A Loose Confederation Chapter 7 section 1 (pp 200-204)

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A Loose Confederation
Chapter 7 section 1 (pp 200-204)
1. Why did the colonies need a new government after the Revolutionary War?
2. Why did states write constitutions?
3. What was the structure of state governments?
4. What rights did people have under the state constitutions?
5. What was the purpose of the national government?
6. Why was it difficult to get states to approve a national constitution?
7. In forming a national government, what were people afraid of?
8. What were the Articles of Confederation?
9. What were the powers of Congress under the Articles of Confederation?
10. What were the limitations of the government under the Articles of Confederation?
11. What was the dispute (argument) over the western lands?
12. How was the dispute over the western lands resolved?
13. Why couldn’t the national government repay the war debt?
14. How did other countries take advantage of the new nation’s weak government?
15. What was the Northwest Territory?
16. What was the Land Ordinance of 1785?
17. What was the Northwest Ordinance?
18. Under the Northwest Ordinance, how did a territory become a state?
19. Under the Northwest Ordinance, how did a new state compare to old states?
20. Why were farmers having problems after the Revolution?
21. What was Shays’ Rebellion?
22. Because of Shays’ Rebellion, what did state leaders decide to do?