
> Human Rights &
> Human Rights & Democracy
The principles of liberty, respect for human rights, democratic values and
fundamental freedoms are inherent to the European Union and constitute crucial
elements in its relations with its partners. The EU places the promotion of human
rights at the centre of its external policy and is working to ensure that these
rights are universally respected. Under the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)
the EU supports the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms
through continuous political dialogue and financial assistance. The EU holds such
political dialogues with the Government of Lebanon and with various civil society
organisations. Furthermore, It financially supports the Government of Lebanon’s
efforts to reinforce human rights and strengthen the democratic process.
Support to Parliamentary Development in Lebanon
Budget € 1 691 750
Financing instrument ENPI
Date of project 2014-2016
Implementing partner IMG- International Management Group
Lebanese Parliament
The overall objective of the programme is to improve the institutional role of Parliament and enhance its
efficiency in carrying out the legislative and oversight functions. Technical assistance is provided to support
parliamentarians, committees and staff by increasing the efficiency of the Parliament as an operational public
institution in a democratic governance system. The programme focuses on improving the oversight functions
of the Parliament, the quality of legislation and the legislative process, as well as on enhancing its research
and policy analysis capacity.
Afkar III - Support to Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon
Budget € 2 700 000
Financing instrument ENPI
Date of project 2014-2016
Implementing partner Several NGOs
Civil society
The AFKAR III Programme aims at reinforcing the capacity of Lebanese civil society organisations as actors
for socio-economic development and reform in Lebanon. It contributes to enhance their active commitment
to the concept, values and practices of good governance and to promote their inclusive participation in
development processes. 12 initiatives were selected for EU funding following a call for proposals.
Country Actions of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights
Budget € 4 100 000
Financing instrument EIDHR
Date of project 2013-2016
Implementing partner Several
Lebanese citizens
There are currently twelve ongoing projects under EIDHR totalling over €4.1 million. Implemented by civil
society organisations and targeting many of the pending challenges in Lebanon, these projects aim to ensure
better protection and promote human rights for all. EIDHR’s main areas of interest cover: abolishing the
death penalty; protecting migrant workers; addressing the issue of the disappeared, promoting the rights of
the disabled; raising awareness about LGTB issues and providing support to victims of torture. All of these
initiatives encompass activities centred on legal and social support, lobby and advocacy, media awareness
and educational activities.
> Human Rights & Democracy
Gender Equity and Empowerment of Women in Lebanon
Budget € 1 500 000
Financing instrument ENPI
Date of project 2014-2016
Implementing partner EURECNA
National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW)
The general objective of the programme is to contribute to strengthening the tools and institutional capacities
of the National Commission for Lebanese women (NCLW) to be able to act more effectively toward realizing
women’s advancement and gender equality in Lebanon. The programme includes financing initiatives led by
civil society organisations on gender equality/mainstreaming in the country based on the ten-year National
Women Strategy 2010-2020.
Promotion of Social Dialogue in Lebanon
Budget € 2 000 000
Financing instrument ENPI
Date of project 2015-2017
Implementing partner --
Ministry of Labour, National Employment Office
(NEO), Economic and Social Council, Employer
Organisations, Trade Unions and Non-governmental
The general objective of the programme to enhance the capacity of the Government of Lebanon and the
Lebanese Social Partners and Civil Society to be promoters of social dialogue in order to strengthen social
protection and improve and enforce labour legislation..
Support to Youth Development in Lebanon
Budget € 1 500 000
Financing instrument ENPI
Date of project 2015-2017
Implementing partner --
Ministry of Youth &Sports, the Youth Forum,
Parliamentarian committee for Youth and Sports and
Youth Non-Governmental organisations
The general objective of the programme is to contribute to the institutional reform process for a better
involvement of Government and Civil Society organisations in the public policy making process for youth
development in Lebanon. The programme includes financing initiatives led by civil society organisations on
gender equality/mainstreaming in the country based on the ten-year National Women Strategy 2010-2020.
Labour Force and Households’ Living Conditions Survey
Budget € 3 500 000
Financing instrument ENPI
Date of project 2014-2017
Implementing partner International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Central Administration for Statistics (CAS)
The objective of the projet is to carry out surveys covering critical issues related to the consequences of the
Syrian Crisis including the labour force situation and living conditions of the residents of Lebanon including
Syrian refugees.
> Human Rights & Democracy
Joint Action for an Effective Prosecution of Torture and Enhanced
Commitment to Prevention of Inherent Crimes, in Lebanon and Jordan
Budget € 1 100 000
Duration of project: 2009-2014
Implementing partner Restart Centre
Beneficiaries: Torture survivors in Lebanon and their families,
and security forces
The project seeks to enhance the legal prosecution of torture and ill-treatment on persons deprived of liberty
in Lebanon and Jordan. In this respect, the project focuses on reinforcing the capacities of the authorities
in applying international mechanisms and standards related to torture cases, as well as support the
rehabilitation of tortured and/or ill-treated victims.
Towards Realizing the Right to Fair Trial
Budget € 250 000
Financing instrument EIDHR
Date of project 2014-2016
Implementing partner ALEF
Civil society, stakeholders, citizen
The objective of this programme is to address the «Right to a Fair Trial» in Lebanon as a crucial and cross
cutting civil and political right that is constantly under threat of being violated. The action aims at contributing
to an increase in fair trials in Lebanon by collaborating with relevant stakeholders and by building on the
important past initiatives of Lebanese civil society
The Lebanese Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (LALAC)
Budget € 218 000
Financing instrument EIDHR
Date of project 2014-2015
Implementing partner Lebanese transparency Association LTA
Civil society, stakeholders, citizen
The project seeks to contribute to the promotion of human rights, political participation and democratic
reform by involving citizens in fight against corruption. To this effect, the project supports LTA’s Advocacy
and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) in Beirut which opened in 2009, and will work to establish a new center in the
Bekaa and the South of Lebanon.
The Independence of the Judiciary in Lebanon: A Social Priority
Budget € 250 000
Financing instrument EIDHR
Date of project 2014-2015
Implementing partner Legal Agenda
Civil society, stakeholders, citizen
The project seeks to establish a positive environment in order to allow changes in perceptions and practices
related to the independence and transparency of the judiciary in Lebanon. Amongst other activities, a
multidisciplinary diagnosis of the problems facing the Lebanese judiciary will be conducted, as well as public
awareness campaigns to sensitize about the importance of an independent and impartial judiciary. Moreover,
advocacy work will focus on the implementation of laws relating to the judiciary. Sentences and judicial files
related to vulnerable groups will be analyzed.
> Human Rights & Democracy
Martial Justice for All? Re-evaluating the Mandate and Practices of the
Military Court in Lebanon
Budget € 120 000
Financing instrument EIDHR
Date of project 2014-2016
Implementing partner UMAM
Civil society, stakeholders, citizen
The project aims to create a platform from which diverse civil society activists and legal experts can address
the status of the right to fair trial, the rule of law and democracy within Lebanon’s Military Court. To achieve
this, the project conducts inter alia an independent assessment of practices within and challenges experienced
by the military courts and Lebanon’s jurisdiction of exception. Other activities include the promotion of inclusive
and participatory dialogue between legal experts and civil society activists, as well as outreach campaigns to
increase understanding and awareness of human rights issues with Lebanon’s military courts.
The Untold Story of Forgotten Behind Bars
Budget € 250 000
Financing instrument EIDHR
Date of project 2014-2015
Implementing partner Catharsis
This project seeks to promote respect for human rights. In particular, the project helps in the rehabilitation
of the mentally ill inmates and life sentences in Roumieh prison. In addition, research and advocacy work is
conducted to propose amendments and changes to the existing Lebanese penal code articles and policies
related to: i) mental illness and crime, ii) life-long incarceration periods applied currently in Lebanon.
