Party Leaders` Handbook

Party Leaders’ Handbook
COach Transport
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A Complete Guide To An Interski
Snowsports Trip For Groups Travelling
By Coach
Party Leaders’ Handbook, Coach Transport
Document Version 1.1
Last Revised August 2016
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Party LEader Checklist.............................................................................................. 4
Insurance..................................................................................................................... 6
Passports and Other Travel Documents................................................................. 8
What To Take................................................................................................................ 9
Travel........................................................................................................................... 10
Arrival in Resort......................................................................................................... 12
Snowsports School.................................................................................................... 14
Snowsports School Ability Levels........................................................................... 16
Sample Menu................................................................................................................ 17
Outline Itinerary......................................................................................................... 18
And Finally!.................................................................................................................. 20
All content within this guide is correct at the time of printing.
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Party Leader Checklist
(LOtC) quality badge.
Now that you’ve paid your deposits, have you...
7. Considered taking the students for a dry slope taster session?
1. Organised a payment schedule?
We recommend that you have a payment schedule in place for students to ensure that the balance payment
reaches US no later than 10 weeks prior to departure. We have supplies of payment cards, so please contact
your Account Manager if you would like some sending over to you.
2. Booked your optional extras?
Have you given Interski information regarding numbers of snowboard, freestyle and/or extra hour’s tuition
required and made students aware of the appropriate supplements? Equipment and staff are limited, therefore
we require this information no later than 10 weeks prior to departure.
Snowsport England offer an exciting initiative called “Go Ski Go Board”. Various snowsports centres in England
are offering a course of 6 hours tuition, normally spread over 6 weeks, for all ability levels and at an all-inclusive
price. Details of the “Go Ski Go Board” scheme can be found on their website
The site will also let you know which slopes are taking part in the scheme.
8. Informed us of any changes to your group size?
Please inform us at your earliest convenience of any changes to your group. Not only does this enable us to
provide you with an accurate final invoice, but it also means that the correct number of coach seats and hotel
spaces are reserved.
3. Declared pre-existing health conditions to the insurance company?
Children under the age of 18 years do not need to declare any pre-existing medical conditions to the insurers.
9. Pre-ordered any helmets you require for your group?
However, both adults AND children will need to make a declaration if health conditions or ongoing medication
changes, or if there is a new diagnosis between the date of paying the deposit and the date of travel. Simply call
the Fogg Travel Insurance’s referral helpline on 01623 635958 and quote INTERSKI.
It is the law in Italy for under 14s to wear a helmet whilst participating in snowsports. To make things easier when
you arrive in resort, we always recommend you pre-book any helmets you require. Please contact our Rentals
department, or contact your Account Manager to help make arrangements.
Please see the INSURANCE section for more details on the cover included in your trip.
If you qualify for our Introductory Offer, you will still need to provide us with a list of names for everyone who requires
a helmet.
4. Organised your parents’ information evening?
Have you decided upon a date for the parents’ information evening and made arrangements with us for all your ski
clothing requirements? We can send someone to your school/college to present the trip to parents, or if you have
travelled with Interski previously, we are able to provide you with a pack containing an on-screen presentation
tailored to your stay and a DVD. In addition, we are happy to send along sample ski suits and accessory packs
from our rental/accessory division. Call your Account Manager to help make arrangements.
5. Started to fill in the required passenger information on our client login area?
Along with your final balance payment, we also require you to submit your Ski Party Information, special
requirements and pick-up details via our client login area, no later than 10 weeks prior to departure. Therefore,
you might want to make a start on it now - visit
When entering your passenger information, you will be asked to indicate that you have parental consent for the
possible use, by Interski, of photographs for marketing and publicity.
6. Completed any necessary LEA paperwork?
Is it necessary to complete a submission to the LEA or the governing body, informing them of your planned ski
trip? Our ‘Safety Management’ guidelines, are designed to help you complete any such exercise required by the
school governors or your LEA. You can find this document in the ‘Downloads’ section of your login area.
We are now a fully assured member of the School Travel Forum (STF) and hold a Learning Outside the Classroom
Three Weeks until Departure, have you...
