continuing the - Integra Rehab

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Commitment to Our Community
Mission Statement
We are an integrated health delivery system providing a single source for life management strategies for seniors and the disabled.
Vision Statements
• As leaders in healthcare, we will improve physical and mental wellness through our comprehensive network of health and
healthcare services.
• As servant leaders, we will provide person-centered work environments that promote creativity and teamwork.
• As knowledgeable advisors, we will assist seniors and the disabled as they navigate complex healthcare issues.
Core Values
•Cooperation - Working together toward shared goals in search of innovative solutions.
•Honesty - Building trust by ensuring our behavior is consistent with our values.
•Service - Embracing the values of servant leadership acknowledging that one leads by serving others.
s part of the greater Georgia healthcare community, Community
Health Systems (“CHS”) has built a legacy of giving that is a cornerstone of our organization. Whether giving time or other resources,
the Board of Directors, working closely with its management team
and associates, dedicates CHS to a mission of compassionate care that reflects
our giving nature.
Each year, CHS member organizations identify areas of need in our
community, and through volunteer participation and donations, seek ways to
provide for those needs. This year in particular, in which economic hardship
has touched nearly every member of our community in some way, we felt it
was more important than ever to maintain our presence in the community
and continue our commitment to giving.
Elder Care Pharmacy (“Elder Care”) adopted a worthy cause that impacts thousands of Georgians each year. By donating non-perishable goods
to the Department of Family and Child Services food bank, Elder Care helped
to provide much-needed canned goods that feed families throughout the
holiday season.
Continuing in the same vein of giving, ECP Distributors (“ECP”) noted
the strain on the healthcare community due to an overwhelming request for
flu vaccines. Lending a helping hand, ECP donated supplies, including alcohol
wipes and syringes, to its local health department to administer vaccines.
At Ethica Health & Retirement Communities, associates implemented a
telemedicine pilot program to deliver specialty medical care to patients and
members of the communities served by its health centers. The telemedicine
program opens a new realm of healthcare for those who live in rural areas of
Georgia by “virtually linking” to more than 100 medical specialists. Aiding the
virtual experience, System Administrative Services retooled CHS’ Web presence, making it more user-friendly and easier for seniors to navigate and take
charge of their personal health.
In addition to efforts to give to our community at large, CHS member
organizations also strive to meet the needs of individuals whose needs might
otherwise go unmet. Associates of Integra Rehabilitation (“Integra”), for
example, learned of an individual who suffered numerous injuries in an auto
accident. Understanding the emotional and financial duress resulting from
the accident, Integra associates embraced him and his family – offering services at no charge – allowing him to focus on healing, not healthcare costs.
Community Health Foundation continues to touch thousands of lives
each year. In 2009, the Foundation extended its touch to Stevens Park, a
skilled nursing center in Augusta, Ga. A grant from the Foundation paved the
way for the complete overhaul of an older building and its transformation
into a modern gem fully equipped to handle ventilator-dependent residents.
The center was not only medically retrofitted, but also aesthetically remodeled to
provide residents with more space and
While our member organizations’
contributions certainly impact the lives of
those around us, we at Community Health
Systems believe that giving is part of our
legacy, our social responsibility to the citizens of our community. We give because
we want to, and it’s this desire to reach out
to others that drives our commitment to
our community.
Ronnie D. Rollins, Chief Executive Officer
Community Health Systems
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Medical Marvel
each time a patient is moved from one center to another, the patient’s health
may be affected. “One of the reasons we are participating in this pilot program
is to enhance the care of our patients, giving them access to a wide array of
specialists across the state,” Lucy says. “We also wanted to limit patient transfers out of the skilled nursing center because the patient’s health may
be compromised.”
The telemedicine program, which has been in place since early 2009,
has had a positive impact not only on patients in Ethica Client Centers, but
also on citizens in the surrounding communities. Realizing these Units are
a health benefit to skilled nursing patients, the five (5) facilities in the pilot
program have made the Units and their specialist care capabilities available
to community patients seeking advanced care. “Although this program is in
its infancy, it’s the only one in the state of Georgia,” Lucy says. “We’ve already
observed several positive changes, including improved appointment scheduling, enhanced diagnosis and treatment, improved rural health delivery and
care, and decreased admittance to the emergency room for skilled nursing
patients. Overall, these Units have provided a benefit to our community and
transformed the face of our healthcare.”
Bringing quality care to rural Georgia
atient care and wellness have always been defining attributes of Ethica
Health & Retirement Communities (“Ethica”). When the Ethica medical
director advisory board met last year with key clinical leadership to discuss the need for appropriate specialty care for their patients, a solution
was immediately forthcoming. “One of our directors mentioned a telemedicine
program, in which technology and medicine converge to provide state-of-the-art
specialty care to patients outside the central coverage area,” says Lucy Rogers,
Senior Vice President of Compliance and Quality Advancement for Ethica. “Discussing the parameters and benefits of such a program, we believed this technology
could positively impact the care of our patients in skilled nursing centers.”
Pursuing the program in conjunction with
“With tremendous magnification
capabilities, they allow the doctor to
thoroughly examine the patient – from
listening to their heartbeat and checking
their pulse, to examining wounds
and looking for infections.”
the Georgia Partnership for Telehealth (the “Partnership”), Ethica’s directors identified five (5) centers
that could benefit from a telemedicine pilot
program. A grant obtained from the Partnership
combined with a matching grant from Community
Health Foundation allowed Ethica to install telemedicine units (“Units”) in five (5) of its clients
centers in rural areas of Georgia, where doctors in
certain specialties are rare.
How It Works
Telemedicine units negate the need for
patients to be transferred to specialists’ offices for
routine appointments and checkups. Instead, with
the aid of a qualified clinical staff member, patients
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enter an on-site exam room where the Unit is located to begin a virtual consultation with an attending physician. A computer screen and a dedicated, secure
telephone line allow the physician and patient to easily and confidentially interact
as if they were in the room together. “The Units are really quite savvy,” Lucy says.
“With tremendous magnification capabilities, they allow the doctor to thoroughly
examine the patient – from listening to their heartbeat and checking their pulse, to
examining wounds and looking for infections.”
The Benefits
In skilled nursing facilities, especially those in remote areas, patient transfers
out of the facility can be problematic. Oftentimes, reliable transportation to shuttle
patients to specialist appointments is not available, and even more importantly,
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Caring for the Community
A Site for Seniors
Elder Care Pharmacy nurtures and nourishes its community at large
s a pharmaceutical provider to skilled nursing centers and assisted living
communities in the state of Georgia, Elder Care Pharmacy (“Elder Care”)
understands and embraces its role in nurturing the health and meeting
the needs of the geriatric community. Through its fundamental policy
of giving, Elder Care also
considers its local community a viable recipient of
its services. Every year, the
organization seeks charities
and organizations in its small
town of Hawkinsville, Ga.,
which could benefit from its
The year 2009 has been
a difficult for many small
communities around the
state of Georgia. Seeing the
needs of many local residents in Hawkinsville, Elder Care inquired about the local food bank administered
by the Department of Family and Child Services (“DFCS”). Each year, DFCS provides
non-perishable food items to thousands of needy families across the state of Georgia.
This year, with so many relying on help from the food bank, the stock was running
alarmingly low. “When the needs of this organization were brought to our attention,
we immediately called and offered our assistance,” says Andy Hill, President of Elder
“This year in particular, we felt it was our duty to help our fellow
community members by making a donation to our local food bank.”
Care. “This year in particular, we felt it was our duty to help our fellow community
members by making a donation to our local food bank.”
On Halloween night, many local churches participated in “Trick or Eat,” a
clever campaign in which paper bags were deposited on the doorsteps of comCONTINUING THE
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munity members in hopes of collecting canned foods. Elder Care embraced the
campaign, and, to advance the efforts of the local churches, pledged an organization donation to the food bank. In addition, as Elder Care associates learned of the
needs of the local food bank and the “Trick or Eat” campaign, associates joined the
campaign by making personal donations. “Organization-wide, associates began
arriving with their own personal donations to the DFCS food bank,” Andy says. “As a
small, community-based organization, it was heartwarming to see my fellow associates come together to lend a helping hand to their neighbors in need.”
With donations in hand, Elder Care presented its contributions to the food
bank in early November, just in time for the holiday season. After receiving such
tremendous, organization-wide support, Andy says this collection effort may
quickly become an annual event. “Now that we know there is an organized effort, a
wide, benefitting audience, and a central group that can disperse these donations,
I think Elder Care could potentially adopt this cause to ensure the food bank never
gets low again.”
Pledging to accept food-related donations throughout the year, Elder Care
plans to continue to service its rural DFCS food bank. For associates of the organization, this expression of giving is seen as another example of Elder Care’s commitment to its community.
that topic, SAS eliminated the need to “click” through several pages of text to
unveil sought-after information. Instead, by hovering over a category, the user can
instantly discover if the information he or she is seeking can be found on that page
before clicking on it.
“Focusing on usability, we knew we needed to keep the content
fresh, the navigation understandable, and the text readable and
easily expandable to a larger font.”
Navigating to subsequent pages, users can also identify with the site through
clear, consistent page formats. “Especially for seniors, we wanted to eliminate unnecessary surprises,” Ken says. “Sometimes there is nothing more frustrating than
navigating through a site that is different from one page to the next.”
Practical Knowledge
hen it comes to navigating the World Wide Web, users of every age
and skill level share a common experience: If the site is too difficult to
browse, the user will quickly navigate away from the site in search of
a friendlier domain. For seniors, the fastest-growing demographic of
Internet users, clear, understandable Web sites are more important than ever. Thus,
when System Administrative Services (“SAS”) recently updated Community Health
Systems’ (“CHS”) Web site, the goal was to provide concise, yet detailed healthrelated information in an easy-to-use format designed with the senior in mind.
With new studies estimating that currently there are more than 10 million
Internet users over the age of 65, SAS was determined to launch a site based on the
needs and skill level of its targeted audience. “Focusing on usability, we knew we
needed to keep the content fresh, the navigation understandable, and the text readable and easily expandable to a larger font,” says Kenneth Brouse, President of SAS.
“We also wanted to create a site in which visual gimmicks and other distractions
like pop-ups were eliminated so that we could keep our pages clutter-free.”
Technology’s Newest Trend
Through the use of hover technology, in which a user simply moves his or
her mouse over a specific category to reveal the subcategories contained within
Logging on to the CHS Web site, users are given instant access to a world of
health-related information. The easy-to-read content and interactive tools make
browsing simple, giving users the confidence they seek to take charge of their
health. Perhaps one of the most intuitive links on the site is the Health Resource
Center, which allows users to search a library of health topics and commonly asked
questions. The Interactive Body, a multimedia presentation that addresses multiple
health concerns, is a fascinating tool that allows browsers to watch an animated
video, complete with diagrams. “This section is one of the key elements of CHS’
Web site,” Ken explains. “When we created it, we wanted to offer our users a site
that provides day-to-day health
knowledge with interactive tools
and viable resource content that is
continually updated, bilingual and
informative. Through this site, we
were committed to creating a vision
of knowledge for our expanding
user group, and providing the content in a manner that requires little
effort on the part of our users.”
