cLEOPATRA teachers pack For Teachers teachers The following teachers pack is a selection of excercises designed to prepare your students for story of Cleopatra The exercises are designed to help prepare your students for the storytelling session. Use the exercises you find most suitable to your students´age and ability. The little CD symbol found on some of the pages refers to the track numbers of the listening excercises and songs found on the accompanying CD. Our storyteller needs the following conditions in order to embark your students on her exciting adventure. - A large classroom, assembly hall, gymnasium or small theatre where students can sit comfortably on the floor in rows, separated by a centre aisle. Please remove any desks or other large objects. - A small space at the front of the class for her to act in. This should be at least 3m X ·3m. This will be her stage. - A power socket for her to plug in her CD player - A group of students and teachers willing to have a good time! We strongly recommend that students be prepared before attending a storytelling session. Please select the material from this teachers pack which you feel is most suited to your students age and ability. We are open to all sorts of suggestions, comments or critiques you may have with regards to the show or the contents of this Teachers Pack . If you have any doubts or questions concerning the show feel free to call our central office, fill out our questionnaire which you will find on our web page: or contact us by email C/ Valderribas, 6, bajo. Int. Izq. 28007 Madrid Tel: 91 434 0284 info@ f a c e 2 f a c e t h e a t r e . c o m w w w. f a c e 2 f a c e t h e a t r e . c o m 2 CD Plot Synopsis Index 4& 25 listening Listening CD Track 2: Vocabulary summary... .. ..4 Listening CD Track 3: Vocabulary jumble 4 Cleopatras Story Synopsis ..5 Worksheet: True or False? ..6 Listening CD Track 4: Fill in the Blanks ... 6 Creative Writing: News Report ..6 Characters in the story Listening CD Track 4: Introduction to the Characters... 7 Listening CD Track 5: Personalities ...8 Listening CD Track 6: How Old Are You? .... 9 Character Work: Classroom Activities. 10 - 11 Drama Games: Hot-seating. . 12 Drama Games: Who am I? ...12 Arts & Crafts: Wall Display .12 Worksheet: Character Wheel 13 Worksheet: Character Wheel 2 .14 Ancient Egypt Worksheet: Ancient Egypt 15 Worksheet: Map of Egypt .16 Listening CD Track 8: A Guided Tour . .. ... ...17 Arts and Crafts: Guide Brochure ..17 Further Work Did You Know? Common Myths about Cleopatra ..18 Listening CD Track 9: Song - Walk Like an Egyptian .. ..19 Listening CD Track 10: Song - Midnight at the Oasis .. .. .20 Crossword .21 Answers ........22 Crossword Solution.......................................................................... 23 CD Track List.....................................................................................23 3 CD Plot Synopsis Vocabulary 42&3 &5 listening Students should be familiar with the following vocabulary Relationships:- Personalities/Adjectives:- General vocabulary:- Wife Husband Girlfriend Boyfriend Sister Brother Baby Father Mother Son Daughter King Queen Beautiful Rich Important Little Angry Sad Happy Divorce Money Power Angry Kill Snake Sword Egypt Rome Expressing Feelings:- Ancient Egypt:- I like . I love . I dont love I dont like . I hate I dont know . Pyramid Tomb Pharaoh Mummy River Nile Crocodile Camel Tourist information centre Vacation Listening CD Track 3: Vocabulary Jumble Now listen to this jumbled vocabulary list of words from Ancient Egypt, and write the words in the order that you hear them! If youre not sure of the spelling, use the list above for reference. 4 Cleopatras Story Synopsis Cleopatra is born in 69 bc in the city of Alexandria, in Egypt. She becomes Queen of Egypt when she is 18 years old. She marries her 10-year-old brother, Ptolomeo. In Ancient Egypt, it was normal to marry your brother or sister. Cleopatras father is not a good King. He is only interested in playing his flute. When he dies, Egypt owes money to Rome. Cleopatra wants to rectify this. She meets Julius Caesar, the most important person in Rome. They fall in love. Cleopatra wants to marry Caesar. But she cant. Caesar already has a wife, called Calpurnia. So Cleopatra becomes Caesars girlfriend. They go on vacation, on a cruise down the river Nile. Cleopatra shows Caesar Egypt: the pyramids, the mummies, the temples and tombs. Cleopatra and Caesar have a baby. Together Cleopatra and Caesar go to Rome. The people are very angry with Caesar especially Caesars wife, Calpurnia! Caesar is assassinated. Cleopatra is very sad. She returns to Egypt. In Egypt there is no