The Native Plant Center - Westchester Community College

The Native Plant Center
at Westchester Community College
No. 31 • Fall 2013
Garden Journalist Bill Cary to Receive Acorn Award
Photos: Albert F. W. Vick, R W. Smith (2), Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
A Few of His Favorites
Clockwise from top: Rudbeckia
spp. (black-eyed Susan); Hydrangea
quercifolia (oakleaf hydrangea); Baptisia
australis (wild blue indigo)
he native plant center
will honor Bill Cary, garden
writer for The Journal News,
with its Acorn Award on Sunday,
October 20, 3–5 p.m., in the
Gateway Center at Westchester Community College. The
award recognizes an individual
or a group that inspires people
to learn about native plants and to grow
them in their own gardens.
Bill’s many articles and blog posts over
the past 10 years about the importance
of native plants and their benefit to the
environment have reached and educated
save the date: Sunday, October
3–5 p.m., Gateway Center, WCC
a wide audience. His coverage of The
Native Plant Center and other like-minded organizations and individuals and his
feature stories about nature continue to
kindle an interest in native plants.
“I’m honored to be recognized with
this award,” Bill says. “I’ve always admired The Native Plant Center’s advocacy of a very specific cause, one that has
enormous impact on the ecology of the
whole Hudson Valley.”
Jump-Start Your Knowledge of Natives
Go Native U at Westchester Community
College is offering a special series of three
classes on a single day, Friday, October
4, to make it easy for home gardeners
and professionals alike to jump-start a
certificate if they wish—or simply learn
about native plants. Landscape architects
can also earn up to six hours of LA-CESapproved credits.
Enroll in one, two, or three sessions:
10 a.m.–12 p.m. :
Native Plant Communities
12:45–2:45 p.m. :
Native Perennials: Summer/Fall
3–5 p.m.: Native Conifers
For more information, visit The Native
Plant Center’s website. To register, call
914-606-6830 and press 1.
Bill grew up in Louisville,
Ky., in a family of gardeners.
He earned a BA in history from
Duke University and an MS
in journalism from Columbia
He lives in Manhattan and
escapes to his eight-acre former
chicken farm in Ulster County
for a weekend of, as he puts it, “various overly ambitious gardening chores.”
There he recognizes first-hand the benefits of natives.
“I’ve come to love native plants for
their toughness, their ability to survive
and thrive no matter the weather,” he
says. “As I keep adding more natives to
my garden, I notice more bees, more butterflies, and new species of birds.”
Join us for this special day. For more
information and reservations, please call or
send an e-mail to The Native Plant Center.
Past Recipients
2008 Martha Stewart, Founder,
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
2009 Gregory Long, President and
CEO,The New York Botanical Garden
The Native Plant Center
Volunteer Spotlight:
Barbara Fischer
Fall for Learning
Joseph Squillante
here’s something about fall that excites me. The crisp
weather, the change in light, nature’s earthy palette, school
back in session. Here, the campus comes alive with the bustle of
students and the glow of goldenrod in the meadow.
I invite you to take part in this autumnal rite by enrolling
in Go Native U. We offer a variety of courses—even one on
goldenrods (see insert)! A good way to quick-start a certificate is
with our special event, An Introduction to Native Plants, which
presents three important classes in one day, October 4.
On October 20 we honor long-time Native Plant Center
friend and Journal News/LoHud writer Bill Cary with our
Acorn Award. Bill personifies the award’s intent, and his features and blogs educate
us. Come and toast him for all you have learned in reading his stories.
September would not be complete without reporting what we did on summer
vacation. As you can see from the text and photos in this issue, we were busy on
many projects. We also created a new brochure to promote Go Native U,
with the help of Janet Marinelli, former editor of the popular Brooklyn
Botanic Garden book series Guides for a Greener Planet.
