Annual Report - Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

From the President
Dear fellow sojourner,
Abundance wasn’t a word we heard much in 2008.
Words such as scarcity and shortage dominated
headlines and commentary. But our reality stated
otherwise. As you read about our year, you’ll
discover that, more than scarcity and shortage, LIRS
experienced abundance. Abundance of hope.
Abundance of welcome.
With every refugee you helped resettled through
your generosity of spirit, gifts and time, abundance
was shared. With every newcomer who graced our
communities, gifts of presence, hope and heritage
created an abundance where we live and work.
Abundant faith through acts of prayer and mercy
sustained hope for asylum seekers and children who
found themselves in America afraid and alone.
LIRS sojourned this past year, much like the
Israelites did in the wilderness, but through your
care and concern we came to identify the manna in
our midst. The economy wasn’t very strong, but in
the midst of that wilderness, you worked with us
through programs such as Be Not Afraid to create an
abundance of support and solidarity.
God has a way making new life spring forth in the
desert, and the newcomers you and I have been
blessed to serve and know have more than a knack for
doing that as well. This year, more than many other I
can recall, reminded us that we all sojourn in the
wilderness. LIRS took to heart the lesson we learn
every day from our newcomer neighbors—God’s
abundance is not eliminated by scarcity. In fact,
scarcity often makes God’s abundance stand in bold
relief so that we can clearly identify it and claim it as
God’s gift to us. This year of headlines, heavy with
stories about shortage, reminded us that God welcomes
all of us and in that welcome we discover abundance,
often in spite of the scarcity that surrounds us.
I have been welcomed through baptism to God’s
abundance. With you, through grace and faith, we
live out this abundance through acts of courage and
welcome. I am grateful that you have sojourned with
LIRS this year and enabled us to live—together—in
God’s abundance even in the midst of headlines and
commentary that point in the opposite direction.
I welcome and encourage you to sojourn through
this annual report and discover the abundance you
created in the lives of newcomers in our communities.
As sojourners who have received welcome, may
we remain confident that God multiplies abundance
as we extend a warm welcome to others.
With thanksgiving,
Ralston H. Deffenbaugh, Jr.
The LIRS Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Board Chair and Executive Committee Chair—
Elaine Richter Bryant (LCMS), adjunct
professor, Concordia University, Ballwin, Mo.
Board Vice Chair and Program Committee
Chair—Ruth Henrichs (ELCA), CEO,
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska, Omaha
Board Secretary and Finance Committee
Chair—The Rev. Dr. Gary Danielsen
(LCMS), president/CEO, Lutheran Services
of Georgia, Atlanta
Board Development Committee Chair—
Kathi Anderson (ELCA), executive director,
Survivors of Torture International, San Diego
Resource Development Committee Chair—Dr.
Judith A. Diers (ELCA), program associate for
gender, family and development, The
Population Council, New York City
At-Large Members
Sen. Betty Boyd (ELCA), Colorado State
Senate, Lakewood, Colo.
J. David Ellwanger (ELCA), retired attorney,
Frisco, Texas
The Rev. Carlos Hernandez (LCMS),
districts/congregations director, LCMS World
Relief and Human Care, St. Louis
The Rev. Jotham Johann Jhang, J.D. (LCMS),
president and executive director, Center for
Asian Missions and Evangelism, Alexandria, Va.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2008 Annual Report
Randel K. Johnson (LCMS), vice president for
labor, immigration and employee benefits, U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C.
The Rev. Yohannes Mengsteab (LCMS),
national director for new mission fields
development, LCMS World Mission, St. Louis
The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Larson (ELCA),
executive director, Division for Church in
Society, ELCA, Chicago
The Rev. Kristine Suna-Koro (LELCA), vicar,
Eastern Conference, LELCA, Tucker, Ga.
Bishop E. Roy Riley (ELCA), New Jersey
Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America, Hamilton Square, N.J.