money. People are hungry. Cleopatra is very intelligent. She meets Mark Antony, the NEW most important person in Rome. She seduces him. He falls in love with Cleopatra and gives her lots of money and land. Cleopatra is happy! Mark Antony asks his wife, Octavia, for a divorce, so he can marry Cleopatra. The people in Rome are very angry with Mark Antony. They accuse Cleopatra of being a witch. Rome declares war against Egypt. Rome wins. Mark Antony kills himself, and Cleopatra, heartbroken, lets a snake bite her so she can die, too. 5 CD 4& 45 Cleopatras Story listening True or false Read the text on Cleopatras life and answer True or False to the following questions: Cleopatra was born in 69 BC She became Queen of Egypt when she was 15 years old Cleopatras father played the guitar Cleopatra and Julius Caesar went on vacation together Julius Caesar is assassinated Cleopatra dies when a crocodile bites her T T T T T T F F F F F F Listening CD Track 4: Fill in the blanks Now listen to the following news announcement about Cleopatras arrival in Rome. Fill in the blanks using the words from the word bank below. Hello, and welcome to Rome Today. The big news is that Julius Caesar has a new .. ! Her name is Cleopatra and she is . years old. She is from Alexandria, in Egypt. The couple have just returned from Egypt, where Caesar helped Cleopatra to win the Civil .. To celebrate their victory, they went on ..: a cruise on the river Nile. Now Cleopatra has had a , and is living in a palace in Rome. Caesars wife, Calpurnia, is very .. He is spending all his .. on his new girlfriend! angry money war twenty-three vacation baby girlfriend Creative writing: News Report Now, using the information in the synopsis, write an article for a local paper, to be published on the day after Cleopatra dies. Detail the events leading up to her death, how she died and what the public reaction was. If you need more information, use your school library or internet resources. You could also include an interview with Calpurnia or Octavia, the women whose husbands Cleopatra stole. Title your report Queen Dies After Poisonous Snakebite. 6 CD Characters 4 &5 5 listening Cleopatra Julius Caesar Mark Antony Cleopatras brother Calpurnia Octavia Baby Listening CD Track 5: Introduction to the characters Listen to each of the characters introduce themselves. Now listen again and number the characters according to the order you hear them in. My name is Cleopatra I am Julius Caesar Im Mark Anthony I am Calpurnia My name is Octavia I am Cleopatras brother Waa! Waa! 7 CD 4 &6 5 Characters - Adjectives listening Listening: CD Track 6 Little Angry Important Rich Sad Happy Beautiful Listen to the characters talk about themselves, choose a word from the vocabulary list above and fill in each characters personality. Im Cleopatra. Im . Im Julius Caesar Im .. Money, money, money! Im Mark Anthony. Im . Very, very ...................... Im CIeopatras brother. Im . Im Caesars wife, Calpurnia. Im very . Im Mark Anthonys wife, Calpurnia. Im very . Im ...................... 8 CD 4 &7 5 How old are you? listening Listening: CD Track 7 Listen to the characters talk about their ages and fill in the sentences below. Shes very young. Hes very old Hello. I am Cleopatra. I am ________ years old. Hi. Im Julius Caesar. Im _______ years old. Im Cleopatras brother. Im _______ . Hello. Im Calpurnia, Caesars wife. Im _______ . Im the baby. Im ______. One two!! Never mind! 9 Character Work Groupwork: Character Relationships Husband Wife Brother Mother Girlfriend Boyfriend Sister Father Baby Friend Split your students into groups of 7. Each student must take on one of the 7 personalities: Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Calpurnia (Caesars wife), Mark Antony, Octavia (Mark Antonys wife), Cleopatras brother, and the baby. If there are students left over once you have formed groups of 7, make a final smaller group or groups: as long as there are at least four members per group the activity will work. Now ask the groups of 7 to arrange themselves in a circle where they can all see each other clearly. The students must go around their circle, taking it in turns to point to each of the other characters and describing their relationship with that character, using the vocabulary above. For example, a student playing Caesar would say: Cleopatra is my girlfriend, Calpurnia is my wife, Mark Antony is my friend, The baby is my baby, I dont know Octavia, I dont know Cleopatras brother As you can see from this example, if the characters have no relationship, they must use the phrase I dont know . Groupwork: Likes and Dislikes Now repeat this exercise, but this time the students must explain how their character feels about each person. You can help your class by writing the following phrases on the board:- I like . I love . I dont love I dont like . I hate I dont know . (me gusta) (quiero) (no quiero) (no me gusta) (odio) (no conozco) Caesars example in this case could be: I love Cleopatra I dont love Calpurnia I like Mark Antony I love the baby I dont like Cleopatras brother I dont know Octavia There is no right or wrong answer here if youre not sure about a characters relationship to someone, be inventive! 