As we look ahead, I’d like to thank Laura Blau (top right) for her hard
work and support during three years as co-chair of The Native Plant
Center’s Steering Committee. She has taken on the new role of Development Chair, working to build revenue that will sustain the Center into
the future. Cathy Ludden (bottom right) has assumed the role of cochair along with Bob DelTorto, who is in his third year. Cathy is a
passionate advocate for the use of native plants and will help us become
an even stronger voice for the environment.
—Carol Capobianco
New Environmental Degrees at WCC
In September Westchester Community
College will launch two new Associate
in Science (AS) degrees: Environmental
Science and Environmental Studies. Curricula for both are designed for transfer
to a four-year school. Coursework will
give students a thorough understanding
of concepts associated with sustainability,
global climate change, ecosystem protection, natural resource management, and
environmental policy and protection.
For more information, contact Professor
Michael Priano, Michael.Priano@sunywcc.
edu, 914-606-6588.
The Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College
Co-Chairs Bob DelTorto • Catherine Ludden
Development Chair Laura Blau
Brooke Beebe, Jan Blaire, Nancy Dexter, Kim Eierman, Barbara Fischer, Patricia H. Keesee,
Ursula LaMotte, Guy Pardee, Heather Sandifer, Denise C.R. Santomero, Jessica A. Schuler,
Carolyn Summers, Phillis Warden, Elizabeth S. Wattles, Lucille Werlinich, Anthony Zaino
Marybeth Weston Lobdell • Marie Smith Schwartz • Betsy May Stern
Carol Capobianco, Director
Jennifer Beaugrand, Horticulturist/Educator
Susan E. Palmer, Administrative Assistant/Events Coordinator
Barbara Fischer is the Derek Jeter of
The Native Plant Center: When help
is needed, she steps up to the plate and
delivers. The requests are varied—speaking engagements, plant rescues, invasive
vine removals—but the results are the
same. Barbara appears and is ready
to assist.
She also
takes on big
tasks such as
and serving as
administrative “dean”
of Go Native
U, through
which she also
teaches. She
has coordinated volunteers for the annual plant
sale and has been a leader of The Native
Plant Center since 2002 as a Steering
Committee member. And, her home
garden is comprised almost exclusively
of native plants.
“Native plants just make so much
sense,” says Barbara. “These plants are
not only lovely, but important to the
whole ecology of this area—multi-tasking gardening!”
Barbara, a retired sustainability
consultant to corporations, is a Master
Gardener and certified horticultural
To volunteer, please contact us.
The Native Plant Center is a program of the
Westchester Community College Foundation
and the first affiliate of the Lady Bird Johnson
Wildflower Center.
Educating people about the environmental
necessity, economic value, and natural beauty
of native plants in the Northeast
The Native Plant Center
Westchester Community College
75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595 • 914-606-7870
[email protected]
Native Planting Projects Transform the WCC Campus
has been working with many
partners, including Westchester Community College’s Physical Plant Department, to bring native plants
he native plant center
to areas of the Valhalla campus beyond the Center’s
demonstration gardens.
The next time you visit, explore these sites.
and Professor Michael Priano introduced
them to the College’s new Associate Degree programs in Environmental Science
and Environmental Studies.
Nature Trail
Over the years, a trailway through a
wooded section of the campus used by
students in the 1970s became overgrown,
washed-out, and unrecognizable. Work
on this “forgotten” nature trail is now
under way with a state ZBGA grant. The
firm of WSP USA Corp. is creating a site
plan, inventory, and specifications for
trailway improvements. Steering Committee member Anthony Zaino and the
College’s Physical Plant staff have been
helping to guide the process.
Gateway Gardens
A new native plant garden was
installed at the entrance to the Gateway Center in May by a team from
the Divney Tung Schwalbe planning,
engineering, and landscape architecture
firm. These volunteers designed and
planted the garden, an anonymous WCC
Foundation Board member donated the
plants, the College’s Physical Plant staff
helped with site preparation and planting, and Gateway staff kept the plants
watered for this project coordinated by
The Native Plant Center.
Jerry Schwalbe (pictured above left),
an alumnus of the college, said the
undertaking was a labor of love. “It was
very special for me to be able to give
something back to the institution that
provided the educational foundation for
my career.”
