HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 REF.NR.: TEND/AML/2001/07/20 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ENV.A.2./ETU/2001/0024 ANNEX 3 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF – LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS BY WORKING GROUP COMPOST – CONSULTING & DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL OFFICE FOR AGRICULTURE DI FLORIAN AMLINGER HOCHBERGSTR. 3 A-2380 PERCHTOLDSDORF (AUSTRIA) WPA – CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. DI, DR. MICHAEL POLLAK LACKIERERGASSE 1/4 A-1090 WIEN (AUSTRIA) SCUOLA AGRARIA DEL PARCO DI MONZA GRUPPO DI STUDIO SUL COMPOSTAGGIO E LA GESTIONE INTEGRATA DEI RIFIUTI DR. ENZO FAVOINO VIALE CAVRIGA 3 I-20052 MONZA (ITALY) INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 2 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 ANNEX 3 – INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF – LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 1 European Legislation 4 2 PTE (heavy metal) content in foodstuffs 12 3 Organic Pollutant Content in Foodstuffs 33 3.1 Dioxins 33 3.2 Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEFs) for PCDD/PCDF 33 Tables : 12 Table A3- 1: Arsenic (mg kg-1) -1 Table A3- 2: Cadmium (mg kg ) 14 -1 Table A3- 3: Chromium (mg kg ) 17 -1 Table A3- 4: Copper (mg kg ) 21 -1 Table A3- 5: Mercury (mg kg ) 24 -1 Table A3- 6: Nickel (mg kg ) 25 -1 Table A3- 7: Lead (mg kg ) 27 -1 Table A3- 8: Zinc (mg kg ) 29 Table A3- 9:International Toxic Equivalency Factors (I-TEFs) for PCDD/PCDF (Kutz et al. 1980) 34 Table A3- 10: WHO Toxic Equivalency Factors (WHO-TEFs) for PCDD/PCDF (van Leeuwen and Younes 1998) 34 -1 -1 Table A3- 11: PCDD/PCDF pg I-TEQ g (pg WHO-TEQ g for feedingstuffs) 35 -1 Table A3- 12: PCB µg kg 43 -1 Table A3- 13: PAH µg kg 44 -1 Table A3- 14: HCB µg g 45 Table A3- 15: Aldrin/Dieldrin 46 Table A3- 16: DDT and congeners µg kg-1 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 47 3 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 1 European Legislation European Community. Commission Decision 1999/640/EC of 23 September 1999 on protective measures with regard to contamination by dioxins of certain products of porcine and poultry origin intended for human or animal consumption. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 253, 29 September 1999, pp. 19-31) Article 1 of this Decision, which has been adopted having regard to, inter alia, Council Directive 90/425/EEC of 26 June 1990 concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks applicable in intra-Community trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market (see IDHL, 1990, 41, 605, EEC 90.47), as amended by Council Directive 92/118/EEC of 17 December 1992 (see ibid., 1993, 44, 468, EEC 93.30), lays down that Belgium is to prohibit the placing on the market, including distribution to the final consumer, the trade, and the export to third countries of a range of porcine and poultry products (as listed) which are intended for human or animal consumption. Under Article 8, Member States are to adopt the necessary measures to bring their trade rules into conformity with this Decision. They are to immediately inform the Commission thereof. The following Annexes are appended: A. Minimum levels for PCB for certain products listed in Article 1(1); B. Health certificate for products intended for human or animal consumption of Belgian origin derived from poultry and pigs listed in Article 1(1) of Decision 1999/640/EC; C. Official declaration for poultry and hatching eggs referred to in Article 1(3) of Decision 1999/640/EC; D. Official declaration for pigs referred to in Article 1(3) of Decision 1999/640/EEC; E. Official declaration for live animals, hatching eggs and products of Belgian origin covered by Article 1(1) and Article 1(3) which were dispatched from Belgium after 15 January 1999; and F. Health certificate for products of Belgian origin covered by Decision 1999/640/EC intended to be returned to Belgium from Member States. European Community. Commission Directive 2000/81/EC of 18 December 2000 amending the Annexes to Council Directives 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on cereals, foodstuffs of animal origin and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables, respectively. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 326, 22 December 2000, pp. 56-62) Annex II to Directives 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see IDHL, 1986, 37, 819, EEC 86.38), 86/363/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see ibid., 823, EEC 86.39), and 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see ibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9) are amended as indicated, respectively, in Articles 1, 2, and 3 of the present Directive. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Directive 2000/82/EC of 20 December 2000 amending the Annexes to Council Directives 76/895/EEC, 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on fruit and vegetables, cereals, foodstuffs of animal origin and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables respectively. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 3, 6 January 2001, pp. 18-26) The entries in Annex II to Directives 76/895/EEC of 23 November 1976 (see IDHL, 1977, 28, 247), 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see ibid., 1986, 37, 819, EEC 86.38), 86/363/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see ibid., 823, EEC 86.39), and 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see ibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9) are amended as indicated, respectively, in Articles 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the present Directive. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Recommendation 2001/42/EC of 22 December 2000 concerning a coordinated Community monitoring programme for 2001 to ensure compliance with INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 4 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 maximum levels of pesticide residues in and on cereals and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 11, 16 January 2001, pp. 40-45) This Recommendation has been made having regard to, inter alia, Council Directives 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see IDHL, 1986, 37, 819, EEC 86.38), as amended, and 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see ibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9), as amended. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Regulation (EC) No 466/2001 of 8 March 2001 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 77, 16 March 2001, p. 1-13) Article 1 lays down, inter alia: that the foodstuffs indicated in Annex 1 must not, when placed on the market, contain higher contaminant levels than specified in that Annex (which comprises the following Sections: 1. Nitrates; 2. Mycotoxins; 3. Heavy metals; and 4. 3monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD)); and that the sampling and analysis methods used must be those specified therein. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Directive 2001/22/EC of 8 March 2001 laying down the sampling methods and the methods of analysis for the official control of the levels of lead, cadmium, mercury and 3-MCPD in foodstuffs. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 77, 16 March 2001, pp. 14-21) This Directive has been issued having regard to, inter alia, Council Directive 85/591/EEC of 20 December 1985 (see IDHL, 1986, 37, 65, EEC 86.3). The following Annexes are appended: I. Methods of sampling for official control of the levels of lead, cadmium, mercury and 3-MCPD in certain foodstuffs; and II. Sample preparation and criteria for methods of analysis used in the official control of the levels of lead, cadmium, mercury and 3-MCPD in certain foodstuffs. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Decision 2001/182/EC of 8 March 2001 repealing Decision 93/351/EEC determining analysis methods, sampling plans and maximum limits for mercury in fishery products. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 77, 16 March 2001, pp. 22-23) The above-mentioned Decision of 19 May 1993 (see IDHL, 1993, 44, 643, EEC 93.44) is repealed. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Directive 2001/35/EC of 11 May 2001 amending the Annexes to Council Directive 90/642/EEC on the fixing of maximium levels for pesticide residues in and on certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 136, 18 May 2001, pp. 42-48) The maximum levels listed in the Annex to this Directive replace those listed in Annex II to Directive 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see IDHL, 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9), as amended. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Directive 2001/39/EC of 23 May 2001 amending the Annexes INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 5 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 to Council Directives 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on cereals, foodstuffs of animal origin and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables respectively. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 148, 1 June 2001, pp. 70-77) The entries in Annex II to Directives 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see IDHL, 1986, 37, 819, EEC 86.38), 86/363/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see ibid., 823, EEC 86.39), and 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see ibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9) are amended as indicated, respectively, in Articles 1, 2, and 3 of the present Directive. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Directive 2001/48/EC of 28 June 2001 amending the Annexes to Council Directives 86/362/EEC and 90/642/EEC on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on cereals and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables respectively. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 180, 3 July 2001, pp. 26-33) Annex II to Directive 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see IDHL, 1986, 37, 819, EEC 86.38) and Annex II to Directive 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see ibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9) are amended as set out in the present Directive. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Directive 2001/57/EC of 25 July 2001 amending the Annexes to Council Directives 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on cereals, foodstuffs of animal origin and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables respectively. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 208, 1 August 2001, pp. 36-43) The entries in Annex II to Directives 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see IDHL, 1986, 37, 819, EEC 86.38), 86/363/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see ibid., 823, EEC 86.39), and 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see ibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9) are amended as indicated, respectively, in Articles 1, 2, and 3 of the present Directive. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Directive 2000/58/EC of 22 September 2000 amending the Annexes to Council Directives 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on cereals, foodstuffs of animal origin and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegatables respectively. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 244, 29 September 2000, pp. 78-83) Amendments to Annex II to Council Directives 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see IDHL, 1986, 37, 819, EEC 86.38), 86/363/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see ibid., 823, EEC 86.39), and 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see ibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9) concern the addition of the fungicide kresoxim methyl. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Council Directive 1999/29/EC 22 April 1999 on the undesirable substances and products in animal nutrition. (Official Journal of of the European Communities, No. L 115, 4 May 1999, pp. 32-46) INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 6 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 Articles 4 and 12 of this Directive read as follows: "Article 4 1. Member States shall prescribe that the substances and products listed in Annex I shall be tolerated in feedingstuffs only under the conditions therein set out. 2. Member States may authorise the maximum permitted levels provided for in Annex I in respect of feedingstuffs to be exceeded in the case of fodder which is produced and used in the same state on the same agricultural holding where this is necessary for particular local reasons. The Member States concerned shall ensure that neither animal nor human health can suffer harm thereby." "Article 12 1. Member States shall take all necessary measures to ensure that feedingstuffs and feed materials are officially controlled, at least by random sampling, to verify whether the conditions laid down in this Directive are satisfied. 2. Member States shall inform the other Member States and the Commission of the name of the departments appointed to carry out this control. 3. Member States shall prescribe that where an operator (importer, producer, etc.) or a person who, by virtue of his professional activities, possesses, or has possessed, or has had direct contact with a consignment of feed materials or of feedingstuffs and has knowledge to the effect that: - the consignment of feed materials is unsuitable for any use in animal feedingstuffs because of contamination by an undesirable substance or product listed in Annexes I and II, and therefore does not meet the provisions of Article 3(1) and consequently constitutes a serious risk for animal and public health, - the consignment of feedingstuffs does not meet the provisions of Annex I, and therefore constitutes a serious risk for animal and public health, such a person or operator shall immediately inform the official authorities even if the destruction of the consignment is envisaged. After verifying the information received, Member States shall ensure that, in the case of a contaminated consignment, the measures necessary are taken to ensure that the consignment is not used in animal nutrition. Member States shall ensure that the final destination of the contaminated consignment, including possible destruction, cannot have harmful effects on public or animal health or on the environment. 4. If a consignment of feed materials or a consignment of feedingstuffs is likely to be sent to a Member State after it has been judged not to comply with the provisions of this Directive on account of an excessive content of undesirable substances or products in another Member States, the latter Member State shall immediately give the other Member States and the Commission any useful information concerning the consignment." European Community. Commission Directive 1999/71/EC of 14 July 1999 amending the Annexes to Council Directives 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on cereals, foodstuffs of animal origin and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables respectively. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 194, 27 July 1999, pp. 36-44) A number of additions are made to Annex II to Directives 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see IDHL, 1986, 37, 819, EEC 86.38), 86/363/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see ibid., 823, EEC 86.39), and 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see ibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9). European Community. Commission Regulation (EC) No 645/2000 of 28 March 2000 setting out detailed implementing rules necessary for the proper functioning of certain provisions of Article 7 of Council Directive 86/362/EECa and of Article 4 of Council Directive 90/642/EECb concerning the arrangements for monitoring the maximum levels of pesticide residues in and on cereals and products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables, respectively. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 78, 29 March 2000, pp. 7-9) Notes: a IDHL, 1986, 37, 819, EEC 86.38; bibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Decision of 5 April 2000 amending Decision 91/516/EEC INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 7 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS establishing a list of ingredients whose use is prohibited in compound feedingstuffs. ANNEX 3 - July 2004 (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 94, 14 April 2000, pp. 43-44) This Decision, which amends point 5 of the Annex to the above-mentioned Decision (see IDHL, 1992, 43, 107, EEC 92.12), deals with wastewater. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Directive 2000/24/EC of 28 April 2000 amending the Annexes to Council Directives 76/895/EEC, 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on cereals, foodstuffs of animal origin and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables respectively. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 107, 4 May 2000, pp. 28-37) Council Directives 76/895/EEC of 23 November 1976 (see IDHL, 1977, 28, 24/), 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see ibid., 1986, 37, 919, EEC 86.38), 86/363/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see ibid., 823, EEC 86.39), and 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see ibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9) are amended as set out in the present Directive. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Directive 2000/42/EC of 22 June 2000 amending the Annexes to Council Directives 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on cereals, foodstuffs of animal origin and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables respectively. (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 158, 30 June 2000, pp. 51-75) The Annexes to Council Directives 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see IDHL, 1986, 37, 919, EEC 86.38), 86/363/EEC of 24 July 1986 (see ibid., 823, EEC 86.39), and 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 (see ibid., 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9) are amended as set out in the Annexes to the present Directive. http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex European Community. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1525/98 of 16 July 1998 amending Regulation (EC) No 194/97 of 31 January 1997 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs . (Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 201, 17 July 1997, pp. 43-46) The Annex to Regulation (EC) No 194/97 of 31 January 1997 (see IDHL, 1997, 48, 202, EC 97.19) is amended by, inter alia, the insertion of a table setting out maximum admissible levels for aflatoxins in a range of agricultural products (groundnuts, nuts and dried fruit, cereals, and milk and milk products), together with details of the sampling and reference analysis methods to be used. European Community. Commission Directive 98/60/EC of 24 July 1998 amending Council Directive 74/63/EEC on the fixing of maximum permitted levels for undesirable substances and products in feedingstuffs . (Official Journal of tbe European Communities, No. L 209, 25 July 1998, pp. 50-51) Under Article 1, Annex I and Annex II, Part A, to Council Directive 74/63/EEC of 17 December 1973, as last amended by Commission Directive 97/8/EC of 7 February 1997 (see IDHL, 1997, 48, 202, EC 97.20), are amended as set out in the Annex to the present Directive. Finland. Ordinance No. 578 of 12 June 2000 of the Ministry of Trade and Industry amending the Decree of the Ministry of Trade and Industry on maximum levels of certain of the commonest contaminants in foodstuffs. (Finlands Författningssamling, 22 June 2000, Nos. 566-579, p. 1380) INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 8 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 This Ordinance, which amends the above-mentioned Decree of 1 March 1996 (see IDHL, 1996, 47, 498, Fin. 96.15, footnote), establishes the maximum level for tin at: 150 mg/kg for preparations packaged in tin foil, with the exception of infant food and beverages; and 50 mg/kg for infant food and beverages. Finland. Ordinance No. 273 of 15 March 2001 of the Ministry of Trade and Industry on the maximum levels for certain pesticides in fruit and vegetables and in cereals, eggs, and egg products. (Finlands Författningssamling, 28 March 2001, Nos. 265-274, p. 799) This Ordinance, which has been made in pursuance of the Food Law (No. 361) of 17 March 1995 (see IDHL, 1996, 47, 201, Fin. 96.1), provides for the implementation of certain Commission Directives, including 2000/58/EC of 22 September 2000 (see ibid., 2000, 51, EC 00.051). Belgium. Ministerial Order of 4 October 1999 on laboratory analyses carried out within the context of the dioxin crisis. (Moniteur belge, 6 October 1999, No. 197, pp. 37521-37522) This Order has been issued in view of the urgent need to step up the elimination of the consequences of the dioxin crisis and organize the defrayment by the public authorities of the costs incurred by laboratory analyses aimed at the detection of PCB and dioxin residues in certain foodstuffs of animal origin. Belgium. Ministerial Order of 25 October 1999 promulgating temporary measures in order to control the spread of contamination by dioxins . (Moniteur belge, 29 October 1999, No. 214, 2nd Edition, pp. 40906-40907) Notes: Repeals the Ministerial Orders of 8 June 1999 and 17 September 1999 on the same subject. Belgium. Crown Order of 19 May 2000 determining the maximum levels of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls in certain foods . (Moniteur belge, 31 May 2000, No. 107, pp. 18791-18792) Includes an Annex listing congeners and their toxicity equivalence factors. Notes: Repeals the Crown Orders of 23 April 1998 and 28 December 1999 on the same subject. Denmark. Order No. 110 of 19 February 2001 on the maximum levels for pesticide residues in foodstuffs and feeding stuffs. (Lovtidende, 2001, Part A, 27 February 2001, No. 21, pp. 593-748) This Order, which has been made in pursuance of, inter alia, the Food Law (No. 471) of 1 July 1998, contains provisions that implement a number of EC Directives, including Council Directive 90/642/EC of 27 November 1990 (see IDHL, 1991, 42, 89, EEC 91.9). Denmark. Order No. 621 of 29 July 1999 prohibiting trade in foodstuffs contaminated with dioxin. (Lovtidende, 1999, Part A, 30 July 1999, No. 117, pp. 4209-4212) This Order, which has been made in pursuance of, inter alia, Law No. 310 of 6 June 1973 on foodstuffs, etc. (see IDHL, 1973, 24, 755), as amended, repeals Orders No. 430 of 9 June 1999 and No. 613 of 22 July 1999 on the same subject. Its principal effect is to prohibit, subject to certain exceptions, the importation from Belgium of foodstuffs of animal origin or foodstuffs that contain products of animal origin as ingredients. The ban also applies to products of Belgian origin imported from other countries. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 9 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 France. Circular DGS/VS 3 No. 98-333 of 11 June 1998 on the recommendations of the High Council for Public Health of France, Food and Nutrition Section, on dioxin . (Bulletin officiel, 11 July 1998, No. 98/26, Vol. I, Text No. 1059, pp. 167-173) This Circular is a follow-up to the report prepared by the High Council for Public Health of France (Food and Nutrition Section) on polychlorodibenzodioxines and polychlorodibenzofurans, which suggests an admissible daily intake of 1 pg [TEQ]/kg/day. It emphasizes that the long-term solution to the problem of the contamination of food and human fats by dioxin lies in a drastic reduction of the sources. Annexed to the Circular are the Council's recommendations to be taken into account with regard to waste disposal plans and the authorization procedures for installations classified for the protection of the environment. France. Order of 1 September 1998 amending the Order of 5 August 1992 on the maximum permissible levels of pesticide residues in or on certain products of plant origin. (Journal officiel de la République française, Lois et Décrets, 29 September 1998, No. 225, pp. 14795-14800) Annexes II, III, and IV to the Order of 5 August 1992 on the maximum permissible levels of pesticide residues in or on certain products of plant origin (see IDHL, 1992, 43, 778, Fr. 93.135) are amended in accordance with the Annexes appended to the present Order. Germany. Notice of 8 June 2000 promulgating the consolidated version of the Fish Health Requirements Ordinance. (Bundesgesetzblatt, Part I, 23 June 2000, No. 27, pp. 819-830) This Notice presents a consolidated version of the Ordinance of 31 March 1994 (see IDHL, 1995, 46, 212, Ger. 95.14), incorporating all amendments up to and including those introduced by the Second Ordinance of 12 September 1999.a Notes: a Bundesgesetzblatt, Part I, 20 May 1999, No. 24, pp. 938-941. Germany. Notice of 20 June 2000 promulgating the revised version of the Milk Ordinance. (Bundesgesetzblatt, Part I, 31 July 2000, No. 36, pp. 1178-1207) This revised version of the Milk Ordinance (see IDHL, 1991, 42, 693, FRG 91.26) provides for, inter alia, the implementation of a number of Community instruments, including Council Directive 92/46/EEC of 16 June 1992 (see ibid., 1992, 43, 774, EEC 92.59). Norway. Law No. 88 of 18 December 1998 amending Law No. 3 of 19 May 1933 on the control of food, etc., and Law No. 12 of 28 May 1959 on the quality control of fish and fish products, etc . (Norsk Lovtidend, Part I, 11 January 1999, No. 22, pp. 1804-1809) This Law makes various amendments to Law No. 3 of 19 May 1933 on the control of food, etc. (see Bull. Off. int. Hyg. publ., 1936, 28, 453). These concern, inter alia: the scope of Regulations issued in pursuance of the Law (namely, the production, storage, transportation, offer for sale, and import of food) (Sec. 1); responsibility for the control of food at municipal and intermunicipal levels (Sec. 4); the powers of supervisory authorities with regard to access to premises engaged in, inter alia, the production, storage, or consignment of food, and their right to take samples (Sec. 5); the prohibition of the sale of, confiscation, or destruction of goods presenting a health hazard (Sec. 6); penal provisions (Sec. 9); and data collection by supervisory authorities (Sec. 10). A number of amendments are also made to Law No. 12 of 28 May 1959 on fish and fish products etc. These concern, inter alia: the scope of Regulations issued in pursuance of the Law (including the handling, processing, storage and transportation of fish and fish products (Sec. 2); data collection with regard to compliance with the Law and the Regulations made thereunder (Sec. 4); and the closure of undertakings or parts thereof in the event of health hazards (Sec. 11). Norway. Regulations No. 884 of 8 August 2000 on animal feeding stuffs. (Norsk Lovtidend, Part I, 20 September 2000, No. 20, pp. 1899-2125) INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 10 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 These Regulations have been made in pursuance of Law No. 18 of 23 March 1973 on the control of animal feeding stuffs (see IDHL, 1974, 25, 421) and with reference to a number of European Community instruments, including Commission Decision 91/516/EEC of 9 September 1991 (see ibid., 1992, 43, 107, EEC 92.12) and Council Directive 93/113/EC of 14 December 1993 (see ibid., 1994, 45, 197, EC 94.25). They lay down detailed requirements with a view to ensuring, inter alia, that feeding stuffs do not present hazards to livestock, humans, or the environment. United Kingdom. The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999. S.I. 1999/3483. Dated 22 December 1999. (98 pp.) These Regulations consolidate and replace the provisions of the Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) Regulations 1994 (see IDHL, 1995, 46, 213, UK 95.7) and the Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Amendment) Regulations 1995 to 1999 (see ibid., 2000, 51, UK 00.032). http://www.legislation.hmso.gov.uk/si/si1999/19993483.htm United Kingdom. The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Amendment) Regulations 1996 . (17 pp.) These Regulations, which amend the Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) Regulations 1994 (see IDHL, 1995, 46, 213, <B<>), implement certain Council Directives, including 95/61/EC of 29 November 1995 (see ibid., 1996, 47, 52, EC 96.4). United Kingdom. The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Amendment) Regulations 1999. S.I. 1999/1109. Dated 8 April 1999. (17 pp.) The amendments to the principal Regulations (see IDHL, 1995, 46, 213, UK 95.7), as amended (see ibid., 1998, 49, 352, UK 98.11), concern pesticide residues in, inter alia, tea, olives, and sunflower seeds. http://www.legislation.hmso.gov.uk/si/si1999/19991109.htm Italy. Decree by Health Minister of 18 June 2002 on Maximum Residue Levels of pesticides in Foodstuffs of plant and animal origin (G.U. no.179 of 1 August 2002) The Decree contains Communitarian dispositions and harmonizes the previous national regulations concerning MRL. The Decree amends nine previous decrees. http://www.ministerosalute.it/linksanita/alimvet/alimnut/fitosanitari/pubblicazioni/lmr.htm INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 11 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 2 PTE (heavy metal) content in foodstuffs We report herewith the detailed and summary tables referring to concentration in foodstuffs of the 8 PTEs surveyed. The detailed tables report – depending on available data - on the following: mean value range values standard deviation median value reference Member State in which the survey has been carried out Table A3- 1: Arsenic (mg kg-1) CATEGORY CEREALS Sorghum Oats MEAN RANGE REFERENCE MS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. / 0.17 / / 1 n.d. / 1 n.d. n.d. / 0.80 / Barley / 0.4 / / 1 Maize / 0.10 / / 1 n.d. / 1 n.d. / 1 n.d. 0.016-0.10 2 n.d. 2 n.d. 1 n.d. 2.83 1 n.d. 0.30 1 n.d. 0.26 1 n.d. Wheat Cereals mix Wheat crops Cereals mix / / / 0.07 0.20 0.029 / / / / 0.025 / 0.011-0.058 POTATO d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. RICE d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FRUIT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Strawberry VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) 0.7 d.m. Sugar beet Sugar cane Vegetable f.m. d.m. f.m. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 12 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS VEGETABLES (LEAFY) d.m. f.m. d.m. ANNEX 3 - July 2004 f.m. 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 3 n.d. 4 n.d. 2.15 1 n.d. Lucerne 0.29 1 n.d. Barley 0.13 1 n.d. 0.22 1 n.d. Lettuce PULSES 1.40 d.m. Soybean f.m. d.m. f.m. 0.12 MILK d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. EGGS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MEAT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FISH d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Mix sea fish 34.05 Mix sea fish FEEDINGSTUFFS 10.45-69.15 29.66 d.m. Sorghum Maize f.m. 6.15-58.8 d.m. f.m. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 13 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Table A3- 2: ANNEX 3 - July 2004 Cadmium (mg kg-1) CATEGORY CEREALS Wheat MEAN d.m. 0.10 Wheat 0.057 Barley 0.027 Barley Barley Oats Oats f.m. RANGE d.m. Median REFERENCE (Med)/ Standard Deviation (Std) f.m. 1 n.d. 5 Germany 1989-94 0.01-0.07 1 n.d. 0.08-0.65 1 n.d. 0.01-0.075 1 n.d. 0.01-0.28 1 n.d. 0.04-0.22 1 n.d. n.d. 0.01-0.2 0.010 std 0.37 0.05 0.05 0.09 MS Maize 0.065 0.0350.148 1 Maize 0.05 0.01-0.08 1 n.d. Maize 0.02 0.01-0.04 1 n.d. n.d. Maize 0.08 <0.040.22 1 Maize 0.15 0.10-0.18 1 n.d. 1.1-1.7 1 n.d. 0.02-0.3 1 n.d. Wheat 0.005-0.22 0.036 (Med) 6 n.d. Sweet corn 0.00050.23 0.008 (Med) 6 n.d. Field corn < 0.0010.35 0.004 (Med) 6 n.d. 0.07-0.074 2 n.d. 0.00220.011 2 n.d. 0.004 std 5 n.d. 0.14 (Med) 6 n.d. 0.033 std 5 n.d. 0.005 (Med) 6 n.d. 1 n.d. 1 n.d. Maize Maize 1.5 0.12 Wheat crops 0.032 Cereals mix Rye POTATO 0.0056 0.013 d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. 0.009-1.0 0.108 RICE d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. <0.0010.25 FRUIT d.m. f.m. Apple 0.01 Apple 0.0002 d.m. f.m. 0.0050.027 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 14 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 0.07 1 n.d. 0.04 1 n.d. 0.0002 1 n.d. 0.03 1 n.d. 0.006 1 n.d. 0.002 1 n.d. Pear 0.03 0.01-0.09 1 n.d. Pear 0.011 0.01-0.013 1 n.d. 0.01-0.007 1 n.d. 1 n.d. Apple Cherry Cherry Strawberry Peach Orange 0.03-0.07 0.02 Grape fruit 0.01 Lemon 0.01 VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) 0.02-0.076 d.m. f.m. 0.01-0.4 d.m. n.d. f.m. Beet 0.22 0.20-0.27 1 n.d. Beet 1.22 0.49-3.6 1 n.d. 0.2 6 USA 0.7 6 USA 0.1 1 n.d. 0.08 1 n.d. 6 n.d. Beet Beet Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato 1.1 Tomato 2.0 Carrots 0.7 Carrots 1.3 d.m. Lettuce 0.56 Spinach Swiss chard Swiss chard n.d. n.d. 0.2-0.71 1 n.d. 0.30-3.76 1 n.d. 0.4-0.5 1 n.d. 0.034-3.8 6 n.d. 1 n.d. 6 n.d. 6.4 6 n.d. 8.5 6 n.d. 10.3 6 n.d. 2.3 6 n.d. 1.3 6 n.d. f.m. 1.23 0.4 0.009 (Med) d.m. f.m. 0.435 (Med) 0.12 spinach Spinach n.d. n.d. lettuce Spinach 0.16 (Med) 0.011-0.34 VEGETABLES (LEAFY) Turnip n.d. 6 6 Onions lettuce n.d. 0.015-1.20 Carrots Lettuce 0.22 (Med) 0.045-0.79 0.16-1.9 0.80 (Med) INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 15 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS PULSES d.m. Peas f.m. d.m. ANNEX 3 - July 2004 f.m. <0.03 n.d. 0.13-0.36 1 n.d. Soybean 0.001-1.20 0.045 (Med) 6 n.d. Peanuts 0.011-0.66 0.068 (Med) 6 n.d. 0.4 6 n.d. 0.1 6 n.d. 7 n.d. 5 RFG 1989-94 8 Italy 0.14-1.04 9 n.d. 0.04-0.10 9 n.d. 0.64 10 n.d. 0.53 10 n.d. Soybean 0.21 Green beans Green beans Rib MILK 1.8 d.m. 1.28-2.17 f.m. d.m. f.m. < 0.001 MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. EGGS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MEAT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FISH d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Mollusc Spider octopus Broadtail squid <0.0020.83 0.53 0.40 0.7 Mollusc FEEDINGSTUFFS d.m. Mineral (pig) 0.34 1 n.d. 0.99 1 n.d. 0.28 1 n.d. 0.17 1 n.d. 0.79 1 n.d. 0.08 1 n.d. 0.24 1 n.d. Proteinic concentrate (pig) Proteinic concentrate (pig) Concentrated feed (pig) Mineral (cattle) Concentrated feed (cattle) Concentrated feed (cattle) f.m. d.m. f.m. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 16 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 Chromium (mg kg-1) Table A3- 3: CATEGORY REFERENCE MS 0.32 1 n.d. 0.008 5 Austria 0.008 5 Finland 0.008 5 FRG 84-86 0.007 5 Scotland Wheat 0.008 5 Sweden Corn 0.125 11 n.d. CEREALS MEAN d.m. Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat f.m. 0.109 RANGE d.m. f.m. 0.08-0.20 Wheat, Maize. Rye, Oats (Bread, flours, etc.) 0.25 11 n.d. Cereals Mix 0.1 11 n.d. Cereal mix 0.1 12 n.d. Wheat crop 0.045 0.00110.018 2 n.d. Cereal mix 0.0076 0.00210.017 2 n.d. 1 n.d. 11 n.d. 0.1 12 n.d. 0.035 11 n.d. 0.05 1 n.d. 0.061 11 n.d. 11 n.d. 0.01 1 n.d. 0.025 11 n.d. 0.02 1 n.d. 0.017 11 n.d. 0.02 1 n.d. 0.036 11 n.d. 0.01 1 n.d. 0.03 11 n.d. 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 0.31 1 n.d. 0.34 1 n.d. 1.10 11 n.d. POTATO d.m. f.m. Potato Potato 0.40 Potato, others tubers, roots d.m. Rice 0.07 0.036 f.m. Rice FRUIT Peach 0.27 Grape Grape 0.085 Apple Apple 0.24 Pear Pear 0.20 Plum Banana f.m. Strawberry Strawberry d.m. d.m. 0.13-0.42 0.05-0.13 0.10-0.46 0.14-0.28 0.02 0.38 Banana Orange 0.012-0.06 f.m. 0.12-0.23 d.m. Peach f.m. 0.55-0.57 Potato RICE d.m. 0.1-0.5 0.104 0.35-2.87 f.m. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 17 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Peach 0.27 0.025 ANNEX 3 - July 2004 0.13-0.42 11 n.d. n.d. Apple 0.035 11 Mix fruits 0.03 11 n.d. 0.01-0.03 1 n.d. 0.01-0.02 1 n.d. 0.01-0.03 1 n.d. 0.04-0.062 11 n.d. 0.112-0.16 11 n.d. 0.047-0.054 11 n.d. 0.036-0.083 11 n.d. 0.042-0.059 11 n.d. 0.04-0.085 11 n.d. 0.06 11 n.d. 0.077 0.043-0.11 11 n.d. 0.026-0.08 11 n.d. 0.047-0.083 11 n.d. 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 0.01-0.05 1 n.d. 0.098-0.14 11 n.d. 0.02 1 n.d. 0.078 11 n.d. 0.01-0.06 1 n.d. 0.059-0.105 11 n.d. 11 n.d. 0.02-0.13 1 n.d. 0.048-0.08 11 n.d. 0.040-0.10 11 n.d. 0.057 11 n.d. 0.034 11 n.d. 0.041 11 n.d. 7 n.d. 1 n.d. 0.2-0.8 1 n.d. 0.091-0.69 11 n.d. 0.110-0.231 11 n.d. 0.166-0.254 11 n.d. VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) d.m. f.m. d.m. Beet Onion Cucumber Fennel Parsley Celery Carrot Pepper Tomato 0.47 1.05 0.735 0.51 0.49 1.02 Tomato Artichoke Onion Asparagus VEGETABLES (LEAFY) 0.535 0.50 0.047 0.136 0.051 0.054 0.048 0.061 0.049 0.97 0.066 d.m. f.m. d.m. Turnip Spinach 1.03 1.21 Cauliflower Cauliflower 0.89 0.12 0.0420.112 Cabbage Cabbage 0.71 Cabbage and others 0.078 0.04 Letture Broccoli Brussels sprout Savoy cabbage Letture Chicory Rib PULSES 0.55 0.56 0.52 0.56 0.58 0.066 0.073 1.91 d.m. Bean 1.41-2.42 f.m. Green bean Broad bean d.m. f.m. 0.48 Bean Bean f.m. 0.04-0.06 Spinach Spinach f.m. 0.34 2.07 0.25 0.292 0.181 0.210 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 18 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Pea Lentil Chick pea Chickling 0.27 0.315 0.25 0.44 Mix pulses and greens MILK d.m. ANNEX 3 - July 2004 0.024-0.093 11 n.d. 0.236-0.304 11 n.d. 0.10-0.327 11 n.d. 0.371 11 n.d. 0.05 11 n.d. 0.01 11 n.d. 0.015 12 n.d. 0.050 0.275 0.221 f.m. d.m. f.m. MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. EGGS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. 0.005-0.02 0.02 MEAT d.m. f.m. d.m. n.d. n.d. 12 n.d. 11 n.d. n.d. f.m. 0.14 11 n.d. 0.15 11 n.d. Pork, sheep, goat and others meats 0.12 11 n.d. Mix meat 0.15 12 n.d. Germany 19931994 Beef. offals. meat extract. etc Poultry Turkey 0.003 5 Chicken 0.003 5 Germany 1993 0.001 5 Germany 1993 0.002 5 Germany 1993 0.008 5 Germany 1993 0.003 5 Germany 1993 Eggs Pork Veal Beef FISH Eel d.m. f.m. 0.32 0.08 d.m. f.m. 11 Italy (trasimeno) Italy (massaciuccoli) Eel 4.4 1.70 11 Eel 3.5 0.7 11 Italy (scanno) 0.11 11 Italy (trasimeno) Italy (massaciuccoli) Pike 0.44 Pike 20.5 4.10 11 Perch 0.20 0.05 11 Italy (trasimeno) 0.2 11 Italy (scanno) 0.08 11 Italy (trasimeno) Italy (massaciuccoli) Perch Tench 1 0.32 Tench 0.9 0.20 11 Tench 3 0.6 11 Italy (scanno) 0.1 11 Italy (campotosto) 0.05 11 Italy (trasimeno) Italy (massaciuccoli) Italy (scanno) Tench Rudd 0.5 0.2 Rudd 1.5 0.3 11 Rudd 1.0 0.2 11 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 19 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Sun fish 0.24 ANNEX 3 - July 2004 0.06 11 Italy (trasimeno) Italy (massacciuccoli) Sun Fish 4.0 0.8 11 Gold fish 2.5 0.5 11 Italy (massacciuccoli) Gold fish 0.5 0.1 11 Italy (campotosto) 0.4 11 Italy 0.50 11 Italy Italy (massacciuccoli) Carp Catfish 1.5 2.5 Crucian 2.0 0.40 11 Crucian 0.5 0.1 11 Italy (Campotosto) 0.1 11 Italy (campotosto) 0.4 11 Italy (Scanno) 0.001-0.05 11 Italy (Umbria) 0.10-1.10 11 Italy (Abruzzo) 0.02-0.21 11 Italy (Austria) 0.15-0.30 11 Italy (Gorgona) 0.10-0.42 11 Italy (Capraia) Trout Trout 0.5 2.0 Mix lake fish 0.04-2.0 Mix lake fish 0.4-4.4 Mix lake fish 0.04-0.84 Mix sea fish Mix sea fish Fish and sea food 0.3 11 Mollusc 0.31 10 Italy (ionian sea) 0.29 10 Italy (ionian sea) Molusc FEEDINGSTUFFS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Corn sillage 1.4 12 Italy (Umbria. Marche). 1979 Grass hay 4.8 12 Italy (Umbria. Marche) Oat hay 1.2 12 Italy (Umbria. Marche). 