10 Character Work Drama Games: Hotseating Now its time to see how good your students memories are! Ask them to remain seated in their groups, and one by one stand up and introduce themselves. Drawing on what they have learnt during the preparatory work in this Teachers Pack, they must tell the whole class as much as they can remember about their character. They should try to include name, age, a personality trait, relationships to other characters and important things which happen to their character in the Cleopatra story. If your students are advanced, you can let the rest of the class ask questions, which the student being hot-seated must answer in character. Some questions could include : What is your name? How old are you? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Where do you live? NOTE: This exercise is often productive if done after the students have attended storytelling session. This way they are able to discuss what happened in the story, and question the character s motives for behaving as he / she did. Variation: Pair work For more timid students, divide the class into pairs, mixing up students so that they are working with someone who was not in their group during the previous exercise. Each student must then talk about their character to their partner, either giving an introductory speech or answering questions as detailed above. Students can then move on to the Who am I? guessing game described below. Drama Games: Who am I? This is a game based on the hot-seating exercise, which can be played either in pairs or with the whole class. If you are playing as a class, write the 7 characters names onto scraps of paper and drop them into a hat. A volunteer student must come to the front of the class and pick a name from the hat. This is their character, which they must keep secret. Their classmates must then ask questions, trying to guess the secret identity. The volunteer can divulge any information except their name and can also help their classmates by acting in character. Whoever correctly guesses the volunteers character wins the game, and is also the next person to choose a name from the hat! If you are playing in pairs, the rules are the same but each player is free to choose their own character. To make it more competitive, why not ask students to keep a score of how many questions it takes to guess their partners personality? Play as many times as you like, add up your totals and the person with the lowest score at the end of the game wins! 11 Character Work Variation: Yes or no? This game can be made more complicated by limiting the answers that a character can give to just yes or no. Questions then have to be rephrased, so that instead of asking where do you live? (which one cannot answer with yes or no), the interviewer would have to ask do you live in Rome?. This is a good exercise in practical language application for more advanced students. Arts and crafts: Wall display Divide your class into 7 groups; one group for each of the main characters in the story: Cleopatra, her brother Ptolomeo, Julius Caesar, Calpurnia, Cleopatra and Caesars baby, Mark Antony and Ocatvia. Assign a character to each group, and ask them to either draw or paste a picture of their character in the centre of a large (A2) sheet of paper. If you are running short of time, writing the name in large lettering will suffice. Using information from all the previous exercises, ask the students to work together, noting down as much as they can about that character. They must try to include age, personality, relationships to other characters, and any other information they might know, such as where the character lives and what happens to him / her during the story. They should now write this information in a brainstorm around the picture. Now hang the 7 finished personality posters on the classroom wall! NOTE: If you have a very large class you may wish to divide the class into smaller groups or pairs, and create multiple posters for each character, for the sake of a quieter working environment. 