Commencement Convocation

Ninety-Fifth Annual
Saturday Morning
The Fifteenth of May
Two Thousand and Ten
at Half Past Nine
In 1911, a Methodist education commission made a commitment to establish a major Methodist
university in Texas. More than 600 acres of open prairie and $300,000 pledged by a group of
Dallas citizens secured the university for Dallas, and it was chartered as Southern Methodist
University. In appreciation of the city’s support, the first building to be constructed on the campus
was named Dallas Hall. It remains the centerpiece and symbol of SMU. When the University
opened in 1915, it consisted of two buildings, 706 students, a 35-member faculty, and total assets
of $636,540. The original schools of SMU were the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of
Theology, and the School of Music.
SMU is owned by the South Central Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church. The first
charge of its founders, however, was that it become a great university, not necessarily a great
Methodist university. From its founding, SMU has been nonsectarian in its teaching and committed
to the values of academic freedom and open inquiry.
Today, Southern Methodist University offers a comprehensive curriculum through Dedman
College – the college of humanities and sciences – and six schools: Meadows School of the Arts,
Edwin L. Cox School of Business, Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering, Perkins School of
Theology, Dedman School of Law, and Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and
Human Development.
The University offers over 100 undergraduate majors, Master’s degrees in over 100 areas,
professional degrees in two disciplines, Ph.D. degrees in 24 fields, and 30 certificate programs.
Enrollment for the Spring 2010 term was 10,486, including 5,950 undergraduate students and
4,536 graduate and professional school students. SMU students come from all 50 states, the
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and 86 countries. About 76 percent of first-year students
received some form of financial assistance for Spring 2010. About 19 percent of the student body
are minorities; 64 percent of undergraduates and 54 percent of graduate students report religious
affiliation; 14 percent are Roman Catholic, and 11 percent are Methodist. Also represented in
the student body are other Protestant denominations and other religions, including Judaism,
Buddhism, and Islam.
In addition to preparing students for graduate and professional schools, or more directly for their
life’s work, the University strives to enhance their social, moral, intellectual, and religious
development so that they may lead worthy lives as individuals and citizens of the nation and
of the world.
The academic procession and the regalia worn by the faculty and officers of the University
symbolically represent the continuing link between the modern American university and the
founding of the great medieval universities in Europe – chief among them Bologna, Paris, and
Oxford. As those institutions were derived from the Catholic Church, the universities adopted
many of the ceremonial trappings of the church in their official public functions.
The mace of the University, a symbol of the authority vested in the president by the Board
of Trustees and representing the covenant between the president and the faculty, is
borne by the president of the Faculty Senate. Though the order of the procession varies from
university to university, at SMU it proceeds from the Chief Marshal through the ranks of the
faculty and the officers of the University to the president, who is preceded by the mace-bearer.
The caps and gowns worn in the procession also vary from place to place. There are variations
in design to indicate the degrees held by the wearers, and many universities in America
have introduced colorful gowns and other distinguishing details (in place of the customary
clerical black from which all originated). The caps, too, vary according to the customs of the
university from which the wearer received a degree. While most American universities adopted
the “mortarboard” style of Oxford, others have chosen styles based on other European institutions.
The color of the tassel worn with the cap may be black for any degree, or the color may be that
of the faculty of the major field of learning (e.g., Arts, Engineering, Law, etc.). Persons holding
doctoral degrees and governing officials of institutions are entitled to wear tassels of gold
metallic thread.
Within the great varieties of styles and colors in gowns and caps, there has been one universally
accepted code for the hood worn trailing down the wearer’s back. Originally, it was like the
hood on the habit worn by monks and very useful for protection against the weather and even
for begging for alms. Nowadays, the hood through length and color shows the degree and the
specialization of the wearer, and the university that granted the degree.
Through these colorful ceremonies, SMU symbolically displays the continuity of its educational
purposes with the origins of organized learning in the Western world.
Thomas R. Arp
Associate Professor Emeritus of English
Lorn L. Howard
Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering
Chief Marshal Emeritus
Candidates for degrees at SMU are robed in custom regalia, inaugurated in 2009, specially
designed to incorporate SMU’s colors and symbols.
The Doctoral gown in dark blue includes velvet chevrons on each of the bell sleeves. The gown is
marked by velvet panels down the front and around the neck. The front panels are embroidered in
gold thread with the SMU seal, and gold braid outlines the chevrons and panels. It is cut much
fuller than the other gowns and may be ornamented in color. Replacing the traditional
mortarboard, an eight-sided, crimson red velvet tam with a gold silk tassel completes the regalia.
The Master’s gown, also in dark blue, has a front yolk outlined in red braid and the SMU seal is
embroidered in red on the left side. Like traditional Master’s robes, gowns are arranged so that the
arm emerges from a long sleeve through a slit at the wrist. A mortarboard with a colored tassel
representing the discipline in which the degree is earned is also worn.
Doctoral and Master’s candidates wear hoods which are 3 ½ feet, and 4 feet long, respectively.
The velvet trimming in the same order is 3 and 5 inches wide. The color of the trim identifies the
faculty. A partial list of faculty colors follows: Arts, Letters, Humanities – White; Music – Pink;
Business – Drab; Philosophy – Dark Blue; Engineering – Orange; Science – Golden Yellow; Fine
Arts – Brown; Theology – Scarlet; Law – Purple. The lining of the hood – the portion most
visible from the rear – indicates the institution awarding the degree. SMU’s hood lining is blue
with a red chevron.
The Bachelor gown in dark blue has the traditional characteristics of a Bachelor robe including
full front pleats, and balanced fluting. Its distinguishing characteristic is the long pointed
sleeves. A red silk stole embroidered in blue with the SMU seal is worn across the shoulders.
Bachelor gowns are worn with a tassel and mortarboard.
SMU’s regalia visually honor the University’s traditions and spirit which we celebrate this morning.
The Howard Lantern is dedicated to Professor Lorn Lambier Howard, Chief Marshal Emeritus of
SMU from 1978-1987, in honor of his role in shaping the traditions and protocol of SMU’s
modern-day academic ceremonies. Designed in 2008 and crafted out of steel, aluminum and water
glass, the lantern symbolizes the Rotunda of Dallas Hall, the University’s oldest building and
centerpiece of our campus. Engraved around the top band is the University’s motto, “veritas
liberabit vos,” which means “the truth will make you free.” Around the base are the words to
Varsity, SMU’s alma mater. Each year during the May Baccalaureate Service this lantern is
handed down by the Senior Class President to a representative of the Junior Class, a symbolic
passing of the light that sustains our University. The Howard Lantern serves as a reminder of the
important traditions which make up our corporate University life and of the light of learning
and intellectual curiosity which shines within the students, faculty and staff here at SMU.
Canzon a 12
Renaissance Dances
Giovanni Gabrieli
Tylman Susato
Fest Fanfare
Alfred Uhl
Second Suite in F-March
Cyrus the Great March
Olympic Fanfare
The Gallant Seventh
Shepherd’s Hey
Festmarch from Tannhauser
Florentiner March
Gustov Holst
K.L. King
John Williams
John Phillip Sousa
Percy Grainger
Richard Wagner
Julius Fucik
Paul W. Ludden, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University, Presiding
Candidates for Graduation
The Senior Union
Fiftieth Reunion Class
Representatives of the Faculties
The Platform Party
Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Rankin
Chaplain and Minister to the University
John Stafford Smith and Francis Scott Key
Imperial Brass
Led by Meghan Mazur, Precentor
Candidate for degree of Master of Music in Voice Performance
*The groups making up today’s procession will be introduced by John Gibson, Creative Director of
University Events and Special Projects.The audience remains seated during the processional.
Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Rankin, Baccalaureate Preacher
Fiftieth Reunion Class
Faculty and Emeritus Faculty
Board of Trustees
Retiring Faculty:*
H. Charles Baker, retiring as Professor Emeritus of Engineering
Ian Gladwell, retiring as Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Glenn M. Linden, retiring as Professor Emeritus of History
Frederick C. Moss, retiring as Professor Emeritus of Law
Roark M. Reed, retiring as Professor Emeritus of Law
R. Gerald Turner
President of the University
President Turner
Ron Kirk
United States Trade Representative
Refrain from applause until all candidates have been presented.
Doctor of Humane Letters: Jorie Graham
Presented by Willard L. Spiegelman, D.E. Hughes Distinguished Professor of English
Doctor of Laws: Karinna A. Moskalenko
Presented by Jeffrey Kahn, Assistant Professor of Law
Doctor of Science: Saul Perlmutter
Presented by Thomas E. Coan, Associate Professor of Physics
Jimmy Dunne
John Campione
Candidate for degree of Bachelor of Music
in Voice Performance and Music Education
Jimmy Dunne, Keyboard
Amalia Nagel, Piano
Candidate for degree of Master of Music
in Piano Performance & Pedagogy
* Full citations for retiring faculty may be found at
Refrain from applause until all candidates have been presented.
Candidates for Doctoral Degrees
Hooded by Peter K. Moore, Dean ad interim of Dedman College
Geoffrey C. Orsak, Dean of Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering
David J. Chard, Dean of Annette Caldwell Simmons
School of Education and Human Development
Candidates for Professional Degrees
Presented by William B. Lawrence, Dean of Perkins School of Theology
John B. Attanasio, Dean of Dedman School of Law
Candidates for Master’s Degrees
Presented by Peter K. Moore, Dean ad interim of Dedman College
José Antonio Bowen, Dean of Meadows School of the Arts
Albert W. Niemi, Jr., Dean of Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Geoffrey C. Orsak, Dean of Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering
David J. Chard, Dean of Annette Caldwell Simmons
School of Education and Human Development
Peter E. Raad, Executive Director of The Guildhall at SMU
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Presented by Peter K. Moore, Dean ad interim of Dedman College
José Antonio Bowen, Dean of Meadows School of the Arts
Albert W. Niemi, Jr., Dean of Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Geoffrey C. Orsak, Dean of Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering
Carl Sewell
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Imperial Brass
William B. Lawrence
Dean of Perkins School of Theology
The Olympic Spirit
Grand March from Aida
Barnum and Bailey’s Favorite
Imperial Brass
John Williams
G. Verdi
K.L. King
*The audience remains seated during the recessional.
JORIE GRAHAM, Doctor of Humane Letters
Jorie Graham, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and MacArthur Award winner, currently is Boylston
Professor of Rhetoric at Harvard University. She has been an accomplished and controversial figure
since the publication of her first volume, Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts, 30 years ago. Expanding the
limits of poetry to incorporate an ever-enlarging focus on history, social and scientific issues, as well
as the traditional subjects of love and the inner life, she has changed what we think of as a poem.
Raised in Rome and educated at the Sorbonne and New York University, Graham taught at the Iowa
Writers Workshop before assuming the Harvard chair formerly occupied by John Quincy Adams,
Robert Fitzgerald and Seamus Heaney. She has affected the lives of both students and readers, and has
proved that poetry has an urgent hold on us in the 21st century. For her contributions to literature,
Southern Methodist University is honored to confer upon Jorie Graham the degree of Doctor of
Humane Letters, honoris causa.
Karinna Akopovna Moskalenko, Russia’s leading human rights lawyer, studied law at Leningrad
State University and later specialized in human rights at the University of Birmingham in England.
She is respected worldwide for her advocacy on behalf of clients rich and poor, voiceless casualties
of war and vocal critics of the Kremlin. Moskalenko and her team at the International Protection
Centre, the human rights organization she founded, have won more than 90 cases before the
European Court of Human Rights, whose judgments have been legally binding on Russia since 1998.
She puts personal principle above social standing and social justice above personal safety. She has
been elected to the International Commission of Jurists and awarded the International Helsinki
Federation’s Human Rights Recognition Award and the Justice William J. Brennan Award. For her
defense of human rights and support for the rule of law in Russia, Southern Methodist University
is honored to confer upon Karinna Akopovna Moskalenko the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.
SAUL PERLMUTTER, Doctor of Science
Saul Perlmutter is professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned his
Ph.D., and is head of the Supernova Cosmology Project at the U.S. Department of Energy’s
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He leads an international team that studies distant exploding
stars to measure how fast the universe was expanding at different times in its history. His work, using
novel observational techniques, contradicted the long-held assumption that expansion of the universe
is slowing due to gravity. Perlmutter’s research provided firm evidence for the existence of dark energy
as the majority substance of the universe, a substance whose precise nature remains a major mystery
in physics. For his contributions to understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe,
Southern Methodist University is honored to confer upon Saul Perlmutter the degree of Doctor of
Science, honoris causa.
* Citations of honorary degrees awarded by SMU may be found at
Ron Kirk, former Dallas mayor, was appointed United States Trade Representative by President
Barack Obama in 2009. He serves as the nation’s chief advisor, negotiator and spokesperson for trade.
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative develops and coordinates U.S. international trade,
commodity and direct investment policy, and oversees negotiations with other countries. Kirk
received his B.A. degree in political science and sociology from Austin College in Sherman, Texas,
and his law degree from the University of Texas School of Law. As Dallas’ first African-American
mayor from 1995-2001, he expanded the city’s international reach through a range of trade programs
and missions. Previously he served as Texas Secretary of State, as a legislative aide to U.S. Sen. Lloyd
Bentsen and as chair of Texas’ General Service Commission. He also served as a Dallas assistant city
attorney. Before his appointment as U.S. Trade Representative, Kirk was a partner at Houston-based
Vinson & Elkins LLP. He was named one of “The 50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America”
by The National Law Journal in 2008, and one of the nation’s top government relations lawyers by
the Best Lawyers in America from 2007-2009. Kirk has been a member of the advisory board of SMU’s
Hart Global Leaders Forum since its inception in 1997 and has served as its chair. In 2001 he was
named an honorary alumnus of SMU’s Dedman School of Law.
The Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Rankin, Senior Chaplain and Minister to the University at Southern
Methodist University, is a native of Kansas. He graduated from Saint Paul School of Theology in
1986 after spending three years in Italy serving an expatriate congregation. Dr. Rankin went on to
complete a Master of Theology Degree, followed by a Doctor of Philosophy from the Joint Program
in Religious Studies at Northwestern University and Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Dr.
Rankin is recognized as an innovative leader in United Methodist campus ministry. Since 1995, Dr.
Rankin has worked in higher education, both as professor and as campus minister. His ongoing
scholarly interests focus on fresh applications of Wesleyan theology with Christian formation, particularly as it relates to college students and the development of young leaders. From this research
have come a number of book chapters and articles for both scholarly and church-related publications.
M AY 1 5 , 2 0 1 0
The students listed below have anticipated Latin Honors based upon estimated academic information.
A souvenir version of the confirmed honors will be posted online at in June.
Kathleen Elizabeth Abele
Dimitrios P. Anagnostis
Joseph Bradley Ayo
Joel Matthew Bagby
Jonathan Charles Bailey
Evan Russell Baker
John Dixon Baldwin
Brandon Kyle Bartee
Kathryn Lindsay Berg
Laura Watson Bertwell
Edward R. Blackstone
Travis Cameron Bourland
Donald Christian Bowers
Jenna Nicole Braisted
Lora Anne Brandis
Michelle Arlene Brocklesby
Kristen Nicole Brown
Kristin Lee Brown
Betty Jane Brownsted
Victoria Leigh Burress
Andrew Evan Butler
John Boles Capehart
Sarah Elizabeth Christopher
Carrie Cecelia Clark
Melisse Autumn Collins
Aubrey Brook Colvard
Stephen Joel Cotten
Jonathan Wainwright Cranz
Claudia Megan Davidson
Brandy Nicole Davis
Margaret Angelita Delgadillo
Scott Bryan Dermer
Holly Nicole DeWitt
Amanda Lee Dodds
Hilary Seraph Donaldson
Adam Charles Doupe
William Patrick Edmonson
Shayla Rae Edwards
Christopher Ryan Elam
Alexandra Yturria Farish
Sadie Carpenter Fitzpatrick
Allison Heather Ford
Doretta Christine Fortenberry
Sarah Kerr Fox
George Christian Gabriel
Gemma Rose Galeoto
Catharina Renee Gately
Jeffrey Rishad Ghouse
David S. Gibson II
Myra Camille Gildner
Deborah Ann Giles
Dallas Jefferson Gingles
Amanda Renee Glassey
Diego Ernesto Gomez-Cornejo
Kimberly Michelle Gonzalez
Hallie Elizabeth Graves
Kevin Roy Grubbs
Alexandra Elizabeth Hanson
Timothy Joseph Hardesty
Christopher Jay Harding
Rachel Feinberg Harrison
Melinda Smothermon Helsley
Matthew Briant Herzog
Thomas Hiesberger
Douglas Philip Hill
Chelsea Leigh Hilliard
Lindsay Rae Itkin
Samira Izadi
Irene Frances Jackson
Vanessa Peeters Jeffries
Kristina Alexandra Kiik
Rachel Kingrey
Brent Andrew Kirby
Lindsay Childers Kirkpatrick
Will Eugene Knuckols
Shruti Krishnan
Elizabeth Kolander LaBella
Jennifer Michelle Larson
David Conrad Lawrence
Parker Allen Lee
Marvin Albert Liang
Elias Helu Lopez
Jiroko Rosales Lopez
Missy Luton
Julie Mielke Macpherson
Katrina Gallagher Maher
Donna Lynn Martin
Megan Nichole Mash
Paul Ashley Mason
Tracy L. Matlock
Paul Matthew McBride
Stephen Glen McLeod
Shilpa Meghani
Arrissa Kathryn Meyer
David Dallas Miller
Jeffrey Lindsay Mills
Lauren Lanette Mitchell
Ashley Nicole Moore
Geoffrey Christome Moore
James Scott Moore
Mark Carlton Moore
Michael Dennis Moore
Andrew Carleton Moreton
Andrew Castor Mosier
Denise Marie Mudigere
Eva Marie Cosmos Murgor
Mark David Mutschink
Heather Nicole Nale
Colin Heck Newberry
Eric Andrew Nichols
Robert Stephen Nuttall
David Vincent Overcash
Preston James Park
Ian Cedric Pereira
Carmen Lynette Peterson
Diana Kelley Phillips
Alex Joseph Pilawski
Michelle Anne Putman
Casey Warren Ragan
Jason Edward Richards
Brian Ernest Richardson
Matthew Patrick Rigney
Clifford Earl Robertson II
James Stuart Robertson
Kory Lee Ryan
Amy Binks Sanderson
Joseph W. Sarno
Dylan Patrick Savage
Ryan Todd Scharnell
Brett Russell Schoenherr
Jason Nicholas Schoenthal
Gail Renee Serratt
Kaaren Paula Shalom
George Edward Shires
Robert Joseph Shults
Isaac D. Shutt
Ashley Guidry Sissell
Daniel Dunstan Smith
Niel Michael Smith
Ulston Algernon Patmore Smith
Nicole Durham Somerville
Jonathon Phillip Spiller
Darnell Allen St. Romain
Darrell Anthony St. Romain
Gary Boyd Stephens
Chelsea Lea Stern
Nathan Stewart Stimson
George Stuart Tallichet
Amy Elizabeth Tankersley
Elizabeth Pratt Tatum
Jonathan Michael Thomas
Caleb David Trotter
Matthew Alfton Tuggle
Melissa Anne Upchurch
Mark Elliot Vandermeulen
James Howard Voelker
Jessica Leigh Voyce
Christine Shea Wakeman
Emily Hinda Walker
Sherri Oates Waters
Braden Michael Wayne
Guillermo Wiener
Avery Roderick Williams
Benjamin D. Williams
Genevra Mae Williams
Jeanne Marie Williams
Aida Wondwessen
Lauren Michelle Wood
Sarah Jane Woodell
Andrew David Wootton
Kindal Ann Wright
Dolly Yu-ting Wu
Amanda Ylitalo
Wendi Marie Yokum
Alison Gardner Young
Charles Robert Young
Deanna M. Young
Brian James Zadorozny
Jin Long Zheng
The students listed below have anticipated honors based upon estimated academic information.
