Read the Cumulative Series Standings

Read the Cumulative Series Standings
Western Carolina Hunter Pace & Trail Ride 2004-2005 Series Final Standings
Reported by: Jan Smith
Congratulations to the many riders who enjoyed one or several of the events in the 2004-2005 Western
Carolina Hunter Pace and Trail Ride Series, and especially to those who have placed in the final standings:
Total # Rides:
Field Hunters:
• Grand Champions, Dee & Jack Black, accumulated an impressive tally of 45 Series points.
• Olivia Dillon takes the Reserve Champion trophy as well as our special little “100% Support Award”.
• Elizabeth Henry and Jennifer Kinsey have tied for First Place ribbons with their collection of 32 Series points.
• Gini Agnew accumulated 25 Series points for Second Place honors.
• Sherry Wyatt takes Third Place with 22 Series points.
• Julie Bates and Joe Manno tied for Fourth Place with 21 Series points apiece.
• Kate Manno and Lynne Ray have earned Fifth Place ribbons with 20 Series points.
• Sinclair Berdan and Misti Lund take Sixth Place honors with 19 Series points apiece.
• David Zimmerman claims the Seventh Place ribbons after amassing 17 points.
• Brenda Cox, Deanna Gilliam and Jim Shoemaker share Eighth Place honors with 15 points apiece.
• Tom & Vicky Jackson claim Ninth Place honors with 14 Series points each.
• Norman Powers earned his Tenth Place ribbon with an accumulation of 13 Series points.
• Kate Cochrane, Taylor Murphy and Stephanie Wanicka each earned 12 Series points.
• Rhonda Lockhart-Lewis, Suzanne Olmsted and Jill Pihl accumulated 11 points apiece.
• Nancy Benton, Brianna Laston and T.J. Vore have each accumulated 10 Series points.
• Catie Costa, Grace & Jennifer Cowan, Michele Kinney, Berkeley Little, Bev Phillips and Else Tingley each have
nine points.
• Terry Boger, Mike Bostic, Merrimac Dunbar, Ashley Harben, Beatrice Lamb, Melissa Mae Leach, , Brittney
Sanders, Cortney Shields, Teresa Slaupas, and James & Jessica Wiles have each accumulated eight Series points.
• Seven Series points each to Kirby Branham, Chelsea Brooks, Debra Buchanan, Tyler Chappell, Blanche Costa,
Mia Dube, Todd Gilliam, Resa Kearse, Jocelyn Lehner, Bonnie Lingerfelt, Tiffany Mattos, Dean McKinney,
Stephanie Moore, Harold Pfeiffer, Brandon Sprouse, Mary Tolles and Skyler Walker.
• Six Series points each for Lauren Fleming, Steve Fromholtz, Susan Knickerbocker, Kelly Martini and Courtney
• Five points each to date to: Tara Blackwell, Carla Fullam and Fred Knickerbocker.
• Four points each have been earned to date by Bill & Karen Anderson, Mary Benenati, Kathy Bragg, Charles &
Dolores Erthal, Rodney Hawk, Jennifer Israel, Toni Laston, Laurie Malmstrom, Cass McAlister, Eden Scott. Lorie
Thomas, Karina Waggoner, Margret Warder and Sasha Williams.
• With three Series points each to date: Debbie Cobb, Garry Gill, Eryn Glawe, Anne McIver, Deborah Paul, Jada,
Kyle & Treat Pomaville, Jim Purcell, Eileen Taylor and Jessica Thompson.
• Two completion points have been earned by: Brittney Benton, Bill Boger, Monika Branham, Lynn Brooks, Tori
Carland, Maude Carr, Yolanda Casey, Cheryl Dherit, Phyllis Eifert, Carey Fleming, Gary & Pepper Ford, Christine
George, Sheila Grymes, Brevard Henry, Louise Hughston, Mimi & Tom Killoren, Linda Matthews, Charlene
McMurray, Sarah Mittmann, Daniel & Jennifer Murphy, Melodie Pettijohn, Ron Piccari, Diane Roemer, Pat
Salomon, Kathe Shipley, Lisa Spriggs, Robert Then, Allison & Bruce Thompson.