12 Character wheel Use your knowledge about the characters in the story to fill in this worksheet, drawing lines between the characters explain their relations to and feelings for each other. The first one has been done for you! son Baby Caesarian girlfriend Cleopatra Julius Caesar friend wife Mark Anthony Calpurnia Octavia Ptolomeo Husband Father Wife Baby Girlfriend Friend Boyfriend 13 Brother Mother Character wheel 2 Now repeat the exercise, but on this wheel write the way the characters feel about each other! A word bank has been included to help you. love Baby Caesarian love Cleopatra Julius Caesar love hate like hate Mark Anthony Calpurnia Octavia Ptolomeo Love Dont love Hate Like 14 Dont like Dont know CD CD Ancient egypt 4 &8 5 listening Vocabulary River Nile Crocodile Camel Tourist information centre Vacation. Pyramid Tomb Pharaoh Mummy NOTE: The vocabulary listed here is used in Listening CD Track 3 Vocabulary Jumble. Doing this listening exercise may prove a useful introduction to this section of the Teachers Pack. Ancient Egypt Look at this picture and label the items in English, using the words from the vocabulary list above. The first one has been done for you. pharaoh 15 map of egypt Here you have the skeleton of a map of Egypt. Your job is to fill it with the names of towns, cities and famous landmarks! Use an atlas or the internet to look for information, and fill in as much detail as you can. Now, in the space below, write one fact about each of the places you have marked. For example Alexandria: .Alexandria: Cleopatra was born here .. . . 16 CD CD egypt - A Guided Tour 4& 85 listening Listen to the tour guide as she shows you around the tomb of Tutankhamun. Now listen again and write down as much information as you can remember: Arts and Crafts: Guide Brochure You will need: Old copies of tourist brochures for Egypt Scissors and glue A4 card Coloured pencils and pens Write a brochure for tourists visiting Egypt for the first time. Include all of the sights you think they should see, and illustrate your brochure with pictures, either drawn yourself or cut and pasted from tourist magazines. Make your brochure using both sides of a piece of A4 card. Your brochure is to be used by the Tourist Information Centre, so it had better be good! 17 did you know? Common myths about Cleopatra She was Egyptian No, actually she was Greek. Her family had lived in Egypt for three hundred years, but the Egyptians still thought of her as a foreigner. She was beautiful The image of Cleopatra still survives on the coins Mark Antony minted in her honour. She has a very big, hooked nose and a fleshy face. She had curly hair Actually, she wore a wig. Her head was shaven and she wore a wig of tight curls. She loved Julius Caesar This is possible, however their relationship came at a very convenient time. Egypt owed a large sum of money to Rome, and Cleopatras union with Caesar ensured the countrys financial stability. She dissolved a pearl in a cup of wine Pearls do not dissolve in wine! However, it is believed she swallowed a priceless pearl to win a bet with Mark Antony over who could throw the most expensive dinner party. By swallowing a pearl, and washing it down with wine, she made her dinner the most expensive ever! She killed herself out of grief for Mark Antony It is more likely that Cleopatra killed herself because, following Egypts defeat against Rome, her future was uncertain. She would certainly have been paraded through the streets of Rome in chains as a prisoner not a dignified end for a Queen. She loved her family No, together with Caesar she drowned her little brother, King Ptolomeo XIII, in the Nile. He was her first husband, and Cleopatra didnt like the way he was running the country. She died from the bite of an asp We do not know how Cleopatra actually died a snake bite is possible because she was found with 2 small marks on her wrists. But it is more likely to have been a viper than an asp; the asp does not have enough venom to kill outright. 18 CD CD 4& 95 song listening Walk like an Egyptian All the old paintings on the tombs They do the sand dance, dont you know If they move too quick (oh whey oh) Theyre falling down like a domino. All the bazaar men by the Nile They got money on a bet Gold crocodiles (oh whey oh) They snap their teeth on your cigarette. Foreign types with the hookah pipes say Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh Walk like an Egyptian Blonde waitresses take their trays They spin around and they cross the floor Theyve got the moves (oh whey oh) You drop your drink and they bring you more All the school kids so sick of books They like the punk and the metal band When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh) Theyre walking like an Egyptian All the kids on the marketplace say Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh Walk like an Egyptian Slide your feet up the street, bend your back Shift your arm then you pull it back Lifes hard you know (oh whey oh) So strike a pose on a Cadillac All the cops in the donut shop say Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh Walk like an Egyptian, Walk like an Egyptian. 