These honors include Honors in Business, Honors in Liberal Arts, Departmental Distinction and Latin Honors.
A souvenir version of the confirmed honors will be posted online at in June.
Sarah Patricia Acosta
Tiffany Yong Adams
Sasha Jarek Almanza, Jr.
Kristin Reade Altena
Megan Rose Altman
Allyson Cua Arana
Ruben Alexander Arellano
Kristen Renee Arndt
Rebecca Ann Bailey
John Robert Bains
Taryn Quinn Baker
Bradford William Bandel
Nick James Baumann
Sylvia Alyse Bearden
Katherine E. Beckett
Charlotte King Beckwith
Conner James Belden
Andrew McKim Bell
Kyle Gage Bennett
Carly Rowe Bergquist
Brian Cayce Bertrand
Katelyn Lee Bialek
Megan Frances Bice
Evan Joseph Boff
Melissa Diane Bosma
Jacob Alexander Boyd
Nickolas James Brait III
Dane Zachary Brannan
Katherine Ann Brattain
Abby Rae Breitman
Melissa Lynn Broussard
Amanda Frances Brown
Chrysta Norelle Brown
Stephen Nicholas Brown
Natalia Joanna Bubien
Jessica E. Burnett
Michael Patrick Buscher
Caitlin Renee Cabaj
Taylor Hardin Callaway
John Joseph Campione
Anna Frances Cannon
Kimberly Faith Carlson
Kathryn Elizabeth Cashin
Esmeralda Castro
Courtney Marie Chancellor
Allison Kimball Chapin
Adelina Teresa Chavez
Xi Chen
Ivan J. Cheung
Justin A. Childres
Christopher Richard Coleman
John Patrick Coleman
Jennifer Lynn Collins
Kristen A. Collins
Chase Evans Cooley
Sara Jessica Corry
Jessica Ann Cortez
Adele Marie Costigan
Corey Dean Cothrum
Colleen Elizabeth Coyle
Kelly Jura Curtis
Kellyn Elizabeth Curtis
Chase Evan Cusack
Danielle Megan Davis
Thomas Colin Davis
Veronica Daryl Davis
Kayleigh Anne Defenbaugh
Renee Danielle DeLisse
Rukhmani Padmanabh Desai
Mary Abigail Dewey
Yen H. Diep
Ryan Kenneth Dingwall
Zachary David Dobin
Thomas Scarritt Dudney
Joshua Michael Duke
Margaret McKenzie Easterlin
Allison M. Ecklund
Erin Marie Elliott
Rebecca Allison Elrod
Sally Belton Englander
Marisa Ann Erwin
Eunice Isabel Escobar
Kristin Lorene Evanto
Eric Michael Fabacher
Milena Sakura Fertitta
William James Fitzgerald
Luis Flores
Lindsay Kaye Floyd
Alyssa Leigh Fornara
Caroline Amanda French
Alexander Frolov
Stewart Dean Fuller
Paul Jay Gardner III
Edelmiro Garza Leal
Mohammad J. Gharbieh
Elizabeth Parrish Gillis
Sara Jean Gingrich
Michael Winslow Glickert
Peter Alfred Goldschmidt
Brett Matthew Goodman
Emily Elizabeth Gray
Austen Jay Green
David Britton Green
Jill C. Gregory
Mark Daniel Grinnan
Mauri Alper Gustafson
Ali Hussein Haidar
Sohail S. Hamirani
Amy Michelle Hand
David William Harner
Elizabeth Embry Harris
Nathan Joseph Harris
Meredith Ann Harvey
Joseph Anthony Hashem
Alexander John Haynes
Kimberley Nicole Healing
Tara Lynn Hemphill
Laura Elise Hix
Colin Robert Hogan
Amanda Bailey Holyfield
Priyanka Kaur Hooghan
Ryan Wayne Horton
Taylor Alan Horton
Anson Boulware Howard
John Joseph Howard
Kelsey Nicole Howard
Ashley Michelle Howe
Jared Scott Hudler
Heather M. Hunt
Justin David Hunt
Farida Taher Iqbal
Amelia Louise Isaac
Kristel Terese Isakson
Elizabeth Anne Johnston
John D. Jose
Shelby Susan Justl
Alyx Michele Kaizerman
Rishika Kapoor
Harrison Andrew Kaufman
Randall Edward Kenworthy
Mohammed Aqeeluzzaman Khaleel
Kaitlin Elizabeth Kirk
Cameron Leighton Kirkpatrick
Winfred Ko
Jonathan Yung-Sern Koh
Benjamin Michael Koopferstock
Melissa Anne Kowalchik
Kristina Arie Kraemer
Kendall Marit Kramer
Kathryn L. Krauskopf
Charanya Krishnaswami
Garrett Martin Landry
Melinda Michelle Lang
Auburn J’ann Layman
Jason Tri Le
Valerie Diane Lemmons
Grant Michael Lewis
Joseph Michael Lightsey
Rebecca S. Lovelace
Catherine Elizabeth Lowe
Jason Michael Lowry
Britney Jo Ludkowski
Jonathan A. Lynn
Jonathan Reid MacDonald
John Ka Cheong Mak
Jupin Malhi
Gregory Robert Mandel
Kristin Elizabeth Mannino
Melissa Layne Manuel
Lauren Michelle Marchica
Margaret Futrell Marcum
Stephanie Danielle Markman
Nicole Lauren Marriott
Alex Philip Marucci
Lina Issam Mattar
Lauryn Elizabeth May
Jonathan Reid MacDonald
Mallory Jean McCall
Nicole Christine McDaniel
Stacy Lee McElreath
Cody Louise Meador
Leila C. Mekias
Caroline Alyssa Merideth
Jake Davenport Meyer
Ryan Jonathan Meyer
Clayton Joseph Milburn
Ambrel Nicole Mitchell
Emerald Crystal Monroe
Paul Jonathan Montemayor
Ryan McClendon Moore
Jessica Kay Moseley
Brigham Lee Mosley
Justin Michael Mowrey
Nicola Marie Muchnikoff
Ryan Elizabeth Mulvenna
Stephanie Ann Munves
Teodoro Muro
Kevin Chase Murphree
Devon Elizabeth Myers
Anima Nawaz
Claire Cate Neill
Serena Jeton Nettles
Angeline Michelle Nguyen
Hong-An Thi Nguyen
Julianne Anh-Thu Nguyen
Mohammad Shaad Noorali
Solomon Odom
Ashley Marie Olson
Matthew Michael Olson
Andrew Kent O'Neal
Michael G. O'Neill, Jr.
Ali Hassan Palejwala
Sienna Nicole Palmer
Courtenay Ruth Paris
Elisabeth Eliska Parish
Jieun Park
Seth Mitchell Park
Sung Ho Park
Nikisha Pasrija
Vijita Girish Patel
Amanda Marie Patterson
Tyler Bryant Pearson
Corinna Lee Phillips
Jennifer Whitcomb Pierce
Rachel Kathryn Porter
Anne Caroline Powell
Meghan Nichol Quillen
Jennifer Hannah Raad
Anika Nasrin Rab
Brittany Ashton Raetzman
Sabrina J. Rasor
Kristin Lee Reeves
Stephen James Reiff
Paul Allen Renton
Ashleigh DuPlessis Von Reuter
Brittney Leigh Roberts
Meredith Renee Robertson
Keelie Diane Rood
Juliana Denise Rossi
Daniel Villarica Salta
Jillian Leigh Sarles
Brett McCormac Sayers
Sara Johnson Scheible
Shelley Laine Schexnayder
Alexander Page Schiller
Jennifer Alice Schniepp
Warren Cardell Seay, Jr.
Sydney Elizabeth Seid
Lauren Leigh Seifert
Alice M. Severin
Richard Dawson Shamblin
Kathryn Ann Sharkey
Loren Nillson Sharp
Elizabeth Carol Siebman
Jaimie Marie Siegle
Morgan Danielle Simon
Rachel Elizabeth Simpson
Jason Andrew Smith
Rachany Thi Son
Nina Natalia Sosa Rivera
Roland Raymond St. Louis III
Heather R. Stahl
Gregory Robert Standerfer
Shelby Anne Stanley
Brandon Adam Sterrett
David Michael Sterrett
Sarah Anne Stinnett
David Bennett Stranahan
Geoffrey Scott Stupay
Sarah Arends Swanson
Megan Christina Symons
Tasmia Taufiq
Rachel Marie Thebeau
Leslie Elise Todd
Stefanie Annette Tracy
Sarah Marie Treis
Vanessa Nicole Trevino
Emily Patrice Van Volkinburg
Maia Elizabeth VanDyke
Astrud San Antonio Villareal
Marina Vladimir
Tyler Shane Waldrop
Hadley Howard Walker
Mackenzie Warren
David Max Waxman
Joanna Katherine Webb
Zachary Paul Wehner
Afton Nicole Weimer
Alexander Richard Perry Wey
Samuel Wayne Weyand
Meagan Leigh Whitley
Elizabeth Whitney Wilkerson
John Michael Wilshusen
Aaron Shane Wirges
Jonathan Jennings Wojcik
Meredith Elizabeth Wolff
Seung Ju Yoo
Karron Danae Youngkin
M AY 1 5 , 2 0 1 0
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Jong Min Kim Economics
MS University Of Texas, Austin
BA, MA Seoul National University
Dissertation: “Essays on the Signaling
Approach to the Asymmetric Information
in a Mutual Fund Market”
Adviser: Santanu Roy
Brian Neal Andrews Anthropology
BA University Of Oklahoma, Norman
Dissertation: “Folsom Adaptive Systems in the
Upper Gunnison Basin, Colorado: An Analysis
of the Mountaineer Site”
Adviser: David J. Meltzer
Kristen Mildred Corey Anthropology
BA Suny College At Geneseo
MA University Of Rochester
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Enough for Everyone to Eat:
Food, Health and the Construction of Risk
in Rarotonga”
Adviser: Victoria Sue Lockwood
Hyo Myong Lim Religious Studies
BA, MTH Yonsei University, Korea
MDV Wesley Theological SeminaryDistrict of Columbia
MTS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “The Portrait of God in
Saul’s Rise and Rejection”
Adviser: Richard D. Nelson
George Thaddeus Díaz History
BA, MA Texas A&M International University
Dissertation: “Contrabandista Communities:
States and Smugglers in the Lower Rio Grande
Borderlands, 1848-1945”
Adviser: Benjamin H. Johnson
Kenneth Milton Loyer Religious Studies
BA Messiah College
MDV Duke University
Dissertation: “Spirit of Love: The Holy Spirit
and the Christian Life in Thomas Aquinas
and John Wesley”
Adviser: Bruce D. Marshall
Daniel M. Griswold Religious Studies
BA Hope College
MDIV Union Theological Seminary
Dissertation: “Perichoretic Eternality: God’s
Relationship to Time in Karl Barth’s
‘Church Dogmatics’”
Adviser: Charles M. Wood
Jodie Lyon-Baldwin Religious Studies
BA, MA Asbury College
MA Asbury Theological Seminary
Dissertation: “Women, Work, and Reinhold
Niebuhr: A Feminist Understanding of Sin”
Adviser: Robin W. Lovin
Andrew Charles Hardin Statistical Science
BS University of Texas at Dallas
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Semiparametric Simulation of
Affymetrix Gene Expression Microarrays”
Adviser: Monnie McGee
Elizabeth Ann McClellan Statistical Science
BS University of North Texas
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Improving Statistical Methods
in Biological Pathway Analysis”
Adviser: Monnie McGee
Jian Hu Economics
BBA Nankai University, China
MS Stockholm University
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Essays on Financial Markets
Using Copula Models”
Adviser: Thomas B. Fomby
Jonathan Ligon Mitchell Computational and
Applied Mathematics
BS, MS Stephen F. Austin State University
Dissertation: “Synchronous and Asynchronous
Oscillations in a Model for Antigenically Varying
Malaria, Including the Effects of Constant and
State-Dependent Delay”
Adviser: Thomas W. Carr
David Steven Stowell Computational and
Applied Mathematics
BS, MS Utah State University
Dissertation: “Computing Eigensolutions for
Singular Sturm-Liouville Problems in Photonics”
Adviser: Johannes Tausch
Iranga Nagasinghe Computational and
Applied Mathematics
BS Colombo International School
MS University of North Texas
Dissertation: “Computing Principal Eigenvectors
of Large Web Graphs: Algorithms and
Accelerations Related to Pagerank and Hits”
Adviser: Yunkai Zhou
Mark Robert Teasdale Religious Studies
BA American University
MDV Wesley Theological SeminaryDistrict of Columbia
Dissertation: “Pure America Evangelism: The
Understanding and Practice of Evangelism in
the Home Missions of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, 1865-1920”
Adviser: Ted Allen Campbell
Derek Alvin Neve Religious Studies
BA Oklahoma Christian University of
Science & Arts
MS Abilene Christian University
MDV Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Saving Human Knowledge: John
Henry Newman’s Epistemology of Theology”
Adviser: William J. Abraham
Narongchai Thitinanpong Economics
BA, MA Thammasat University, Thailand
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Three Essays on Applied Time
Series Analysis for Financial Markets and
Fiscal Policies”
Adviser: Thomas B. Fomby
Joel Charles O’Hair Statistical Science
BS Wayland Baptist University
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Multidimensional Signal Detection
in the Presence of Correlated Noise with
Application to Brain Imaging”
Adviser: Wayne Anthony Woodward
Stephanie Germaine Thomas Geology
BS Tulane University
MS University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Dissertation: “Sedimentology and Geochemistry of
Upper Permian and Lower Paleosols, NW China:
Implicatons for Environmental Change Across
the End-Permian Life Crisis”
Adviser: Neil J. Tabor
Heather Michelle Oglevie Religious Studies
BA Northwest Nazarene College
MA Nazarene Theological Seminary
Dissertation: “Perfect Through Suffering: The
Sanctification of the Son of Man”
Adviser: William J. Abraham
David Rex Galindo History
BS, MS Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
MA University of Alcala, Spain
DE Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
Dissertation: “Propaganda Fide: Training
Franciscan Missionaries in New Spain”
Advisers: Peter J. Bakewell, David J. Weber
Carl Curtis Trovall Religious Studies
BA Concordia College, St. Paul
MDiv Concordia College, St. Louis
Dissertation: “An Analysis of the Political and
Moral Implications of ‘Mestizaje’ for Michael
Walzer’s Conception of Community in the
United States”
Adviser: Robin Lovin
Jayjit Roy Economics
BS University of Calcutta, India
MA Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, India
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Empirical Essays in International Trade”
Adviser: Daniel Millimet
I N B O B B Y B . LY L E S C H O O L O F E N G I N E E R I N G
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Ronald Douglas Dearing Operations Research
BA University Of Louisville
MBA Duke University
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Rate of Return Analysis: Project
Balance Implications, a New Class of Iterations
and Project Selection”
Adviser: Richard V. Helgason
Chanam Lee Electrical Engineering
BS, BSEE, MSEE Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Microstrip Antenna with a Height
Discontinuity (MAHD)”
Adviser: Choon S. Lee
Yong Peng Electrical Engineering
B.ENGR. University of Electrical Science &
Technology of China
MSEE New Jersey Institute Technology
Dissertation: “Cognition and Cooperation in
Wireless Multi-User Gaussian Networks”
Adviser: Dinesh Rajan
Noha A. El-Yamany Electrical Engineering
BSEE, MSEE Alexandria University, Egypt
Dissertation: “Faithful Quality Representation
and Robust Multi-Frame Reconstruction of
High-Resolution Images”
Adviser: Scott C. Douglas
Wael Farhat Kdouh Computer Science
BS, MS Lebanese American University
Dissertation: “On the Power Management of
Multi-Core Processors with Network on CHIP”
Advisers: Hesham El-Rewini, Mitchell Aaron
Degree of Doctor of Engineering
*Justin Matthew Kendall Engineering Management
BS State University of West Georgia
MS Southern Methodist Universty
Dissertation: “A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach
to Address Teaming Arrangements on MSI Proposals”
Adviser: Eli V. Olinick
O F E D U C AT I O N & H U M A N D E V E L O P M E N T
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Jennifer Pool Cheatham Education
BS, MED Texas A&M University, Commerce
Dissertation: “Practicing Independent Reading with Decodable Texts:
A Comparison Study of Texts with Second Graders.”
Adviser: Jill H. Allor
Beverly Lauren Weiser Education
BA University Of Texas, Austin
MED Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Examining the Synergistic Relationship of Encoding and Decoding
Instruction and its Effect on First Graders Struggling with Reading.”
Adviser: Patricia Mathes
* Degree awarded posthumously August 2009
Degree of Doctor of Ministry
Patience Deborah Kisakye
Project: Celebrating Diversity in Christ:
Developing and Evaluating Prospects for a More Inclusive Ministry
between Families for Effective Autism Treatment (FEAT)
and Trinity United Methodist Church
James Kenneth Varner
Project: The Worship Offering for Twenty-first Century
Christians in a Cashless Culture
Degree of Master of Church Ministries
Carrie Cecelia Clark
Amanda Renee Glassey
Sharon Elizabeth Harris
Degree of Master of Divinity
Jonathan Charles Bailey
John Dixon Baldwin
Edward R. Blackstone
Lora Anne Brandis
Betty Jane Brownsted
Patricia Juaquetta Chapman
Stephen Joel Cotten
Claudia Megan Davidson
Scott Bryan Dermer
Kyland Cason Dobbins
Doretta Christine Fortenberry
Deborah Ann Giles
Samira Izadi
Irene Frances Jackson
Lindsay Childers Kirkpatrick
Willie Eugene Knuckols, Jr.
