William M. Tweed

William M. Tweed
William M. Tweed
William M. Tweed
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from New York's 5th district
In office
March 4, 1853 – March 3, 1855
Preceded by
George Briggs
Succeeded by
Thomas R. Whitney
Personal details
April 3, 1823
New York City
April 12, 1878
(aged 55)
New York City
Political party
Mary Jane C. Skaden
William Magear Tweed (April 3, 1823 – April 12, 1878) – often erroneously referred to as William Marcy Tweed
(see below),[1] and widely known as "Boss" Tweed – was an American politician most notable for being the "boss"
of Tammany Hall, the Democratic Party political machine that played a major role in the politics of 19th century
New York City and State. At the height of his influence, Tweed was the third-largest landowner in New York City, a
director of the Erie Railroad, the Tenth National Bank, and the New-York Printing Company, as well as proprietor of
the Metropolitan Hotel.[2]
Tweed was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1852, and the New York County Board of
Supervisors in 1858, the year he became the head of the Tammany Hall political machine. He was also elected to the
New York State Senate in 1867, but Tweed's greatest influence came from being an appointed member of a number
of boards and commissions, his control over political patronage in New York City through Tammany, and his ability
to ensure the loyalty of voters through jobs he could create and dispense on city-related projects.
Tweed was convicted for stealing an amount estimated by an aldermen's committee in 1877 at between $25 million
and $45 million from New York City taxpayers through political corruption, although later estimates ranged as high
as $200 million.[3] Based on the inflation or devaluation rate of the dollar since 1870 of 2.7%, $25–$200 million is
between $1 and $8 billion 2010 dollars. He died in the Ludlow Street Jail.
William M. Tweed
Early life
Tweed was born April 3, 1823 at 1 Cherry Street,[4] on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Son of a third-generation
Scottish-Irish chair-maker, Tweed grew up on Cherry Street. At the age of 11, he left school to learn his father's
trade, and then became an apprentice to a saddler.[4] He also studied to be a bookkeeper and worked as a brushmaker
for a company he had invested in, before eventually joining in the family business in 1852.[4] On September 29,
1844,[5] he married Mary Jane C. Skaden, and lived with her family on Madison Street for two years.
Tweed became a member of the Odd Fellows and
the Masons, and joined a volunteer fire company,
Engine No. 12.[4] In 1848, at the invitation of
state assemblyman John J. Reilly, he and some
friends organized the Americus Fire Company
No. 6, also known as the "Big Six", as a volunteer
fire company, which took as its symbol a snarling
red Bengal tiger, a symbol which remained
associated with Tweed and Tammany Hall for
many years.[4] At the time, volunteer fire
companies competed vigorously with each other;
some were connected with street gangs and had
strong ethnic ties to various immigrant
Ticket to a 1859 "soiree" to benefit Tweed's Americus Engine Co.
communities. The competition could be so fierce
that buildings would sometimes burn down while
the fire companies fought each other.[6] Tweed became known for his ax-wielding violence, and was soon elected the
Big Six foreman. Pressure from Alfred Carlson, the chief engineer, got him thrown out of the crew, but fire
companies were also recruiting grounds for political parties at the time, and Tweed's exploits came to the attention of
the Democratic politicians who ran the Seventh Ward, who put him up for Alderman in 1850, when Tweed was 26.
