A Word From Ms. Rubick Giant A+ Rewards

Rolling acres elementary school
Littlestown Area School District
October 2013
A Wo r d Fr o m M s . R u b i c k
Greetings, Rolling Acres families! My
name is Holly Rubick, and I am excited to
making decisions that are in the best
interest of children. This means I will stay
informed about instructional practices that
join the Rolling Acres team of dedicated
educators who are here to serve your
children! The warm welcome I have
are meaningful and relevant for students,
received from students, staff, and parents,
and I will lead and support teachers in
their efforts to provide the best
is much appreciated.
educational experience to every student,
Special dates in
October to record
on your calendar:
every day, and in every way.
The school culture at Rolling Acres is
characterized by a determined focus on
Early learning acquisition, including well-
school years. As Principal of Rolling Acres
Elementary, I pledge to focus daily on
Welcome to the start of a
new school year and a year
telephone number.
After you register your card,
Beginning October 6, 2013
each shopping trip at Giant
School (ID #00462) will have
using your BONUSCARD earns
CASH for our school!
month, the amount of CASH
Giant website.
You must re-register you card
EACH year for our school to
awarded will be updated on the
the opportunity to earn cash
You can track
receive credit. Registration is
difference to our school. We
need your support. Also, don’t
forget to encourage your friends
and relatives to do the same. It
could mean more Cash for our
through the Giant A+ School
the amount of points you earn
Rewards Program.
for our school by checking your
If you do not have internet
access and need assistance,
All you have to do is: Log on to
to designate our school online
using your Giant BonusCard OR
Return the form on the last page
to school with your child and
include your Giant BONUSCARD
23rd — Picture
Giant A+ Rewards
21st—School Board
Meeting @7:00
17th & 18th—
Grandparents’ Day
(more information
to come)
in later school grades and beyond the high
16th—100 Book
Challenge Parent
Meeting @7:00
developed reading and math skills and
strategies, are strong predictors of success
7th—PTO Meeting
@6:45 (RA Library)
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at any
time with any questions, comments or
concerns. Thank you for your support!
Go, Little Bolts!!
academic achievement, and it is obvious
that staff members care about students.
11th and 14th —No
when you create an account at
school will receive a check at
the end of the program and the
money can be used for any of
our school’s educational needs.
call 1-888-448-4642.
Character DressUp Day
Yo u C a n S u p p o r t R A E v e r y T i m e Yo u S h o p … .
If you shop at Target you
can sign up to receive a
credit or debit card. If
you sign up for a debit
with Target is that each
time you use the card you
get 5% off every time you
shop. When you sign up
card the total will be taken directly from your
checking account. The
advantage for signing up
for a debit or credit card
for the card you will have
the option to sign up our
school to receive a percentage of your purchases. You can sign up
online or at any Target
store. Thank you, in advance, for your support!
Lunch Dates
October Lunch Dates are here! we
would like to invite and welcome you
to have lunch with your child. You are
welcome to come any day of the week
You may come in on any day of the
week and bring a brown bag lunch. The
ONLY requirement is that you need to
RSVP by 10:00 the morning of your
during your child’s assigned lunch
chosen lunch date. You can send in a
note through your child’s teacher or
can email Trisha Reed at
[email protected]. If we do not
receive your RSVP prior to 10:00 a.m.,
The three days you can buy a hot lunch
from our cafeteria are:
October 8th—Hamburger
October 17th—Fish Nuggets
October 23rd—Cheese Pizza
You are required to RSVP a day in
advance if you would like to purchase
the hot school lunch. You will also need
to send in money for you hot lunch
with your RSVP slip the day before. The
form is located below.
you will be asked to pick a different day
to join your child in the lunch room.
Please do not email the teacher as they
do not always get to their email prior
to 10:00. This procedure allows us to
There are a few guidelines to be
No younger siblings will be
permitted to be part of the
parent lunch
No outside food, such as
McDonalds, Subway, Sheetz,
etc. will be permitted in to the
cafeteria. A home “packed
brown bagged lunch” is
When lunch has ended, “lunch
dates” will return to the office
to sign out and children will go
to the playground for recess
or back to class
Lunch Times are as follows:
have continued awareness of everyone
coming in and out of Rolling Acres
Elementary School.
