Lesson 3 Energy in Ecosystems

Lesson 3 Energy in Ecosystems
LA., MA.6.A.3.6, SC.6.N.1.1, SC.6.N.1.4, SC.6.N.3.3, SC.7.L.17.1, SC.7.N.1.1, SC.8.L.18.1,
SC.8.L.18.4, SC.8.N.1.1
Skim or scan the heading, boldfaced words, and pictures in the lesson. Identify or predict three facts
you will learn from the lesson. Discuss your thoughts with a classmate.
How does energy move
in ecosystems?
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moves through each one.
Type of pattern:
Type of pattern:
Type of material:
Type of material:
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Identify the patterns below and the type of material that
Describe photosynthesis and chemosynthesis.
Processes by which producers make food from
materials in the environment
in matter and make food
into food-energy molecule
• can take place on the
Study Guide
• gives off
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Organize information about consumers. Describe the role
of each consumer.
Type of
What It Does
Chapter Review
Benchmark Practice
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
• occurs when producers use
Inquiry Lab
• converts
Matter and Energy in the Environment
Lesson 3 | Energy in Ecosystems (continued)
Modeling Energy in
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Model a food chain.
• Include and label a producer, an herbivore, and a carnivore.
• Use arrows to show the transfer of energy. Be sure to include the
initial source of energy in the food chain.
Food Webs
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Model a food web. Draw arrows to show the transfer of
energy among organisms in the food web shown.
Study Guide
the Sun
Chapter Review
Predict what would happen if the rattlesnake in this food web
Benchmark Practice
were removed.
Matter and Energy in the Environment
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Inquiry Lab
Lesson 3 | Energy in Ecosystems (continued)
Energy Pyramids
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Define energy pyramid and explain trophic levels.
An energy pyramid
Trophic level:
Model the levels of an energy pyramid.
• Label each trophic level. Include whether the trophic level contains
carnivores, herbivores, or producers.
• Label each level with the percentage of total energy that is available
at that level.
Trophic level:
Type of organisms:
Percentage of total energy available:
Inquiry Lab
Trophic level:
Percentage of total energy available:
Trophic level:
Study Guide
Type of organisms:
Percentage of total energy available:
Analyze Use this information to explain what happens to the
available energy.
Why is it unlikely that a food pyramid will have more than three
Chapter Review
or four levels?
Benchmark Practice
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Type of organisms:
Matter and Energy in the Environment