5th May 2017 - Moorlands School

Edition 133
5th May 17
Message from The Headteacher
Dear Friends of Moorlands,
In the newspaper last week there was an article written by the appropriately
named climber, Jules Mountain. Two years ago, he was at Everest Base Camp
when an earthquake struck, triggering a large avalanche from which he narrowly
escaped with his life. Talking about his decision to climb Everest he used the
following phrase:
‘If you stay in your comfort zone your whole life, you waste your potential’ ...
These few words immediately made me think of Moorlands, as it very neatly
summed up what we aspire to for our pupils; that they take on challenges and
new experiences with determination and make the very best of themselves that
they can - be intrepid!
Some of the staff were certainly put out of their comfort zone by one of our
visitors on Literary Day! Parents of some of the older pupils will no doubt have
heard of the ‘dad dancing’ led by the poet, Gez Walsh during the KS2 assembly.
Both Gez and our other visiting author, Simon Murray proved to be a great hit
with the children and promoted reading, illustrating and creative writing in a
positive way.
As mentioned before Easter, ensuring that the right staffing is in place for
September is a priority and as such, it has been a busy week with interviewing of
prospective candidates.
One of the strengths of the curriculum at Moorlands is that as well as providing
our pupils with a sound academic footing, we also ensure that they develop
practical life skills.
Last Friday, Year 5 and 6 had a Fire Safety talk from the fire brigade, which has led
to several of them considering how the advice they were given could be applied
in their own homes. The first of this term’s residential visits takes place next week
with Year 2 staying overnight at Kingswood on Monday evening, I’m sure packing
will be a priority this weekend!
Meanwhile, Year 6 will be taking part in the Bikeability training to encourage them
as safer cyclists and road users. These experiences develop so many important
skills including independence, co-operation, organisation and personal safety.
Have an enjoyable weekend
Jacqueline Atkinson
News from Year 2 Music
Year 2 have been very busy learning
how to read music in treble and bass
clef. They have also been learning
how time signatures work and have
had a go at copying music from the
board and adding missing bar lines.
By Mrs Matthews
Fire Safety Talk
On Friday 28th of April, Year 5 and 6 were visited by the
Moortown Fire Brigade, in order to know how to escape a
fire. Firstly, we watched a video on how quickly a fire can
grow - it was approximately around 3 minutes - and learnt
that it takes 23 seconds for the smoke detector to sense
the fire. We learnt that there are 3 things that keep the fire
alive; heat, oxygen and fuel, this was called the Triangle Of
Fire. The second video was all about a family who did not
have a fire action plan and so it took about 44 seconds for
the family to escape. Then they tried again, with the help of
the fire action plan, and they got out in 32 seconds. The fire
brigade explained that although they escaped in 32
seconds, it still is very dangerous if you inhale any smoke as
it’s toxic to humans. Finally we got to ask some questions
and there were lots of really interesting responses all about
the job of a fire-fighter and how lots of their call outs now
are to road traffic accidents. All of us have now gone home
and talked to our families about how we can make a good
fire action plan. Thank you Mrs. Grayson for inviting them
By Bella N and Vinny
Sainsbury's Vouchers
We will be counting the active kids vouchers up next week. We ask if you can
please check your pockets, the car etc and hand them in by the end of next week.
Thank you.
Mrs Grayson
Going for Gold!
Well done to Isabella, who has finally achieved her goal of
earning enough points on Mathletics for a Gold Certificate!
Keep up the great work, Mathlete!
Funky Sounds!
Year 3 have started their Science topic on
Sound by exploring how a range of everyday
objects can create different sounds. They
completed 4 experiments each: Rebellious
Rulers, Squawking Straws, Twang Away and
Watery Tunes. Each time they had to predict
what they thought was going to happen,
using the scientific vocabulary they had
learned the week before. The Science Lab
certainly sounded interesting to passers-by!