Elizabeth Kolander LaBella
Amanda Lee
Vera Lewis
Elias Helu Lopez
Laura Jane Lopez
Julie Mielke Macpherson
Donna Lynn Martin
Patti Gay Maudslay
Christopher Hartley McLain
David Dallas Miller
Michael Gordon Miller, Sr.
Geoffrey Christome Moore
James Scott Moore
Michael Dennis Moore
Eric Andrew Nichols
Robert Stephen Nuttall, Jr.
Nicholas John Perry
Carmen Lynette Peterson
Diana Kelley Phillips
Isidro E. Piña
Adam James Ricks
Gail Renee Serratt
Matthew Brian Smith
Gary Boyd Stephens
Elizabeth Pratt Tatum
Matthew Alfton Tuggle
Howard Turnley
Melissa Anne Upchurch
Tammy Lynn Valentine
Heath Alan Williams
Jeanne Marie Williams
Linda Darnell Wiltz
Beverly Jo Brassel Woodard
Alison Gardner Young
Charles Robert Young, Jr.
Deanna M. Young
Degree of Master of Sacred Music
Laura Watson Bertwell
Andrew Evan Butler
Hilary Seraph Donaldson
Megan Nichole Mash
Ulston Algernon Patmore Smith
Darnell Allen St. Romain
Darrell Anthony St. Romain
Chelsea Stern
Degree of Master of Theological Studies
Kathryn Lindsay Berg
Michelle Arlene Brocklesby
Melisse Autumn Collins
Diana McShell Dickerson-Casteel
William Patrick Edmonson
Dallas Jefferson Gingles
Beau Garett Heyen
Stephen Glen McLeod
Sherri Oates Waters
Degree of Juris Doctor
Kathleen Elizabeth Abele
Samad Adenrele Adediran
Eréndira Marcela Alvarez
Dimitrios P. Anagnostis
Joseph Bradley Ayo
Melissa Christina Back
Joel Matthew Bagby
Evan Russell Baker
Brandon Kyle Bartee
Bret Colin Benedict
Robert Preston Bobo
Lisa Jeannine Boehm
Travis Cameron Bourland
Donald Christian Bowers
Jenna Nicole Braisted
Mely Joy Briones
Andrew Clayton Brown
Henry Stephen Brown, Jr.
Kristen Nicole Brown
Kristin Lee Brown
Zachary Robert Burd
Tiane Syreeta Burke Stephen
Victoria Leigh Burress
John Paul Buxie III
Paulo Sergio Camin Calixto
John Boles Capehart
Latoya Chambers
Amanda Jael Chavez
Henry L. Chisolm
Sung Kon Cho
Sarah Elizabeth Christopher
Colby Kemp Clark
Aubrey Brook Colvard
Jacqueline Marie Conley
Jeffrey Edward Cornell
Roger Lorenzo Cortez
Clayton Wilson Cox
Jonathan Wainwright Cranz
Benjamin Patrick Dalton
Phillip Davidov
Brandy Nicole Davis
Margaret Angelita Delgadillo
Holly Nicole DeWitt
Spencer Curtis Diebel
Amanda Lee Dodds
Adam Charles Doupé
Shayla Rae Edwards
Christopher Ryan Elam
Michael Van Ellis
Lance Justin Erickson
Davood Modarres Esfeh
Matthew Loren Espinosa
Alexandra Yturria Farish
Joseph Kyle Ferguson
Daniel James Finch
Sadie Carpenter Fitzpatrick
Kellie Ilene Flynn
Allison Heather Ford
Sarah Kerr Fox
James Simmons Frederick
Joseph John Funston III
George Christian Gabriel
Audra Leigh Gaeke
Gemma Rose Galeoto
Catharina Renée Gately
Jeffrey Rishad Ghouse
David S. Gibson II
Margaret M. Gibson
Myra Camille Gildner
Diego Ernesto Gomez-Cornejo
Kimberly Michelle Gonzalez
David Shane Grantham
Hallie Elizabeth Graves
Naomi S. Green
Kyle Richard Gross
Kevin Roy Grubbs
John Cade Hamner
Margaret Christensen Handy
Alexandra Elizabeth Hanson
Timothy Joseph Hardesty
Christopher Jay Harding
Muhammad Fahd Haroon
Rachel Feinberg Harrison
Haley Wimberly Heard
Melinda Smothermon Helsley
Hutcheson Brandt Henderson
Matthew Briant Herzog
Thomas Hiesberger
Douglas Philip Hill
Chelsea Leigh Hilliard
Hayden Hodges
Chetammia Antoinette Holmes
Patricia Qian Hu
Lindsay Rae Itkin
Vanessa Peeters Jeffries
Rodger Carl Jensen
Richard Thomas Kemph
Melissa Suzanne Kidd
Kristina Alexandra Kiik
Rachel Kingrey
Brent Andrew Kirby
Kevin Andrew Kosoris
Shruti Krishnan
Megan Rheal Lacerte
Jason Tyler Larman
Jennifer Michelle Larson
Kristen Leigh Lawhorn
David Conrad Lawrence
Kyle Louis Lebby
Aaron Christopher Lee
Parker Allen Lee
James Joesph Lesyna
Homa Lea Lewis
Sheridan Frances Lewis
Marvin Albert Liang
Jiroko Rosales Lopez
Lisa Marie Lopez
Katie Ruth Luper
Missy Luton
Katrina Gallagher Maher
Aaron Abram Martinez
Paul Ashley Mason
Kavitha Saju Mathew
Tracy L. Matlock
Heather Wendel Mazac
Paul Matthew McBride
Edmond Robert McCarthy
Bethany Joan McGaha
Shilpa Meghani
Kristin Alanna Mendelow
Arrissa Kathryn Meyer
Kelly Ray Miaw
Michaela Marie Miller
Jeffrey Lindsay Mills
Lauren Lanette Mitchell
Ashley Nicole Moore
Mark Carlton Moore
Andrew Carleton Moreton
Andrew Castor Mosier
Denise Marie Mudigere
Eva Marie Cosmos Murgor
Mark David Mutschink
Heather Nicole Nale
Ajay Nath
Erum S. Nayani
Grant Robert Neidenfeuhr
Colin Heck Newberry
Alexander Huy Nguyen
Thu Huong Thi Nguyen
Austine Kelechi Nwabuisi
Ugalahi Agbo Okechi
SeeAi Ooi
David Vincent Overcash
Preston James Park
Natalie Darling Paul
Lani Alisa Payne
Ian Cedric Pereira
Alex Joseph Pilawski
Thomas Francis Plichta, Jr.
Michelle Anne Putman
Ryan Andrew Quiroz
Casey Warren Ragan
Molly Elizabeth Raynor
Amy Bastian Richards
Jason Edward Richards
Brian Ernest Richardson
Alisa Scher Richman
Matthew Patrick Rigney
Travis Morgan Roach III
Clifford Earl Robertson II
James Stuart Robertson
Paul Leonard Roessner
Kory Lee Ryan
Amy Binks Sanderson
Laura Sotelo Santellana
Joseph W. Sarno
Dylan Patrick Savage
William Verne Scazzero
Marlo Danielle Schamber
Ryan Todd Scharnell
Brett Russell Schoenherr
Jason Nicholas Schoenthal
Craig Morgan Seekamp II
Adam Jason Setliff
Kaaren Paula Shalom
Gina D. Shearer
George Edward Shires
Robert Joseph Shults
Isaac D. Shutt
Ashley Guidry Sissell
Colin Timothy Smith
Daniel D. Smith
Niel Michael Smith
Odalys Aurora Smith
Nicole Durham Somerville
Jonathon Phillip Spiller
Nathan Stewart Stimson
Mstislav Pedro Talavera-Karmanov
George Stuart Tallichet
Amy Elizabeth Tankersley
Marc Curtis Tecce
Christopher Michael Tejeda
William Wilson Thannisch
Jonathan Michael Thomas
Taylor Nicole Toombs
Caleb David Trotter
Nina Lorraine Valdez
Mark Elliott Vandermeulen
Robert Raye Varner III
James Zisimos Varsamis
Sallye Ann Wilton
Aïda Wondwessen
Lauren Michelle Wood
Sarah Jane Woodell
Andrew David Wootton
Kindal Ann Wright
Dolly Yu-ting Wu
Amanda Ylitalo
Wendi Marie Yokum
Brian James Zadorozny
Jin Long Zheng
Kelvin Yeong Ziegler
James Howard Voelker
Mark William Volk
Jessica Leigh Voyce
Blake Louis Waggoner
Christine Shea Wakeman
Emily Hinda Walker
Braden Michael Wayne
Lance William White
Guillermo Wiener
Avery Roderick Williams
Benjamin D. Williams
Genevra Mae Williams
Keith Bowman Wilson
Degree of Master of Laws
(Comparative & International Law)
Marianela Porres Vargas
Yosawat Sangpaew
Naif Saeed Thagfan
Claudine Umuhire
Pongtawat Uttravorarat
Daniele Flavia Chagas Volfe
Shaokai Wang
Rossada Wongrattananon
Cheng Xin
Tianyi Xiong
Xiaoying Zhong
Xueqing Zhou
Yi Zhu
Tariq Abdulrhman Alasmari
Yazeed Abdulrahman Altoaimi
Maria Eugenia Carrillo Villarreal
Adriana Castro-Olivet
Enzo Cavallo
Yong Ju Cho
Nak-Hoon Choi
Cesar Garza
Yuzhou Han
Yi-Chin Ho
Wei Liu
Napawan Khunaksorn Manopaisitnukul
Ferdinand Amaobi Odimba
Rokinatia Pasaribu
Federico Fraccaroli
Harry Monroe Parent III
Latrice Elder Andrews
Alan Thomas Bergeman
Russell Edward Booth
Ryan Michael Cotter
Christie Darnell Erwin
Elizabeth Marie Ford
Amber Neyaz Haque
Ignacio Aldo Hirigoyen
Cindy Ann Hull
Robert Burford Jackson
Adam Grant Province
Heather Ann Ragsdale
Christophe Alain Rosseneu
Ashley Lynn Smith
Nicholas Alan Volk
Vincent Michael Ward
Degree of Master of Arts
Mohammed Basheer Alabdullah Economics
Tatiana Alekseenko Economics
Brian Neal Andrews Anthropology
Megan M. Bond Anthropology
Kelli Thomerson Briscoe History
Thesis: “A Comparative Study of Native Female
Identity in the Roman Provinces of Britain
and Egypt”
Jason F. Carter Applied Economics
Scott Lee Cassingham History
Deborah Ann Corbitt-Shindler Psychology
Thesis: “Intimate Partner Violence and
Children’s Threat Appraisals”
Subhojit Das Economics
Zhihong Dong Economics
Daniel Alejandro Garza History
Thesis: “So Easily Misunderstood: U.S.Mexican War: Soldiers’ Motivation,
Experience, and Memory, (1846-1890)”
Arturo Gutiérrez Applied Economics
Jennifer Mary Hudson History
Thesis: “The Frozen Thaw: The Volatile
Relationship between Khrushchev and the
Literary Intelligentsia”
Gregory Nylund Johnson Economics
Eric Thomas London Applied Economics
Adrienne Austin Mack Economics
Julia Yameli Malherbe Applied Economics
Doaa Zahi Mansour Medical Anthropology
Carla Lynn Mendiola History
Brooke Marie Morgan Anthropology
Sumaiya Nasir Economics
Lauren Sutro O’Brien Anthropology
Elzie D. Odom III Applied Economics
Kristopher Bryan Paschal History
Thesis: “‘Texas Must be a Slave Country’:
The Development of Slavery in Mexican Texas
and the Institution’s Role in the Coming of
Revolution, 1821-1835”
Joanna Clarice Roberson Anthropology
Sam Ross Sloan IV English
Thesis: “A Vast Cloudless Color- Six Stories”
Lane Jarold Sobehrad History
Thesis: “King John in History”
Man Minh Tran Applied Economics
Jennifer Reneé Valadez History
Graham Wong Applied Economics
Degree of Master of Science
Elizabeth Isabel Karam Computational
and Applied Mathematics
Alyssa Marie Pampell Computational
and Applied Mathematics
Jing Shen Statistical Science
Christine Savage Sigurdsson Computational
and Applied Mathematics
Siddhi Desai Molecular and Cell Biology
Thesis: “Mapping the Distribution of Polycomb
Group Proteins (PcG) at the Giant Gene in
Early Drosophila Embryos”
Edward William Downes Computational
and Applied Mathematics
Degree of Master of Arts
Nicole Ilene Bernstein Arts Administration
Christina Brotzman Cavalier Arts Administration
Cassandra Caye Deere Cinema-Television
Alexandra Natasha Hart Cinema-Television
Crystal Lea Iverson Arts Administration
Yueming Peng Cinema-Television
Thesis: “The Evolution of Children’s Television
in China Thesis”
Barton Frederick Peters Arts Administration
Smith Pharis Arts Administration
Claire Catherine Potter Arts Administration
Robin Noelle Rose Arts Administration
Deserina Sulaeman Arts Administration
Lauren Ashley Walstad Arts Administration
Ashley Elizabeth White Arts Administration
Degree of Master of Fine Arts
Rodney Tawanda Chabikwa Dance
Kristen Noelle Cochran Art
Charles Michael Daniel Theatre
Sandra Elizabeth Deitz Theatre
Juan Francisco de la Guardia Cinema-Television
John Ames Dickinson Art
Renuka Ekbote Art
Leslie Allison Hale Dance
Bavand Karimzadeh Cinema-Television
Gregory Andrew King Dance
Cheryl Elizabeth Sartain Lowber Theatre
Robert Patrick Paterno Theatre
Patrick Michael Schneider Art
Abbey Laurel Siegworth Theatre
Olubajo Adeniyi Sonubi Theatre
Morgan Amberlee Southard Theatre
Matthew Bennett Tallman Theatre
Degree of Master of Music
Michael Thomas Adams Trombone Performance
Cynthia Lynn Barbanera Oboe Performance
Laura Watson Bertwell Choral Conducting
Laura Katherine Bowden Voice Performance
Brent Allen Buemi Clarinet Performance
Mhlabuhlangene Emmanuel Buthelezi
Voice Performance
Trevor Kyle Culp Tuba Performance
Juan Jose De Leon, Jr. Voice Performance
Elizabeth Anne Dollard Music Education
Dee Gavin Donasco Voice Performance
Deana Elizabeth Dres Voice Performance
Marta Espinos Alonso Piano Performance
Theresa Marie Francesconi Music Education
Eddie B. Gates Music Education
Sheryl Lynn Hadeka French Horn Performance
Hugh Patrick Herring Percussion Performance
Eun Chong Ju Violin Performance
Dan Corneliu Lazarescou Music Composition
Rachel W. Loss-Cutler Guitar Performance
Meghan Joanna Mazur Voice Performance
Anne Sullivan Mileski Trumpet Performance
Evan John Mino French Horn Performance
Darka Miric Guitar Performance
Tanja Miric Guitar Performance
Richard C. Odom Voice Performance
Brandie Jean Phillips Violin Performance
Malcolm Charles Prigg Clarinet Performance
Russell William Riding Bassoon Performance
Teresa Ann Sanchez Flute Performance
Chelsea Stern Voice Performance
Gjergj Subashi French Horn Performance
Kathryn J. Taylor French Horn Performance
Nathan Thomas Ukens French Horn
Rebecca Suzanne Vaughn Voice Performance
Natalie Walker Waters Music Education
Christopher David Westover Instrumental
Ian Thomas Wisekal Oboe Performance
Artist Certificate
Isaac Miguel Casal Rodriguez Cello Performance
Liudmila Georgievskaya Piano Performance
Pamela Hurtado Piano Performance
Sebastien Hurtaud Cello Performance
Joo Wan Kim Voice Performance
Na Hung Kim Violin Performance
Joshua Akira Nakazawa Cello Performance
Lynda O’Connor Violin Performance
Anna Starzec Piano Performance
Degree of Master of Business Administration
Antoine Christopher Acklin General Business
Bradley Wayne Alexander General Business
Danish Ali General Business
Wesley Patrick Anderson Accounting; Finance
Salman Ansari Information Technologies &
Operations Management; Strategy &
Manik Arora General Business
Gulzar Aziz General Business
Ramji Balasubramanian General Business
Robert Allen Berkland II General Business
Nicole Ilene Bernstein General Business
Niraj Deepak Bhagat Finance; Information
Technologies & Operations Management
Manoj Madhukar Bidnurkar General Business
Deepti Ranjan Biswal Finance; Strategy &
Jonathan Marvin Bond General Management
Yaw Osei Bonsu Finance
Travis Aldane Boyer Finance
Leigh Elizabeth Bresnahan General Business
Staci R. Brinkman General Business
Carolyn Marie Broderick Finance; Information
Technologies & Operations Management
George Wesley Brooks General Business
Ashley Jacqueline Brown Accounting; Finance
Lindsay Anderson Brown Marketing
Mark Lee Bundgus General Business
Anthony Edward Bunnell General Business
Christopher Charles Byrd Marketing
Benjamin Ryan Caldwell Finance
Kathryn Oswalt Canterbury Accounting
Gino Raffaele Carlomagno General
Management; Marketing
Gregory Jerald Carter General Business
Christina Brotzman Cavalier Marketing
Rohit Chaudhry General Business
Parikshit Chauhan Finance; Information
Technologies & Operations Management
Carol Ann Cherrington Logue General Business
Laurence Yu-Bang Chiang General Business
Alan Po-Lun Chuang General Business
Donald Francis Clark, Jr. General Business
Kyle Douglas Coe General Business
Mark Christian Cullum Finance;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Patrick Wiley Curran Strategy &
Paige Loren-Lea Davis Finance
Matthew James Day Finance; Information
Technologies & Operations Management
Maria Katrina Apostol De La Torre Marketing
Thomas Albert Del Core General Business
Mary Carol Dryden Strategic Leadership;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Victor Andrew Dubuclet Marketing
Eli Nickolas Ellis Accounting; Finance
Christopher Lowell Emerson Accounting; Finance
Mark Joseph Emmenegger Finance
William Goodwin Eshelman Marketing;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Brian Carlos Esquivel Finance;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Charles Burdick Ewing General Business
Ashley Nicole Fern Accounting; Finance
Mauricio Fernandez General Business
Carmen Joseph Ferrell III Accounting; Finance
Colin Edward Fitzgibbons Accounting; Finance
Peter Kidd Flowers Finance;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Thomas Patrick Floyd Finance
James Mitchell Frank Sr. General Business
Pablo Antonio Garces Accounting; Finance
Elizabeth Garrett General Business
Christopher John Garrick General Business
Andrew Davis Garrison Finance
Katherine Anne Garton Finance;
