JCPenney has moved just| down the street to 95 Park

Saturday Night Mixed
Won Lost
22.0 6.0
18.0 10.0
18.0 10.0
RiccSoucyShannon 14.0 14.0
2 inlaws, 2 outlaws 14.0 14.0
Missing Link
13.0 15.0
Last minutes
12.0 16.0
Bud Bowlers
12.0 16.0
11.0 17.0
Week of 10/18
High Women's Single &
Triple • Elizabeth Godin &
Sharron Miner, 239; High
Women's Triple - Lori
UTray, 680; High Men's
Single & Triple - Jeff Corrow,
256 & 723; High Team Single
& Triple - Last Minuies, 893
& 2495.
Week of 10/11
High Women's Single Leann Poirier, 221; High
Women's Triple - Brenda
Alford, 597; High Men's
Single & Triple • Adam
Browne!l, 273 & 703; High
Team Single & Triple •
Outlaws, 879 & 2389.
Wednesday Senior* Mixed
19.0 5.0
15.5 8.5
Kinneys Lakers
12.5 11.5
10.5 13.5
Counter's Crew
7.5 16.5
7.0 17.0
High Women's Single &
Triple - Peka Larche, 222 &
601; High Men's Single - Dan
Mecklenburg, 226; High
Men's Triple - Marshall
Boogie Godin, 658; High
Team Single & Triple Stewarts, 840 & 2408.
Thursday Night Ladle*
Won Lost
22.5 12.5
KG Electric
17.0 16.0
R&C Becker
17.0 16.0
TL Refrigeration
19.0 16.0
Lizotte's Trucking 18.0 17.0
TL Supply
18.0 17.0
A-Maye-Zing Cuts 17.0 18.0
Rainbow Party Shop 17.0 18.0
17.0 18.0
16.0 19.0
TL Free Press
14.0 21.0
Rebel's Video
13.5 21.5
High Ind. Single & Triple Bobbie Conklin. 246 & 660;
High Team Single - A-MayeZing Cuts, 953; High Team
Triple-JABSS, 2731.
Monday Night Mens
Won Lost
Amell's Trucking 17.0 04.0
14.5 06.5
12.0 09.0
Shahecn's Market 12.0 09.0
11.0 10.0
Lizotte's Logging 10.0 11.0
Tyler's Pizza
09.0 12.0
Rat Pack
08.0 13.0
G&G Remodeling 08.0 13.0
03.5 17.5
High Ind. Single & Triple- Jim
Page, 256 & 693; High Team
Single & Triple - Lizotte's.
1059 & 3074.
to St. Jude
Oh, Holy St. Jude,
Apostle and Martyr,
great in virtue and rich in
miracles, near kinsman
of Jesus Christ, faithful
intercessor of all who
invoke your special
patronage in time of
need, to you I have
recourse from the depth
of my heart and humbly
beg to whom God has
given such great power
to my
assistance. Help me in
my present and urgent
petition. In return, I
promise 1o make your
name known and cause
you to be invoked. Say
three Our Fathers, Hail
Mary's and Glorias.
Publication must be
promised. St. Jude, pray
(or us and all who invoke
your aid. Amen. This
Novena has never been
known to fail. I have had
my request granted.
over the reins
Roy Rosenbarker and his wife Bonnie, left, took time from their busy schedules to have this photo taken wlt£
previous JCPenney franchise owners Jean and Don Donah, far right, at the new location. Pictured at center fajV
Richard Krajewski, Coordinator of Catalog Sales Merchants for JCPenney. (Judy McCletlsnd photo}
JCPenney has moved just|
down the street to 95 Park
Town offers campers 2-day
use of sanitary waste station
The Town of Allamont will open the Little Wolf Beach
Sanitary Waste Station for all campers on Tuesday, October 28
and Wednesday, October 29 between 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
For more information, contact the town clerk's office at
We must go outside
Tupper Lake to help
Tupper Lake.
"I will go wherever I have to,
to bring jobs and small
businesses to us."
County Legislator
by Newton Greiner
Don and Jean Donah have
retired, and the JCPenney store
on the corner stands empty.
Faithful customers, however,
who have grown to depend on the
popular catalog More over the
years, need look no further than
just down the block to find the
same great JCPenney service and
wide variety of JCPenney
merchandise which they have
grown accustomed to.
"Basically it just seemed like
the right time to make it work,"
said Roy Rosenbarker, who has
owned and operated Mountain
Country Antiques for the past
four and a half years.