1. Obtained a parental consent form for each child travelling?
In the event of a pupil needing treatment at the hospital in Aosta, a member of school staff MUST sign a consent
form, on behalf of parents. Please ensure you obtain an appropriate consent form from parents/guardians to
allow you to do this. The hospital will need to see parental consent forms PRIOR to treatment.
These forms should be brought out to resort and kept together and available at all times. We suggest you take a
set of copies and deposit them at our ski hire for the week. This way they are accessible at all times.
2. Made provision for the medical excess?
Should medical assistance be needed in resort, a medical excess is required. For under 18’s the excess is €50
(£40)*. For 18 and over, the excess is €100 (£80)*. Please make provision for this and the possibility that it may
be required for more than one student.
3. Informed parents of travel times / contact details?
Have you informed parents of departure and return times, school emergency contact name and phone number?
* Please note the prices quoted are intended to serve as a guide only as currency exchange rates are subject to fluctuations.
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Party Leader Checklist cont’d
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4. Provided emergency contact numbers?
Have you completed a list of emergency contact numbers for all people travelling? Remember to leave a copy
with the school/college senior management. May we suggest that you also leave the Interski head office number
with the school (01623 456333).
The Interski emergency telephone number found on your final travel itinerary is for the SOLE use of the party
leader, on both departure and return days. If parents require updated information, please ask them to contact a
school based number.
5. Made a telephone pyramid?
Have you arranged a telephone ’pyramid’ to pass on information quickly, particularly for emergencies and for an
estimated time of arrival on your return journey?
6. Discussed pocket money?
Have you given recommendations to your group with regard to how many Euros they should take? We generally
recommend between €50-€100 to cover souvenirs and incidentals.
7. Provided us with a list of who is going into each room?
It should speed up your check-in process if the hotel already has this information. Just send the list over to your
Account Manager, who will forward it on to the hotel.
8. Collected details of any students requiring GSCE or A Level assessment filming?
We are happy to film students working towards their GCSEs or A Levels, subject to advanced notice AND slope
availability (if a slalom is required). Please bring the student’s assessment criteria and an SD card to resort with
Please note we are not able to provide analysis for their assessment, as this should be done in conjunction with
the examination board syllabus.
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or parents/guardians are unsure whether a student should travel/will be fit to travel, please contact Fogg Travel
Insurance immediately and they will advise how to proceed. If they are not advised of any possible medical issues, this
could affect a future claim if required.
General Insurance Information
A copy of the Key Facts is available in the downloads section of your client login area and on our website.
It is essential that each family is made aware of the cover that exists, provided with a copy of the Key Facts and is also
reminded of the need to provide the party leader with an EHIC Card (see below). Parents also need to be notified that
damage to hotel fixtures and fittings, through negligence or misuse, is not necessarily covered by insurance. All hired
equipment is covered by insurance, but, in the event of wilful damage, misuse or negligence, we reserve the right to impose
the relevant excess as outlined in the policy schedule.
The policy covers persons who have lived in the UK or Channel Islands for at least 6 months in the last 12 months.
»» Should medical assistance be needed in resort, a medical excess is required. For under 18’s the excess is €50
(approx. £40). For 18 and over, the excess is €100 (approx. £80). Please make provision for this and the
possibility that more than one student may require it.
»» All families should be made aware of the cover.
»» Children under the age of 18 years do not need to declare any pre-existing medical conditions to the insurers.
However, both adults AND children will need to make a declaration if health conditions or ongoing medication
changes, or if there is a new diagnosis between the date of paying the deposit and the date of travel. Simply call
the insurance company’s Referral Helpline on 01623 635958 and quote INTERSKI.
»» Please be aware that decisions on repatriation are made by treating doctors in resort and the insurers, not by
party leaders, Interski or your Co-ordinator.
»» Any losses or damage to clients’ belongings will need a report form to enable a claim to be made. You must ask
your Co-ordinator for this before departing resort.
»» Full insurance policy wording is available in the downloads section of your client login area and on our website.