College staff have already seen signs
of wildlife among the native plants:
butterflies and bees, a fawn, and a hawk
capturing a chipmunk.
Hartford Hall Pool
The Native Plant Center assisted the
Physical Plant staff in selecting native
plants for the reconstruction of this longneglected area, located between NPC’s
headquarters and Parking Lot 2.
Meadow Border
Under the leadership of
Steering Committee Co-Chair Bob
DelTorto, a dozen youth ages 14–18
from the Greening Project, a
summer employment program
of the White Plains Youth
Bureau, enhanced the perimeter of the Lady Bird Johnson
Demonstration Garden.
They worked several days in
July clearing invasive species,
planting trees and perennials,
and watering the new plants
during a hot spell. To add to
their outdoor educational experience, Native Plant Center
staff taught them about the
importance of native plants,
below left
Help Us Spruce Up
Volunteer Nelson Staley has
been regularly weeding and watering
the demonstration gardens to keep
them looking their best. Paul DiRoma
also helps with watering, and he plants
the containers around campus. We are
growing a team of volunteer gardeners who can offer TLC to the beds and
complement the work of our contracted
landscaping crew. If you are interested,
please call or e-mail us.
The Native Plant Center
The Native Plant Center
Westchester Community College
75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595
Save the Date
March 17, 2014
The Native Plant Center
Spring Landscape Conference
Dr. Doug Tallamy, author of
Bringing Nature Home, will be
one of the featured speakers.
Send us an e-mail to stay
informed as details unfold.
New Member Benefit
Show your card to receive a 20%
discount on garden center purchases at
Native Landscapes in Pawling.
Support The Native Plant Center—Please Join Today!
I’d like to become a Member of The Native Plant Center
(For details about membership benefits, please visit our website.)
$50 Friend • $100 Household and Garden Clubs/Organizations • $150 Supporting
$250 Advocate • $500 Sustaining • $1,000 Conservator • $3,000 Heritage Circle
Membership Level
Additional LBJ Wildflower Center Membership $ 30 Yes/No
(Membership to the LBJ Wildflower Center is included in Supporting level and above.)
I am enclosing an additional donation of $
I’d like to purchase a gift membership in the amount of $
Total due $
Matching contributions are appreciated; contact your employer for details.
Member’s Name______________________________________________ E-Mail______________________________________
Address_____________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________
Gift-giver Name (if applicable)_____________________________ E-mail_______________________________________
Address_____________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________
Make checks payable to: The Native Plant Center, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595
MC, Visa, or Discover #________________________________________ Exp. Date____________________________________
Total amount to charge account $_______________ Name of Cardholder____________________________________________
Mail • Fax: 914-606-6143 • E-mail: [email protected] • OR Pay online:
The Native Plant Center
Friends of The Native Plant Center
The Native Plant Center is grateful to all its donors and members whose generous contributions have supported
our work to educate people about the value of native plants, August 1, 2012–July 31, 2013.
The V & L Marx Foundation
Ms. Catherine Ludden
Academic Expeditions, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Fink
Rosedale Nurseries, Inc.
Ms. Carolyn Summers
Mrs. Phillis Warden
Joseph & Sophia Abeles
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Brooke Beebe
Laura B. Blau
Ms. Lena Crandall
Mrs. Margaret Falk
Ms. Barbara Fischer
Ms. Jennifer Geer
Ms. Michele Hertz
In The Garden, LLC
Mrs. Patricia Keesee
The Lauder Foundation
Leon Levy Foundation
Ms. Cynthia P. Sammis
Mrs. Denise C. R. Santomero
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H.
Walter P. Stern & Elizabeth
Stern Foundation Inc.