Clarifying the Fate of the Missing and Disappeared Persons in Lebanon
Budget € 228 000
Financing instrument EIDHR
Date of project 2014-2015
Implementing partner Act for the disappeared
Civil society, families of disappeared persons
The objective of this project is to empower the families of the missing and forcibly disappeared and to
help them to be an integral part of the solution-seeking process. Within this logic, the project aims to
increase the families’ participation in the solution-seeking process as well as increase the Lebanese society
knowledge of the solutions and reinforce the support to the families’ right to know the fate of their loved
ones. Furthermore, work is being conducted to strengthen efforts of civil society in advocating for the
implementation of sustainable solutions. Finally, the project endeavors to increase available information that
will contribute to the clarification of cases of disappeared persons.
Measuring Attitudes Towards People with Alternative Sexualities in Lebanon
Budget € 112 000
Financing instrument EIDHR
Date of project 2014-2015
Implementing partner Arab Foundation
Civil society, citizen, LGTB
To gather sufficient qualitative and quantitative data aimed at informing future activism and initiatives; To
analyse survey results, provide key recommendations for advocates, and share both publicly; To collaborate
with institutions and organizations working towards equality for sexual minorities in Lebanon and the region
through a workshop / conference that allows the replication for these kinds of surveys and research methods
to become more common place as a first step for effective advocacy
> Human Rights & Democracy
Joint Action for an Effective Prosecution of Torture and Enhanced
Commitment to Prevention of Inherent Crimes in Lebanon and Jordan
Budget € 1 111 000
Financing instrument EIDHR
Date of project 2014-2016
Implementing partner Restart
Civil society, stakeholders, citizen
To prevent torture practices in Lebanon and Jordan, through the promotion of a positive social change, an
increased public accountability as well as access to justice.
Reform of the Penitentiary System
Budget € 100 000
Financing instrument The Embassy of Spain in Lebanon
Date of project 2013/2014
Implementing partner AJEM
Judicial system
The overall objective of the programme is to improve the penitentiary system by strengthening legal help and
promoting Human Rights in Lebanon. The main achievement was having improved the conditions of detention
in the Lebanese prisons and the training that was done for specialised lawyers.
Alianza por la Solidaridad – Alliance for Solidarity
Budget € 624 000
Financing instrument The Embassy of Spain in Lebanon
Date of project Until 31/12/2014
Implementing partner Solidaridad Internacional
The overall objective of the programme is to improve the awareness among the disadvantaged, specially in
terms of sexual rights.
[AFD] Educate on Human Rights & Abolition of Death Penalty
Budget € 222 859
Financing instrument Grant
Date of project 2014 – 2016
Implementing partner ECPM – Together Against the Death Penalty, and the
Lebanese Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Lebanese Civil Society & Public Institutions
The overall objective of this multi-country project (France, Morocco, and Lebanon) is to foster the emergence
of a civic awareness on human rights and the abolition of the death penalty in the Lebanese society. The
project aims to strengthen cooperation between civil society, public institutions, actors in the field of formal
education and the media to enrich the educational activities related to the fight against the death penalty.
[AFD] World Day for The Abolition of The Death Penalty
Budget --
Financing instrument French Institute in Lebanon
Date of project 2014-2015
Implementing partner Department of the Cooperation and Cultural Action of
the Embassy of France in Lebanon; Institute of Human
Rights of the Beirut Bar Association; Lebanese Coalition
for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
Lebanese Francophone Youth
As part of its campaign for the universal abolition of the death penalty, several initiatives have been
undertaken by France including an international slogan contest, launched on October 10 and organised with
the support of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, of the Agency for French
Education Abroad (AEFE) and the French Institute.
