Robert S. Chamberlain Collection of Military Medals and Coins

Irvin Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
University of South Carolina Libraries
Robert S. Chamberlain Collection of Military
Medals and Coins
Collection Mss. 2014:1
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©2014 University of South Carolina Libraries
Title: Robert S. Chamberlain Collection of Military Medals and Coins
Collection Number: Mss. 2014:1
Creator: Robert S. Chamberlain.
Extent: 11 cubic feet (22 archival boxes).
Administrative Information
Provenance: Gift, 1979.
Processed by: Eliza Still.
Access Restrictions: Collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation: [Item], Robert S. Chamberlain Collection, Irvin
Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, University of South Carolina
Publication Rights: All rights reside with the estate of the creator. For
permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Rare Books and Special
2 Scope and Contents Note
The Robert S. Chamberlain Collection of Military Medals and Coins contains military
medals, Greek and Roman coins, Civil War documents, and military figurines collected by the
Latin American historian Robert Chamberlain (1903-1981), mostly during the late 1960s and
1970s. The collection also documents Chamberlain’s research in Hispanic American history
during the colonial period and railroads.
Robert Stoner Chamberlain was born in Canton, Ohio, on October 13, 1903. He received
a B.A. in History from Stanford University in 1925, a B.S. in Education from Ohio State
University in 1927, and a Ph.D. in History from Harvard University in 1936. He was a staff
member in the Division of Historical Research at the Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C.
from 1936-1947. During the war years, he served as a cultural relations officer at the United
States embassy in Guatemala City. He was an Associate Professor of History at the University of
Miami, 1947-1948, and was in government service from 1948 until his retirement in 1965. His
primary academic interest was Hispanic America during the colonial period. After retirement, he
pursued his interests in Civil War history, collecting medals and coins, and doing some research
on American railroads and trains.
Chamberlain gave this collection of medals, coins, and his personal papers to the
University of South Carolina in 1979, together with his extensive Civil War library, presently
housed in the Irvin Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, and his railroad library,
which is housed in Thomas Cooper Library. Chamberlain was an acquaintance of Dr. Francis
Lord of the USC history department, whose own Civil War collection was acquired by the
university library in 1971 and gave Chamberlain the impetus to make the gift of his own
collection to USC. Upon his son’s death in 1999, the Chamberlain estate came to the university
library, which established the Chamberlain Endowment for Reference and Information
Series 1 contains 234 military and commemorative medals in boxes 1-4. The collection is
organized geographically, and chronologically thereunder. It begins in the Americas, with
restrikes of United States Congressional Gold Medals and Indian Peace Medals. These are
followed by war medals, most commonly from the 19th century, representing countries and
territories throughout North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Most are original,
though a few are restrikes or replicas and are noted as such below wherever known. Also
included within the medals series are civilian-issued awards for civil service and the
commemoration of important events such as anniversaries and deaths.
Series 2 contains coins, the majority of which are from ancient Greece and Rome. From
Greece, there are coins struck in Macedon and Egypt. Roman coins are from the Republic and
the Empire and include coins struck at Alexandria while under Roman control. The date range of
the Greek and Roman coins is approximately 336 BC – AD 305. Finally, there are several
Hungarian and British coins from the 18th and 19th centuries, respectively.
Series 3 contains United States Civil War records of individual soldiers. These papers
include a declaration for pension, discharge papers, and a service record. Also included is the
diary of B. Peterson, 2nd Maine Battery, detailing his War experiences from January 5, 1864 –
April 25, 1865.
Series 4 contains fifteen boxes of Chamberlain’s research materials. Part A: Medal
Research contains seven boxes of documents related to the collecting and purchase of war
medals. This part includes catalogs, lists, and records for the medals Chamberlain purchased.
3 Also included is occasional correspondence between Chamberlain and dealers related to the
purchases and cancelled checks reflecting prices paid. Papers are arranged alphabetically.
Following these materials is a box containing Chamberlain’s research, including his notes,
correspondence with questions and answers, and copies of reference materials and articles.
Papers are arranged alphabetically. Also in this box is information on the Orders and Medals
Society of America.
Series 4, Part B: Writings and Related Research contains eight boxes documenting
Chamberlain’s professional work as a prominent historian of Central America and a researcher
of railroad history. Following a copy of his CV is his Ph.D. dissertation, materials related to his
two books: Conquest and Colonization of Yucatan and Conquest and Colonization of Honduras,
and his research and translations of letters sent by Spanish Conquistador Francisco de Montejo to
King Charles I. Following these are folders of background research on the Yucatan and
Honduras. Next are folders of Chamberlain’s notes on America’s most important railways and
steam engines that he used to correct existing publications on the topic. Copies of articles,
poetry, and book reviews written by Chamberlain are next in the series, and these are followed
by press coverage and clippings of Chamberlain and his academic work. Finally, there is one box
of general correspondence not directly related to any of the topics listed above.
Series 5 is a collection of figurines, including American Civil War soldiers, cannons, and
other artillery made in the 20th century. Series 6 contains a small group of oversized materials. In
this box are additional soldier figurines, several 20th century natural history prints, contemporary
copies of Native American photographs, a file box containing Chamberlain’s own index card
records for his medals, and two file boxes containing notes on trains.
Contents Summary
Series 1, Medals….....................................................................................................................1 – 4
United States of America (item numbers 1 – 57)
Confederate States of America (58 – 63)
Second Mexican Empire (64 – 66)
Canada (67)
Central America (68 – 69)
Guatemala (70 – 72)
Argentina (73)
Empire of Brazil (74 – 76)
United States of Brazil (77)
Chile (78 – 79)
Paraguay (80)
Uruguay (81)
Grand Duchy of Baden (82 – 92)
4 Kingdom of Bavaria (93 – 97)
Free and Hanseatic City of Bremen (98)
Duchy of Brunswick (99)
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (100)
Grand Duchy of Hesse (101)
Principality of Lippe (Lippe-Detmold) (102)
Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (103)
Grand Duchy of Oldenburg (104)
Kingdom of Saxony (105 – 106)
Kingdom of Württemberg (107 – 108)
Kingdom of Hanover (109)
Province of Hohenzollern (110 – 111)
Kingdom of Prussia (112 – 135)
German Confederation (136)
German Empire (137 – 138)
Archduchy of Austria (139 – 142)
Austrian Empire (143 – 148)
Austria-Hungary (149 – 155)
Second French Republic (156)
Second French Empire (157 – 163)
Third French Republic (164 – 175)
British East India Company (176 – 178)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (179 – 186)
Kingdom of Sardinia (187 – 188)
Kingdom of Italy (189 – 191)
Papal States (192 – 194)
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (195)
Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves (196 – 197)
Kingdom of Spain (198 – 201)
Swiss Confederation (202)
Kingdom of the Netherlands (203 – 204)
Kingdom of Belgium (205)
Kingdom of Denmark (206 – 208)
The United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (209)
Kingdom of Romania (210 – 211)
Principality of Montenegro (212)
Principality of Serbia (213)
Ottoman Empire (214 – 221)
Russian Empire (222 – 231)
5 Asia
Empire of Japan (232 – 234)
Series 2, Coins…………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Coins from Greece (235 – 236)
Silver Denarii from Roman Republic (237 – 246)
Silver Denarii from Roman Empire (247 – 257)
Antoniniani (Silver or Copper) from Roman Empire (258 – 263)
Base Metal Denominations Other than Antoniniani from Roman Empire (264 – 268)
Tetradrachms Struck at Alexandria under Rome (269 – 273)
Unknown Greek/Roman Coins (274 – 276)
Modern Coins (277 – 278)
Series 3, Manuscripts…………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Series 4, Writings and Research
Part A: Medal Research……………………………………………………….…...7 – 12
Part B: Scholarship and Writings….……………………...………………………13 – 20
Series 5, Figurines ……………………………………………………………………………….21
Series 6, Oversized ……………………………………………………………………………....22
6 Container List
Medals are noted and transcribed with the following rubric:
[Item number. Medal name. Year originally issued (Date issued, if available).
Conflict/occasion. “Obverse text.” “Reverse text.” Additional notes, if applicable.]
If the name of medal is unknown, the medal has been given a descriptive name within
brackets. If obverse or reverse lacks text, None will be written where the text would
otherwise be. All medals bronze unless otherwise specified. If the medal includes pins or
ribbons, they will be noted. Restrikes are noted whenever known.
Series 1, Medals
Box 1:
Medals from the United States of America
Item 1. Congressional Gold Medal for General George Washington. 1776
(March 25). Revolutionary War. “Georgio Washington Svpremo Dvci
Exercitvvm Adsertori Libertatis/ Du Vivier/ Paris. F./ Comitia
Americana.” “Hostibus Primo Fugatis/ Bostonium Recuperatum/ XVII.
Martii/ MDCCLXXVI.” Restrike.
2. Congressional Gold Medal for Major Henry Lee. 1779 (September 24).
Revolutionary War. “Henrico Lee Legionis Equit. Prefecto/ J. Wright/
Comitia Americana.” “Non Obstantib/ Fluminibus Vallis/ Astutia &
Virtute Bellica/ Parva Manuhostes Vicit/ Victosq/ Armis Humanitate/
Devinxit/ Inmempugn ad Paulus/ Hook Diexix./ Aug. 1779.” Restrike.
3. Congressional Gold Medal for Major General Nathanael Greene. 1781
(October 29). Revolutionary War. “Nathanieli Green Egregio Duci
Comitia Americana.” “Salus Regionum Australium/ Dupre/ Hostibus Ad
Eutaw/ Debellatis Die VIII Sept/ MDCCLXXXI.” Restrike.
4. Congressional Gold Medal for Major General Jacob Brown. 1814
(November 3). War of 1812, Chippewa, Niagara, Erie. “Major General
Jacob Brown.” “Resolution of Congress November 3. 1814./ Niagara/
Erie/ Chippewa/ Battles of/ Chippewa. July 5. 1814/ Niagara. July 25.
1814/ Erie. Sep. 17. 1814./ Furst. F.” Restrike.
5. First Congressional Gold Medal for Major General Winfield Scott. 1814
(November 3). Battle of Chippewa, Niagara. “Major General Winfield
Scott.” “Resolution/ Of/ Congress/ November 3, 1814./ Battles of
Chippewa/ July 5. 1814./ Niagara/ July 25, 1814./ Furst. F.” Restrike.
6. Congressional Gold Medal for Major General Zachary Taylor. 1846 (July
16). Mexican-American War, Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma. “Major
7 General Zachary Taylor.” “Resolution/ of/ Congress/ July 16th 1846./ Palo
Alto/ May 8th 1846./ Resaca de la Palma/ May 9th 1846.” Restrike.
7. Second Congressional Gold Medal for Major General Zachary Taylor. 1847
(March 2). Mexican-American War, Monterey. “Major General Zachary
Taylor.” “Resolution/ of/ Congress/ March 2nd 1847/ Monterey/
September 1846.” Restrike.
8. Second Congressional Gold Medal for Major General Winfield Scott. 1848
(March 9). Mexican-American War. “Major General Winfield Scott/ C.C.
Wright F./ Resolution of Congress/ March 9. 1848./ S. Ellis Del.”
“Chapultepec./ Vera Cruz./ City/ of/ Mexico/ Molino Del Rey./ Cerro
Gordo/ San Antonio & Churubusco/ Contreras.” Restrike.