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Wattles
Dr. Carolyn Ann Webber
Ms. Lucille Werlinich
Mr. John Blau
Bronx River/Sound Shore
Audubon Society
Ms. Carol Capobianco &
Mr. Joseph Squillante
Ms. Marcia Case
Ms. Janet Clough
Mr. Robert DelTorto &
Ms. Dottie Hilton
Ms. Eti Katoni
Mrs. Lois Kroll
Ms. Jenny Lee
Ms. Caroline Mason
Ms. Alexandra Mazzeo
Ms. Angela Hart Morris
Mrs. Sandra Morrissey
Ms. Becca Mudge
Ms. Annie Patton
Mrs. Deborah Raizes
The Adam R. Rose Foundation
Santomero Family Foundation
Ms. Jessica Schuler
Mr. David Swope
Village of Tuckahoe
Mrs. Audrey Zinman
Ms.Victoria Alzapiedi
Mr. Michael Bakwin
Ms. Jacquelyn Bergonzi
Mrs. Janice Blaire
Briarcliff Manor Garden Club
Ms. Lorraine Burton
Ms. Betsy Hills Bush
Mrs. Catherine Campbell
Mrs. Lisa Cohen
Ms. Patty Cohen
Mr. Peter Cummin
Mrs. Christian Daviron
Mrs. Nancy Dexter
Mrs. Roberta DiBlasi
Divney Tung Schwalbe
Shirley Dugan
EBC White Plains/The Bristal
at White Plains
Eberlin & Eberlin, PC
Ms. Kimberly Eierman
Ms. Katherine Elliott
Mr. Jeffrey Ellsworth
Ms. Melissa Fabel
Five Brothers Enterprises Inc.
Mrs. Elizabeth Flinn
The Garden Conservancy
Goldfinger Foundation For
The Visual Arts Inc.
Greenburgh Nature Center
Mr. Frank Hariton
Ms. Laura Hoenig
Ms. Cathy Jarosz
Ms. Patrice Keesler
Mr. Tobin Kent
Mr. Klaus Kirschbaum
Ms. Katy Krider
The Hon. Ursula LaMotte
Larry Weaner Landscape
Ms. Mary Law
Mrs. Suzanne Levin
The Little Garden Club of Rye
Mrs. Suzette Lopane
Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacGregor
Michael & Sons Nurseries, Inc.
Mrs. Michele Miller
Mrs. Prudence K. Montgomery
Mr. Peter Muroski
Mr. Todd Mydland
Mr. Peter Nulty
Ms. Hele-Mall Oja
Ms. Anne Owen
Ms. Beth Owens
Ms. Paula Panzer
Mrs. Elena Patterson
R/F Landscape
Architecture, P.C.
Ms. Karen Ragins
Mr. Joseph Rappa
Ms. Sandra Reyes-Guerra
Ms. Sarah Richards
Ms. Kaaren Rousseve
Rusticus Garden Club
Mr. Frank Saladino
Saw Mill River Audubon
Mrs. Bobette Sears
Ms. Kathy Sheppard
Mrs. Andrea Raab Sherman
Mrs. Elizabeth Stein
Ms. Sarah Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Sturz
Town of East Fishkill
Ms. Kathy Travis
Mrs. Kathleen Turner
Mr. Ken Uhle
Dr. Lucy R. Waletzky
Mr. Jeff Weber
Ms. Satoshi Yano
Mrs. Megan Ziminsky
Mr. Richard Zottola
Mr. Anthony Acocella
Ms. Diane Alden
Ms. Margaret Antiaris
Mr. John Autin
Bartlett Tree Experts
Ms. Priscilla Beaulieu
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Beekman
Mr. & Mrs. William Beekman
Ms. Lynne Bernstein
Bialkin Family Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Regina Blakeslee
Ms. Susan Bohm
Zenaida Bongaarts
Mr. Jeffrey Boudin
The Braewold Fund
Ms. Betty Brown
Ms. Marion Brown
Mr. Robert Burg
Ms. Margot Burgheimer
Mrs. Jane Cahn
Ms.Victoria Cantales
Ms. Shauna Canter
Ms. Linda Capobianco
Mrs. Barbara Casey
Ms. Jinx Chapman
Prof. John Christesen
Ms. Teresa Cocchiarella
Anne Codey