This contest under the title of “Beat the Death Penalty”, designed especially for the French institutions
> Human Rights & Democracy
abroad, aims to involve young French speakers from around the world in the debate on the abolition of the
death penalty through the creation and diffusion of slogans on social media networks.
In the specific case of Lebanon, the French Institute decided, in partnership with the Beirut Bar Association,
the Institute of Human Rights of the Bar of Beirut Association, and the Lebanese Coalition for the Abolition
of the Death Penalty, to extend this contest at the national level to francophone youth between the age of
12 and 18 enrolled in institutions of the AEFE network. Generated slogans will be published on Twitter and
posted on social media networks. The authors of the ten best slogans will be selected to participate in an
awareness programme for the abolition of the death penalty in 2015. The programme includes meetings with
lawyers, judges, NGOs; the screening of films and documentaries; advocacy simulation from a specific case;
and an opportunity to attend a trial.
The Netherlands
Media and Technology for Social Change: Facilitating
Innovation at the Intersection of Media, Technology and Social
Media Change
Budget € 115 656
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project November 2013 – June 2015
Implementing partner AltCity
Community in Lebanon and the wider Middle East
The objective of this project is creating and improving awareness of the role of media and technology for
social change. The project support start-ups by providing trainings/bootcamps. Events and other activities
(e.g. gaming) are organised within the sector.
CLDH Action Plan
Budget € 45 600
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project January 2014 – February 2015
Implementing partner Lebanese Centre for Human Rights (CLDH)
Arbitrary detention and torture victims in Lebanon
The objective of this project is to monitor and prevent arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearance
and modern slavery; to raise awareness about these human rights issues in the Lebanese context. The
project also aims at rehabilitating and at legally supporting victims (in prisons, and upon release) and at
advocating for a structural (policy-based) illegalization of these practices.
Human Rights Ambassadors
Budget € 49 483
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project August 2014 – January 2015
Implementing partner Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA)
Community at grassroots level /North and Beqaa regions
The objective of this project is to increase the application of human rights declarations on the grassroots level leading
to a «Human Rights culture» and to encourage the participation of citizens in the decision making process.
Jabal and Tebbeni – What Brings Us Together
Budget € 55 732
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project August 2014 – February 2015
Implementing partner Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA)
Community in Jabal Mohsen and Bab El Tebbeni /Tripoli
The objective of this project is to decrease the tension between Jabal Mohsen and Tebbeni communities in
the city of Tripoli through continuous networking between CSO’s. The project will also creating a platform and
organise various events for both CSO’s and local communities to exchange ideas and to improve cooperation.
Movie on Child Marriage
Budget € 76 000
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project August 2014 – July 2015
Implementing partner Filmmaker Khalil Zaarour
Women, specifically those who get married at a very
young age
The project sheds light on Child marriage in Lebanon and its impact on society especially on women’s lives.
The film will raise awareness and empower women within their families and society at large with the
objective of preventing future child marriages.
> Human Rights & Democracy
Developing History Teacher’s Capacity to Foster Historical Thinking
Budget € 91 200
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project May 2014 – September 2015
Implementing partner The Lebanese Association for History
History teachers/students
Developing History Teacher’s capacity to Foster Historical Thinking
A Step Towards Municipal Elections: Promoting Women’s Role in
Political Participation
Budget € 137 162
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project April 2014 – February 2015
Implementing partner Lebanese Organisation for Studies and Trainings (LOST)
Women in Baalbeck/Hermel region
The objective of the project is fostering positive and democratic social change and maintaining social cohesion
by empowering 300 women in the Baalbeck – Hermel Region of the Republic of Lebanon to participate in the
decision making process at the local level and to institutionalise their political inclusion.
Strengthening Social Cohesion by Responding to Community Needs in Bekaa
Budget € 84 550
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project September 2014 – August 2015
Implementing partner Lebanese Organisation for Studies and Trainings (LOST)
Host community and Syrian refugees in Bekaa region
The objective of the project is strengthening social cohesion and conflict resolution skills between Lebanese
host communities and Syrian refugees in the Bekaa valley in order to temper violence and encourage a culture
of human rights.