He lost that election to the Whig candidate, but ran again the next year and won, garnering his first political
Tweed was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1852, but his two-year term was
undistinguished.[8] In an attempt by Republican reformers in Albany, the state capital, to control the
Democratic-dominated New York City government, the power of the New York County Board of Supervisors was
beefed up. The board had 12 members, six appointed by the mayor and six elected, and in 1858 Tweed was
appointed to the board, which became his first vehicle for large-scale graft; Tweed and other supervisors forced
vendors to pay a 15% overcharge to their "ring" in order to do business with the city.[8] By 1853, Tweed was running
the seventh ward for Tammany.[4]
Although he was not trained as a lawyer, Tweed's friend Judge George G. Barnard certified him as an attorney, and
Tweed opened a law office on Duane Street. He ran for sheriff in 1861 and was defeated, but became the chairman
of the Democratic General Committee shortly after the election, and was then chosen to be the head of Tammany's
general committee in January 1863. Several months later, in April, he became "Grand Sachem", and began to be
referred to as "Boss", especially after he tightened his hold on power by creating a small executive committee to run
the club.[4] Tweed then took steps to increase his income: he used his law firm to extort money, which was then
disguised as legal services; he had himself appointed deputy street commissioner – a position with considerable
access to city contractors and funding; he bought the New-York Printing Company, which became the city's official
printer, and the city's stationery supplier, the Manufacturing Stationers' Company, and had both companies begin to
overcharge for their goods and services.[4] He also started to form what became known as the "Tweed Ring", by
having his friends elected to office: George G. Barnard was elected Recorder of New York City; Peter B. Sweeny
was elected New York County District Attorney; and Richard B. Connolly was elected City Comptroller.[8]
William M. Tweed
With his new position and wealth came a change in style:
Tweed began to favor wearing a large diamond in his
shirtfront – a habit that Thomas Nast used to great effect in
his attacks on Tweed in Harper's Weekly beginning in 1869
– and he bought a brownstone to live in at 41 West 36th
Street, then a very fashionable area. He invested his now
considerable illegal income in real estate, so that by the late
1860s he ranked among the biggest landowners in New York
Tweed was a member of the New York State Senate (4th D.)
from 1868 to 1873, sitting in the 91st, 92nd, 93rd and 94th
New York State Legislatures, but not taking his seat in the
95th and 96th New York State Legislatures. In the Senate he
helped financiers Jay Gould and Big Jim Fisk to take control
of the Erie Railroad from Cornelius Vanderbilt by arranging
for legislation that legitimized fake Erie stock certificates
that Gould and Fisk had issued. In return, Tweed received a
large block of stock and was made a director of the company.[4]
Thomas Nast depicts Tweed in Harper's Weekly
After the election of 1869, Tweed took control of the New York City government. His protégé, John T. Hoffman, the
former mayor of the city, won election as governor, and Tweed garnered the support of good government reformers
like Peter Cooper and the Union League Club, by proposing a new city charter which returned power to City Hall at
the expense of the Republican-inspired state commissions. The new charter passed, thanks in part to $600,000 in
bribes Tweed paid to Republicans, and was signed into law by Hoffman in 1870. Mandated new elections allowed
Tammany to take over the city's Common Council when they won all fifteen aldermanic contests.[9]
The new charter put control of the city's finances in the hands of a Board of Audit, which consisted of Tweed, who
was Commissioner of Public Works, Mayor A. Oakey Hall and Comptroller Richard "Slippery Dick" Connolly, both
Tammany men. Hall also appointed other Tweed associates to high offices — such as Peter B. Sweeny, who took
over the Department of Public Parks[9] — providing the Tweed Ring with even firmer control of the New York City
government[10] and enabling them to defraud the taxpayers of many more millions of dollars. In the words of Albert
Bigelow Paine, "their methods were curiously simple and primitive. There were no skilful manipulations of figures,
making detection difficult ... Connolly, as Controller, had charge of the books, and declined to show them. With his
fellows, he also 'controlled' the courts and most of the bar."[11] Contractors working for the city – "Ring favorites,
most of them – were told to multiply the amount of each bill by five, or ten, or a hundred, after which, with Mayor
Hall's 'O. K.' and Connolly's indorsement, it was paid ... through a go-between, who cashed the check, settled the
original bill and divided the remainder ... between Tweed, Sweeny, Connolly and Hall".[12]
For example, the construction cost of the New York County Courthouse, begun in 1861, grew to nearly $13 million
– about $178 million in today's dollars, and nearly twice the cost of the Alaska Purchase in 1867.[13] "A carpenter
was paid $360,751 (roughly $4.9 million today) for one month's labor in a building with very little woodwork ... a
plasterer got $133,187 ($1.82 million) for two days' work".[13]
William M. Tweed
Tweed and his friends also garnered
huge profits from the development of
the Upper East Side, especially
Yorkville and Harlem. They would
buy up undeveloped property, then use
the resources of the city to improve the
area – for instance by installing pipes
to bring in water from the Croton
Aqueduct – thus increasing the value
of the land, after which they sold and
took their profits. The focus on the east
development of the west side, the
topography of which made it more
Nast depicts the Tweed Ring: "Who stole the people's money?" / "'Twas him."