Dr. John Connolly
Ms. Elizabeth Costa
Mrs. Elizabeth Cryer
Ms. Barbara Cutri
Ms. Holly Daly
John DeFeo
Mr. David DeLucia
Prof. Alan Devenish
Ms. Patricia Diggle
Ms. Pamela Doan
Ms. Teresa Donkin
Ms. Aris Economides
Ms. Mary Anne Ernst
Mrs. Cece Fabbro
Ms. Siubhan Fallon
Mrs. Sarah Filler
The First Unitarian Society of
Ms. Karen Flynn
Mr. Phillip Fricker
Ms. Thea Fry
Gannett Match, Community
Foundation of Louisville
Mr. Thomas Gardiner
Mrs. Mary Gerber
Ms. Barbara Gerson
Mr. Mark Gilliland
Mrs. Gerry Gilmartin
Mr. Frank Giuliano
Mrs. Sarah Glickenhaus
Ms. Dorian Goldman
Mr. Richard Gordon
Teresa Gorman
Ms. Cindy Goulder
Mr. John Grayley
Mrs. Sascha Greenberg
Ms. Ruth Greene
Mr. Douglas Grover
Mrs. Jennifer Gruenberg
Professor Bernard Haley
Ms. Dawn Handler
Ms. Genevieve Hanlon
Ms. Harriet Hanlon
Ms. Eileen Henry
Ms. Beth Herr
Ms. Barbara Hicks
Mrs. Betty Himmel
Ms. Kathryn Hoenig
Ms. Eleanor Hoffman
Ms. Kathryn Honders
Mr. Howard Horowitz
Ms. Ursula Hoskins
Ms. Susan Jainchill
Ms. Elizabeth Jensen
Ms. Irene Jong
Ms. Mary Julian
Ms. Athena Kanaris
Karen Design, LLC
Ms. Diane Katzin
Ms. Anne Kennedy
Mr. Joseph Kijak Jr.
Ms. Sandra Kinet
Ms. Kathleen Kitka
Mr. Larry Kressley and
Mr. George Kimmerling
Elin Kropp
Ms. Alison Kuffel
Ms. Josephine Kuhl
Kyo Matsumoto, Inc.
Ms. Karalyn Lamb
Ms. Joanne Landau
Ms. Alexandra Langner
Mrs. Patricia Lanza
Ms. Julia Larkin
Mrs. Susan Lasala
Mr. Robert Laughlin
Ms. Linda Levine
Ms. Diane Lewis
Ms. Kai Lie
Ms. Laura Lieneck
Prof. Rowan Lindley
Mrs. Marybeth Weston
Mr. Mark Magnone
Ms. Laryca Makarczuk
Ms. Elizabeth Martin
Ms. Ann Martini
Ms. Carolyn Mayo
Ms. Kathleen McArdle
Mrs. Amy McCracken
Mrs. Claire McDonald
Ms. Karen Mendillo
Ms. Gayle Metz
Charles Mikulka
Mrs. Beatrice Miller
Mr. Gary Miller
Ms. Deborah Mitchell
Mrs. Lisa Mitzner
Mrs. Cynthia Mooney
Mrs. Katherine Moore
Eliot P. Moshman
Ms. Eva Mullervy-Klatt
Ms. Mary Beth Murphy
Mrs. Christine Murray
Margaret Natarelli
Native Bergen
Nelson Pope & Voorhis, LLC
Ms. Diane Neski
Ms. Joyce Newman
Dr. Nancy Nygreen
Ms. Karen O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Joe O’Connell
K. O’Connor
Mr. Charlz Papovitch
Mr. Guy Pardee
Ms. Jody Payne
Ms. Marianne Pei
Mrs. Marjorie Phillips
Ms. Jane Poehler
Ms. Arlene Popkin
Mr. Donald Powell
Mrs. Christel Pugin
Mr. Richard Quigley
Mrs. Iwona Rainer
Ms. Pat Reber
Ms. Helen Richardson
Mrs. Janelle Robbins
Mrs. Cynthia Roberts
Mr. Michael Roland
Ms. Barbara Romeo
Mrs. Dorrie Rosen
Rye Garden Club
Mrs. Heather Sandifer
Mrs. Dorothy Schere
Ms. Michele C. Schimmel
Arnold & Marie Schwartz
Fund for Education & Health
Mrs. Carolynn Sears
Ms. Laura Seitz
Ms. Nancy Selover
Prof. Mary Lou Sgro
Ms. Clare Sherwood
Ms. Karen Simons
Ms. Angela Sisson
Mrs. Linda Squillante
Ms. Nancy Stedman
Mrs. Betsy Stern
Ms. Beth Strom
Ms. Henriette Suhr
Ms. Eleanor Sullivan
Ms. Kathy Sullivan
Summer Hill Nursery, Inc.