• …resettled 8,472 refugees, helping
them find homes, jobs and educational
opportunities, learn a new culture and
language, and become economically
self-sufficient. The 11 nationalities
resettled included 2,523 Burmese,
1,037 Bhutanese, 1,745 Iraqis, and 536
Iranians as well as Somalis, Cubans,
Ethiopians, Eritreans, Sudanese, North
Koreans and people from the former
Soviet Union.
bundant elcome for Refugees
In 2008 LIRS…
The Hareejas, a newly arrived Iraqi family, hadn’t
learned much English yet, but they still gave an
abundant welcome when LIRS staff members and a
local caseworker visited the former refugees in their
new Milwaukee home. When the Hareeja children
got home from school, they were beaming from a
day filled with new words and new experiences, and
eager to share schoolwork and art projects with new
friends. Their excitement over school assignments
turned to intrigue as the caseworker showed their
father how to test his blood sugar levels. LIRS helps
resettled refugees find home, hope and healing…and
many new adventures in a new land!
• …served 3,662 refugee clients
through job training, placement
and retention programs, resulting in
employment for 79 percent at an
average hourly wage of $8.61, up
from $8.38 in 2007.
• …presented workshops on
employment and self-sufficiency to
815 refugee service professionals
across the country, giving them
better tools to help newcomers
succeed in America.
• …helped 305 refugee women with a
total of 701 children gain sewing,
computer, employment and English
skills and increase self-esteem.
Thank You!
The President’s Council
Donors to LIRS provide so much more than
financial support. You abundantly supply
welcome to new neighbors in our
communities. For 70 years you have opened
wide the door of hospitality to immigrants
and refugees in need of community and
security. The newcomers LIRS serves enrich
the fabric of our country, and we are grateful
to you for saying welcome through your
generosity. Each day your gifts support our
mission, and because you have chosen to
sustain LIRS through your gifting, we can look
forward to the next seven decades of service
to migrants at risk. Thank you for being a part
of the migrant story.
New Freedom Circle ($10,000 or more)
Women of the ELCA, Chicago
New Life Circle ($5,000–9,999)
Leif Ericson Day School, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Mr. Ralston H. & Mrs. Miriam Deffenbaugh
Dr. Gloria & Mr. Ross Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Whipp D. Johnson
Ms. Dorothy A. Rossing
Mr. & Mrs. William Swanson
New Hope Circle ($2,500–4,999)
ELCA Churchwide Offices, Chicago
LCMS World Relief & Human Care, St. Louis
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Gift
Matching, Appleton, Wis.
World Day of Prayer−USA Committee,
New York City
Dr. Judith Diers & The Rev. David Parsons
Mr. Thawng Pao
(Donors of $1000 or more)
Warm Welcome Circle ($1,000–2,499)
Afternoon Guild of LWML at
Lutheran Haven, Oveido, Fla.
Bethel Lutheran Church, Northfield,
Faith Lutheran Church, North Palm
Beach, Fla.
Firstgiving, Inc., Somerville, Mass.
King of Glory Lutheran Church, Dallas
Partners International, Washington, D.C.
Tait, Weller & Baker, LLP,
United Way of Central
Massachusetts, Worcester
Ms. Jane Anthon
The Rev. Norman & Mrs. Kathryn
Mr. Christopher & Mrs. Linda Brelje
Mrs. Elaine Richter Bryant & Mr. Vic
Mrs. Marion F. Deffenbaugh
Mrs. Mara E. Dole
The Rev. & Mrs. John Frerking
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Ruth Henrichs
Mr. William G. Imig & Mrs. Joyce S.
Mrs. Rhoda V. Larsen
Mrs. Edith & Dr. Harold Lohr
Ms. Virginia D. Lynch
Mr. Gregory & Mrs. Ari Miller
Ms. Viola Montas
Dr. Cynthia Nance
Dr. Steven R. Rousey
The Rev. David S. Smith & Mrs.
Nancie J. Smith
The Rev. Dr. Harvey Stegemoeller
Mrs. Patricia A. Thomas
Ms. Marta & Mr. Sabin Willett
Mr. John & Mrs. Eleanor Yackel
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2008 Annual Report
Image does not depict actual individual in story.
• …found caring foster homes for
222 children, including 155
unaccompanied refugee children, 41
unaccompanied immigrant children
in immigration-related custody, 14
victims of child trafficking and 12
asylee minors.
