WORLD HISTORY March 27 – 31 Monday, 3/27

Ms. Grimshaw
Standard 10.7 & 10.8
The Rise of Totalitarianism
March 27 – 31
Monday, 3/27 -
A Global Depression – What’s so “great” about it?
(Book in class)
HOMEWORK: ​Complete assignment begun in class
(Due Wednesday)
Tuesday, 3/28 -
What should be done about the
Global Depression?
Wednesday, 3/29 -
[Late Start]​ Outcome of these pivotal years?
→ Review / Discussion / Notes
HOMEWORK: ​Read and take notes: Pages 476 - 477
[Stop at “Hitler Rises to Power in Germany] ​(Due Friday)
Rise of Totalitarianism​:​ Stop #1 → Fascist Italy
Benito Mussolini → Video & focus questions
Thursday, 3/30 -
Rise of Totalitarianism​:​ Stop #3 → Nazi Germany
Asgn. → Hitler Rises to Power
HOMEWORK: ​(Due Tuesday)
Friday, 3/31
Remember! Chonologically, Stop #2 was the USSR under Stalin and his brand
of communism (but we’ve already studied that)
April 3 – 7
Monday, 4/3
Adolf Hitler → Video & focus questions
Tuesday, 4/4
Rise of Totalitarianism​: ​Review of fascism
in Italy & Germany → Discussion & Notes
Wednesday, 4/5 - ​[Late Start]​ - Review / ​Rise of Totalitarianism​:
Stop #4 → Militarism in Japan
Assignment​ - ​Rise of Militarism in Japan
HOMEWORK: ​Complete assignment begun in class
(Due Friday)
Thursday, 4/6
Friday, 4/7
> OVER <
Rise of Totalitarianism:
Militarism in Japan
→ The Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)
Putting it all together → ​Totalitarianism in total
Primary Source Analysis → Political Cartoons
(Teacher website: ​​)
April 10 – 14
Monday, 4/10 Unfinished business with political cartoon / Review
HOMEWORK: ​Study over notes & assignments for
Rise​ of Totalitarianism​ in Italy, Germany, Japan & the basic 5
“W”s for Russia
Tuesday, 4/11 -
Mobile Test → Totalitarianism
Wednesday, 4/12 Totalitarianism bears poisonous fruit ​(Book in class)
HOMEWORK: ​Complete assignment begun in class​ (Due Friday)
Thursday, 4/13 Project → The Road to War [AGAIN!] ​(Book in class)
HOMEWORK: ​Finish homework from yesterday,​ ​then ​r​esearch, gather
items, etc. for project. → Bring to class tomorrow.
Friday, 4/14
Project → The Road to War
On the horizon…
> OVER <
(Teacher website: ​​)