The JCPenney Catalog store
is now located in the same
building as the antique store, and
will now be operated under the
name of Roy's Catalog Sales at
95 Park Street in Tupper Lake.
Rosenbarker the trend within the
JCPenney company has recently
been to move the catalog stores
into other non c o m p e t i n g
businesses, thus allowing the
catalog stores to thrive, while at
the same time helping to draw
business into the coexisting
business location.
In Saranac
Lake the
JCPenney store has moved into a
magazine shop, and in many
areas they have moved into
Eckert Drug stores, which
JCPenney also owns.
The thought behind the
move is that walk in traffic will
increase, and the two stores will
compliment each other, according
to Mr. Rosenbarker.
c e n t r a l l y located is also
important, and it keeps business
on the Main Street," which he
said, is one of his primary
reasons fordoing it.
Mountain Country Antiques
is now consolidated into one side
of the building, while the
JCPenney catalog center is
located where the Hi Hat bar once
With a little painting, some
heating units and a new counter,
he was ready to open. Roy hired
Anne Pickering to help out in
the catalog store, since his wife
Bonnie, who is a partner in the
operation, works elsewhere full
Mr. Rosenbarker said he has
Jived in the Tn-lakes area since
1972, and said he is happy with
the business climate in the area.
"When you live here, you
live here because you like it here.
That's why I'm here. You've
got to like the area because
you're probably never going to
get rich here," he said.
The catalog store offers
everything it always has, so there
is really not much different about
it. From clothing to bedding to
shoes, cookware and appliances,
to name a few items, it's pretty
much one stop shopping.
Customers can shop at home
from the catalog, or on the
computer, "which makes it
handy," Mr. Rosenbarker said.
Mr. Rosenbarker said his
other interests include a lot of
hunting and fishing, although he better about retirement than
never seems to have much time do."
for those pursuits these days.
"We can definitely tell
As for Don and Jean Donah Rosenbarker will be very good <
who have now retired after 41 this," she noted. " H e ' s vct%>
years in the business, "we are not talented, and he can .use r
bored," Jean said this week with hammer too? He did all of the:
a smile.
remodeling himself."
"I'll miss the people who
Mrs. Donah said she will be<
always came into the store, but found on the ski slopes thtfc
all of my friends are retired now," winter, and as for Don, Mtetfi
she said.
working ail of his life heTl non?'
The Donahs originally have time for bunting, »a&
started in business with a men's always golf. He used to worit
shop. They later changed to a two jobs, at the school and the*
- ti
Montgomery Ward Catalog store store.
Mr. Rosenbarker invite*
and then to JCPenney in 1996.
"We've seen a lot of changes everyone to come in and sajb
on Park Street over the years," hello, and check out the new.:
location of JCPenney. He ahm
Mrs. Donah commented.
How does Don Donah feet has some good prcmouoa^coming up beginning on Qcioiej
about retirement?
"I think he's quite happy," 30 including 35 percent oft
his wife said. "I think he feels regular priced apparel, shoes, and
accessories, bedding, bath,
window coverings, luggage and
The catalog is ates>
offering 10 percent off cosmetk*,
fragrances, decorative accessories;
floor and personal care, furniture
and mattresses, housewares*
The Tupper Lake volunteer infant bedding, furniture, wheeled
firefighters had a quiet week with goods and accessories, jewelry,
watches and small appliances, as
only one call for assistance
Oti Tuesday, October 14 at well as name brand items like
10:53 a.m. they were called to Clark's, Easy Spirit. Gran0
813 Barlette Carry Road for a Patrician, Levi's Jeans, and
three Royal Velvet. The offer is goof
and two trucks through November 2.
extinguished the fire by digging JCPenney store is open Honda*
up the ground and welting down through Saturday 9 a.m. to p
the area. They were back in p.m.
For further information or i p
service at 11:49 a.m.
place an order over the phone
please call 359-7158.
Fire report
\ Demars Carpet Shop
Wall to Wall Car pet
Sales & Installation
large Selection of Samples
Free Estimates
Fortune, Keough, Rennell
Funeral Home
2 4 CUM Ave., T u p p e r Lake. NY 12986
Tel. (518) 359 9311
Jeremiah Hayes
Attorney at law
64 Park St., Tupper Lake
Tel. (518) 3 5 9 3241
Fortunes Hardware
h«tp Is Just Around T!>« Comar
,(, Mam St.. Tapper! ake Tel. (518) 359-9471
Surgical Eye Care
13 Main 51.. Saran.u: Lake. NV
T e l . <>•»} 8 9 1 5 1 8 9 • F a x 8 9 1 - 1 9 9 2
S t AjpjbonjmsjOyircb
Catholic 48 Wawbeek Ave., Tupper La ke; Tel, "359-3405; t h e Rev. Donald Kramberg, Pastor; Sat.