Additional points to note
»» Although you may have two or three claims for the same group, Fogg Travel Insurance has to have separate files
for each person, especially as the claims will be set up at different times. They are not kept as a batch under the
school’s name. This may mean that you receive a request for a balance invoice more than once.
»» Please remember to obtain receipts for any costs you incur in resort which may form part of a claim.
»» We are aware that some schools/colleges have their own insurance policies relating to trips, however, we always
recommend that groups use our inclusive insurance. If you choose to use your own insurance and an incident
requires the use of a stretcher you will be charged at the full rate (normally more than €200 per use).
Reciprocal health agreement – EHIC
All individuals will be expected to have their own European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which may assist in the event of
medical treatment being required. The easiest way to obtain an EHIC card is by applying online at Alternatively, you can call 0300 330 1350. If already in possession of an EHIC card, please
ensure it is still valid and does not expire before the end of your trip.
The production of these cards in France and Italy, should the need arise, will prevent parents receiving invoices from
hospitals. If you or a parent receives an invoice for treatment abroad when you are back in the UK, immediately send it to
Fogg Travel Insurance, quoting the child’s name, school name and details of the trip.
Please refer to our booking conditions for full details of applicable cancellation charges, depending on when the
cancellation occurs.
1. If due to illness of student or adult, he/she must see a doctor immediately as insurers will require confirmation
from the doctor that cancellation is necessary. Insurers will require their own medical certificate to be completed, so
please advise parents to ask the doctor to note on his records that cancellation is necessary, then return it with the
insurer’s form to be completed.
2. If due to illness of student or adult, or the need to cancel is due to illness of a relative, the Party Leader must
immediately be advised in writing. Tell the parents to date their letter (if possible keep a copy of the letter to send with
the completed claim form to Fogg Travel Insurance).
3. As Party Leader, unless you know you can replace that person, you must immediately advise Interski in writing
of the cancellation. At this point we will issue you with a cancellation invoice. Remember our cancellation charge will
depend on when we are informed in writing.
4. Ask the parent to phone Fogg Travel Insurance on 01623 631331 and request a claim form. In addition to their
details, it will help if they can provide the school/college name, dates of travel and date the trip was booked. All of
this information will be detailed on their Interski cancellation invoice. Fogg Travel Insurance will require the original
cancellation invoice and a copy of the balance invoice for the trip. If at any point prior to the trip you (the Party Leader)
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Passports and Other Travel Documents
What To Take
Wherever possible, all passengers should travel under their own passports. However, you may wish to consider applying
for a collective (or group) passport if some students in your group do not have their own, valid passport.
You will find below a summary of items that we would strongly recommend you take with you on your trip. The weather in
the Alps can be very changeable and you need to be prepared for both very cold and very warm weather.
A collective (or group) passport is a way for organised groups of young people to make trips to certain European
countries, including France and Italy.
»» Ski jacket – this should be windproof and waterproof with elasticated cuffs and waist. A hood is useful.
»» Ski pants/salopettes – should be warm, water-resistant with inner cuffs on leg bottoms. Jeans or track suit trousers
are not suitable!
»» Base layer – fleece/thermal/skins. Tight fitting, not cotton as it captures moisture. Multiple layers are best.
»» Hat - large enough to cover your ears and not too tight. Wool/acrylic mix is suitable for being warm, lightweight
and water-resistant. Should always be carried on the slopes.
»» Ski helmet - please note that children under 14 are required by law to wear a helmet.
»» Ski gloves – should be windproof and waterproof. Must be worn at all times, even on warmer days. Mitts are
preferable for beginners or young children. Woollen gloves are not suitable.
»» Ski/snowboard socks – at least two pairs.
»» Ski goggles and sunglasses – absolutely essential both on good and bad weather days. Should be worn at all
times. Goggles are more suitable for children than glasses as they are less liable to breakage and loss, plus
keep out the snow.
»» Walking boots/strong trainers – you may need to walk to ski hire through snow or wet conditions so you will need
footwear that will keep your feet dry.
»» Small rucksack – useful for carrying your items around.
»» High factor suncream/lipsalve – should be worn every day and reapplied as necessary. You can burn on the
mountain even on a cloudy day.
