1. The composition of intracellular fluid mainly differs from that of

 1. The composition of intracellular fluid mainly differs from that of extracellular as it has :
(A) Higher tonicity
(B) Lower tonicity
(C) Higher molar concentration of sodium
(D) Higher molar concentration of potassium
2. Of the total body water intracellular compartment contributes:
(A) 50% of water
(B) 2/3 of water
(C) 33% of water
(D) 20% of water
3. Which of the following is an examples of unmyelinated neurons ?
(A) Sensory neuron from the Golgi tendon organ
(B) Sensory neuron from muscle spindle
(C) Anterior horn cell
(D) Post-ganglionic parasympathetic neuron
4. An EPSE :
(A) May summate temporally or spatially to reach threshold
(B) Hyperpolarises the postsynaptic membrane
(C) Represents a conducted change in the membrane potential
(D) Always produces as action potential
5. Lysosomes are formed by
(A) Agranular ER
(B) Granular ER
(C) Golgi complex
(D) Cell membrane
6. The latch phenomenon
(A) Associated with increased expenditure of energy during contraction
(B) Allows long-term maintenance of tone in smooth muscle
(C) Allows long-term maintenance of tone in skeletal muscle
(D) Is because of rapid cross bridge cycling
7. Aqueous humor differs from CSF in that the former :
(A) Has protein content similar to plasma
(B) Is an ultrafiltrate of plasma
(C) Serves no important nutritive function
(D) Contains a higher concentration of ascorbic acid
8. The prime regulator of blood flow through exercising muscles is :
(A) Venous tone
(B) Systemic BP
(C) Vasodilator metabolites
(D) Sympathetic control
9. Wallerian degeneration of ruptured nerve starts in :
(A) 6 hours
(B) 12 hours
(C) 24 hours
(D) 6 weeks
10. The golgi tendon organ differs in function from annulospiral endings in that the tendon organ :
(A) Is more sensitive to distending force
(B) Causes reflex inhibition of ipsilateral heteronymous, antagonistic alpha neurons
(C) Causes a reflex inhibition of homonymous alpha, efferent neurons
(D) All of the above
11. Body posture and coarse movements are controlled by :
(A) Cerebrum
(B) Cerebellum
(C) Spinal cord
(D) Extrapyramidal system
12. CSF pressure in the lying down posture is :
(A) 20 – 50 mm
(B) 50 – 150 mm
(C) 150 – 200 mm
(D) 200 – 300 mm
13. pH of CSF is :
(A) 7.13
(C) 7.33
(B) 7.23
(D) 7.40
14. The correct sequence of parts of body represented on the motor area of cerebral cortex from
above downwards is :
(A) Trunk, arm, Thumb, face
(B) Trunk, arm, Face, thumb
(C) Arm, Trunk, face, thumb
(D) Arm, trunk, thumb, face
15. True about alpha block is all, except
(A) Low irregular voltage
(B) Mental alertness
(C) Desynchronisation
(D) Synchronisation
16. Which one of the following solutions remains isotonic with human plasma :
(A) 0.6 gm % solution
(B) 0.7 gm % solution
(C) 0.9 gm % solution
(D) 0.9 mgm % solution
17. Which one of the followings is not a type of neuroglia cell :
(A) Microglia
(C) Oligodendrogliocyte
(D) Astrocyte
18. Which one of the following reasons is correct for the parallel arrangements of muscle fibers :
(A) More fibers can be accommodated in a muscle
(B) The force of contraction of the units is additive
(C) They can act as building blocks
(D) They can be governed by the nerves
19. Channels present on the end plate membrane of muscle at neuromuscular junction
(A) Allow sodium ions to pass inwards
(B) Allow calcium ions also to pass inwards
(C) Open by acetylcholine
(D) All of the above
20. Number of ATP produced by conversion of 1 mole of glucose to lactate is
(A) 2 ATP
(B) 36 ATP
(C) 38 ATP
(D) 15 ATP
21. Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths shorter than those for light are (select the one best
answer) :
(A) Violet
(B) Blue
(C) Green
(D) Yellow
22. During accommodation response for near vision :
(A) Spherical aberration increases
(B) The ciliary muscles relax
(C) The amount of light entering each eye increases
(D) The lens does not show any change in curvature
23. In the fovea centralis :
