• Plurals of nouns basic examples: common plural:

Plurals of nouns basic examples:
common plural: -s
book, pen, pencil, biro, shirt, boot ….
nouns ending in y after a vowel: - ys
boy, toy, key, joy, day, way ....
nouns ending in y after a consonant: -ies
lady, baby, strawberry, country, hobby, teddy, story,
party, fly, city …..
nouns ending in o – os:
radio, studio, piano, kilo, photo, video, Eskimo….
nouns ending in o – oes:
tomato, potato, hero, …
nouns ending in x, s, sh - es
box, fox, bus, bush, brush, wish ….
nouns ending in f – ves:
life, wife, leaf, wolf, calf, half, knife, thief ….
“irregular plurals”:
man, policeman, postman, dustman,
woman, child, tooth, foot,
mouse, goose,
nouns that have no special plural:
sheep, fish
books, pens, pencils, biros, shirts, boots ….
boys, toys, keys, joys, days, ways ….
ladies, babies, strawberries, countries, hobbies, teddies,
stories, parties, flies, cities …..
radios, studios, pianos, kilos, photos, videos, Eskimos, ….
tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, …
boxes, foxes, busses, bushes, brushes, wishes ….
lives, wives, leaves, wolves, calves, halves, knives, thieves
men, policemen, postmen, dustmen
women, children, teeth, feet,
mice, geese
sheep, fish, people,
Change the following sentences into the plural !
In my house there is a little calf. It eats with a knife and a fork. The policeman doesn’t see the woman in her
car. Her toothbrush is in a box under the bag with one potato. In the city a bus goes to the zoo and the people
make a photo of a wolf behind a green bush. A goose in Rome woke up a postman and on the radio the speaker
in the studio said something about a pretty lady. I think she was on her way to the field to buy a strawberry and
a kilo of …. The thief stole a baby and the dustman’s wife saw a mouse and broke a tooth, but her child helped
her to eat one half of a fly. At the youth hostel you get a key.
Plurals of nouns basic examples:
common plural: -s
book, pen, pencil, biro, shirt, boot ….
nouns ending in y after a vowel: - ys
boy, toy, key, joy, day, way ....
nouns ending in y after a consonant: -ies
lady, baby, strawberry, country, hobby, teddy, story,
party, fly, city …..
nouns ending in o – os:
radio, studio, piano, kilo, photo, video, Eskimo….
nouns ending in o – oes:
tomato, potato, hero, …
nouns ending in x, s, sh - es
box, fox, bus, bush, brush, wish ….
nouns ending in f – ves:
life, wife, leaf, wolf, calf, half, knife, thief ….
“irregular plurals”:
man, policeman, postman, dustman,
woman, child, tooth, foot,
mouse, goose,
nouns that have no special plural:
sheep, fish
books, pens, pencils, biros, shirts, boots ….
boys, toys, keys, joys, days, ways ….
ladies, babies, strawberries, countries, hobbies, teddies,
stories, parties, flies, cities …..
radios, studios, pianos, kilos, photos, videos, Eskimos, ….
tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, …
boxes, foxes, busses, bushes, brushes, wishes ….
lives, wives, leaves, wolves, calves, halves, knives, thieves
men, policemen, postmen, dustmen
women, children, teeth, feet,
mice, geese
sheep, fish, people,
Change the following sentences into the plural !
In my house there is a little calf. It eats with a knife and a fork. The policeman doesn’t see the woman in her
car. Her toothbrush is in a box under the bag with one potato. In the city a bus goes to the zoo and the people
make a photo of a wolf behind a green bush. A goose in Rome woke up a postman and on the radio the speaker
in the studio said something about a pretty lady. I think she was on her way to the field to buy a strawberry and
a kilo of …. The thief stole a baby and the dustman’s wife saw a mouse and broke a tooth, but her child helped
her to eat one half of a fly. At the youth hostel you get a key.