Hanna and Little Professor Paul - Headstrong Pony, Cheeky Goat

Marion Meister
Hanna and Little Professor Paul Headstrong Pony, Cheeky Goat
(Vol. 1)
Hanna und Professor Paulchen, Volume 1
illustriert von Lisa Althaus
8+ years, 2nd edition 01/06/2009
128 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-6532-2
9.90 € (D)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
Czech, Slovak
Ginger, the new pony at the farm, does not seem to be content. She looks unhappy and does not even
accept food. Only Hanna who misses her best friend Julia realises what Ginger needs: the goat Fred, her
best friend and former neighbour…
Little Professor Paul is the world’s greediest and loveliest pony – that’s at least what Hanna thinks, and she
should know best, since Paul is HER pony. Our new series aims at girls aged 8+ who dream about ponies
day and night. It offers classic pony adventures, told in a charming and witty way. The author writes
intuitively for girls aged 8+ and their love for ponies and horses.
„With her light and humorous narrative style and the adorable characters Marion
Meister won the hearts of her readers and reinforces the desire for more books.”
Märkische Oderzeitung, Frankfurt
Marion Meister
Marion Meister was born in 1974. As an artist she soon discovered her love for the moving image and
Loewe Verlag GmbH
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95463 Bindlach
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studied film animation in Babelsberg at the "Konrad Wolf" school for film and television. She currently works
as a free illustrator in Berlin. She is the author of the pony series “Hanna and Little Professor Paul” and
together with her husband Derek she has created and illustrated the “Dragon Camp Fire Flint” series.
More titles in this series
Hanna and Little Professor
Hanna and Little Professor
Hanna and Little Professor
Paul - A Pony With A Sweet
Paul - A Pony With a Plan
Paul - A Pony out of Control
Tooth (Vol. 2)
Hanna and Little Professor
Hanna and Little Professor
Paul – A Pony Strikes Lucky
Paul - A Pony Bunks (Vol. 6)
(Vol. 5)
Loewe Verlag GmbH
Bühlstraße 4
95463 Bindlach
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