1979 Alfalfa hay (first cut) 1.7 12 Italy (Umbria. Marche). 1979 Alfalfa hay (second cut) 5.0 12 Italy (Umbria. Marche). 1979 Sainfoin hay 9.5 12 Italy (Umbria. Marche). 1979 5-10 12 Italy (Umbria. Marche). 1979 65-538 12 n.a.. 1994 Italy Forage Phosphate (mineral feedstuff) 200 Feedstuff (FS) without phostphate. protein hydrolysate or hay 1 12 FS with phostphate and/or yeasts and/or hay < 10% ash 5 12 Italy FS with phostphate and/or yeasts and/or hay 10-20% ash 10 12 Italy FS in the case of low-dose premixes where the individual raw materials may be available even at very high concentration 25 12 Italy INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 20 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Mineral (pig) Proteinic concentrate (pig) Proteinic concentrate(pig) Concentrated feed (pig) Mineral (cattle) Concentrated feed (cattle) Concentrated feed (cattle) Table A3- 4: ANNEX 3 - July 2004 84 1 n.d. 14 1 n.d. 2.5 1 n.d. 6.7 1 n.d. 46 1 n.d. 2.5 1 n.d. 6.3 1 n.d. Copper (mg kg-1) MEAN CATEGORY CEREALS d.m. f.m. Standard REFERENCE Deviation RANGE d.m. MS f.m. 11 1 n.d. 4 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 8.28-9.31 1 n.d. 4-16.1 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 5 n.d. 1 n.d. 2 n.d. 5 n.d. 4.6 5 Austria 5.1 5 Finland Wheat 3.3 5 FRG 84-86 Wheat 4.0 5 FRG 89-93 5.2 5 Scotland 4.7 5 Sweden 4.8 5 Switzerland 4.6 5 Turkey 6 n.d. Barley Barley Barley Oats 8.28-9.66 6.6 Oats Maize Rye 8.8 Rye Rye 5.29-7.36 4.5 0.8 std Wheat 8.62-12.99 Wheat crops Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat 4.3 4.0 Cereal mix POTATO 2.6-5.7 0.5 std 5.9 d.m. f.m. 4.2-11 d.m. 5 n.d. 1 n.d. 8.8 6 n.d. 9.7 6 n.d. 4.9 0.62 std RICE d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FRUIT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Turnip Beet Beet n.d. f.m. 9 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 21 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Tomato Tomato Carrots Carrots VEGETABLES (LEAFY) d.m. Lettuce 13.2 6 n.d. 10.4 6 n.d. 5.4 6 n.d. 7.9 6 n.d. 1 n.d. 13.8 6 n.d. 12.3 6 n.d. 23.7 6 n.d. 25.2 6 n.d. 8.51-12.11 7 n.d. n.d. f.m. d.m. f.m. 10 Spinach Spinach Swiss chard Swiss chard Savoy cabbage ANNEX 3 - July 2004 9.58 Rib 24.9 1 17.13-41.13 7 Rib 35.3 8 23.99-57.41 7 n.d. 1 n.d. 8.6 6 n.d. 8.5 6 n.d. 5 n.d. PULSES d.m. Soybean d.m. f.m. 17 Green beans Green beans MILK f.m. d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. 0.3 0.01 std MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. EGGS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MEAT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Turkey 1.2 5 Germany 1993-94 Chicken 2.2 5 Germany 1993 Eggs 2.6 5 Germany 1993 Pork 2.0 5 Germany 1993 Veal 2.7 5 Germany 1993 Beef 1.9 5 Germany 1993 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 18 1 n.d. 4 1 n.d. 11.9 1 n.d. 6 1 n.d. 8.8 1 n.d. FISH d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FEEDINGSTUFFS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Graminaceous grass 11 Lucerne Barley (straw) Barley (hay) Graminaceous grass Clover Clover 3-4 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 22 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Clover Clover Clover Oats (straw) Oats (hay) Graminaceous grass 15.2 1 n.d. 11.2 1 n.d. 19.4 1 n.d. 10.1 1 n.d. 4.4 1 n.d. 13.7 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 4 1 n.d. 10.8 1 n.d. 9 1 n.d. 10.1 1 n.d. 9.9 1 n.d. 3.3 1 n.d. 9 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 4 1 n.d. 9 1 n.d. 4.4 1 n.d. 4.9-6.6 1 n.d. 4.2-7.1 1 n.d. 7.5-22.4 1 n.d. 5.2-6.8 1 n.d. 8.4-11.4 1 n.d. 6.9-16.1 1 n.d. 9.1-12.2 1 n.d. 9.8-9.9 1 n.d. 12.2-13.9 1 n.d. 13.5-17.0 1 n.d. 10.9-17.3 1 n.d. 8.51-12.64 1 n.d. 11-14 1 n.d. 11.84-14.92 1 n.d. 14-19 1 n.d. 13.3-19.3 1 n.d. 3.56-8.56 1 n.d. 13.5-20.2 1 n.d. 11.4-17.5 1 n.d. 332 1 n.d. 231 1 n.d. 214 1 n.d. 42 1 n.d. 1,650 1 n.d. Graminaceous grass Rye (straw) Sorghum Soy (hay) Graminaceous grass Graminaceous grass Leguminosae grass Graminaceous grass 4.1-24.2 Graminaceous grass Graminaceous grass Graminaceous grass Graminaceous grass 4.0-9.0 Graminaceous grass Graminaceous grass Graminaceous grass Graminaceous grass Lucerne Graminaceous grass Fodder mix Fodder mix Fodder mix Rye (fodder) Rye (hay) Rye (bran) Wheat (fodder) Wheat (bran) Barley (fodder) Barley (hay) Barley (bran) Oats (fodder) Oats (hay) Mineral (pig) Proteinic concentrate (pig) Proteinic concentrate(pig) Concentrated feed (pig) Mineral (cattle) ANNEX 3 - July 2004 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 23 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Concentrated feed (cattle) Concentrated feed (cattle) Table A3- 5: ANNEX 3 - July 2004 14 1 n.d. 75 1 n.d. Mercury (mg kg-1) CATEGORY CEREALS MEAN REFERENCE MS < 0.01 2 n.d. < 0.01 2 n.d. 0.15 10 n.d. 0.30 10 n.d. 0.66 0.05-2.65 13 n.d. 0.05-2.22 14 n.d. 0.07-4.26 15 n.d. 0.18-0.42 9 Italy 0.05-0.12 9 Italy 0.02 1 n.d. 0.09 1 n.d. 0.08 1 n.d. 0.05 1 n.d. 0.03 1 n.d. 0.38 1 n.d. 0.20 1 n.d. d.m. Wheat crops Cereal mix RANGE f.m. d.m. f.m. POTATO d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. RICE d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FRUIT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FUITS) d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. VEGETABLES (LEAFY) d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. PULSES d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MILK d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. EGGS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MEAT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FISH d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Mollusc Mollusc Mix sea fish Mix sea fish 0.57 Mix sea fish Spider octopus Broadtail squid FEEDINGSTUFFS Mineral (pig) Proteinic concentrate (pig) Proteinic concentrate(pig) Concentrated feed (pig) Mineral (cattle) Concentrated feed (cattle) Concentrated feed (cattle) 0.75 0.27 0.07 d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 24 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Table A3- 6: ANNEX 3 - July 2004 Nickel (mg kg-1) CATEGORY CEREALS MEAN d.m. f.m. RANGE d.m. Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Rye f.m. n.d. 5 n.d. 0.19 5 Austria 0.29 5 Finland 0.14 5 FRG 84-86 0.13 5 FRG 89-93 0.14 5 Scotland 0.13 5 Sweden 0.19 5 Switzerland 1.4 5 Turkey 0.083 5 n.d. 4.33 1 n.d. 0.5 1 n.d. 1.4 1 n.d. 1.9 1 n.d. 0.16 0.03-0.39 2 n.d. 0.04-0.33 2 n.d. 1.02-2.69 0.132 0.012 std 0.018 std Millet Maize Maize Oats Wheat crop Cereal mix POTATO 0.15 d.m. f.m. d.m. 5 n.d. 1 n.d. 0.4-0.6 1 n.d. 0.11-0.20 1 n.d. 0.013 1 n.d. 1.1 6 n.d. 6.8 6 n.d. 0.5 6 n.d. 2.1 6 n.d. 0.6 6 n.d. 1.9 6 n.d. 0.084 std RICE d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FRUIT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Pear 0.4 d.m. f.m. d.m. Carrot Radish Tomato Tomato Tomato Beets Beets Carrots Carrots VEGETABLES (LEAFY) n.d. f.m. 0.187 VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) MS 1 Wheat Wheat Standard REFERENCE Deviation d.m. Spinach Spinach Spinach f.m. 4.2 d.m. f.m. f.m. 1 1.4 n.d. 10.6 6 n.d. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS n.d. 6 25 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Swiss chard Swiss chard 1.3 6 n.d. 0.8 6 n.d. 1 n.d. 2.57 1 n.d. 3.3 6 n.d. 2.3 6 n.d. 5 n.d. Sage PULSES 0.3-1 d.m. Pea Green beans Green beans MILK ANNEX 3 - July 2004 d.m. f.m. f.m. d.m. d.m. f.m. f.m. < 0.001 MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. EGGS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MEAT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Turkey 0.006 5 Germany 1993-94 Chicken 0.016 5 Germany 1993 Eggs 0.024 5 Germany 1993 Pork 0.021 5 Germany 1993 Veal 0.009 5 Germany 1993 Beef 0.008 5 Germany 1993 5.7 1 n.d. 3 1 n.d. 16 1 n.d. 44 1 n.d. 5.1 1 n.d. 7.1 1 n.d. 6.7 1 n.d. 10 1 n.d. 14 1 n.d. 4.5 1 n.d. 8.1 1 n.d. FISH d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FEEDINGSTUFFS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Clover Oats (leaf) Oats (plant) Lucerne Mineral (pig) Proteinic concentrate (pig) Proteinic concentrate(pig) Concentrated feed (pig) Mineral (cattle) Concentrated feed (cattle) Concentrated feed (cattle) INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 26 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Table A3- 7: ANNEX 3 - July 2004 Lead (mg kg-1) CATEGORY CEREALS Barley MEAN d.m. f.m. d.m. Median (Med)/ Standard Deviation (Std) REFERENCE MS 1 n.d. 0.021 (Med) 6 n.d. 0.009 std 5 RFT 1989-94 f.m. 0.06 Wheat Wheat RANGE 0.001-0.77 0.020 Sweet corn 0.00760.26 0.009(Med) 6 n.d. Field corn <0.0013.6 0.006 (Med) 6 n.d. Wheat crop 0.0068 0.00480.011 2 n.d. Cereal mix 0.013 0.00710.028 2 n.d. 1 n.d. 0.025 (Med) 6 n.d. 0.05 (Med) 6 n.d. POTATO d.m. Potato f.m. 0.001-2.2 d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. < 0.0010.08 Rice FRUIT f.m. 0.010.14 0.04 Potato RICE d.m. d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Apple 0.05 0.010.37 1 n.d. Pear 0.3 0.020.04 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 6 n.d. n.d. VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) Onions d.m. f.m. d.m. 0.010.38 0.06 Onions f.m. 0.002-0.72 0.038 (Med) Leek 0.06 0.040.07 1 carrot 0.02 0.010.04 1 n.d. 6 n.d. n.d. carrot 0.010-1.1 0.055 (Med) turnip 0.02 0.010.05 1 Cucumber 0.02 0.010.03 1 n.d. Tomato 0.06 0.01- 1 n.d. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 27 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 0.14 Tomato 0.004 < 0.0010.46 Tomato 0.027 (Med) 1 n.d. 6 n.d. Edible mushrooms 0.03 0.030.04 1 n.d. Celery 0.01 0.010.02 1 n.d. 0.19 (Med) 6 n.d. 0.53 (Med) 6 n.d. n.d. VEGETABLES (LEAFY) d.m. f.m. Lettuce d.m. f.m. 0.036-1.7 Spinach 0.24-2.3 Cabbage 0.08 0.010.51 1 Brussels sprouts 0.05 0.010.24 1 n.d. Cress 0.12 0.010.33 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 0.036 (Med) 6 n.d. 0.008 (Med) 6 n.d. 0.017 std 5 n.d. PULSES Bean d.m. f.m. Soybean f.m. 0.003-0.35 <0.0010.20 Peanuts MILK d.m. 0.005 d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Milk 0.052 MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. EGGS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MEAT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Turkey 0.008 5 Germany 19931994 Chicken 0.009 5 Germany 1993 0.005 5 Germany 1993 0.016 5 Germany 1993 0.019 5 Germany 1993 0.016 5 Germany 1993 1.19 10 n.d. 0.96 10 n.d. Mix sea fish 0.13 0.110.37 4 Italy Mix sea fish 0.95 0.045.26 8 Italy 2.7 1 n.d. 1.4 1 n.d. Eggs Pork Veal Beef FISH d.m. Mollusc Mollusc FEEDINGSTUFFS Mineral (pig) Proteinic concentrate d.m. f.m. f.m. d.m. d.m. f.m. f.m. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 28 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 (pig) Proteinic concentrate(pig) 0.56 1 n.d. Concentrated feed (pig) 0.58 1 n.d. Mineral (cattle) 1.2 1 n.d. Concentrated feed (cattle) 0.78 1 n.d. Concentrated feed (cattle) 0.87 1 n.d. Table A3- 8: CATEGORY CEREALS Zinc (mg kg-1) MEAN MS 17.6-19.4 1 n.d. 11.0-14.7 1 n.d. 20.9-31.7 1 n.d. 11-76 29 (Med) 6 n.d. 2.4 Std 5 n.d. 29 5 Austria 37 5 Finland 30 5 FRG 84-86 29 5 FRG 89-93 25 5 Scotland 29 5 Sweden 30 5 Switzerland 19 5 Turkey f.m. Oats Barley Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat d.m. 1 16.1-23.9 5 n.d. 1 n.d. 25 (Med) 6 n.d. 22 (Med) 6 n.d. 17-37 2 n.d. 16-43 2 n.d. 15 (Med) 6 n.d. 2.1 Std 5 n.d. 1 n.d. 33 1.0 std Oats 4-26 Sweet corn 28-55 Field corn 12-39 Wheat crops 25 Cereal mix POTATO f.m. 29 Rye Rye 30 d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. 5.1-35 14 RICE d.m. Rice Median (Med)/ Standard Deviation (Std) REFERENCE d.m. RANGE f.m. 10 d.m. f.m. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 29 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Rice FRUIT 7.7-23 d.m. f.m. d.m. Garlic 7-18 n.d. 12-20 1 n.d. 9 1 n.d. 34 6 n.d. 39 6 n.d. 100 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 1 n.d. 6 n.d. 20 6 n.d. 31 6 n.d. 16 (Med) 6 n.d. 22 (Med) 6 n.d. 46 (Med) 2 n.d. 1 n.d. 7 n.d. 105 1 n.d. 120 1 n.d. 6 n.d. 147 6 n.d. 209 6 n.d. 201 6 n.d. 69 6 n.d. 62 6 n.d. n.d. n.d. f.m. d.m. Garlic 50 Carrots 3.8-61 Carrots Carrots Onions 20 6.1-33 Tomato 12-35 Tomato 27 Tomato 27 d.m. Lettuce f.m. d.m. f.m. 105 Lettuce 13-110 Cabbage Savoy cabbage f.m. 31-100 Asparagus VEGETABLES (LEAFY) n.d. f.m. n.d. Fig Beet 15-83 42.5758.52 48.21 Chicory Spinach Spinach 17-200 Spinach Spinach Spinach Swiss chard Swiss chard 43 (Med) Rib 259.5 171.5328.9 7 Rib 262.86 215.4334.4 7 PULSES d.m. bean Pea Lens n.d. 1 Orange Beet 6 27-44 Citrus fruits d.m. 15 (Med) 1 Ananas VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) ANNEX 3 - July 2004 f.m. d.m. n.d. f.m. 56 1 n.d. 48 1 n.d. 28 1 n.d. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 30 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS 45 (Med) 6 n.d. 31 (Med) 6 n.d. 32 6 n.d. 38 6 n.d. Soybeans 32-70 Peanuts 17-63 Green beans Green beans MILK d.m. ANNEX 3 - July 2004 f.m. d.m. n.d. f.m. 32 Std 1.7 MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. EGGS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MEAT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. 5 n.d. Turkey 38 5 Germany 199394 Chicken 65 5 Germany 1993 50 5 Germany 1993 63 5 Germany 1993 100 5 Germany 1993 163 5 Germany 1993 5.15 10 n.d. 5.30 10 n.d. 13 1 n.d. 17.6 1 n.d. 17.2 1 n.d. 17.0 1 n.d. 17.0 1 n.d. 17.2 1 n.d. 17.2 1 n.d. 34.3 1 n.d. 15.4 1 n.d. 24.0 1 n.d. 18.0 1 n.d. 15.4 1 n.d. 43.0 1 n.d. 18.0 1 n.d. 30.0 1 n.d. 20.0 1 n.d. 21.0 1 n.d. 33.0 1 n.d. 16-25 1 n.d. 20.4-28.6 1 n.d. 16.1-23.9 1 n.d. 21.7-29.5 1 n.d. 19-22.5 1 n.d. Eggs Pork Veal Beef FISH d.m. Mollusc Mollusc FEEDINGSTUFFS Lucerne Lucerne Oats (straw) Oats (grain) Clover Clover Graminaceous grass Graminaceous grass Sorghum Soy (hay) Soy (seed) Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Graminaceous grass Maize Oats (plant) d.m. f.m. f.m. Rye (fodder) Rye (hay) Rye (grain) Rye (bran) Wheat (fodder) d.m. d.m. f.m. f.m. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 31 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 20.9-31.7 1 n.d. 37.3-57.1 1 n.d. 26-39.5 1 n.d. 23.1-31.6 1 n.d. 11.0-14.7 1 n.d. 19.3-24.9 1 n.d. 25.5-40.0 1 n.d. 22.2-32.7 1 n.d. 17.6-19.4 1 n.d. 843 1 n.d. Proteinic concentrate (pig) 1,480 1 n.d. Proteinic concentrate(pig) 844 1 n.d. Concentrated feed (pig) 197 1 n.d. Mineral (cattle) 3,170 1 n.d. Concentrated feed (cattle) 54 1 n.d. Concentrated feed (cattle) 266 1 n.d. Wheat (grain) Wheat (bran) Barley (fodder) Barley (hay) Barley (grain) Barley (bran) Oats (fodder) Oats (hay) Oats (grain) Mineral (pig) 1 Genevini et al. (1983) 2 Swedish environmental protection agency survey 3 Storelli & Marcotrignano (2001a) 4 Storelli & Marcotrignano (2000a) 5 Bruggemann et al.. (199?) 6 Page et al (1988) 7 Centemero (1991) 8 Storelli & Marcotrignano (2001b) 9 Storelli & Marcotrignano (1999) 10 Storelli & Storelli & Marcotrignano (2000) 11 Santoprete (1997) 12 Mordenti &. Piva (1997) 13 Storelli & Marcotrignano & Giacomelli. (1998) 14 Storelli & Marcotrignano (2000b) 15 Storelli & Marcotrignano (2001c) INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 32 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 3 Organic Pollutant Content in Foodstuffs 3.1 Dioxins The class of compounds made up of the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) are often collectively known as dioxins. Dioxins, and dioxins-like compounds which may have similar effects, are found in all environmental compartments, are persistent and, being fat soluble, tend to accumulate in higher animals, including humans. Such substances have never been intentionally manufactured but can be released into the environment from a number of different sources; including chemicals manufacturing, combustion process, metallurgical processes, paper and pulp processing. Although there are 210 congeners of PCDD/PCDF, only the 17 which have chlorine substitution in at least all of the 2, 3, 7, 8 positions are of concern, owing to their toxicity, stability and persistence in the environment. In order to simplify the handling of data on the individual compounds, a system of toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) is used to derive an equivalent concentration of the most toxic dioxins (2, 3, 7, 8 TCDD). This enables the toxicity of complex mixture to be expressed as a single number – the toxic equivalent or TEQ. 3.2 Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEFs) for PCDD/PCDF Many regulatory agencies have developed so-called Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEF) for risk assessment of complex mixtures of PCDD/PCDF (Kutz et al., 1990 cit. in AEA Technology, 1999). The TEFs are based on acute toxicity values from in vivo and in vitro studies. This approach is based on the evidence that there is a common, receptor-mediated mechanism of action for these compounds. However, the TEF approach has its limitations due to a number of simplifications. Although the scientific basis cannot be considered as solid, the TEF approach has been developed as an administrative tool and allows the conversion of quantitative analytical data for individual PCDD/PCDF congeners into a single Toxic Equivalent (TEQ). TEFs particularly aid the expression of cumulative toxicities of complex PCDD/PCDF mixtures as one single TEQ value. It should be noted that, as interim values, TEFs are based on the present state of knowledge and should be revised as new data become available. Today’s most commonly applied TEFs were established by a NATO/CCMS Working Group on Dioxins and Related Compounds as International Toxicity Equivalency Factors (I-TEF) (NATO/CCMS 1988, Kutz et al., 1990 cit. in AEA Technology, 1999) (see Table A3- 9). Throughout this study these I-TEFs are used, if not specified otherwise. The Nordic countries (Scandinavia) developed their own scheme, called the N-TEFs. The N-TEFs are identical to the I-TEFs with one exception, the TEF for the 1,2,3,7,8- Cl 5 DF. Whereas in the I-TEF scheme, this congener is given a TEF of 0.05, the Scandinavian countries assigned it a value of 0.01. In 1997, a WHO/IPCS working group re-evaluated the I-TEFs and established a new scheme (see Table A3- 10). The two schemes are found in the Tables below. The WHO re-evaluation chose also to include non-ortho and mono-ortho–substituted polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) into the TEF scheme for dioxin- INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 33 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 like toxicity (van Leeuwen & Younes 1998 cit. in AEA Technology, 1999). No TEFs have been assigned for the non-2,3,7,8-substituted congeners. Table A3- 9: International Toxic Equivalency Factors (I-TEFs) for PCDD/PCDF (Kutz et al. 1980) Congener I-TEF 2,3,7,8-Cl 4 DD Congener I-TEF 1 1,2,3,7,8-Cl 5 DF 0.05 1,2,3,7,8-Cl 5 DD 0.5 2,3,4,7,8-Cl 5 DF 0.5 1,2,3,4,7,8-Cl 6 DD 0.1 1,2,3,4,7,8-Cl 6 DF 0.1 1,2,3,7,8,9-Cl 6 DD 0.1 1,2,3,7,8,9-Cl 6 DF 0.1 1,2,3,6,7,8-Cl 6 DD 0.1 1,2,3,6,7,8-Cl 6 DF 0.1 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Cl 7 DD 0.01 2,3,4,6,7,8-Cl 6 DF 0.1 Cl 8 DD 0.001 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Cl 7 DF 0.01 2,3,7,8-Cl 4 DF Table A3- 10: Younes 1998) 0.1 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Cl 7 DF 0.01 Cl 8 DF 0.001 WHO Toxic Equivalency Factors (WHO-TEFs) for PCDD/PCDF (van Leeuwen and Congener Humans/Mammals Fish Birds 2,3,7,8-Cl 4 DD 1 1 1 1,2,3,7,8-Cl 5 DD 1 1 1 1,2,3,4,7,8-Cl 6 DD 0.1 0.5 0.05 1,2,3,7,8,9-Cl 6 DD 0.1 0.01 0.01 1,2,3,6,7,8-Cl 6 DD 0.1 0.01 0.1 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Cl 7 DD 0.01 0.001 < 0.001 0.0001 - - 2,3,7,8-Cl 4 DF 0.1 0.05 1 1,2,3,7,8-Cl 5 DF 0.05 0.05 0.1 2,3,4,7,8-Cl 5 DF 0.5 0.5 1 1,2,3,4,7,8-Cl 6 DF 0.1 0.1 0.1 1,2,3,7,8,9-Cl 6 DF 0.1 0.1 0.1 1,2,3,6,7,8-Cl 6 DF 0.1 0.1 0.1 2,3,4,6,7,8-Cl 6 DF 0.1 0.1 0.1 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Cl 7 DF 0.01 0.01 0.01 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Cl 7 DF 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Cl 8 DD Cl 8 DF INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 34 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Table A3- 11: ANNEX 3 - July 2004 PCDD/PCDF pg I-TEQ g-1 (pg WHO-TEQ g-1 for feedingstuffs) CATEGORY CEREALS MEAN f.m. Cereals RANGE on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. REFERENCE MS C n.a., 1994 on lipid basis (g fat) 0.067 Mix cereals 0.17 B UK, 1992 Rye flour 0.0014 B Denmark, 1995 Wheat flour 0.00048 B Denmark, 1995 B Denmark, 1995 Bread and grain products POTATO 0.1 f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) UK-SOUTH WALES, 1998 Potato 0.3 New potato 0.00008 B Denmark, 1995 Old potato 0.00025 B Denmark, 1995 C n.a., 1994 B Denmark, 1995 Potato 0.014 Potato 0.017 0.00360.0396 RICE f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) FRUIT f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) Mix fruit 0.015 Strawberry < 0.00005 B Denmark, 1995 Orange juice < 0.001 B Denmark, 1995 Mix fruits 0.015 B Germany, 1995 Apple < 0.01 B Germany, 1995 Apple 0.3 B UK-SOUTH WALES, 1998 VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FUITS) f.m. C n.a.,1994 Root vegetables on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. 