BI Fom 3 PROOFOFCLAIM District of Delaware U].uTED STATES BANKRUPTCY CoURT Name of Debtor: Case Number: FISKER AUTOMOTIVE, INC. ? - i.-ii I rt 1113086 (KG) .J,'\lo{ 2 NOTE: Donotusethisformtomakeaclaimloranadminislrotiveexpensethatarisesafterthebankruptcyfiling.Yox,, mayfile a request for payment ofan administrative expense according to I I U.S.C. S 50i. .:a' ---r ! i._r_-.' 7 ?t:.'it ),'ll,l. ,,.1 r.i: (' ,..i,r r . !;r,i,i, Iir ritts .\$ LJj r .. ::j,l.j\iiilri(.\ r. tiLif: , Name of Creditor (the person or other entity to whom the debtor owes money or property): Thg,r'ros {Turt /t ytr 0 Name and address where notices should be sent: I i':l{;u,:, i.'*r,,*v,v' Check this box ifthis claim previously filed claim. amends a Court Claim Number: (If known) Filed on: Name and address where payment should be sent (ifdifferent fiom above) Telephone number: l' email: Amount of Claim as of Date Case Filed: $ UNLIOUIDATED AMOUNT If all or part ofthe claim is secured, complete item 4. If all or part ofthe clarm is entitled to priority, complete item 5, O Check this box 2. 3. Basis for Cl Check this box ifyou are aware that anyone else has filed a proof of claim relating to this claim. Attach copy of statement giving particulars. if the claim includes interest or other chrses in addition to the orinciDal amount of the claim. Attach claim. a statement that itemizes interest or charses BREACH OF WARRANTY AND MAINTEMNCE AGREEMENTS (See instruction #2) Last four digits of any number 3a. Debtor may have scheduled account as: by which creditor identifies debtor: 4. Secured Claim (See instruction #4) Check the appropriate box ifthe claim is secured by a lien on property or a right of setoff, attach required redacted documents, and provide the requested information. Nature of property or righi of setoff: OReal Describe: Value ofProperty: Annual lnterest Estate DMotor Vehicle OOther S_ Rate_Yo (when case was filed) 3b. Uniform Claim Identifier (optional): Amount ofarresrege end other chirges, included in secured claim, ifany: or DVriable Cl Domestic support obligations under I $ 507 (a)(l)(A) or (a)(l)@). I Amount D Wages, salaries, or commissions (up to $12,475r) eamed within I 80 days before the case was filed or the debtor's business ceased, whichever is earlier u.s.c. g s07 (a)(a). ll O Up to $2,775* of deposits toward purchase, lease, or rurtal ofproperty or sewices for personal, family, or household use- U.S.C. g s07 (a)(7). ll O I I csse wrs filed, Basis for perfection: - Taxes or penalties owed to govemmental units U.S.C. $ 507 (aX8). - Claim: Unsecured: 5. Amount of Claim f,,ntitled to Priority under I I U.S.C. $ 507 (a). If any part of the claim falls into the priority and st&te the amount u.s.c. ofthe time s_ Amount of Secured ClFixed as $ S one of the following crtegories, check the box specifying O Conhibutions to an employee benefit plan I I u.s.c. 0 507 (a)(s). - O Other - Specify appl icable paragraph I Amount entitled to priority: s of I U.S.C. $ 507 (aX_). *Amounts are subject lo adjusttilent on 4/01/16 md ewry 3 years thereafter with respect to cases commenced on or after lhe darc of adjustmenl. 6. Credits. Theamountofallpaymentsonthisclaimhasbeencreditedforthepurposeofmakingthisproofofclaim.(Seeinstruction#6) nq ''\t, \TD Bl0 (Official Form l0) 7. Documents: (04/13) missorynotes,purchaseorders,invoices,itemizedstatemmtsof running accounts, contracts,judgments, mortgages, secunry agreements, or, in the case ofa claim based on an open-end or revolving consumer credit agfeement, a Iftheclaimissecured,box4hasbeencompleted,andredactedcopiesofdocumentsproviding statemintprovidingtheinformaiionrequiredbyfnen:001(oX3XA). evidence ofperfection ofa security interest are-attached. Iftheclaim is secured by the debtor's principal residence, the Mortgage ProofofClaim Attachment is being filed with this claim. (See instruction #7, md the definition of "rcdacled".) DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. ATTACHED DOCT]MENTS MAY BE DESTROYED AFTER SCANMNG. If tte documents are not available, ptease explain: DOCUMENTS WLL BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST Check the appropriate box. dl am thecreditor. D I am thecreditor'sauthorizedagent. 0 Iamthetsustee,orthe debtor, ii$?'j[l;L?iliili* r O Iamaguarantor,surety,indorser,orothercodebtor' (See Bankuptcv Rure 3005') I declare under penalty of pe{ury that the information provided in this claim is true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge, infomation, and reasonable belief' fllix,*u"' Company: Address and telephone number (if different from notice address abo e Telenhone CN!L\, nrrmber: email: Penalty for presenling fraudulent claim: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROOF OF law. In certain circumstances, such as banloaptcy The instructions dnd definitions below are general explmations of the exceptions to these general rules may apply. Court, Name of Debtor, and Case Number: Fill in the federal judicial district in which