Collective passports are for between 5 and 50 children. If there are more than 50 in the group you can split it up and
apply for 2 or more passports.
A collective passport costs £39 and applications take about 6 weeks. The rules are:
»» Everyone on the passport must be a British national and under 18 by the end of the trip
»» There must be a group leader over 21 with a valid 10-year British passport
For more information, please visit
ID cards
ID cards were a short lived thing in the UK and were scrapped in 2011. However, many other European countries use them
as a travel document to exercise the right of free movement in the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.
Therefore, you may find that students from outside the UK will provide you with a national ID card rather than a passport.
Students from outside the UK or EU
If you have students travelling that are from outside of the UK or EU, the British Council can issue the List of Travellers form
for pupils on the trip who are of a non-EU nationality. The List of Travellers form allows the pupils to go on the trip without
getting a visa. You may also hear it referred to as a ‘Visa Waiver Form’.
To use the List of Travellers any non-EU pupil must:
»» Be a pupil at a general education school or Sixth Form College. Please note, Further Education (FE) colleges are
not eligible to use the form
»» Be on an organised school trip with their own school
»» Be accompanied by a teacher from their school
»» Have their own valid passport (in their own name). A pupil cannot travel on their parent’s passport unless they are
accompanied by their parent, who would require a visa from the relevant embassy.
»» Be legally resident in the UK. There should be evidence in their passport of leave to remain in the UK (for example,
their UK visa or residence permit, or a stamp from the home office or immigration official).
Applications must be made at least two weeks before the date of departure. You can apply for the form online at
The form cannot be used as a visa waiver by anyone other than school children, and cannot be used for any trips
other than those organised and led by a general education school or sixth form. This would include non-EU teachers
accompanying the trip, who should contact the relevant embassy in order to secure a visa.
Visit for our ski jacket, ski trousers and helmet rental as well as competitively priced ski
Please pay particular attention to our sizing guides (available on our website) when ordering rental wear for your
students. If a student exceeds the largest size please contact us prior to travelling to confirm if we have any suitably
sized garments in resort. This will save embarrassment upon arrival in resort if adequate provision cannot be made.
Après-ski wear should be warm and casual. Footwear should
be sensible and comfortable. You might also like to take a
swimming costume and swimming cap (compulsory for
both sexes in Italy). Towels are provided in all hotels,
but rarely tend to be the fluffy ones we’re used to
back home, so you may wish to take one bath
towel with you.
Powerpoint Presentation
We have a specially created powerpoint
presentation to help you educate your
group on what they will need to take. Please
contact us if you would like a copy and we
will be more than happy to send this to you.
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Seat belts
You will be sent a PROVISIONAL itinerary for your information. Please be aware that all of this information is subject to final
confirmation. You will receive the definitive details approximately three weeks before departure. You will be allocated
seat numbers to which we respectfully ask you to adhere. All unsold seats remain the property of Interski (as per our
conditions of carriage, which are available on request) and may be used to accommodate smaller groups or instructors/
members of staff. Coaches are equipped with up-to-date facilities, the use of which will be explained by the drivers.
Please note that, on shared vehicles, only DVDs suitable for the youngest passengers on board should be shown and
time restrictions will apply.
All Interski vehicles are fitted with lap seat belts as a minimum (most have 3 point belts) and it is a legal requirement that all
coach passengers wear them. Please be aware that recent legislation clearly places responsibility with the Party Leader
for ensuring that staff and students wear them at all times.
Ski equipment can be bulky and baggage space is limited. Please emphasise to your group that each person’s main
piece of baggage should be no more than 30 x 15 x 15 inches (4cu ft) and that they should be selective when packing.
Only one item of hand luggage per person is permitted on board.
If there are unallocated seats on your coach, these remain at the disposal of Interski. You will note that, where possible,
seats 1 + 2 will be allocated to the drivers (this is primarily for use by the second driver through the night). We are grateful
for your co-operation.
French police have been fining operators for allowing unaccompanied children to sit by emergency exits on coaches.
The recommendation from the CPT (Confederation of Passenger Transport) states, ‘When travelling through France,
children should only be sitting by an emergency exit if there is a supervisory adult in position.’