9. Third Congressional Gold Medal for Major General Zachary Taylor. 1848
(May 9). Mexican-American War, Buena Vista. “Major General Zachary
Taylor/ C.C. Wright/ Resolution of Congress: May 9, 1848.” “Buena Vista
Feb. 22. & 23. 1847.” Possible restrike.
10. Third Congressional Gold Medal for Major General Zachary Taylor. 1848
(May 9). Mexican-American War, Buena Vista. “Major General Zachary
Taylor/ C.C. Wright/ Resolution of Congress: May 9, 1848.” "Buena Vista
Feb. 22. & 23. 1847.” Possible restrike.
11. Congressional Gold Medal for Commander Duncan N. Ingram. 1854
(August 4). “Smyrna./ American Austrian/ Sloop of War Brig of War/ St
Louis. Hussar.” “Presented/ by the/ President of the United States/ to/
Commander Duncan N. Ingraham/ As a Testimonial of the High Sense/
Entertained by Congress/ of his Gallant and Judicious Conduct/ on the 2d
of July 1853./ Joint Resolution of Congress August 4th 1854.” Restrike.
12. Congressional Gold Medal for Major General Ulysses S. Grant. 1863
December 17). American Civil War. “Major General Ulysses S. Grant./
Joint Resolution of Congress/ December 17, 1863.” “Mississippi River.”
Likely restrike.
13. Andrew Jackson Indian Peace Medal. 1831 (late). Relations with the
Native Americans. “Andrew Jackson President of the United States/ A.D.
1829” “Peace/ and/ Friendship.” Restrike.
14. James K. Polk Indian Peace Medal. 1846. “James K Polk President of the
United States./ 1845” “Peace/ and/ Friendship.” Restrike.
15. Abraham Lincoln Indian Peace Medal. 1862 (struck). “Abraham Lincoln,
President of the United States/ Patented/ S. Ellis. Del. Sc./ 1862.” None.
16. [New York Medal to Volunteers in Mexico]. 1848. Mexican War.
“Presented by the City of New York/ To the N.Y. Regiment of Volunteers
8 in Mexico.” “Cerro Gordo/ Chapultepec/ Cherubusco/ Vera Cruz.”
Designed by C. C. Wright.
17. [Medal from Virginia to Winfield Scott]. 1851. Mexican-American War.
“Winfield Scott./ The Commonwealth of Virginia/ Presents this Medal to/
Major General Winfield Scott,/ As a Memorial of her Admiration/ For the
Great and Distinguished/ Services of her Son/ Whilst Commander in
Chief/ Of the American Armies in the/ War with Mexico,/ 1847./ C.C.
Wright.” “Fecit Quod Cogitavit/1848/ Mexico/ Chapultepec/ Del Ray/
Churubusco/ Conteras/ Cerro Gordo/ Vera Cruz/ 1812/ C.C. Wright/ From
Virginia.” Restrike.
18. [Winfield Scott medal]. 1852. Anglo-American War of 1812-1815 and
Mexican War. “Maj. General Winfield Scott.” “Chippewa/ Lundys Lane/
Cerro Gordo/ Contreras/ Churubusco/ Chapultepec/ Mexico.” Made by the
Scovill Manufacturing Company of Waterbury, Connecticut.
19. Perry Expedition to Japan Commemorative Medal. 1856. Convention of
Kanagawa. “Commodore M. C. Perry.” “Presented/ to/ Com. M. C. Perry/
Special Minister from the/ U.S.A./ By Merchants of Boston/ In Token of
their Appreciation/ Of his Services in Negotiating/ the Treaty with Japan/
Signed at Yoku-Hama,/ March 31,/ And with Lew Chew/ at Napa, July
11,/ 1854/ Mississippi.” Likely restrike. Designed by F. N. Mitchell and
struck at U.S. Mint.
20. U.S. Mint Loyalty Medal. 1861. American Civil War. “The Constitution is
Sacredly Obligatory on All.” “U.S. Mint/ Oath of Allegiance/ Taken by
the/ Officers and Workmen/ Sept. 2. 1861/ Jas Pollock Dir.” Restrike.
Given for mandatory oath of allegiance taken by U.S. Mint employees at
the start of the U.S. Civil War.
21. U.S. Mint Loyalty Medal. 1861. American Civil War. “The Constitution is
Sacredly Obligatory on All.” “U.S. Mint/ Oath of Allegiance/ Taken by
the/ Officers and Workmen/ Sept. 2. 1861/ Jas Pollock Dir.” Given for
mandatory oath of allegiance taken by U.S. Mint employees at the start of
the U.S. Civil War.
22. U.S. Mint Loyalty Medal. 1861. American Civil War. “The Constitution is
Sacredly Obligatory on All.” “U.S. Mint/ Oath of Allegiance/ Taken by
the/ Officers and Workmen/ Sept. 2. 1861/ Jas Pollock Dir.” Given for
mandatory oath of allegiance taken by U.S. Mint employees at the start of
the U.S. Civil War.
23. [McClellan Siege of Yorktown Medal]. 1862. American Civil War. “Maj.
Gen. Geo. B. McClellan.” “Siege of Yorktown/ Ended/ May 4, 1862/
Williamsburg./ Hanover C.H./ Fair Oaks./ Mechanicsville/ Gaines’ Mill./
Allen’s Field./ Savage’s Station./ White Oak Swamp./ Glendale./ Malvern
9 July 1./ South Mountain./ Antietam/ Sept. 14, 1862./ All Honor to the
Army of the Potomac & Its Noble Commander” Likely restrike. White
metal. “W.H. Key Designer, 329 Arch St., Phila” printed on rim.
24. [Fair Oaks Medal for General Naglee]. 1862? American Civil War. “Fair
Oaks/ 31 May 1862/ Merley R.” “The Peninsula- Chickahominy- The
Carolinas/ To/ Gen. H. M. Naglee/ A Token/ Of Admiration/ and Respect/
For His/ Gallant Services.”
25. [2nd Regt. PVRC Civil War Medal]. 1864. American Civil War. “2nd
Regt. P.V.C./ June 1864.” “Honor to the Brave/ Presented/ by the/ Citizen/
of/ Philada.” With ribbon. Designed by Jacorus, Phila.
26. Pennsylvania First Defenders Medal. 1891. American Civil War. “First
Defenders/ Washington/ Apr. 18. 1861.” “National Light Infantry/ Allen
Infantry/ Logan Guards/ Washington Artillerists/ Ringgold Light
Artillery.” White metal, with ribbon and pin.
27. West Virginia Civil War Medal, Class I. 1866. American Civil War.
“1861. 1865./ Montani Semper Liberi.” “Presented/ By the/ State/ Of/
West Virginia.” Class I (Honorably Discharged) medal issued to Thomas
Harrison; see also: Harrison’s Declaration for Pension in Box 6. With
ribbon and “Honorably Discharged/ WV” pin.
28. Ohio Veteran Volunteer Medal. 1866. American Civil War. “1861 1865.”
“The/ State of Ohio/ to/ Ben. F. Cox/ Veteran/ Co. H. 67th Regt./ Ohio
Volunteer/ Inft.” Issued to Benjamin F. Cox; with Cox’s service record in
Box 6. Made by Tiffany & Co. With ribbon and “Secretary” pin.
29. Ohio Veteran Volunteer Medal. 1866. American Civil War. “1861- 1865.”
“The/ State of Ohio/ to/ Jno. Sweeney/ Veteran/ Co. H. 19th Regt./ Ohio
Volunteer/ Inft.” Issued to Jno. Sweeney. Made by Tiffany & Co. With
30. [Medal to General Meade from the Union League of Philadelphia]. 1866
(July 4). American Civil War. “Presented July 4th 1866 to Major Genl.
George G. Meade by the Union League of Philadelphia/ As a Token of the
Gratitude of His Countrymen./ Paquet F.” “The Victor at Gettysburg, The
Deliverer of Our State, the Faithful Soldier of Our Country./ July 1863.”
Likely restrike. Designed by Anthony Paquet.
31. Grand Army of the Republic Badge. 1866. American Civil War. “Grand
Army of the Republic/ 1861- Veteran- 1866.” None. First version of the
medal. With ribbon and pin.
32. Grand Army of the Republic Badge. 1866. American Civil War. “Grand
Army of the Republic/ 1861- Veteran- 1866.” None. With ribbon and pin.
10 33. [General Meade GAR Medal]. 1866 (October 18). American Civil War.
“George G. Meade Post No 1, Department of Pennsylvania, G.A.R.” “Una
Patria Unum Vexillum/ US.”
34. [City of Brooklyn Civil War Medal]. 1866. American Civil War.
“Presented by the City of Brooklyn/ to One of its Veterans/ 1866.” “Een
Draght Mackt Maght.” With ribbon and pin.
35. [Lincoln and Grant Bronze Medal]. 1869. None. None. None. Likely
36. [Union Veterans’ Union Medal]. 1879. American Civil War. “Unitate
Veteranorum Unio/ 1861-1865/ Pat. 1897/ A. Demarest. SC. New York.”
None. Likely restrike.
37. Great Seal Centennial Medal of 1882. 1882. American Centennial. “E.
Pluribus Unum.” “Annuit Coeptis/ 1782 1882/ MDCCLXXVI/ Novus
Ordo Seclorum.” Likely restrike.
38. [Grant Memorial Medal]. 1885. Death of President Grant. “Soldier.
President. Citizen./ Though to Earth No More. In our Hearts Forever./ In
Memoriam/ U.S. Grant/ 1822- 1885.” “Fort Donelson 1862. Vicksburg
1863. Richmond 1865./ Copyright 1885/ F.A. Ford & Co./ President 18691877.” Silver plated? Designed by George Morgan.
39. [GAR Boston 24th National Encampment Medal]. 1890. American Civil
War. “Ense Petit Placidam Sub Libertate Quietem.” None. With ribbon
and pin.
40. [115th New York Volunteer Infantry Medal]. 1892. American Civil War.
“Simeon S. Ammons.” “1862- 115- 1865/ NYV.” With ribbon.
41. [N.Y.S. Gettysburg Veteran’s Commemoration Medal]. 1893. American
Civil War. “Dedication of State Monuments at Gettysburg July 1. 2. 3.
1893./ Excelsior/ New York Day.” “1863 1893.” With ribbon and pin:
“July 1-2-3/ 1863/ Gettysburg Veteran.”
42. [Grant’s Tomb Dedication Medal]. 1897. Dedication of Grant’s tomb.
“General Ulysses S. Grant.” “Dedicated New York April 27 1897/ Issued
by the American Numismatic/ and Archaeological Society/ Tiffany &
Co.” Made by Tiffany & Co.
43. [1897 Society of the Army of the Potomac Reunion Medal]. 1897.
American Civil War. “Society of the Army of the Potomac/ AP.” “Troy
N.Y. Aug. 20 & 21. 1897/ Ilim Fuit Troja Est.”
44. Minutemen of 1861 Medal. 1903. American Civil War. “Ense Petit
Placidam Sub Libertate Quietem.” “The Commonwealth of
Massachusetts/ to the/ Members of the/ Massachusetts/ Volunteer Militia/
Who Were Mustered/ into the United States/ Service in Response to/
President Lincoln’s/ First Call for/ Troops/ April 15. 1861.” Issued to
11 Thomas Ellsworth, with Ellsworth’s discharge papers in Box 6. “Thomas
Ellsworth, Prvt. B. 8th. Reg.” on the medal’s side. With pin:
“Massachusetts/ Minute Men 1861.”
