What in the World Happened Today

What in the World
Happened Today
February 9, 2015
Ms. Talia & Ms. Natalie
WORLD Element
Language Works
Earl Literacy
Activity: Ms Natalie read the book ‘A Cuddle for
Little Duck” to the children today while in the classroom
this morning. The infants observed the farm animals and
some of their animal behaviors. The book had many
neat colors of nature and its atmosphere.
We learn to:
• Show interest in stories at story time and also key
• Listen to and respond to simple instructions.
We learn it by:
• Being spoken to frequently
• Having books read to us daily.
WORLD Element
Science Rocks
Active Exploration
Art Smart
Visual Art
WORLD Element
Well Aware
Movement Matters
Activity: The children explored a varied of colors and
texture mixtures. As they pincer grasp crayons jabbing
at the paper making marks and sounds together the
infants explored the material and the crunchy texture of
the paper.
We learn to:
• Use our senses to explore the properties of an
• Develop small muscles skills
We learn it by:
• Exploring safe art materials
• Manipulating the crayons with our hands and
Activity: The infants were encouraged to physically
move their bodies while exploring the environment
around them.
We learn to:
• Develop an awareness of our body parts and our
bodily powers
• Enjoy physical activity.
• Make intentional movements
We learn it by:
• Practicing simply physical skills
• Being encouraged in our own environment
Infant A
What in the World
Happened Today
Feb. 10, 2015
Ms. Natalie & Ms. Talia
WORLD Element
Our World
Sense of Self
Social Relationships
Art Smart
Dramatic Art
Activity: The infants explored the baby dolls and used
wash clothes to cover the babies up for their nap. We
rocked the babies together burped them and helped
put them to sleep.
We learn to:
• Mimic everyday behaviors that we see in our
• Express affection and compassion for others
• Build an identity that is separate from our peers
We learn it by:
• Receiving consistent care form our teachers
• Observing our surroundings
WORLD Element
Science Rocks
Active Exploration
Space and Volume
WORLD Element
Art Smart
Visual Art
Activity: The younger infants actively explored the
trucks and cars. They moved the trucks from side to side
exploring the wheels and watching how the vehicles
We learn to:
• Understand the concept of object permanence
• Manipulate objects
• Use our senses to explore objects and how they
We learn it by:
• Having dally access to age-appropriate materials
• Exploring our environment
Activity: We finger painted our Valentine’s Day cards
for our parents.
We learn to:
• Build cause and effect skills
• Understand quantities such as “more”
• Use our senses to explore new textures and colors
We learn it by:
• Exploring textures
• Hearing our teacher ask “Would you like more
Infant A
What in the World
Happened Today
Feb. 12, 2015
Ms Talia & Ms Natalie
WORLD Element
Language Works
Early Literacy
Activity: During small group time the infants heard the
story “Old Mac Donald” We reviewed the different
farm animals and the sounds they each make and we
counted them.
We learn to:
• Show interest in stories and songs
• Increase vocabulary
We learn it by:
• Being exposed to different styles of telling stories
and songs daily
• Hearing our teachers call objects by name
WORLD Element
Math Counts
Concept of Time
WORLD Element
Art Smart
Visual Art
Science Rocks
Active Exploration
Activity: The infants used the wood blocks and people
as they used their building skills to stack.
We learn to:
• Repeat an action to make the same thing happen
• Build problem solving skills
• Build hand-eye coordination
• Become aware of space and variations
We learn it by:
• Building with blocks
• Stacking up blocks in order to knock them down
Activity: The infants created art while exploring dot
markers, glue and tissue paper.
We learn to:
• Use our senses to explore the properties of an
• Repeat an action to make something happen again
• Use two or more objects together
We learn it by:
• Exploring safe art materials
• Engaging in repetitive activities
• Using materials with textures
• Exploring items with clay paper
Infant A
What in the World
Happened Today
February 13, 2015
Ms Talia Ms Natalie
WORLD Element
Science Rocks
Active Exploration
WORLD Element
Well Aware
Movement Matters
WORLD Element
Art Smart
Activity: The children explored the bubble wrap
affixed to the sensory table. Using their fine motor skills
to explore the texture and to attempt to pop them.
We learn to:
• Use our senses to explore the properties of an
• Improve fine motor skills
We learn it by:
• Exploring materials with textures
• Manipulating items with our fingers
Activity: Today we explored the stacking animals with
rings and the pull animals. We noticed that when we
pull on the string the animal would move.
We learn to:
• Develop an awareness of our body parts and our
bodily powers
• Understand cause and effect
We learn it by:
• Having daily access to age-appropriate activities
• Engaging in repetitive actions
Activity: The children explored the musical instruments,
including the piano and the xylophone.
We learn to:
• Use our senses to explore the properties object
• Experiment with sounds
• Understand cause and effect
We learn it by:
• Using musical instruments and other objects that
make sounds.
• Exploring how different actions may make different
Infant A