Anticipated Mass- 4 p.m.; Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m.; Confessions: Sat. at 3:15 - 3:45 p.m.;
Broadcast -102.3 and I05.S Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Holy l^m^Church:
Catholic: 114 Main St., Tupper Lake; IY1 359-°R>4; The Rev. Donald Kramberg, Pastor; SundayConfessions: 8:30 a.m.-8:45 a.m.; Sat. Anticipated Mass at 5:30 p.m.; Sunday Mass at 9 a.m.
St. Thomas Episcopal Church:
Anglican: Brentwood Ave., TuppcrTake; Tel. 359-2840;"The Rev. William Cooper,
HolyEueharist: 10 a.m.; Bible Study in Parish Hull- Wed., 7:30 p.m.
United Community Church:
Presbyterian^23 High St., Tupper Lake; Tel. 359-9810; Sunday morning worship at
10 a.m.-Chiidcare provided.
Tupper Lake Baptist Chapel:
Baptist: Corner of Lake & Mill Stixvi~Tupp~er Lake; TeL 359-1402; Sunday School-10 a.m.; Worship-! 1 & 7 p.m.; Youth Group-Tues. 7 p.m.; Prayer Sen ice: Wed. 7 p.m.
Tapper^Lake Christian Center:
I! 4 Park St., TL; Tel. 359-7889; Pastor David1 Boyea," Suaservices-10 a.m.Teen Youth Group,
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Calvary JU ruled j^thodisjjChjirch:
Methodist: Long Lake, NY; Tel. 582-242!; The Rev^ GifOtt; Sunday Service & Sunday School ff"a?nr; Saturday service- 4:30 p.m. during July & August. In Newcomb- Worship service at 9 a.m.
Lutheran Churchof JhjeJiojyJMniity:
(Qtrs. in St. Luke's) Comer of"Church & Main'SCSaranac Lake; The Rev, John V. Matem, Pastor;
Services & Communion 11:30 a.m.; Sunday school at 10:30 a.m.
St, Henri's Church:
Catholic: Long Lake, NY; Tel. 624 254 iTPastonTtev. Peter Berg; Mass Sat. at 4:30 p.m. & Sunday,
TTOO; Confession: ! '2 hr. before e;«eh mass and/or by appointment.
St^ Thcrese^ChwrcIs:
Catholic: Newcomb, NY, Pastor Rev, Peter Berg;' Mass Sat., at 7:00 p.m. & Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
Confession: 1/2 hr. before each mass and'or by appointment.
Catholic: Lake Clear, NY; Tel. 891-22S6; 'Father timothy Souey: Mass-Sunday at 9 a.m.;
Reconciliation/Confession before Mass.
Wesley an Chii rchj
Long Lake, NY; Tel. 624-24! I: The Rev. 'Demiis Croy; Sunday School -Bible Discovery- 10a.m.;
Sunday sen ice at !! a.m.; Sunday eve sen ice at 6 p.m., Tues. morning prayer at 6:30 am.; Wed,,
prayer meeting 7 p.m.
St. Gabriel's
Paul Smith's, NY; fcl, X9I -2286; Lather Timothy Souey; Mass Saturday 4 p.m.; during collegeSunday- 11 a.m, ; Reeoneiliaiion.'Confessiotis before Sat. Mass
Seventh Day Advcniisl!:
!0 Si. Bernard's, Saranac Lake, NY; Pastor Gene Thomas; Services on Saturday. Sabbath School
I 0 a.m.; Church Services , L3<1 am. Visitors are welcome!
Child wold .M«nj>erJ«!.J!*r^lill*J^^C4»?2?fe'
Bancroft Rd., Chi Id wold, NY; Tel 5 jJjT-359-3347; Sunday services at M a.m, June till August 25thSummer Minister lam Lumonl
This C h u r c h Service i n f o r m a t i o n
is s p o n s o r e d b y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e a
b u s i n e s s e s w h o urge, you t o a t t e n d
y o u r c h u r c h of w o r s h i p this w e e k J
Richer Funeral Home
29 Park St., Tupper Lake
Tel. (518) 3 5 9 3 2 2 2
Auto Sales «fe Service
146 Main St., Tapper Lake
Tel. (518) 3 5 9 ^ 0 3 1
Tupper Lake Council No. 2177
Knights of Columbus
36 High St., Tupper Lake
Jf/F m SLmwKBf
Tupper Lake National Bank
-Member F.D.l.C7 5 Park St. & 3 Mafat St., T a p p e r Lake