45. New Jersey Civil War Veteran Medal. 1904. American Civil War. “Ready
to Die for the Honor of our Country.” “Presented by the State of/ New
Jersey/ to/ John J. Garner/ Veteran/ of the Union Forces/ in the/ Civil War/
1861-1865.” With pin: “1861 1865.” “4291.”
46. Army Civil War Campaign Medal. 1905. American Civil War. “With
Malice Toward None With Charity for All.” “The Civil War/ 1861- 1865.”
With ribbon.
47. Navy Civil War Campaign Medal. 1905. American Civil War. “The Civil
War/ 1861-1865.” “United States Navy/ For/ Service.” With ribbon.
48. Marine Corps Civil War Campaign Medal. 1905. American Civil War.
“The Civil War/ 1861-1865.” “United States Marine Corps/ For/ Service.”
Given on 40th anniversary of end of war to veterans on both sides. With
49. Miniature Marie Corps Civil War Campaign Medal. 1905. American Civil
War. “The Civil War/ 1861-1865.” “United States Marine Corps/ For/
Service.” With ribbon.
50. [Carl Schurz Memorial Piece]. 1907. Memorial. “Carl Schurz/ 1829-1906/
VBI/ Libertas/ Ibi/ Patria.” “V.D. Brenner Sc.” Silver.
51. Indian Campaign Medal. 1907. Indian Campaigns. “Indian Wars.” “United
States Army/ For/ Service.” With ribbon, which was changed in 1917 to
have black stripes, like this version.
52. [Allegheny Arsenal Explosion Commemorative Medal]. 1909. American
Civil War. “In Commemoration of the Explosion at the Allegheny
Arsenal/ Allegheny Arsenal/ Entrance/ Sept. 17. 1862.” “OrdnanceDepartment- U.S.A./ 1909.” With pin: None. “Heeren and Bros.”
53. [Grant Centenary Commemorative Medal]. 1922. 100th birthday of Gen.
Grant. “In Commemoration of the Centenary of General Grant/ 1822
1922.” “Birthplace of General Grant/ Point Pleasant, Ohio.” With ribbon.
54. U.S. Frigate “Constellation” Souvenir Medal. 1959. Fundraising for
restoration of the Constellation. “U.S. Frigate Constellation/ 1797.” “This
Coin Struck/ from Parts of the/ Frigate/ Constellation/ the First Ship/ of
the U.S. Navy.” Struck from copper spikes used in the original
construction of the Constellation, the Navy’s first ship.
55. [MOLLUS Membership Medal]. 1969. Membership in MOLLUS. “M. O.
Loyal Legion US/ MDCCCLXV.” “Lex Recit Arma Tuentur.” Issued to
Judson, Oliver A., Surg. Bvt Col USV. With ribbon and clasp: “17333.”
12 56. [Knickerbocker Greys Badge]. Unknown. None. “Knickerbocker Greys.”
None. Knickerbocker Greys is an afterschool program founded in 1881 to
instruct children as cadets.
57. [Troy NY Attendance Medal] . Unknown. Unknown. “Attendance/ Ilium
Fuit Troja. Est/ TCC/ 6/NG.” None.
Medals from Confederate States of America
58. Southern Cross of Honor. 1862. American Civil War. “Daughters/ United/
Confederacy/ to the U.C.V.” “Cross/ Southern/ Deo/ Vindice/ 1861/ 1865/
of/ Honor.” Postwar version of this medal distributed in 1900, 38 years
after it was first awarded. With pin.
59. Davis Guard Medal. 1863. American Civil War. “Sabine Pass/ Sept 8th/
1863/ Replica.” “DC.” Replica. With ribbon.
60. 1864 Stonewall Jackson Metal. 1864. American Civil War. “Lieut.
General T. J. Jackson, Stonewall/ Born 1821, Died 1863/ Caque F.”
“Bull Run/ Sudle/ Kernstown/ Front Royal, Middletown/ Chantilly/
Winchester, Strasburg/ Harrisonburg, Port Republic/ Harper’s Ferry/
Mechanicsville, Cold Harbour/ Martinsburg/ White Oak Swamp/ Malvern
Hill, Cedar Mountain/ Manassas/ Shephardstown/ Antietam/
Fredericksburg/ Deo/ Vindici/ The Wilderness.” Commissioned by
Charles Lamar and designed by Auguste Caque. Struck in France. White
Box 2:
61. [United Confederate Veterans’ Nashville Reunion Medal]. 1904.
American Civil War. “1861/ 1865.” “B.H. Stief Jewelry Co. Nashville,
Tenn./ Jewelers & Silversmiths.” With ribbon: “U.C.V./Reunion/
Nashville/June 14, 15, 16/ 1904.” and pin: “Alternate.”
62. Forrest Cavalry Corps Reunion Badge. 1964. Reenactment of Forrest’s
Raid on Memphis (Second Battle of Memphis) on its 100th anniversary.
First pin: “General Lee/ Member.” Second pin: “Forrest/ Cavalry/ Corps.”
Third pin: “General N. B. Forrest.” “Schwaab S&S/ Co./ Milwaukee.”
63 [General N. B. Forest Medal]. Unknown. Unknown. “General N. B.
Forrest.” “None.”
Medals from Second Mexican Empire
64. Military Merit Medal. 1865. French Intervention. “Maximiliano
Emperador.” “Al/ Merito/ Militar.” Designed by G. Navalon. With ribbon.
65. [Society of Defenders of the Mexican Republic Medal]. 1867. MexicanAmerican War. “Sociedad Defensores de la Republica Mexicana.”
13 “Combatieron/ por la Integridad/ del/ Territorio Nacional/ desde/ 18361848/ a 1867.” Silver? With ribbon.
66. Cross for French Intervention. 1861-1867. French Intervention. “Premio/
Coopero/ a la/ Defensa de la/ Republica/ Contra/ el Ejercito/ Frances/ al
Patriotismo.” “Distintivo/ Combatio/ por la/ Independencia/ y las/
Institutiones/ Republicanas/ al Valor.” With ribbon.
Medals from Canada
67. Canada General Service Medal. 1899 (January 7). Fenian Raids. “Victoria
Regina et Imperatrix.” “Canada.” With “Trooper S. Nichols Trotenac.
Cav.” on the medal’s side. Silver. Chamberlain notes that this medal
should be checked for authenticity.
Medals from Centro-America
68. [Centenary of Centro-America Medal]. 1921. 100th anniversary of the
Alliance. “Centenario/ de/ Centro America/ 1821-1921.” “15 de
Septiembre/ 1821-1921.”
69. [Central American Fraternity Medal]. Unknown. Central American
Alliance. “Fraternidad/ Centroamericana.” None. With ribbon.
Medals from Guatemala
70. Guatemalan Medal for Salvador and Honduras. 1863. Campaign of
Salvador and Honduras. “Rafael Carrera pts. De la ra de Guatemala.”
“Campana/ del Salvador/ y Honduras/ 1863.”
71. [Guatemalan Medal for the Formation of Central America]. 1890. Central
American Alliance. “Viva la Republica de Centro-America.” “Dios Union
Libertad/ Pacto de Union/ 15/ de Octubre/ de/ 1889/ Looral Patriotismo/
Guatemala 1890.”
72. [Guatemalan Medal for its Centenary]. 1921. 100th anniversary of
Guatemala’s Independence. “Recuerdo/ de los Festejos/ del Centenario/ de
la Independencia/ Guatemala/ Centro America/ Septiembre 15 de 1821.”
None. With ribbon and bar: “1821-1921.”
Medals from Argentina
73. Argentine Medal for the Paraguayan War. 1866 (September 28) and 1871
(November 17). Paraguayan War. “Al Ejercito Aliado en Operaciones
Contra el Gobierno del Paraguay/ Republica Argentina.” “Al Valor y a la
Constancia/ La Nacion Agradecida.” With ribbon.
Medals from Empire of Brazil
14 74. Miniature Brazilian Medal for the Surrender of Uruguayana. 1865
(September 20). War of the Triple Alliance (Paraguayan War).
“Uruguayana.” “18/ de/ Septembro/ de 1865.” White metal. With ribbon.
75. Miniature Brazilian Medal for the Surrender of Uruguayana. 1865
(September 20). War of the Triple Alliance. “Uruguayana.” “18/ de/
Septembro/ de 1865.” Zinc-antimony alloy. With ribbon.
76. Brazilian General Medal for the Paraguayan Campaign. 1870 (August 6).
War of the Triple Alliance, Paraguay Campaign. “Campanha/ do/
Paraguay.” “18 6_8 70.” With ribbon.
Medals from United States of Brazil
77. Brazilian Medal of the Peace-Maker. 1954 (January 9). Service to
Brazilian army . None. “Duque de Caxias/ Medalha/ do/ Pacificador.”
Given on 150th anniversary of Duke of Caxias’ birth. With ribbon.
Medals from Chile
78. Chilean Cross for 1879-1880. 1880 (September 1). War of the Pacific,
Campaign of Bolivia and Peru. “Campana a Bolivia i el Peru.” “de/ 14 de
Febrero/ de 1879/ a/ 7 de Junio/ de/ 1880.” With ribbon.
79. Chilean Cross for the Lima Campaign, 1881. 1882 (January 14). War of
the Pacific, Lima Campaign. “Campana de Lima/ 1881.” “Republica de
Chile.” With ribbon.
Medals from Paraguay
80. Paraguayan Medal for Tuiuti. 1867 (November 15). War of the Triple
Alliance, Battle of Tuiuti. “El Mariscal Lopez a los Bravos de Tuiuti.” “3/
de/ Noviembre/ 1867.” Bronze or copper. With scrap of ribbon.
Medals from Uruguay
81. Uruguayan Medal for the War with Paraguay. 1891 (April 4). Paraguayan
War. “Campana del Paraguay/ 1865- 1869.” “Republica Oriental/ a las/
Virtuoes/ Militares/ del Uruguay.” With fragment of ribbon and sun pin.
Medals from Grand Duchy of Baden
82. Baden Field Service Award. 1839 (January 27). Field Service. “Fur
Badens Ehre.” “Leopold/ fur/ Treuen Dienst/ Im/ Kriege.”
83. Baden Field Service Award, Second Type. 1839 (January 27). Field
Service. “Fur Badens Ehre.” “Leopold/ fur/ Treuen Dienst/ Im/ Kriege.”
With ribbon.
15 84. Baden Field Service Award. 1839 (January 27). Field Service. “Fur
Badens Ehre.” “Leopold/ fur/ Treuen Dienst/ Im/ Kriege.” With ribbon.
85. Baden Field Service Award, Second Type. 1839 (January 27). Field
service. “Fur Badens Ehre.” “Leopold/ fur/ Treuen Dienst/ Im/ Kriege.”
With ribbon.
86. Baden Commemorative Medal for 1849. 1849 (August 9). Campaign of
1849. “Leopold Grosherzog von Baden/ Dem/ Tapferen/ Befreiungs/
Heer/ 1849” None. With ribbon.
87. Baden Commemorative Medal for 1849. 1849 (August 9). Campaign of
1849. “Leopold Grosherzog von Baden/ Dem/ Tapferen/ Befreiungs/
Heer/ 1849.” None. With ribbon.
88. bar with three medals:
First medal: War Commemorative Medal of 1870/71. 1871 (May 20).