Our travel information gives a guide to the layout and seating plan of your executive coach. Please bear in mind this is a
guide only, and actual seating layouts may vary from vehicle to vehicle.
Coach Seating
The majority of coaches used by Interski have 49 seats. If your group is likely to exceed this figure please contact your
Account Manager to discuss the options available for the transportation of your group. Please note that all unused seats
remain at the disposal of Interski unless by prior arrangement.
Instructor travel
You may find that your final itinerary shows instructors travelling with your group, in either one or both directions. This facility
forms a crucial part of the Interski operation. Seat numbers will be allocated to these instructors but, if you would prefer
them to be seated elsewhere on the coach, please contact us. We confirm that all instructors have their attention drawn
to the Interski travel conditions, hold a valid disclosure from DBS or Disclosure Scotland, have made a declaration with
regard to suitability and are requested to observe all standards as laid down by the party leader.
For more information on our transport procedures, including risk assessments, please see our Safety Management
Duty Officer / Emergency Contact
You will receive a final itinerary before you travel which will feature an emergency contact for Interski. This is who you should
contact, in the event of an emergency, on both your outbound and inbound journeys. Please do not pass this number on
to parents or students.
Once you arrive in resort, you will be given contact numbers for key members of our resort staff who you should contact
during your stay in Italy in case of emergency.
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Arrival In Resort
Accommodation for students and staff in La Thuile is based on apartments for four with full occupancy. Supplements may
apply for any other sized apartments (subject to availability) or any additional accommodation not required by the
student gender split.
Schools & Colleges Co-ordinator
Each of the Interski hotels has a Co-ordinator to look after its groups, the drivers and the activities for the week.
Their role goes far beyond that of the resort ‘Rep’. The Co-ordinator is resident with you in the hotel and is your point
of reference relating to all aspects of the ski trip. We ask you to liaise with them and the drivers about your timetable
for the day-to-day routines and with regard to the overall programme. They are there to make your job as easy as
possible, to join in the activities with you and, above all, to ensure the Interski package not only meets, but surpasses, your
Please note that our Schools & Colleges Co-ordinators are not there to act as supervisors and cannot be left solely
responsible for individual students.
Bringing your own refreshments
Out of respect for our hoteliers, please refrain from distributing snacks and drinks to students in any of their communal
areas. Whilst we appreciate you may wish to bring some of your own refreshments in order to keep the students hydrated
and energised throughout the week, we would suggest that you hand these out on or outside the coach before entering
your hotel. Please also be mindful of the fact there is limited luggage space on the coach.
Interski Snowshots
Arrival day
On arrival at your hotel we strongly recommend that you and your colleagues carry out an inspection of the
accommodation to establish if there are any concerns regarding the fixtures and fittings in the rooms. Interski provides a
form to make a record of anything that you notice on arrival. A copy will be given to the party leader and the hotelier, as
well as Interski, keeping a copy. If you wish to run through the procedures for hotel evacuation (fire), then please ask the
Co-ordinator to do this on your day of arrival. Please take advantage of this procedure.
Your Co-ordinator will take photos of your group throughout the week. Using a secure login, these photos will be uploaded
to at the end of your stay. Students, parents and staff will then be able to view and
download the photos. Generally, for standard departures, photos are available to view on the Sunday afternoon of your
return back to the UK.
To ensure there is no disappointment at the end of the week, your Co-ordinator will ask you to check the Snowshots each
evening at dinner. Please check the photos for variety and let them know if there are any students who are yet to be
photographed or any other shots you would like them to take.
There will be a welcome meeting for your group and any rental garments ordered in the UK will be distributed to students.
Staff, drivers and Co-ordinators also meet to discuss the fine-tuning of lessons and après-ski activities for the week.
Arrival day ski fitting
In most cases we will aim to carry out ski fit on the day of arrival. For groups staying in Courmayeur, this will be dependent
on your arrival time in resort, as the gondola opening/closing times restrict access to our ski hire facility. In the event that
your ski fit has to take place on the first day of skiing, we will aim to get you fitted as early as possible and any lost tuition
time will be made up throughout the week.