Anti-Drugs Social and Educational Centres
Budget € 103 906
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project September 2014 – September 2015
Implementing partner Developmental Action Without Borders (NABA’A)
Lebanese community and Palestinian refugee camps/
Sidon and Tyre.
The objective of this project is to create awareness of and ultimately to prevent children and adolescents
from the risks of drug abuse and addiction through introducing skills that promote positive and healthy life
choices in Palestinian Refugee camps.
> Human Rights & Democracy
Empowering LGBT Individuals in Lebanon
Budget € 53 596
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project July 2014 – June 2015
Implementing partner Proud
LGBT individuals, including Syrian LGBT refugees
Support to LGBT individuals, including Syrian LGBT refugees, through psychosocial support, legal follow up
and advice, socio-economic assistance, awareness raising and capacity building.
Gaming for Peace: Cedaria: Blackout
Budget € 250 000
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project December 2012 – November 2014
Implementing partner Search for Common Ground (SFCG)
Lebanese youth
The objective of this project is to produce a video game for peace which will promote collaboration across
sectarian lines among Lebanese youth.
Enhancement of Human Right Status, Economic and Social Conditions for
Vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian Women for a Better Community
Budget € 132 316
Financing instrument The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Date of project September 2014 – September 2016
Implementing partner Social, Humanitarian, and Economical Intervention for
Local Development (SHEILD)
Vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian women / South Lebanon
The objective of this project is to empower and enhance human rights knowledge in general and in particular
women rights awareness and knowledge for most vulnerable women for a better community in general but
also for the women to enhance their social position and economic independence.
Strengthening the Capacity of Lebanese Disabled People
Organisations and Empowering Syrian Refugees with Disabilities
Budget € 100 000
Financing instrument Local Cooperation Fund, Embassy of Finland
Date of project 2014-2015
Implementing partner --
National Association of the Rights of the Disabilities
The project aims at empowering Lebanese and Syrian persons with disabilities (PWD). It also aims to ensure
more governmental commitment to the rights of PWDs in Lebanon. The project is implemented by the
National Association for the Rights of the Disabled People in Lebanon (NARD). The concrete measures include
monitoring of the PWD-related legislation and governmental decisions in Lebanon. It also includes lobbying
the government in order to guarantee the rights of the PWD’s, for example, in terms of respecting their
access to education and their right to vote. The project will also include awareness raising activities among
PWDs through training sessions and national gatherings. It will also provide Syrian refugees in Lebanon with
disabilities with vocational training on skills that will help them get employed or self-employed.
Campaign Around the Legalization of Protection of Women from
Domestic Violence
Budget € 68 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2014-2015)
Implementing partner ABAAD Resource Center for Gender Equality
through Diakonia
Campaign around the legalization of protection of women from domestic violence
> Human Rights & Democracy
Enhancing the capacity of the Arab Network for Democratic Elections
Budget € 64 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2012-2015
Implementing partner Arab Network for Democratic Elections (ANDE)
through Diakonia
This project intends to support the Arab Network for Democratic Elections (ANDE) in building its capacities on
a long term basis, strengthen ANDE’s independence and professionalism as a separate regional network and
start ANDE’s mobilization and activities in the Arab region.
Expanding Community-Based Rehabilitation in Nahr El Bared and Baddawi
Camps in North Lebanon
Budget € 88 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2012-2015
Implementing partner Community-Based Rehabilitation Association (CBRA)
through Diakonia
This project aims at promoting and respecting rights and participation of persons with disabilities and
enhancing and expanding right-based approach programming within the Palestine refugee camps in Lebanon.
Combating Child Trafficking
Budget € 84 000
Financing instrument
Date of project 2012-2015
Implementing partner Dar Al Amal Association (DAA) through Diakonia
Children in danger of prostitution, sexual exploitation
and abuse
The project aims to prevent child trafficking and protect children in danger of prostitution, sexual exploitation
and abuse.
