Class Date Name Key Concept En e r gy Builder ffi@ LESSON 2 Tra n sfor m ati o n s Key Concept What is the law of conservation of energy? Directions: On each line, write the term ftom the word bqnk that conectly completes each energy transformation Some terms may be used more than once. electrical energy 1. making toast in radiant energy sound energy thermal energy a toaster €\e.¡o.tct- changes to -\P\€eì.\AL changes to ?+or¡"rJ\ 2. watching television E Te¿Jry.¿,^\ and ËouÈÞ 3. using a curling iron to cu¡l hair €\.2-<¿s LK-- changes to -T*-,.2-*,^a.r- 4. turning on a lamp €\*tçi-\cA\1çç1u+ Directions: changes to P+Ð\FNI (^) c and ft(- o o o Respond to eøch statement on the lines provided. 5. Describe another example of energy changing form that does not include electrical energy. liOt,rr_lStt-.1 Dhr t\ Parr Ér¡iFrL rc + T\64\J-Þ1- ENeno;n C*¡.1 /'/(rr Bz îftt,i I =. õ' o = are two statements you can make about energy based on the law of conservation of energy? 38 õ € -l 6. What þp6za,y o -= A- ¡\¡ ",¡i.¡gre- <o'.lñ5 r. Þu=:ûrÒ4z;D I gG, Te-A^igEézEGÐ ?' Ò.@ Tq+.î'tSã;oø-¡'<@. Energy and Energy Transformations o { f = ô a E= õ' ! Name Date Key Concept En er gy Builder Class ffi@P LESSON 2 Tra n sfor m at¡ o n s Key Concept What is the law of conservation of energy? I)irections: In the díøgram, a ball has iust been thrown and is about to be caught. Use the diagram to answer each questíon. Write the letter of the correct stage on the lines provided. Some stages may be used more than once. At rhe ball's highest point its kinetic energy is zero and its potential energy is rnaximum. ill Total energy o c. KEPE \ !!l¡s,*1" KEPE Bc o D. Kinetic energy is increasing, and potential enerEy is decreasing. Kinetic energy is maximum, and potential energy rs mtntmum. Ê È A. o I c o È ts rnaximu,rn, potential energy ls ml'nrfnum. F. : ' ì ö ! o I -É o c U E. 1. At which stages is kinetic energy at the maximum value? N anA L 2. At which stage is the kinetic energy zerc? C 3. Which stage has increasing kinetic energy and decreasing potential energy? 4. At which stage is the potential energy at the maximum value? C 5. At which stages is potential energy at its minimur.rZ Æ and Ø 6. Which stage has decreasing kinetic energy and increasing potential energy? Energy and Energy Transformations B 39
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