Franco-German War of 1870-1871. “Gott war mit uns, Ihm sei die Ehre/
W/ Dem siegreichen/ Heere.” “1870/ 1871.” With bar: “Strassburg.”
Second medal: Baden Field Service Award. 1839 (January 27). Field
Service. “Fur Badens Ehre.” “Leopold/ fur/ Treuen Dienst/ Im/ Kriege.”
With bar: “1870 – 1871.”
Third medal: [Kaiser Wilhelm I Centennial Medal]. 1897. 100th
Anniversary of Wilhelm I. “Wilhelm/ der/ Brosse/ Deutscher/ Kaiser/
Koenig/ von/ Preussen.” “Zum Andenken/ an den/ Hundersten Geburstag/
des Grossen Kaisers/ Wilhelm I/ 1797- 22 Maerz.” With long service bar
and ribbon.
89. [6 miniature Baden bars and ribbon for General Service Medal]. 18481871. Unknown. “1848,” “1849,” “1866,” “1870,” “1870-1871,” “1871.”
90. Baden Jubilee Medal. 1902 (April 25). Jubilee. “1852-1902.”
“Regierungsjubilaum/ S. K. H. des Grosherzogs/ Friedrich/ Von Baden.”
With ribbon.
91. Baden Silver Medal of Merit. 1908. Unknown. “Friedrich II Grossherzog
Von Baden.” “FÜR / VERDIENST.” With ribbon.
92. Baden Silver Medal of Merit. 1908. Unknown. “Friedrich II Grossherzog
Von Baden.” “FÜR / VERDIENST.” With ribbon.
Medals from Kingdom of Bavaria
93. Bavarian Military Memorial Mark of 1813/1815. 1814 (December 4).
Campaigns of 1813 and 1814. “Konig/ Und/Vater/ Land.” “Fur/ Die/Jahre/
1813/ und/ 1814.” With ribbon.
94. Bavarian Veterans Memorial Cross. 1848. Field service from 1790-1812.
“Max II/ Konig- Von/ Bayern.” “Den/ Vetera/nen-Des/Beyer/ Heeres.”
With ribbon.
16 95. Bavarian Veterans Medal. 1849. Revolutionary Movements. “Maximilian
II Konig V. Bayern.” “In/ Treue Fest/ 1849.” Designed by Carl Friedrich
Voigt. With ribbon.
96. Bavarian Military Merit Cross. 1866 (July 19). Unknown. “Merenti.”
97. Bavarian Campaign Cross for the Austro-Prussian War. 1866. AustroPrussian War. None. “1866.”
Medals from Free and Hanseatic City of Bremen
98. Bremen Hanseatic Cross. 1915 (September 14). World War I. None. “Für
Verdienst/ im/ Kriege/ 1914.” One of three versions of the Hanseatic
Medals from Duchy of Brunswick
99. Brunswick Medal for Veterans of the 92nd Infantry Regiment. 1895.
Franco-German War of 1870-1871. None. “Das/ Braun-/ Schweigische/
Jnfanterie/ Regiment No 92/ Seinen/ Veteranen/ des/ Krieges 1870/71/
Nach/ 25 Jahren/ 16 Dezember/ 1895.”
Medals from Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
100. Hamburg Regimental Medal. 1898. Unknown. “MK/ O./U./ Von/ 1898.”
None. With ribbon.
Medals from Grand Duchy of Hesse
101. Hesse-Darmstadt Campaign Decoration. 1840 (June 14). Field Service.
“L/ Gestiftet Am/ 14. Juni 1840.” “Fur/ Treuen Dienst/ In/ Kriege.”
Medals from Principality of Lippe (Lippe-Detmold)
102. Lippe-Detmold Military Merit Medal. 1832 (May 16). Franco-German
War? “Dem Militair-Verdienste.” None. With ribbon.
Medals from Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
103. [Mecklenburg-Strelitz Medal for the 75th Anniversary of Grossherzogl.].
1896. 75th anniversary of Grossherzogl. Mecklenburg Jager- Bat. 14.
“1821- 1896.” “Erinnerung/ An Die/ 75- Jahrige/ Jubilaumsfeier/ D.
Grossherzogl./ Meckl. Jager-/ Bat. 14.” White metal. With ribbon.
Medals from Grand Duchy of Oldenburg
104. Oldenburg 1866 Military Campaign Medal. 1866 (September 22).
Austro-Prussian War. “Nicol. Friedr. Peter Grussherzog V. Oldenburg.”
17 “1866.” Issued to the troops who took part in the Main Army Campaign.
With ribbon.
Medals from Kingdom of Saxony
105. Saxony Commemorative Cross for 1866. 1867 (May 22). AustroPrussian War. “PR.” “1866.” With ribbon.
106. Saxony Commemorative Cross for Medical and Humanitarian Services
in Wartime. 1871 (March 6). Franco-German War of 1870-1871. None.
“1870/ 1871.” With ribbon.
Medals from Kingdom of Württemberg
107. Württemberg Commemorative Medal for Loyal Service in One
Campaign. 1867 (March 7). Campaign of 1866. Cypher of King Karl. “Für
/ treuen Dienst / in einem / Feldzuge.” With ribbon.
108. Württemberg Military Merit Medal. 1892 (June 26). Franco-German
War. “Wilhelm II Koenig Von Wuerttenberg.” “Für/ Tapferkeit/ Und
Treue.” Original version created in 1818. With ribbon.
Medals from Kingdom of Hanover
109. Hanover Commemorative Medal for Langensalza. 1866 (July 27).
Austro-Prussian War, Battle of Langensalza. “Georg V v. G. G. Koenig v.
Hannover.” “Langensalza/ 27. Juni/ 1866.” With “A. Tappen” on medal’s
side. Designed by Heinrich Jauner. With ribbon.
Medals from Province of Hohenzollern
110. Hohenzollern Commemorative Medal for Combatants. 1851 (August 23).
Rebellions of 1848-1849. “Vom Fels Zum Meer.” “Seinten Bis In Den
Tod Getreuen Kriegern/ 1848/ Friedrich/ Wilhelm IV/ 1849.” With ribbon.
111. Hohenzollern Commemorative Medal for Combatants. 1851(August 23).
Rebellions of 1848-1849. “Vom Fels Zum Meer.” “Seinten Bis In Den
Tod Getreuen Kriegern/ 1848/ Friedrich/ Wilhelm IV/ 1849.” With ribbon.
Medals from Kingdom of Prussia
112. [Prussian Fridericus Borussorum Rex Medal]. 1755. Unknown
“Fridericus Borussorum Rex MDCCLV/ Georgi.” “Felicitati Temporis/
Art. Textr. Holoser/ Stabilita.” Likely restrike.
113. Prussian Battle of Prague Medal. 1757. Battle of Prague. “Fridericvs
Magn. D.G. Rex Borvss F. L. Brand Dvx Silesia.” “Fama. Prvdentia et
Virtve...” Other text is weathered, but should be: AVSTIR-EXERCPROPE-PRAGEVNDIT-CAESOET-PRAGA OBSESSA VI MAJI
18 MDCCLVII. Chamberlain notes this medal was found in excavations in
England during WW2.
114. [Prussian Krieger Verein Cross]. 1813? Unknown. “Wilhelm Koening
Von Preussen.” “Krieger Verein/ F.R. Buchholz.”
115. Prussian Campaign Medal for 1813-1814. 1813 (December 24).
Napoleonic Wars, War of the Sixth Coalition. “1813/ 1814.” “Gott war
mit uns, Ihn sey die Ehre/ FW/ Preußens Tapfern/ Kriegern.” With “Aus
Ercbertem Geschutz” on the medal’s side. Gold.
116. Prussian Campaign Medal for 1815 (Waterloo Medal). 1813 (December
24). Napoleonic Wars, War of the Seventh Coalition, Battle of Waterloo.
“1815.” “Gott war mit uns, Ihn sey die Ehre/ Preußens Tapfern Kriegern.”
With “AUS EROBERTEM GESCHUTZ” on the medal’s side. Medal
amended from original 1813 version in 1815. With ribbon.
117. Prussian Commemorative Medal for the Combatants of 1813-1815. 1863
(March 17). Napoleonic Wars. “FRIEDR. WILHELM III KÖNIG V.
PREUSSEN/ 1813 1814 1815.” “Den 17 Marz 1863.” With ribbon.
118. Prussian Duppel Storm Cross. 1864 (October 18). Second Schleswig
War, Battle of Dybbøl. “Wilhelm Koening Von Preussen.” “Duppel/
18/Apr./ 1864.” White bronze. With combatant’s ribbon.
119. Prussian Commemorative Medal for 1864. 1864 (November 10). Second
Schleswig War. “WFJ.” “Unsern/ Tapfern/ Kriegern/ 1864.” With “AUS
EROBERTEM GESCHUTZ” on the medal’s side. For combatants. With
Box 3:
120. Prussian Alsen Cross. 1864 (December 7). Second Schleswig War, Battle
of Als. “Wilhelm Koening Von Preussen.” “Alsen/ 29/Jun./ 1864.” With
combatant’s ribbon.
121. Bar for service during the Second Schleswig War with three medals and
combatant’s ribbons:
First medal: Prussian Alsen Cross. 1864 (December 7). Second Schleswig
War, Battle of Als. “Wilhelm Koening Von Preussen.” “Alsen/ 29/Jun./
Second medal: Prussian Duppel Storm Cross (October 18). Second
Schleswig War, Battle of Dybbøl. “Wilhelm Koening Von Preussen.”
“Duppel/ 18/Apr./ 1864.”
Third medal: Prussian Commemorative Medal for 1864. (November 10).
Second Schleswig War. “WFJ.” “Unsern/ Tapfern/ Kriegern/ 1864.”
122. Prussian Commemorative Cross for 1866, Koniggratz version. 1866
(September 20). Austro-Prussian War, Battle of Königgrätz. “Gott/
19 Mit/Ihm/ Preussens Siegreichem Herre/ War/Uns/Sei/ Die/Ehre.”
“Konig/Gratz/ Den 3-Juli/ 1866.” In bronze from captured Austrian
cannon. With ribbon.
123. Prussian Commemorative Cross for 1866, Army of the Main version.
1866 (September 20). Austro- Prussian War. “RW/ Preussens Siegreichem
Heere/ Gott/War/ Mit/Uns/ Ihm/Sei/ Die/Ehre.” “Der/ Main/ Armee/
1866.” In bronze of captured Austrian cannon. With ribbon.
124. Prussian Commemorative Cross for 1866, Treuen Kiegern version. 1866
(September 20). Austro-Prussian War. “Gott/ Mit/Ihm/ Preussens
Siegreichem Herre/ War/Uns/Sei/ Die/Ehre.” “Treuen/ Krie-gern/ 1866.”
In bronze of captured Austrian cannon. With ribbon.
125. Iron Cross, Second Class. 1870 (July 19). Franco-German War of 18701871. “W/ 1870.” “FW/ 1813.” With ribbon and Jubilee clasp.
126. War Commemorative Medal of 1870/71. 1871 (May 20). Franco-German
War of 1870-1871. “Gott war mit uns, Ihm sei die Ehre/ W/ Dem
siegreichen/ Heere.” “1870/ 1871.” AUS EROBERTEM GESCHUETZ on
the medal’s side. With ribbon and clasp: “1870-1895.” Bars: “VionvilleMars la Tour,” “Gravelotte-St. Privat,” “Amiens,” “Le Mans,” “Paris,”
and “Metz” approved in 1895.