Disability Monitor
Budget € 85 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2012-2015
Implementing partner Lebanese Physically Handicapped Union (LPHU)
through Diakonia
Persons with disabilities
This project aims at enhancing and promoting the accountability and the implementation of the Law 220/2000
on the right of persons with disability.
> Human Rights & Democracy
Gender Collaborative Information and Knowledge Network
Budget € 84 000
Financing instrument -- Date of project 2014-2015
Implementing partner Lebanon Support (LS) through Diakonia
Beneficiaries --
The Gender Collaborative Information and Knowledge Network is an online collaborative platform that brings
together civil society organizations, researchers, practitioners and experts working together for enhancing
local and national capacities’ access to, and the development of knowledge and evidence-based research,
information and literature on Gender issues and concerns.
Right to Work Campaign for Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
Budget € 85 000
Financing instrument Date of project 2012-2015
Implementing partner Association Najdeh through Diakonia
Palestine refugees
The project aims at ensuring Palestinian refugees in Lebanon their right to work in all jobs and professions
including those related to syndicates.
Advancing Knowledge of International Humanitarian Law among Jurists and
Human Rights Advocates
Budget € 71 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2014-2015
Implementing partner Permanent peace mouvement (PPM) through Diakonia
Jurists and Human Rights Advocates
This project aims at developing knowledge of international humanitarian law, in Lebanon and the surrounding
countries, the Permanent Peace Movement is mainstreaming International Humanitarian Law.
Gender Empowerment of Marginalized Women in Rural Areas
Budget € 66 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2012-2015
Implementing partner Rassemblement Démocratique des Femmes Libanaises
(RDFL) through Diakonia
Marginalized girls and women
This project aims at empowering marginalized girls and women in the rural areas and the suburbs in women
rights and gender equality awareness and other pertinent life skills.
> Human Rights & Democracy
Promoting Human Rights Policy and Practice in Lebanese Women’s Prisons
Budget € 310 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2012-2014
Implementing partner Rassemblement Démocratique des Femmes Libanaises
(RDFL), Caritas Migrant Center and Dar Al Amal through
Women detainees and the penitentiary system
The project will target 1000 female detainees and prisoners in Lebanon’s prisons; in addition to 50 prison
staff and ISF guards; and 150 key stakeholders including governmental stakeholders, local/international NGO
personnel, UN officials; The project also targets a systemic change in policy and practice will ensure benefits
to future prisoners and future prison staff with focus on positive advocacy to change the current law and
build the capacity of prison staff , ISF and create a shift in lobbying paradigms in the Lebanese civil society .
Gender Equality & inclusive Citizenship: Challenging Patriarchy
& Confessionalism
Budget € 2 984 608
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2011-2014
Implementing partner CRTD.A with support from Kvinna till Kvinna
Beneficiaries-With funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) the Swedish NGO
Kvinna till Kvinna supports a number of projects run by Lebanese NGOs.
Strengthen the capacity of women’s groups to promote gender equality and inclusive citizenship by
promoting knowledge and practice in civil society. Main methods of engagement are research, advocacy,
capacity building of other organisations, and regional and national campaigns. Conducting studies on; the
issue of “non-confessional public status in Lebanon”; “the official and civil attempts to modify the personal
status laws in Lebanon in order to point out the reasons for failure”; and on “mixed marriages in Lebanon”.
With funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) the Swedish NGO
Kvinna till Kvinna supports a number of projects run by Lebanese NGOs (see below).
Total budget 2011-2015 is 2,984,608 EUR.
The Campaign on the Law – Delivering Protection for Women from
Family Violence
Budget € --
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2011-2014
Implementing partner KAFA with support from Kvinna till Kvinna
Advocacy campaign work for the adoption and efficient implementation of the family violence law that
explicitly and clearly protects all women from violence within the family.