(A) There are only rods
(B) There are no receptors
(C) There are no horizontal cells or amacrines
(D) There is 1 : 1 connectivity between receptors, bipolar cells and ganglion cells
24. Scala vestibule and cochlear duct are :
(A) Joined at the helicotrema
(B) Joined at the oval window
(C) Joined at the round window
(D) Not connected
25. The thirst sensation is aroused when water loss from body is :
(A) 0.05%
(B) 10%
(C) 0.5%
(D) 1.0%
26. The normal seminal fluid:
(A) Has an average volume of 2 – 5 ml/ejaculate
(B) has an average number of 80-200 million sperms/ml
(C) Coagulates once it is ejaculated
(D) Contains prostaglandins
27. Which of the following hormones is responsible for controlling the secretory phase of
(A) LH
(B) Prolactin
(C) Estrogen
(D) Progesterone
28. A child with a genotype of:
(A) XO will develop into normal female
(B) XY will contain Barr body in nucleus of leukocytes
(C) XX/XY will develop into a true hermaphrodite
(D) XXY will develop into a true hermaphrodite
29. In a normal healthy male sperm count per ml of seminal fluid is :
(A) 100-120 millions
(B) 20-30 millions
(C) 5-10 millions
(D) 20-40 millions
30. Cowper’s glands are also known as
(A) Bulbourethral glands
(B) Prostatic glands
(C) Seminal glands
(D) Testicular glands
31. In the developing fetus, the stimulus for the testosterone synthesis is
(A) Human chorionic gonadotropin
(B) Luteinising hormone
(C) Growth hormone
32. First meiotic division of the primary oocyte is completed
(A) Just prior to ovulation
(B) After the entry of sperm in the oocyte
(C) Just prior birth
(D) At the end of menstrual cycle
33. During the preovulatory stage of ovarian cycle, the dominant steroid that is secreted by the ovary
(A) Estradiol
(B) Estriol
(C) Estrone
(D) None of the above
34. Postpartum milk production is stimulated by
(A) Growth hormone
(B) Progesterone
(C) Prolactin
(D) Human chorionic gonadotropin
35. All of the following occur in an eye accommodate for the near vision EXCEPT
(A) Lens becomes convex
(B) Increased diopteric strength of the lens
(C) Constriction of pupils
(D) Convergence of the eye ball
36. In retina
(A) Central part has greater sensitivity for weak light
(B) Peripheral part has high degree of visual acuity
(C) Central most part has only cones
(D) Rods are more sensitive to colour light than cons
37. Which one of the following is not true in a case of Down syndrome:
(A) It is an autosomal anomaly with chromosomes 45 XX
(B) It is an autosomal anomaly with chromosomes 45 XY
(C) It is a sex-chromosomal anomaly with chromosomes 44 XXX
(D) The person shows a gross physical and mental maldevelopments
38. Oxytocin is essential for which one of the following actions:
(A) Fertilization of ova
(B) Synthesis of estrogens
(C) Synthesis of milk
(D) Ejection of milk
39. Refractive power of eye lens
(A) Is + 48 D
(B) Is lesser inside the eye and more when it is taken out
(C) Depends only on refractive index of aqueous humor
(D) None of the above
40. Latent period for attenuation reflex is
(A) 40 s
(C) 1 min
(B) 40 min
(D) 40 – 80 ms
41. For color vision
(A) There are three types of cones responding to three primary colors
(B) There is only one type of cone and color is recognized by area17 of the cortex
(C) There are seven types of cones for seven colors
(D) None of the above
42. In darkness which form of retinal combines with opsin in forming a photosensitive chemical?
(A) All trans retinol
(B) All trans retinal
(C) 11-cis retinal
(D) 11-cis retinol
43. What does characterize function of platelets?
(A) From thrombus and release serotonin
(B) Initiate and accelerate a lot formation
(C) Contribute, possibly to integrity of capillary membrane
(D) All of the above
44. A haematocrit of 41% in the sample of blood analysed means:
(A) 41% of the blood volume is the plasma
(B) 41% of the total blood volume is made up of plasma
(C) 41% of the blood volume is the red blood cells
(D) 41% of the total blood volume is made up of red and white blood cells and platelets