127. War Commemorative Medal of 1870/71. 1871 (May 20). Franco-German
War of 1870-1871. “Gott war mit uns, Ihm sei die Ehre/ W/ Dem
siegreichen/ Heere.” “1870/ 1871.” AUS EROBERTEM GESCHUETZ on
the medal’s side. Bars: “Villiers,” “Strassburg,” “Amiens,” “Belfort,”
“Beaumont” and “Le Mans” approved in 1895. With ribbon.
128. War Commemorative Medal of 1870/71. 1871 (May 20). Franco-German
War of 1870-1871. “Gott war mit uns, Ihm sei die Ehre/ W/ Dem
siegreichen/ Heere.” “1870/ 1871.” AUS EROBERTEM GESCHUETZ on
the medal’s side. Bars: “Noisseville” and “Paris” approved in 1895. With
129. War Commemorative Medal of 1870/71. 1871 (May 20). Franco-German
War of 1870-1871. “Gott war mit uns, Ihm sei die Ehre/ W/ Dem
siegreichen/ Heere.” “1870/ 1871.” AUS EROBERTEM GESCHUETZ on
the medal’s side. Bars: and “Paris,” “Mont-Valerien,” “Sedan,” and
“Gravelotte-St. Privat” approved in 1895. With ribbon.
130. War Commemorative Medal of 1870/71. 1871 (May 20). Franco-German
War of 1870-1871. “Gott war mit uns, Ihm sei die Ehre/ W/ Dem
siegreichen/ Heere.” “1870/ 1871.” AUS EROBERTEM GESCHUETZ on
the medal’s side. Bars: “Spicheren,” “Gravelotte-St. Privat,” and
“Vionville-Mars la Tours” approved in 1895. With ribbon.
20 131. War Commemorative Medal of 1870/71. 1871 (May 20). Franco-German
War of 1870-1871. “Gott war mit uns, Ihm sei die Ehre/ W/ Für
Pflichttreue im Kriege.” “1870- 1871.” Noncombatant's version. Steel.
132. Bar with two medals:
First medal: War Commemorative Medal of 1870/71. 1871 (May 20).
Franco-German War of 1870-1871. “Gott war mit uns, Ihm sei die Ehre/
W/ Für Pflichttreue im Kriege.” “1870- 1871.” Bars: “Weissenburg,”
“Worth,” “Sedan,” and “Paris” approved in 1895. With ribbon.
Second medal: [Kaiser Wilhelm I Centenial Medal]. 1897. 100th
Anniversary of Wilhelm I. “Wilhelm/ der/ Brosse/ Deutscher/ Kaiser/
Koenig/ von/ Preussen.” “Zum Andenken/ an den/ Hundersten Geburstag/
des Grossen Kaisers/ Wilhelm I/ 1797- 22 Maerz- 1807.”
133. [Kaiser Friedrich III Memorial Medal]. 1888. Death of Friedrich III,
German Emperor. “Friedrich Deutscher Kaiser Konig V Preussen.” “18.
Oktober 1831- 15 Juni 1888/ Lerne Leiden Ohne Zu Klagen.”
134. [Ribbon and bars for War Commemorative Medal of 1870/71]. 1895.
Franco-German War of 1870-1871. “Vionville-Mars-la-Tour,”
“Cravelotte-St. Privat,” “Orleans,” “Le Mans.”
135. [Bars for War Commemorative Medal of 1870/71]. 1895. FrancoGerman War of 1870-1871. “Ander Hallue,” “Orleans,” and “St.
Medals from German Confederation
136. [German Revolutions of 1848 Medal]. 1848. Revolutions of 1848.
“Vereinigung Fur Volkes Rechte- Fur Volkes Wohl.” “Deutsches
Parlament/ 1848.” Medal issued by the constitutionalists. Tin.
Medals from German Empire
137. [Medal for Feldmarschall von Moltke’s 90th birthday]. 1890. 90th
birthday of Graf von Moltke. “Graf Moltke/ Feldmarschall.” “Zum
Gedachtniss/ An die/ Nationale Feier/ des/ 90. Geburtsfestes/ 26 Oct.
1890.” Not bronze.
138. [bar for “Feld Art. Regt. 2”]. Unknown. Unknown. “Feld Art. Rgt. 2.”
Medals from Archduchy of Austria
139. Austrian Medal for Bravery, Second Class Silver. 1789 (July 19).
Bravery in combat. “Franz Joseph I. Kaiser von Oesterreich.” “Der
Tapferkeit.” This medal is the 1848-1859 version. Silver. With ribbon.
140. Austrian Medal for Bravery, First Class Silver. 1789 (July 19). World
War I. “Franz Joseph I. V. G. G. Kaiser V.Oesterreich/ Leisee.” “Der
21 Tapferkeit.” This medal is the 1866-1917 version. Engraved by Friedrich
Leisek. Silver. 3 metal bars approved in 1915 indicate 4 awards.
141. Austrian Medal for Bravery, First Class Silver. 1789 (July 19). World
War I. “Franz Joseph I. V. G. G. Kaiser V.Oesterreich.” “Der Tapferkeit.”
This medal is the 1866-1917 version. Silver.
142. Austrian Medal for Bravery, Second Class Silver. 1789 (July 19). World
War I. “Franz Joseph I. V. G. G. Kaiser V.Oesterreich.” “Der Tapferkeit.”
This medal is the 1866-1917 version. Silver.
Medals from Austrian Empire
143. Army Cross of 1813-1813. 1814. Napoleonic Wars. “Grati/ Princeps et
Patria/ Franc/ Imp.Aug.” “Europae/ Libertate Asserta/ MDCCCXIII./
MDCCCXIV.” Commonly known as the Cannon Cross. Awarded the year
after issue. Made from captured French cannon. With ribbon.
144. [Austrian Army Fidelity Medal]. 1849. Revolutions of 1848?. “Franz
Joseph I. Kaiser von Oesterreich.” “Die Treue Des Heeres/ 1849.”
145. Austrian Officers Military Long Service Cross, First Class . 1849. Long
service (25 years). None. None. 1849-1867 issue. Awarded to Officers
who attained the rank of FML; First class for 25 years of service.
146. Austrian Golden Cross of Merit. 1850 (February 16). Public
service/devotion. “Viribus Unitis/ FJ.” “1849.” Gold version without
crown pin. With peacetime ribbon.
147. Austrian Commemorative Medal for the 1864 Campaign against
Denmark. 1864 (November 10). Second Schleswig War. “FJW.” “Unsern/
Tapfern/ Kriegern/ 1864.” AUS EROBERTEM GESCHUETZ on the
medal’s side. With ribbon.
148. Austrian Commemorative Medal for the Defense of Tirol. 1866
(September 17). Austro-Prussian War, defense of Tyrol against Garibaldi.
“Franz Joseph I. Kaiser Von Oesterreich/Tautenhayn.” “Meinem/ Treuen
Volke./ Von/ Tirol/ 1866.” Silver. With ribbon.
Medals from Austria-Hungary
149. [Austrian Medal for Franz Joseph’s Silver Jubilee]. 1873 (February 12).
General campaign. “Franz Joseph I. Kaiser von Oesterreich König V.
Böhmen Etc. Apost. Konig V. Ungarn.” “2./ December/ 1873.” Issued on
25th anniversary of Franz Joseph’s ascension to the throne. Gold. With
150. [Austrian Medal for Franz Joseph’s Silver Jubilee]. 1873 (February 12).
General campaign. “Franz Joseph I. Kaiser von Oesterreich König V.
22 Böhmen Etc. Apost. Konig V. Ungarn.” “2./ December/ 1873.” First issue.
With ribbon.
151. [Austrian Medal for Franz Joseph’s Silver Jubilee]. 1873 (February 12).
General campaign. “Franz Joseph I. Kaiser von Oesterreich König V.
Böhmen Etc. Apost. Konig V. Ungarn.” “2./ Dezember/ 1873.” Gold.
With ribbon.
152. [Medal for 200th Jubilee of Regiment No. 4]. 1896. 200th anniversary of
the regiment. “Den Kameraden Zur Erinnerung An Das 200 Jährige
Jubiläum Regiments.” “KuK Hoch u/ Deutschmeister/ Inft. Reg. No. 4/
1696-1896.” Gold. With ribbon.
153. Signum Memoriae Medal. 1898. 50th year Jubilee. “Franc- IOS- I- D- GImp- Avstr- Rex- Boh- Etc- Ac- Ap- Rex- Hvng.” “MDCCCXLVIIIMDCCCXCVIII/ Signvm/ Memoriae.” Gold. With military ribbon.
154. Signum Memoriae Medal. 1898. 50th year Jubilee. “Franc- IOS- I- D- GImp- Avstr- Rex- Boh- Etc- Ac- Ap- Rex- Hvng.” “MDCCCXLVIIIMDCCCXCVIII/ Signvm/ Memoriae.” Gold or bronze. With military
155. Austrian Medal for Bravery, Bronze. 1915 (February 14). World War I.
“Franz Joseph I. V. G. G. Kaiser V.Oesterreich.” “Der Tapferkeit.”
Bronze class instituted in 1915; silver classes instituted in 1789. Designed
by Josef Tautenhayn.
Medals from Second French Republic
156. [French Medal for Bravery Against Tyrants]. 1848. Unknown. “Exemple
aux Tyrans/ Republique Francaise/ 1848.” “Hommage aux Braves/
Liberte/ Egalite/ Fraternite/ 22. 23. 24. F. 1848.”
Medals from Second French Empire
157. French Military Medal. 1852 (January 22). Unknown. “LouisNapoleon.” “Valeur/ et/ Discipline.” Silver. With eagle pin and ribbon.
158. Commemorative Medal for the Taking of Sebastopol. 1855. Crimean
War. “Le Marechal Peliseier.” “Honeur a Notre Armee Etses Alliees/
Prise/ de/ Sebastopol/ 97 1856.”
159. Saint Helena Medal. 1857 (August 12). French Revolutionary and
Napoleonic Wars. “Napolean I Empereur.” Unknown. Issued by Napoleon
III for those who served between 1792 and 1815. With ribbon.
160. Commemorative Medal of the 1859 Italian Campaign. 1859 (August 1).
Italian War of 1859. “Napoleon III Empereur/ Falot.” “Campagne d’Italie/
Monte Bello/ Palestro/ Turbigo/ Magenta/ Marignan/ Solferino/ 1859.”
Engraved by Falot. Silver. With ribbon.
23 161. Commemorative Medal of the 1859 Italian Campaign. 1859 (August 1).
Italian War of 1859. “Napoleon III Empereur.” “Campagne d’Italie/
Monte Bello/ Palestro/ Turbigo/ Magenta/ Marignan/ Solferino/ 1859.”
Engraved by Barre. Silver. With ribbon.
162. Commemorative Medal of the 1860 China Expedition. 1861 (January
23). China War of 1860. “Napoleon III Empereur.” “Expedition de Chine/
Ta-Kou/ Chang Kia Wan/ Pa Li Kiao/ Pe King/ 1860.” Engraved by
Albert Desire Barre. Silver. With ribbon.
163. Commemorative Medal of the Mexico Expedition. 1863 (August 29).
Mexican Expedition. “Napoleon III Empereur/ Sagetstain F.” “Expedition
du Mexique/ Gumbres/ Gerro Borrego/ San Lorenzo/ Puebla/ Mexico/
1862- 1863.” Silver. With ribbon.
