Word Box - Scottsboro High School

The Great Gatsby
Review Cloze Activity—Fill-in-the-blanks then use the completed sentences to study for the test. The test
will be multiple choice.
Word Box:
war experiences
first person
Jazz Age
sorrow and pride
bill board
her social background
desolation & death
1. The Great Gatsby takes place during the ____________.
2. Dr. T.J. Eckleburg is a man whose eyes are pictured on a ___________________________.
3. Nick’s profession is a ______________________________________.
4. The word which best describes Gatsby is ___________________.
5. Two feelings Mr. Gatz experiences over his son’s death are
6. Nick decides to return to the middle West after Gatsby’s death because he is repelled by the
______________________ values of the East.
7. Tom won’t give up Daisy because she is __________________ of his possessions.
8. Tom insisted that Daisy and Gatsby drive home together because he wanted to show his
________________________________ that Daisy was his.
9. When Nick said that Daisy’s voice is “full of money,” he means that her voice reveals
10. The valley of ashes symbolizes ____________________________________________.
11. _____________________ is best described as weak and selfish.
12. When Nick says that Gatsby is left outside Tom and Daisy’s house “watching over nothing,” means that
Gatsby is still trying to protect a ______________________ that no longer exists.
13. During their first face-to-face meeting at Gatsby’s party, Nick and Gatsby realize they have
____________________________________________________ in common.
14. Fitzgerald uses images of heat during the scene of the trip to the Plaza Hotel to underscore rising
_____________________ and conflict among the main characters.
15. The Great Gatsby is told from ______________________________ point of view.
16. _________________________ in America was a period of new wealth, prosperity, and reckless spending.
17. The plot of The Great Gatsby is built around a series of _______________________.
18. Fitzgerald’s works often include ____________________________________________ events.
Part Two
Word Box:
“Owl Eyes”
Louisville, KY
poetic and ornate
long-lost idyllic moment
dream for success
parallel discovery
19. The word that Nick uses to describe Tom and Daisy is ________________________.
20. George Wilson finds out who owned the yellow car from _________________.
21. Daisy’s hometown is _________________________________________________.
22. Myrtle dies due to being ___________________ by a car.
23. ___________________________________ finds the books in Gatsby’s library to be real but unread.
24. Nick claims an important virtue, ______________________, for himself.
25. Gatsby gives lavish parties because he hopes _______________________ will attend.
26. The only character who comes to know all of the details of the accident and all the complex relationships
involved is ______________________.
27. So many people stayed away from Gatsby’s funeral because they have no more _____________ for him.
28. Gatsby takes the blame for Myrtle’s death because he wants to protect ______________________.
29. When Nick said that we are borne back “ceaselessly into the past,” he means that we want to return to
some ____________________________________________________________________.
30. The green light symbolizes Gatsby’s __________________________________________________.
31. __________________________ represents a world that Gatsby yearns to be a part of.
32. __________________________ willingness to sit down to supper shortly after Myrtle’s death reveals
that she is _____________________________________________________.
33. _____________________________________ buys his house in West Egg because he wanted to be directly across the water from Daisy’s house.
34. When Gatsby says that any love Daisy might have had for _________ was “just personal,” he means that
his idealistic love for her is something finer.
35. Gatsby tries to impress Nick with his background and wealth because he wants Nick’s aid in bringing
about a ____________________________ with Daisy.
36. A __________________________________________________ that Tom and George make on the day of
Myrtle’s death is that each discovers that his wife has a life apart from him.
37. The _______________________ of the plot of The Great Gatsby is the auto accident that causes Myrtle’s
38. _______________________ is illustrated by the statement “Gatsby’s very careful about women.”
39. Fitzgerald’s writing style could be aptly described as
40. All the major characters except Wilson and Myrtle are from the _____________________.