• And one completion point apiece to: Trudy Adams, Christine Appling, Rebecca Barnes, Amy Barrington, Robert
Begley, Kevin & Wendy Bellew, Lindsay Bowman, Morna Brady, Thomas Branton, Carrie Britt, George Burriss,
Kristen Chesnee, Judy Coloney, Debbie Compton, Gail & Morgan Cooley, Paige Cotton, Jill Decker, Janet Dillon,
Sandra Dinwoodie, Kat Dooley, Tim Dover, Mark Feagan, Amy Fullam, Veheda Fuller, Alexis Gagne, Lacy
Galloway, Erin Gambrell, Bob & Olivia Giddings, Tomas Gimenez, Laurel Godfrey, Alyssa & Kandra Godwin,
Ruth & Steve Gold, Randi Golding, Tot Goodwin, Sabine Grascha, Shelley Griffitts, Sheila Grymes-2nd ride,
Grethe Haladyna, Brittany Helms, Jeanie Hester, Jana Hinely, Tripp Hoffman, Melinda Holland, Jessica Hughs,
Catherine & Kelly Hutchen, Sara Isely, Shanna Israel, Ines Jennings, Freda Jessen, Teresa Johnson, Katelyn
Johnston, Bill & Rebecca Kemp, Danielle Krena, Elizabeth Lamb, Sarah Lawing, Sandy Lederer, Buddy Lemaster,
Taryn Long, Jessica Mankin, Julie Mathis, Carol McCall, Molly McCoy, Lisa McGrady, MaryLou McKierney,
Roberta McKinney, Jay Paul Miller, Maria Miller, Barbara & William Mills, Connie Moore, Amber Mossey, Allen
Murphy, Cemile Nalbantogln, John & Linda Nesbitt, Dawn O’Cain, Rachel Parket, Krystal Parnell, Karli &
Katelyn Pettijohn, Ron Piccari-2nd ride, Jennifer Price, Seth Reeise, Karen Resutek, Nancy Reynolds, Clayton
Russell, Diana Schenning, Ashley Scruggs, Monica Sellers, Sally Sheperd, Meghan Simpson, Cameron Slade,
Carol Smith, Laurie Smith, Roger Smith, Kayleigh & Kelsey Spicer, Wes Sweet, Suanne Then, Arnie Thompson,
Carla Tumbleson, Alan Van Wieren, Carolyn Warren, Jenna Watts, Jana Wilkins, CeeCee Wilmanns, Maxine
Winesett, Cassie Younginer and Cortnie Yousey.
Trail Riders:
• Bub Dillon has earned the Championship with an accumulation of 37 points.
• Janet Dillon takes Reserve Champion with 31 Series points.
• Katrina Daniel and Art Lazarus have earned the First Place ribbons with an accumulation of 30 Series points.
• Dianne Joyce finishes the Series with 28 Series points for a Second Place ribbon.
• Brian & Carolyn McCormack have moved up earning the Third Place ribbons with 27 Series points earned.
• Linda Turner takes the Fourth Place ribbon with a total of 23 Series points.
• Wayne Farris and Mike Kinsey tied for the Fifth Place honors with an accumulated 22 Series points apiece.
• Christine Britton has accumulated 21 Series points to earn the Sixth Place ribbon as well as our special little
“100% Support Award”.
• Becky Bockoven takes the Seventh Place honors with 19 Series points.
• Elaine Hobbs is in Eighth Place with 17 Series points.
• Teresa Lewis has earned the Ninth Place ribbon with an accumulation of 16 points.
• Liz Crawley, Melinda Holland and Sue Smolka finished the Series in a tie for Tenth Place with 15 Series points
• Fourteen points each for Anna Foster, Tomas Gimenez, Elaina Prevett, and JoAnne Smythe.
• Joe & Kate Manno have earned 12 points each in this Division.
• Mark Hayes, Freda Jessen and Liz Strahlo-Holdren each have an accumulation of eleven points.