Financial Consulting
Jase Robert Geary General Business
Moisey Gershberg General Business
Christopher Dee Gilliam General Business
Jose Vicente Gomez Finance
David Joseph Goodman General Business
Shankar Gopalan Finance; Information
Technologies & Operations Management
Gwyneth Grace Gravelle Finance; Marketing
Mandeep Gulati Information Technologies &
Operations Management; Marketing
Prashant Gupta Marketing;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Stuart Gibson Hagler General Business
Elizabeth Catherine Haley Strategic Leadership;
Patrick Vick Hall II Accounting; Finance
Regan Juliette Hall Finance;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Jeffery David Harris General Business
Mark Steven Hebert General Business
Curt G. Herridge Information Technologies &
Operations Management
Sander Wade Hickerson Information Technologies
& Operations Management
Victoria Elizabeth Hillman Marketing;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
David John Hoffman Finance
Michael David Hofle Finance
Shannon Michele Hogan Accounting; Finance
Sara Miller Holleyhead Marketing
Martin Payne Howard Financial Consulting;
Syed Naushad Hussain Finance; Information
Technologies & Operations Management
Stuart McIlwaine Irby, Jr. Accounting; Finance
George Ivanovskis General Business
Crystal Lea Iverson Strategic Leadership
Hani Taher Jaber General Business
Brian Christopher Jackson Finance
Theresa Andree Jackson General Business
Christen Sky Joiner Marketing;
Strategic Leadership
Marynell Taylor Jones Finance;
Strategic Leadership
Teena Joshi Strategic Leadership
Ethan Michael Joubran General Management
Srinivas Kasu General Business
Justin Bruce Keeler General Business
Jeffrey Darren Keene Finance;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Jonathan Michael Keith General Business
Leah Phillips Kenyon General Business
Ashley Marie Kersey Financial Consulting;
Aleksandra Anna Kierska Finance;
Jon-Bertrell Chennault Killen Strategic
Leadership; Marketing
Glenn Alexander Kimball General Business
Smith Pharis Marketing
John Ziek Pickens IV Information Technologies &
Operations Management; Strategic Leadership
Claire Catherine Potter Strategic Leadership
Benjamin Robert Poynter Finance
Christopher Joseph Pretiger Accounting;
General Management
Madhu Shree Rajagopal Finance;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Shanthi Rajaram General Business
Carl Aaron Rausche General Business
Radhika Rengarajan Accounting; Finance
Lance Wade Robertson General Business
Robin Noelle Rose Strategic Leadership
James Stephen Rust Finance
Nestor Salvado Lozano General Business
Sathiamurthy Samidurai General Business
Justin Wayne Sanderson Accounting;
Financial Consulting
Solange R. Sanderson General Business
Ricardo Santander Valderrama Finance;
Information Technologies &
Operations Management
Gregory Walter Schiller Strategic Leadership;
Keith A. Schmidt General Business
Gregg Alan Schneider General Business
Andrew Fisher Schoellkopf General
Management; Marketing
Stacy Adam Sendra General Business
Manish Sethi General Business
Chintan A. Shah General Business
Dnyanesh A. Shirali General Business
David Hays Short Finance
Kevin Geoffrey Shtofman Finance;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Paul Y. Shultz General Business
Glenn R. Silverman Finance
Mukesh Sankar Singh Strategy &
Sourabh Singh Finance; Information Technologies
& Operations Management
Vitaliy Viktorovich Skripkin Finance;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Donna Marie Stiles General Business
Matthew Thomas Stinson General Business
Deserina Sulaeman Marketing
John Jason Sullivan General Business
Anish Suri General Business
Karan Taneja Finance; Marketing
Lorin Areti Theodosiou General Business
David Andrew Thieke Accounting; Finance
Bryan Jacob Thomas Financial Consulting;
William Mansfield Thomas General Business
Todd Matthew Thompson Finance;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
John Ashley Thornton Finance
Jaime Noneman Kimmons Finance
Benjamin Kuntz General Business
Ronnie Kurian General Business
Laura Michelle Lafitte Finance;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Nicole Marie Lattner Marketing
Anna Chitaphone Lianekeo Accounting
Kasha Cerise Liggett Finance
Yu-Chun Lin Financial Consulting; Finance
Byron Harold Lipper General Business
Bridgette Denise Lockhart General Business
William Edwin Love General Business
Lynn Murray Lyon General Business
John Stewart Maberry Finance
Sagar Suhas Malvankar General Business
James Kyle Manley Finance
Faizul Mannan Finance
Carl Edward Manning General Business
Brent Jason Markham General Business
Luis Antonio Marrero General Business
Samuel Laird Marynick Strategy &
Sean C. Mathews Marketing; Strategy &
Christopher Giles Matthews Finance; Marketing
Douglas Andrew McKoy General Business
Erin Elizabeth McNair Marketing; Strategy &
William D. Miller, Jr. General Business
Abby Margaret Miller Marketing; Strategy &
Raymond James Mimick General Business
Christopher Douglas Mitchell General Business
Samy Mizrahi General Business
Gilbert Henry Molinar General Business
Misty Gayle Morin General Business
Stephen George Morrow Financial Consulting;
Priscilla Annette Mosley General Business
Michael Bradley Moynihan General Business
Holly M. Murdoch Marketing
Tate Jacobsen Myrick Information Technologies &
Operations Management
Jason Charles Newman Finance
Todd Davis Newsom Finance; Strategic Leadership
Linh My Nguyen Marketing
Earl William Nulf General Business
David Kyle Oden Finance; General Management
John Boothe Oden Finance
Oludotun Andre Ogundare Finance
Kevin Michael Olding Accounting; Finance
Tam Truong Osentowski Marketing
Alice Ann Oszustowicz Strategy &
Entrepreneurship; Strategic Leadership
Rahul Dilip Padalkar Finance; Strategy &
Venkat Suresh Pentela General Business
Barton Frederick Peters Marketing
Stephen Hugo Toledo General Business
Bhargvendra Tripathi Finance; Information
Technologies & Operations Management
Suneetha Venkataswamy General Business
Emily Elizabeth Verrett Finance;
Strategic Leadership
Venu Gopal Vinjamaram General Business
Lauren Ashley Walstad General Management
Joshua Ragon Weinberg Accounting; Finance
Daniel Austin Weintraub General Business
Kristin Leigh Wertz Marketing;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Christopher David Wester General Management
William Todd Westerburg Finance
Wendy Ray Westmoreland General Management
Ashley Elizabeth White General Management;
Strategic Leadership
Chad Edward Whitney Finance
Christopher Garet Wicker General Business
Karl Brent Willard General Business
Brian Edward Williams General Business
Jared Marc Williams General Business
Kevin Coriell Winner General Business
Vanessa Wojtas Accounting;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Sarah Jane Woodell General Business
Richard Gavin Worthy Financial Consulting;
Matthew Adam Wright Accounting; Finance
Edward Sunghee Yu Finance
Xiaodong Zhang Accounting
Degree of Master of Science in Accounting
Marvin A. Lorica
James Robert Marks
Emily Marie McPherson
Whitney Elaine Mentzel
Mallory Lauren Murphy
Frank E. Neal IV
Bao Quoc Nguyen
Tien Hoang Thuy Nguyen
Tafawa Balewa Nzarayebani
Alex Patrick O’Neil
Kari Ondash
Regan Carmack Owen
Gerardo Daniel Palos
Valencia Min Tao Pan
Bridget Ann Perkowski
Amber Michelle Phillips
Jose Martin Ramos
Melanie Nichole Reimann
Lauren Nicole Rivet
Amanda Marie Roberts
Jessica Lynn Robinson
Justin Stewart Robinson
Amanda Leigh Schick
Rachna Shah
George L. Shearin IV
Jonathan M. Sledge
Natalie Shareé Smith
Davis Brotherton Stitt
Jessica Gay Tackett
Mark Elliot Utkov
Jennifer Michelle Watz
Richard Whitaker White
Abbey Rae Wilburn
Katherine Reeve Yount
Alejandra Guadalupe Zapata
Matthew Jules Abel
Abdulaziz K. AlHumaid
Allison Leigh Albert
Christine M. Ayonga
Joshua Bailey Barron
Charlotte Spencer Black
Douglas Edward Brady
Praseetha Cherian
Kimberly Anne Church
Edwin Allen Durham Clark
Nathan James Nettles Clark
Samantha Rose Colletti
Robert Fitzgerald Contreras
Candice Christina Crawford
Eddie L. Crowder II
Rachel Susan Curry
Danielle C. Czajka
Chanel Margaret Dorée
Robert Samuel Douglas, Jr.
Robert Henry Eubanks
Gillian Clare Field
Sarah Elizabeth Flume
Adam Everett Gain
James Rogers Hall III
Stephanie Elaine Hamilton
Amanda Brooke Hickey
William Warren Hundley
Lisa Michelle Hurn
Daniel James Jensen
Elisabeth Brooke Jones
Pravin Choudary Kanneganti
Amanda Marie Kennedy
Kathryn Marie Knott
Victor John Linck III
Zichen Liu
Degree of Master of Science in Entrepreneurship
Stacey Reneé Acosta
Nicholas Ryan Allison
Anthony William Benishek
David Bolour
Elishia Shokrian Bolour
Ngoc Do
Jamiyla Tamu Eduful
Anand Ashok Patel
Frank Sciuto II
David Ray Shaffer
Robert Anthony Tomlinson, Jr.
Degree of Master of Science in Management
Russell David Blum
Eric Boen
I N B O B B Y B . LY L E S C H O O L O F E N G I N E E R I N G
Degree of Master of Science
Anviksha Dattatraya Abnave
Eduardo Aceves Software Engineering
Archana Reddy Alle Telecommunications
Jeffrey David Allen Computer Science
Thesis: “An Analysis of Pressure-Based
Keystroke Dynamics Algorithms”
Adviser: Margaret Holder Dunham
Sharmila Arasu Telecommunications
Xu Bai Computer Science
Prasuma Balla Software Engineering
Marc Daniel Banghart Systems Engineering
Christopher Clarence Barber Systems Engineering
Casey Scott Bates Software Engineering
Kripa Kalyan Bharadwaj Telecommunications
Sanghamitra Bhumana Telecommunications
James Hill Black Security Engineering
Rasika Reddy Borra Computer Science
Desirée Dawn Brown Operations Research
Christopher Allen Castleberry Security
Baquer Ali Chabuk Savar Telecommunications
Thayne Ferrin Clark Manufacturing Systems
Elaine Michelle Cochran Systems Engineering
Timothy Adam Constant Security Engineering
Christopher Randel Cooprider Security
Corey Dean Cothrum Security Engineering
Russell Joseph Cronin Systems Engineering
Minh Thang Quoc Dang Systems Engineering
Vincent Wayne DeBusk Security Engineering
Mark J. DeSantis Security Engineering
Neha Sanjay Dedgaonkar Telecommunications
Shawn Joseph Dorsch Software Engineering
Roderick Eugene Evans Security Engineering
Fahad Munir Fakih Telecommunications
Aaron Arthur Fiet Security Engineering
Vishal Bathuvel Gavit Telecommunications
Godefroy Gbery Environmental Systems
Betty Sara George Systems Engineering
Oscar Manuel Gomez Manufacturing Systems
Robert Junior Gomez Manufacturing Systems
Julian Gonzales Manufacturing Systems
Robert Noel Greiner, Jr. Computer Science
Tiffany Allison Griffin Operations Research
Louise Hai Operations Research
Clair Roma Henry Computer Science
Alan Lee Hiatt Software Engineering
Bill D. Holladay Systems Engineering
Jennifer Lynne Holm Packaging Electronic
and Optical Devices
Raymond Dwight Horne, Jr. Security Engineering
Ryan Edward Hunter Systems Engineering
Ahmed Hussain Security Engineering
Ketan Prakash Kharshikar Telecommunications
Meghna Padmakar Korde Telecommunications
Arthur Joe Lyles Telecommunications
Neha Malik Software Engineering
Tracy Allen Martin Security Engineering
Andrew Stephen Matza Operations Research
Brittany Susan McCluskey Operations Research
Aniket Chandrakant Mejare Telecommunications
Mayur Pradeep Nagarsheth Computer Science
Casey O’Brien Systems Engineering
Venkat Rao Obulum Manufacturing Systems
Rahul Navnath Patil Telecommunications
Swapnil Jijaba Pawar Telecommunications
Edward Warsaw Pichon Systems Engineering
Syed Suhail Quadri Telecommunications
Jeffrey Eugene Rand Security Engineering
Jonathan Edward Ray Security Engineering
Tyler Gosiya Reainthong Software Engineering
Darius Paul Tavasoli Systems Engineering
Philip Richard Tripp Security Engineering
Lesa Ann Prince Wasson Security Engineering
Douglas Andrew White Systems Engineering
Mark Andre White Software Engineering
Joshua Lewis Wood Systems Engineering
Pooja Reddy Yedavelli Computer Science
Kinnera Rupineni Telecommunications
Angela Monique Salazar Systems Engineering
Divya Reddy Sappidi Telecommunications
Jack Owen Sells Security Engineering
Youssef Felix Serhal Computer Science
Megan Angela Siems Operations Research
Aaron M. Smith Software Engineering
Joseph Paul Swindler Software Engineering
Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Ryan Andrew Wells
Michael James Whiteaker
Degree of Master of Science in Computer Engineering
Sanket Shatrughna Gawade
Stephanie Rae Hellner
John Joseph Howard
Thesis: “Securing Unfamiliar System Entry Points against
Faulty User Authentication via Electromagnetic Side Channel Attacks”
Levi Keith Pope
Reynold Joseph Schirmer
Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Jieda Li
Thesis: “Modeling, Fabrication and
Characterization of Titanium In-Diffusion
Lithium Niobate Waveguide”
Amrita Sharad Mistry
Thomas James Simpson
Jeffrey Michael Strickland
David Lee Urlacher
Lee Nelson Wakefield
Hao Wang
Matthew A. Yetzer
Wensi Zhang
Scott Michael Burkhart
Mayee D. Chao
Ravi Ananthanarayana Deekshit
John Justin Gilliland
Ryan Corroone Gough
Jeremy Paul Hemphill
Chi-Ming Huang
Hilal Is
Thesis: “Light Propagation in Waveguides
Containing Ferromagnetic Layer”
Junjie Jiang
Swapna John
Jang Lyul Kim
Degree of Master of Science in Engineering Management
Paul Douglas May, Jr.
Clarissa Marie McWherter
Virang D. Mehta
Prerana Ravishankar Navada
Mohammed Tariq Organji
Jeremy D. Polk
Sarah M. Rankin
Michael John Sestak
Xavier Darae Thomas
Kimberly Lanell Tryon
Miguel Angel Urzúa-Arechiga
Steve Leon Yancy, Jr.
Albert William Zinkand
Thomas Aquinas Bresee
Morgan Lynn Brunz
Donald Edward Carkin, Jr.
Andre VaShawn Craft
Ava Kersi Damri
Michael P. Elliott
Brandon Nicholas Emanuel
Christopher J. Griswold
Emily Eve Janka
Lauren Elizabeth Kasper
Jessica Rosanne Luoma
Douglas Brown Lyle
James Steven Mathus
Degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
Angellia Marie Chandler
David Layton Dinkuhn
Anthony J. Fennell
Degree of Master of Science in Environmental Science
Katharine Loyola Gilliam
Omar Angelo Nava Hazardous & Waste Materials Management
Degree of Master of Science in Facilities Management
James E. Hesterberg
Steven Dean Sanders
Degree of Master of Science in Information Engineering and Management
Randy Lee Archambault
Basit Basit
LaJaynes Harris Dupuy
Leo John Hudson
Julianna LaFerney
Kimberly Lynn Regan
James Fred Robinson, Jr.
Frank S. Tran
Christine Elizabeth Van Horn
Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Kevin Francis Burns
Lauren Danielle Couch
Thesis: “Experimental Investigation of
Three-Dimensional Flows Induced by Vortex
Ring Interactions with Oblique Boundaries”
Amy Renee Herbel
Faegheh Hooman
Perry Gregory Leggett
Elizabeth Sutton Lewis
Jeremiah Joe Rauwerdink
Tiffany Ann Rauwerdink
Youssef G. Zoghzoghy
O F E D U C AT I O N & H U M A N D E V E L O P M E N T
Degree of Master of Arts in Dispute Resolution
Tiana Aldora Lightfoot Svendsen
Eric John Mayrack
Latia Nicole Raspberry
Patricia Ann Reyes
Herbert Glenn Robertson, Jr.