45. A dilatation of intestinal lumen causes contraction above and relaxation of the intestine.
(A) Myentric reflex
(B) Gastrocolic reflex
(C) Mass movement
(D) Segmentation
46. An average 70 year man has ………. Kg glycogen in liver:
(A) 0
(B) 0.4
(C) 0.8
(D) 1.0
47. The surfactant material lining the lung alveoli:
(A) Decreases the surface tension of alveolar fluid
(B) Increases the compliance of lungs
(C) Has increasingly less effect, the more lungs are inflated
(D) Is decreased when pulmonary blood flow is interrupted
48. Noradrenalin brings about its action by activation of
(A) Guanylate cylase
(B) Protein kinase A
(C) Phospholipase C
(D) Phospholipase A2
49. Which of the following does not participate in articulation
(A) Larynx
(B) Lip
(C) Mouth
(D) Tongue
50. Vitamin B12 deficiency
(A) Results due to deficiency of intrinsic factor
(B) Leads to demyelination of nerves
(C) Leads to anemia with larger size RBCs
(D) All of the above
51. Blood is stored for transfusion
(A) By adding 120 ml of ACD mixture to 480 ml of blood
(B) At 100C
(C) By adding 50 ml of ACD mixture to 400 ml of blood
(D) By adding 400 ml of ACD mixture to 400 ml of blood
52. Quantity of gastric juice secreted per day is
(A) 2000 – 3000 ml
(B) 500 – 1000 ml
(C) 100 – 200 ml
(D) 5 – 7 ml
53. Micelles help in fat digestion
(A) By causing emulsification of fat
(B) By causing absorption of fat
(C) By taking digestive products away from site of digestion and preventing synthesis of
triglycerides by reversible reaction
(D) All of the above
54. During inspiration, as the diaphragm contracts the pressure in the intrapleural space becomes
(A) Equal to zero
(B) More positive
(C) More negative
(D) Equal to pressure in alveoli
55. O2 dissociation curve shifts to the left
(A) When blood reaches the lungs
(B) When PCO2 level of blood rises
(C) When PO2 level of blood rises
(D) None of the above
56. Following factors affect cyanosis, EXCEPT
(A) Color of skin
(B) Thickness of skin
(C) Amount of reduced haemoglobin in the blood of skin capillaries
(D) Amount of oxyhemoglobin in the blood of skin capillaries
57. All of the following cause hyperventilation, EXCEPT
(A) Increased PCO2 of CSF
(B) Decreased pH of CSF
(C) High blood level of epinephrine
(D) Decreased PO2 of blood to 50 mmHg
58. Heart rate
(A) Increase is known as tachycardia
(B) Increases in hypothyroidism
(C) Increases with increase in vagal tone
(D) Is high in athletes under resting state
59. Maximum O2 is extracted from the blood by
(A) Brain
(B) Liver
(C) Kidneys
(D) Heart
60. If coronary artery diameter is reduced by 50%, expected reduction in blood flow would be how
many time less
(A) 4 times
(B) 12 times
(C) 64 times
(D) 16 times
61. Plasma clearance will be maximum for:
(A) Sodium
(B) Bicarbonate
(C) Phosphate
(D) Calcium
62. The proximal convoluted tubules:
(A) Are involved in obligatory water absorption
(B) Reabsorb all the glucose in the glomerular filtrate
(C) Reabsorb most of the electrolytes
(D) All of the above
63. A patient with long-standing prostatic enlargement is likely to show:
(A) Hypertrophy of bladder
(B) Dilatation of ureters
(C) Tendency towards urinary infection
(D) A reduced glomerular filtration
64.The thick ascending limb of loop of Henle absorbs approximately what percent of total filtered Na+
load :
(A) 10
(B) 1-10
(C) 1
(D) 25
65. On an average mean hydrostatic pressure in glomerulus is:
(A) 60 – 70 mm Hg
(B) 80 – 90 mm Hg
(C) 90 – 100 mm Hg
(D) 40 – 50 mm Hg
66. The act of normal inspiration is limited by:
(A) Inputs coming from stretch receptors in lungs, chest wall and chemoreceptors in carotid
and aortic bodies
(B) The breathing frequency of about 12/min which limits each breath to 5 sec duration
(C) The rise in abdominal pressure caused by contraction of diaphragm
(D) The rise in intrapleural pressure as lung volume increases
67. Water molecules pass through
(A) Pores of cell membrane
(B) Lipid bilayer
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above
68. Nernst potential for Na is
(A) -94 mV
(B) -60 mV
(C) +61 mV
(D) +45 mV
69. Intracellular fluid is
(A) 50% of total body water
(B) 2/3rd of total body water
(C) 1/3rd of total body water
(D) 25% of total body water
70. Lysosome
(A) Is surrounded by plasma membrane
(B) Contains hydrolase enzymes
(C) Forms intracellular digestive system
(D) All of the above
71. Oxygen therapy is most useful in
(A) Arterial hypoxia
(B) Anemic hypoxia
(C) Cyanide poisoning
(D) Stagnant hypoxia
72. Anemic hypoxia occurs in the following conditions, EXCEPT
(A) Decreased Hb concentration
(B) Nitrite poisoning
(C) CO poisoning
(D) High altitude hypoxia
73. Resting membrane potential of cell is close to Nernst’s potential of
(A) Na+
(B) Mg+
(C) K+
(D) Cl-
74. Largest fluid compartment is
(A) Intracellular fluid
(B) Extracellular fluid
(C) Plasma
(D) Transcellular fluid
75. Following does not occur during acclimatization to high altitude
(A) Increase in erythropoietin level
(B) Increase in reticulocyte count
(C) Increase in blood glucose
(D) Increase in diffusing capacity of lung