
Fmn/ /? 011•: Barbara I'll il.rbire,
} o Ann Cct.rlo, M ary Lane L ong.
Seco11d R o·w : Ly11n L ong . Cd t!
G'o11za/ez, } o A nn B raum,
T he.'mc1 Whitlo ck .
B eii J' Lynn ] ohn .r on, S11J1.1t
M erritt, j eanette Frye, Phyllis
G ibson, Sallie Sbaar.
Another year for D elta Sig,
Twice as much fun , three tim es as big.
The gals rushed in, the preps rushed out,
They slaved for the actives, without a doubt.
They staked their claims in D. S. E.
We're all proud of our sorority.
Rah! Rah! for the football season,
Hard, cold seats- sniffles and sneezin'
((Say, prep, hop to it, there's n1uch to be done,
You mu st work hard and long for honors won.
The float must be built, and the house needs a trimmin'."
(We all worked like troopers instead of like wimmin. )
Jovce N ixou , } ;me i\lloo1-e, ] ecn; Pctr·
JJt~Jtl1/0 , D oris B ott omlee, Nytct K i11caid,
] ell/lie M at/ hews, M ary L ol'ejoy. Predel
Pat Do11glas, Gwe11 Ca11dill, Marge
D evers. Ca1'1nen Colebank, Glenda
Cline, Shirley F ram pt on, An11
Like a streak of lig ht we were on our way
To the wonderful city of Philadelphia, P-a.
W e had no idea just what was in store,
But we soon found out that t he town was no bore.
lt's the "City of Brotherly Love", 'tis said.
Oh! Brother! We had a great tim e - ' nu f said.
Hurry up, gals, don' t be !ate-[t's the Christmas dance, so ge t a date !
Holly and mi stletoe, long dresses and fl owers,
Prepare your self for some very !a te hours.
A special selection done all in jazz,
"He sent the chick berries, but she gave him the razz.
The band also played Beethoven (without extra cost )
I say, they played Bt'ethoven - but Bee thoven lost!
Alice Wright. Elaine 1\Jlaynard. j oan }ohn.ron. Pat Day, }oy Kistle1·, Lois Ramey, Pat
1\llcC omtick.
Pmut l?ou;: Virginict Dctft , Mi1111ie Am1
Eato11. HI' mma Bttrn.ride. Ardith ]ones. }cmet
Lang. Second Ro"'.' Barbara ]e11kius. Frances
}ones. T emzie St ewart, Nancy Pettry . Marge
Haines. Z ee fi a.<.ran.
Patsy i'vlacAI/ister, j eanette Bassett, M n V ase, homemother;
Sandra Comstock.
S11e \Voo ds. Shirley Cb ristia11.
Peggy Bagby, ]o Betty Pritch ard.
Barbara Cooke . ] ean If/ ei .r e. ] oan
G eorge, D elo ri.r R rtball, P1•esident A n11e
T ooie.
N either war nor storm holds any terror for rhe Pi Kaps
toda y as the: shattered rem a ins of rhe former lie in
sun ke n repose in a darkened cul verr near the closest
sw imming ho~e .
For rhe fac t is-Pi Kaps have just
fi n ished sum m :or vacatio n .
To th e Book S:ore. A ll would perhaps have been well
h1d rhc imellec u 2l one ( I ) nor toppled under rhe
w.::ight c f acu·e over-con ridence after buying but one
oc her "Corcop3i> and S· ud y o f Obstreosis of the Ductal
T ract" books. Throwin<S caution to the three breezes,
she pogo-stickcd her way our o f Percy's barg ain basem ent. The purchases completed in the record rime of
fo ur minutes and nin::teen seconds---Move to the rear,
Front /~ o ·lt• : N ancy W' iUiams, Suza'Z17e GreenLee. Li77clcl T oolev. Bctck
/?. ow: Ji.Uame Phipps, PciJ W iJliam.r. Lois Rolfe, D eLores W ells.
Pat ,~1 dk.'m . Mary Lo11 Law.