Samil Kirit Shah
Michelle Lee Shughart
Donald Marc Sniderman
Ibralate N. Stanley-Ikhilioju
Marsha Jan’Nette Thornton
Teresa Diane Webster
Carla M. Balzer
Carlos Humberto Barocio-Leon
Larry R. Boyd
Eddie Michael Burns
Silvia Bustos
Stephanie Elaine Carroll
Joseph M. Chimbel
Cristina Angelica Coronado
Celeste Eckstein
Claudia Evelyn Graves
R. Darlin Inkelaar
Degree of Master of Bilingual Education
Juan Manuel Amaya
Johanna Bolado
Blanca I. De La Sierra
Elisa Morrissey
Raquel Olmos
Degree of Master of Education
Laura Lynn Benson
Sarah Marie Stoeber Bianco
Tammi Michele Champlin
Dominique Lorraine Diezi
Ilana Fineberg
Jessica Ann Amber Frasier
Elisa K. Gutierrez
Hillary Lynn Halford
Jeffery Paul Hebert
Katherine Elizabeth Klein
Heather Elaine O’Toole
Susan Baker Powell
Parks Harding Michael Stearns III
Maksuda Tanbir
Julie A. Tucker
Diana Michelle Tuquero-Gustafson
Mary Beth Vercillo
Paula Viehman
Allison Anne Wade
Kelly Deonne Walker
Trudi Gayle Wilcox
Degree of Master of Liberal Studies
Jennifer Leigh Gibert Barnes Human Rights
and Social Justice
Wendee Jenneane Courtney
Hailey Kristine Cunningham
Lara Cristina Guerra Self-Designed:
American Studies
Jessica Diane Johnson Humanities
Sharon Renee Matlock
Richard Thomas McPhee Self-Designed:
American Studies
Rebecca Gayle Newcomb
Celina Mendez Richardson
Kerry Renee Schneidewind
Erin Lea Shanks
Vivian Lee Torian
Degree of Master of Liberal Arts
Jill Cochran
Jennifer Ann DeMasi
Joyce Carol Alspach Fox
Andrew Ernest Leubner
Monica A. Narducci
Master of Science in Counseling
Mary Elizabeth Cheek
Renae Elaine Cobb
Chris James Cognetta
Christopher James Green
Reagan R. Green
Marie Krebs
Leslie Joann Scott
Brian Lee Sharp
Candice Elaine Tillman
Jennifer Lea’ Tipton
I N T H E G U I L D H A L L AT S M U ,
L I N D A A N D M I T C H H A RT e C E N T E R
Certificate in Digital Game Development
David A. Boren Specialization in Art Creation
Michael Allen Brannan Specialization in
Level Design
Richard Michael Creasy Specialization in
Level Design
James Cross Specialization in Level Design
Skyler R. Jermyn Specialization in Level Design
Toby McClain McCall Specialization in
Level Design
Ryan H. Medeiros Specialization in
Software Development
Joshua Bennett Moretto Specialization in
Level Design
Anthony Thomas Quinn Specialization in
Level Design
Adam Schein Specialization in
Software Development
George Henry Schmitt Specialization in
Level Design
Jameson Sky Silcox Specialization in Level Design
Jennifer Ryan Templin Specialization in
Art Creation
Brent E. Tincher Specialization in Level Design
Jonathan E. To Specialization in Level Design
Eva Theresa Tran Specialization in Art Creation
Rafeal Lamont Underwood, Jr. Specialization in
Level Design
Blake Matthew Yates Specialization in
Level Design
Degree of Master of Interactive Technology
Igor Cesar Altagracia Digital Game, Art Creation
Thesis: “Womb Levels: The Process of
Developing Organic Environments”
William Tyler Buser Digital Game, Level Design
Thesis: “The Influence of Laterality on Player
Choice and Pathing”
Joseph L. Bush Digital Game, Art Creation
Thesis: “Visual Interest Through Stylistic
Ashley Renae Eldred Digital Game, Art Creation
Thesis: “Asset Optimization Across Multiple
Game Projects”
Jeffrey David Hofer Digital Game, Art Creation
Thesis: “Re-visualizing the Inuit Culture”
Andrew La Bounty Digital Game, Art Creation
Thesis: “The Creation of Fear Through Timing
and Environmental Design”
Ryan Scott Lee Digital Game, Art Creation
Thesis: “Addressing Animation Needs by
Extending Existing Functionality Using
Character Studio”
Jessica Maria Loredo Digital Game, Art Creation
Thesis: “Gender Neutrality in Video Games:
An Emphasis on Art Style”
Jacob Alexander Lozano Digital Game,
Software Development
Thesis: “Object Voxelisation and Destruction”
Shovaen Bharker Patel Digital Game,
Software Development
Thesis: “Procedural City Generation Using
Organic Growth Methods”
James David Posey Digital Game, Art Creation
Thesis: “Replacing Manually Painted Bitmap
Textures with Advanced Procedural Textures
Calculated in Real-Time Within a
Game Engine”
David Gerald Saunders Digital Game,
Level Design
Thesis: “The Effectiveness of the Illusion
of Choice”
Thomas Alexander Swift Digital Game,
Art Creation
Thesis: “Making Use of Next-Gen Assets in
Cross-Platform Development”
Armando Villarreal III Digital Game,
Level Design
Thesis: “The Effects of Music on Gameplay
and Immersion”
Lori Nicole Wilson Digital Game, Art Creation
Thesis: “Modular Design in Urban
Degree of Bachelor of Arts
Maria Fernanda Aceves International Studies
Erin Paige Agostin History; Political Science
Mariana Alarcon English
Matthew Patrick Evans Alexander English
Claire Anne Allen Psychology
Mason Drew Allen Economics
Deidre Ann Almstead History; Political Science
Megan Rose Altman History
Andrew Joseph Amaro History
Daneya E. Ammon Anthropology; Psychology
Casey William Amsler Psychology
Alex Geoffrey Anderson Political Science;
Public Policy
Allyson Cua Arana Psychology
Ruben Alexander Arellano MexicanAmerican Studies
Johnny Raymond Armijo II History
Cate Seabury Aselage English
Kevin Addison Ashmos Sociology
Alexandra Harrington Austin Philosophy
Robert Joseph Babcock, Jr. History
John Robert Bains Economics
Taryn Quinn Baker Psychology
Kristen Joelle Baker-Fletcher Psychology;
Religious Studies
Bradford William Bandel Spanish
Keshia Nicole Barnes Political Science
Sara C. Barnes Psychology; Spanish
Koreyci Cristal Barreto Spanish
Mallory Elise Bassham Psychology
James Mansour Batchelor French; History
Nick James Baumann History
Sylvia Alyse Bearden Biological Sciences
Jaclyn Michelle Beatty Biological Sciences;
Chase Deniger Bechtol Political Science;
Religious Studies
Scott Edward Beckendorf Political Science
Katherine E. Beckett Political Science
André-Philippe Bégin Public Policy
Andrew McKim Bell Public Policy
Jennifer Dianne Bell Psychology
Molly Allen Bellew Psychology
Kyle Gage Bennett Public Policy
Brian Cayce Bertrand Psychology
Jessica Vanessa Betancourt English with a
Creative Writing Specialization
Brittany Alycia Binder Psychology
Jennifer Laura Rozen Blumenthal Religious Studies
Chantal Genevieve Bohren Sociology
Eugenia Maria Bollmann Lopez Psychology
John Kassab Brackett Political Science
Nickolas James Brait III Political Science
Alexandra Bass Brandon Sociology
Dane Zachary Brannan History
Katherine Ann Brattain Markets and Culture;
Abby Rae Breitman Spanish
Virginia M.E. Brooks Psychology
Melissa Lynn Broussard Spanish
Amanda Frances Brown Anthropology; Latin
American Studies
Natalia Joanna Bubien Psychology
Saskia Marina Buggenhout Foreign Languages:
Jessica E. Burnett International Studies
Alexandra Jane-Rae Carey Anthropology
Rachel Michelle Carey Political Science
Joe Lucas Carreon Political Science; Spanish
Adrian Rahm Carrington Markets and Culture
Travis Matthew Casey Political Science
Kathryn Elizabeth Cashin History
Thomas Webster Cassel Philosophy;
Political Science
Esmeralda Castro Spanish
Courtney Marie Chancellor Biological Sciences
Allison Kimball Chapin French;
International Studies
Justine Marie Clark Psychology
Timothy Ryan Clark Chemistry
Amanda Helen Clemons International Studies
Alexandra Lauren Cohen International Studies
Yishai Abraham Cohen Philosophy;
Religious Studies
Marlen Yamitza Collazo Spanish
Jennifer Lynn Collins Chemistry; Spanish
Kristen A. Collins Biological Sciences
Alexius Charles Conroy, Jr. Sociology
Chase Evans Cooley Religious Studies
Andrew Michael Cox Psychology
Colleen Elizabeth Coyle Sociology
William Jefferson Crosswell Markets and Culture
Nicholas Andrew Cunningham Philosophy
Heather T. Daley Psychology
Richard William Danielson Political Science
Veronica Daryl Davis Political Science
Harrison Thera Dawkins Psychology
Shawn Eric Dawson Geology
Renee Danielle DeLisse Latin American Studies
Mary Abigail Dewey English
Katy Ann Dilday Psychology
Ryan Kenneth Dingwall Philosophy
Adrian J. Dizer Markets and Culture
Allison James Donnelly French
Michael James Doyle, Jr. Economics
Joshua Michael Duke English with a Creative
Writing Specialization
Rose Ann Dunn Political Science; Psychology
Allison M. Ecklund Sociology
Robert Gray Edison Markets and Culture
Monica Myisha Edwards Political Science;
Public Policy
Erin Marie Elliott English
Rachel Leigh Ellis Public Policy
Rebecca Allison Elrod Political Science;
Public Policy
Sally Belton Englander History
George Enríquez Markets and Culture
Victoria Anne Erlacher Spanish
Marisa Ann Erwin Psychology
Elizabeth Ann Estell Political Science
Meaghan Elizabeth Farrell Psychology
Oliver Breckinridge Farrell History
Mouhammad Faye French
Stephanie Lynn Fedler Psychology
Milena Sakura Fertitta Psychology
Tiffany Ann Fettinger Psychology
Angelica R. Flores Spanish
Alyssa Leigh Fornara Psychology; Sociology
Alexander Frolov Philosophy
Hallye Sue Fulgham Psychology
Matthew J. Furman Markets and Culture
Katie Lynn Fusco Sociology
Allison Elizabeth Gab English
Albino Rey Garces International Studies;
Political Science
Paul Jay Gardner III Political Science
Estelle Lauren Garza Sociology
Laura Louise Gasch Spanish
Tigist G. Gebru Economics; Political Science;
Public Policy
Megan R. Geer Political Science
Emily Eaton Gerdts Political Science
Avvennett Meseret Gezahan Political Science
Sara Jean Gingrich Psychology
Denise Mendez Gomez Markets and Culture;
Public Policy; Spanish
Brett Matthew Goodman Spanish
Lara C. Green History
Stephen Bradley Green Economics
Melody Lee Griffin Psychology; Religious Studies
Theowrine L. Griffin English
Charles Scott Groeschell Economics; Markets
and Culture; Public Policy
Courtney Ann Guthridge Psychology
Brice Martin Hafner Public Policy
Ali Hussein Haidar Philosophy
Rhiannon Khaled Hamam French;
Political Science
Razan Hamideh Psychology
Alexandra Lee Hammack French
Gregory Rice Hargis Anthropology
Neil Nathanel Hargrove History
Monica Carolina Harrison Perez
Markets and Culture
Meredith Ann Harvey Psychology
Robert Thomas Hayden III Political Science;
Public Policy
Sarah Taylor Hayes-Davis International Studies
Kimberley Nicole Healing Psychology
Daniel Alexander Heckman History;
Political Science
Alexa Ann Hersh Markets and Culture; Spanish
Joshua Kyle Hicks Religious Studies
Ross William Hill History; Political Science
Sarah Abigail Hilton English with a Creative
Writing Specialization
Jordan Hazen Hofeditz Political Science
Zachary Peter Hoffman History
Mechelle Nicole Hogan English; History
Caroline Meitzner Holloway Psychology; Spanish
Amanda Bailey Holyfield English
Christopher Farshad Hooshyar Sociology
Anson Boulware Howard International Studies
Alexander Paul Hughes History
Rush Gordon Hughes History
Heather M. Hunt History; Medieval Studies
Justin David Hunt Economics
Kaitlyn Anne Innes Markets and Culture;
Kristel Terese Isakson Spanish
Jason Jamaal Jackson Psychology
Jordan Elyse Jenkins Mathematics
Kelly Lynn Jensen History
Chelsea Michelle Johnson Political Science
Lindsay Roberts Johnston Political Science
Kristian Johannes Jokisch International Studies
Derek Raleigh Jones Markets and Culture
Leanna Jean Jordan Psychology
Sanja Jovanovic Political Science
Shelby Susan Justl Anthropology; History
Mahnprit Singh Jutley Chemistry
Harrison Andrew Kaufman Political Science
Karlyn Elizabeth Keeley Spanish
Emily Ruth Keister Political Science
Cassandra Gillian Kennedy Political Science
Kelly Margaret Kimbriel Anthropology;
Kaitlin Lewis Kirshner Anthropology
Aleen Meeray Klachian Psychology
James Daniel Kleckner Sociology
Alexander Paul Klotz International Studies
Patrick Thomas Kobler Political Science
Jonathan Yung-Sern Koh History;
Political Science
Amy G. Koshy Biological Sciences
Melissa Anne Kowalchik Psychology
Kendall Marit Kramer Spanish
Kathryn L. Krauskopf Markets and Culture
Charanya Krishnaswami French; Political Science
Hanna V. Kubyshkina Public Policy
Spencer Jemison Lacey Environmental Studies
Asif Lalani Sociology
Sasha Nicole Lamadrid Anthropology; Psychology
Garrett Martin Landry Political Science
Auburn J’ann Layman English
Amy Kim Lee Political Science; Spanish
Carter E. Lee French
Alison Joy Leven Psychology
Brandon Scott Lewis Philosophy
Vanisha S. Lewis Markets and Culture
Jessica Danielle Liebert Psychology
Joseph Michael Lightsey Spanish
Ian Mitchell Lingwood Economics
Verónica Lira Spanish
James Whitney Little, Jr. Economics; Sociology
Andrew Michael Lorig History
Rebecca S. Lovelace English; Political Science
Catherine Elizabeth Lowe Biological Sciences
Ashley Ludlow English; Sociology
Rebecca M. Mahoney Anthropology; Spanish
Mollie Michelle Mailman Political Science
Matthew Nicholas Makarski History
Jupin Malhi Psychology
Gregory Robert Mandel History; Political Science
Elizabeth Lauren Marchant Political Science
Stephanie Danielle Markman English
Alexis C. Martinez Foreign Languages: Spanish
Sean Francis Massimo Markets and Culture
Lina Issam Mattar Economics; International
Phillip Elliott Maxwell History
Mary Michelle McAdam Psychology
Mallory Jean McCall Religious Studies
Ashley Lauren McClellan Sociology
Samuel Aron McDonald Markets and Culture
Ian Christopher McFarland French
Timothy Sean McGarvey Economics; Spanish
Caroline Brett McMahon Psychology
Cody Louise Meador Political Science
Mitchell Cooper Mecum English
Adarius Tremane Medford Economics
Leila C. Mekias Environmental Studies;
International Studies
Mayra Mendoza Spanish
Serena Maria Mergeani International Studies
Caroline Alyssa Merideth Spanish
Janice Ellen Merideth Psychology
Ryan Jonathan Meyer History
Kristin Nicole Meyers Psychology
Nicholas I. Michel Economics; Public Policy
Paul Victor Mielcarek Sociology
Nicholas Cheek Milby History;
International Studies
Jonathan Preston Miller Political Science;
Edmund Scott Miniat Public Policy
Paul Jonathan Montemayor Philosophy;
Political Science
Michaela Correen Montgomery Economics
Valerie Brooke Montoya Psychology
Ryan McClendon Moore Public Policy
Gregory Scott Morgan Psychology
Seth Alexander Morgan English; Philosophy
Nina Morirahimi Psychology
Rebecca Channing Morris Philosophy
Jessica Kay Moseley Foreign Languages: Spanish
Nicola Marie Muchnikoff Political Science
Wade Kanda Muldoon Latin American Studies;
Ryan Elizabeth Mulvenna History;
Political Science
Stephanie Ann Munves Psychology
Anima Nawaz English; Psychology
Melissa Marie Neal French
Claire Cate Neill English
Serena Jeton Nettles International Studies
Monica Nicole Neveklovska Psychology
Thomas Welsh Newell Anthropology
Angeline Michelle Nguyen Economics
Caesar Kha Nguyen Economics
Hong-An Thi Nguyen Chemistry
Julianne Anh-Thu Nguyen Psychology
Sulaiman M. Niazi Markets and Culture
Hoyt Lee Nichols III Environmental Studies;
Katherine Paige Nobles Economics; French
Natalie Mimi Norris Spanish
Kyle James Novak Political Science; Public Policy
Lydia Lawrence Ober Anthropology; Psychology
Erik Roger Olsen International Studies
Ashley Marie Olson Foreign Languages: French
Stephanie Evelyn Osburn International Studies;
Political Science
Sidrah Javed Ahmed Pai Economics;
International Studies
Ali Hassan Palejwala Chemistry
Nikisha Pasrija Spanish
Amanda Marie Patterson History;
Medieval Studies
Andrew Thomas Patterson History
Alan de Jesus Perez Rivera Political Science
Anthony John Petrozzi English
Khoi Tu Pham Economics
Jennifer Whitcomb Pierce Spanish
Sarah Andja Polich Psychology
Trenton Donn Pool Geology
Rachel Kathryn Porter English
Sarah Villere Carnahan Pottharst Spanish
Mia Marie Bonacquisti Power Psychology;
Baishali Pramanik Economics
Jennifer Hannah Raad Biological Sciences
Anika Nasrin Rab Economics
Christie Marie Ramirez Latin American Studies
Alexander P. Rawlings Markets and Culture
Kristin Lee Reeves Markets and Culture
Brittany N. Reno Markets and Culture
Rhina Patricia Restrepo English with a Creative
Writing Specialization; Spanish
Spenser Danielle Sydow Political Science
Kit Lancaster Szybala International Studies
Curtis Wade Tanner History
Tasmia Taufiq Mathematics
Lamont De Fredrick Taylor Religious Studies
Benjamin Isaac Tewes Economics
Samantha Renae Thomen Biological Sciences;
Jennifer Michelle Thompson History
John Brady Thomson Spanish
Pavankumar Thota Political Science; Public Policy
William Gregory Thurman Political Science
Leslie Elise Todd Spanish
Marissa Estela Treviño International Studies
Amber Ranae Tucker English
Robert Ross Van Paasschen Mathematics
Manuel Andrew Vasquez Philosophy
Marina Vladimir Psychology
Brittany Anne Vogel Political Science
Dwight Andrew Volpe Psychology
Tyler Shane Waldrop Economics
Christopher Lee Walker Anthropology
LaNeysa Rashawn Walker Psychology
Wrenn Marie Walls Psychology; Sociology
Susan Marie Watkins Spanish
Tyler Rex Watson Spanish
James Robert Webb, Jr. Markets and Culture
Joanna Katherine Webb Chemistry
Zachary Paul Wehner History
Chelsea Ann Wells Philosophy
Samuel Wayne Weyand Philosophy
Allison Casey White History
Meagan Leigh Whitley Psychology
Emily Christine Wiebke Psychology; Spanish
Sara Michelle Williams Psychology
Delisha Lasha Wills English
John Michael Wilshusen Political Science
Keven M. Wilson English with a Creative Writing
Specialization; Philosophy
Alyssa Michelle Wolf Psychology; Spanish
Emily Kathleen Worland Public Policy
Laura Jean Wortman Political Science
Stewart Michael Youngblood Psychology
Karron Danae Youngkin Spanish
Amy J. Zamora Foreign Languages: French
Abigail Elizabeth Zobrist Psychology
Ashleigh DuPlessis Von Reuter Spanish
Diana Revilla Biological Sciences
Allison Kara Reyes History
Christine Brittany Ricciardi Spanish
Lisa Richardson Foreign Languages: French
Christopher Alexander Robles Psychology
Darlene Daisy Rodriguez Psychology
Juliana Denise Rossi Spanish
Emily Lynn Rubin Political Science