expensive to improve. The ring also
took their usual percentage of padded contracts, as well as raking off money from property taxes. Despite the
corruption of Tweed and Tammany Hall, they did accomplish the development of upper Manhattan, though at the
cost of tripling the city's bond debt to almost $90 million.[14]
During the Tweed era, the proposal to build a suspension bridge between New York and Brooklyn, then an
independent city, was floated by Brooklyn-boosters, who saw the ferry connections as a bottleneck to Brooklyn's
further development. In order to ensure that the Brooklyn Bridge project would go forward, State Senator Henry
Cruse Murphy approached Tweed to find out whether New York's aldermen would approve the proposal. Tweed's
response was that $60,000 for the aldermen would close the deal, and contractor William C. Kingsley put up the
cash, which was delivered in a carpet bag. Tweed and two others from Tammany also received over half the private
stock of the Bridge Company, the charter of which specified that only private stockholders had voting rights, so that
even though the cities of Brooklyn and Manhattan put up most of the money, they essentially had no control over the
Tweed bought a mansion on Fifth Avenue and 43rd Street, and stabled his horses, carriages and sleighs on 40th
Street. By 1871, he was a member of the board of directors of not only the Erie Railroad and the Brooklyn Bridge
Company, but also the Third Avenue Railway Company and the Harlem Gas Light Company. He was president of
the Guardian Savings Banks and he and his confederates set up the Tenth National Bank to better control their
Tweed's downfall came in the wake of the Orange riot of 1871, which came after Tammany Hall banned a parade of
Irish Protestants celebrating an historical victory against Catholicism, because of a riot the year before in which eight
people died when a crowd of Irish laborers attacked the paraders. Under strong pressure from the newspapers and the
Protestant elite of the city, Tammany reversed course, and the march was allowed to proceed, with protection from
city policemen and state militia. The result was an even larger riot in which over 60 people were killed and more
than 150 injured.
Although Tammany's electoral power base was largely centered in the Irish immigrant population, it also needed the
city's elite to acquiesce in its rule, and this was conditional on the machine's ability to control the actions of their
people, but the July riot showed that this capability was not nearly as strong as had been supposed.[16]
William M. Tweed
Tweed had for months been under attack from the New
York Times and Thomas Nast, the cartoonist from
Harper's Weekly – regarding Nast's cartoons, Tweed
reportedly said, "Stop them damned pictures. I don't care
so much what the papers say about me. My constituents
don't know how to read, but they can't help seeing them
damned pictures!"[17] – but their campaign had only
limited success in gaining traction. They were able to
force an examination of the city's books, but the
blue-ribbon commission of six businessmen appointed by
Mayor A. Oakey Hall, a Tammany man, which included
John Jacob Astor III, banker Moses Taylor and others who
benefited from Tammany's actions, found that the books
had been "faithfully kept", letting the air out of the effort
to dethrone Tweed.[18]
The response to the Orange riot changed everything, and
Nast shows Tweed's source of power: control of the ballot box.
only days afterwards the Times/Nast campaign began to
"As long as I count the Votes, what are you going to do about it?"
