shock, admiration and even unclear. Think about it for a moment

Sunday, February 1, 2015
Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Mark 1:21-28
Jesus’ Passionate Words
God calls People like Us. People who like both predictability and spontaneity. We are routine
liking people. We like to have a pattern of what we do when we do it and even when we stop doing it. We
go to school, further training, marriage, children, they grow up, retirement and then we get older. We
have a home, a family, a schedule, all which gives structure and meaning to our days and nights. We build
our lives on the secure foundation of predictability.
But conversely, we also crave spontaneity. We hunger for those unexpected moments that bring
uncontained joy and unconstrained excitement to our day-to-day existence. But what often happens is that
we either question what occurred, or we accept it for what it is- a spontaneous response which could be of
shock, admiration and even unclear. Think about it for a moment when you are watching a hockey
or football game. It is when something happens that is not predicted that the game gets excitingthere’s a breakaway, a turnover and your favourite team which was losing is now in control of
the puck or the ball! How do you respond? You are excited because something happened which
was not expected. Our lives include this on a daily basis.
Life today is unfair and unpredictable. We try to control the uncertainties of life with
long-range plans and check in on a short term. But every day is still different.
Yet if we recall the life for the Hebrew people as they traveled in the desert for over 40
years, it seemed very predictable as each day witnessed sand, camp, little water, teachings and
food. They were on their journey towards the Promised Land but with each step it was not
certain they would make it. Moses spoke to them the Word of God from time to time and taught
them how they were to establish themselves in the cities and towns once they would arrive at
their destination. Moses told them of the laws which would help them to understand their
everyday life and what was expected of them as they prepared to enter this land. Moses also
taught them that God would raise up a prophet after him to which they should listen. God’s
words would be put into his mouth and he will tell them everything God commands. Moses
speaks of the One who was to come who would have the authority of God and be able to speak
of God clearly and distinctly. The people hearing this way back then, probably did not get the
idea that God was going to do this in time. They were wanting this to happen right away. But it
took time.
Time which enabled the Hebrew people to establish themselves in the Promised Land and
live life under God’s authority. Eventually, the generations which followed did live according to
the authority Moses had received from God.
How predictable is your life? Do you know exactly what you will do each moment? Do
you plan everything? Or do enable spontaneity to enter in any way? We each need to seek a
balance in this- to enjoy life to its fullest and to be open to new ways of living and loving others.
Last week’s reading from Mark, told the story of how Jesus called Simon, Andrew,
James and John to follow him. Immediately, they left their fishing nets and in that moment their
new life had begun. They really did not know what was going to happen as they followed Jesus
one they had an idea was different. But they thought they would get away from their predictable
lives—fixing nets, going in the boats, casting nets into lake, hauling them in with fish, packing
the fish, taking the fish to market—6 days a week, every day.. No Christmas holidays, and of
course no Easter—yet! Predictable. And so when Jesus called—follow me—they went.
Their first road trip led them to Capernaum a short distance away. Because it was the
Sabbath, Jesus went into the synagogue not just to listen and pray but to teach. We really don’t
know what the disciples did at this time or passage does not include them at all. Some of them,
maybe all of them stayed to see what Jesus would say and do. Everything was unknown.
Jesus taught-we don’t know what his lesson plan was for the day. All we know is that he
spoke with confidence and understanding of the laws and he seemed to have ‘it’—an edge, ‘it- a
sense of knowing what he was talking about, a real feel for the material he presented and of
course the authority to talk well and with compassion. The people listened very attentively.
While he was teaching a man who was in the synagogue and known to have an evil spirit
cried out” What do you want with us Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know
who you are- the Holy one of God!”
What a situation! Jesus’ first day of teaching and he has evil spirits recognize him—the
people in the synagogue do not know who he is (Joseph’s son from Nazareth) but a spirit from
within a man yells out to him and says, “I know who you are- Holy one of God!”
What was he going to do? His idea of getting the people to listen and know him and then
maybe later on do a miracle was not going to happen. Jesus takes charge, “Be quiet. Come out of
him.” He spoke with authority, with passion, concern and care.
Jesus’ passionate words changed the life of this man forever. Jesus speaks with authority
over the evil spirit but with compassion for the man. And through this act of having the evil spirit
leave the man, Jesus shows his authority so that even today, we might understand him in our
lives and how Jesus can make a difference in the world. This man was healed and he was also
transformed. Those witnessing this event were transformed as they asked questions and ‘were
amazed” at what they had witnessed. It was something different something very unusual, it was a
teaching completed in a new way—spontaneous, filled with compassion, and it was from Jesus
the One who was called Holy One of God.
Did the people really hear this or understand who this was who had been teaching them?
Was he really helping the man who had the evil spirit, or was he really telling those in the
synagogue who he was for the first time. This is the Holy One of God, the prophet who would
teach with authority and speak the words of God. He has the authority to do what he does,
because he is the Holy One and Son of God. And this is one of the reasons why Jesus came and
called to Simon, Andrew, James and John. