World History Crash Course Extra Credit Buddha

World History
Crash Course Extra Credit
Buddha and Asoka
1. Describe the Aryan people.
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2. What are the Vedas?
3. Define the caste system.
4. Create a visual of the caste system.
5. Identify dharma and explain how it is connected to the caste system. Why do you
think the Aryans did this?
6. What is the social reason for dharma?
7. What is the ultimate goal of reincarnation?
8. Describe karma and explain how it relates to the caste system.
9. What is a problem with Hinduism in terms of starting an empire?
10. Describe how Buddhism originated.
11. What are the Four Noble truths?
12. List the Eightfold Path.
13. Why was Buddhism attractive to the people? To whom was it most attractive?
14. Identify Asoka and explain how he attempted to rule.
15. Why did Asoka convert to Buddhism?
16. What were Stupas? What were the pillars for?
17. What would be written on a pillar? Make an example.
18. How did Hinduism react to the spread of Buddhism?