Engaging Police and Legislators in Protecting Women from Gender
Based Violence
Budget € --
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2013-2014
Implementing partner KAFA with support from Kvinna till Kvinna
Internal Security Forces (ISF)
While waiting for the Draft law against Domestic violence to be passed. KAFA worked in parallel with
government agencies, training the Internal Security Forces (ISF), to provide women victims of violence with
assistance and protection, including exchange and study visits with the Swedish Police in Sweden. KAFA also
worked together with ISF to establish a base for a joint long term training program on trafficking.
> Human Rights & Democracy
Direct Aid for Women Victims of Violence and increasing Civil Society
Budget € --
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2011-2014
Implementing partner The Lebanese Council to Resist Violence against
Woman (LECORVAW) with support from Kvinna
till Kvinna
Women victim of violence
Running a call and counselling centre for women victims of violence. They respond to and address all on-going
cases of violence against women by providing social and legal services, and advice and contact references
for medical services for women victims. They also work with awareness raising activities including sexual
harassment in order to increase the capacity and understanding of VAW within the civil society.
Syrian Women Refugees Assistance and Empowerment
Budget € --
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2013-2015
Implementing partner The Lebanese Council to Resist Violence against Woman
(LECORVAW )with support from Kvinna till Kvinna
Syrian refugee women and girls
Awareness raising among Syrian refugee women & girls in Northern Lebanon (Tripoli and Akkar) regarding
SGBV, sexual harassment and early marriages. They also work on linking women and girls from the Syrian
refugee community to LECORVAW’s Listening and Counseling Centers (LCC’s), providing social and legal
services, advice and contact references for medical services for women victims of violence and harassment.
There will also be awareness raising activities for these women and girls on the concept of women and peace
building and decision making (UNSCR 1325).
Women and Family Support Center
Budget € --
Financing instrument
Date of project 2011-2014
Implementing partner Palestinian Women’s Humanitarian Organisation
(PWHO) (with support from Kvinna till Kvinna)
Women in Borj al Barajne refugee camp
Work to increasing women’s influence in Borj al Barajne (refugee camp) through activities that will improve
women’s mental and physical well-being and by that increase safety and security of women in the camp and
thus improve the quality of family life and the general situation in the camp.
Empowerment Project for Displaced Women from Syria
Budget € --
Financing instrument
Date of project 2013-2015
Implementing partner Palestinian Women’s Humanitarian Organisation (PWHO)
with support from Kvinna till Kvinna
Displaced Palestinian Syrian and Syrian women and
children from Syria and the strained host community
they live in
PWHO are extending their activities at their women’s centre to support recently displaced Palestinian Syrian
and Syrian women and children from Syria and the strained host community they live in. This is done through
activities that improve the mental and physical well-being, safety and security for the women in the camp.
PWHO also run awareness raising workshops and information sessions on Women’s Rights to the women,
but also to men and local key decision makers in the community. Free health clinic for the women and health
awareness sessions is also included.
> Human Rights & Democracy
Women’s Rights
Budget € --
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2011-2014
Implementing partner Rassemblement Démocratique des Femmes Libanaises
(RDFL) with the support from Kvinna till Kvinna
Beneficiaries-To increase women’s awareness of their human rights by informing on and influence of the discriminatory laws
against women. RDFL runs press and advocacy campaigns, awareness raising meetings/workshops, and conduct
specialized training courses on woman’s rights for university students, Highs school Students and NGO’s.