K– 10:45-11:15
1– 11:25-11:55
2– 12:05-12:35
3– 12:45-1:15
HOT LUNCH RSVP FORM: You will need to RSVP a day in advance by completing this form
and turning it in to your child’s teacher. Reminder: The main entrée will be the only choice offered to our lunch date visitors. You will need to send in your money with this form. The price
of an adult lunch is $3.50.
Your Name: _________________ Child’s Name: ______________________
Teacher’s Name: ________________________________
Date of Lunch Date: ___________ Lunch Time: ___________________
____ Yes, I will be buying lunch in the cafeteria and my money is attached to this form.
C o u n s e l o r ’s C o r n e r
Parenting Tip #2
Relationships Are the
for the 2013-2014 school year
from the Love & Logic Series
(Helping parents & educators raise
responsible kids since 1977)
What is the most important
ingredient for motivating
children to develop personal
responsibility and the skills/
characteristics to become
high achievers?
Every year…as kids return
to school…people begin to
ask this question. Some
believe the answer lies in
developing improved teaching methods and more advanced curricula. Others
contend that the solution
involves improving the types
of tests administered to
students. At Love and Logic
we believe that the single
most important factor affecting children involves the
quality of relationships they
experience with important
adults in their lives. In fact,
we believe that there will
never be enough rewards,
consequences, or techniques to get kids to behave
and learn responsibility if we
are not first developing positive relationships.
Rules provided without relationship result in rebellion.
Consequences given without relationship lead to resentment.
P TO N E W S — “ B u i l d i n g
Rewards without relationship feel like bribes.
When most of us recall the
adults from our youth who
had the biggest positive impact? We think of those
Had high expectations
and communicated
those through loving
Focused mostly on
strengths….not weaknesses.
Spent a lot of time with
Listened to us.
Didn’t tell us what to
do but rather guided
our decision making.
Were empathetic
when things went
Modeled healthy, assertive behavior.
Held us accountable…
yet loved us even
when our behavior
wasn’t lovable.
Evident from this list is that
fact that adults who enjoy
the very best relationships
with children are viewed as
powerful and loving at the
very same time. As this
school year unfolds, let’s
make it a goal to be this
type of adult for the wonderful children we know
and love.
the Bridge between Home and School”
PTO News ~ “Building the Bridge between Home and School”
WOW – it’s October already! The PTO has been VERY busy since the start of school, and wants to thank all
the dedicated volunteers for their help!!
Did you know…??? The PTO does many great things for the Students and Teachers at Rolling Acres including
funding field trips and assemblies, provides books, games and playground equipment, sponsors family-fun
nights and provides volunteers for most school activities!
If you haven’t joined the PTO yet – IT’S NOT TOO LATE and IT’S FREE!!
This year the PTO is raising money by selling Bolts Magnet Clips ~ 1 clip for $2.00 or 2 clips for $3.00. We will
have them available at all of our events including the PTO meetings, and order forms are available outside of
the school office.
Mark Your Calendars!
 The next PTO Meeting will be on Monday, October 7th @ 6:45 pm. Please come out and share your
thoughts. Everyone is welcome and childcare is provided!!!
 Rolling Acres Annual Family BINGO night is quickly approaching – the date is Thursday, October 10th
from 5:00 ~ 8:00 pm. This year we are combining all grades (K thru 3rd) into 1 night, and it will be held in
the Littlestown High School Cafeteria. We will have daubers for sale or feel free to bring your own. Food /
Beverages will be available to purchase throughout the evening. Come out and enjoy the family fun!
 Joe Corbi delivery is scheduled for Wednesday October 16th from 4:00 ~ 7:00 pm. All items must be
picked up during this designated time due to not having storage and/or refrigeration. Thank you for your
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and THANK YOU for supporting the Rolling Acres PTO!
M y C o ke R e w a r d s
Will you help us earn free school supplies & exercise equipment?
Rolling Acres is asking you to donate your Coca Cola product caps from all bottle sizes and tear
offs from 12 or 24 packs of cans to our school. The caps and tear offs will have a soda bottle on
the top and a code on the bottom. The collection point is in the lobby area across from the main
office. The mycokereward chairperson will then enter them into our school account to earn
rewards. Please encourage your friends and family to save Coca Cola product caps and tear offs for
Core Essentials Program
Golden Retriever/Gold
Honor - Letting someone know
you see how valuable they really are
Week One:
Honor is letting someone know
you see how valuable they really are.