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Community Care
Integra provides rehabilitation services for a local resident
ntegra Rehabilitation (“Integra”) offers physical, occupational and speech
therapy services in more than 60 diverse centers across the state of Georgia.
In June 2009, one of Integra’s service providers located in a rural Southeast
Georgia county received a referral for skilled nursing care. The individual
was a local man who was involved in a serious vehicle accident in the spring
of 2008.
The accident, which left the man paralyzed from the waist down, almost
claimed his life. Driving home after running an errand, the man’s truck veered off
the side of the road. His truck rolled several times before he was thrown through
the windshield. The extent of his injuries was severe, necessitating care in several
specialty centers before returning to his familiar and “home” area. Integra provided the opportunity to give him care in a center in his community, rising to a
physical, occupational, speech and mental rehabilitation challenge.
The father of three, who needed nursing care as well as extensive rehabilitation services, had been away from his family and friends for a long period of time.
The possibility of returning to his hometown community appeared to be dim.
After discussing the situation with Wendy
Angel, Vice President of Rehab Services for
“Because he relies on the wheelchair for
his mobility, we also focused on sitting
and balancing exercises to promote his
tolerance for sitting.”
Integra’s Middle Georgia Region, the nursing center decided admission was the right
thing to do. Integra embraced the 36-year-old
and provided therapy services without cost
to the man or the center. This enabled him to
receive much-needed care in his community,
surrounded by family and friends. In many
ways, an individual’s mental attitude is critical
to physical well-being. Frequent and numerous
visits by family, high school friends and others
contributed to his mental wellness. Arriving at
the skilled nursing center, the local man thrived
with the hands-on care he received.
Involved with his care, physical therapist
Allan Fiesta worked on passive range of motion exercises for his legs, as well as
mobility training. “Before the accident, he was independent in all aspects, but
now he is confined to a motorized wheelchair,” Allan says. “Because he relies on
the wheelchair for his mobility, we also focused on sitting and balancing exercises
to promote his tolerance for sitting.”
Receiving occupational therapy as well, Ernesto Baticados focused on perfecting and fine-tuning his strengths. “We provided therapy that took advantage
of his abilities, like increasing his arm strength so that he
could perform daily tasks, such as getting dressed on his
own with the use of a reaching tool. In addition, we worked with him on his social
skills,” says Ernesto.
Integra’s valuable and generous assistance enabled him to receive care
supported by a host of family and friends. Thanks and appreciation were noted
by the nursing center for the generous contributions to therapy and skilled care
provided to a “hometown son, husband and father.”
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Granting Holiday Wishes
“Without the associates’ unwavering support, successful programs
such as SOURCE’s annual Christmas gift donation couldn’t exist.”
Through its organizations, Home & Community Services makes Christmas dreams come true.
ome & Community Services, Inc. (“HCSI”) has always played a special
role in the lives of the elderly and disabled. Providing services that
help these individuals remain in their homes, maintaining their independence, HCSI is committed to offering much-needed support in a
caring and consistent manner. Therefore, when Community Health Foundation
(“CHF”) began looking for a charitable project to fund in 2004,
it looked no further than one of HCSI’s organizations – SOURCE Care
Management (“SOURCE”) – for inspiration.
Case managers at SOURCE, which coordinates in-home member care –
everything from home-delivered meals, personal support services and emergency
response systems – realized that many of its members would not celebrate the holidays because they had no family or friends. Determined to make Christmas a time
of celebration for all of SOURCE’s members, CHF created a program to buy gifts for
those who otherwise would go without. “We adopted this program in 2004, buying
11 gifts for needy individuals that first year,” says Dawn Forbes, Executive Assistant at
CHF. “Last year, we provided 635 gifts for 411 people, and we fully expect to exceed
that number this year.”
clothing size, gender and age. “When we devised these lists, we included items
that would help our members in their day-to-day lives,” says Tracie Clark, Vice
President of Operations for HCSI. “Our case managers carefully choose from a
variety of goods, everything from microwaves, heaters and winter coats to nightclothes, slippers and personal-care items.”
This year, Dawn and her team of holiday helpers embarked on a day-long
shopping excursion in early December. Once the gifts are purchased, volunteers from all areas of Community Health Systems (“CHS”) converge on Ethica
Health & Retirement’s (“Ethica”) Training Center in Gray, Ga., for two days of
packaging and wrapping.
With the training center filled with brightly wrapped gifts, case managers from all 15 SOURCE offices travel to Gray to pick up the packages for their
specific members. Presents in hand, case managers personally deliver each
gift, providing a happy holiday for those members in need. “One year, a case
manager told me a story about a member in her 80s,” Dawn says. “When she
opened her package, which contained a new coat, she burst into tears. The case
manager thought something was wrong, but the woman said she was crying out
of joy because this was the first new coat she had ever owned. It’s stories like
this that really warm your heart and make you feel good about the role you play
in making someone’s Christmas dreams come true.”
Creating a Christmas to Remember
The program’s success is based on the support of CHF – as well as
SOURCE’s individual case managers – and the generosity of CHS and member
organization associates. “CHF derives much of its funding from those associates
who elect to make deductions from their payroll checks to support the annual
fund,” says Jean Ginn, President of HCSI. “Without the associates’ unwavering
support, successful programs such as SOURCE’s annual Christmas gift donation
couldn’t exist.”
With adequate financial support, each fall, Dawn e-mails a wish list to the
network of case managers, who identify members without friends and family. Choosing gifts for their members from one of three different lists of items,
the case managers help personalize the selections by detailing the member’s
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The Future of Healthcare
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Need for Change
cross the state of Georgia, there are hundreds of skilled nursing centers,
each with its own personality and penchant for care and service. While
all of the centers share a common interest for the health and well-being
of the elderly and disabled, only a handful have embraced technology
and begun the migration to a more modern approach to healthcare. Among them,
Originally built more than 25 years ago, the center, located in Augusta,
housed 100 residents in its 30,000-square-foot structure. Most residents shared
bedroom, restroom and bathing areas with others, and privacy was difficult to
“When the center closed, we saw the closing as an opportunity
to take an outdated center that wasn’t meeting the needs of
residents and transform it into a modern, state-of-the-art center
to serve the needs of residents – both today and into the future.”
find. In 2008, the center was closed and its residents moved to other centers.
“When the center closed, we saw the closing as an opportunity to take an outdated center that wasn’t meeting the needs of residents and transform it into a modern, state-of-the-art center to serve the needs of residents – both today and into
the future,” says Ronnie Rollins, President of Community Health Systems (“CHS”).
Stevens Park Health and Rehabilitation center in Augusta Ga., is paving the way
for delivery of compassionate care – in updated surroundings – to some of the
state’s most challenging long-term-care patients.
Each of 38 private rooms were designed to provide a private
restroom, shower and guest sitting area for residents. In addition,
rooms were equipped with electric beds, flat-screen televisions,
WiFi and voice-over Internet protocol telephone service.
Vision for the Future
Acquiring the property in February 2009, CHS and its member organizations
began the makeover of the Augusta center by assessing the community needs and
wants for skilled nursing care. Instead of its former 100-bed capacity, CHS
associates determined it best to completely renovate the building to house only
50 residents, making it consistent with the organization’s goal to provide a “private
room sanctuary” for each resident. Each of 38 private rooms were designed to
provide a private restroom, shower and guest sitting area for residents. In addition,
rooms were equipped with electric beds, flat-screen televisions, WiFi and voice-
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underwent general renovations, it became apparent
that accomplishing the mission to care for ventilatordependent patients would require additional funding.
To meet this need, staff members approached CHS’
member organization, Community Health Foundation
(“CHF”), to propose a grant for the project. Accepting
the proposal, CHF granted $1.5 million in capital for
development and implementation of the ventilator
Catalyst for Change
Working with all CHS member organizations
to make the grant, Community Health Foundation
served as the catalyst to transform an older center
into a modern, state-of-the-art home for Georgia’s
elderly and disabled and thus continuing the legacy
of giving.
over Internet protocol telephone service. In November 2009, the transformed
Stevens Park opened, offering residents the opportunity to experience the difference of the skilled nursing center of the future – today.
Perhaps even more impressive, Stevens Park is equipped to accommodate
residents who are dependent on a ventilator for the very breath of life. Integrating six non-traditional, semi-private rooms with a dedicated supply of medical
gases, back-up generators in case of a power failure, and other medically necessary devices, Stevens Park can care for those patients who have traditionally been
cared for in settings other than a skilled nursing center.
Incorporating the necessary equipment to sustain ventilator-dependent
patients at Stevens Park didn’t come without its costs, however. As the center
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Promoting Health and Prevention
ECP Distributors provides much-needed resources for the health of its community
very year, the flu descends upon the nation with a viral torrent of contagious
symptoms. Many concerned individuals, hoping to ward off the onset of
flu, flock to their healthcare providers and local health departments for the
often-scarce vaccine. This year, with the addition of yet another virulent
strain – H1N1 – healthcare providers are not only reporting record numbers of
requests for the vaccines, but also an overwhelming shortage of supplies that
leaves many individuals vulnerable to the effects of the illness.
Recognizing this need for supplies in its rural community of Hawkinsville,
Ga., ECP Distributors (“ECP”), a medical supply company that distributes medical
supplies and equipment as well as furniture, housekeeping and laundry supplies
to skilled nursing centers across the state of Georgia, was determined to embrace
its civic responsibility by helping its community at large. “At the onset of the flu
season, we reached out to our county’s health department and inquired if they
were in need of supplies,” says Cal Franklin, President of ECP. “We learned that
the health department was in desperate need of supplies, so we donated syringes
and alcohol swabs so they could administer flu vaccines.”
Filling a Need
As ECP’s donation
arrived at the end of September – just in time for
the October rush on flu
vaccinations – the health
department was in need
of supplies, and had been
turning away those seeking
the shot. Devising a waiting
list of individuals seeking flu
vaccinations, the health
department, with its newfound contribution of supplies from ECP, quickly called those on the list and
began to administer the vaccine.
“Every year, we at ECP Distributors take on a project that benefits our local
community,” Cal says. “In the past, we’ve donated school supplies to benefit the
children in our community, we’ve been active in Relay for Life, and we’ve sup-
“At the onset of the flu season, we reached out to our county’s
health department and inquired if they were in need of supplies.”
ported local initiatives that increase the volume of non-perishables in food banks.
This year, with the national focus on the flu season, we realized our efforts would
be best served in this area, and that our donation could positively impact the
growing need for supplies in our community.”
With a long-standing record of community service, ECP is constantly seeking ways to not only benefit its local community but also those communities it
serves throughout the state. “The healthcare industry has provided rewarding and
stable careers for our associates, and we welcome the opportunities it provides to
assist various communities with their needs,” Cal says. “Much emphasis is being
given to healthcare at this time, and ECP Distributors is committed to setting a
good example for others to follow.”