garner popular support.[18] More importantly, the Times
started to receive inside information from County Sheriff James O'Brien, whose support for Tweed had fluctuated
during Tammany's reign. O'Brien had tried to blackmail Tammany by threatening to expose the ring's embezzlement
to the press, and when this failed he provided the evidence he had collected to the Times.[19] Shortly afterward,
county auditor Matthew J. O'Rourke supplied additional details to the Times,[19] which was reportedly offered $5
million to not publish the evidence.[20] The Times also obtained the accounts of the recently-deceased James Watson,
who was the Tweed Ring's bookkeeper, and these were published daily, culminating in a special four-page
supplement on July 29 headlined "Gigantic Frauds of the Ring Exposed".[18] In August, Tweed began to transfer
ownership in his real-estate empire and other investments to his family members.[4]
The exposes provoked an international crisis of confidence in New York City's finances, and, in particular, in its
ability to repay its debts. European investors were heavily positioned in the city's bonds and were already nervous
about its management – only the reputations of the underwriters were preventing a run on the city's securities. New
York's financial and business community knew that if the city's credit was to collapse, it could potentially bring
down every bank in the city with it.[18]
Thus, the city's elite met at Cooper Union in September to discuss political reform: but for the first time, the
conversation included not only the usual reformers, but also Democratic bigwigs such as Samuel J. Tilden, who had
been thrust aside during Tammany's elevation. Although some at the meeting advocated lynching Tweed, the general
consensus was that the "wisest and best citizens" should take over the governance of the city and attempt to restore
investor confidence. The result was the formation of the Executive Committee of Citizens and Taxpayers for
Financial Reform of the City (also known as "the Committee of Seventy"), which attacked Tammany by cutting off
the city's funding. Property owners refused to pay their municipal taxes, and a judge – Tweed's old friend George
Barnard, no less – enjoined the city Comptroller from issuing bonds or spending money. Unpaid workers turned
against Tweed, marching en masse to City Hall demanding to be paid. Tweed doled out some funds from his own
purse – $50,000 – but it wasn't sufficient to alleviate the crisis, and Tammany began to lose its essential base.[18]
Shortly thereafter, the Comptroller resigned, appointing Andrew Haswell Green, an associate of Tilden's, as his
replacement. Green loosened the purse strings again, allowing city departments not under Tammany control to
borrow money to operate. Green and Tilden had the city's records closely examined, and discovered money that went
directly from city contractors into Tweed's pocket. The following day, they had Tweed arrested.[18]
William M. Tweed
Imprisonment, escape, and death
Tweed was released on $1 million bail, and Tammany set to work to
recover its position through the ballot box. Tweed was re-elected to the
state senate in November 1871, due to his personal popularity and
largesse in his district, but in general Tammany did not do well, and
the members of the Tweed Ring began to flee the jurisdiction, many
going overseas. Tweed was re-arrested, forced to resign his city
positions, and was replaced as Tammany's leader. Once again, he was
released on bail – $8 million this time – but Tweed's supporters, such
as Jay Gould, felt the repercussions of his fall from power.[18]
Tweed's first trial, in January 1873, ended with a hung jury, but his
retrial in November resulted in convictions on 204 of 220 counts, a fine
of $12,750[4] ($225,000.00 in 2010, adjusted for inflation) and a prison
sentence of twelve years; a higher court, however, reduced Tweed's
"Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make": January
sentence to one year.[21] After his release from prison, New York State
1876 editorial cartoon by Thomas Nast depicting
filed a civil suit against Tweed, attempting to recover $6 million in
Tweed's escape from prison
embezzled funds.[21] Unable to put up the $3 million bail, Tweed was
locked up in the Ludlow Street Jail, although he was allowed home visits. On one of these, Tweed escaped and fled
to Spain, where he worked as a common seaman on a Spanish ship.[18] The U.S. government discovered his
whereabouts and arranged for his arrest as soon as he reached the Spanish border; he was recognized from Nast's
political cartoons. He was turned over to an American warship,[18] which delivered him to authorities in New York
City on November 23, 1876, and he was returned to prison.[22]
Desperate and broken, Tweed now agreed to testify about the inner workings of his corrupt Ring to a special
committee set up by the Board of Alderman,[4] in return for his release, but after he did so, Tilden, now governor of
New York, refused to abide by the agreement, and Tweed remained incarcerated. He died in the Ludlow Street Jail
on April 12, 1878 from severe pneumonia, and was buried in the Brooklyn Green-Wood Cemetery.[23] Mayor Smith
Ely would not allow the flag at City Hall to be flown at half staff.[4]
In studies of Tweed and the Tammany Hall organization, historians have emphasized the thievery and conspiratorial
nature of Boss Tweed, but along with lining his own pocket, and those of his friends and allies, Tammany and
Tweed made substantial contributions to the development of New York City.
Tweed recognized that the support of his constituency was necessary for him to remain in power, and as a
consequence he used the machinery of the city's government to provide numerous social services, including building
more orphanages, almshouses and public baths.[4] Tweed also fought for the New York State Legislature to donate to
private charities of all religious denominations, subsidize Catholic schools and hospitals, and keep the King James
Bible available in schools. From 1869 to 1871, under Tweed's influence, the state of New York spent more on
charities than for the entire time period from 1852 to 1868 combined[24] Tweed also pushed through funding for a
teachers college and prohibition of corporal punishment in schools, as well as salary increases for school teachers.
Certain aspects of Tammany Hall's activities – such as aid to the sick and unemployed, and advocacy for tenants and
workers – foreshadowed later developments in the U.S. labor movement and Social Security.
During Tweed's regime, Broadway was widened between 34th Street and 59th Street, land was secured for the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Upper East Side and Upper West Side were developed and provided the
necessary infrastructure – all to the benefit of the purses of the Tweed Ring, but also, ultimately, to the benefit of the
people of the city.
William M. Tweed
Tweed himself wanted no particular recognition of his achievements, such as they were. When it was proposed, in
March 1871, when he was at the height of his power, that a statue be erected in his honor, he declared: "Statues are
not erected to living men ... I claim to be a live man, and hope (Divine Providence permitting) to survive in all my
vigor, politically and physically, some years to come."[4] One of Tweed's unwanted legacies is that he has become
"the archetype of the bloated, rapacious, corrupt city boss.[4]
Middle name
Tweed never signed his name with anything other than a
plain "M.", and his middle name is often mistakenly listed,
even by otherwise reputable sources, as "Marcy", rather than
"Magear", but Tweed's son's name was William Magear
Tweed, Jr. The confusion is almost certainly because of a
Thomas Nast cartoon with a picture of Tweed, supplemented
with a quote from William L. Marcy, the former governor of
New York.[25]
In popular culture
In 1945 Boss Tweed was portrayed by Noah Beery, Sr. in the
Broadway production of Up In Central Park, a musical
comedy with music by Sigmund Romberg.[26] The role was
played by Malcolm Lee Beggs for a revival in 1947.[27] In
the 1948 film version, Tweed is played by Vincent Price.
An 1869 tobacco label featuring Tweed
On the 1963–1964 CBS TV series The Great Adventure, which presented one hour dramatizations of the lives of
historical figures, Edward Andrews portrayed Tweed in the episode "The Man Who Stole New York City", which
aired on December 13, 1963.[28]
The 1976 novel Inferno, by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, features a cameo appearance by Tweed, being tortured
by demons in Hell.
In John Varley's 1977 science-fiction novel The Ophiuchi Hotline, a crooked politician in a 27th-century human
settlement on the Moon assumes the name "Boss Tweed" in emulation of the 19th-century politician, and names his
lunar headquarters "Tammany Hall". Tweed was played by Philip Bosco in the 1986 TV movie Liberty,[29] and by
Jim Broadbent as a major supporting character in the 2002 film Gangs of New York.[30] Tweed is portrayed as a
defender of the rights of minorities and helper of those in need in Pete Hamill's 2003 novel Forever.
[1] "William Magear Tweed (American politician) – Britannica Online Encyclopedia" (http:/ / www. britannica. com/ EBchecked/ topic/ 610865/
William-Magear-Tweed). britannica.com. . Retrieved 2009-11-17.
[2] Ackerman, p. 2
[3] "Boss Tweed" (http:/ / www. gothamgazette. com/ article/ / 20050704/ 202/ 1467), Gotham Gazette, New York, 4 July 2005.