0.0075 on lipid basis (g fat) Cucumber < 0.00005 B Finland, 1991 Tomato < 0.00005 B Finland, 1991 Onion 0.00012 B Finland, 1991 Carrot < 0.00005 B Finland, 1991 Red pepper < 0.00005 B Finland, 1991 Mix vegetables grown in soil 0.012 B Germany, 1995 0.00190.0453 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 35 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS CATEGORY MEAN Mix vegetables 0.015 Tomato/pepper 0.0064 ANNEX 3 - July 2004 RANGE 0.00230.0064 REFERENCE MS B Germany, 1995 B Germany, 1995 Olives 0.058 B Italy, 1994 Olives 0.21 B Italy, 1994 VEGETABLES (LEAFY) f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) Leafy vegetables 0.0052 C n.a., 1994 Vegetable and products 0.015 B Denmark, 1995 Pot lettuce 0.001 B Finland, 1991 Ice lettuce 0.00039 B Finland, 1991 Head lettuce 0.04 B Finland, 1991 Cabbage 0.00008 B Finland, 1991 Lettuce 0.3 Mix leafy vegetables 0.0014 UK-SOUTH WALES, 1998 0.0360.0544 PULSES f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) MILK f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) Milk 0.2-2.6 B Germany, 1995 B EU, 1999 Whole milk 2.02 B Spain, 1997 Semi-skimmed milk 1.20 B Spain, 1997 Cows’ milk 2.1 B Belgium, 1991 Cows’ milk 2.6 B Denmark, 1995 1.1-3.1 Cows’ milk 2.6 B Denmark, 1987 Cows’ milk in glass bottle 0.83 < 0.5-1.8 B Finland, 1991 Cows’ milk in cartons 1.17 0.57-2.48 B Finland, 1991 Cows’ milk 1.81 B France, 1994-95 Cow’s milk Westfalia 1.35 0.76-2.62 B Germany, 1990 Cow’s milk Westfalia 1.02 0.61-1.75 B Germany, 1994 Cow’s milk Westfalia 0.78 0.47-1.78 B Germany, 1998 Cow’s milk Bavaria 1.00 0.60-1.54 B Germany, 1989-92 Cow’s milk Bavaria 1.85 0.48-5.6 B Germany, 1989-1992 Cow’s milk Bavaria 1.76 0.48-5.62 B Germany, 1989-1992 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 36 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS CATEGORY MEAN ANNEX 3 - July 2004 RANGE REFERENCE MS Cow’s milk Bavaria 0.87 0.69-1.12 B Germany, 1992 Cow’s milk 1.5 0.9-3.24 B Germany, 1990 Cow’s milk 1 0.6-1.54 B Germany, 1991 Cow’s milk 0.76 0.27-3.1 B Germany, 1993 Cow’s milk 0.52 0.34-0.8 B Germany, 1995 5-24 B Germany, 1996 Cow’s milk Cow’s milk 1.6-6.6 Germany, 1990 Cow’s milk 2.12 0.81-7.06 B Germany, 1990 Cow’s milk 2.05 0.85-5.15 B Germany, 1991-92 Cow’s milk 1.85 0. 48- 5.62 B Germany, 1993 Cow’s milk 1.3 1.08-1.62 B Germany, 1993 0.76-5.86 B Germany, 1994 Cow’s milk Cow’s milk 0.62 0.36-1.02 B Germany, 1997 Cow’s milk 0.89 0.35-1.92 B Germany, 1997 Cow’s milk 1.41 0.46-7.86 B Germany, 1998 Milk 2 1.25-3.25 B UK, 1989-1990 Milk 5 3-6.75 B UK, 1989-1990 Milk 1.25 1-1.5 B UK, 1989-1990 Milk 3 1.75-9.5 B UK, 1989-1990 1.5-47.5 B UK, 1989-1990 B UK, 1992 0.7-1.4 B UK, 1995 Milk Milk 0.06 Cow’s milk 1.01 Cow’s milk 6.3 3.1-11 B UK, 1995 Cow’s milk 4.6 1.9-8.6 B UK, 1996 Cow’s milk 1.9 1.1-3.4 B UK, 1997 Consumer milk 1.8 1.0-2.8 B Germany, 1990 Consumer milk 0.87 0.69-1.12 B Germany, 1995 Consumer milk 0.71 0.45-1.12 B Germany, 1995 Cows’ milk 0.14-0.5 B Ireland, 1995 Cows’ milk 0.13-0.51 B Ireland, 1995 Cows’ milk 0.48-0.49 B Ireland, 1997 Cows’ milk 0.08-0.25 B Ireland, 1998 Cows’ milk < 1.3-1.5 B Ireland, 1994 B Ireland, 1998 0.7-2.5 B Netherlands, 1989-96 1.2-13.5 B Netherlands, 1989-96 Cows’ milk 0.193 Cows’ milk 1.6 Cows’ milk Cows’ milk 1.5 0.7-2.0 B Netherlands, 1989-96 Cows’ milk 1.3 0.9-2.0 B Netherlands, 1989-96 Cows’ milk 1.5 1.1-2.2 B Netherlands, 1989-96 Cows’ milk 0.38 B Netherlands, 1989-96 B Sweden, 1988-93 Cow’s Milk 0.82-2.00 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 37 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS CATEGORY MEAN ANNEX 3 - July 2004 RANGE REFERENCE MS Cow’s Milk in glass bottle 0.93 B Sweden, 1988-93 Cow’s Milk in carton 1.08 B Sweden, 1988-93 MILK PRODUCTS f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) Milk products 0.5-3.8 B EU, 1999 Butter 0.35-0.50 B Sweden, 1988-93 B Italy, 1994 Dairy/butter 3.7 1.1-8.4 Dairy products 1.25 B Spain, 1997 Margarine 0.49 B Spain, 1997 Cheese 2.2 B Denmark, 1995 Yoghurt 3.8 B Denmark, 1987 Butter 0.5 B Denmark, 1987 Dairy prod. B Finland, 1991 Butter 1.01 0.83 B France, 1994-95 Cheese 1.11 B France, 1994-95 Creams and dairy prod. 1.34 B France, 1994-95 Dairy products 0.75 0.39-1.58 B Germany, 1995 Butter 0.55 0.19-0.87 B Germany, 1996 Cheese 1.4 B Netherlands, 1990-91 1.8 B Netherlands, 1990-91 B UK, 1992 B EU, Butter Milk products 0.16 f.m. EGGS on lipid basis (g fat) Eggs f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) 1.2-4.6 1999 Eggs 0.17 B UK, Duck Eggs 0.8 B UK-SOUTH WALES, 1998 Bantam eggs 0.6 B UK-SOUTH WALES, 1998 Chicken eggs 1.2 B UK-SOUTH WALES, 1998 B Sweden, 1988-93 1992 Chicken eggs 0.89-1.30 Eggs 1.22 B Spain, 1997 Eggs 1.5 B Denmark, 1995 Chicken eggs 1.2 0.3-5.3 B Finland, 1991 0.56-2.30 B Germany, 1995 0.23-6.04 B Germany, 1995 Battery farmed Battery farmed 1.36 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 38 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS CATEGORY MEAN RANGE Open pens Open pens ANNEX 3 - July 2004 1.63 Free-range REFERENCE MS 1.03-23.4 B Germany, 1995 0.19-5.57 B Germany, 1995 0.38-11.4 B Germany, 1995 0.49-22.8 B Germany, 1995 Free-range 4.58 Eggs 2 B Netherlands, 1990-91 Eggs 2.03 B Netherlands, 1996 f.m. MEAT on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. on lipid basis (g fat) Meat and products 0.1-16.7 B EU, 1999 Poultry 0.7-2.2 B EU, 1999 B UK-SOUTH WALES, 1998 2.6 B Denmark, 1995 Poultry and prod. 2.2 B Denmark, 1995 Beef < 0.2 B Finland, 1991 Pork < 0.1 B Finland, 1991 Pork 0.5 B Germany, 1990 Pork 0.28 B Germany, 1990 Pork 0.41 B Germany, 1995 Suckling peg 0.13 B Germany, 1995 Beef 3.5 B Germany, 1990 Duck meat Meat and prod. 0.4 Beef 2.6 Beef 1.44 Veal 7.4 Veal 0.70 Veal 0.70 Sheep 0.22-0.61 B Germany, 1990 B Germany, 1995 B Germany, 1990 0.03-1.27 B Germany, 1995 0.35-1.13 B Germany, 1995 1.65 B Germany, 1989 Sheep 2.0 B Germany, 1990 Sheep 0.23 B Germany, 1995 Poultry 2.25 B Germany, 1989 Poultry 2.3 B Germany, 1990 Poultry 0.70 B Germany, 1995 Meat products 1.7 B Germany, 1990 Lard 0.8 B Germany, 1990 Pork 0.25 B Netherlands, 1990-96 Meat prod. 0.68 B Netherlands, 1990-96 Chicken 0.66 B Netherlands, 1990-96 0.56-4.31 0.03-0.59 0.50-1.07 Mutton 0.95 B Netherlands, 1990-96 Chicken liver 3.2 B Netherlands, 1990-96 Cow liver 5.7 B Netherlands, 1990-96 Pig liver 15 B Netherlands, 1990-96 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 39 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS CATEGORY MEAN ANNEX 3 - July 2004 RANGE REFERENCE MS Game 17 B Netherlands, 1990-96 Sheep liver 30 B Netherlands, 1990-96 Goat liver 42 B Netherlands, 1990-96 Horse liver 61 B Netherlands, 1990-96 Poultry 0.13 B UK, 1992 Offal 0.59 B UK, 1992 Meat products 0.08 B UK, 1992 Pork and pork products 0.90 B Spain, 1997 Chicken and chicken products 1.15 B Spain, 1997 Beef and beef products 1.76 B Spain, 1997 Lamb 1.76 B Spain, 1997 Beef 0.4-1.5 B Sweden, 1988-93 Beef liver 1.5-3 B Sweden, 1988-93 Pork fat 0.06-1.2 B Sweden, 1988-93 Mutton 0.55-1.3 B Sweden, 1988-93 Moose 1.66-16.7 B Sweden, 1988-93 Moose kidney tallow 2-3.9 B Sweden, 1988-93 B Sweden, 1988-93 B Sweden, 1988-93 B UK, 1992 B EU, 1999 210 B Sweden, 1988-93 Herring cooked 220 B Sweden, 1988-93 White fish 5.39 B Spain, 1997 Sea food 10.59 B Spain, 1997 Tinned fish 2.57 B Spain, 1997 Blue fish 7.90 B Spain, 1997 Fish and prod. 50 B Denmark, 1995 Herring 58.3 B Denmark, 1987 Cod liver 40.9 B Denmark, 1987 Reindeer kidney tallow < 1.1 Reindeer kidney tallow 3-3.3 f.m. FISH Fish on lipid basis (g fat) on lipid basis (g fat) 0.21 Fish Herring uncooked f.m. 2.4-214.3 Baltic herring 30.2 B Finland, 1991 Farmed rainbow trout 4.17 B Finland, 1991 Trout fed Baltic herring 33.4 B Finland, 1991 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 40 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS CATEGORY MEAN ANNEX 3 - July 2004 RANGE Herring REFERENCE MS 26.6-42.0 B Germany, 1990 Herring 21.5 5.2-207.0 B Germany, 1992 Herring 6.1 2.4-75 B Germany, 1995 Red perch 12.0 B Germany, 1992 Red perccodh 10.0 3.4-17.8 B Germany, 1995 18.5-22.5 B Germany, 1990 B Germany, 1992 5.3-59.2 B Germany, 1995 6.7-9.5 B Germany, 1990 Cod Cod 16.7 Cod 11.2 Eel Mackarel 3.3 B Germany, 1992 Smoked eel 5.9 B Germany, 1992 Coalfish/cod 8.0 4.0-14.2 B Germany, 1992 Trout 7.9 1.9-29.3 B Germany, 1995 Wild trout 11.8 2.9-48.9 B Germany, 1995 2.1-11.9 B Germany, 1995 Imported trout 6.5 1.0-17.4 B n.a., 1995 Carp wild 22.3 3.5-30.6 B Germany, 1995 Farmed carp 21.2 6.0-51.1 B Germany, 1995 Eel/bream/carp 12.3 5.3-17.6 B Germany, 1995 Anchovy 14.6 B Italy Squid 16.6 B Italy Mussel 12.0 B Italy Norway lobster 5.4 B Italy Mackarel 7.9 B Italy Red mullet 8.7 B Italy Clam 7.7 B Italy Clam 5.9 B Italy Clam 57.5 B