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Financial Highlights
2009 Statistics
Inpatient Beds.............................................. 5,045
Current Assets
Associates..................................................... 5,513
Property & Equipment
Home & Community-Based Clients........ 6,102
Other Assets
Donors........................................................... 3,113
Counties Served in Georgia......................... 159
Operating Expenses
Liabilities & Net Assets
Current Liabilities
Supplies & Service
Other Liabilities
Long-Term Debt
Labor & Benefits
Property Taxes
& Provider Fees
Property Costs
Fund Balance
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Foundation Pledges and Contributions
Lisa Aaron
Michelle Aaron
Shirley Abdallah
Michael Abney
Wanda Abney
Alberta Abrams
Heizel Acas
Yosheka Adair
Donna Adams
Joyce Adams
Julie Adams
Kandi Adams
Lucy Adams
Natasha Adams
Sandra Adams
Shacorrey Adams
Sharon Adams
Sophronia Adams
Matilda Addo
Wosilat Adebayo
Rashidat Adebowale
Rose Adelson
Nkechinyere Agbara
Mary Aguilar
Adeola Akinsemoyin
Richell Albao
Amy Albertson
Cynthia Albritton
Jacquelyn Alday
Denise Aldredge
Tabitha Aldridge
Amanda Alexander
Jerline Alexander
Octavia Alexander
Virginia Alexander
Beverly Alford
Charlene Alford
Monique Alford
Shirley Alford
Shinette Alinas
April Allen
Brenda Allen
Diaqisha Allen
Donna Allen
Janice Allen
Latarsha Allen
Monica Allen
Taisha Allen
Vanessa Allen
Walter Allswell
Josel Almodal
Angela Alsobrooks
Roberta Alsobrooks
Mushell Alston
Shonna Alston
Marie Alt
Maria Altamirano
Claribel Alvarez
Maaza Amey
Geraldine Ammons
Diana Anderson
Mary Anderson
Catherine Andrews
Janelle Andrews
Larry Andrews
Marlisa Andrews
Tracie Andrews
Leticia Anes
Wendy Angel
Jacque Anglin
Anita Anim
Hailey Ansley
Robin Antion
Agatha Apronti
Sheryll Arambulo
Katherine Archer
Theresa Archer
Dorothy Archered
Rhonda Ard
Betty Arnold
Brittany Arnold
Brooklyn Arnold
Saira Arriaga
Elizabeth Arrington
James Arthur
Serena Asberry
Amy Ash
Katie Ashley
Samesshia Askew
Tammy Ater
David Athill
Holly Atkinson
Connie Austin
Pearlie Austin
Virginia Austin
Danielle Auvenshine
David Auxier
Norma Avery
Adesola Awoyeye
Amanda Aycox
Arnel Bachiller
Samantha Bagley
Brenda Bailey
Chris Bailey
Deborah Bailey
Dianne Bailey
Okolo Bailey
Tammie Bailey
Nancy Baker
Sarah Bala
Christine Baldwin
Deborah Baldwin
Dewanda Baldwin
Alma Ball
Magali Balli
Marcos Balthrop
Portia Balthrop
Carol Bankston
Sandra Barbee
Charlotte Barber
Amanda Bare
Lacey Bare
Candice Barfield
Judith Bargeron
Marolyn Barlow
Sylvia Barner
Jacqueline Barnes
Peggy Barrick
Carolina Barron
Teresa Barron
Vera Bartie
Jennifer Bartlett
Brandi Barton
Louise Barzey
Billie Bass
Debra Bass
Nancy Bass
Martha Batchelor
Rebecca Batchelor
Robert Batchelor
Mertice Bates
Ernesto Baticados
Katrena Battle
Laquazeeon Battle
Mary Battle
Mequanita Battle
Ta’meshia Battle
Laura Bax
Greta Beach
Willis Beacham
Caroline Beard
Brittany Bearden
Pamela Bearden
Ann Beasley
Dorothy Beasley
Frances Beasley
Helene Beavers
Elzie Beck
Martha Beck
Pebbles Beck
Carol Beebe
Elizabeth Beene
Shannea Belcher
Vicky Belcher
Christine Bell
Danielle Bell
Diann Bell
Lesia Bell
Lora Bell
Misty Bell
Odessa Bell
Sherry Bell
Sheryal Bell
Veronica Bell
Kathleen Bellon
Gloria Belton
Janet Benjamin
Louise Bennefield
Apryl Bennett
Bonnie Bennett
Mary Bennett
Peggy Bennett
Sharon Bennett
Maggie Bentley
Robert Bentley
Lynn Benton
Cherryl Berdos
Audrey Berry
Elaine Berto
Debra Beverly
Robert Billings
Lavurn Billups
Joann Bilz
Donette Binns
Pamela Birchett
Sheila Birdine
Mattie Birston
Patricia Birt
John Bisbee
Peggy Bishop
Tonia Bishop
Ernestine Bivins
Yvette Bivins
Jannett Black
Felicia Blackmon
Kaisha Blackmon
Tami Blackmon
Linda Blackstock
Bonnie Blackston
Brande Blair
Glennis Bland
Jeannie Blandburg
Amy Blank
Amber Blaylock
Linda Blizzard
Crystal Boggs
Elizabeth Boggs
Peggy Bohannon
Cassie Bolden
Geraldine Bolden
Maria Bolton
Sharon Bolton
Bart Bonds
Laverne Bonner
Earnestine Boone
Christal Borck
Michelle Borneo
Christefer Bostic
Victoria Boston
Ronata Boswell
Sheryl Boulet
Heather Bowen
Jennifer Bowen
Rose Bowen
Becky Bowens
Debra Bowling
Charlene Bownes
Ashley Boyd
Loretta Boyd
Beverly Boyer
Julie Boynton
Debra Boys
Valarie Bozarth
Lillian Brack
Magan Brack
Annia Braddy
Evelyn Braddy
Shirley Braddy
Syretta Braddy
Sonya Bradford
Barbara Bradner
Sherri Bradshaw
Kelly Bragg
Eugenia Brand
Jill Brand
Pamela Brandon
Roseann Brandtjen
Anita Branning
Belinda Brantley
Lily Brantley
Joanne Braswell
Arnecia Brawner
Andrico Bray
Keisha Breeding
Margie Breeding
Madalyn Brewer
Miranda Brewster
Shameka Brewton
Teresa Bridges
Mary Briggs
April Bright
Juanita Brinkley
Genee Brinson
Terri Brinson
Anethea Briscoe
Megan Brock
Cathy Brookins
Anna Brooks
Deanna Brooks
Edna Brooks
Johnnie Brooks
Maryam Brooks
Myra Brooks
Rowena Brooks
Sarah Brooks
Tunisha Brooks
Stephanie Broome
Kenneth Brouse
Angela Brown
Annie Brown
Carolyn Brown
Debra Brown
Eloise Brown
Fayette Brown
Gidget Brown
Glenda Brown
Janice M. Brown
Janice L. Brown
Jason Brown
Jessica Brown
Jo Brown
Joy Brown
Juanita Brown
Kathy Brown
Kayla Brown
Lillie Brown
Lisa Brown
Louise Brown
Marquita Brown
Naomie Brown
Neosha Brown
Rhonda Brown
Tamara Brown
Tamika Brown
Tammy Brown
Victoria Brown
Viris Brown
Zandra Brown
Becky Browning
Barbara Bryan
Karen Bryan
Terry Bryan
Crystal Bryant
Danna Bryant
Cassandra Buckner
Eddie Buckner
Meyosha Buckner
Shirley Buell
Brittany Bullard
Kimberly Bullard
Catherine Bunch
Tracy Buncic
Ida Bunn
Kenneth Bunn
Rosa Burga
Maxic Burger
Lisa Burk
Traci Burk
Nancy Burke
Lisa Burkett
Billy Burks
Rosie Burley
Kelly Burnett
Tiffany Burt
Cindy Burton
Frances Burton
Malika Burton
Evelyn Busby
Lindsey Busby
Barbara Bush
Eugenia Bush
Gladys Bussey
Iris Bustillo
Angela Butler
Ethel Butler
Fay Butler
Karen Butler
Rosa Butler
Barbara Butts
Diann Butts
Joann Butts
Rotonia Butts
Willa Butts
Barbara Byantalo
Connie Byrd
Dora Byrd
Lani Byrd
Stephanie Byrd
Eva Byron
Annie Byse
Carolsue Cabe
Greet Caers
Frances Caine
Alisa Caldwell
April Caldwell
Debbie Caldwell
Emma Caldwell
Jamie Caldwell
Sherell Caldwell
Ladetra Calhoun
Teresa Callaway
Trina Callaway
Christie Camp
April Campbell
Jacquelyn Campbell
Kesha Campbell
Lashandra Campbell
Lashay Campbell
Mitzi Campbell
Rayann Campbell
Sabrina Campbell
Sarah Campbell
Sharon Campbell
Evelyn Candley
Linda Cantrell
Polly Cantrell
Arleen Canty
Krystal Canty
Amy Carey
Clem Carey
Tanya Carey
Jannie Carlton
Tracy Carnes
Paula Carpenter
Joy Carr
Katie Carr
Margaret Carrier
Cynthia Carswell
Martha Carswell
Neomia Carswell
Darlene Carter
Debra Carter
Debra A. Carter
Jocelyn Carter
Kizzy Carter
Rebecca Carter
Bernice Cash
B. Kay Cason
Jennifer Cason
Shuronica Castleberry
Antonina Castro
Vennessa Cates
Tracy Cathers
Mary Cato
Tamekia Causey
Julia Cawthon
Leisa Cawthon
Cynthia Caylor
Cora Chaffin
Colleen Chalker
Eva Chalker
Andrew Chambers
Brenda Chambers
Kayla Chambers
Stephanie Chambers
Katherine Chambliss
Kizzie Chambliss
Roshelle Chambliss
Yajara Chamorro
Edith Champion
Cora Chandler
Cassandra Chaney
Johnny Chaney
Laquita Chaney
Virginia Changoo
Janice Chapman
Rosa Chapman
Susan Chappell
Lucius Character
Virginia Chastain
Bobbie Chatman
Tonja Chavous
Arlene Cheatham
Rosa Cherry
Kristi Cheshire
Louis Chieves
Stephanie Childress
Ronald Chitwood
Asit Chopra
Darlene Christopher
Rachel Christopher
Mary Churchill
Troy Churchill
Kimberly Churchwell
Robbi Cistrunk
David Ciucci
Theresa Clackum
Angela Clark
Belinda Clark
Cora Clark
Dianne Clark
Heather Clark
Laura Clark
Lillie Clark
Melissa Clark
Shanika Clark
Tracie Clark
Tricia Clark
Dorothea Clarkson
Courtney Claxton
Gloria Claxton
Cassandra Clay
Linda Clay
Pam Clayton
Pamela Clayton