• Rachel Clarke, Beverly Phillips, Lindsay Wallace and David Wilson have each accumulated 10 Series points.
• Nine Series points each for Susan Bailey, Anne Baskett, Katelyn Cabaniss, Lindsay Davis, Jessica Dykes, Magen
Fowler, Cindy King, Michelle Klopp, Richard Lamb, Peggy McMakin, Jennifer Murphy and Anita Williamson.
• Eight points have been earned by: Marshall Ballew, Kenny & Monika Branham, Virginia Chibbaro, Kimi
Fuhrman, Mick Griffin, Bill Hay, Stephen Herndon, Ryan Holdren, Amanda Holmes, Beatrice Lamb, Donald
Lyons, Kelsey Marino, Karine Nunes, Karel Rybnick and A.E. Thornlow.
• Seven points each have been earned by: Thann Boyum, Debbie & Tom Fuhrman, Veheda Fuller, Lacy Galloway,
Kathryn Gruhn, Sheree Holmes, Jennifer Israel, Connie Moore, Erik Olsen, Susan Plyler, Sara Sievers and Ivey
• Six Series points to date for Barbara Black, Robin Brackett, Deborah Dickerson, Deanna Ermson, Diane Freeman,
Dale Gibson, Susan Hartley, Susan Haslam, Judy Heinrich, Margo Savage, Angie & Melissa Stone, Ron Wiles and
Emily Wilson.
• Five Series points apiece to Christy Anderson, Libby Arnold, Kat Dooley, Jessica Duran, Karla Littleton, Ali
Merritt and Eden Scott.
• Four points each to date earned by Julie Bentley, Lisa & Robert Bezzeg, Jessica Bideaux, Deborah Bundy, Bonnie
Chiles, Cal & Gwen Hancock, Laura Hathaway, Larry & Lindsay Hendricks, Jennie Holcomb, Nicole Howland,
Miriam Lemnouni, Beth Sanders, Allison Schwalbe, Nancy & Thomas Strom and Natalie Wassong.
• Three points for Anne Alexander, Holly Bacola, Deanna Baldwin, Kathy Bethka, Sara Boelt, Baiba Bourbeau,
Bern Collins, Gail & Morgan Cooley, Amy Corbett, Stephanie Culbertson, Gwen Faranglas, Laurel Godfrey, Steve
& Valleri Gospodinoff, Chris Greenwood, Danielle Hagen, Calvin Halford, Susanna Iacovelli, Hubert & Kitty
Jongenburger, Jennifer Klafehn, Martha Love, Pamela Minnick, Justin Moore, Nancy Schneiter, Florence
Sommerich, Carolyn Teal, Mary Tolles, Jan & Kim Whitehurst, Diane Wilson and Shelby Wilson.
• Two completion points each have been earned by: Theresa Bagwell, Valerie Black, Tara Blackwell, Kathy Bragg,
Robin Casto, Stephanie Caughman, Scott Clinton, Margaret Collins, Judy Coloney, Michael Cooley, Tanya
Crookshanks, Katie Curtis, Nancy Finkell, Jamie Giaguinto, Lil Gregory, Carolyne Groves, Leah Haile, Christina
Hartnup, Karen Haverstein, Karen Hudson, Katie Kay, Fred & Susan Knickerbocker, Emily Latimer, Sandy
Lederer, Amber Massey, Anna Matthews, Carol McCall, Renee McDermott, Rachel Neal, Suzanne Olmsted,
Candy Payne, Cindy & Katie Phillips, Kerry Reed, Butch Schinestuhl, Rosy Schlueter, Cobie Smith, Roger Smith,
Barbara & Billy Stephens, Caroline Tawney, Nancy Tuckerman, Carla Tumbleson, Robert Turner, T.J. Vore, Janet
Waddell and Cathy Weidman.