Week Two:
A golden retriever honors its
human family members by protecting them and being loyal.
Week Three:
Have you ever seen one person
honor another person? How
did they show it?
Week Four:
Think of someone you honor.
Can you think of a way to show
them how special they are?
golden retriever or our color
of gold. A dog never fails to
show their master how valuable
they are whether it be a wagging tail, jumping up and
down or lots of licks. Arrange for students to bring in
their 4-legged friends (real or
the stuffed kind!) for recess
instead of the usual playground
time. Use “gold”fish crackers
as a snack or bring someone
in so students can pan for gold.
Whatever you do don’t miss a
chance to tell your students
how valuable they are. You may
be the only positive voice they
The Big Three
We remind you to you of “The
BIG Three” we introduced last
month that will carry us through
the school year. The BIG Three
are expectations, ideas, and “rules”
if you must that everyone can remember and learn. They are:
Treat others right
Celebrating Character Ideas:
There are lots of different ways
to honor specific students this
month using our animal, the
Make smart decisions
Maximize your potential
October Book List:
The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams K-3
A Chair for My Mother by Vera Williams
Best Friends by Miriam Cohen K-3
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes K-3
Pablo’s Tree by Pat Mora K-3
The Hickory Chair by Lisa Rowe Fraustino
The Hundred Penny Boxby Susan Bell
Mathis K-5
One Green Apple by Eve Bunting K-5
Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by
Mem Fox K-5
Elmer by David McKee K-3
Getting to Know Ruben Plotnickby Roz
Rosenbluth K-5
Rabbit’s Gift by George Shannon K-5
Ke n n i e ’s R e w a r d s P r o g r a m
Helping Our
School is Just One
Purchase Away!!!
Our community partnerships are
important to us. With your help
our school will receive annual
funds from Kennie’s to be used
for all sorts of school related
projects that occur throughout
the year. We need you! With
just a little bit of effort you can
make a big difference for our
students. Below you will see
directions to sign up Rolling
Acres Elementary School.
If you shop at Keenie’s you can
sign up online by clicking the icon
that states “PARTNERS IN
LEARNING” or you can go
right to the store and ask for the
form. Here is what you need to
do each year to get our school
registered to receive funds from
1. Customers may sign up the
local school of their choice.
2. School members and Parents need to sign up every year,
use their Preferred Kennies Card
each time they shop and spend at
least $100.00 (excluding milk,
cigarettes, tobacco, pharmacy
and tax) at their local Kennie's
Market during the program for
their purchases to be included.
3. Anyone may sign up. Their
totals will accumulate from the
sign up period forward.
4. Kennie's will rebate up to
1% of the purchases made in the
School’s name with a maximum
donation of $20,000.00 to all
enrolled Schools.
6. If the amount to be rebated
to all Schools exceeds $20,000,
your organization will get a prorated percentage of the $20,000
based on the total spending of
the Schools. Example: The total
amount of purchases in all the
Schools is $3,000,000 and School
1 has accumulated $60,000 in
purchases, 60,000 / 3,000,000 =
2%of all money purchases in all
Schools' names. School 1 will
receive 2% of $20,000 or $400.
7. Due to our concern for
customer privacy, Kennie's will
not provide you with names of
customers enrolled for your
school; however, we will tell you
the number of members enrolled
and total purchases made.
8. Kennie's cannot give each
individual a report of Kennie's
donations in their name due to
the large number of households
5. If the amount to be rebated
to all charities does not exceed
$20,000, each School will receive
1% of their purchases.
Collections for “Little Miracles International”
A local family has asked us
to participate in a collection for a cause that they
are supporting. This cause
collects a variety of items
and then works with a
local church to ship these
needed items to missionaries in the Democratic
Republic of The Congo.
We will be placing a laundry hamper in the entry
way of the school to collect any items listed below
that are donated.
Coloring books and crayons
Gently used books
Small balls (blow up) for
Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
Baby Toys
Art Supplies
School Supplies
Items needed include:
Rubber shoes (like fake
crocs or galoshes)
The collection ‘hamper’
will be in the hallway for
at least the month of October. If this is something
your family would like to
support, all donations are
welcome and truly appreciated.