Virginia Clayton
Melissa Cleaver
Sammie Cleland
Lakeysha Clemons
Patty Clemons
Shannon Cleveland
Gail Cliett
Kenneth Cliett
Alison Clifton
Janet Clifton
Lois Cloer
Lisa Cloniger
Mary Clover
Koreen Clowers
Dedra Clyde
Lesley Cobb
Paula Cobb
Shelia Cobb
Janean Coe
Melinda Coe
Amanda Coffey
Lillian Coffin
Karen Coker
Leola Colbert
April Coldiron
Barbara Cole
Charles Cole
Gary Cole
Jolie Cole
Katie Cole
Kristina Cole
Sharlene Cole
Alicia Coleman
Charles Coleman
Joyce Coleman
Tammy Coleman
Vanessa Colgrove
Chelsea Collier
Debbie Collier
Elois Collier
Lisa Collier
Shawnee Collier
Betrese Collins
Claudia Collins
Donna Collins
Ladonna Collins
Leann Collins
Natasha Collins
Regina Collins
Robin Collins
Sharon Collins
Tankeyia Collins
Tera Collins
Constance Colson
Carol Colston
Lisa Columbus
Jeena Colwell
Laurie Colyer
Christy Conn
Joanne Conner
Wilma Conner
Maria Contreras
Shannon Conway
Kari Coody
Annie Cook
Frances Cook
Jessica Cook
Linda Cook
Majohnda Cook
Brooklyne Cooper
Carolyn Cooper
Vanita Cooper
Crystal Copeland
Tamara Copeland
Rhoda Coppock
Seidryk Coppock
Crystal Cordell
Shanta Cornay
Amy Cosby
Zerill Costanilla
Mary Couch
Faye Cowan
Angela Cowart
Carrie Cowart
Andrew Cowins
Marissa Cox
Twayne Coxton
Lisa Coyne
Agatha Crabb
Shelby Crandall
Aisha Crawford
Heather Crawford
Sharon Crawford
Linda Creel
Billie Creswell
Jacqueline Crisp
Annie Crocker
Tracy Crockett
Myra Cronan
Ashley Cross
Holly Cross
Jeanna Cross
Tammy Cross
Jenny Crowder
Rebecca Crowe
Teresa Crowe
Sharon Crowell
Coleen Cruz
Epifania Cruz
Oswaldo Cruz
Robbin Culbreth
Baltine Cullars
Amy Culpepper
Santina Culver
Cristina Culverhouse
Karen Culverhouse
Teresa Cummings
Linda Cunningham
Susan Cunningham
Rachel Curtis
Teresa Curtis
Jamie Cusack
Mary Cusi
Chillie Dale
Gregel Dalion
Lillian Dallas
Samantha Dalton
Barbara Daniel
Jeanette Daniel
Jessica Daniel
Cassandra Daniels
Laurie Daniels
Mary Daniels
Rose Daniels
Roz Daniels
Yolanda Daniels
Latoya Darby
Bertha Darden
Veronica Darity
Kimberly Darnell
Regina Darrisaw
Judy Daugherty
Sunshine Davenport
Olney David
Alicia Davis
Angela Davis
Bobbie Davis
Brittany Davis
Brittany N. Davis
Carolyn Davis
Christina Davis
Clinton M. Davis
Clinton S. Davis
Dawn M. Davis
Dawn S. Davis
Demetrice Davis
Erica Davis
Ethel Davis
Janet Davis
Jannifer Davis
Joan Davis
Julia Davis
Kathy Davis
Kimberly Davis
Lauricia Davis
Martha Davis
Pamela Davis
Phyllis Davis
Sandra Davis
Sheri Davis
Tanqa Davis
Tara Davis
Vandeler Davis
Vicki Davis
Willie Davis
Beth Dawson
Christin Dawson
Dahlaney Day
Debbie Day
Nicholas Day
Stella Day
Darlene Deal
Betty Dean
Shakira Dean
Timothy Dean
Angela Deem
Cecile Deems
Jacqlyn Deiter
Yvette Dejesus
Beulah Deloney
Twilia Demery
Brenda Dempsey
Jessica Denmon
Carrie Dennard
Amy Dennis
Tracey Dennis
Richmond Densley
Paula Densmore
Nicole Dent
Antoni Deshazier
Angelica Devazquez
Cristina Devera
Marjorie Devereux
Annie Devero
Recole Diamond
Karen Diaz
Baraka Dice
Christine Dickerson
Darlene Dickerson
Mary C. Dillard
Mary E. Dillard
Angel Dingus
Carolyn Disher
Ada Dishmond
Regina Dishmond
Bernice Dixon
Carolyn Dixon
Eboni Dixon
Elaine Dixon
Joyce Dixon
Joycelyn Dixon
Prudent Dixon
Tiffany Dixon
Tynisha Dixon
Tommy Dobbins
Lorene Dodson
Sonya Dodson
Chrissie Dominick
Micah Donaldson
Elizabeth Donkor
Mariette Dorcelus
Rejiuse Dorcely
Stacy Dorries
Glenis Dorsey
Charles Dotson
Dixie Dotson
Iris Dotson
Jennifer Dotson
Laura Dotson
Stephanie Dotson
Anita Douglas
Sabrina Douglas
Sara Douglas
Sharon Douglas
Vicki Dover
Gloria Dowd
Elizabeth Dowdy
Wendy Dowdy-Howard
Sally Doyle
Chelsea Driver
Denise Drummer
Danny Dubose
Larry Dudley
Patricia Dukes
Paige Dumars
Rosa Dumas
Annie Dunan
Janet Duncan
Margaret Duncan
Patricia Duncan
Rebecca Duncan
Trizah Duncan
Betty Dunn
Cathy Dunn
Dalhia Dunn
Danielle Dunn
Jo Durden
Wanda Durden
Sharlene Dy
Teresa Dyar
Theresa Dycus
Dianne Dyer
Kristina Dyer
Shannon Dykes
Marilyn Eady
Marilyn Ealy-Johnson
Melinda Easley
Shondra Easley
Pamela Eason
Gina East
Michael East
Carol Easterwood
Patricia Eden
Casey Edenfield
Crystal Edenfield
Irene Edenfield
Rosa Edenfield
Scott Edens
Chiquita Edge
Mona Edge-Trejo
Sammy Edgeworth
Kandance Edmondson
Annie Edwards
Brenda Edwards
Cathy Edwards
Christy Edwards
Donna Edwards
Edith Edwards
Erica Edwards
Jennifer Edwards
Kalan Edwards
Kimberly Edwards
Latasha Edwards
Mary Edwards
Nichole Edwards
Theresa Edwards
Vennetta Edwards
Eno Effiong
Alicia Elam
Shakaria Elam
Marsheila Elbert
Diana Ellard
Samee Ellerbee
Patricia Ellerby
Brittany Ellis
Deborah Ellis
Brenda Ellison
Charlie Ellison
Dorothy Ellison
Barbara Ely
Carol Ely
Shanna Ely
Jan Embry
Jacqueline Endinger
Melba Endinger
Annette English
Bessie English
Carolyn English
Karin English
William Epps
Karen Erickson
Evelyn Ervin
Roger Ervin
Felicidad Escobar
Marisela Espinoza
Esi Essien
Wilma Estandian
Sue Estes
Tiffany Estes
Ann Ethridge
Michelle Eugene
Bertha Evans
Carol Evans
Charlie Evans
Diane Evans
Michelle Evans
Sonya Evans
Tiera Evans
Willie Evans
Lacy Everett
Ronald Ewing
Sandy Exley
Leeanna Fain
Marie Fair
Shatika Fair
Shelly Faircloth
Janita Faison
Alma Fajardo
Rashunda Famble
Helen Fambro
Angelia Farist
Annie Farley
Bernice Farley
Carolyn Farley
Cecilia Farley
Sally Farley
Shanese Farley
Patricia Farmer
Wendy Farris
Debra Fatic
Angela Faulcon
Angela Feagin
Etherine Fedderick
Kathleen Feliciano
Alicia Fells
Cynthia Fergoda
Robin Ferguson
Gloria Fernandez
Toshia Ferrell
Annie Ficklin
Mamie Ficklin
Anika Fields
Kaleda Fields
Melissa Fields
Allan Fiesta
Tanisha Figueroa
Donna Finch
Melissa Fincher
Kelly Fisher
Debbie Fleming
Helen Fleming
Laura Fleming
Karen Fletcher
Whitney Fletcher
Veronica Flood
Leonda Florence
Mary Flores
Keisha Florida
Cheryl Flournoy
Maynelle Flournoy
Joan Flowers
Melissa Flowers
Michael Floyd
Patricia Floyd
Tammie Floyd
Valerie Floyd
Zozangeleus Fluker
Ashley Flynt
Patricia Flynt
Dawn Forbes
Carol Ford
Debra Ford
Gloria Ford
Lajuan Ford
Sandra Ford
Lindy Fordham
Tracy Fordham
Cheryl Foreman
Tranza Foreman
Woody Foreman
Morris Forrest
Donna Forster
Abigail Foster
Hattie Foster
Jasma Foster
Sylvia Foster
Virdis Foster
Angela Fountain
Schevdene Fountain
Summer Fouts
Charlotte Fowler
Kevin Fowler
Rebecca Fowler
Tina Fowler
Vanessa Fowler
Christine Fox
Pamela Frame
Julie Frank
Joyce Franke
Calvin Franklin
Lamettretya Franklin
Ramona Franklin
Susan Franklin
Chrisi Frazier
Zina Frazier
Pamela Frederick
Scarlett Freelin
Calandra Freeman
Cindy Freeman
Irene Freeman
Jacqueline Freeman
Margaret Freeman
Shantrice Freeman
Taneka Freeman
Steve Fromm
Susan Fry
Marion Frye
Angela Fulks
Jacqueline Fulks
Mary Fuller
Rachel Furman
Jody Fussell
Deborah Futch
Sandra Futch
Brenda Futrill
Sue Gahlot
Debra Gaines
Karen Gaines
Regina Gaines
Schivonne Gaines
Willie Gaines
Erica Gainey
Lee Gainous
Belinda Galban
Tammie Gallemore
Andera Galloway
Darlene Galloway
David Galloway
Roxanne Galloway
Susan Galloway
Tessa Galloway
Ruthie Gamble
Jennifer Garcia
Juana Garcia
Melissa Garcia
Crystal Garland
Shirley Garmany
Misty Garner
Angela Garrett
Christine Garrett
Hennie Garrett
Jena Garrett
Regina Garrett
Gwendolyn Garvey
Melissa Garvey
Amy Gary
Margaret Gary
Tracy Gary
Martha Gaskey
Marcia Gates
Yesenia Gaucin
Aurelia Gaultney
Alice Gay
Mam0dou Gaye
Rena Gayle
Willie Geiger
Carla Gentry
Gail Gibbs
Tonja Gibbs
Annie Gibson
Dru Gibson
Tagermanie Gibson
Tara Gibson
Misty Gilbreath
Macheri Gillespie
Zenobia Gilliam
Patrice Gilmore
Page 18
James Gilreath
Jean Ginn
Wykeisha Girtman
Johanna Gladden
Jennifer Gleason
Julia Glenn
Rubie Goddard
Shanda Goddard
Tiffany Godowns
Kenneth Goings
Dianna Goins
Dwan Golphin
Anita Gontarek
Debra Gonzales
Crystal Gonzalez
Richard Goodenough
Angela Goodman
Kathy Goodman
Ronnie Goodman
Tiffany Goodson
Melonie Goodwin