19 CD CD song 4 10 &5 listening Midnight at the Oasis Midnight at the oasis Send your camel to bed Shadows painting our faces Traces of romances in our heads. Heavens holding a half-moon Shining just for us Lets slip off to a sand dune, real soon And kick up a little dust Come on, Cactus is our friend Hell point out the way Come on, till the evening ends Till the evening ends You dont have to answer Theres no need to speak Ill be your belly dancer, prancer And you can be my sheik. I know your Daddys a sultan A nomad known to all With fifty girls to attend him, they all send him Jump at his beck and call But you wont need no harem, honey When Im by your side And you wont need no camel, no no When I take you for a ride Come on, Cactus is our friend Hell point out the way Come on, till the evening ends Till the evening ends Midnight at the oasis Send your camel to bed Got shadows painting our faces And traces of romance in our heads. 20 Crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Across 2 Cleopatra dies when she is bitten by a ______________. 5 Green animal that lives in the River Nile. 7 Walk like an ____________ 8 Dead body wrapped in cloth. 9 A colourful sea: The __________ Sea. Down 1 Cleopatra married her little ___________ Ptolomeo. 3 The River ___________ runs through Egypt. 4 Cleopatra was ___________ of Egypt. 5 An Egyptian animal with 4 legs. 6 Special triangular building. 21 answers teachers Page 4: Listening CD Track 3: Vocabulary jumble Vacation, crocodile, camel, tomb, tourist information centre, pyramid, mummy, pharaoh, river Nile. Page 6: Worksheet: True or False? Cleopatra was born in 69 BC - True She became Queen of Egypt when she was 15 years old - False Cleopatras father played the guitar - False Cleopatra and Julius Caesar went on vacation together - True Julius Caesar is assassinated - True Cleopatra dies when a crocodile bites her - False Listening CD Track 4: Fill in the Blanks! Hello, and welcome to Rome Today. The big news is Julius Caesar has a new (girlfriend!). Her name is Cleopatra and she is (twenty-three) years old. She is from Alexandria, in Egypt. The couple have just returned from Egypt, where Caesar helped Cleopatra to win the Civil (war). To celebrate their victory, they went on (vacation): a cruise on the river Nile. Now Cleopatra has had a (baby), and is living in a palace in Rome. Caesars wife, Calpurnia, is very (angry). He is spending all his (money) on his new girlfriend! Page 7: Listening CD Track 5: Introduction to the Characters 1) My name is Cleopatra 2) Im Cleopatras brother 3) Im Mark Antony 4) I am Calpurnia 5) Waa! Waa! 6) I am Julius Caesar 7) My name is Octavia Page 8: Listening CD Track 6: Personalities Im Cleopatra. Im beautiful. Im Julius Caesar. Im rich. Money, money, money! My name is Mark Antony. Im important. Very, very important! Hi. Im Cleopatras brother. Im little. Im Caesars wife, Calpurnia. Im very angry. Im Mark Antonys wife, Octavia. Im very sad. Im the baby. Im happy. Page 9: Listening: CD Track 7: How Old Are You? Hello. I am Cleopatra. I am 23 years old. Hi. Im Julius Caesar. Im 53 years old. Im Cleopatras brother. Im 10. Hello. Im Calpurnia, Caesars wife. Im 47 years old. Im the baby. Im 2. 1-2! Ji-ji-ji! Page 17 Listening CD Track 8: A Guided Tour Hello, and welcome to Tutankhamuns tomb, in the Valley of the Kings. Tutankhamun was a famous Egyptian Pharoah. His tomb was discovered in 1922. The tomb is very small, as it was designed for someone less important you see, Tutankhamun died when he was only 19 years old. The body of Tutankhamun is inside 3 coffins. The coffins are made of gold. There are paintings on the walls, and treasure to help Tutankhamun on his journey to the afterlife. Thankyou for your visit. Goodbye! 22 Crossword solution teachers 1 2 B S 3N R I 5 C R O C O D I L T E A 6 M H P 7 E E G Y P R L R A 8 M U I 9 R E D A K E 4 Q U E E E T I A N M M Y Cd track listings teachers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction Vocabulary list Listening: Vocabulary Jumble Listening: Fill in the Blanks Listening: Introduction to the Characters Listening: Personalities Listening: How Old are You? Listening: A Guided Tour Song: Walk Like an Egyptian Song: Midnight at the Oasis 23
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