Please remind your group members to pack a pair of ski socks in their hand luggage in the event that ski fit is carried out
upon arrival. In Courmayeur, shoes and jacket suited to snow conditions and ski socks need to be readily available.
Rental jackets will not be available to those having booked this service until arrival at your hotel.
Groups travelling to Champoluc
If you have booked your school/college snowsports course to Champoluc, you will be fitted for your skis and boots at our
ski hire facility in Aosta on the day of arrival. Your equipment will then be taken up to your hotel in Champoluc. Skis will be
stored on your coach throughout the week and boots will be stored in your hotel. You will be required to bring them back
down to the hotel with you on the final day of skiing.
Groups travelling to the Residence Planibel, La Thuile
The après-ski programme for La Thuile is less structured than in our other resorts. Included in the cost of your trip, there
is unlimited use of the sports and leisure facilities. Details of opening times will be given to you on arrival. Other après-ski
activities will be available, subject to group size. Your Co-ordinator will discuss these with you when you arrive in resort.
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Snowsports School
Snowsports Instruction
Ski Helmets
The Interski Snowsports School hours are as per your agreed package, which is usually 24 hours instruction. This usually
breaks down into 4 hours per day, plus one hour’s lunchtime supervision. We would ask you to ensure there is a member
of staff available immediately prior to the morning session when agreements can be made for the final handover at the
end of the day. We ask you to leave your mobile phone number at the start of the week and remain contactable each
day. This is to enable Interski to contact you in the event of any incident.
In Italy it is a legal requirement for all skiers and boarders under 14 years old to wear a helmet on the mountain. Please
speak with your Account Manager if you would like us to help with the provision of helmets.
Under 7s
We are happy for you to bring children under the age of 7 on your school/college snowsports course. However, we are
unable to provide group lessons and equipment for them. Our resort team will be happy to provide details of a local ski
hire facility that will have the correct sized equipment, which can be hired at your own cost. The Interski Snowsports School
is able to offer private tuition for under 7s at an additional cost. Please speak to your Account Manager for more details.
Alternatively, you can find details of the local ski school/crèche facilities below.
For students wishing to snowboard, there is a supplement of £30 per person. There are a number of factors which
contribute to the supplement being charged:
Local Ski School/Creche Facilities
If you would like to add an extra hour of tuition per day to your package (making 29 hours in total), you can do so for an
additional £25 per person. Please inform your Account Manager if you wish to do this.
Our snowboards and snowboard boots are bought in far lesser quantities and are more costly for us to purchase
Places available are limited
There is less flexibility in being able to mix with students from other schools
A financial commitment from students is necessary as we need to be confident we are employing the right
number of snowboard instructors
Please note, for groups that are staying in La Thuile or Champoluc, it is unlikely that we will be able to mix your snowboarders
with students from another school, therefore you must have a minimum of 5 students of the same ability in order to make
snowboard groups viable.
There are local ski schools and crèche facilities available in each of the four resorts used by Interski. If, particularly as a
result of the section above, you need to make alternative arrangements, please contact the relevant organisation and
make all enquiries/reservations directly. Interski cannot be responsible for services/information provided by such local
Pila ski school/crèche Tel 00 39 0165 521114
Courmayeur ski school/crèche Tel 00 39 0165 842477
La Thuile ski school Tel 00 39 0165 884123
La Thuile crèche (0-3 yrs) Tel 00 39 0165 884986
All snowboard courses are subject to viable numbers.
La Thuile crèche (4+ yrs) Tel 00 39 0165 884541
Students With Special Tuition Requirements - IMPORTANT
Champoluc ski school Tel 00 39 0125 307194
Please note that, in the absence of notification to the contrary, we assume that all participants are able to be
accommodated in standard tuition groups and that they will be able to make progress in line with that expected of the
average novice skier with no special tuition requirements.
We are able to offer tuition to students with additional needs. Please contact us to discuss their requirements no later than
10 weeks prior to departure, as in some instances, we may need to recruit specialist instructors. 1 to 1 tuition is available at
a supplement of £550 for a standard week, where necessary.