Cecile Gordon
Shante Gordon
Taricka Gordon
Roger Gore
Gloria Grable
Amanda Grace
Cheryl Grace
Doris Grace
Roxie Grady
Gloria Graham
Patricia Graham
Penny Graham
Teresa Graham
Edmin Granados
Brenda Grant
Felicia Grant
Jackie Grant
Jimmie Grant
Karen Grant
Melanie Grant
Regina Grant
Simone Grant
Shirley Grantling
Lisa Granville
Jillian Gravitt
Brenda Gray
Janice Gray
Shauncie Gray
Candie Green
Cathy Green
Celisse Green
Eunice Green
Janice Green
Kimberly Green
Laura Green
Leona Green
Mary A. Green
Mary S. Green
Rebecca Green
Sharlena Green
Teresa Green
Terry Green
Alice Greene
Community Health Systems | 2009 Annual Report |
Page 19 | 2009 Annual Report | Community Health Systems
Clarence Greene
Cynthia Greene
Darlene Greene
Imari Greene
Jamila Greene
Kimela Greene
Sara Greene
Judith Greenway
Anneliese Gregory
Conrad Gregory
Teresa Gregory
Alva Grier
Vickie Grier
Wyman Grier
Alisha Griffin
Ben Griffin
Catherine Griffin
Linda Griffin
Lynda Griffin
Michelle Griffin
Rudine Griffin
Shannon Griffin
Tommie Griffin
Ella Grimes
Christy Grimsley
Tara Griner
Charlene Griswold
Alice Groover
Katherine Gross
Samantha Gunter
Jan Guthrie
Jennifer Gutierrez
Eduviges Guzman
Lori Haas
Lynette Hagans
Paula Haggard
Eva Hairston
Amy Hale
Amanda Hall
Amy Hall
Betty Hall
Cindy Hall
Ethel Hall
Jean Hall
Joan Hall
Katherine Hall
Kathy Hall
Mary Hall
Melinda Hall
Michelle Hall
Mildred Hall
Natasha Hall
Natasha Hall
Orie Hall
Teresa Hall
Trannie Hall
Travis Hall
Willie Hall
Chevette Hallback
Anna Halstead
Leslie Ham
Rebecca Hamby
Lindsey Hames
Barbara Hamilton
Carolyn Hamilton
Janet Hamilton
Julia Hamilton
Angela Hammack
Sandra Hammack
Robin Hammitt
Donna Hammond
Judy Hammond
Tracy Hammond
Amanda Hammonds
Lasonya Hammonds
Gabrial Hammontree
Autumn Hampton
Samantha Hampton
Tania Hampton
Whitney Hampton
Dana Hancock
Theodessa Handley
Clair Haney
Kristi Hankins
Leola Hannah
Amanda Hannay
Angela Hanson
Bertina Hanson
Diane Harden
Eric Harden
Ida Harden
Kay Harden
Peggie Harden
Charles Hardman
Betty Hardrick
Thelma Hardrick
Delilah Hardwick
Nikki Hardy
Mildred Hargrove
Ronda Harmon
Juatavia Harp
Kimberly Harp
Cynthia Harpe
Jennifer Harpe
Brenda Harper
Erica Harper
Kimberly Harper
Laura Harper
Sheral Harper
Susan Harper
Jessica Harr
Carolyn Harrell
Christin Harrell
Ebony Harrell
Rebecca Harrell
Alice Harris
Ashley Harris
Betty Harris
Brandy Harris
Brenda Harris
Christine Harris
Deborah Harris
Elizabeth Harris
James Harris
Jamie Harris
Jeanette Harris
Martha Harris
Mary Harris
Melissa Harris
Pamela Harris
Patricia Harris
Phyllis Harris
Shannon Harris
Teresa Harris
Thelma Harris
Valencia Harris
Carol Harrison
Julie Harrison
Pamela Harrison
Gloria Harrow
Janae Hart
Judith Hart
Andrea Hartley
Kay Hartley
Janeen Hartline
April Hartry
Terry Hartry
Nancy Hasty
Tiffany Hatcher
Edith Hatem
Kathryn Hatten
Jerry Haugabook
Alitha Hawkins
Jackie Hawkins
Nbiyea Hawkins
Stacey Hay
Alvin Hayes
Brittany Hayes
Evelyn Hayes
Frances Hayes
Margie Hayes
Sheila Haygood
Kimberly Haynes
Cynthia Haynie
Argia Head
Susan Headrick
Josephine Hearn
Annie Heath
David Heath
Felica Heath
Marci Heath
Willie Heath
Toni Heathman
Kimberly Heck
Sara Heffernan
Shanne Hegwood
Janna Helms
Heather Helton
Brittney Henderson
Carrie Henderson
Cheryl Henderson
Demetria Henderson
Dorothy Henderson
Letitia Henderson
Shenkia Henderson
Frances Hendley
Gracie Hendrix
Karazeta Hendrix
Pamela Hendrix
Threatha Hendrix
Tina Hendrix
Lorena Hennessee
Brenda Hennon
Deborah Henriksen
Laura Henriquez
Kathryn Henry
Natalie Henry
Shante Henry
Charli Hensley
Julie Hensley
Erica Hernandez
Dawn Herndon
Jennifer Herndon
Natalie Herndon
Donna Herring
Kimberly Herron
Neal Herron
Janet Hess
Angela Hester
Delisha Hester
Willie Heyward
Janeena Hicks
Janet Hicks
Janice Hicks
Lessie Hicks
Peggy Hicks
Robbie Hicks
Tenesha Hicks
Yvonne Hicks
James Hiers
Vickie Higgs
Dyssie High
Christopher Hightower
Laswanda Hightower
Sheree Hightower
Debra Hilburn
Andy Hill
Brenda Hill
Bridgett Hill
Demetria Hill
Elizabeth Hill
Helen Hill
Jacquelene Hill
Kaye Hill
Lisa Hill
Loutricious Hill
Robbie Hill
Stacey Hill
Sueva Hill
Teresa Hill
Vivian Hill
Caroline Hill-Scott
Iline Hillard
Beverly Hillis
Lawrence Hillock
Angela Hilton
Ashley Hines
Ashley Hines
Shaneka Hitchcock
Pamela Hobbs
Clarence Hodges
Gaygrell Hodges
Kimberly Hodges
Faye Hodo
Vicki Hoffman
Ava Hogue
Linda Holbert
Jaclyn Holcombe
Sharon Holcombe
Denise Holland
Kimberly Holland
Renee Holland
Eva Holley
Jimmy Holley
Annie Hollifield
Christina Hollingswort
Holly Hollis-Willi
Brenda Holloman
Diana Holloway
Heather Holloway
Melanie Holloway
Vontresa Holloway
Wanda Holloway
Felicia Holmes
Gwendolyn Holmes
Trashaune Holmes
Christine Holmes-Banks
Tyronda Holt
Melonie Holton
Andrea Hood
Beverly Hood
Cynthia Hooker
Dianne Hooks
Emma Hooks
Shirley Hooks
Tamaranita Hooks
Inda Hooper
Carolyn Hopkins
Chellie Hopson
Cynthia Hopson
Dinese Horne
Doris Horne
Wyvonnia Horton
Joycelyn Horton
Patricia Hosley
Delaine Houston
Annie Howard
Barbara Howard
Bonnie Howard
Dorothy Howard
Georgia Howard
Jameshia Howard
Janice Howard
Latrese Howard
Phyllis Howard
Shenette Howard
Veronica Howard
Heather Howell
Jennifer Howell
Lynis Howell
Melinda Howell
Cynthia Hubbard
Judith Hubbard
Carol Huckaby
Kristen Hudgins
Rita Hudson
Robert Hudson
Elaine Huff
Jackie Huff
Martha Huff
Shonda Huff
Vernell Huff
Jason Hughes
Jessica Hughes
Milly Hughes
Sheliah Hughes
Mary Huley
Brenda Hullender
Mindy Hullender
Amy Hulse
Somphon Hulsey
Jackie Humphrey
Jennifer Humphries
Joann Hunt
Lakezia Hunt
Mary Hunt
Raymond Hunt
Dale Hunter
Daisy Hurley
Mary Hurley
Ruby Hurt
Brenda Hussey
Peggy Hutchen
Adrienne Hutcherson
Ruby Hutcheson
Michele Hutto
Emmanuel Ibeneme
Nadia Ibrahim
Linda Ingles
Lashanda Ingram
Lekisha Ingram
Nicole Ingram
Shon Ingram
Donna Irving
Margaret Isaac
Connie Isdell
Judy Ivey
Mary Ivey
Shervette Ivey
Ali Jackson
Beverly Jackson
Caryl Jackson
Cierra Jackson
Ella Jackson
Glenda Jackson
Gloria Jackson
Gwenitta Jackson
Hannatu Jackson
Hazel Jackson
Jeanette Jackson
Jenise Jackson
Latanya Jackson
Leigh Jackson
Maggie Jackson
Maria Jackson
Martha Jackson
Mary Jackson
Mary Jackson
Mattie Jackson
Michelle Jackson
Minnie Jackson
Monica Jackson
Shantell Jackson
Sherry Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
Tracy Jackson
Vera Jackson
Vivian Jackson
Vonda Jackson
Carolyn James
Erma James
Frankie James
Jasmine James
Lee James
Sandra James
Sherry Janes
Yolanda Janes
Shirley Jantuah
Martha Jarriel
Susanne Jasnau
Yvette Jefferson
Mae Jenkins
Talondria Jenkins
Tamika Jenkins
Tatisha Jenkins
Christian Jennings
Kerry Jennings
Ruth Jersey
Vicky Jeselnik
Brandon Jessee
Thomas Jeter
Alice Jigba
Tammy Jinright
Amanda Johns
Candace Johns
Angie Johnson
Bernice Johnson
Bernita Johnson
Bobbie Johnson
Brenda Johnson
Cassandra Johnson
Cheniata Johnson
Christina Johnson
Cortney Johnson
Doreen Johnson
Edna Johnson
Felicia Johnson
Ida Johnson
Jackie Johnson
Jacqueline Johnson
James H. Johnson
James W. Johnson
Jennifer D. Johnson
Jennifer S. Johnson
Jessica Johnson
Juanita Johnson
Julia Johnson
Latisha Johnson
Laura Johnson
Mary Johnson
Paticence Johnson
Rhonda Johnson
Ruby Johnson
Salutius Johnson
Sharrian Johnson
Sheila Johnson
Shirley Johnson
Tanisha Johnson
Truda Johnson
Winfred Johnson
Christy Johnston
Steven Johnston
Deborah Jolley
Barbara Jones
Blanca Jones
Carrie Jones
Chiquita Jones
Colleen Jones
Donnie Jones
Doris Jones
Edith Jones
Ethel Jones
Geraldine Jones
Gloria Jones
Ida Jones
Jeffery Jones
Kannika Jones
Katrinda Jones
Kayla Jones
Kenya Jones
Kimberly Jones
Kimberly Jones
Louise Jones
Melanie Jones
Melinda Jones
Molly Jones
Olan Jones
Oner Jones
Patricia Jones
Peggy Jones
Phyllis C. Jones
Phyllis D. Jones
Reba Jones
Shalonda Jones
Sharon Jones
Tasha Jones