Susan Cohen Landscape
Ms. Fran Tomkowid
Town of New Castle
Tramontano and Rowe
Mr. Doug Traver
Ms. Karen Trepp
Mrs. Elinor F. Urstadt
Mrs. Aliki Valsamakis
Ms. Rosemary Van Wart
Ms. Meg Veith-Heib
Ms. Amy Verel
Mr. Mark Vergari
Ms. Catherine Wachs
Ms. Sandra Weber
Ms. Susan Weisenberger
Ms. Lisa Weiss
Mrs. Mitzi Weissman
Ms. Amy Wildey-Mcgill
Mr. Michael Williams
Ms. Norma Williams
Mrs. Florence Wilson
Mr. Stephen Wing
Ms. Mary Ann Witte
Ms. Mei Wu
Mr. Stephen Yarabek
Mr. Anthony Zaino
Mr. Jay Zaslow
Audra Zuckerman and
Mitchell Rubin
Foundation, Inc.
Under $100
Ms. Ann Acheson
Dr. Marie Amoruso
Ms. Eva Andersen
Ms. Carolyn Appel
Ms. Janet Beal
Ms. Janet Becker
Ms. Deborah Behler
Mr. Ron Bernhard
Mrs. Sandra Blum
Nancy Bonomo
Ms. Julie Bouchet-Horwitz
Ms. Cynthia Brennan
Mr. Dennis Briscoe
Ms. Elaine Brown & Mr. Carlos
Mr. T. Patrick Burke
Ms. Janis Butler
Mr. Leonard Cardillo
Suzanne Carlock
Ms. Elizabeth Carlton
Mr. Robert Carroll
Ms. Diane Caspe
Central Westchester Audubon
The Native Plant Center
Friends… Continued
Mrs. Joan Charischak
Mrs. Margaret Chin
Ms. Louise Clark
Ms. Regina Clarkin
Mrs. Margarida Clouet
Mr. John Conners & Mr. H.