• …facilitated release from immigration
custody for 3,682 children, including
2,656 who were released to family
members. We facilitated home
studies and safety checks for 108 of
these children prior to their release
and ensured post-release support for
129 children.
bundant elcome for Children
In 2008 LIRS…
Loi fled Burma and was welcomed in July through
LIRS’s special foster care program for refugee
children separated from their parents. Rheumatic
fever had left him with an enlarged heart, and in
October he underwent successful, lifesaving open
heart surgery to repair three valves. With loving
support from his foster family, Loi recuperated at
home, receiving private instruction to continue his
studies. Though he arrived in the United States with
just a sixth-grade education, Loi completed the 10th
grade with flying colors. Now Loi is sharing his
abundant new life by sending some of his summer
job earnings back to relatives in Burma.
Advocates ($500–999)
Augsburg Lutheran Home, Baltimore,
Bank of America Matching Gifts,
Charlotte, N.C.
Christ the King Lutheran Church,
Edina Community Lutheran Church,
Edina, Minn.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Decorah, Iowa
Kinsmen Lutheran Church of Houston
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Minneapolis & Saint Paul
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church
of New York, Syosset
Lutheran Church of the Atonement,
Barrington, Ill.
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in
Pennsylvania, Harrisburg
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection,
Garden City, N.Y.
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Fair
Lawn, N.J.
Rocky Mountain Synod, Denver
Salem Lutheran Church, Catonsville,
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Jutta F. Anderson
Ms. Irene & Mr. Archie Berry
Ms. Pamela Bloom
Ms. Betty Ann Boyd
The Rev. Dr. Eugene L. Brand
Ms. Cassandra Champion
The Rev. Dr. Gary & Mrs. Lynn Danielsen
Ms. Victory P. Deffenbaugh
The Rev. Herman W. Diers & Mrs.
Dorothy Diers
Dr. Aina G. Dravnieks, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. J. David Ellwanger
Ms. Susan & Mr. James Gundlach
Ms. Frances Katrishen & Mr. Nicos
Ms. Kristin Harsh & Mr. Tom Koop
Dr. Charles & Mrs. Hertha Lutz
The Rev. & Mrs. Karl Lutze
The Rev. Kimmy Meinecke
The Rev. Dr. Yohannes & Mrs.
Alemash A. Mengsteab
The Rev. William & Mrs. Marie Meyer
The Rev. Charles S. Miller & Ms. Gail
Mr. Sahr Mustapha
The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Nelson
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2008 Annual Report
Mrs. Kathleen E. Nordmark
Ms. Lois R. Pearson
Bishop E. Roy Riley, Jr.
Ms. Brynhild Rowberg
Ms. Karah A. Shaton & Mr. George
Mr. Scott Sherman
The Rev. & Mrs. James Sudbrock
Mr. Matt Wilch
Ms. Anne P. Wilson
Mrs. Lisa Won
Neighbors ($200–499)
Advisor Charitable Gift Fund, Cincinnati
Ascension Lutheran Church of
Baltimore County, Towson, Md.
Association For Immigration & Refugee
Services Professionals, Dallas
Belleview Lutheran Cemetery
Association, Howard, S.D.
Calvary Lutheran Church, Allendale, N.J.
Carroll Lutheran Village, Inc.,
Westminster, Md.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, Cincinnati
Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Florham Park, N.J.
• …helped win passage of the William
Wilberforce Trafficking Victims
Protection Reauthorization Act of
2008, and contributed to the
sections of the act that provide
special safeguards for migrant
children at risk.
• …helped immigrant children safely
reunite with parents and other
sponsors by assisting with 2,029
adult background checks.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Hickory,
Hope Lutheran Church & School,
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Lower Susquehanna Synod,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Lutheran Church of Providence,
Deltona, Fla.
Lutheran Church of the Ascension,
Northfield, Ill.
Messiah Lutheran Church, Marysville,
St. Peder’s Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Minneapolis
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran
Church, Apple Valley, Minn.
Wheat Ridge Ministries, Itasca, Ill.
Ms. Kathryn C. Anderson
Mrs. Joyce K. Battcher-Malchow
The Rev. & Mrs. Robert L. Baughan, Jr.
