaPicliild’s outer garment,
such as a snowsuit, which includes an adjust
able ieh’gtli li?ihguwhicli"hod?erdtéé’wit?elastic
cuff member's‘toP?hdldlait’excessive‘le?g'tIiTOf fab-
provided‘ forl’the‘ankl
ric for the sleeves and trouser -legs Without de- I
cu?‘s or‘>a Ipr'ecisterns‘in'ecf’s'ize‘Iis*maintairiecl“by -'
tractinglffomdhe appearanc‘e‘ofnthe garment but 25- the'icor'ribih'ed éfféct‘ofithé elastic’pnatureof‘ these“
which; by" ’-.’alt§fa‘ti6n""of’ théliiiing, permits 1‘
' 'g which may‘b *made‘bf- fleece
anr'exté'ffsio fofwtlie‘ vsleeves}ileg's; and bodylitoh
accommodatei'the'gariiiént"to'la ‘growth linL'si-ze‘e
of the“ child?‘
'rhjeqi‘f'irig‘isilexte?déa \i‘n“ tiié-sléevessanaua‘é
Still more speci?cally it is an object of my
invention to provide a garment for toddlers and
rapidly growing young children which may be
quickly altered to extend the same to accommodate the garment to a growth in size without
showing any evidence thereof on the facing fab- 35
"cooperate "wit-hi1" _
> I,
‘siredi‘si‘ 'rmth‘. ‘
With respect to the sleeves-“message "lining?
23 is formed with one or more tucks 24 by a
chain stitch or the like 25. The tuck therefore
extends the limiting position of the cuff I9 from
the armhole 26 to the wrist as it is suspended
To attain these objects and such further objects ‘as may appear herein or be hereinafter
pointed out, I make reference to the accompanying drawing forming a part hereof, in which—
by the lining for the initial size ?tting the child.
In a like manner, for the leg portion l2 the leg
lining 21 has a tuck 28 held in the desired. po
sition at 29 by a row of chain stitches. The ter
minal portions 30 and 3| for the lining of the
Figure 1 is a perspective view showing a gararms and legs engage the cuffs I9 and 20, re
ment in accordance with my invention, with
spectively, for the desired initial size. The outer
portions thereof sectioned to disclose details;
fabric ‘for the sleeve is formed with an extra fold
Figure 2 is a section on the line 2—2 of Fig32 which drapes over the edge 30 joining the
ure 1;
45 cuff and sleeve lining.
Figure 3 is a section taken on the line 3-3 of
For the trouser an extra fold 33 drapes over
Figure 1.
the cu? 20 from the seam joining the trouser
My. invention may be summarized as providlining 3! to the vcuif. The resultant arrange
ingfa child’s outer garment in which constrictment gives a comfortable feel to the arm and
ing‘ portions, such as a neckband, and cuffs for 50 leg covering and the garment body and sleeves
thelhands and legs, support a lining distributed
are draped without any uncomfortable fullness,
tojgive a form ?tting garment ‘of proper size by
and with no slipping of the cuffs for the arms
tucks ‘ior ‘loops held together with temporary
or legs from the natural position.
V _
In the crotch covering portion, the lining. 2| '
. stitching
and over'such lining the outer fabric~
vof the garment is loosely draped, with an awn! 55 has an auxiliary seam 34 spaced from the ter
minal seam 35 by a row of removable stitches,
such as a chain stitch. The seam is along the
side of the crotch covering portion to join the
front panels and rear panels adjustably upon
removal of the stitches forming the seam 34.
The outer fabric has the front panel 36 joined
to the rear panel 31 by a seam 38 running lon
1. A child’s adjustable bifurcated garment
having an outer fabric portion and a lining fabric
portion, each formed into complete torso and
limb covering portions, comprising a neck encir
cling portion, sleeves, trouser legs and crotch por
tions nested within each other, the ends of the
sleeves adjacent the wrist portion and the ends
of the trouser legs adjacent the ankle, portion
gitudinally of the groin covering sections by a
row of stitches 39 spaced inwardly‘ from the ter
being connected to each other by snugly ?tting
minal seam 40. Both the lining and the outer 1O cuffs, the outer fabric assembly being longer and
fabric adjacent the crotch covering portions are
having greater fullness than the lining assembly,
provided with supplementary tucks 4| and 42,
folds in the lining portions of the sleeves and
running from the crotch covering portion to an
trouser legs formed by rows of temporary stitch
apex 43 adjacent the thigh covering portions.
ing, terminal crotch seams and temporary crotch
When the garment is ?tted initially for the small 15 seams in each of the crotch covering portions,
est size, the hang is controlled by the lining ex
said temporary crotch seams being spaced from
tending from the collar to the sleeve cuffs and
the terminal crotch seams forming folds to re
from the collar to the leg cuffs. Likewise, the
duce excessive fullness at such crotch portions,
hang of the garment is correct throughout the
where by ripping of the temporary stitching and
torso covering portion.
20 temporary crotch seams the garment is adjusted
When the child has outgrown the garment,
to a larger size.
the folds 24, 28 and 4|, 42 de?ned by the spaced‘
2. A child’s adjustable bifurcated garment
stitching may be released by opening the stitches
having an outer fabric portion and a lining fabric
25, 29, 34 and 39, to permit the cuffs I3 and 20 to
portion, each comprising a waist portion, trouser
be shifted to the new position along the arms and 25 ‘legs, and crotch portions nested within each other,
legs of the wearer, and to permit the seam 40 to
the ends of the trouser legs adjacent the ankle
ride longitudinally out of the crotch area of the
portion being connected to each other by snugly V
?tting cuffs, the outer fabric assembly being
By the construction described, no unsightly
longer and having greater fullness than the lin
color variation due to fading of part of the gar 30 ing assembly, folds in the liningportions of the
ment is evidenced and the excess fullness of the
trouser legs held together by rows of temporary
outer fabric which is let out is at the crotch and
stitching, terminal crotch seams and temporary
which has the original color, is hidden from view,
crotch seams in each of the crotch covering por
not to detract from the appearance of the gar
tions, said temporary crotch seams being spaced
35 from the terminal crotch seams forming folds to
While I have shown an overall garment in
reduce excessive fullness at such crotch portions,
which the outer fabric is supported with fullness
where by ripping of the temporary stitching and
from the constricting portion comprising the col
temporary crotch seams the garment is adjusted
lar to a predetermined arm length and leg length
to a larger size.
by cuffs at the wrists and ankles, respectively, and 40
adjacent the crotch, it will be understood that
for the trouser portions, trousers alone supported
References Cited in the ?le of this patent
by a constricting or suspending medium may, in
a measure, similarly a?ord-the growth adjust
ment for the crotch and trouser legs, to suspend 45 Number
Sprague ___________ __ May 5, 1908
through the medium of the lining the excessive
fullness of outer fabric, while holding the termi
Montgomery ______ __ Apr..11, 1916 r
nal cuff portions at the desired location.
Having thus described my invention and illus
trated its use, what I claim as new and desire to 50
Goldstein ___'_____'___ Feb. 17,1948
Kessner _________ __ Sept. ‘27, 1949 '
secure by Letters Patent, is: .