Medals from Third French Republic
164. National Order of the Legion of Honor, IV Class (Grand Officer). 1802
(May 19). Franco-German War of 1870-1871. “Republique Francais/
1870.” “Honneur et Patrie.” This version is from 1870. With officer’s
165. French Military Medal. 1870. Unknown. “Republique Francaise/ 1870.”
“Valeur/ et/ Discipline.” Second Republic version of medal established in
1852. Silver. With ribbon and cannon pin.
166. [French Honor to Garibaldi Medal]. 1870-1871? Franco- German War of
1870-1871. “Guiseppe Garibaldi/ Vieuxmaire.” “Republique Universelle/
Honneur/ A/ Garibaldi/ Defenseur/ Des/ Libertes.” Engraved by Louis
Henri Vieuxmaire.
167. Geneva Cross. 1870-1871. Franco-German War of 1870-1871. “1870/
Societe Francaise/ de Secours/ 1871.” “1870/ Aux/ Blesses des Armees/
de Terre et de Mer/ 1871.”
168. [Jules Favre Medal]. 1870-1871. Franco-German War of 1870-1871.
“Jules Favre.” “Membre du/ Gouvernement/ de la Defense/ Nationale.”
With ribbon.
169. [Marshal Mac-Mahon Medal]. 1871? Franco-German War of 1870-71
and Suppression of the Paris Commune. “Marechal Mac-Mahon.”
“Courage Bravoure/ Valeur Heroisme.”
170. French Veterans Oublier Jamais Medal. 1871? Franco- German War of
1870-1871. “Oublier,.. Jamais!” None. With bar: “1870-1871” and ribbon.
171. [General Trochu Medal for the Government of National Defense]. 1871?
Franco-German War of 1870-1871. “General Trochu.” “Gouvernement de
la Defense Nationale/ General Trochue/ Emm. Arago/ Cremieux/ J. Favre/
24 J. Ferry/ Gambetta/ Garnier Pages/ Glais Bizon/ E. Pelletan/ E. Picard/
Rochefort/ J. Simon.”
172. [Leon Gambetta Medal for the Government of National Defense]. 1871?
Franco-German War of 1870-1871. “Leon Gambetta.” “Gouvernement/ de
la/ Defense Nation/ Delegation/ de/ Bordeaux.”
173. [General Trochu 1870 Commemorative Medal]. 1871? Franco-German
War of 1870-1871. “General Trochu.” “Liberte. Egalite. Fraternite/ La/
Patrie/ En/ Danger/ 1870.”
174. Commemorative Medal of the 1870-1871 War. 1911 (November 9).
Franco-German War of 1870-1871. “Republique Francaise/ Georges
Lemaire.” “1870 1871/ Aux Defenseurs/ de la Patrie.” Engraved by
Georges Lemaire. Created 40 years after the war due to the government’s
long refusal to acknowledge the defeat with an award. With ribbon.
175. Commemorative Medal of the 1870-1871 War. 1911 (November 9).
Franco-German War of 1870-1871. “Republique Francaise/ Georges
Lemaire.” “1870 1871/ Aux Defenseurs/ de la Patrie.” Engraved by
Georges Lemaire. Created 40 years after the war due to the government’s
long refusal to acknowledge the defeat with an award. With bar: “Engage
Volontaire” and ribbon.
Medals from British East India Company
176. British Sutlej Medal. 1846 (April 17). First Anglo-Sikh War. “Victoria
Regina.” “Army of the Sutlej/ Aliwal/ 1846.” With “Daniel McCaig-50th
Regt.” on medal’s side. Silver. With ribbon.
177. British Punjab Medal. 1849 (April 2). Second Anglo-Sikh War. “Victoria
Regina.” “To the Army of the Punjab/ MDCCCXLIX.” With “Ensign J. C.
Hamilton, 8th Bengal N. I.” on medal’s side. Silver. With bars: “Mooltan”
and “Goojerat” and ribbon.
Box 4:
178. British Punjab Medal. 1849 (April 2). Second Anglo-Sikh War. “Victoria
Regina.” “To the Army of the Punjab/ MDCCCXLIX.” With “Private
Dummer. 8th Balt. Art.” on medal’s side. Silver. With ribbon.
Medals from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
179. [Wellington Commemorative Medallion]. 1852. Death of Duke of
Wellington. “Arthur Duke of Wellington.” “Britannia Mourns her Hero
Now at Rest/ Wellington/ Born/ May 1. 1769/ Died/ Sepr. 14. 1852/
Waterloo/ June 18. 1815.” Engraved by Allen & Moore. White metal.
25 180. British Crimea Medal. 1854 (December 15). Crimean War . “Victoria
Regina.” “Crimea.” With “W. Lydiard. Gr. & Dr. 3rd Btn. Rl. Artv” on
medal’s side; engraved by Benjamin Wyon. Silver with bars: “Sebastopol”
and “Alma” and ribbon.
181. British Crimea Medal. 1854. Crimean War. “Victoria Regina/ 1854.
“Crimea.” Original striking with “1854” on obverse. Silver. With bar:
“Sebastopol” and ribbon.
182. British Baltic Medal. 1856. Crimean War, Baltic theatre. “Victoria
Regina.” “Baltic/ 1854- 1855.” With “H. Watts, R. M. 38th Co.” on the
medal’s side. Engraved by Leonard Charles Wyon. Silver. With ribbon.
183. British Baltic Medal. 1856. Crimean War, Baltic theatre. “Victoria
Regina.” “Baltic/ 1854- 1855.” Engraved by Leonard Charles Wyon.
Silver. With ribbon.
184. British Indian Mutiny Medal. 1858. Indian Rebellion of 1857. “Victoria
Regina.” “India./ 1857-1858.” With “Danl. Murphy. 33rd Regt.” on
medal’s side. Silver. With bar: “Central India” and ribbon.
185. British Indian Mutiny Medal. 1858. Indian Rebellion of 1857. “Victoria
Regina.” “India./ 1857-1858.” With “Wm. Evans. 3rd Madrs Eurpn Regt”
on medal’s side. Silver. With ribbon.
186. Second China War Medal. 1861 (March 6). Second China War, Taku
Forts. “Victoria Regina.” “Armis Exposcere Pacem/ China.” Designed by
William Wyon. Silver. With bar: “Taku Forts 1860” and ribbon.
Medals from Kingdom of Sardinia
187. Italian Silver Medal of Military Valor. 1793. Second Italian War of
Independence. “Al Valore Militare.” “Guerre d’Italie/ de Tournemine/ J.
H./ Caittaine/ 11. LIG/ 18??.” Awarded to Captain De Tournemine. This
medal is 1859 version. Silver. With ribbon.
188. Italian Bronze Medal of Military Valor. 1833 (March 26). Gallantry in
war. “Al Valore Militare.” None. With ribbon.
Medals from Kingdom of Italy
189. Commemorative Medal for the Unification of Italy (Vittorio Emmanuele
version). 1865 (March 4). Second/Third Italian War of Independence.
“Vittorio Emanuele II Re d’Italia.” “Guerre per l’Indipendeza e l’Unita
d’Italia.” First version of the medals for the unification of Italy. Silver.
With bar: “1859” and ribbon.
190. Commemorative Medal for the Unification of Italy (Vittorio Emanuel II
version). 1865 (March 4). Second/Third Italian War of Independence.
“Vittorio Emanuele II Re d’Italia.” “Guerre per l’Indipendeza e l’Unita
26 d’Italia.” First version of the medals for the unification of Italy. Silver.
With ribbon.
191. Commemorative Medal for the Unification of Italy (Umberto I version).
1865 (March 4). Italian Wars of Independence. “Umberto I/ Re D’Italia.”
“Unita D’Italia/ 1848-1870.” Version established 1883 (April 26). Second
version of the medals for the unification of Italy. Silver. With ribbon.
Medals from Papal States
192. Medal for the Siege of Rome. 1849. Restoration of Papal Sovereignty.
“Sedes Apostolica Romana.” “Pivs IX Pont. Max./ Romae Restitvtvs/
Catholicis Armis/ Collatis/ An. MDCCCXLIX.” First class. With ribbon.
193. Pro Petri Sede (Castelfidardo) Medal. 1860. Battle of Castelfidardo. “Pro
Petri Sede/ PIO. IX. P. M. A. XV.” “Victoria Qvae Vincit Mvndvm Fides
Nostra.” With ribbon.
194. Cross of Mentana. 1867 (Nov. 14). Unification of Italy, Battle of
Mentana. “PP/ PIVS/ IX/ 1867/ Fidei et Vertvti.” “Hinc Victoria.”
Awarded to French troops. Nickel silver.
Medals from Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
195. [Italian Campaign Medal of 1860]. 1860. Campaign of 1860. “Francesco
II/ Re Delle Dve Sicilie.” “Campagna di Sett. Ott./ Trifrisco/ Caiazzo/ S.
Maria/ S. Angelo/ Carigliano/ 1860.”
Medals from Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves
196. Medal of Dom Pedro and Queen D. Maria. 1826-1834. Liberal Wars. “D.
Pedro IV/ D. Maria II.” “Campanhas de Liberdade/4/1826/1834.” For four
campaigns in Portugal’s civil war.
197. Maria II Merit Medal for Philanthropy and Generosity. Unknown.
Philanthropy. “D. Maria II Rainha de Portugal.” “Philanthropia
Generositdade/ AO/ Merito/ Instituda por S.M.E./ A Rainha S.D. Maria
II.” Silver.
Medals from Kingdom of Spain
198. Spanish Constitutional Medal. 1820. Restoration of 1812 constitution.
“La Espana Despertada/ M. D. CCC. XX.” “De la Union Nace la Fuerza/
A los/ Constitutionales.” For the Trinio Liberal government’s restoration
of the 1812 constitution.
199. Spanish Medal for the African Campaign. 1860 (May 10). HispanoMoroccan War. “1860/ Campana de Africa.” “Serallo,/ Sterra-Bullones,/
27 Castillejos,/ Monte-Negron./ Caro-Negro, Keleli,/ Tetuan, Larache/
Arcilla, Sampsa/ Guad-Ras.” Silver. With ribbon.
200. Spanish Medal of Distinction for Defence of Bilbao. 1874. Third Carlist
War. “Al Ejercito Libertador y Defensores de la Invicta Bilbao/ 2 de Mayo
de 1874.” None. With ribbon.
201. Spanish Medal for the Civil War of 1873-1874. 1876 (June 5). Third
Carlist War. “Alfonso XII/ A Los Ejercitos Vencedores de los Carlistas/ Y
Defensores del Orden Social en 1873 y 1874.” “Valor/ Disciplina/
Lealtad.” With ribbon.
Medals from Swiss Confederation
202. [Swiss Medal for the Dissolution of the Sonderbund]. 1847. Sonderbund
War. “Druey Eytel Deputes de Vaud a le Diete/ Z.S.S.SG.A.T.G.V.T.G.C.
Bc.Ae.” “Dissolution/ du/ Sonderbund/ 1847/ Revision du Pacte Federal
Expulsion des Jesuites.” Unknown metal.
Medals from Kingdom of the Netherlands
203. Metal Cross. 1831 (September 12). Belgian Revolution. “W.” “En/
Vaderland/ Trouw AAN/ Koning/ 1830-1831.” Often called the Hasselt
Cross. With ribbon.