News from Year 5 Science
Year 5 started their new science topic by
dissecting flowers. Everyone was given a lily
flower. We were then asked to use scalpels
and tweezers to dissect the flower into all the
different parts. We found the anthers, some of
which were covered in pollen, the filament,
the stigma and of course the petals. We also
used magnifying glasses to have a really
close look at all the parts of the flower.
Year 5.
KS1 Literacy day!
KS1 had a fantastic morning with writer and
illustrator, Simon Murray. Firstly, we were
introduced to the character, Icky Doo Dah
and how he had been designed and created.
This spider eating creature, with three
feathers and four horns, was brought to life in
front of our very eyes and later the children
learnt how to draw him. They also used their
own imaginations to capture the creature’s
personality and eating habits. Following on
from this fantastic morning, we will be writing
adventure stories using our characters and
imaginative story plot ideas.
Thank you to Mr Murray for sharing his talents
and well done to KS1,
Miss Holbrook and Mrs Wheelhouse.
News from Year 1 Art
Year 1 Art students had an exciting lesson this week in
which they were introduced to the artist Kandinsky. We
discussed his abstract style of painting and how he
responded to everyday objects in a very unusual and
imaginative style. The students experimented with pastels,
collage and yarns to recreate some of Kandinsky's famous
circle formations. I was very impressed by how careful
and selective the students were with such a wide range of
materials, there were some very creative outcomes! Well
Ms. E. Hadfield
U10 Rounder’s Match Report
On a warm but windy day, the girls U10 rounder's team
travelled to Gateways for a fun– filled afternoon of
rounder’s! Determined to do our best, we started our first
game against Cundall with some great rounder’s from
Megan, Cecily, Emily, Brooke and Annabel. We managed to
win the first game– 8½ to 2½. Our next game was against Belmont B team with
some excellent batting and fielding, we had another victory! 12-6. The next game
was against Richmond House again, with some brilliant bowling from Sophie and
amazing batting by everyone. The final score was 7 to 4 ½ to Moorlands! We were
against Moorfield next, and despite being on a bumpy pitch, we won again! With a
tremendous score of 11 ½ to 4 ½ !
Belmont A were next and were a tough team and they just managed to win. 4 ½
to 6 ½. Our last game was against Bronte, with an excellent first rounder for Fifi we
managed to win 4 ½ to 8! An excellent effort from everyone. The top rounder
scorer was Emily with 9 rounders throughout the whole festival. The player of the
festival is Fifi, for her amazing determination and outstanding first rounder! Well
played everyone. Thank you to Mrs Grayson and Mrs Thomson for taking us!
By Millie
U10 Rounder’s Match Report
On a bright and sunny day, the U10 rounders team were determined to win the
first match of the season – against Gateways. We lost the toss and batted first. With
lots of vast hits from: Emily, Vinny, Harry, Millie and Ben, the score for that innings
ended up as 4-5 to Moorlands. The second innings gave some great fielding,
getting lots of the opposition out at 2nd and 3rd base. The score at the end of the
game was 8-10 to Moorlands. Well done. Man of the match was Vinny. Thank you
Mrs Grayson and Miss Hill for taking us.
By Lola
U11 Cricket Match Report
The short trip to Richmond House was tense because we
see them as our closest rivals and it’s always an exciting
The ten Moorlanders were not scared though., Richmond
House had twelve players so they lent us two year 6s.
We chose to field first. With some great bowling and catching we managed to take
ten wickets.
The batting was hard but with great shots and good running this led us to win by 9
runs. The final score was Richmond House 209 and Moorlands 218.
Well played everyone and thank you Mr Brook for taking us.
By Harry
Intrepid Moorlander of the Week
Poppy C, a little Moorlander, nominated for exploring Ilkley
Winner James A for taking part in his first ever competitive cricket
match and being voted bowling man of the match.
Dojo Monsters
Star of the Week - Reception Lucy for settling in well.
Year 1 - Damsoille-Lael for consistent effort and achievement in creative writing.