Terry Jones
Tiffany Jones
Valerie Jones
Virginia Jones
Barbara Jordan
Cindy Jordan
Eunice Jordan
Kamilia Jordan
Leomia Jordan
Linda Jordan
Mabalena Jordan
Quatasha Jordan
Natasha Josue
Selena Joy
Karen Joyner
Mamaz Julve
June Jump
Patricia Justice
Phyllis Justice
Angelique Kabra
Naomi Kamanga
Fatmata Kamara
Isha Kamara
Emmanuel Kareem
Brenda Katumba
Lisa Kea
Linda Kearce
Chandrawattee Keaton
Samantha Keel
Glenda Keen
Julie Keen
April Keith
Hannah Kell
James Kelley
Sharrell Kelley
Sparkle Kellogg
Sylvia Kelly
Barbara Kemp
Charles Kemp
Ngozichukwu Kemp
Brenna Kendrick
Chette Kendrick
April Kenerly
Alisa Kennedy
Cheryl Kennedy
Joan Kersey
Amy Kesler
Kelley Kichler
Christina Kight
Luanne Kilgo
Amber Kilgore
Angel Killgo
Kellie Killingswort
Sharon Kim
Teryn Kimmey
Linda Kimsey
Elaine King
Jimmy King
Paula King
Sasha Kinsey
Esther Kipkemboi
Scott Kirk
Dianne Kirkland
Kimberly Kirkland
Stephanie Kirkland
Brenda Kirksey
Laura Kirksey
Latisha Kitchen
Angelia Kitchens
Lisa Kitchens
Mary Kitchens
Haroldine Kitsko
Amanda Kitts
Kimberly Knapp
Ashley Knight
Regina Knight
Sarah Knight
Tiffani Knight
Virginia Knight
Lashonda Knighton
Linda Knowles
Marcellaus Knowles
Victoria Knowles
Louise Knox
Diane Konkel
Teresa Kornegay
Fatima Koroma
Heather Krause
Laura Kromer
Ovida Kuhn
Shirley Kuhn
Margaret Lackey
Ann Lacour
Barbara Lamar
Gladys Lamar
Angela Lambert
Lashonda Lampkin
Julia Lancaster
Cynthia Lance
Robert Lance
Mary Land
Gwen Landers
Jerri Landrum
Abigail Lane
Christopher Lane
Cynthia Lane
Carolyn Lanford
Mark Lange
Carolyn Lanier
Genevieve Lanier
Vera Lanier
Jennifer Lapage
Willie Latch
Jaclyn Lattimore
Grace Latty
Cheryl Laughlin
Anthony Laville
Terracia Lawal
Gwendolyn Lawrence
Tiffany Lawrence
Varna Lawrence
Deveta Lawson
Linda Lawson
Mary Lawson
Samantha Lawson
Winifred Lawson
Tiffany Laye
Mary Layfield
Frances Layman
Agnes Lazenby
Mattie Lazenby
Jason Lecomte
Eloise Lee
James Lee
Jennifer Lee
Katherine Lee
Kimberly Lee
Laverne Lee
Lori Lee
Lorine Lee
Patricia Lee
Robyn Lee
Deborah Legg
Maureen Legion
Georgetta Legree
Jessie Lemons
Christina Leonard
Katiba Leonard
George Lester
Irene Lester
Michelle Lester
Donna Lettang
Sharon Levant
Catrina Lewis
Debra Lewis
Dorothy Lewis
Janice Lewis
Kimberly Lewis
Louise Lewis
Lucberta Lewis
Neshika Lewis
Sammy Lewis
Shannon Lewis
Jessie Limbrick
Shelice Lincoln
Brenda Lindsey
Andrea Linen
Laura Lines
Herolean Lipscomb
Laurel Lisby
Barbara Little
Christine Little
Jan Little
Mattie Little
Shirley Little
Teresa Little
Wytisha Little
Brenda Littleton
Claire Locke
Vicki Locke
Alice Lockett
Cynthia Lockett
Sonja Lockett
Geraldine Lockhart
Layle Lockhart
Mary Lockhart
Sheronda Lockhart
Betty Lockwood
Kristen Loftis
Janice Logan
Stacey Logue
Cathaleen Long
Edward Long
Makayla Long
Sharon Long
Ariel Lopez
Barbara Lopez
Britney Lopez
Samantha Lott
Janie Loud
Pecola Louis
Vanise Louis
Yanick Louis
Carlton Love
Rosa Love
Newman Loveless
Angela Lovett
Annie Lovett
Tameika Loving
Aeyriel Lowder
Faye Lowe
Jennifer Lowe
Joartis Lowe
Linda Lowe
Lisa Lowe
Mary Lowe
Rhonda Lowe
Janie Lowry
Atha Lucas
Kacie Lucas
Mamie Lucas
Tamika Lucas
Japeth Lumactod
Inell Lumpkin
James Lumpkin
Sharon Lumpkin
Mary Lunsford
Brenda Lupfer
Evelyn Luster
Barbara Lyles
Eugenia Lynch
Tunesia Lyons
Belinda Macias
Courtney Mack
Ella Mack
Debbie Madden
Harriet Maddox
Linda Maddox
Magan Maddox
Renee Maddox
Deanna Maddux
Peggy Magana
Donna Magers
Nicole Magliochetti
Emma Mahama
Tianna Mahone
Ann Mahoney
Nancy Malone
Stephanie Malveaux
Ronnie Maney
Harry Manigault
Freddie Mann
Kathryn Mann
Sha’rhonda Mann
Deborah Manning
Stacia Manning
Angela Manring
Shelia Mansfield
Kendal Manson
Vickie Manson
Barbara Manuel
Karen Marcus
Mary Marcus
Wendy Marich
Rebecca Markwalter
Christina Marolf
Jeanette Marquez
Brenda Marsh
Janice Marshall
Jerrie Marshall
Louvonia Marshall
Melba Marshall
Patricia Marshall
Sanya Marshall
Sylvia Marshall
Susan Marshall
Brandi Martel
Els Martens
Brandie Martin
Carla Martin
Carol Martin
Carolyn Martin
Edna Martin
Gregg Martin
Judith Martin
Lora Martin
Loretta Martin
Vicki Martin
Dollie Masicat
Flora Mason
Talethia Mason
John Massengale
Denise Massey
Tiffany Massey
Virginia Masters
Carrie Mathews
Gloria Mathis
Kay Mathis
Patricia Mathis
Margaret Matthews
Crystal Mauller
Jamie Maxwell
Leslie May
Jeanette Mayes
Ashley Mayfield
Ginny Mayher
Lani Mazur
Adrian Mcbride
Gloria Mcburnett
Tiffany Mccant
Merita Mcclain
Bernice Mcclendon
Pamela Mccloud
Farrah Mcclung
Deborah Mccoler
Shakoriah Mccollum
Darlene Mcconnell
Mary Mcconnell
Elizabeth Mccorkle
Dorothy Mccormack
Dolores Mccoy
Debbie Mccrary
Cynthia Mccreery
Woodrow Mccutchen Jr.
Ashley Mcdaniel
Debra Mcdaniel
Edith Mcdaniel
Jennifer Mcdaniel
Peyton Mcdaniel
Courtney Mcday
Arlene Mcdoniel
Laticia Mcdowell
Sara Mcduffie
Dusty Mcentyre
Nora Mcfadden
Angela Mcgahee
Jeannie Mcgahee
Mary Mcghee
Lelola Mcgirt
Cassie Mcgruder
Glenda Mcguire
Dorothy Mckenzie
Gloria Mckenzie
Flora Mcknight
Quintesa Mclendon
Teresa Mclendon
William Mclendon
Donna Mcmahan
Debra Mcmanus
Jean Mcmichael
Karen Mcmichael
Jody Mcmillan
Nancy Mcnair
Sarah Mcnair
Mary Mcneal
Theresa Mcquain
Rochelle Mcsween
R.A. Meadows
Tammie Meadows
Exie Melson
Lucinda Melson
Patricia Melson
Mary Mency
Jeanette Mendieta
Gloriasteen Mercer
Lizzie Mercer
Janet Merrell
Allison Merrill
Heather Merritt
Janice Merritt
Linda Merritt
Mildred Merritt
David Metheny
Philip Meyer
Kelly Meyers
Barbara Middlebrooks
Barbara A. Middlebrooks
Melinda Middlebrooks
Rachel Middlebrooks
Ella Mikell
Vicki Mikell
Diane Milledge
Andy Miller
Angela Miller
Ashley Miller
Kimberly Miller
Martenna Miller
Melinda Miller
Patricia Miller
Stephanie Miller
Teresa Miller
Tonia Miller
Marsha Mills
Veda Mills
Emma Milner
Darlene Mincey
Latoya Mincey
Rether Mincey
Robbie Mincey
Betty Mingo
Jeanette Minion
Bridget Mitchell
Connie Mitchell
Edjennette Mitchell
Janet Mitchell
Kathy Mitchell
Mary Mitchell
Shelita Mitchell
Tina Mitchell
Doyle Mitchum
Sheila Mitchum
Monica Mizell
Rickey Mobley
Michele Mock
Justina Modebe
Alma Mohan
Bessie Montford
Jeffrey Montford
Angela Montgomery
Jennifer Montgomery
Jessie Montgomery
Lacy Montgomery
Lashonda Monts
Jacqueline Moody
Teresa Moody
Faith Mooney
Sheila Mooney
Amethyst Moore
David Moore
Debra Moore
Denise Moore
Diana Moore
Felicia Moore
Jennifer Moore
Keisha Moore
Kelley Moore
Melody Moore
Michelle Moore
Norma Moore
Rutha Moore
Ruthie Moore
Shanteria Moore
Valerie Moore
Wonza Moore
Arnita Mooring
Jackie Morgan
Janice Morgan
Joyce Morgan
Richard Morgan
Tasha Morgan
Fay Morgridge
Amy Morris
Avia Morris
Glenda Morris
Rose Morris
Tammy Morris
Linda Morrow
Donna Morton
Louise Morton’s S.S. Class
Lucille Moses
Pamela Moses
Teresa Moses
Christell Mosley
Jeanette Mosley
Maria Mosley
Betty Moss
Connie Moss
Jobeth Moulton
Lou Moulton
Constance Moye
Lyntoria Moye
Lillie Muhammad
Kishia Mulkey
Denise Mullikin
Page 20
Allison Mullins
Bailey Mullis
Barbara Mullis
Rachel Mullis
Shiquinna Mumford
Triphine Mundamukiriz
Daisy Murray
Sherrie Murry
Susan Murtaugh
Rajuma Murtaza
Dan Muyco
Brenda Myers
Kathy Myers
Reatha Myers
Vernette Myrick
Cindrella Myricks
Deborah Myricks
Pakeela Nalls
Marjorie Napoli
Louise Nash
Cande Nataren
Nicole Nations
Tiffany Nations
Simamu Ncube
Annie Neal
Lakesha Neal
Vicki Neal
Robin Neal-Bayles
Ethel Neloms
Barbara Nelson
Brick Nelson
Chap Nelson
Crystal Nelson
Debra Nelson
Joesph Nelson
Ruby Nelson
Sheila Nelson
Sonia Nelson
Stelling Nelson
Tina Nelson
Toni Nelson
Amethyst Nesbitt
Janice Nesmith
Angela Newell
Kay Newsome
Margie Newsome
Seleria Newton
Phedeline Nicholas
Cynthia Nickens
Glenda Nieto
Walda Nipper
Matilda Nju
Sara Noland
Valerie Norman
Brett Norris
Dawn Norris
Kimberly Norris
Linda Norris
Marie Norris
Sue Norrod
Angela Nunez
