TPRP call for submissions 2017

The Tallest Poppy Residency Program…
is a two-day artist residency curated by Synonym Art Consultation. For one
weekend every month, a portion of The Tallest Poppy will become a
makeshift studio for a new artist-in-residence, who will execute a sitespecific art project.
By inviting a professional artist to work creatively in a public space and to
interact with patrons, this program aims to bridge the gap between maker
and audience and to open a dialogue regarding the role of art and artists in
the public sphere.
Call for submissions
Synonym Art Consultation is currently accepting applications for The Tallest
Poppy Residency Program for 2017. There are twelve slots to be filled for
2017, so the sooner the application is received in the calendar year, the
more opportunities there will be. Artists from all mediums are welcome to
apply, however, a physical product of the residency must be able to remain
on display at the restaurant for a minimum of one month after the residency
(can be an art object, or physical documentation of the project).
All applications must be submitted electronically as a Microsoft Word,
Pages, or PDF attachment.
Please include with any application:
- Artist’s name and contact information
- An artist statement/bio
- A brief description of the project including:
- what medium will you be working in
- what type of space you would ideally require
- what would remain on display in the restaurant after the residency
is completed
- how working in a public studio space may influence your project
- What months of the year you would prefer this residency to take place
Please also include one black-and-white photo of yourself, attached
separately, as a JPEG file.
All submissions are to be sent to:
[email protected]
You will receive a confirmation that the submission has been received within
a couple of days, but there is no guarantee of a reply beyond that.
Successful submission of an application does not guarantee your
acceptance into the residency. Successful applicants will be selected based
on several criteria by Chloe Chafe and Andrew Eastman of Synonym Art
Consultation. Individuals are welcome to submit as many different project
proposals as they would like.
Details of residency
The Tallest Poppy (103 Sherbrook St.) is a restaurant located in The
Sherbrook Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Each artist-in-residence will
be fed by the staff at the restaurant for the duration of the two-day
residency and will also be allocated a twenty dollar bar tab at the restaurant.
The artist will also be awarded a one hundred dollar honorarium upon
completion of their project. In return for this, the artist is expected to be
present at The Tallest Poppy as much as possible, working on the project
outlined in their application, between the hours of 8am and 11pm on
Saturday and between 9am and 9pm on Sunday.
A space within The Tallest Poppy will be designated as a studio space for the
artist for the duration of the residency. While the art project does not have
to revolve around the idea of interaction with the public, the artist should be
prepared to experience the many variables that come with the daily
operations of a restaurant, including discussions with patrons, and
photographs being taken of them or their work, all taking place in a noisy
and active creative environment.
The final physical product of the residency will remain for a minimum of one
month in the restaurant. At no time will any work of art created by the artistin-residence be the property of The Tallest Poppy or of Synonym Art
Consultation. The artist-in-residence assumes all risk and liability for any
damage or theft of any works of art that they have created for the residency.
If the artist-in-residence expresses that they do not wish to retain the
product of the residency after the month is completed, it will become the
property of Synonym Art Consultation.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and to spend the year
curating this very exciting project!