King McGlaughon
Mrs. Mary Connor
Ms. Anita Conway
Dr. Iris Cook
Ms. Lesta Cordil
Fr. Hugh Corrigan
Ms. Kathleen Cotter
Ms. Karen Couzens
Ms. Marion Cowles
Ms. Frances Dearing
Mrs. Gracemarie Dell’Angelo
Ms. Marcy Denker
Ms. Ilma Dietz
Ms. Lisa Dinon
Ms. Barbara DiStasio
Ms. Lisa L. Dorfman
Ms. Catherine Dorsey
Mrs. Margaret Eiden
Ms. Nina Eisenman
Mr. John Eisner
Mr. David Emerson
Mr. Alan Epstein
Dr. Nina Fallick
Ms. June Farnham
Ms. Elaine Faver
Mrs. Kirk Ferguson
Rita Ferruzza
Ms. Ann Fitzgerald
Ms. Kerissa Foccillo
Dr. Scott Forman
Ms. Diane Foster
Mr. Dennis Fox
Ms. Stephanie Garber
The Garden Club of Yorktown
Mr. William Glaner
Ms. Suzanne Glendenning
Mr. James R. Gmelin
Mr. Henry Godfrey
Ms. Kristina Goldstein
Ms. Danielle Goodman
Mrs. Helen Goodman
Thelma Gordon
Ms. Carol Gracie
Mrs. Suzanne Graham
Greenwich Garden
Design LLC
Ms. Carole Griffiths
Ms. Joanna Groarke
Ms. Madyn Gwynne
Theresa A. Hanson
Mrs. Maria Harris
Ms. Norma Hart
Ms. Diane Hayward
Mrs. Leslie Henshaw
Ms. Roma Herman
Lois Herzberg
Ms. Sandy Hill
Mrs. Penelope Hofmann
Ms. Susan Holden
Ms. Merle Huebner
Ms. Margaret Hughes
Kenneth Hupart
Ms. Elise Hurley
IBM Matching Grants Program
Ms. Beverly Isis
Ms. Anne Jaffe-Holmes
Marie Jensen
Ms. Rhona Johnson
Ms. Sarah Johnson
Ms. Lauretta Jones
Ms. Melissa Joyce
Ms. Margorie Kaplan
Ms. Maxine Jewel Kaplan
Mr. Max Kardon
Ms. Carolina Kassmel
Mr. Glenn Kaufman
Donna Kellett
Ms. Patricia Kelly
Ms. Anne King
Ms. Susan Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Ellen Klein
Mrs. Barbara A. Klestadt
Ms. Margaret Krachy
L. Brandon Krall
Ms. Adrian Kringas
Mr. Richard LaFleur
Ms. Dorothy Lander
Ellen Larobina
Mr. Frank Leccese
Mrs. Joanne Leddy
Lee Weintraub Landscape
Architecture, LLC
Go Native U
Fall Classes
Core Classes:
Plant Identification in the Field
Sat., Sept. 21, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.,
$55. Jessica A. Schuler.
Northeastern Native Plants
in Our Landscapes
3 Wed., Oct. 2–16, 6:30–8:30 p.m.,
$130. Carolyn Summers.
Native Woody Plants
2 Thu., Oct. 3 & 10, 6–8 p.m.,
$100. Jessica A. Schuler.
Ms. Linda Lefkowitz
Ms. Kathleen Lenihan
Col. Charles J. Lercara
Ms. Blaine Levenson
Ms. Lika Levi
Mrs. Gloria Lewit
Ms. Judith Lindey
Ms. Bernice Lowell
Ms.Yvonne Lynn
Jessie R. Mabutas
Mrs. Lynn MacDonald
Ms. Christine Magrin
Ms. Barbara Marks
Ms. Sonja Mason
Mrs. Barbara Masur
Ms. Adrienne May
Ms. Janet May
Ms. Judith Mayes
Ms. Rebecca Mazin
Ms. Ann McDuffie
Mrs. Michelle McNally
Ms. Helen Meurer
Mr. Francoise Miller
Mr. Jeff Miller
Mrs. Peggy Miller
Ms. Deborah Mitchell
Ms. Ann-Marie Mitroff
Nalini Mohan
Dr. Bobbie Morris
Mr. George Morrison
Carrie J. Moskowitz
Mr. & Ms. Joseph Munoz
Ms. Wendy Murphy
Ms. Nancy Mutino
Mr. Michael Nadeau
Ms. Emily Nammacher
Nittin Nayak
Ms. Maryrose Nihlen
Ms. Susan Northcutt
Mr. John Nowak
Mr. Daniel O’Brien
Ms. Laura O’Donnell
Mr. Robert Ohlerking
Ms. Debra Orlando
Colleen O’Rourke
Ms. Dawn Orza
Ms. Sandra Parrott
Ms. Elizabeth Pereira
Perennial Gardens, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Perkins
Ms. Laura Perkins
Mrs. Jeanette Peron
Ms. Peggy Petercsak
Ms. Sondra R. Peterson
Mr. F. Pfisterer
Philipstown Garden Club, Inc.