Jillian Brooke Samuels English
Briana Eve Savage Anthropology; Psychology
Kathryn Lane Scanlon Psychology
Shelley Laine Schexnayder English
Alexander Page Schiller Markets and Culture
Jennifer Alice Schniepp International Studies
Charles Alexander Schreiner Markets and
Warren Cardell Seay, Jr. Political Science
Anokhi Shah Anthropology
Loren Nillson Sharp Spanish
Mark Hamilton Shaw, Jr. Political Science
Allison Hill Sheeder Psychology
Jaimie Marie Siegle English
Melisa Garcia Siles Psychology; Spanish
Max Nicholas Silverman Economics
Scott M. Simari Economics; Philosophy
Morgan Danielle Simon International Studies
Rachel Elizabeth Simpson Foreign Languages:
Spanish; Political Science
James Mario Sinacola, Jr. Markets and Culture
Lane Holland Sinclair International Studies
Kimberlee Nicole Slifko Sociology
Jason Andrew Smith Public Policy
Samantha D. Smith Markets and Culture
Wesley Maddox Smith History
Sarone Solomon Political Science; Sociology
Andres Somoza Markets and Culture
Rachany Thi Son Political Science; Psychology
Nina Natalia Sosa Rivera Economics;
Markets and Culture
Heather R. Stahl International Studies
Shelby Anne Stanley Psychology
Nicholas Paul Stefan Biological Sciences;
Daniel Hollis Stewart Political Science
Leanne Elizabeth Swift Psychology
Degree of Bachelor of Humanities
Matthew Winton Brumit
Alejandro Estrada
Degree of Bachelor of Science
Elizabeth Yesenia Aguin Mathematics
Nafees Eraaz Ahmed Mathematics
Steven Aitkenhead Bran Economics with
Finance Applications
Theodore Erik Andersson Chemistry; Mathematics
Alex K. Andonian Economics with
Finance Applications
Kristen Renee Arndt Biological Sciences
Benton Andrew Au Economics with
Finance Applications
Michael Charles Auger, Jr. Economics with
Finance Applications
Daniel Gerard Barrett, Jr. Economics with
Finance Applications
Lara Brittany Bartholomew Geology
Justin Allan Beer Mathematics
Spencer Beers-Mulroy Economics with
Finance Applications
Conner James Belden Economics with
Finance Applications
Andrew McKim Bell Economics with
Finance Applications
Taylor Michael Bon Economics with
Finance Applications
Mark David Bradley Economics with
Finance Applications
Abby Rae Breitman Sociology
Michael Hayden Brister Economics with
Finance Applications
John Louis Brollier Economics with
Finance Applications
Gavin Barclay Brown Economics with
Finance Applications
Mitchell Joseph Brown Economics with
Finance Applications
Sherman Thompson Brown V Economics
with Finance Applications
Stephen Nicholas Brown Mathematics
Sterling Thornton Brown Biological Sciences
Devon Douglas Brucks Economics with
Finance Applications
Brent James Bunch Economics with
Finance Applications
Timothy Victor Busch Economics with
Finance Applications
Michael Patrick Buscher Economics with
Finance Applications
Caitlin Renee Cabaj Mathematics
James Weithas Cahill Economics with
Finance Applications
Stuart Bentley Campbell Economics with
Finance Applications
Kimberly Faith Carlson Biological Sciences
Wai Ming Chan Economics with
Finance Applications
Courtney Marie Chancellor Mathematics
Szu-Yu Chen Economics with Finance Applications
Xi Chen Mathematics
Min G. Choi Biological Sciences
Pien Chang Chester Chow Economics with
Finance Applications
Connor Fulton Cogan Economics with
Finance Applications
John Patrick Coleman Economics with
Finance Applications
Jennifer Lynn Collins Biochemistry
Samantha Elizabeth Gober Cosgrove Economics
with Finance Applications
Adele Marie Costigan Sociology
Corey Dean Cothrum Mathematics
Andrew Michael Cox Biological Sciences
Sumaiya Daredia Economics with
Finance Applications
Dalvin Avery Davis Economics with
Finance Applications
Danielle Megan Davis Mathematics
Jennifer Carolyn Davis Mathematics
Ryan Harold Davis Economics with
Finance Applications
Priyal Prakash-Snehal Desai Biological Sciences
Ryan Kenneth Dingwall Geology
Kristina Le Dinh Biological Sciences
Komlan A. Djoke Economics with
Finance Applications
Sarah Elizabeth Dodson Economics with
Finance Applications
Thomas Scarritt Dudney Economics with
Finance Applications
Serge Alexandre Elizée Economics with
Finance Applications
Rachel Leigh Ellis Economics with
Finance Applications
Rebecca Allison Elrod Economics with
Finance Applications
Eunice Isabel Escobar Economics with
Finance Applications
Kristin Lorene Evanto Mathematics
Jack Francis Fabick, Jr. Mathematics
MacKenzie D. Faddis Biological Sciences
Oliver Breckinridge Farrell Economics with
Finance Applications
Jasen Thomas Feist Economics with
Finance Applications
Andrea Maria Fernandez Smithers Mathematics
Luis Flores Economics with Finance Applications
Lindsay Kaye Floyd Biological Sciences
Alexander Frolov Biological Sciences
Donald Timothy George Fung Economics with
Finance Applications
Dempsey Weston Gable Economics with
Finance Applications
Carlos Alberto Garcia Economics with
Finance Applications
Edelmiro Garza Leal Economics with
Finance Applications
Sarah Lindsay Geist Mathematics
Mohammad J. Gharbieh Mathematics
Megan Elizabeth Gienger Economics with
Finance Applications
Sara Jean Gingrich Biochemistry
Michael Winslow Glickert Economics with
Finance Applications
Brett Matthew Goodman Mathematics
Aminata Sene Gray Economics with
Finance Applications
Emily Elizabeth Gray Mathematics;
Statistical Science
Austen Jay Green Mathematics
Chelsea Noelle MacGregor Economics with
Finance Applications
Jupin Malhi Biological Sciences
Daniel Patrick Mangan Mathematics
Kristin Elizabeth Mannino Mathematics
Michael Brendon Marks Economics with
Finance Applications
Kirmal Masih Biological Sciences
Mayra Mendoza Economics with Finance
Leah Katherine Merrill Economics with
Finance Applications
Brett Aaron Miller Mathematics
Kirk Dodson Miller Economics with
Finance Applications
Edmund Scott Miniat Economics with
Finance Applications
Ambrel Nicole Mitchell Mathematics
Noah Malone Mitchell IV Economics with
Finance Applications
Karen J. Monroy Economics with
Finance Applications
Margarita Del Carmen Morales Biological
Sciences; Mathematics
Loren Taylor Morcomb Biological Sciences
Ana Morfin Economics with Finance Applications
Caitlin Frances Mullins Biological Sciences
Teodoro Muro Economics with
Finance Applications
Aydin Nazmi Biochemistry
Marc Arman Nemati Mathematics
Angeline Michelle Nguyen Biological Sciences
Hong-An Thi Nguyen Biological Sciences;
Michael James Norton Economics with
Finance Applications
Kyle James Novak Economics with
Finance Applications
Matthew D. Nyberg Economics with
Finance Applications
Michael G. O’Neill, Jr. Economics with
Finance Applications
Erik Roger Olsen Anthropology
Matthew Michael Olson Mathematics
Bret Hanley Oswald Mathematics
Ali Hassan Palejwala Mathematics
Elisabeth Eliska Parish Mathematics
Jieun Park Chemistry
David Nicholas Pate Economics with
Finance Applications
Vijita Girish Patel Biochemistry
Matthew William Paul Economics with
Finance Applications
Gregor Plevelj Economics with
Finance Applications
Meghan Nichol Quillen Biological Sciences
Jennifer Hannah Raad Mathematics
Brittany Ashton Raetzman Economics with
Finance Applications
Jill C. Gregory Chemistry
Mark Daniel Grinnan Economics with
Finance Applications
Chitresh Gupta Mathematics
Michele Christine Gwinn Economics with
Finance Applications
Brice Martin Hafner Economics with
Finance Applications
Ali Hussein Haidar Biological Sciences
Shane Allan Hale Economics with
Finance Applications
Brett Wayne Hall Economics with
Finance Applications
Amy Michelle Hand Mathematics; Physics
Yasmeen Hanif Biochemistry
Amelia Marion Harlow Mathematics
April Joy Harrison Economics with
Finance Applications
Tara Lynn Hemphill Mathematics
Pinky Rozina Herao Economics with
Finance Applications
Joshua Kyle Hicks Anthropology
Alexander Ryan Holland Economics with
Finance Applications
Taylor Alan Horton Economics with
Finance Applications
Muhammad Towheed Hossain Mathematics
John Joseph Howard Mathematics
Ashley Michelle Howe Geology
Jacqueline Ann Imparato Economics with
Finance Applications
Andrew David Jacobson Economics with
Finance Applications
Natasha Jelenszky Piad Economics with
Finance Applications
Nicholas Dice Jensen Economics with
Finance Applications
Yan Jin Mathematics
Courtney Justine Jones Mathematics
John D. Jose Economics with Finance Applications
Mahnprit Singh Jutley Mathematics
Rishika Kapoor Biological Sciences
Natalie Sahar Kashefi Biological Sciences
Mohammed Aqeeluzzaman Khaleel Economics
with Finance Applications
Kaitlin Elizabeth Kirk Economics with
Finance Applications
Ximena Maria Lamadrid Economics with
Finance Applications
Melinda Michelle Lang Anthropology
Austin Fuller Leverett Economics with
Finance Applications
Joseph Michael Lightsey Biological Sciences
Laramie Louise Lindsey Biological Sciences
Roman Lipovetsky Biological Sciences
Jason Michael Lowry Economics with
Finance Applications
Diana Luts-Leaton Biological Sciences
Jonathan Reid MacDonald Mathematics
Alexander P. Rawlings Economics with
Finance Applications
Austin Tyler Reed Economics with
Finance Applications
John Davis Rhodes Economics with
Finance Applications
Virginia Anne Riser Biological Sciences
Edwin Arturo Rivas Chacon Economics with
Finance Applications
Christopher Alexander Robles Biological Sciences
Uju Vanstasia Rochas Biochemistry
Keelie Diane Rood Economics with
Finance Applications
Matthew James Ruck Economics with
Finance Applications
Daniel Villarica Salta Mathematics
Jillian Leigh Sarles Biological Sciences
Mohammed Ehsan Sayed Biochemistry
Sydney Janet Shafer Mathematics
Vishal Rajat Sharma Chemistry
Loren Nillson Sharp Biological Sciences
Katherine Mary Snyder Sociology
Hea Suk Soh Biological Sciences
David Bennett Stranahan Mathematics
Spenser Danielle Sydow Economics with
Finance Applications
Carolyn Anne Taricco Economics with
Finance Applications
Thomas Gordon Thigpin III Economics with
Finance Applications
Ryan Michael Thomas Economics with
Finance Applications
Guy Julian Thorpe Economics with
Finance Applications
Nicolas Hamish Thorpe Economics with
Finance Applications
Kseniia V. Tokarieva Economics with
Finance Applications
David Lee Towles, Jr. Economics with
Finance Applications
Marissa Estela Treviño Anthropology
Mattson Holt Uihlein Economics with
Finance Applications
Moizza U-Kiu Biological Sciences
Maia Elizabeth VanDyke Biological Sciences
Alfredo Vila Aramburu Economics with
Finance Applications
Pablo Gonzalo Echevarria Villanueva-Meyer
Biological Sciences
Astrud San Antonio Villareal Biological Sciences
Megan Nicole Walker Economics with
Finance Applications
Joanna Katherine Webb Biological Sciences
Chelsea Ann Wells Biochemistry
Eston Vance Whiteside Economics with
Finance Applications
Elizabeth Whitney Wilkerson Anthropology
Katie Ann Wilmes Sociology
Kaitlin Elizabeth Wittwer Economics with
Finance Applications
Jonathan Jennings Wojcik Biological Sciences
Meredith Elizabeth Wolff Economics with
Finance Applications
Justen Ryan Womack Economics with
Finance Applications
Emily Kathleen Worland Economics
Zachary Lee Zimmerman Economics with
Finance Applications
Daniel Pavel Zmau Biological Sciences
Degree of Bachelor of Social Sciences
Denise K. Flores
Morris Herring, Jr.
Lisa Gaye Hood
Debra Reynolds McGuire
Degree of Bachelor of Arts
Juliana Sophia Decamps Advertising
Kayleigh Anne Defenbaugh Advertising
Renee Danielle DeLisse Advertising
Christene G. Dino Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Allison James Donnelly Journalism
Anna Lee Doughtie Advertising
Ivanna Dovzhanska Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Miranda Hope Dunn Art History
Megan Emily Earls Art History
Margaret McKenzie Easterlin Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Thane Christopher Economou Cinema-Television
Atiyah Edwards Cinema-Television
Elizabeth Ann Entenman Advertising
Emily Lauren Epstein Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Daniel Wade Estes Music
Thomas Wilson Faust, Jr. Journalism
Stephanie Lynn Fedler Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Elizabeth Rose Fischer Art History
Ashley Marie Foerster Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Kelly Eileen Fordham Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Angelina Pavithra Francis Advertising
Amanda Aimee Frederick Journalism
Stephanie Ann Gangel Cinema-Television
Diana Laura Garcia Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Kathryn Estes Garvie Journalism
Christina Marie Geyer Journalism
Elizabeth Parrish Gillis Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Elizabeth Hayes Grayson Advertising
Austen Jay Green Music
Stephen Bradley Green Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Carter Ames Grey Art History
Shane Franklin Halpern Advertising
Chandler Bramanti Hampton Art History
Elizabeth Embry Harris Advertising
Nathan Joseph Harris Cinema-Television
Ryan James Hawkins Cinema-Television
Robert Lasater Hay Cinema-Television
Catherine Caroline Heard Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Katherine Hamilton Helms Journalism
Ryan Patricia Herbert Cinema-Television
Hester Elizabeth Hodde Art History
Jordan Hazen Hofeditz Journalism
Colin Robert Hogan Journalism
Sarah Patricia Acosta Journalism
Katherine Conlee Adams Art History
Tiffany Yong Adams Journalism
Blair Spencer Akin Advertising
Rowda Eyad Albelbaisi Journalism
Mason Drew Allen Advertising
Carolyn Anna Angiolillo Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Ruben Alexander Arellano Art
Sloan Walker Armstrong Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Brittany Baird Atha Advertising
Elizabeth Blynn Austin Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Arleen Lorraine Averill Advertising
Russell Patton Badgett Cinema-Television
Dana Christine Baker Advertising
Whitney Carlin Bartels Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Elizabeth Lauren Baxley Advertising
Charlotte King Beckwith Advertising
Stephanie Sinclair Begley Advertising
Carly Rowe Bergquist Advertising
Katelyn Lee Bialek Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Megan Frances Bice Journalism
Lauren Christine Biedenharn Art
John Kassab Brackett Journalism
Charles Jacobs Breedlove Cinema-Television
Melissa Lynn Broussard Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Elisabeth Malaby Brubaker Journalism
Charles Andrew Bush, Jr. Cinema-Television
Catherine Dee Campbell Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Margaux Simms Carbine Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Ashley Ann Carnahan Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Kathryn Leigh Carr Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Adelina Teresa Chavez Music
Caitlin Courtney Christopher Advertising
Ashley Nicole Cloer Advertising
Jamie Alexandra Cohen Advertising
Maclay Catherine Coldren Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Jessica Ann Cortez Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
James Lee Cox III Advertising
Kellyn Elizabeth Curtis Journalism
Chase Evan Cusack Journalism
Christina Jones Dandar Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Jaclyn Muir Mitchell Journalism
Traci Michelle Mitchell Journalism
Ryan McClendon Moore Cinema-Television
Brooke Ashley Morin Journalism
Christina W. Murphy Journalism
Kristin Victoria Najarian Advertising
Hanna Jean Nelson Journalism
Laura Ursula Noble Journalism
Natalie Mimi Norris Advertising
Tyler Aaron Norris Advertising
Estela Marina Nunez Journalism
Daniel Allen O’Donoghue II Music
Solomon Odom Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Madeline Mia Olds Journalism
Rachel Elizabeth Orr Journalism
Allison Rhea Owens Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
James Aaron Page Advertising
Nikisha Pasrija Journalism
Olivia Peloubet Advertising
Marielle Helene Perrault Advertising
Natalie Ashton Peters Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Sarah Villere Carnahan Pottharst Journalism
Anne Caroline Powell Advertising
Lauren Alysse Pruner Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Frances Lacy Radcliff Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Amanda Elizabeth Rast Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Laura Olivia Ratliff Journalism
Shelby Lynn Reeves Advertising
Nathan Ray Regan Journalism
Frances Elizabeth Reid Journalism
Ashleigh DuPlessis Von Reuter Journalism
Hendrika Isabelle Virginia Rhoad Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Christine Brittany Ricciardi Journalism
Charlotte Maxwell Robertson Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Meredith Renee Robertson Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Alan Horace Rose Cinema-Television; Journalism
Austin Neal Rucker Advertising
Katherine Lauren Ruppe Journalism
Katrina Marie Sainz Cinema-Television
Britney Ann Schaeffer Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Marisa Tunelle Scott Advertising
Richard Dawson Shamblin Music
Caralyn Elizabeth Shapiro Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Kathryn Ann Sharkey Journalism
Monica R. Sharma Advertising
Elizabeth Carol Siebman Journalism
Jaimie Marie Siegle Journalism
Anthony Drew Sowe Journalism
Amanda Bailey Holyfield Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Katherine Clagett Horner Advertising
Kelsey Nicole Howard Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Caroline Elizabeth Hurley Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Kevin Anh Huynh Advertising
Alissa Lee Ireland Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Caryn Jendro Advertising
Hayley Marie Jenkins Advertising
Elizabeth Anne Johnston Cinema-Television
Austin Dean Jones Advertising
Juliana Jones Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Kate Olivia Jones Art History
Randolph Lowrey Jones Cinema-Television