If we are not given sufficient notice of special requirements prior to the trip, supplementary costs will still apply where
more personal tuition is deemed appropriate, but in some circumstances, it may be too late to make provision for this.
We do not recommend that infants under the age of two years are taken on school/college ski courses.
Responsibility and Supervision
Our Schools & Colleges Co-ordinators, as well as our other staff, are always on hand throughout your trip to provide help,
assistance and support. However, please remember you are in loco-parentis and have ultimate responsibility for your
group at all times.
NB Any skiing/boarding outside lesson time is the responsibility of the party leader. Most local education authorities will
only allow school children to ski outside lesson time under qualified supervision.
If you are interested in finding out more about Interski’s ASCL or ASL courses which permit you to lead groups, please call
us on 01623 456333 or visit
Sickness and Injury
Supervision of injured and ill students is the direct responsibility of the teachers accompanying the group. Interski will
inform you if a student becomes sick or injured whilst skiing.
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Snowsports School Ability Levels
Sample Menu
Breakfast in the hotel will be a traditional continental breakfast as follows:
Never put on a pair of skis or only a taster lesson.
2. Confident to ski nursery slopes, using snowplough. Very limited experience.
3. Confident to ski easy blue runs with a mixture of ploughing and parallels but anxious on steep or icy sections.
4. Confident to ski parallel on all blues at a reasonable speed and happy to ski reds, but anxious and has to pick
route carefully when slope becomes steep or icy. Stuck on ‘intermediate’ plateau.
5. Confident to ski parallel at a steady pace on all reds and easy blacks, but anxious on bumps or off piste. Would
now like to tackle more demanding slopes.
6. Confident to ski parallel at high speeds on reds and confidently tackle bumps on and off piste.
Lunch on the mountain (supervised by the Instructor) will be taken at different venues and the voucher will usually get you
one of the following, plus a drink:
»» Cold drinks – water, orange juice, other fruit juices, milk
»» Hot drinks – tea, coffee, hot chocolate
»» Breakfast items – bread rolls, brioche, biscuits, cereals, butter, jam
Never put on a snowboard or only as taster lesson at a dry slope.
2. Heel and toe side slipping. 1 to 2 hour session on dry or artificial snow slope.
3. Diagonal heel and toe side slipping. Controlled left to right movement (falling leaf).
4. Basic turn on either heel or toe. Starting to link turns together on easy terrain.
Slice of pizza
Bowl of pasta
Toasted sandwich
Toasted focaccia
Bowl of chips
Hot dog
You can pay extra using Euros to buy other items whilst in the restaurant should you wish.
5. Confident basic turns on both heel and toe.
Evening meal
6. Beginning or accomplished carve turns and higher end riding.
First course - pasta (each day different: fusilli al pesto, spaghetti alla carbonara, macaroni alla Bolognese, penne with
tomato sauce etc.) or vegetable soup.
Main course – a variation of chicken, beef, pork, turkey, stew, red meat or white meat, with 2 types of vegetables. For the
vegetarians there is a choice of cheese, eggs etc. and pasta without meat or fish.
Dessert can be ice cream, fruit or cake.
Special dietary requirements
We appreciate that some passengers may have special dietary requirements and others may be fussy eaters. You are
welcome to bring your own food items should you wish (in a cool box on the coach) and your hotel will be happy to store
any perishables in their fridge.
We have gluten, nut and egg allergy translation cards available in French and Italian – these can be download from our
website at
Please ensure we are notified in advance of any special dietary requirements.
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Document Version 1.1
Last Revised August 2016
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Document Version 1.1
Last Revised August 2016
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Outline Itinerary
Departure day From the uk, usually a Saturday
»» Depart from school (aim to arrive ½ hour before) – time dependant on location in the UK. Please consult your
travel guidelines for exact times.
»» Evening ferry from Dover to Calais.
Arrival day, usually a Sunday
presentation evening at the end of your stay, when your instructors will come along to your hotel and hand out badges
and certificates.
A full list of the possible après-ski activities can be found on the Special Requirements section of your client login area.
Here you can also indicate your preferences, which will be taken into account when our resort team organise your
programme. Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee any activities..