Italy Oyster 46.3 B Italy Mix freshwater fish 2.4 B Netherlands, 1990-91 Mix fatty sea fish 6.8 B Netherlands 1990-91 Mix lean sea fish 49 B Netherlands 1990-91 Yellow eel 10.7 B Netherlands 1990-91 herring 11.1 B Netherlands 1990-91 Mackarel 16.4 B Netherlands 1990-91 Sole 27.5 B Netherlands 1990-91 Cod 28 B Netherlands 1990-91 Shrimps 66.8 B Netherlands 1990-91 Cod liver 70.4 B Netherlands 1990-91 Mussels 76.5 B Netherlands 1990-91 Pike perch 121.5 B Netherlands 1990-91 Farmed trout INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 41 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS CATEGORY FEEDINGS (data expressed in pg WHO-TEQ/g) MEAN f.m. ANNEX 3 - July 2004 RANGE on lipid basis (g fat) f.m. REFERENCE MS on lipid basis (g fat) Olive pulp 1.2 I Europe, 1999-2002 (non edible) olive pulp 1.7 I Europe, 1999-2002 Used oils and fats 0.9 I Europe, 1999-2002 Rendered fat 2.16 I Europe, 1999-2002 Fish meal from fish waste 60 I Europe, 1999-2002 Fish oil from fish waste 25 I Europe, 1999-2002 Fish sillage from fish waste 10 I Europe, 1999-2002 Whey, skim milk, butter milk, other milk by-products, out of date products 1.9 I Europe, 1999-2002 Swill (liquid feed) from catering waste 1.4 I Europe, 1999-2002 Components from extraction and refining step in vegetables oil production 0.39 I Europe, 1999-2002 Components from processing of fruits, vegetables and crops 0.036 I Europe, 1999-2002 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 42 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Table A3- 12: ANNEX 3 - July 2004 PCB µg kg-1 CATEGORY MEAN RANGE CEREALS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. POTATO d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Potato 28 RICE d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FRUIT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. 700016000 Carrots REFERENCE MS C USA, 1986 C USA, 1986 Radish 10 C USA, 1986 Sugar beet 4 C USA, 1986 VEGETABLES (LEAFY) d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. PULSES d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MILK d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Cows’ milk < 0.4 H* Austria, 1999-2000 Cows’ milk < 0.05 A Finland Cows’ milk 15 F Canada, 1989 Cows’ milk 51 F Italy, 2000 H EU, 1999-2001 H Austria, 1999-2001 MILK PRODUCTS d.m. Milk products Eggs f.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. <4 d.m. MEAT d.m. <8 d.m. EGGS f.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Pork <4 H Austria and Belgium, 19992001 Cattle <4 H Austria, 1999-2001 Sheep <4 H Austria, 1999-2001 d.m. FISH f.m. d.m. f.m. Herring 109 A Baltic sea Salmon 199 A Baltic sea Rainbow trout 30 A n.a. A n.a C USA, 1986 C USA, 1986 Mix lake fish FEEDINGSTUFFS Oats 0.2-18 d.m. d.m. 26 Maize Soy f.m. 27-53 150 f.m. C USA, 1986 Potato (peel) 40-61 C USA, 1986 Sudangrass 12-73 C USA, 1986 *The detection limit is reported whereas at least 80% of the data collected for that OP in that food commodity is found below the detection limit. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 43 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS Table A3- 13: ANNEX 3 - July 2004 PAH µg kg-1 CATEGORY MEAN d.m. CEREALS RANGE f.m. d.m. REFERENCE MS f.m. Dried rye bread 93-291 A Finland Yolk powder 4-189 A Finland Musli 22-260 A Finland G UK, 1996 G UK, 1996 G UK, 1996 A Finland A Finland POTATO d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. RICE d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FRUIT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. VEGETABLES (LEAFY) d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Vegetables and cereals– Benz(a)antracene 0.05-3.17 Vegetables and cereals – Benz(a)pirene < 1.42 Vegetables and cereals - 0.01-0.05 Dibenzo(a,h)antracene PULSES d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MILK d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Cheese 1-4 d.m. EGGS Eggs d.m. f.m. 38 d.m. MEAT f.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Meat and prod. – Benz(a)antracene 0.02-0.13 G UK, 1996 Meat and prod. – Benz(a)pirene 0.01-0.26 G UK, 1996 G UK, 1996 Meat and prod.- 0.01 Dibenzo(a,h)antracene d.m. FISH f.m. d.m. f.m. Fish and prod. – Benz(a)antracene < 0.14 G UK, 1996 Fish and prod. – Benz(a)pirene < 0.35 G UK, 1996 Fish and prod.- 0.03 G UK, 1996 Mussels – phenantrene 29.5 D Italy, Ionian sea, 2000 Mussels – Antracene 64.7 D Italy, Ionian sea, 2000 Mussels – Antracene 62.3 E n.a, 1977 Mussels – Florantene 7.2 D Italy, Ionian sea, 2000 Dibenzo(a,h)antracene INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 44 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS CATEGORY ANNEX 3 - July 2004 MEAN RANGE REFERENCE MS Mussels – Florantene 9.6 E n.a, 1977 Mussels – Pirene 18.4 D Italy, Ionian sea, 2000 Mussels – Pirene 2.0 E n.a, 1977 Mussels – Benz(a)antracene 3.7 D Italy, Ionian sea, 2000 Mussels – Benz(a)antracene 1.9 E n.a, 1977 Mussels – Benz(a)pirene 1.0 D Italy, Ionian sea, 2000 Mussels – Benz(a)pirene 0.2 E n.a., 1977 Mussels – Dibenzo(a,h)antracene 0.1 D Italy, Ionian sea, 2000 Mussels – Dibenzo(a,h)antracene 0.2 E n.a., 1977 Mussels – Benzo(g,h,i)perilene 0.3 D Italy, Ionian sea, 2000 Mussels – Benzo(g,h,i)perilene 2.9 E n.a., 1977 FEEDINGSTUFFS Table A3- 14: d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. HCB µg kg-1 CATEGORY MEAN d.m. CEREALS Mix cereals Potato Rice Mix fruits VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) f.m. d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. d.m. MS H Austria, 1999-2001 H Austria, 1999-2001 H Austria, 1999-2001 H n.a., 1999-2001 f.m. f.m. f.m. < 10 d.m. REFERENCE f.m. < 10 d.m. FRUIT d.m. < 10 d.m. RICE f.m. 10 d.m. POTATO RANGE f.m. Roots < 10 H Austria, 1999-2001 Mix vegetables < 10 H EU, 1999-2001 H EU, 1999-2001 H Austria, 1999-2001 VEGETABLES (LEAFY) d.m. Leafy vegetables f.m. d.m. f.m. < 10 PULSES d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MILK* d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Cows’ milk 0.3 0.2-0.8 Cows’ milk 8 F Spain,1991 Cows’ milk 25 F Mexico, 1993 Cows’ milk 6 F Italy, 1991 Cows’ milk 7 F Italy, 2000 INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 45 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS CATEGORY MILK PRODUCTS MEAN d.m. f.m. Milk products f.m. Eggs f.m. FISH d.m. FEEDINGSTUFFS *on lipid basis d.m. Cattle Table A3- 15: d.m. REFERENCE MS H EU, 1999-2001 H Austria, 1999-2001 H Austria, 1999-2001 REFERENCE MS H Austria, 1999-2001 f.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. <3 Aldrin/Dieldrin mg kg-1 CATEGORY MEAN d.m. CEREALS Cereal f.m. RANGE d.m. f.m. < 0.01 Wheat < 0.01 C USA,1986 Maize < 0.01 C USA,1986 H Austria, 1999-2001 H EU, 1999-2001 H EU, 1999-2001 d.m. POTATO Potato Rice Fruits VEGETABLES (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) d.m. f.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. < 0.01 d.m. FRUIT f.m. < 0.01 d.m. RICE f.m. d.m. f.m. < 0.01 d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Mix vegetables < 0.01 H EU, 1999-2001 Roots < 0.01 H Austria, 1999-2001 C USA,1986 H EU, 1999-2001 H Austria, 1999-2001 H EU, 1999-2001 H Austria, 1999-2001 H Austria, 1999-2001 Sugar beet VEGETABLES (LEAFY) 0.08 d.m. Leafy vegetables d.m. MILK Milk MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. < 0.004 d.m. Eggs f.m. d.m. f.m. < 0.01 d.m. MEAT d.m. < 0.0005 Milk products EGGS f.m. < 0.01 d.m. PULSES Cattle FISH d.m. < 10 d.m. MEAT RANGE <3 d.m. EGGS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 f.m. d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. < 0.004 d.m. f.m. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 46 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS CATEGORY FEEDINGSTUFFS MEAN d.m. ANNEX 3 - July 2004 RANGE f.m. d.m. REFERENCE MS f.m. Maize (seed) 0.0030.008 C USA, 1986 Oats (Seed) 0.1-1 C USA, 1986 Lucerne 0.02 C USA, 1986 Oats (plant) 0.02 C USA, 1986 Maize (plant) 0.02 C USA, 1986 Lucerne < 0.01 C USA, 1986 Lucerne < 0.01 C USA, 1986 Table A3- 16: DDT and congeners µg kg-1 CATEGORY MEAN RANGE CEREALS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. POTATO d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. RICE d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FRUIT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. VEGETABLES d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. VEGETABLES (LEAFY) d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. PULSES d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MILK d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. REFERENCE MS (ROOTS, TUBER, FRUITS) Cows’ milk* 8.06 F Canada, 1989 Cows’ milk* 21 F Spain,1991 Cows’ milk* 22 F India, 1993 Cows’ milk* 28 F Mexico, 1993 Cows’ milk* 23 F Uganda, 1993 Cows’ milk* 5-14 F Italy, 1991 Cows’ milk* 5-15 F Italy, 1992 Cows’ milk* 5-10 F Italy, 1994 F Italy, 2000 Cows’ milk* 18 MILK PRODUCTS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. EGGS d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. MEAT d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. FISH d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. Herring 97 A Baltic sea Salmon 147 A Baltic sea Rainbow trout 39 A n.a. A n.a Mix lake fish FEEDINGSTUFFS 0.2-6.3 d.m. f.m. d.m. f.m. * on lipid basis INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 47 HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS FROM WASTES USED AS ORGANIC FERTILISERS ANNEX 3 - July 2004 A Hietaniemi & Kumpulainen (1994) B AEA Technology, 1999) C AA. VV. (1996) D Storelli & Marcotrignano (2001d) E Pancirov & Braun (1977) F Storelli & Storelli & Marcotrignano (2001) G UK Committee on toxicity of chemicals in food, consumer products and the environment (2001) H- Penisch (2002) I- BiPRO, IRCE, Ökometric, AFC Consultant, European POPs Expert Team (2002) INORGANIC AND ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN FOOD AND FEEDING STUFF LEGISLATION AND BACKGROUND LEVELS 48
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