student governor - East Berkshire College

What will I gain?
Influence College Policy
at the Highest Level
What is a Student Governor?
Student Governors attend meetings of the College
Board of Governors to reflect the views of students at the
College’s highest decision making level.
Why do we have Student Governors?
The law requires that the college has student governors,
but we believe that student involvement is vital to the
planning and operation of the College at all levels.
Student Governors are able to give student input and
opinion on projects, initiatives and strategy before they
are put into practice.
How many Student Governors does the
College have?
Each year two Student Governors will be appointed. Any
student currently studying at the College is eligible to
stand, but one position is available to Higher Education
students (those studying for Foundation Degrees,
HNCs or HNDs) and one position is available to Further
Education students (all other courses)
You will learn about how college strategy is developed
and implemented. You will also learn about future
developments for the college and be able to develop
your skills in being effective at meetings, debating and
contributing, and working at board level. It will give you
an insight into strategic planning and you will benefit from
the experience and skills you develop from working in a
team with people with a wide range of backgrounds in
many sectors. You’ll have a real opportunity to represent
the student voice in high-level discussion and decisionmaking. The experience will look great on your CV or
UCAS application form.
Who is eligible to be a student governor?
Any student studying at East Berkshire College may
be nominated as a Student Governor, but you must
be planning to continue studying at the college for a
minimum of one year from the point of your nomination.
What is the time commitment?
The College Board has four meetings throughout the year,
usually starting at 6pm. The Student Governor will also be
asked to sit on one of the related committees, such as the
Curriculum and Quality Committee or Audit Committee.
These meetings take place termly and are also usually
in the evenings. There are Governance Development
sessions (half a day, once per term) and other training
opportunities during the year. The Student Governor
is also an automatic member of the Learner Voice
Committee which meets three times per year, usually in
the afternoon. Student Governors will also need to find
time to read the papers and prepare for meetings.
What qualifications do I need to have
to be a student governor?
No formal qualifications are required, but you must be
reliable, interested in the positive development of the
college and able to manage your time.
Will I receive any training?
An induction is provided for all new Student Governors.
You will also receive support throughout the year and can
request help or guidance at any time.
Who else is a Governor?
Do I get paid for being a governor?
The Board of Governors is made up of a number of
people with interests and experiences from outside
the College, they may have backgrounds in education,
business or local authority but have a mix of skills and
knowledge that contribute to the governance of the
college. You will also have regular contact with the senior
post holders and other senior managers of the college
No, the Governor is an unpaid position, however you are
able to claim expenses for costs directly associated with
your role as a Student Governor.
What happens at a
Board of Governors meeting?
Board meetings can cover many subjects, from the
College’s finances and performance to important decisionmaking on learning and teaching. Before each meeting a
pack of papers will be distributed for all members to read
in advance so they know what’s on the agenda and can take
part in informed discussion and debate.
How long does a student governor serve for?
Student Governors are appointed for one academic year.
How do I become a Student Governor?
Any student is eligible to stand for the position of Student
Governor. If you are interested you need to provide a
statement for the election and a photograph of yourself.
For an informal discussion about the role or for help with
applying, please contact Jaspreet Padham, Independent
Learning Coordinator on 01753 793221 or email
[email protected]
REF: 21684