• And one completion point apiece to: Trudy Adams, Gini Agnew, Lisa Algarin, Jack Arey, Margaret Beck, Mary
Benenati, Michael Bentivegna, Bryan Bentley, Stephanie Bethka, Michael Blackwell, LeAnn Boggs, Heather &
William Brannan, Thomas Branton, Hannah Briggs, Amy Brucksch, Jordan Bryson, Abby Busby, Angela Cairnes,
Amy & Logan Calvert, Claudie Cameron, Maude Carr, Becky Carson, Ted Cash, Chan & Dana Chandler, Andrew
Clarke, Terri Clouatre, Becky & Beth Cole, Jack & Lauren Coloney, Tori Corland, Catie Costa, Grace & Jennifer
Cowen, Brenda & Morgan Cox, Rhonna Crook, Kriste & Sidney Cunningham, Andi Cutspec, Judith Davis, Nicole
& Savannah Deaver, Peggy Desforge, Corinne Driver, Cindy Durham, Gretchen & Kelly Enright, John & Joye
Feaster, Johnie & Stella Ferguson, Amy Finger, Carey Fleming, Carla Fullam, Fran & Gary Garside, Kelsey &
Wendy Gates, Christine George, Susan Gerisch, Bob & Olivia Giddings, Randi Golding, Jamie Grant, Sabine
Grascha, Sarah Gray, Sarah Greene, Connie Griffis, Grethe Haladyna, Bob & Pat Hale, Martha Hall, Marsha
Hatfield, Scott Hendricks, Chuck Hobart, Hugh Hobbs, Joanne Holzinger, Hannah Hood, Autumn Hoyle, Rich
Hudson, Courtney Intres, Marc Israel, Shanna Israel, Cindy Jameson, Shari Johannessen, Carolyn Jones, Jennifer
Jorgenson, Susan Justice, Anna Keoan, Natasha Keresi, Cam King, Michele Kinney, Jennifer Klafehn, Rachel
Klopp, Christine Kovacevic, Danielle Krena, Darla Ladkau, Pill Landing, Annie Lane-Maunder, Joyce Langson,
Toni Laston, Martha Elizabeth Lawrence, Christy & Heather Ledbetter, Bobbie Levin, Berkeley Little, Vanessa
Lockhart, Donna Long, Sherry Lukens, Elizabeth & Janice Lyons, Graham Martin, Andrew Maunder, Jennifer
McInnis, Charlene & Keileigh McMurray, Reed McNutt, Pat Melton, Rebecca Metcalf, Maria Miller, Kasey &
Nelson Minnick, Jarred Morehead, Daniel Murphy, Taylor Murphy, Kit Myers, John & Linda Nesbitt, Barbara
Nicks, Kassi Nicopoulos, Rosie Nodine, Karen Norman, Dawn O’Cain, Charlotte Odom, Lori Oliver, Margaret
Osborne, Adrienne Otto, Ken Padgett, Damon & Darlene Parlas, Jodie Phillips, Rob Phillips, Mary Pickall, Alex &
Nikki Plonk, Hannah Praytor, Margo Purdy, Karen Quesenbury, Emily Randall, Julia Rerych, Gail & Sara Richard,
Jenna Riffle, Sally Rock, Stephanie Rowsam, Carl Rynieke, Diana Schenning, Nina Schug, Vern Schuger, Cathy
Schwartz, Monica Sellers, Marlene Sher, Kathe Shiply, Barry & Sami Shreve, Abby Shultis, Gayle Sinclair, Frank
& Lisa Skorzewski, Cameron Slade, Lilian Sonne, Shonda Stanton, Claudette Stec, Ethan Stine, Chelsea Stroud,
Pamela Temby, Carol Ten Broek, Else Tingley, Katie Traekle, Brooke Tucker, Joan Turner-Burden, Selie-Anne
van der Veer, Alice Vaughan, Jennifer Vogt, Karina Waggoner, Sarah Walker, Tina Walker, Caroline Warren,
Claude Webster, Caroline Whittle, Caitlin Wilson and Melissa Wilson.
The Western Carolina Hunter Pace and Trail Ride Series is officially over for the 2004-2005 season, but join
us for the Year End Awards Gathering to be held at the Biltmore Estate Equestrian Center on Sunday, June 26th
where we will celebrate and enjoy a “banquet of trails”.
Come join us!!!
For the Placement Statistics go to the Standings Page
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