Ms. Barbara A. Bernstengel
Mr. William F. Bisbee
Mr. Greg & Mrs. Chrystal Blalock
Dr. Roger & Mrs. Aina Boraas
Ms. Claire H. Buettner
Mr. Welton Chase
Dr. Kristen Childers
Mr. Emried D. Cole, Jr. & Mrs.
Wandaleen Cole
Ms. Vicky Collier
Ms. Crystal Corman
The Rev. Roger L. Dahlin & Mrs.
Beverly Dahlin
Mr. Du Van Dinh
Ms. Judith J. Dirks
The Rev. Richard L. Dowhower & Dr.
Kay S. Dowhower
Ms. Olivia Faries
Mr. Timothy Foley & Mrs. Theresa K.
Ms. Christine M. Gedim
Mrs. Audrey P. Gordon
Mr. James & Mrs. Donna Grady
Bishop Richard H. Graham & Mrs.
Nancy Ann G. Graham
The Rev. John L. Halvorson & Mrs.
Hjordis D. Halvorson
Mrs. Barbara Hanst
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Haselow
Mr. Jeffrey Hawks
Ms. Marjorie J. Helton
Ms. Joyce Hoebing & Mr. John Williams
Dr. Holly C. Hoffman
• …helped coordinate assistance,
including legal counsel, for
residents of Postville, Iowa, who were
affected by the massive May 12
immigration raid that created a
humanitarian crisis when one in five
community members was arrested.
Image does not depict actual individuals in story.
bundant elcome for Families
In 2008 LIRS…
• …championed family unity, leading
to the introduction of the Reuniting
Families Act, which would shorten
the painful separation of long
waiting periods families experience
due to visa backlogs and gaps in
immigration laws.
A May 12, 2008, immigration raid devastated
Postville, Iowa, as one in five residents was arrested.
Lilian’s family was among many who were
separated without warning and without goodbyes.
The hardworking homeowner, Lutheran church
member and mother of four U.S. citizen children
was arrested and faced immediate deportation. Her
family faced a terrible choice: to stay here,
separated from Lilian, or to leave America and join
her in exile. LIRS provided legal counsel for many
like Lilian who were detained in Postville. We
continue our strenuous efforts to reform an
immigration system that tears apart families.
Ms. Judith Hofmann & Mr. Richard E.
Mr. Andrew & Mrs. Karen House
The Rev. & Mrs. Dwight A. Huseman
The Rev. Jotham J. Jhang
Mr. Randel Johnson
The Carl W. Johnson Memorial Fund
Mr. Richard Jungkuntz
Ms. Antonida Khayrutdinova
Mr. & Ms. Gerald & Eileen Klonglan
Mr. & Mrs. John Klosterboer
Ms. Helen A. Knutson
Ms. Susan Krehbiel
The Rev. & Mrs. Richard Krenzke
Ms. Lois Svard & Mr. Peter K. Kresl
The Rev. & Mrs. Ralph F. Kusserow
Mr. Howard M. Lamont & Ms. Hiroko O.
Sang Van Le
The Rev. Dr. Paul & Mrs. Margaret Ludwig
Dr. Eugene M. Lugano & Dr. Marcia C.
The Rev. Barbara K. Lundblad
Mr. Si Hau Dang Ma
The Rev. Stacy Martin & Mr. John Martin
The Rev. & Mrs. Milo Mathison
The Rev. Janet H. & Mr. Todd Mathistad
The Rev. Richard & Mrs. Carolyn Meyer
Mr. Raymond E. Meyer & Mrs. Anna P.
Ms. Darlene Midlang
The Rev. Richard Miller & Mrs. Carolyn Miller
Mrs. Janice L. Miller & Mr. Gale Miller
The Rev. Paul N. Miller & Mrs. Marie C. Miller
The Rev. Ronald F. & Mrs. Virginia A. Moen
Mr. Kamy & Mrs. Fereshteh Moghbeli
Chaplain Sigurd & Mrs. Dianne Nelson
Ms. Liz O'Neill-Grobaker
Ms. Tammy Oppel
Ms. Mahta Ostovari
The Rev. Howard W. Palm & Mrs.