204. Cross for Important Military Operations. 1869 (February 19). 1846-1942
military operations. “Voor Krijgverrigtingen.” None. Often called the
Expedition Cross. With bars: “Bali 1849” and “Atjeh 1873-1874” and
Medals from Kingdom of Belgium
205. [Medal for Brussels Campaign in the Belgian Revolution]. 1830. Belgian
Revolution, fighting in Brussels. “Union Force/ Aux Braves Defenseurs de
la Patrie./ Immortelles Journees/ du 23 24 25 26/ Septembre 1830.”
“Bruxelles/ et Liege/ Aux Villes et Communes/ Qui Ont Combattu/ Pour
l’Independance/ de la Belgique/ Veyrat.” Engraved by Veyrat. With
Medals from Kingdom of Denmark
206. Danish Commemorative Medal for the War of 1848-1850. 1875 (June
26). First Schleswig War. “Frederik VII Konge af Danmark.” “For
Deeltagelse I Krigen/ 1848- 1850.” With ribbon.
207. Danish Commemorative Medal for the War of 1864. 1875 (June 26).
Second Schleswig War. “Christian IX Konge af Danmark.” “For
Deeltagelse I Krigen/ 1864.” With ribbon.
28 208. Danish Commemorative Medal for the Wars of 1848-1850 and 1864.
1875 (June 26). First and Second Schleswig Wars. “Christian IX/ Frederik
VII.” “For Deeltagelse I Krigen/ 1848-1850/ 1864.” With ribbon.
Medals from The United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia
209. Medal for the Defenders of Independence. 1878 (June 2). Russo-Turkish
War of 1877-78. None. “Aparatorilor/ Independintei/ in/ Resbelul/ 18771878.” With ribbon.
Medals from Kingdom of Romania
210. [Romanian Reward for Work and Education]. 1900. Education. “Carol I
Rege al Romaniei.” “Ca Rasplata/ Muncii/ Pentru/ Invatamant.” With
wreath pin and ribbon. Silver.
211. King Carol 40 Year Jubilee Medal. 1906. Carol I’s 40th Jubilee. “Carol I
Rege al Romaniei.” “In/ Amintirea/ Anului/ al 40 lea/ al/ Capitaniei/ Mele/
1866- 1906.” With ribbon.
Medals from Principality of Montenegro
212. [Prince Nicholas I 1862 Medal]. 1862. Battle of Grahovac? Cyrillic
script. Cyrillic Script and “1862.” With ribbon.
Medals from Principality of Serbia
213. [Serbian Medal for the Serbo-Turkish War]. 1878. Serbo-Turkish War.
“1876-1877-1878” and Cyrillic script. Cyrillic Script and “IV.” With
Medals from Ottoman Empire
214. Order of the Medjidie. 1851. Crimean War. Unknown script. Unknown
script. Awarded to British and French allies during the Crimean War. With
moon and star pin and ribbon.
215. Turkish Crimea Medal. 1856. Crimean War. Sultan’s tughra. “La Crimea
/1855.” For Sardinian Issue. Silver. With ribbon.
216. Turkish Crimea Medal. 1856. Crimean War. Sultan’s tughra. “La
Crimea/ 1855.” For Sardinian Issue. Silver.
217. Turkish Crimea Medal 1856. Crimean War. Sultan’s tughra. “La Crimea/
1855.” For Sardinian Issue. With “4224. Color. Serjt. T. Fowler. 3rd. Bn.
Gr. Guards” on medal’s side. Silver. With ribbon.
218. Turkish Crimea Medal. 1856. Crimean War. Sultan’s tughra. “Crimea/
1855.” For British Issue. Silver. With ribbon.
29 219. Turkish Crimea Medal. 1856. Crimean War. Sultan’s tughra. “Crimea/
1855.” For British Issue. With bar: “Crimea” and ribbon. Silver.
220. Turkish Crimea Medal. 1856. Crimean War. Sultan’s tughra. “La
Crimee/ 1855.” For French Issue. Silver. With ribbons.
221. Turkish Medal for Montenegro. 1863. Crimean War, Montenegro
Campaign. Arabic script. Arabic script. Silver.
Medals from Russian Empire
222. Russian Medal for the Capture of Paris. 1814 (August 30). Taking of
Paris. None. Cyrillic Script and “1814.” Silver. With ribbon.
223. Russian Medal for the Pacification of Hungary and Transylvania. 1850
(January 22). Hungarian Revolution of 1848. Cyrillic Script. “ЗА /
224. Russian Medal for the Defence of Sevastopol, 1854-1855. 1855?
Crimean War. Tzar emblems. Cyrillic script. Silver. With ribbon.
225. Russian Medal for the Crimean War of 1853-1856. 1856 (August 26).
Crimean War. “1853-1854-1855-1856.” “НА ТЯ ГОСПОДИ
226. Russian Medal for the Crimean War of 1853-1856. 1856 (August 26).
Crimean War. “1853-1854-1855-1856.” “НА ТЯ ГОСПОДИ
227. Russian Medal for the Crimean War of 1853-1856. 1856 (August 26).
Crimean War. “1853-1854-1855-1856.” “НА ТЯ ГОСПОДИ
With ribbon.
228. Russian Medal for the Pacification of the Polish Rebellion. 1865
(January 1). January Uprising. None. “ЗА УСМИРЕНІЕ ПОЛЬСКАГО
МЯТЕЖА/ 1863-1864.” With ribbon.
229. Russian Medal for Russo-Turkish War. 1878? Russo-Turkish War of
1877-78. “1877. 1878.” Cyrillic Script.
230. Russian Medal for the Liberation of Bulgaria. 1878 (April 17. RussoTurkish War of 1877-78. “Б. М. АЛЕКСАНДРЪ II НМПЕРАТОРЪ И
БРАТЧЕВЪ.” With ribbon.
231. Commemorative Medal for the Tercentenary of the Romanov Dynasty.
1913 (February 21). Tercentary of the Romanov Dynasty. None. “ВБ
РОМАНОВЬІХЪ / 1613-1913.” Silver.
30 Medals from Empire of Japan
232. Order of the Sacred Treasure, Sixth Class. 1888 (January 4).
Achievements in research, business, healthcare, social work, government,
or the improvement of life for the handicapped/impaired. None. Japanese
script. With ribbon.
233. Order of the Golden Kite, Sixth Class. 1890 (February 12). Unknown.
None. None. With ribbon.
234. First Sino-Japanese War Medal. 1895 (October 9). First Sino-Japanese
War. Japanese script. None. With ribbon.
Series 2, Coins
Box 5:
Coins from Greece
235. Macedon, Alexander III, 336-323 B.C. AR Drachm. Head of Herakles r.
in lion skin / Zeus seated l. with eagle and sceptre. In l. field, KI; under
throne, ME.
236. Egypt, Ptolemy X, 117-81 B.C. AE, ca. 30 mm. Head of Zeus r. / 2
eagles l.; in l. field, cornucopiae.
Silver denarii from Roman Republic
237. P. Sula, 151 B.C. Roma head/ Victory in biga.
238. M. Marci Mn. F., 134 B.C. Roma head/ Victory in biga.
239. M. Porcius Laeca, 125 B.C. Roma head/ Liberty in quadriga, crowned
by flying Victory.
240. P. Laeca, 110-109 B.C. Roma head/ Figure in armor with military figure
and civilian.
241. M. Lucilius Rufus, 101 B.C. Roma head/ Victory in biga.
242. C. Vibius C. Filius Pansa, 90 B.C. Apollo head/ Minerva in quadriga.
243. L. Julius Bursio, 85 B.C. Head with attributes of Apollo, Neptune, and
Mercury/ Victory in quadriga.
244. Paullus Lepidus, 62 B.C. Concordia head/ Trophy and figures, including
Perseus of Macedon with 2 sons.
245. Philippus, 56 B.C. Head of Ancus Marcius/ Equestrian statue on
246. Mn. Cordius Rufus, 46 B.C. Venus head/ Cupid on dolphin.
Silver denarii from Roman Empire
247. Augustus, 27 B.C.- A.D. 11. Portrait r./ Caius and Lucius Caesars;
shields and sacrificial implements between.
248. Trajan, A.D. 98- 117. COS V. Portrait r. / Pax standing l., Dacian
31 249. Trajan, COS VI. Portrait r./ Fortuna seated. [2 coins]
250. Hadrian, A.D. 117-138. COS I. Portrait r./ Justitia seated l. with patera
and sceptre.
251. Antonius Pius, A.D. 138-161. COS IIII. Portrait r./ Lieralitas standing l.,
with abacus and cornucopiae.
252. Antonius Pius, COS IIII. Portrait r./ Annona standing l., holding corn
ears and anchor; modius at feet.
253. Faustina the Younger, daughter of Antonius Pius and wife of Marcus
Aurelius. Portrait r./ Spes standing l.; AVGVSTI PII FIL.
254. Septimus Severus, A.D. 193-211. COS III. Portrait r./ Victory walking l.
with wreath and palm branch.
255. Caracalla as Caesar, A.D. 196. Portrait r./ Spes walking l.
256. Severus Alexander, A.D. 222- 235. Portrait r./ Annona standing l. with
corn ears and cornucopiae; modius at feet.
257. Julia Mamaea, mother of Severus Alexander, A.D. 222-235. Portrait r./
Vesta l. with Palladium and sceptre.
Antoniniani (silver or copper) from Roman Empire
258. Gordian III, A.D. 238-244. AR. Portrait r., radiate/ Aequitas standing l.
with scales and cornucopiae.
259. Gallienus, A.D. 253-268. AE. Portrait r., radiate/ Fortuna seated l.
260. Postumus, A.D. 259-268. AE. Portrait r., radiate/ Emperor holding globe
261. Tacitus, A.D. 275-276. AE. Portrait r., radiate/ Fides Militum.
262. Florian, A.D. 276. AE. Portrait r., radiate/ Aequitas standing l. with
scales and cornucopiae.
263. Numerian, A.D. 283-284. AE. Portrait r., radiate/ Emperor standing with
orb and sceptre, bound captive seated on either side; VNDIQUE
Base metal denominations other than AE Antoniniani from Roman Empire
264. Hadrian, A.D. 117-138. Dupondius. Portrait r./ Annona standing l. with
corn ears, rudder, and prow.
265. Lucilla, daughter of Marcus Aurelius, d. A.D. 182. Sestertius. Portrait r./
Ceres seated on cista mystica; long torch and corn ears.
266. Maximinus I, A.D. 235-238. Sestertius. Portrait r./ Victoria Germanica
standing l., captive at feet.
267. Valentinian II, A.D. 375-392. AE3. Portrait r./ SECVRITAS
REIPUBLICAE; Victory advancing l.
268. Constantine I, A.D. 307-337. AE3. Portrait r./ Sol standing, holding
globe. [4 coins]
Tetradrachms struck at Alexandria under Rome
269. Nero, A.D. 54-68. Billion tetradrachm. Portrait l., radiate / Head of Zeus
32 270. Galba, A.D. 68-69. Billion tetradrachm. Portrait r./ Head of Alexandria r.
in elephant skin headdress.
271. Aurelian, A.D. 270-275. Potin tetradrachm. Portrait r./ Eagle r. with
wreath and palm branch.
272. Diocletian, A.D. 284-305. Potin tetradrachm. Portrait r./ Eirene standing
273. Licinius I, AD 308-324. AE Follis. Portrait r./ Jupiter standing holding
thunderbolt and sceptre.