For more details on our après-ski programme, including risk assessments, please see our Safety Management Guidelines.
Continental breakfast at French motorway service station.
Midday arrival in resort (ski fit and snack lunch).
Mid-afternoon check in at hotel.
Evening welcome meeting with Interski Co-ordinator.
Depart Italy for home (usually a Saturday)
»» Vacate rooms after breakfast
»» Return to hotel after ski/board lessons for shower and evening meal
»» Depart hotel early evening
Monday – Saturday, a typical daily itinerary
Arrival back in the UK (usually a Sunday)
07.00 – Wake up call
07.30 – Up, dressed, tidy room
07.45 -Breakfast
08.15 – Up to room, collect all you need for the day. Leave key at reception
08.30 - Depart hotel
09.00 – Collect equipment from ski hire
09.30 – Get into your ski/board group and await your instructor
10.00 – Ski and board lessons commence
12.00 – Lunch, using your vouchers, supervised by your instructor
13.00 – Lessons recommence
15.00 – End of lessons for the day
15.30 – Check your equipment back into your ski hire lockers
15.45 – Possible shopping or exploring of resort
16.45 – Return to hotel
17.30 – Shower, change for the evening
18.30 – Evening meal
19.45 –Après-ski
22.00 – Return to hotel and to bed
22.30 – Lights out for a good night’s sleep
»» Early morning ferry from Calais to Dover (hot breakfast included)
»» Arrive back at school – time dependent on location in the UK
»» Log on to to view your photos from the week
If you are travelling on a 5 day snowsports course, your itinerary will remain the same, except you will depart Italy on
Friday evening and arrive back in the UK on Saturday. You will have one less evening of après-ski and your ski school
presentation will be on Thursday evening, rather than Friday.
All timings are approximate, are subject to change and intended as a guide only.
A typical apres-ski itinerary
Monday – pizza night
Tuesday – karaoke
Wednesday – disco
Thursday – bowling or ice skating (dependent on resort)
Friday – ski school presentation with badges and certificates
All activities are examples and your exact après-ski programme will be confirmed by your Interski Co-ordinator when
you arrive. Every group will have two nights of set après-ski – a pizza evening at a traditional Italian pizzeria and a
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Document Version 1.1
Last Revised August 2016
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Document Version 1.1
Last Revised August 2016
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Section Title Here
Ticked everything off the Party Leader Checklist? Final balance paid and all paperwork submitted? That’s the trip sorted,
but have you considered:
Booking your 2 for 1 holiday
If you’ve booked a group of 20+ full paying passengers with us, you’re entitled to a 2 for 1 holiday on a separate date –
it’s our way of saying thank you. So why not take a partner, friend or family member away for a short break or week long
holiday without the students being there!
Just speak to your Account Manager for more details.
Making it a group/family trip
Like the sound of our 2 for 1 holiday offer? Why not get the rest of your friends and family in on the fun! Seeing as you’ve
done such a great job organising the school/college trip, why not have a go at organising another one?!
Finding out about our Party Leader courses
Did you know we also offer various courses for Party Leaders? These include:
ASCL (Alpine Ski Course Leader – week long course in the Aosta Valley)
ASL (Alpine Ski Leader – week long course in the Aosta Valley)
SCO (Snowsport Course Organiser – one day course in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire)
First Aid (with specific reference to the outdoors – two day course in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire)
To find out more about our Party Leader courses, including whether you’d be eligible to take part, please visit
Booking your next trip
It’s never too early to book your next trip! We’re happy to make a no-strings provisional reservation for you until you
return from this season’s trip. Early bookers get their pick of our favourite hotels on their preferred date.
Travel every other year? We offer fantastic early booking discounts for groups who book ahead, so don’t ever think it’s
too soon to start planning your next trip!
If any of the above has sparked your interest, please contact your Account Manager for more details.
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Document Version 1.1
Last Revised August 2016
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Document Version 1.1
Last Revised August 2016
Page 23
Interski, 8 Acorn Business Park, Commercial Gate, Mansfield NG18 1EX
t: 01623 456333
e: [email protected]