Gertrude Palm
Mr. Dean B. Pedersen
The Rev. Marlo D. Petersen
Mr. David B. Phillips & Mrs. Alice Phillips
The Rev. & Mrs. Edmond H. Plaehn
The Rev. Monroe Putnam & Mrs. Deena
The Rev. & Mrs. Larry D. Quanbeck
Dr. Larry L. & Mrs. Nyla L. Rasmussen
Dr. Soo Rhee
The Rev. Elwood N. Rieke & Ms. Lavon
M. Driessen-Rieke
The Rev. John & Mrs. Janet Scherch
• …reunited 4,284 refugees with
family members already resettled in
the United States.
• ...launched the Be Not Afraid
project, providing resources to help
congregations create welcoming
communities for immigrant families
and to help families prepare for
immigration-related emergencies.
Ms. Susan Schmidt & Mr. Virgil O. Wiebe
The Rev. & Mrs. Edward H. Schroeder
Ms. Marcia Sivesind
Ms. Elizabeth A. Smith
The Rev. Dr. Arne Sovik
Ms. Olive W. Spannaus
The Rev. & Mrs. Richard B. Sutter
The Rev. Edward Swanson & Mrs. Estelle
The Rev. & Mrs. J. Gordon Swanson
Ms. Vanessa Thorsten
Hla Thwin
Mr. Paul & Mrs. Tial Uk
The Rev. John F. Weaver & Mrs. Barbara
A. Weaver
The Rev. & Mrs. Leslie F. Weber
Mr. C. Richard Weylman
LIRS is conscious of our
stewardship of financial and
environmental resources in
producing and distributing this
report. For a complete list of
donors of all amounts, visit us
Funding Partners
These major funders support many areas of LIRS’s work.
Church Bodies
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Lutheran Church—MIssouri Synod
Government Agencies
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration for Children and Families, Office
of Refugee Resettlement
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population,
Refugees & Migration
Lutheran Community Foundation
Lutheran World Federation
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2008 Annual Report
• …raised awareness of the inappropriate
practice of detaining those seeking
refuge on our shores.
• …funded local partners who
conducted legal clinics for 31,680
adults and 1,070 children, equipping
them with critical information about
the U.S. immigration system and
advice about immigration protection
for those seeking refuge.
Image does not depict actual individual in story.
bundant elcome for Migrants at Risk
In 2008 LIRS…
• …supported legal representation to
thousands of asylum seekers, including
1,003 torture survivors, of whom 536
were in immigration detention.
When Patrice’s husband’s political activism angered
Cameroonian government soldiers, they took revenge
by sexually assaulting his young wife. Fearing for her
life, Patrice fled her homeland, finally finding her way
to the United States. When she arrived at the airport
and told immigration authorities that she was seeking
political asylum, they sent her to a detention center. An
attorney affiliated with LIRS’s legal support network
for torture survivors in detention met Patrice and
arranged for volunteer doctors to evaluate her medical
and psychological condition. The attorney used their
reports to win Patrice’s asylum case. Patrice is now
making the healing journey from abuse to abundance.
LIRS was privileged in 2008 to
participate in helping our
donors celebrate special events
and pay tribute to those they
love and esteem. Each gift of
$200 or more is listed here.
Please visit us at for
a complete list of tribute gifts
made in 2008.
• …laid vital groundwork that led to the
introduction of legislation that would
establish standards of treatment for
detained immigrants, promote
alternatives to detention, and
protect children picked up by
immigration enforcement agents.