Alyx Michele Kaizerman Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
William Taylor Kamp III Cinema-Television
Brittany Katherine Kemper Advertising
Randall Edward Kenworthy Advertising
Kristin Elisabeth Kimball Journalism
Mary Stephanie Kirkbride Art History
Kai Lauren Kolodziejski Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Lauren Kuhner Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Melinda Michelle Lang Honors Art History
Jennifer Allen Lee Art History
Brent Paxton Lemons Cinema-Television
James Richard Lentzsch Cinema-Television
Luciana Camila Lopez Oliva Cinema-Television
Stephen Jao Lu Journalism
Britney Jo Ludkowski Advertising
Melissa Layne Manuel Advertising
Lauren Michelle Marchica Advertising
Margaret Futrell Marcum Advertising
Mark Lewis Marion II Journalism
Stephanie Danielle Markman Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Nicole Lauren Marriott Advertising
Jana Jo Martin Journalism
Kristen Kelly Mayo Advertising
Lynn Elizabeth McBryde Cinema-Television
Mallory Jean McCall Journalism
Nicole Christine McDaniel Advertising
Kelsey Marie McGaw Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
James Alexander McGregor Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Kayla Katherine McKinley Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Caroline Brett McMahon Advertising
Lauren Elizabeth Millet Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Caitlin Brooke Mitchell Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Frances Alexander Speed Advertising
Emily Barrett St. John Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Kristen Mae Staton Advertising
Breana Michele Steinbarth Cinema-Television
Caroline Lisa Sofia Stenbeck Advertising
Natalie Brown Stephens Journalism
Shelby Anne Stevenson Cinema-Television
Brittanny Marie Sturgess Advertising
Kyle Joseph Sullivan Advertising
Mary Alyssa Summers Journalism
Sarah Arends Swanson Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Megan Christina Symons Advertising
Julia Speed Taylor Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs
Supasiri Patrick Thavornrat Cinema-Television
Rachel Marie Thebeau Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Leslie Elise Todd Honors Art History
Samuel Walker Todd Journalism
Sarah Marie Treis Advertising
Mallory Kaitlyn Vaughan Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Matthew Ross Villanueva Advertising
Brittany Anne Vogel Journalism
Mary Elizabeth Wacker Cinema-Television
William Ross Waggoner Advertising
Hadley Howard Walker Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Mark Mackenzie Ward Advertising
Mackenzie Warren Journalism
Joshua Ryan Webb Journalism
Victoria Grace Welch Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Lindsay Marie Wellington Art History
Adam Raphael Will Cinema-Television
Michelle LaDawn Yoby Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts
Ozioma Ogadinma Akagha Theatre
Koreyci Cristal Barreto Dance Performance
Maria Regina Bonifasi Pereira Theatre
Chrysta Norelle Brown Dance Performance
Erik A. Carter Theatre
Kathryn Elizabeth Cashin Dance Performance
Rukhmani Padmanabh Desai Theatre
Olivia A. DiVecchia Art
Lee Thomas Duveneck Dance Performance
Angelina Louise Fiorini Theatre
Caroline Amanda French Dance Performance
Lauren Elizabeth Gonzales Dance Performance
Stan Jacob Hammond Theatre
Jacob Lindsey Hicks Art
Laura Elise Hix Theatre
James Keith Justinic Theatre
Cameron Leighton Kirkpatrick Theatre
Kendall Marit Kramer Dance Performance
Elizabeth Page Leahy Dance Performance
Jonathan A. Lynn Theatre
Kimberly Kate Lyons Dance Performance
Jolee O’Reagan Miener Art
Emerald Crystal Monroe Art
Heston Louis Mosher Theatre
Brigham Lee Mosley Theatre
Andrés Noé Ortiz Theatre
Marielle Helene Perrault Dance Performance
Corinna Lee Phillips Dance Performance
Morgana Londe Phlaum Dance Performance
Muneeb Ur Rehman Theatre
Shelby Anne Stanley Dance Performance
Brandon Adam Sterrett Theatre
Vanessa Nicole Treviño Dance Performance
Samantha Marie Weinstein Dance Performance
Brittany Blair Werthmann Dance Performance
Lauren Beth Zbylski Theatre
Degree of Bachelor of Music
Rebecca Ann Bailey Music Education
Melissa Diane Bosma Oboe Performance
John Joseph Campione Music Education;
Voice Performance
Sara Jessica Corry Music Composition
Katharine Whitney Dewell Voice Performance
Kelly Dawn Diaz Oboe Performance
Madelyn Brené Fortner Voice Performance
Rosharra J’Nae Francis Voice Performance
Amber Nicole Guest Voice Performance
Jared Scott Hudler Clarinet Performance;
Music Education
Magen Brittney Mitchell Music Composition
Kathryn Montgomery Reiswig Voice Performance
Kaylan Claire Sikkel Music Education
David Michael Sterrett Music Composition;
Trumpet Performance
Wesley Patrick Walker Music Education
Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration
Steven Aitkenhead Bran Finance
Victor Esteban Almeida Finance
Megan Rose Altman Finance
Alexandra Theresa Altvater Marketing
Albert Henry Armistead Finance
Maxwell Channing Avery Finance
Attly N. Aycock II Financial Consulting
John Robert Bains Finance
Andrew Tyler Baldwin Finance
Bradford William Bandel Finance
Timothy John Bandy Real Estate Finance
Daniel Gerard Barrett, Jr. Finance
John Wynne Barton IV Financial Consulting
Scott Grafton Barton General Business
Nick James Baumann Accounting
Elizabeth Lauren Baxley Marketing
Conner James Belden Finance
Jacquelyn Eulich Bell Finance
Erin Jean Benedetto Marketing
Jeffrey Neal Benken Accounting
Kyle Gage Bennett Accounting
Andrew Gray Bernhardt Accounting
Stuart McNeill Blake Accounting
Sarah Marie Blears Marketing
Evan Joseph Boff Finance
William Matthew Bonilla Financial Consulting
Jennifer Marie Bowes Management
Brandon J. Boyd Finance
Jacob Alexander Boyd Finance
Nickolas James Brait III Finance
Andrew Clyde Briscoe IV Real Estate Finance
Micah Clayton Brooks Finance
Victoria JoLee Brooks Financial Consulting
Sherman Thompson Brown V Finance
Edward Spencer Brown Management
Brent James Bunch Finance
Michael Patrick Buscher Finance
Alexandra Cabane Gonzalez Finance
Devon Childress Callaghan Finance
Christopher John Callahan Real Estate Finance
Taylor Hardin Callaway Real Estate Finance
Erin Leigh Campbell Marketing
Stuart Bentley Campbell Finance
Kristin Michelle Canfield Finance
Anna Frances Cannon Financial Consulting
Clinton C. Carmichael Finance
Esmeralda Castro Accounting
Patrick George Chammas Finance
John Robert Chapman General Business
Meghan Ann Charles Accounting
Xi Chen Finance
Ivan J. Cheung Management
Justin A. Childres Accounting
Dewan Mukarram Rob Chowdhury Accounting
Maliha Redwana Chowdhury Accounting
Michael Ray Clinton Financial Consulting
Christopher Richard Coleman Finance
John Patrick Coleman Financial Consulting
Chase Evans Cooley Finance
Chase Andrew Courtney Financial Consulting
Mallorie Danielle Cruz Marketing
Kelly Jura Curtis Accounting
Chase Evan Cusack Marketing
Clayton Richard Dallas Finance
Sumaiya Daredia Real Estate Finance
Andrew Bennett Davis Accounting
Dalvin Avery Davis Finance
Jennifer Carolyn Davis Accounting
Megan Elizabeth Davis Accounting
Ryan Harold Davis Finance
Thomas Colin Davis Accounting
Veronica Daryl Davis Management
Jesse Christopher Dawkins Finance
Shawn Eric Dawson Financial Consulting
Katherine Murray Dewan Marketing
David John DiRoma Marketing
Yen H. Diep Financial Consulting
Zachary David Dobin Real Estate Finance
Lawrence Pace Doherty Financial Consulting
Bratton Wardlaw DuBose Accounting
Alexander Ryan Duck Financial Consulting
Thomas Scarritt Dudney Finance
Allison M. Ecklund Accounting
Thane Christopher Economou General Business
Victoria Anne Erlacher Finance
Marisa Ann Erwin Marketing
Eunice Isabel Escobar Finance
Eric Michael Fabacher Finance
Jasen Thomas Feist Finance
William James Fitzgerald Finance
Luis Flores Finance
Julia Blair Flowers Accounting
Brian Douglas Foster General Business
Caroline Amanda French Management
Amanda Whitney Friedel Finance
William Alexander Goodwin Friend Marketing
Courtney Nichole Fry Accounting
Stewart Dean Fuller Finance
Robert Adam Fuqua Financial Consulting
Andrew Davis Gagarin Finance
Carlos Alberto Garcia Finance
Edelmiro Garza Leal Finance
Laura Louise Gasch Marketing
Emily Eaton Gerdts Finance
Cassandra Lee Gill Marketing
Daniel Scott Gillespie Finance
Michael Winslow Glickert Financial Consulting
Peter Alfred Goldschmidt Financial Consulting
Anna Lucia Gonzalez Accounting
Brett Matthew Goodman Finance
Hunter Reed Goodson Management
Nicholas John Grayden Financial Consulting
Rachel Rebecca Greenberg Accounting
Elizabeth Renee Greene Marketing
Mark Daniel Grinnan Accounting
Mauri Alper Gustafson Financial Consulting
Brett Wayne Hall Finance
Tolar Numa Hamblen IV Finance
Sohail S. Hamirani Accounting
Alexandra Lee Hammack Finance
Harrison Taylor Harbison Management
David William Harner Accounting
John Michael Harris Accounting
Nell Bateman Hauck Accounting
Henrik Nicolas Hauge Finance
Robert Lasater Hay Finance
Alexander John Haynes Finance
Pinky Rozina Herao Real Estate Finance
Holly L. Hill Marketing
Justin David Hunt Accounting
Kevin Anh Huynh Finance
Alexandra Houghton Igleheart Finance
Jacqueline Ann Imparato Real Estate Finance
Farida Taher Iqbal Accounting
Amelia Louise Isaac Accounting
Kristel Terese Isakson Financial Consulting
Jordan Elyse Jenkins Finance
Andrea Louise Johnson General Business
William Cooper Johnston Finance
Jamie Jo Jones Management
Juliana Jones Accounting
Kedron Lonnard-Earl Jones Marketing
John D. Jose Finance
Madeline Christine Juenger Finance
Jacob Jarrett Jurlina Finance
Natalie Sahar Kashefi General Business
Varun Kataria Financial Consulting
Carter Smith Kauffman Finance
Harrison Andrew Kaufman Finance
Thomas Joseph Keegan VII Accounting
Karlyn Elizabeth Keeley Financial Consulting
Randall Edward Kenworthy Management
Brian Christopher Kerr Finance
Mohammed Aqeeluzzaman Khaleel Finance
Anum Arshad Khan Accounting
Mohammad Talha Khan Finance
Nageen Sahba Khorrami Marketing
Minhee Kim Accounting
Kaitlin Elizabeth Kirk Finance
April René Kletke Accounting
Winfred Ko Accounting
Bryan Alexander Koch Finance
Kyle A. Koupal Finance
Melissa Anne Kowalchik Finance
Kathryn L. Krauskopf Accounting
Charanya Krishnaswami Finance
Robert Howley Krupp Finance
Anila Ladhani General Business
James Edward Landen, Jr. Finance
Matthew Erik Landstrom Real Estate Finance
Marisol Teresa Lazcano Alcantara Finance
Jason Tri Le Finance
Elizabeth Page Leahy Marketing
Ryan Patrick Leech Marketing
Brianna Marie Letzelter Finance
Grant Michael Lewis Finance
Xian Li Finance
Shih-Han Lin Accounting
Alexander Saunders Linn Finance
Ivey J. London Marketing
Michael Ashton Lough Finance
Ryan Alan Caylor Lovell Real Estate Finance
David Keith Loving Real Estate Finance
Catherine Elizabeth Lowe Accounting
Jason Michael Lowry Finance
Lindsay Frances Machacek Finance
Caroline Hope Madden Accounting
John Ka Cheong Mak Accounting
Melissa Layne Manuel Marketing
Alex Philip Marucci Finance
Katlin Quinn Maw Management
Lauryn Elizabeth May Marketing
Nicole Christine McDaniel Management
Stacy Lee McElreath Accounting
Erin Lindsey McKie Accounting
Kelly Marie McKinley Marketing
Consuelo Maria Medero Management
Caroline Alyssa Merideth Finance
Leah Katherine Merrill Management
Margaux Ann Merriman Marketing
Jake Davenport Meyer Accounting
Ryan Jonathan Meyer Finance
Kristin Nicole Meyers Management
Clayton Joseph Milburn Finance
Matthew C. Miller Finance
Colleen Moll Marketing
Michael Francis Montesi, Jr. Accounting
Olivia Fernanda Moretto Finance
Jessica Kay Moseley Marketing
Justin Michael Mowrey Finance
Teodoro Muro Finance
Kevin Chase Murphree Accounting
Jesse Cole Murphy Marketing
Devon Elizabeth Myers Accounting
Rachel Naaman Accounting
Matthew Kelly Naifeh Finance
Brett Ryan Nelson Real Estate Finance
Heather L. Nelson General Business
Katherine Anne Nevin Marketing
Thomas Welsh Newell Financial Consulting
Julianne Anh-Thu Nguyen Finance
Michael J. Noble Marketing
Mohammad Shaad Noorali Accounting
Lindsay P. Norman Marketing
Caitlin Morgan O’Leary Finance
Andrew Kent O’Neal Accounting
Michael G. O’Neill, Jr. Finance
Ashley Marie Olson Finance
Babayemi Ayodele Omole Accounting
Dominique Nicole Ouellette Accounting
Sienna Nicole Palmer Marketing
Courtenay Ruth Paris Accounting
Seth Mitchell Park Accounting
Sung Ho Park Accounting
Christopher Michael Parker Accounting
Ajay Jai Patel Marketing
Anil Jai Patel Marketing
Mukesh Patel Real Estate Finance
Matthew William Paul Finance
Tyler Bryant Pearson Finance
Lindsey F. Perry Marketing
Kevin Glenn Phillips Finance
Paige Beverly Phillips Accounting
Jennifer Whitcomb Pierce Accounting
Gregor Plevelj Finance
Keith C. Plum Finance
Baishali Pramanik Accounting
Eleanor Tyler Proctor Marketing
Mohammed Zubair Qureshi Finance
Anika Nasrin Rab Marketing
Brittany Ashton Raetzman Finance
Austin Gene Raines Finance
Sabrina J. Rasor Accounting
Leah Jane Rather Finance
Kristin Lee Reeves Financial Consulting
Stephen James Reiff Finance
Paul Allen Renton Finance
Hendrika Isabelle Virginia Rhoad Marketing
Peyton Lannig Riley Marketing
Chanel Anastasia Rose Rizk Marketing
Brittney Leigh Roberts Marketing
Nicholas Everett Roberts Accounting
Darlene Daisy Rodriguez Marketing
Keelie Diane Rood Marketing
Jared Eli Rosen Accounting
Mac Blaine Ruderer Accounting
Katrina Marie Sainz Accounting
Alessandra Marie Sarin Finance
Brett McCormac Sayers Accounting
Sara Johnson Scheible Accounting
Sydney Elizabeth Seid Marketing
Lauren Leigh Seifert Accounting
Christopher Steven Selbo Finance
Christopher Ralph Senner Management
Anokhi Shah Marketing
Richard Dawson Shamblin Financial Consulting
Rachna Sharma Accounting
Leslie Ann Shipp Finance
Eric Stiles Shute Finance
Michael Joseph Silverstein Finance
John Arthur Simon Marketing
Ashley Carol Smith Finance
Roland Raymond St. Louis III Management
Joseph Nathan Steakley, Jr. Finance
Daniel N. Stevenson Finance
David T. Stewart III Marketing
Sarah Anne Stinnett Management
Geoffrey Scott Stupay Finance
Chin-I Su Marketing
Elizabeth Ashley Sullivan Marketing
Stephanie Janette Sutton Real Estate Finance
Peter Stewart Swain Marketing
Kit Lancaster Szybala Finance
Megan Tague Finance
Tasmia Taufiq Accounting
Michael Joseph Taylor Finance
Ryan Michael Thomas Finance
Samantha Grace MacKenzie Thomas Accounting
John Brady Thomson Marketing
Kseniia V. Tokarieva Finance
Austin Faikeel Tom Financial Consulting
Luis Felipe Tornes Management
Mattson Holt Uihlein Finance
Robert Ross Van Paasschen Risk Management
and Insurance
Emily Patrice Van Volkinburg Finance
Kate Elizabeth VanHee Marketing
Khadijeh Salim Vidhani Accounting
Alfredo Vila Aramburu Finance
Shinichiro Waki Marketing
Cameron Theodore Walker Accounting
Colin Michael Ward Marketing
Mark Mackenzie Ward Marketing
Justin P. Warren Finance
Susan Marie Watkins Marketing
Tyler Rex Watson Finance
David Max Waxman Management
Zachary Paul Wehner Accounting
Afton Nicole Weimer Accounting
Victoria Grace Welch Finance
Joanne Kavanaugh Werthwein Accounting
Alexander Richard Perry Wey Finance
Sara Michelle Williams Financial Consulting
Saren Elizabeth Williams Accounting
Jaime Beth Williamson General Business
Maeve McBride Wilson Finance
Marley Krisman Wing Marketing
Lindsay B. Winter Finance
Harrison Leigh Wittels General Business
Douglas W. Woessner Finance
Meredith Elizabeth Wolff Real Estate Finance
Justen Ryan Womack Finance
Michael Blayze Woodlock Finance
Meredith Kirby Worley Finance
Christopher Holland Wynne Real Estate Finance
Chien-Li Janet Yang Marketing
Seung Ju Yoo Marketing
Stewart Michael Youngblood Finance
Stephanie Gay Zick Accounting
Lauren Hockaday Zimmer Real Estate Finance
I N B O B B Y B . LY L E S C H O O L O F E N G I N E E R I N G
Degree of Bachelor of Arts
Ivan J. Cheung Computer Science
Edmund Burke Hourigan IV Computer Science
Geoffrey Scott Stupay Computer Science
Gabriel Benjamin Valdes Computer Science
Degree of Bachelor of Science
Nafees Eraaz Ahmed Management Science
Jeffrey David Allen Computer Science
Aaron Scott Bickle Computer Science
Brandon John Cabello Management Science
Ryan Randall Case Computer Science
Corey Dean Cothrum Computer Science
Pablo Alejandro De Santiago Management Science
Kristin Lorene Evanto Management Science
Emily Elizabeth Gray Management Science
Erin Brianne Gripp Management Science
Courtney L. Guenard Management Science
Mallory Jean Harrison Management Science
Valerie Adam Hartwig Computer Science
Tara Lynn Hemphill Computer Science
Jami Lyn Jeffcoat Computer Science
Yan Jin Management Science
Kristin Elizabeth Mannino Management Science
Charles Eric Middleton Computer Science
Jennifer Marie Miller Computer Science
Stephanie Marie Miller Computer Science
Ambrel Nicole Mitchell Computer Science
Stacy Elyse Moskowitz Management Science
Quinn Dietrich Myers Management Science
Gayatry Syamala Nair Computer Science
Marc Arman Nemati Computer Science
Winston Paul Nicholson Computer Science
Nicholas Reese Noble Computer Science
Bret Hanley Oswald Management Science
John Parks Roach Computer Science
Carolyn Anne Taricco Management Science
Megan Nicole Walker Management Science
Jordan Lee Whitteberry Management Science
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Elizabeth Yesenia Aguin
Kristin Reade Altena
Jennifer A. Broyles
Kimberly Anne Crawford
John Can Duvenci
Colton Craig Ingraham
Matthew Michael Olson
Christina Elaine Salchow
Stefanie Annette Tracy
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Austin Nicholas Click
John Joseph Howard
Benjamin Michael Koopferstock
Kristina Arie Kraemer
Gregory Robert Standerfer
Kyle Justin Turney
Aaron Shane Wirges
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Sasha Jarek Almanza, Jr.