the bankruptcy case was filed (for example, Central District of California), the debtor's full name, and the case number. Ifthe creditor received a notice ofthe case from the bankruptcy court, all ofthis information is at the top ofthe notice. l8 U.S.C. $0 cases not 152 and 3571. filed vohtntaily by lhe debtor, claim is entirely unsecured. (See Definitions.) Ifthe claim is securo4 check the box for the nature and value of property that secures the olaim, attach oopies of lien documentation, and state, as ofthe date ofthe bankruptcy filing, the annual interest rate (and whether it is fixed or variable), and the amount past due on the claim. Creditor's Name and Address: Fill in the name ofthe person or entity asserting Amount of Claim Entitled to Priority Under ll U.S.C. $ 507 (a). If any portion of the claim falls into any category shom, check the appropriate box(es) and state the amount entitled to priority. (See Definitions.) A claim may be partly priority and partly non-priority. For example, in some ofthe categories, the law limits the amount entitled to priority. informed of its cunent address. See Federal Rule of Bankruptcy hocedure (FRBP) 2002(g). 6. Credits: An authorized signature on this proof of claim serves as an acknowledgment that when calculating the amount ofthe claim, the creditor gave the debtor credit for a claim and the name and address of the person who should receive notices issued during the bankruptcy cse. A separate space is provided for the payment address if it differs from the notice address. The creditor has a continuing obligation to keep the court 1. Amount ofClaim as ofDate Case Filed: State the total amount owed to the creditor on the date ofthe bankruptcy filing. Follow the instructions concerning whether to complete items 4 and the box ifinterest or other charges are included in the claim. 2. 5. Check Basis for Claim: ofdebt or how it was incurred. Examples include goods sold, money Ioaned, services perfomed, personal injury/wrongful death, car loan, mortgage note, and credit card. If the claim is based on delivering health care goods or services, limit the disclosure ofthe goods or services so as to avoid embanassment or the disclosure of confidential health cre infomation. You may be required to provide additional disclosure if an interested party objects to the claim. State the type 3. Last Four Digits of Any Number by Which Creditor Identifies Debtor: State only the last four digits of the debtor's account or other number used by the creditor to identify the debtor. 3a, Debtor May Have Scheduled Account As: Report a change in the creditor's name, a transfened claim, or any other infomation that clarifies a difference beween this proof of claim and the claim as scheduled by the debtor. 3b. Uniform Claim ldentifier: Ifyou use a uniform claim identifier, you may report it here. A miform claim identifier is an optional 24-character identifier that certain large creditors use to facilitate electronic payment in chapter l3 cases. Check whether the claim is fullv or secured. Skio this section ifthe 5. any payments received toward the debt. 7. Documents: Attach redacted copies ofany documents that show the debt exists and a lien secures the debt. You must also attach copies of documents that evidence perfection ofany security interest and documents required by FRBP 3001(c) for claims based on an open-end or revolving consumer credit agreement or secured by a security interest in the debtor's principal residence. You may also attach a summary in additiontothedocumentsthemselves.FRBP300l(c)and(d). Iftheclaimisbased on delivering health care goods or services, limit disclosing confidential health care infomation. Do not send original documents, as attachments may be destroyed after scanning. 8, Date and Signature: The individual completing this proof of claim must sign and date it. FRBP 901 l. Ifthe claim is filed electronically, FRBP 5005(a)(2) authorizes courts to establish local rules specifying what constitutes a siSnature. If you sign this fom, you declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided is hue and conect to the best of your knowledge, information, and reasonable belief. Your sigpature is also a certification that the claim meets the requirements of FRBP 90ll@). Whether the claim is filed electronically or in person, if your name is on the signature line, you are responsible for the declaration. Print the name and title, if any, of the creditor or other person authorized to file this claim. State the filer's address and telephone number ifit differs from the address given on the top ofthe form for purposes ofreceiving notices. Ifthe claim is filed by an authorized agent, provide both the name of the individual filing the claim and the name of the agent. Ifthe authorizBd agent is a seruicer, identify the corporate servicer as the company. Criminal penalties apply for making a false statement on a proof ofclaim.
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