Gifts in Honor
Gifts in Memory
(Listed by donors’ names)
(Listed by honorees’ names)
Dr. Kristen Childers, for Jerry Stromberg & Precious Thomas
The Rev. John L. Halvorson & Mrs. Hjordis D. Halvorson, for the
Rev. Fred D. Dommer’s 90th birthday
Mrs. Barbara Hanst, for Jane Anthon
Mr. William G. Imig & Mrs. Joyce S. Imig, for Bill Imig; Leslie
Napue-Neal; Scott, Ying & Nicholas Imig; Steven Imig &
Madeleine West; and Steve Imig’s winning his first amnesty trial
Mr. & Mrs. John Klosterboer, for the ministry of Joan Mau
The Rev. Monroe Putnam & Mrs. Deena Putnam, for Chandra
Putnam; Jeff, Tracy & Zachary Putnam; and Tracey Putnam &
Dominic Castelloriazo
The Rev. & Mrs. Larry D. Quanbeck, for Elmer Quanbeck
Dr. Larry L. & Mrs. Nyla L. Rasmussen, for Dr. Judith Diers
The Rev. Dr. Harvey Stegemoeller, for the Rev. Paul Strege
Mr. C. Richard Weylman, for Michelle Ferrier
Arthur C. Helton, by Ms. Marjorie J. Helton
Carl Thomas, by Mrs. Patricia A. Thomas
John Jackson Jr., by Mr. Ross & Dr. Gloria Edwards
Juan Amendano, by Leif Ericson Day School
Mr. John Jackson, by Mr. Christopher & Mrs. Linda Brelje
Otto & Valve Suik, by Mr. David B. Phillips & Mrs. Alice Phillips
Robert C. Deffenbaugh, by Ms. Victory P. Deffenbaugh
Roberta M. Dirks, by Ms. Judith J. Dirks
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2008 Annual Report
Statement of Financial Position
The following is from LIRS’s audited financial data as of December 31, 2008.
Dollar figures are in thousands.
Investments, at market value
Accounts receivable
U.S. Government
Loans receivable (refugee travel)
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Investment in Lutheran Center Corporation 3,401
Funds held by trustee
Furnishings & improvements (net of depreciation)
Accounts payable & accrued expenses
Long-term debt
Total Liabilities
$ 6,425
Total Net Assets
Total Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
$ 11,653
$ 11,653
Statement of Activities
The following is from LIRS’s audited financial
data for the year ending December 31, 2008.
Dollar figures are in thousands.
Beginning Net Assets
Participating Church Bodies
Contributions and Foundations
U.S. Government
Investment Earnings
Loan Servicing Fees
Other Revenue
Total Support & Revenue
$ 26,779
Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Serving Newcomers 89.6%
Administering Services 9.4%
Securing Financial
Support 1.0%
Operating Expenses
Program Services
U.S. Government-Funded Activities
Other Program Activities
Administrative Services
Fund Raising
Total Operating Expenses
$ 22,701
$ 27,131
Change in Net Assets
Ending Net Assets
Donors who designate LIRS as a beneficiary of a
planned gift are gratefully recognized as members of
the Bernthal Society, named in honor the late Rev.
August “Gus” Bernthal and his widow, Mildred. Gus
chaired the LIRS board for many years, and his Florida
congregation helped to resettle over 300 refugees.
The Bernthals’ extraordinary service to newcomers,
generous annual giving, and commitment to LIRS’s
mission as reflected in their estate plans have set an
exemplary standard of abundant welcome through
giving. Every gift to LIRS is a statement that you value
LIRS’s ministry of hospitality. Bernthal Society
members give that statement an exclamation point
by committing to farsighted support of migrants at
risk through planned giving.
Support & Revenue
LIRS is committed to responsible stewardship of the
public funds and private donations we receive to carry
out our work of abundantly welcoming newcomers.
Bernthal Society Members
Mr. Benjamin A. Bankson
Mrs. Mildred Bernthal
Ms. Cynthia D’Agostino
Mr. Ralston H. & Mrs. Miriam Deffenbaugh
Dr. Judith Diers & The Rev. David Parsons
Ms. Judith J. Dirks
Mr. Martin A.† & Mrs. Mildred Gilman
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Helen Hoehl
The Rev. Roger Hoffman & Mrs. Freda Hoffman
Mr. Louis Kovacs
Dr. Robert E. A. Lee†
The Rev. Dr. Edward C. May
Mr. Carlton & Mrs. Sue Meier
Ms. Darlene Midlang
The Rev. Ronald F. & Mrs. Virginia A. Moen
Mr. Roger A. & Mrs. Mary E. Myhre
The Rev. Orville & Mrs. June Nyblade
The Rev. Frederick G. & The Rev. Ruth H. Overdier
Ms. Denise M. Peterson
Ms. Timatha Pierce
Mr. Ed & Ms. Julianne Steele
Mr. & Mrs. William Swanson
Mr. William C. Tremitiere
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Werger, II
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2008 Annual Report
Lutheran Immigration
and Refugee Service