Unit 1 Europe Quiz 789

Unit 1: Europe Quiz
Directions: Read each of the following questions. Based on your knowledge, determine which answer choice best
completes the prompt. Bubble the corresponding letter on your answer sheet
1. Did the status of women improve during the Middle Ages?
A. They gained power by ruling when their husbands went on Crusade.
B. Their roles remained limited to the home and convent.
C. They gained power by running their own convents.
D. Their status improved because the Church held them in high esteem.
2. Under the system of feudalism, a fief belonged to which category?
A. tax
B. weapon
C. land grant
D. religious title
3. A person who produces work "in the vernacular" is one who
A. relies on realism.
B. uses only natural light.
C. uses a verse form of writing.
D. writes in a local, rather than a classical, language.
4. What was the name of the legislative body of medieval England?
A. Inquisition
B. parliament
C. Estates General
D. royal courts of justice
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Using the map to answer questions 5 and 6
5. What was the final destination of both Crusades?
A. Antioch
B. Edessa
C. Tripoli
D. Jerusalem
6. The First Crusade traveled across the territory of which Muslim people?
A. Edessans
B. Carthaginian Turks
C. Seljuk Turks
D. all of the above
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7. What was the chief goal of the Crusades?
A. to spread Christianity throughout Europe,
Asia, and Africa
B. to recover Jerusalem and the Holy Land from
the Muslim Turks
11. How did the Battle of Hastings change the course of
English history?
A. The Anglo-Saxons took control of England.
B. The Normans took control of England.
C. English became the dominant language.
C. to improve trade among Europe, Asia, and
D. The Danish Vikings were driven out of
D. to force the Byzantines to become Catholics
8. Why were Europeans able to begin studying ancient
Greek works?
A. Greek scholars translated the works into
12. For what is the Medici family famous?
A. for being artists
B. for being writers
B. Greek scrolls containing the writings of
philosophers were found in caves.
C. Merchants traded gold to obtain ancient
Greek writings from Assyrians.
C. for being rulers and supporters of the arts
D. for being religious reformers
13. How were feudalism and the manor system related?
D. Muslim and Byzantine libraries contained
the writings of Greek philosophers.
9. To become known as an important patron, one most
needed to be
A. wealthy.
B. creative.
C. religious.
D. intellectual.
10. What provided the origin of English common law?
A. Feudalism was a social order, and the manor
system was the economic arrangement that
supported it.
B. Feudalism applied only to lords, while the
manor system involved serfs.
C. The laws of feudalism were set by the king,
and the laws of the manor were set by the
D. Feudalism involved only war, while the
manor system involved farming.
A. Magna Carta
B. Norman conquest
14. Why was block printing more useful in Europe than
in China?
C. Model Parliament
A. Chinese paper was difficult to print on.
D. royal courts of justice
B. The Chinese had invented movable type but
not the printing press.
C. European languages had a smaller number of
characters than Chinese.
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D. All of the above are true.
D. Martin Luther said he could interpret the
Bible better than the pope.
15. The printing press was invented by
A. Jan van Eyck.
B. Johann Gutenberg.
19. How did Italy's location help it become the
birthplace of the Renaissance?
A. Ideas could be spread easily by means of
Italy's fleet.
C. Peter Bruegel the Elder.
D. Hans Holbein the Younger.
16. What was the effect of the three-field system?
A. Farners produced more food and villagers
had more to eat.
B. Farmers could grow crops on one-half of
their land.
C. Farmer could let their ground lie fallow over
the winter.
D. Farmers could grow crops on one-third of
their land.
17. What was the first full-sized book Gutenberg
B. Italy was protected from the rest of Europe
by the Alps.
C. Italy had access to Roman ruins and ancient
manuscripts from Constantinople.
D. The bubonic plague had not reached the
southern tip of Europe.
20. In what way did Leonardo da Vinci represent the
Renaissance Man?
A. He was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and
B. He painted the <i>Mona Lisa</i> while
holding scientific discussions.
C. He lived in Italy during the 1500s.
A. Utopia
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. the Bible
D. He used perspective in all of his drawings
and paintings.
21. What kind of person represented the ideal of the
"Renaissance man"?
D. The Prince
A. someone who enjoyed worldly pleasures
18. Which of the following was a major reason for the
A. European merchants resented paying taxes
to the Church in Rome.
B. The Church was threatening to
excommunicate the king of France.
B. someone who excelled in many areas of
C. someone who specialized in a particular field
of study
D. someone who supported and appreciated
the arts without creating art
C. The pope in Rome insisted on speaking only
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