Lolieta Nunnally
Lauren Nunnelly
Connie O’hearn
Community Health Systems | 2009 Annual Report |
Page 21 | 2009 Annual Report | Community Health Systems
Jacqueline O’neal
Atley O’neil
Tammy Oakes
Gloria Oates
Linda Odaniel
Deborah Odom
Mary Ogles
Sharon Ogles
Stephne Oglesby
Candace Ogletree
Mary Ogletree
Agnes Ogoo
Chinyere Oji
Adewale Ojo
Nwakaego Okere
Victor Okonkwo
Tawakalitu Olagunju
Adekunle Olatunde
Chinwe Onyekwe
Rita Organge
Pamela Orourke
Beatriz-Rosa Orta-Fowler
Frances Osborne
Michele Osborne
Mary Osias
Sylvia Ossei
Dawn Oswalt
Joyce Outlaw
Debra Owen
Beverly Owens
Brenisha Owens
Miranda Owens
Kristina Padgett
Robert Padgett
Dorothy Page
Kenya Page
Andrea Palaia
Jennmarie Palmer
Vickie Palmer
Leah Pamor
Sandra Paris
Carol Parker
Crystal Parker
Leslie Parker
Mary Parker
Rosie Parker
Sherica Parker
Sherry Parker
Ella Parks
Olivia Parks
Thomas Parks
Virginia Parks
Janis Parsons
Lauren Pasley
Carol Pastor
Carla Patterson
Gloria Patterson
Joshua Patterson
Kelly Patterson
Nancy Patterson
Rebecca Patton
Cynthia Paul
Jessica Paulk
Candace Pavliscsak
Heather Payne
Mary Peacock
Lillie Pearce
Phyllis Pearman
Cifus Pearson
Kelly Peavey
Susan Peeler
Yolanda Pence
Jill Pendley
Misty Pendley
Jaime Penn
Diamond Pennyman
April Penson
Courtney Penson
Ana Perez
Lyna Perez
Cheryl Perigard
Annie Perkins
Dolores Perlman
Lisa Perrone
Denise Perry
Karen Perry
Tasha Perry
Michelle Peskoe
Christopher Peterson
Lessie Peterson
Sandra Petty
Tammy Pettyjohn
Carolyn Pfeifer
Deborah Pfeiffer
Sharon Phelps
Carolyn Phillips
Jennifer Phillips
Laura Phillips
Linda Phillips
Lisa Phillips
Pennelope Phillips
Takesha Phillips
Wanda Phillips
Betty Phinazee
Krista Phipps
Gail Pickett
Darlene Pickle
Tina Pickle
Melinda Pierce
Mary Pilcher
Sonja Pilcher
Stefanie Pileggi
Lisa Pines
Reginald Pinkney
Dorothy Pinkston
Candice Piper
Brandy Pittman
Elizabeth Pittman
Jacqueline Pittman
Maggie Pittman
Mary Pittman
Penny Pittman
Rebecca Pittman
Sherry Pittman
Dollie Pitts
Laura Pitts
Linda Pitts
Patricia Pitts
Shateia Pitts
Mary Plauche
Nadeige Poe
Valerie Polk
Mary Pollard
Geralyn Polson
Rosalinda Ponder
Shirley Ponder
Fleeta Poole
James Poole
Deshaydia Pope
Gloria Pope
Ben Porter
Chandra Porter
David Porter
Lillian Porter
Sylvia Porter
Wendell Posley
Ursula Pound
Alma Pounds
Kay Pounds
Candice Powell
Joyce Powell
Juanita Powell
Lekeshia Powell
Linda Powell
Vickie Powell
Debra Powers
Kenneth Powers
Brenda Prather
Ramona Pray
Cheryl Price
Christy Price
Edith Price
Jessica Price
Linda Price
Lynne Price
Melissa Price
Alicia Prieto
Rowena Primus
Conyetta Prince
Linda Prince
Maxine Prince
Karen Pritchett
Marie Pritchett
Amanda Privette
April Pruitt
Gayle Pruitt
Helen Pruitt
Michael Pruitt
Ivory Pryor
Sharon Pryor
Christine Puckett
Sylvia Puckett
Tracy Puckett
Erica Pugh
Heather Pugh
Theresa Pulley
Marcie Pulliam
Aisha Pullum
Bonny Purcell
Annabelle Pusag
Amber Quinn
Cynthia Quinn
Maria Quintero
Tatjana Quiroz
Shirley Rackins
Laura Rader
Linda Ragland
Cynthia Raines
Stacie Rainey
Lisa Ramey
Laprei Ramsey
Barbara Rankin
Geneen Ransaw
Denise Ransom
Ida Ransome
Amy Ray
Jessica Ray
Joyce Ray
Regina Ray
Laura Raybon
Rachael Raybon
Jessica Raye
Rebekah Redd
Laquisha Reddick
Charneaves Redding
Hazel Redding
Beverly Reece
Barbara Reed
Jewel Reed
Josephine Reed
Robin Reed
Shannon Reed
Stacy Reed
Cori Reese
Cynthia Reese
Tammy Reeves
Dawn Reid
Kevin Reid
Ollie Reid
Ethry Reliford
Mary Reliford
Marie Remy
Jon Renegar
Travis Renfro
Dametrius Renfroe
Shametrius Renfroe
Willie Renfroe
Beatrice Reviere
Sara Reyes
Dorothy Reynolds
Lisa Reynolds
Mary Reynolds
Samantha Reynolds
Shelley Reynolds
Tonya Reynolds
Susan Rhinehart
Brenda Rhodes
Regina Rhodes
Videtta Rhodes
Ruella Ricaza
Rebecca Rice
Sherlene Rice
Teresa Rice
Ashley Rich
Brenda Rich
Arlene Richards
Daisy Richards
Michael Richardson
Debra Richmond
Brittany Ricks
Gwyndolyn Ricks
Julia Ridgeway
Sandra Ridley
Linda Riego
Jackie Riester
Wicky Rigos
Latanya Riley
Margaret Rinehart
Jennifer Ringenberg
Jeri Ritter
Patrica Rivera
Carolyn Rivers
Abigail Roan
Channon Robbins
Symphony Robbins
Amanda Roberson
Antoinette Roberson
Brandi Roberson
Doretha Roberson
Peggy Roberson
Travia Roberson
Christy Roberts
Joseph Roberts
Karen Roberts
Lena Roberts
Marie Roberts
Melanie Roberts
Rita Roberts
Sherry Roberts
Carla Robinson
Clara Robinson
Marva Robinson
Merian Robinson
Monica Robinson
Nancy Robinson
Natasha Robinson
Shirley Robinson
Tashala Robinson
Veronica Rodrigez
Dorothy Rodriguez
Brandi Roe
Billie Rogers
Cecilia Rogers
David Rogers
Lucy Rogers
Martha Rogers
Sherry Rogers
Teresa Rogers
Kelly Roland
Ronnie Rollins
Tanya Roper
Abegail Roque
Mary Rosano
Chandra Ross
Cynthia Ross
Latoyia Ross
Lisa Ross
Napoleon Ross
Samantha Ross
Shawana Ross
Talonda Ross
Vestina Ross
Tifeny Rouse
Olivia Rowe
Jazzie Rucker
Linda Ruff
Claire Ruffin
Sandra Runyan
Ella Russell
Jennifer Russell
Nicole Rutland
Barbara Sabb
Ella Saenz
Betty Salamon
Virginia Salters
Mira Sammons
Gladys Samples
Gloria Sampson
Connie Sanders
Felicia Sanders
Flora Sanders
Georgia Sanders
Shamedra Sands
Donna Sanford
Billy Sangster
Laura Sangster
Alfredia Sapp
Donna Sapp
Lucy Sapp
Sherri Sapp
Nathaniel Saw
Ernest Saxon
Kimberly Saxon
Beatryce Sayles
Eunice Saylor
Sheila Scarber
Cheryll Schacknow
Donna Schlosser
Heather Schmidt
Nannette Schmitt
Patricia Schuler
Lyudmila Schultz
Cheianne Scott
Judy Scott
Mary Scott
Rebecca Scott
Yolanda Scott
Delores Scroggs
Anna Seals
Sandra Seals
Wannae Searey-Jones
Joyce Seay
Shirley Seay
Sissy Seay
Ruby Segre
Kristen Selph
Barbara Sentell
Mary Sesay-Davis
Christopher Settle
Donna Settles
Katie Sexton
Sarah Seymore
Julia Shadwick
Latosha Shaffer
Clover Shaheed
Mickie Shattles
Alfredda Shaver
Miriam Shaw
Pamela Shealy
Gayle Shearouse
A.T. Shedd
Kimberly Sheffield
April Sheley
Betty Shelnutt
Sherry Shepard
Virginia Shepard
Rodney Shepherd
Tenecia Sheppard
Sandra Sherman
Harmony Shiflett
Mary Shingles
Cynthia Shinholster
Kieser Shinholster
Tara Shireman
April Shiver
Lucretia Shiver
Willadeen Shivers
Joyce Shook
Kimberly Shook
Maria Shoop
Darrell Shore
Debbie Shorter
Nathan Shrader
Harry Shuford
Chelsea Shuler
Courtney Sidney
Veronda Siever
Kristen Silvers
Mary Silvers
Andrea Simmons
Angela Simmons
Bethany Simmons
Brandi Simmons
Carol Simmons
Carolyn Simmons
Clarence Simmons
Kimberly Simmons
Lanell Simmons
Reoche Simmons
Sandra Simmons
Shanquiana Simmons
Latoshia Simon
Geneva Simons
Mary Simpkins
Brandy Simpson
Dawn Simpson
Mamie Simpson
Shayla Simpson
Shereka Singleton
Marva Sinkfield
Mariama Sinyan
Elizabeth Sipper
Loretta Sisseck
Ruby Sizemore
Wanda Sizemore
Stacy Skelly
Janet Skinner
Claudette Slade
Claudia Slater
Courtney Slater
Ambria Slaughter
Emma Slaughter
Hazel Sloan
Rhonda Slocumb
Tricia Small
Kizzy-Ann Smart
Magnolia Smart
Alphatina Smith
Annette Smith
Belinda Smith
Brinder Smith
Casandra Smith
Chanda Smith
Christine Smith
Crystal Smith
Daphne Smith
Darlene Smith
Debbie Smith
Detta Smith
Dianne Smith
Doris Smith
Dorothy J. Smith
Dorothy M. Smith
Florida Smith
Geraldine Smith
Gloria Smith
Heather Smith
Holly Smith
Isabell Smith
James Smith
Janda Smith
Janice Smith
Jessica A. Smith
Jessica L. Smith
Johnny Smith
Julie A. Smith
Julie L. Smith
Kennisha Smith
Kiawanda Smith
Latoya Smith
Lisa Smith
Lola Smith
Luella Smith
Mari Smith
Ola Smith
Patricia Smith
Patsy Smith
Peggy Smith
Rhonda Smith
Robin Smith
Ronald Smith
Rosia Smith
Susan Smith
Teresa Smith
Vashti Smith
Verquishala Smith
Vickie Smith
Vinquisha Smith
Wanda Smith
Zenovia Smith
Lisa Sneed
Rosland Sneed
Tasheila Sneed
Jo Snelling
Liane Snow
Mohit Sobti
Shirley Solomon
Debra Somers
Gwendolyn Son
Jennifer Sorensen
Michelle Souther
Linda Southgate
Marisa Spangler
Tommie Sparks
Carolyn Spath
Charlotte Spears
Toreaka Spencer