Spotlight on Math
You may have heard your
child talking about ‘taking
math tests’ the first weeks of
school. All of our students
participate in Benchmark Assessments using Aimsweb, a
nationally normed assessment
This month we will focus on
the Aimsweb Assessment
used with our Kindergarten
students. By the end of the
Kindergarten year, this assess
ment expects students to be
able to:
Count to 100
Identify Numbers Up to
This instrument is used to
assess student understanding
 Identify which number or
and fluency (automaticity)
numbers are missing from
with a variety of skills. The
skills assessed are also differa short pattern
ent at every grade level. We
Identify which number is
then take this information and
larger when given a pair
use it to inform our instrucof numbers
tion. The information helps us
to know which skills students The assessments are timed.
need enrichment in as well as The purpose of timing these
which skills students may
assessments is to determine
need more practice and expo- how fluent (or automatic)
sure to through our classstudents are with the skill
room instruction.
being assessed. These are also
skills you can support at
This assessment is given two
home with your Kindergaradditional times throughout
ten Student.
the school year to measure
student progress and growth. Some activities you can do
with your student to practice
these skills:
Over the next several months
we will provide you with addi-  Roll dice, ask your child
who has the larger numtional information regarding
this assessment and what
skills are involved in each
 Play the card game
grade level.
“War” in which the person who lays the biggest
number keeps both cards
Practice counting objects
at home as quickly as the
can (silverware, lifesavers,
M+M’s, cotton balls, etc.)
Make a number grid and
hide some of the numbers with tape, counters,
or coins; ask your child
to tell you what number
is under the object
Use a deck of cards to
have your student identify
It is, however, important to
keep in mind that the expectations that you will see on
the report card for Kindergarten students require working with numbers beyond the
number ten. This expectation
stems from the Pennsylvania
State Standards for Math.
More information regarding
these expectations will be
provided during Parent/
Teacher Conferences in November.
Please be on the lookout for
your opportunity to meet
with your child's teacher to
discuss his/her academic progress!
Did you Know…
There is now a link on the LASD website where you can access community flyers. This
is where you will find things like Girl Scout sign up information, Wrestling sign up information, and Young Marines information. The link is under the “parent” tab on our
main website page. It can also be accessed at the following address:
C e l e b r a t e Yo u r S c h o o l S p i r i t !
The week of October 15th we
will spend the week showing off
our school spirit in preparation
for the Homecoming Pep Rally.
We will follow the schedule
Monday– No School
Tuesday—Jersey Day
Wednesday—Wacky Wednesday
Thursday—Hat Day
Friday—Wear your Blue and
Music Notes for October
Songs are everywhere in
the music room this time
of year. Third graders are
quickly attaining a new level
called Arf on the Housetop.
Yes, there will be some
students pretending to be
canine friends at the show!
friends are finding the
steady beat of songs and
beginning to differentiate
between their singing and
of musical skill as we begin
work on our holiday concert music, note reading
lessons, and begin music
enrichment classes. Students in music enrichment
will be performing two
brand new compositions
The second graders are
learning new songs and
musical games. There will
be a large emphasis on
rhythm and performance
on percussion instruments.
First graders are learning
new songs, movements,
speaking voice. They will be
learning songs about all
kinds of school subjects as
well as songs that are just
for fun. Thanks again for
the opportunity to sing and
play instruments with your
child each and every day.
written by Mr. Krape on
recorders and other instruments. Certainly, the highlight of our year will be our
Holiday concert, which will
take place at the Littlestown High School and is
basic rhythms, and note
reading concepts. Right
Mr. Krape
now, a major focus is
showing a steady beat. Be
sure to ask your student to
show you this at home.
Finally, our Kindergarten
From the Health Office
HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has donated clothing for the health
room closet. The closet is now full due to your generosity. I will still gladly accept donations of underpants.
The school physician will be here at Rolling Acres on Thursday, Nov. 21 to conduct
school physicals for those students who have not turned in a state-required physical.
Permission slips have been sent home to all students that do not have a physical on file
in the health office. Please return those if you would like your student to be seen by
the school physician.
Looking ahead………..
The Mobile Dentist/Smile Program will be here January 21 – 24. You can learn more
about the program on their website www.mobiledentists.com. Permission forms will
be sent home in the next few weeks.
O c t o b e r ’s B ox To p C o n t e s t E v e n t
During the month of October we will
be having a contest to see which classroom in the building can collect and
turn in the most Box Tops. The Box
Tops will be collected by classroom
teachers and collected twice—once in
the middle of the month and again at
the end of the month. The Box Tops
that have expired dates will not count
towards the class totals.