\Xl ith a tw ist of an ear muff and a leer in one good eye, we sta lked eagerl y into
fold ing 1,365,242,175 frilly, fluffy white napkins for our float. Between
Homecoming and our Winter Formal we did find a few hours to donate tO our
term papers, ere. The Cabaret Room was the scene of the Snowbal l Formal ,
January 16. Next day we threw a halter over our favorite professor's crew cur,
dragged him tO the w hippi ng pos t o n the North sid e of the Marsh all Campu s
and las hed him until he consented not to give us a final in "Coreops is of the
Ductal Traer. " He replied gli bly, definitely untroubl ed by it all , " \'Vdl. I was
thinking of - uh - sort of - uh - uh -! ., He th en lowered his vo ice tO a half
wh inn y and repeated "DON'T YOU BEUEVE IT!
Fm11t Row: Delo1·es Corey . Lois A nn Bone.
Second Row: CClrOIJm Derenbm·ge1·, ]11lia
Bectrzi. ]c1ckie 'I ayior. Back R ow: S11e Meade,
S;re Barbe1·ie, A n11 .i\llahaffey, Pat W ooclrmn.
Ba-rba·ra Asher, Joan ] ablo 11 Ski,
Mm·ty lll'c111gh. ]rme MmTay. D01·is
Eclele11, Nrmcy W bittctker.
Marc.'a Bttnn, l-Ie/en Mays, Betsy Knight,
j uyce Pa.rcone, j 1me Goodloe.
Peggy Rmsell, Louella H oke, Gayle Shamblin. Peggy Adkins, Barbara Surratt, Carol
U'/ Ot'kman, Sa!IJ' Cyrm. j oA nne Chatfield.
j oy H ouck.
Front Rot(!: Pa11la Remson, Tlazel McQ11i11n .
Bacl<. Row: Jlil olly K ate Yo11ng. Peggy Trail,
Marie Ca·rte, Marlene Rhodes.
I, Psi chapter of Sig m a Sigma Sigm a,
being composed of 49 unsound minds
and fr agil e bodies do hereby make m y
las t w ill and testa ment. First, to the faculty a nd administra ti on, I wish to leave
m y profound gratitude and thanks for
the assistance they gave, which mad e it
pmsib le for m e to w in th e P anhell eni c
scho la rship cu p. Second , to the a thleti c
departm ent,
r leave a ll
my a thlet ic abili -
ty w ith the h op~ tha t som eone will b '::
able to make berter use of it tha n I have.
]omwe \f/i/.ro11. ]!ldJ' Carler. Ncmcy
Cooper. P·re.riclenl Sarah Lockharl,
Vc,!lfe Smilh . Nancy H erri11g.
r leave
in trust the trophies award ed my Sigma qu eens: Nancy
Herring, K appa Alpha; Mary J a ne Yinger, Pi Kappa Sigma; June
Good loe, Sigma Phi Epsilon and topping a ll , Carnival Queen. Fourth,
T bequeath a ll my lumber, purple ink , paper napkins, and chi cken wire
to a ny art chairm a n w ho ca n make use of them. ( If she can nor use rh e
wire for floats , e re. , she is to read rhe book let "Chi ckens-How to R a ise
Th em ."') Fifth, and las t, to my pledges and futur e members of Sigma
Sigma Sigma, T bequeath a ll my traditions, asp ira ti o ns, a nd good rimes
with rhe instructions to use them to the best advantage 1 oss ib le.
Front Rou•: Rila gichey, Matiltla Stone. Sec
om/ !?ow: Mrtrgaret S11e Coakley. Pcll!la
Tbomcts Taylor. Pat Fortner. Third 1\ ozl':
Greta Pilcher. S11e Storey. Virgiuia Speucer.
f omtb Rou•: D o ri.r f<clll/ ley. Cht~ rl olle
1--/ ({rc/er.
Fro111 Rozl': Lama Blcmkeu.rhip. Jean Linko;;.r, Back /( ow: i\tl ctry jane Yinger. Sarct Lee
f-l amer. f airJ' Bonham .