Unknown Roman/Greek Coins
274. “Worthless dogs, ” 5 coins
275. Unknown coin. Portrait r./ Standing woman holding something.
276. Unknown coin.
Modern Coins
277. Cartwheel Twopence, A.D. 1797. Kingdom of Great Britain. “Georgius
III. D: G. Rex”/ “Britania. 1797.”
278. One Krajczar (copper), A.D. 1848. Hungary. “Magyar Kiralyi Valto
Penz.”/ “Egy/Krajczár/1848.”
Series 3, Civil War Manuscripts and Documents
Box 6:
Declaration for Pension for PVT Thomas Harrison, Company K, 13th
Regiment West Virginia Volunteers, September 29, 1922, photocopy. See
also Harrison’s medal, number 27, Box 1.
Diary of B. Peterson, 2nd Maine Battery, January 5, 1864 – April 25, 1865.
Discharge Papers for PTV Thomas Ellsworth, 10th Regiment Massachusetts
Battery, June 9, 1865. See also Ellsworth’s medal, number 44, Box 1.
Service Record for SGT Benjamin F. Cox, Company H, 67th Regiment Ohio
Infantry, November 15, 186 – December 7, 1865, photocopy. See also
Cox’s medal, number 28, Box 1.
Series 4, Writings and Research
Part A: Medal Research
Box 7:
Catalogs/lists; orders/receipts, with related correspondence, arranged alphabetically
Albert G. Beetar, 1974- 1975
Ben Betz, 1971
33 Coin World Classifieds, 1961, 1969
Creekside (Antiques, Auction), 1973-1974
James Dolan, Jr. (2 folders), 1969-1976
Harvey S. Eisenberg Militaria Auction & Consignment Sales, 1974-1976
Box 8:
German Catalogs and Flyers, 1973-1974, 1981
John Gross, Lists 5-20, 1972-1976
John L. Heflin, Jr., 1969-1970
Peter Hlinka Historical Americana (2 folders), 1969-1976
Box 9:
Holbook Arms Museum, 1970-1971
House of Swords and Militaria, Catalog #5, 1973
House of Swords and Militaria, Catalog #6, n.d.
House of Swords and Militaria Catalog #7, n.d.
Francis A. Lord, 1969
Ernest F. Mair, 1969-1970
The Medal Exchange, 1971-1976
Box 10:
Misc. catalogs, 1939, 1972, 1973 1975, 1976
Orders/receipts and catalogs/lists, 1962, 1969, 1971, 1973-1976
The Numismatist ads, 1954-1959
William Pirtle, 1972
Jack Sweetman, 1974-1979
Donald A. Thresham, 1971-1975
United States Mint, 1970, 1972, 1974
Box 11:
Sydney B. Vernon (2 folders), 1969-1975
ZM Military Corporation, catalogs, 1966?-1971
ZM Military Corporation, flyers, bulletins, and supplements, 1969-1976
ZM Military Corporation, orders/receipts and correspondence, 1968-1972
See also the medals card file box in the Oversized series, box 22.
Box 12:
Research: Notes and photocopied materials, with related correspondence, arranged alphabetically
34 American War Medals and Decorations, 1964
Armada research, 1970, 1973
The Art Medalist, 1975-1976
Central American war medals, n.d.
Civil War research, n.d.
COINage, 1969-1975
Coins, 1971, 1976
Department of Archives and History, State of West Virginia, 1970-1971
GAR and GAR Medal Research, n.d.
Misc. research, n.d.
The Numismatist, 1955, 1957-1958, 1960, 1967
Valentine Museum research, 1976
Orders and Medals Society of America, dues and club information, 1970-1972
Series 4, Writings and Research
Part B: Scholarship and Writings
Box 13:
Robert S. Chamberlain curriculum vitae, manuscript, ca. 1965
“Francisco de Montejo and the Conquest of the Yucatan,” Ph.D Dissertation,
Harvard University, typescript 1936 (3 folders)
Chamberlain, Robert S. The Conquest and Colonization of Yucatan, 15171550. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution, 1948.
Proofs, title page – p. 244.
Box 14:
The Conquest and Colonization of the Yucatan, 1517-1550 (contd.)
Proofs, p. 245 – end.
Book reviews, clippings, December 1948 – January 1952, 1965, 1967
Acknowledgments of receipt of book, congratulations and correspondence,
October 1948 – December 1949, 1968, 1974
Coat of Arms for the book’s cover by Georgia Chamberlain, pen and ink
drawings, n.d.
Correspondence and notes related to the publication of the Spanish
translation (2 folders), August 1970 – February 1976
Box 15:
35 Chamberlain, Robert S. The Conquest and Colonization of Honduras, 15021550. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution, 1953.
Proofs, 1953
Correspondence with publisher, February 1951 – July 1953
Book reviews, clippings and correspondence, 1954, 1959
Press coverage in Honduras, March 1952 – September 1953
Acknowledgements of receipt of book, congratulations, correspondence, July
1953 – February 1954
“Montejo Letters,” Documentos Ineditos del Archivo de Indias, n.d.
Published “Montejo Letters,” photocopies, n.d.
Translations and notes of letters dated November 1526 – June 1539, n.d.
Box 16:
Translations and notes of letters dated June 1539, n.d.
Translations and notes of letters dated August 1539 – January 1548, n.d.
Correspondence with The Hakluyt Society regarding publication, January
1947 – August 1949
“Autobiograpfia de Don Francisco de Montejo,” original document in El
Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla, manuscript and typescript drafts,
“A Brief Autobiography of Francisco de Mentajo Adelantado of Yucatan,”
with introduction and notes, corrected typescripts, n.d.
Montejo biography notes and correspondence, n.d.
Professional research
Photos and maps of Yucatan and Honduras, n.d.
Research on Yucatan, Honduras, and related subjects, n.d.
Box 17:
Railroad research
Train illustrations, pencil drawings, 1915
Train timetables, with publication correspondence, 1971 – 1972
Train notes (3 folders), November 1970 – January 1975
Train notes, n.d.
Box 18:
Other publications by Chamberlain, 1937 – 1954, n.d.
36 Articles, manuscripts and offprints, 1937 – 1944
• “A Report on Colonial Materials in the Governmental Archives of
Guatemala City,” Handbook of Latin American Studies, 1937.
• “Political Thought of Jerónimo Castillo de Bobadilla,” The
Catholic Historical Review, 1938.
• “Two Unpublished Documents of Hernán Cortés and New Spain
1519 and 1524,” The Hispanic American Historical Review, 1938.
• “The Concept of the Señor Natural as Revealed by Castilian Law
and Administrative Documents,” The Hispanic American
Historical Review, 1939.
• “Castilian Backgrounds of the Repartimiento-Encomienda,”
Contributions to American Anthropology and History, 1939.
• “Spanish Methods of Conquest and Colonization in Yucatan, 1527
– 1550,” The Scientific Monthly, 1939.
• “The Lineage of the Adelantado Francisco de Montejo and His
Will and Testament,” Revista de Historia de America, 1940.
• “Relaciones Culturales Interamericanas,” Revista de Educación,
• “The Corregidor in Castile in the Sixteenth Century and the
Residencia as Applied to the Corregidor,” The Hispanic American
Historical Review, 1943.
• “Letter of Antonio López de Santa Anna to Manuel Reyes
Veramendi, President of the Ayuntamiento of Mexico City,” The
Hispanic American Historical Review, 1944.
Articles, 1945 – 1948
• “Four Letters of Pedro de la Gasca, 1546 – 1548, from the Archivo
General del Gobierno, Guatemala City,” The Hispanic American
Historical Review, 1945.
• “Cultural Relations between the American Republics,” The
Bulletin of Instituto Guatemalteco-Americano, 1945.
• “The Founding of the City of Gracias a Dios, First Seat of the
Audiencia de los Confines,” The Hispanic American Historical
Review, 1946.
• “The Spanish Treasure Fleet of 1551,” The American Neptune,
• “Proyectos de Conquista Pacífica formulados por el Licdo.
Cristóbal de Pedraza, Protector de los Indios y Prelado de
Honduras e Higueras, y por el Licenciado Juan de Arteaga, Obispo
Electo de Chiapas,” Honduras Maya, 1947.
37 “The Early Days of San Miguel de la Frontera,” The Hispanic
American Historical Review, 1947.
• “Francisco de Morazón,” Great Figures of Hispanic America,
• “The Governorship of the Adelantado Francisco de Montejo in
Chiapas 1539 – 1544,” Contributions to American Anthropology
and History, 1948.
• “Probanza de Méritos y Servicios of Blas Gonzales, Conquistador
of Yucatan,” The Hispanic American Historical Review, 1948.
Articles, 1949
• “Discovery of the Bahama Channel,” Tequesta: The Journal of the
Historical Association of Southern Florida, 1949.
• “The First Three Voyages to Yucatan and New Spain, According
to the Residencia of Hernán Cortés,” University of Miami
Hispanic-American Studies, 1949.
• “The First Three Voyages to Yucatan and New Spain, According
to the Residencia of Hernán Cortés,” University of Miami
Hispanic-American Studies, 1949.
Articles, 1950 – 1954, n.d.
• “Francisco Morazán, Champion of Central American Federation,”
University of Miami Hispanic-American Studies, 1950.
• “Francisco Morazán, Champion of Central American Federation,”
University of Miami Hispanic-American Studies, 1950.
• “The Pre-Conquest Tribute and Service System of the Maya as
Preparation for the Spanish Repartimiento-Encomienda in
Yucatan,” University of Miami Hispanic-American Studies, 1951.
• “Simpson’s The Encomienda in New Spain and Recent
Encomienda Studies,” The Hispanic American Historical Review,
• “Simpson’s The Encomienda in New Spain and Recent
Encomienda Studies,” The Hispanic American Historical Review,
• “Archival Sources for the History of the Maya Area during the
Sixteenth Century,” n.d.
• “Archival Sources for the History of the Maya Area during the
Sixteenth Century,” n.d.
Box 19:
Poem, “Credo- Maundy Thursday,” manuscript, March 28, 1967
Book reviews (2 folders), offprints, clippings, and correspondence, 1940 –
38 1975
Press coverage of Chamberlain’s speaking engagements, clippings (2 folders),
1940 – 1975
Box 20:
Sociedad de Geografia e Historia de Honduras, 1953
Military music, 1960 - 1971
Cabrillo Historical Association, 1967
Ralph Meyers, re: his book on Guerrero, 1973 - 1974
Correspondence, general (2 folders), 1950 – 1976
Series 5, Miniatures and Figurines, 20th century
Box 21:
Cannon, “Ein echtes Roskopf Miniaturmodell”
Bussler miniatures, “Field Piece”
Bussler miniatures, “Parrott Field Piece”
Bussler miniatures, “Caisson”
Bussler miniatures, “Limbe”
Bussler miniatures, “Confederate Infantryman Firing Kneeling”
Bussler miniatures, “Federal Infantryman Firing Standing”
Bussler miniatures, two soldiers, “Confederate Infantryman at Courry”
Bussler miniatures, two ships and two soldiers, “Federal Infantryman and
Confederate Infantryman, Firing Prone”
Bussler miniatures: four soldiers, arms, artillery
Series 6, Oversized Materials
Box 22:
Four Federal cavalrymen: “Firing Standing, Loading Kneeling, Firing
Kneeling, Firing Prone.”
20 century natural history prints and Native American photographs, ca.
Card file box with Chamberlain’s records of his medals.
Two card file boxes with notes on trains.