[4] Share, Allen J. "Tweed, William M(agear) 'Boss'" in Jackson, Kenneth T., ed. (1995). The Encyclopedia of New York City. New Haven: Yale
University Press. ISBN 0300055366., p.1205-1206
[5] Maher, James (Jan 1, 1987). Index to Marriages and Deaths in the New York Herald: 1835-1855 (http:/ / books. google. com/
books?id=0YU79V-1fegC& q=Tweed#v=onepage& q=Tweed& f=false). Genealogical Publishing Com. pp. 123. ISBN 0-8063-1184-3. .
[6] Burrows & Wallace, pp.654, 724, 823
[7] Burrows & Wallace, p.823
[8] Burrows & Wallace, p.837
William M. Tweed
[9] Burrows & Wallace, pp.927-928
[10] Paine, p. 140.
[11] Paine, p. 143.
[12] Paine, p. 144.
[13] Mintz, Steven. "Digital History" (http:/ / www. digitalhistory. uh. edu/ database/ article_display. cfm?HHID=211). Digitalhistory.uh.edu. .
Retrieved 2009-07-19.
[14] Burrows & Wallace, pp.929-931
[15] Burrows & Wallace, pp.934-935
[16] Burrows & Wallace, pp.1003-1008
[17] Bruce Jackson (2000-11-02). "lazio" (http:/ / www. acsu. buffalo. edu/ ~bjackson/ lazio. html). Acsu.buffalo.edu. . Retrieved 2009-07-19.
[18] Burrows & Wallace, pp.1008-1011
[19] Ellis, pp. 347–348.
[20] Paine, p. 170.
[21] Lower Manhattan : News | Landmark Tweed Courthouse Has a Checkered History (http:/ / www. lowermanhattan. info/ news/
landmark_tweed_courthouse_has_65546. aspx)
[22] "Tweed, William Marcy, (1823–1878)" (http:/ / bioguide. congress. gov/ scripts/ biodisplay. pl?index=T000440). bioguide.congress.gov. .
Retrieved 2009-07-19.
[23] Ackerman, p. 28
[24] Ackerman, p. 66.
[25] Nevius, Michelle (2009). Inside the Apple: A Streetwise History of New York City (http:/ / books. google. com/
books?id=O8K5OCC4CMwC& pg=PA120& lpg=PA120& dq=Boss+ Tweed+ "Middle+ Name"#v=onepage& q=Boss Tweed "Middle
Name"& f=false). New York: Free Press. pp. 120. ISBN 978-1-4165-8997-6. .
[26] Up In Central Park (1945) (http:/ / ibdb. com/ production. php?id=1669) on Internet Broadway Database
[27] Up In Central Park (1947) (http:/ / ibdb. com/ production. php?id=473592) on Internet Broadway Database
[28] The Great Adventure: The Man Who Stole New York City (http:/ / www. imdb. com/ title/ tt0592454/ ) at the Internet Movie Database
[29] "Characters: Boss Tweed" (http:/ / www. imdb. com/ character/ ch0004562/ ) on IMDb
[30] Ebert, Roger (2002-12-20). "Gangs of New York" (http:/ / rogerebert. suntimes. com/ apps/ pbcs. dll/ article?AID=/ 20021220/ REVIEWS/
212200304/ 1023). suntimes.com. . Retrieved 2009-05-17.
• Ackerman, K. D. (2005). Boss Tweed: The rise and fall of the corrupt pol who conceived the soul of modern New
York. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers. ISBN 0-7867-1435-2.
• Burrows, Edwin G. & Wallace, Mike (1999). Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. New York: Oxford
University Press. ISBN 0195116348.
• The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. High Beam Encyclopedia. 22, November 2008, (http://www.
• Ellis, Edward R. (2004). The Epic of New York City: A Narrative History. Carroll & Graf Publishers. ISBN
• "Boss Tweed" (http://www.gothamgazette.com/article//20050704/202/1467), Gotham Gazette, New York, 4
July 2005.
• Paine, Albert B. (1974). Th. Nast, His Period and His Pictures. Princeton: Pyne Press. ISBN 0-87861-079-0 (The
original edition, published in 1904, is now in the public domain.)
• Sante, Luc. Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York. Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 2003.
Further reading
• Hershkowitz, Leo. Tweed's New York: Another Look, 1977.
