Commonality and Diversity Conflict and Cooperation Continuity and

Name: ______________________________________
Date: _______________________________________
Commonality and Diversity
Conflict and Cooperation
Commonality means _________ __________________
What is conflict? _________________________________
Diversity means _______________________________
What is cooperation? _____________________________
Yes or No
1. Do you know how to swim?
2. Do you eat pizza?
3. Have you been to a temple?
4. Do you wear a good luck charm?
5. Do you eat rice or noodles every day?
Conflict and cooperation are a normal part of human
Conflict tends to arise when individuals or groups find
themselves in competition with other individuals or groups
over resources, control, or even fear of another groups
different way of life, beliefs and values, or friends and
Students will develop a sense of the components of
culture. They will develop an awareness and
appreciation of the cultural similarities and
differences amongst themselves within the
classroom and apply that to the study of Ancient
There are many things we cannot do or achieve without the
help of others. But also as social beings we need peace,
security and order. Without this condition it is often very
difficult to get things done and to get on with our lives.
Security and order depend on rules and people will not
agree about the rules to live by without cooperation.
Continuity and Change
Individualism and Interdependence
Continuity means ______________________________
Individualism means ______________________________
Change means ________________________________
Continuity and Change is an essential theme in a
social studies classroom. This theme means
looking back and comparing the past to the present
to see how we have either grown or stagnated. It
includes looking at periods of time to examine
patterns of change through cause and effect
Interdependence means ___________________________
What can we do together that may be difficult to do alone?
Interaction with Different Environments
Our actions affect other people.
Our actions affect the environment.
Our environment affects us.
School, home, religious community, clubs, teams, city, country, continent, etc