Ms. Clare Pierson
Ms. Cheryl Pine
Ms. Judy Pinsdorf
Ms. Sabina Pirrotta
Ms. Donna Polizio
Ms. Phyllis Prussin
Ms. Judi Raymund
Reader’s Digest Foundation
Ms. Barbara Riccardi
Margaret S. Rice and Henry
Hart Rice Foundation
Mrs. Mary Rice
Dr. Nancy Rice
Ms. Barbara Rissmeyer
Mr. Steven Robbins
Ms. Debbie Roberts
Ms. Donna Robertson
Carolina Rojas
Mrs. Kathleen Rose
Ms. Hope Ryan
Dr. Emma Sailors
Ms. Kathleen Sanders
Ms. Janet K. Schloat
Mr. Robert Schmidt
Ms. Ann Schmitt
Mr. Duncan Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schnall
Mrs. Frances Schorr
Mr. Steven Schulner
Ms. Carol Sencen
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sigal
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Sluder
Ms. Joan Snell
Joy Solomon
Dr. Carol E. Sommerfield
Ms. Patricia Spatola
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Spaulding
Lori Speight
Mr. Talbert Spence
Mr. Michael Sperling
Mr. Nelson Staley Jr.
Mrs. Maralyn Steeg
Elective Classes:
Native Plant Alternatives to Turf
2 Mon., Sept. 16 & 23, 1–3 p.m.,
$100. Kim Eierman.
Goldenrod Field Study
Thu., Sept. 26, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.,
$55. Melissa Fabel.
NEW! Advanced Plant ID in the Field
Sat., Sept. 28, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.,
$55. Jessica A. Schuler.
NEW! Aster Field Study
Thu., Oct. 3, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.,
$55. Melissa Fabel.
Native Plant Communities
Fri., Oct. 4, 10 a.m.–12 p.m., $55. Eti Katoni.
For course descriptions and instructor bios, visit our website.To register,
call 914-606-6830 and press 1, or register online at
Ms. M. Joanne Strauss
Mr. Peter Strom
Ms. Emma Tamburlini
Ms. Nadia Taylor
Mrs. Susan Taylor
Ms. Adele Terlizzi
Suzanne E. Terracciano
Linda Thompson-Zumbach
Ms. Susan Thorson
Mrs. Ruth Toff
Mrs. Susan Trager
Ms. JoAnn Trautmann
Ms. Barbara Troy
Andrew Tully
Ms. Roberta Twombly
Mrs. Tara Tyberg
Mrs. Mattie Varvaro
Verdant Landscapes
Mrs. Beth Wallach
Mrs. Carla Wallach
Ms. Caroline Walz
Thaddeus Wandel
Ms.Vivian Washington
Mr. Craig Wayman
Ms. Julia Weinstein
Susan Werbe
Westchester Land Trust
Westmoreland Sanctuary, Inc.
White Plains Garden Club
Julia G. Wike
Ms. M.J. Wilson
Ms. Camilla Worden
Ms. Kris Wycisk
Mary Ellen Wynne
Mary York
Mr. John Zekauskas
Mrs. Hope Ziff
Mr. Jeffrey Zuckerman & Ms.
Clare Gorman
The Care of Trees
Divney Tung Schwalbe
Dr. Niel Squillante
Mrs. Phillis Warden
White Plains Youth Bureau
Native Perennials: Summer/Fall
Fri, Oct. 4, 12:45–2:45 p.m.,
$55. Barbara Fischer.
Native Conifers
Fri., Oct. 4, 3–5 p.m.,
$55. Carolyn Summers.
Ecological Design
Thu., Oct. 10, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.,
$55. Eti Katoni.
NEW! NY Wetlands: Balancing
Ecology, Laws, and Aesthetics
2 Wed., Oct. 23 & 30, 6–7:30 p.m.,
$80 (+ $5 materials fee, payable to instructor). Kyle Turoczi.
NEW! Native Bugs in Your Garden
2 Mon., Nov. 4 & 11, 7–8:30 p.m.,
$80. Lawrence Forcella.