• Lynch, Denis T. Boss Tweed The story of a grim generation. Blue Ribbon Books NY first print 1927 copyright
Boni & Liveright Inc.
• Mandelbaum, Seymour J. Boss Tweed's New York, 1965. ISBN 0-471-56652-7
William M. Tweed
External links
• William M. Tweed (http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=T000440) at the Biographical
Directory of the United States Congress
• William M. Tweed (http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=1049) at Find a Grave
• Green-Wood Cemetery page for WM Tweed (http://www.green-wood.com/2010/william-magear-boss-tweed/
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
William M. Tweed Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=520391133 Contributors: 0dd1, 199.174.171.xxx, 4meter4, ALOHARONN, Addihockey10, Aeon1006, Alan Liefting,
Alansohn, Alarics, Ale jrb, Aleal, Alexbbard, AnOddName, Anabus, Andreas Kaganov, Aplegacy, Arch dude, Austriacus, Avidbrowser, AwamerT, Baa, Bachrach44, Balloonfarm, Bbsrock,
Berean Hunter, Beyond My Ken, Bhumiya, Billmckern, Bkd, Bluemoose, Bob Burkhardt, Bobblewik, Bobmack89x, Bobo192, Bomalley500, BoomerAB, Btillman, Bucketsofg, C1k3, CKA3KA,
CSIGuy, Calieber, Calo112197, Caltas, Calum MacÙisdean, Cambalachero, CanadianLinuxUser, Canukk15, Capricorn42, Captain Crawdad, Cardsharp21, Causa sui, Ccnels, Cheesyjr, Ches88,
Chris the speller, Clarityfiend, Clintville, Clio'shelper, Closedmouth, Coldfire136, Colonies Chris, Coltsfan23, ConradPino, ContiAWB, Conversion script, CrazyLou411, Crazyniece, Credema,
Czolgolz, D6, DCEdwards1966, Dalit Llama, Damelch, Dan100, DancingPenguin, Dave Farquhar, David K Brown, David in DC, DavidA, Dawnseeker2000, Dcandeto, Dcs315, DeathfearO,
Delldot, Dendlai, Derktar, Diannaa, DifferCake, Discospinster, DocWatson42, Dodothegoof, Dolphonia, Drmotley, Dysepsion, Ebyabe, [email protected], El benito, Elassint,
Eloelsmileyface, Enviroboy, Epbr123, Ephraimh, Erianna, Esrever, Ewulp, Excirial, Exerda, Fbv65edel, FeanorStar7, Finalnight, Friginator, Fuhghettaboutit, Furrykef, Gabbe, Gazpacho, Gcap,
Geo8rge, Geologyguy, Ghosts&empties, Gilliam, Gobreezy12, Godd211, Gonzalo84, Good Olfactory, GoodDay, GorillaWarfare, GraemeL, Graham87, Grenavitar, Gruznov, Gscadwalader,
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file:William Marcy "Boss" Tweed (1870).jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:William_Marcy_"Boss"_Tweed_(1870).jpg License: unknown Contributors: BomBom,
Grenavitar, Guillom, 1 anonymous edits
File:Americus Engine Co No 6 Soiree crop.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Americus_Engine_Co_No_6_Soiree_crop.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors:
unknown; cropped by Beyond My Ken (talk) 04:01, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
File:Boss Tweed, Thomas Nast.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Boss_Tweed,_Thomas_Nast.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: Bob Burkhardt, Cirt,
Infrogmation, Schwalbe, Vizu, Wolfmann, 2 anonymous edits
File:Tammany Ring, Nast crop.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Tammany_Ring,_Nast_crop.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: User:Beyond My Ken
File:Boss Tweed, Nast.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Boss_Tweed,_Nast.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: Beyond My Ken, Bob Burkhardt,
Infrogmation, Man vyi, Storkk, Syrcro
File:Thomas Nast, Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make cph.3a00899.jpg Source:
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Image:Boss tweed.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Boss_tweed.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: Original uploader was Ccunni at en.wikipedia Later
version(s) were uploaded by Mav, Dave Farquhar at en.wikipedia.
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