Year 2—Frieda for trying a wider range of foods.
Year 3 - Charlie for writing a super diary entry.
Year 4 - Talitha for excellent writing in English.
Year 5 - Leo H for always being conscientious and polite.
Year 6 - All for being fantastic advocates for Moorlands on Open Day.
U9 cricket match against Belmont Grosvenor home
On Wednesday the 3rd of May Moorlands U9 cricket team had a home fixture
against Belmont Grosvenor. We both started off with 200 runs. We were feeling
confident as we won the toss and decided to field first. There were some great
catches from Dominic and Yusuf and more great fielding from Dom and Oliver but
overall the whole team played brilliantly. We were able to keep Belmont’s score
down and the final result was 196 to Belmont and 233 to Moorlands. Well done
team and thank you to Mrs Haslem for coaching us.
By Seb
Message from the MSA
A busy week in the MSA diary with much planning for the Summer Fair
now underway!
Quiz Night
Tickets for our annual quiz night next Friday (12th May), are now on sale from Miss
Dobbins at school reception. Arrive at 7.30pm for an 8pm start in the school dining
hall. Tickets are £10 each including first drink and light bites. This is a really fun
evening with teams of up to 6 people – either make one up in advance or just
come along and join one on the night.
Summer Fair – call for teddies, toys & books!
We will be holding our ever-popular teddy tombola and second hand toy & book
stalls this year. If you are having a clear-out over the coming weeks please donate
any good quality items to us by leaving them with Miss Dobbins.
Second hand uniform sale/store
Don’t forget we have a second hand uniform store in school with many good
quality items for all years including EYFS. All proceeds go towards the MSA fund.
Please see Miss Dobbins for the key.
Call for unwanted uniform and summer dresses!
If you have any unwanted uniform including summer dresses (in very short
supply!), please donate these by leaving them with Miss Dobbins.
Please remember to use Easyfundraising! We are still working towards the new
Gazebo for the summer fair and other school events this summer.
Dates for your diary:
Friday 12th May: MSA Quiz Night – tickets on sale now!
Monday 15th May: Bun Sale – Year 1 to bake/buy
Saturday 24th June: MSA Summer Fair
Next MSA meeting: TBC – see noticeboard.
Jas: [email protected]
Sam: [email protected]
07725 305944
07903 301066
Dates For Your Diary
Monday 8th
Year 1 Day Trip
Year 2 Camp – Kingswood
Year 6 Bikeability
Tuesday 9th
Year 2 Camp – Kingswood
Year 6 Bikeability
Wednesday 10th
9am Platinum Sports Group Photos
U11 Cricket vs Cundall (A)
U9 Cricket vs Cundall (H)
Thursday 11th
am EYFS Forest Schools Activity Morning, open invite for
prospective parents
Friday 12th
8.40am Head’s Assembly
pm MSA Quiz
Monday 15th
MSA Year 1 Bun Sale
Tuesday 16th
School Photographer– Whole School Photo
Wednesday 17th
U11 Rounders vs Gateways (A)
U8/U9 Rounders vs Weetwood (H)
U11 Cricket vs Belmont Grosvenor (A)
Thursday 18th
10am Wharfedale Festival– Choir
Friday 19th
8.40am Head’s Assembly
Half Term - 4pm Friday 26th May - 8.30am Monday 5th June
The full school calendar is available on the website www.moorlands-school.co.uk
Lunch Menu For Week Commencing 8th May
Option 1 Option 2
Side Dish
Veggie Curry
Veggie- Roll
Cod Bites
Rice, Prawn Crackers &
Sponge &
Sliced Carrots,
Croquette potatoes &
Cauliflower Cheese
Garlic Bread & Green Iced Bakewell
New Potatoes,
Fresh Fruit
Cabbage & Mashed
Salad &
Garden Peas & Chips
Available every day - fresh salad bar, fresh brown bread, fruit, jacket potatoes and a selection of
fresh sandwiches.