The classroom that collects the most
Box Tops will earn an Ice Cream
Treat Party! The classroom that col-
lects the second most Box Tops will
earn a Popcorn Party!
Students may collect their box tops in
a ‘baggie’ or may glue them to a “Box
Top Collection Paper” which will be
handed out at the beginning of the
If you have a large number of Box
Tops it would be helpful if they were
bagged up in groups of 50, as this is
how they are turned in for redemption. It should be an exciting month—
Happy Box Top Collecting!
Meet Jenny Hill, Our Ar tist In Residence
Visual Poet, Jenny Hill, has been selected as the
Plexiglas and a mounting system. The Visual
artist in residency for our Fall 2013 school year.
Poetry Exploration Exhibit will be unveiled fol-
She is an artist from Lancaster, PA and she uses
lowing an exhibition of student work produced
mixed media to alter book pages and emphasize
during the residency. The exhibit will include a
text that pertains to her themes. We look for-
typewriter and an example of a concrete poem
ward to welcoming Jenny when she begins on
for children to attempt to copy on the typewrit-
Monday, October 28th!
er, a book of altered pages for display, letter
Last year, Rolling Acres celebrated a poet each
month, and selected a particular poem to study
and critique in a group. During the 2012-13
school year, the selected poets/themes were:
Carl Sandburg, Robert Frost, Henry Wadsworth
stamps and examples of calligrammes for the
children to try, and a sampling of digital poetry
online for them to explore. Some of the online
site Jenny would like to share as well as use
during the residency are:
Longfellow, Edward Lear, Emily Dickinson, “Silly”
Bembo's Zoo:http://www.bemboszoo.com/
Poems, “Animal” Poems, and “Sea” Poems. Poet
study sessions promote critical thinking and
challenge students to have a deeper understanding of material while group critiques enhance
a as in dog:http://www.logolalia.com/a-as-indog/a-as-in-dog.html
school wide cohesiveness.
Continuing to build the arts, not only in our
To further embrace the integration of the Core
school, but also in our community, Rolling Acres
Curriculum in the arts, Jenny will provide a back-
plans to invite students, family and friends to the
ground of altered pages and how the art form
school for our Spring Arts Night in May 2014. On
can be a viable tool for portraying an under-
this night, selected artworks from each of the
standing of poetry and its themes. As a result of
students will be showcased around the school
this residency, students will be expected to in-
along with the annual spring chorus concert. The
terpret other works of poetry to create an artful
culmination of Jenny’s residency will also take
altered page using art materials. In addition,
place this night. In the past, the school has
students will be able to illustrate the meaning of
celebrated residencies via Meet & Greets for the
their own poetic phrase. Students will be able to
artists, concerts and musical performances, and
express and share their individualized poetic
special exhibitions and art unveilings that require
phrases with their classmates as well as demon-
audience participation. Jenny’s plan is to incor-
strate the ability to plan an image sequentially to
porate a permanent installation displaying stu-
solve a visual problem.
dents’ altered pages and visual poetry using
Rolling Acres Elementary School
ID# 00462
Dear Parents:
Welcome to the start of a new school year and a year of A+ School Rewards. Beginning October 6,
2013 through March 22, 2014 Rolling Acres Elementary School, ID# 00462 will have the opportunity
to earn cash through the Giant A+ School Rewards Program. All you have to do is:
Log on to www.giantfoodstores.com/aplus to designate our school online using your Giant Bonus
Card OR Return this form to school with your child and include your Giant BONUSCARD Number, Last
Name and telephone number________________________(11-digit BONUSCARD)
_________________________ Last Name ________________________ Telephone
After you register your card, each shopping trip at Giant using your BONUSCARD earns CASH for our
school! Each month, the amount of CASH awarded will be updated on the Giant website. You can
track the amount of points you earn for our school by checking your grocery receipt and online when
you create an account at www.giantfoodstores.com. Our school will receive a check at the end of
the program and the money can be used for any of our school’s educational needs.
Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to
receive credit. Registration is easy and makes a HUGE difference to our school. We need your support.
Please be sure to register your card to benefit Rolling Acres Elementary School, ID# 00462. Also,
don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. It could mean more Cash for our
If you do not have internet access and need assistance, call 1-888-448-4642.