Empower Palestinian Refugee Social Workers and Women from Northern and
Southern Camps to Cope Trauma, Conflicts, and Marginalization
Budget € --
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2011-2014
Implementing partner Nadjeh with support from Kvinna till Kvinna
Palestinian refugee social workers and refugee
Empowerment of Palestinian refugee social workers and women from Northern and Southern camps to
cope with trauma, conflicts, and marginalization through psychosocial and wellbeing activities such as
Strengthening, Health Awareness and Psychosocial Wellbeing for Displaced
Palestinian and Syrian Women and Families
Budget € --
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2013-2015
Implementing partner Nadjeh with support from Kvinna till Kvinna
Syrian Palestinian and Syrian women & their families
Implementing psychosocial support and awareness raising activities for displaced Syrian Palestinian and
Syrian women & their families in the Palestinian camps and gatherings in Lebanon. Distribution of hygiene
kits in combination with health education workshops where young women from the DPS population will be
trained to work with implementation of activities.
Through its regional development cooperation strategy for the MENA region, Sweden
supports a number of regional initiatives in the field of human rights and democratic
governance. Some of them include partner organisations in Lebanon and/or activities
in Lebanon. Below are some regional projects with Lebanese partner organisations.
Transparency International’s MENA program
Budget € 5 000 000 (for the region)
Financing instrument
Date of project 2011-2014
Implementing partner Lebanese Transparency Organisation (LTA) with
Transparency International
Beneficiaries-The goal of Transparency International’s program is to empower and strengthen civil society’s institutional
and organizational capacities and networks in the MENA region to more effectively address corruption. In
Lebanon, the partner organisation is the Lebanese Transparency Organisation (LTA).
> Human Rights & Democracy
Tamasi: Performing Arts in the MENA region
Budget € 3 600 000 (for the region)
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2013-2015
Implementing partner Shams and Arab Theatre Training Centre (ATTC)
The Tamasi project started in 2008, initially coordinated by the Swedish Dramatic Institute. The network is
now coordinated from Cairo and consists of eleven organisations (theatre groups, performing arts troupes,
cultural centres, etc.) in four countries, in a network for stimulating and enhancing performing arts in the
Middle East and North Africa. In Lebanon, the local partner organisations are Shams and Arab Theatre Training
Centre (ATTC).
Young Women Leadership in Political and Social Development in MENA
Budget € 1 400 000 (for the region)
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2011-2013
Implementing partner WAY
The program aims at acquainting young women (18-25 years) in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, and Lebanon with
necessary knowledge and regional best practices in women leadership and women development, and to play
an active leadership role in political and social development of their societies. The goal is to promote gender
equality and decrease discrimination against women. The Lebanese partner is WAY.
Child Rights Advocacy in the Middle East
Budget € 568 000
Financing instrument Swedish Post Code Lottery
Date of project 2013-2015
Implementing partner Save the Children and Nabaa
This is a MENA regional project, implemented together with Diakonia, aimed at strengthening children and
young people’s votes by giving them simple and powerful tools for advocacy concerning their rights at
national, regional and global levels.
Child Rights Governance
Budget € 163 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2013-2015
Implementing partner Save the Children, Nabaa, ALEF - Act for Human Rights
Beneficiaries-Increase the number of children actively participating in the monitoring of the Child Right Convention.
Child Rights Governance
Budget € 14 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2014
Implementing partner Save the Children
Beneficiaries-Increase the number of children actively participating in the monitoring of the Child Right Convention.
> Human Rights & Democracy
Child Rights Governance and Child Protection
Budget € 157 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2013-2014
Implementing partner Save the Children
Child Rights Governance and Child Protection
Budget € 1 332 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2013-2015
Implementing partner Save the Children, Abaad, KAFA, Nabaa, Mouvement
Social Libanais
Child Rights Governance: Strengthen the capacity of partner organisations, networks and community leaders
in Lebanon to advocate and monitor child rights implementation
Child Protection: Legal instruments in Lebanon are developed to protect all children from physical and
humiliating punishment. Systems are put in place to reduce involvement of children in armed conflict.
Child Rights Governance and Child Protection
Budget € 52 000
Financing instrument --
Date of project 2015
Implementing partner Save the Children
Child rights situation analysis as basis for planning in Lebanon from a child rights perspective.