Study Guide 4th Nine-Weeks

Study Guide 4th Nine-Weeks
1. Women fighting to end slavery recognized their own bondage and formed what movement?
2. The network of escape routes out of the South for enslaved people was the ______________________.
3. Who was the most famous Underground Railroad conductor?
4. The admission of Missouri as a slave state was controversial in the Senate because
5. Henry Clay’s compromise became known as __________________________________.
6. How did Northerners react to the Fugitive Slave Act?
7. Stephen A. Douglas proposed letting the people decide about slavery through
8. In the congressional election of 1858, the Senate race in what state was the center of national
9. What was the main topic of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
10. Southerners justified secession with the theory of ____________________________________.
11. What law made a person subject to fines and imprisonment for aiding fugitives?
12. What book by Harriet Beecher Stowe showed slavery as a brutal, cruel system?
13. What was the first territory to shed blood in a civil war over slavery?
14. What Supreme Court decision divided the nation even more right before the Civil War?
15. The 1860 presidential candidate whose name did not appear on the ballot in most Southern states
was ____________________________________.
16. What Confederate capital was only about 100 miles from Washington D.C.?
17. The bloodiest day of the entire Civil War was the Battle of _______________________.
18. How did African Americans in the North greet the Emancipation Proclamation?
19. William Tecumseh Sherman’s “March to the Sea” headed toward _______________________________.
20. In the Civil War, for the first time, thousands of women served as _____________________________.
21. What battle began when the Union cavalry surprised the Rebel infantry raiding the town for
22. In 1861, 48 counties organized themselves as a separate state called ______________________________.
23. What was the main goal of the North at the beginning of the war?
24. What April battle lasted only two days, but included some of the most bloody fighting of the war?
25. On January 1, 1863, President Lincoln signed the _______________________________________.
26. Which battle did Lincoln use to take action against slavery?
27. Appomattox Court House is famous because it is the site of ___________________________________.
28. After the Civil War, the period of rebuilding the South was called _______________________________.
29. Who was accused of assassinating President Abraham Lincoln?
30. To many freed men and women, what reestablished slavery in disguise?
31. Which amendment grants full citizenship to all individuals born in the United States?
32. Northerners who supported the Republicans and moved to the South during Reconstruction were
called _____________________________.
33. What secret society often killed African Americans in the South?
34. What happened to President Andrew Johnson after he violated the Tenure of Office Act?
35. What was the name of the most common type of farm work for freed individuals?