Stephen Nicholas Brown
Patrick Wylie Burge
William Jeffrey Carter
Ruben Garcia
David Bennett Stranahan
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering
Gloria Andrea Aguirre
Priyanka Kaur Hooghan
Valerie Diane Lemmons
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Justin Allan Beer
Caitlin Renee Cabaj
Danielle Megan Davis
Johann A. Dutton
Andrea Maria Fernandez Smithers
Mohammad J. Gharbieh
Michael Joseph Gratzinger
David Britton Green
Chitresh Gupta
Amelia Marion Harlow
Joseph Anthony Hashem
Ryan Wayne Horton
Courtney Justine Jones
Jack C. Klachian
Alejandro Larco Diaz
Jonathan Reid MacDonald
Daniel Patrick Mangan
Ian Christopher McFarland
Brett Aaron Miller
Jonathan Ross Nigh
Daniel Villarica Salta
Sydney Janet Shafer
Jason Andrew Smith
Brett M. Zibilich
M AY T E R M 2 0 1 0 C A N D I D AT E S
Degree of Master of Science in Counseling
Amber Elissa Hargrove
Holly Irene Heft
Jennifer Kay Hoge
Brian R. Kagel
Lee B. Kinsey
Roby Warren McCollum
Betty D. McHone
Olga Ozranov
Rochelle Marie Ritzi
The May portion of the program contains the names of candidates for degrees and honors.
Inclusion in the program does not constitute evidence of completion of degrees or honors requirements.
A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 C A N D I D AT E S
Degree of Master of Divinity
Jimmy Decee Greene
Kay Beck Towns
Degree of Master of Theological Studies
Patricia Diane Froehlich
Christian Kakez-A-Kapend
Degree of Master of Arts
Georges Marcellus Economics
Jamie Reedy Economics
Degree of Master of Science
Daniel Riley Danehy Geology
Peiqi Zhai Statistical Science
Degree of Master of Arts
Lindsey Erin Herkommer Art History
Elizabeth Alice Lamar Latham Art History
Caitlin Abigail Overton Art History
JoAnna Reyes Walton Art History
Degree of Master of Music
Gregory Thomas Grabowski Instrumental Conducting
Amalia Alicia Nagel Piano Performance & Pedagogy
Andrea Michelle Talladino Voice Performance
Master of Science in Accounting
Robert Alan Yokem
I N B O B B Y L . LY L E S C H O O L O F E N G I N E E R I N G
Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Osman DeLeon Munoz
Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Yingsi Liang
Degree of Master of Science in Engineering Management
Dania Zakim Alkulaibi
Ricardo Isais
Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Brandon Thomas Least
Degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
Timothy R. Heydari
Degree of Master of Bilingual Education
Angeles Gonzalez
Margarita Medina
Degree of Master of Education
Laura Christine Alexander
Natalie M. Amato
Lesli Sharon Wright
Degree of Master of Liberal Arts
Marc Christopher Bollon
Degree of Master of Liberal Studies
Samar Mahmoud Chehab
Carol Ann Line
Degree of Master of Science in Counseling
Megan Elizabeth Bills
Sarah Elisabeth Smith
Allison Blair Uberman
Degree of Bachelor of Arts
Farah Ansari Anthropology; Sociology
Uzo U. Awa Philosophy; Political Science
Elizabeth Evelyn Ball English
Laura Gabriela Barrera Markets & Culture
Miriam Pritchett Brewster Psychology
Lauren Elizabeth Brundage Psychology
Amanda Sue Burden Anthropology
Philip Anthony Burley Sociology
Linda Melissa Burns International Studies
Christopher Kalvin Butler Psychology
Peter Bahnson Butler Markets & Culture
Calvin B. Crockett Economics; Public Policy
Timotheus Phre’mon Crosby Sociology
Emily L. Curtis Sociology
Thomas R. Elliott Philosophy; Political Science
Lucas R. Ferrell English with
Creative Writing Specialization
Courtney Ford English with
Creative Writing Specialization
Christopher Booth Gaut Psychology
Tracy Sarah Glesby Psychology
Haley Ann Godat Psychology
Erin Michele Graham Economics
Maureen E. Greenan Latin American Studies;
Anthony Michael Gulla Political Science
Jeannie Kina Ha Economics
Krystal Jean Harman Markets & Culture
Michael Spear Hawkins Anthropology
Ronald Wesley Henderson Biological Sciences
Hope Charlotte Hicks English
Natalie Ann Ingram Political Science
William Taylor Kamp Economics
Marisa Lonette Knowles Public Policy
Kevin Martin Lee History
Erika Nicol Luedtke Psychology
Thatcher MacDonald Political Science
Abigail M. Magill Psychology
Kristy Blackmon Martinez English
James Darryl Medford Psychology
Alexander Ikechukwn Odiari Sociology
Connor Wright Patman History
Jarrod Robert Ray Sociology
Anna Catherine Reily Philosophy
Nicholas Edward Reynolds International Studies
Beau A. Rice English with
Creative Writing Specialization
Rebecca Lauren Rohus English with
Creative Writing Specialization
Amber Roman Psychology
Sara Sanchez Mexican-American Studies; Spanish
Ryan Jay Seidler Psychology
Jonathan Issac Shokrian Religious Studies
Jacqueline Fay Silverman Psychology
Richard Stannard History
Emilia Stubbe Anthropology
Zachary Caleb Thomas Markets & Culture
Aaron Matthew Tullman Political Science
Roberts Vonsovics International Studies
John F. Watts History
Christine Marie Weesner Political Science
Megan E. White English with
Creative Writing Specialization
Cameron Seth White Biological Sciences;
James Andrew Williamson Public Policy
Degree of Bachelor of Science
Matthew Richard Alfano Economics with
Finance Applications
Steve Cantaloupi Economics with
Finance Applications
Jose Andres Castillo Economics with
Finance Applications
Kyle Ross Chester Economics with
Finance Applications
Frank Fitts IV Economics with
Finance Applications
Brennan William Fontana Economics with
Finance Applications
Stephane Goncalves da Costa Economics with
Finance Applications
Chirag Jain Economics with Finance Applications
Aayush Jetley Economics with
Finance Applications
Varun Kataria Economics with
Finance Applications
Kara Victoria Kinsey Economics with
Finance Applications
Petra Klosova Biological Sciences
Tipesh Kumar Economics with
Finance Applications
Mitchell Lee McAnelly Economics with
Finance Applications
Lindsey Caitlin Miller Biological Sciences
Ryan Joseph Mirsky Geology
Travis Clayton Newkumet Economics with
Finance Applications
David Clewis Perrin Economics with
Finance Applications
Merrill Sonaj Raju Biochemistry
Andrew V. Spiziri Economics with
Finance Applications
Rebecca Diane Stell Sociology
James M. Sudderth Biological Sciences
Reginald Don Whittington Economics with
Finance Applications
James Andrew Williamson Economics with
Finance Applications
Degree of Bachelor of Arts
Russell Conrad Burgess Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Aroosh Chopra Journalism
Rachel Nicole Courie Journalism
David Joseph Crawford Journalism
Benjamin Lane Croucher Music
Kaitlyn Bailly Dunne Journalism
Jillian Michelle English Advertising
Cayla Kathleen Gebhardt Boukather Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Alessandra Chelsea Gilliland Advertising
Christopher Ryan Glenn Advertising
Christopher Jack Hewitt Advertising
Hibba Samir Itani Advertising
Kendra Renee Kahanek Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Emily Ruth Keister Journalism
Amanda Nicole Mervine Journalism
Elizabeth Virginia Moore Cinema-Television
Frances Lacy Radcliff Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Orlando Rene Rojas Journalism
Donald Graeme Ross III Advertising
Juliana Denise Rossi Advertising
Caitlin Elizabeth Sherrill Art History;
Corporate Communications & Public Affairs
Maverick Ryan Smalley Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Taylor John St. Eve Journalism
Rebecca Diane Stell Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Jennifer Beth Taliaferro Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Alexandra Marcelle Villalba Cinema-Television
Matthew Ross Villanueva Advertising
Catherine Alexandra Williamson
Alexis Leigh Wood Advertising
Britney Marie Yancey Corporate
Communications & Public Affairs
Clayton August Zamperini Advertising
Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts
Christopher Ryan Glenn Theatre
Leta M. Kish Art
Rhys Livingston Loggins Dance Performance
Jessica Michelle Michlik Art
Brooks Bowman Oliver Art
Courtney Anne Sanborn Art
Degree of Bachelor of Music
Lauren Ashley Debussy Vocal Performance
Alison Marie Etter Music Therapy
Meredith Ann Harvey Music Therapy
Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration
Amber Nicole Burnett Business
Mia Kay Byrd Accounting
Nezare Chafni Financial Consulting
Zohra Conner Marketing
Zeng Fan Accounting
Brett McAlpin Green Finance
Bruce Henry Greenburg Marketing
Sarah E. Heavner Management
Xiang Huang Finance
Aayush Jetley Finance
Alan Nawfel Khedairy Finance
Joshua Ushay Leal Business
Liliya Leontyeva Finance
Sarah Christine Lindig Marketing
Travis Clayton Newkumet Finance
Levina Yan Yan Phua Accounting
Travis Alexander Rachal Finance
Robert Alan Smith Finance
Kristen Marie Terlip Business
Eric R. Vigil Finance
Courtney Christine Whiteford Accounting
Alexis Leigh Wood Marketing
Adrienne May Zielasko Marketing
I N B O B B Y B . LY L E S C H O O L O F E N G I N E E R I N G
Bachelor of Science
Matthew Richard Alfano
Kyle Ross Chester
Natalie Rose Jaroski
Brittany Andrea Masi
N. Pierce Meier
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Austin Thomas Fee
Shannon Marie Silveira
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Patrick Duke Anderson
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering
Ruthanne Amanda Bruch
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Jessica Nicole Aguilar
Randolph Stewart Imel
Kathryn Ellen Rose
Zachary Barnett Taylor
Jerin J. Thenayan
SMU students winning national fellowships and awards, 2007-2010
Amanda Aland
AliAsgar Alibhai
Katherine Deland
Talisa R. Dever
Yen Diep
Esmeralda Duran
Meredith Faber
Zaenab Farzal
Zehra Farzal
Bilal Fawaz
Belinda Gopito
Almorceen Hall
Amy Hand
Leela Harpur
Jessica Steinmann-Hermsen
Alexandra Hill
Heather Hunt
Rebekah Hurt
Sarah Husseini
Katrina Josephson
Kelsey Jukam
J. Neil Lawley
Gilberto Lopez
Jasia Mahdi
Benjamin Manthey
Jessica Maxey
Charles Taylor McCaslin
Cody L. Meador
Rachael Morgan
Hillary Palmer
Christina Thanh Pham
April Sunshine Prior
Kylie Quave
Sarah Qureshi
Allison Reinert
Amy Revier
Nicholas Rosenau
Daniel Salta
Warren Seay
Lauren Smyth
Astrud Villareal
Michelle Wigianto
Ashley Brooke Wright
Fulbright Grant 2008-2009 to Peru,
NSF Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2008
Fulbright Grant 2008-2009 to Morocco
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) 2010
Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) 2009
Freeman-Asia Scholarship 2008
Jack Kent Cooke Continuing Graduate Scholarship 2009-10
Houston Geological Society, Calvert Memorial Scholarship
Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) 2010
Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) 2010
Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) 2010
Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) 2010
NASA USRP, Undergraduate Student Research Program 2010
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) 2009
U.S. Department of State summer internship 2010, Rome
Goldwater Scholar Honorable Mention
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship 2009-2010
Gilman Scholarship 2009
Marshall Scholar 2007-2010
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) 2010
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship 2009-2010
Gilman Scholarship 2009
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship 2008
Boren Fellowship 2009
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) 2010
Princeton in Asia 2009-10
Goldwater Scholar 2010-2012
Presidential Fellow, Center for Study of the Presidency 2010-11
Presidential Fellow, Center for Study of the Presidency 2009-10
Presidential Fellow, Center for Study of the Presidency 2008-09
French Government Teaching Assistantship 2008-09
Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) 2010
Fulbright Grant 2010-2011 to New Zealand
Fulbright Grant 2009-2010 to Peru,
NSF Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2009
French Government Teaching Assistantship 2008-09
Texas Space Grant STEM Award 2010
Fulbright Grant 2009-2010 to Iceland
Geological Society of America Research Grant 2010
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), 2009
Truman Scholar 2009-2011
French Government Teaching Assistantship 2009-10
Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) 2008
Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET) 2008-09
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) 2010
Ruth Collins Sharp Altshuler
W. Earl Bledsoe
Michael M. Boone
Bradley W. Brookshire
Laura Welch Bush
Kirbyjon H. Caldwell
Donald J. Carty
Kelly H. Compton
Mark Craig
Gary T. Crum
Linda Pitts Custard
Robert H. Dedman, Jr.
Frank M. Dunlevy
Juan L. Elek
Alan D. Feld
Gerald J. Ford
Antonio O. Garza, Jr.
James R. Gibbs
Robert T. Hayden III*
Frederick B. Hegi, Jr.
Clark K. Hunt
Ray L. Hunt
Gene C. Jones
Scott J. Jones
Robert A. Leach
Paul B. Loyd, Jr.
Bobby B. Lyle
Ken Malcolmson*
David B. Miller
Fredrick Iver Olness*
Connie O’Neill*
Sheron Patterson
Sarah Perot
Jeanne L. Phillips
Caren H. Prothro
Carl Sewell
Ann B. Sherer-Simpson
Helmut R. Sohmen
Richard K. Templeton
John C. Tolleson
R. Gerald Turner*
Ed Wilson
Richard J. Wood
*Ex officio
Thomas B. Fomby
Chief Marshal
Bradley Kent Carter
Chief Marshal Emeritus
Thomas Osang
Procession Marshal
William J. Pulte
Assisting Procession Marshal
P. Gregory Warden
Platform Marshal
Joseph F. Kobylka
Marshal Lector
Richard Jones
Retiring Faculty Marshal
Dennis Simon
Golden Mustang Marshals
Robert Van Kemper
Doctoral Marshal
Nathan Balke, Daniel Millimet, Richard D. Nelson
Faculty Marshals
Aydin Alptekinoğlu
Rajat Deb
Darryl Dickson-Carr
Linda S. Eads
Patricia Harrington-Delaney
Roy L. Heller
Swaminathan Kalpathy
Jeffrey L. Kennington
Olga Lopez-Valero
Michael McCoy
Alexis McCrossen
Eli Olinick
Hector H. Rivera
David Sedman
Ram Venkataraman
Southern Methodist University will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, age, disability, or veteran status. SMU’s commitment to equal opportunity includes
nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
John B. Attanasio, Dean of Dedman School of Law
H. Charles Baker, Professor Emeritus of Engineering
Thomas E. Barry, Vice President for Executive Affairs
W. Earl Bledsoe, Trustee of the University
José A. Bowen, Dean of Meadows School of the Arts
Christine Casey, Vice President for Business and Finance
David J. Chard, Dean of Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development
Brad E. Cheves, Vice President for Development and External Affairs
Thomas E. Coan, Associate Professor of Physics
Michael A. Condon, University Treasurer
Linda Pitts Custard, Member of the Board of Trustees
Jorie Graham, Honorary Degree Recipient
John A. Hall, University Registrar, Executive Director of Enrollment Services
Robert T. Hayden III, Student Trustee of the University
Jeffrey Kahn, Assistant Professor of Law
Ron Kirk, United States Trade Representative and Commencement Speaker
Patrick Thomas Kobler, President of the Students’ Association
William B. Lawrence, Dean of Perkins School of Theology
Glenn M. Linden, Professor Emeritus of History
Paul W. Ludden, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University
Bobby B. Lyle, Trustee of the University
Ken Malcolmson, Trustee and Alumni Relations Chair
Meghan Mazur, Precentor and Master of Music in Voice Performance
Gillian M. McCombs, Dean and Director of Central University Libraries
David B. Miller, Trustee of the University
Peter K. Moore, Dean ad interim of Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences
Karinna A. Moskalenko, Honorary Degree Recipient
Frederick C. Moss, Professor Emeritus of Law
Albert W. Niemi, Jr., Dean of Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Fredrick Iver Olness, President of the Faculty Senate and Professor of Physics
Geoffrey C. Orsak, Dean of Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering
Saul Perlmutter, Honorary Degree Recipient
Caren H. Prothro, Chair Elect of the Board of Trustees
James E. Quick, Associate Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies
Peter E. Raad, Linda Wertheimer Hart Professor, Director of the Linda and Mitch Hart eCenter
and Executive Director of The Guildhall at SMU
Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Rankin, Chaplain and Minister to the University
Carl Sewell, Chair of the Board of Trustees
Willard Spiegelman, D.E. Hughes Distinguished Professor of English
R. Gerald Turner, President of the University
Alison Tweedy, President of the SMU Staff Association
Paul Ward, General Counsel, Vice President for Legal Affairs and Government Relations and Secretary
P. Gregory Warden, Platform Marshal
Lori S. White, Vice President for Student Affairs
Ed Wilson, Trustee of the University
Sharon Wooldridge, SMU Class of 1960 and Co-chair of the Fiftieth Reunion
T H E D AY ’ S E V E N T S
Carrillon Concert
Lorn. L. Howard, Professor Emeritus of Engineering
Fondren Science Tower
Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences
Bio-Chemistry and Chemistry - 306 Dallas Hall
Mathematics, Statistical Science, and Physics - Hughes Trigg Theater
Political Science, International Studies, Latin American Studies, and Public Policy - Caruth
Auditorium, Owen Fine Arts Center
*Requires guest tickets*
Sociology and Markets and Culture - Hughes Trigg Ballroom
History and Ethnic Studies - Lawn of Dallas Hall
Religious Studies - Hillcrest Room of the Law Library
Anthropology - Hughes Trigg Theatre
Earth Sciences - McCord Auditorium, 306 Dallas Hall
Psychology - Hughes Trigg Ballroom
*Requires guest tickets*
Foreign Languages - Caruth Auditorium, Owen Fine Arts Center
English - Hughes Trigg Theatre
Biology - Hughes Trigg Ballroom
Philosophy - McCord Auditorium
Economics - McFarlin Auditorium
Medieval Studies - Bridwell Library
A reception for all Dedman College candidates and guests
will be held in the Dallas Hall Rotunda from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education & Human Development
Highland Park United Methodist Church - Wesley Hall
A reception follows immediately in the Foyer of Wesley Hall
*Requires guest tickets*
Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering
McFarlin Auditorium
A reception will be held at 3:30 p.m. in the First Floor Mabee Foundation Foyer of Caruth Hall
Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Undergraduate Ceremony, Moody Coliseum
A reception follows immediately in the courtyard of the School of Business
Graduate Ceremony, Moody Coliseum
A reception follows immediately at the Collins Center
Perkins School of Theology
Highland Park United Methodist Church in the Sanctuary
A reception follows immediately in Prothro Hall
Dedman School of Law Hooding Ceremony
Law School Quadrangle
A reception follows immediately in the Karcher Auditorium of Storey Hall
Meadows School of the Arts
In front of Owen Arts Center
A reception is at 4:00 p.m. in the Lobby of the Greer Garson Theatre
Oh, say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Oh we see the Varsity,
Varsity, Varsity,
As she towers o’er the hill
Over there.
And our hearts are filled with joy,
Alma Mater, we’ll be true