Sheila Spikes
Barbara Spillman
Billy Spivey
Edwin Spivey
Lynne Sroczynski
Evelyn Stafford
Risha Stallings
Dejoyra Standifer
John Standley
Tammy Stanger
Aretha Stanley
Arzenia Stanley
Sharon Stanley
Shareice Staples
Tanisha Starks
Stephanie Starling
Connie Staton
Crystal Steadham
Louise Steedley
Barbara Stegall
Mary Stegall
Marjorie Stein
Agnes Stephens
Angela Stephens
Bristol Stephens
Linda Stephens
Seketti Stephens
Treniscia Stephens
Verniesha Stephens
Pam Stepp
James Stettnisch
Brenda Stevens
Lucy Stevens
Jessica Steverson
Anna Steward
Cindy Stewart
Jimmie Stewart
Melissa Stewart
Rosemary Stewart
Vickie Stewart
Cynthia Stokes
John Stokes
Allison Stone
Merry Stone
Patricia Stoner
Thomas Story
Dennis Stout
Evelyn Stout
Connie Stovall
Betty Stowe
Susan Stowe
Patricia Strayhorn
Paulette Streete
Michelle Strickland
Priscilla Stringfellow
Sheena Stubbs
Yuma Stubbs
Blanche Sturgis
Joann Sturgis
May Styles
Grechy Suazo
Theresa Suits
Leigh Sullins
Angela Summerlin
Danny Summers
Jennifer Sunga
Lisa Suttles
Adlyn Sutton
Angel Sutton
Natosha Sutton
Trecia Sutton
Donna Swafford
Evelyn Sweatman
Julie Sweet
Pauline Swint
Tewanda Sykes
Monica Sylvester
Tabbetha Tabor
Shellye Talkington
Summer Tancrede
Jennifer Tanner
Sherry Tapp
Brenda Tate
Brenda Taylor
Clarice Taylor
Deven Taylor
Doretha Taylor
Jessica Taylor
Kiara Taylor
Lawanna Taylor
Lisa Taylor
Lorraine Taylor
Maria Taylor
Mary D. Taylor
Mary L. Taylor
Olivia Taylor
Patricia Taylor
Phyllis Taylor
Rosalyn Taylor
Stacey Taylor
Helen Teague
Crystal Teat
Deidra Tedders
Angela Teitsort
Doris Terrell
Sharon Terrell
Diane Terry
Marian Terry
Sharon Terry
Leslie Teston
Jeanette Tewari
Sara Thacker
Shareka Tharpe
Michelle Thigpen
Audrey Thomas
Cherry Thomas
Crosie Thomas
Dianne Thomas
Elizabeth Thomas
Eugenia Thomas
Geneva Thomas
Glenese Thomas
Gloria Thomas
James Thomas
Kathy Thomas
Lamar Thomas
Laura Thomas
Linda Thomas
Ronald Thomas
Shuwanna Thomas
Susan Thomas
Tabitha Thomas
Trenisa Thomas
Cindy Thomason
Susan Thomasson
Shirley Thompkins
Angela Thompson
Anita Thompson
Cornelius Thompson
Holly Thompson
Jennifer C. Thompson
Jennifer E. Thompson
Laurie Thompson
Norma Thompson
Rebecca Thompson
Rosemarie Thompson
Sherry Thompson
Stephanie Thompson
Terry Thompson
Bernice Thornton
Rosalyn Thornton
Sharon Thornton
Aisha Thrash
Charlanthia Thurman
Mary Tibbs
Tammy Tidwell
Vernon Tidwell
Lynn Till
Joann Tillman
Lisa Tinker
Jane Tio
Kameshia Tisby
Brenda Tobler
Elka Todd
Helen Tolbert
Letha Tolbert
Charlene Tomlin
India Tomlinson
Jaclyn Toth
Amanda Towe
Shavia Towns
Tharetha Towns
Jeni Townsend
Marcus Trainer
Louis Trapnell
Ginette Trapp
Rebecca Traylor
Shirley Traylor
Cynthia Tribble
Lavonne Trice
Tilwanna Trim
Erica Trollinger
Gloria Trower
Cynthia Trull
Kiara Truss
Alice Tucker
Anita Tucker
Deyonia Tucker
Emily Tucker
Eva Tucker
Felton Tucker
Melissa Tucker
Rowena Tucker
Marsha Tukes
Lorna Tulloch
Carla Turman
Danielle Turner
Lynn Turner
Shetrelra Turner
Allison Tyler
Helen Tyson
Lasharon Tyus
Uduak Udoh
Mgborie Udumah
Debra Umphlett
Estle Underwood
Jackie Underwood
James Underwood
Nicole Underwood
Eun Utterberg
Alice Uwimana
Joseph Uyigue
Renee Vale
Rodolfo Valle
Hayleigh Van
Aixa Vargas
Theresa Varner
Sandra Veach
Eva Veal
Cheryl Velasco
Brittany Verner
Kathleen Verner
Olga Viakinnou
Jose Vicente
Tiffany Vick
Latasha Vickers
Sharon Vickers
Lance Vicks
Tonya Vinson
Ricky Vinzant
Ashley Vogel
Vanessa Vonleh
Kirissa Waddell
Jimmie Wadley
Nella Wadley
Clara Wainwright
Judy Wainwright
Susan Waite
Brett Waldrop
Mark Waldrop
Angela Walker
Bettye Walker
Carol Walker
Cynthia Walker
Evelyn Walker
Jamay Walker
Judy Walker
Katie Walker
Kristina Walker
Laverne Walker
Maggie Walker
Mattie Walker
Pamela Walker
Robbie Walker
Shawanda Walker
Stacy Walker
Thelma Walker
Ronda Wall
Wilma Wallace
Ethel Waller
Eulanda Waller
Joyce Waller
Karen Waller
Melinda Waller
Tamu Waller
Marquette Wallin
Rhonda Walls
Chastity Walters
Nikitta Walters
Venira Walters
David Walton
Enrika Walton
Evaline Walton
Tamera Walton
Janice Ward
Kathy Ward
Rosa Ward
Tanisha Ward
Judy Warden
Sabrina Ware
Kaye Warren
Rose Warren
Marie Warrington
Brenda Washington
Kandysis Washington
Shirley Washington
Tiffany Washington
Angel Waters
Dana Waters
Lavonda Waters
Melissa Waters
Alpha Watkins
Diane Watkins
Emanuel Watkins
Sharon Watkins
Anna Watson
Cassandra Watson
Edna Watters
Robyn Watts
Abbey Weaver
Deanna Weaver
Margaret Weaver
Greta Webb
Kayla Webb
Melissa Webb
Sheila Weddon
Kelly Weisner
Dorothy Welch
Rita Welch
Veronica Welch
Melissa Welchel
Michael Wells
Ratisha Wells
Dorothy Welsh
Kara West
Lashonda West
Latoshia West
Sharon West
Angela Westberry
Susan Westmoreland
Emma Weston
Gwen Whaley
Jennifer Whaley
Jana Whatley
Helen Wheeler
Sierra Whidby
Debbie Whigham
Mark Whipkey
Victoria Whipple
Crystal White
Gloria A. White
Gloria D. White
Joyce White
Matthew White
Misty White
Sabrina White
Teresa White
Wendy White
Amanda Whitecotton
Autumn Whitehead
Michelle Whitehead
Tejuanda Whitehead
Kimberly Whiteman
Jennifer Whitten
Anthony Whitworth
Claudine Whitworth
Kelley Wickline
William Wigg
Beverly Wiggins
Danita Wiggins
Geraldine Wiggins
Gloria Wiggins
Betty Wilbanks
Patricia Wilbanks
Harris Wilbon
Pamela Wilcox
Jessica Wilde
Jean Wilder
Shannetha Wilder
Ann Wilkerson
Carolyn Wilkerson
Keisha Wilkerson
Erin Wilkes
Eva Wilkes
Angela L. Williams
Anissa Williams
Azzie Williams
Belinda Williams
Bernice Williams
Beverly A. Williams
Beverly D. Williams
Beverly M. Williams
Candice Williams
Catherine Williams
Cindy Williams
Cornelius Williams
Dianne Williams
Donna Williams
Dru Williams
Frances Williams
Geraldine Williams
Jannie Williams
Jermaine Williams
Jerry Williams
Joann Williams
Josephine Williams
Karen Williams
Kim Williams
Lanelle Williams
Laquettia Williams
Louise Williams
Mae Williams
Mary E. Williams
Mary G. Williams
Mary H. Williams
Mary L. Williams
Mary P. Williams
Merle Williams
Moonidai Williams
Pancenia Williams
Pearlie Williams
Phyllis Williams
Regina Williams
Robert Williams
Rosa Williams
Shanna Williams
Sheila Williams
Sonia Williams
Toni Williams
Tracey Williams
Yolanda Williams
Donna Williamson
Eddie Willis
Hilda Willis
Margie Willis
Shelia Willis
Siddie Willis
Addie Wilson
Benjamin Wilson
Betty Wilson
Catheryn Wilson
Christy Wilson
Cody Wilson
Crystal Wilson
Ghena Wilson
Gladys Wilson
James Wilson
John Wilson
Laverne Wilson
Margie Wilson
Marie Wilson
Mary Wilson
Mary A. Wilson
Page 22
Merika Wilson
Monica Wilson
Natasha Wilson
Sheri Wilson
Shonte Wilson
Sunbeam Wilson
Valerie Wilson
Wamuiru Wilson
Shirrel Wimberly
Angelyn Wimbush
Mary Winkfield
Lula Wisner
Gwendolyn Witherell
Brittany Wofford
Robert Wood
Victoria Wood
Areal Woodard
Frances Woodard
Mary Woodard
Betty Woodley
Shelly Woodruff
Joy Woods
Lynne Woods
Kathy Woody
Latarcha Woolfork
Bobbie Wooten
Sharon Worley
Latanya Worthen
Annie Worthy
Georgia Worthy
Lacy Worthy
Rebecca Worthy
Annie Wright
Jackie Wright
Mary Wright
Nathaniel Wright
Penelope Wright
Shirley Wright
Tina Wright
William Wright
Amanda Wynn
Mary Wynn
Jennifer Yansom
Gail Yant
Abigail Yap
Alice Yim
Tony York
Jacqueline Yorker
Cora Young
Marie Young
Myra Young
Ruby Young
Sherrita Young
Tanya Young
Eula Younge
Barbara Zachery
Tashica Zachery
Angela Zappoli
Reba Zeigler
Beverly Zellner
Shaunna Zellner
Board of Directors
Joseph A. Wall, Chairman
Paul A. Cable
T. Randolph Coody
J. Olan Jones
James B. Patton
Ronnie D. Rollins
Executive Leadership
Ronnie D. Rollins
Chief Executive Officer
Mark A. Waldrop
Chief Operating Officer
Lorraine T. Taylor
Chief Financial Officer
H. Dean Shuford
Executive Vice President
2009 Report to Our Communities
Community Health Systems
P.O. Box 1037, Macon, GA 31202
Copyright 2009
Community Health Systems
All rights reserved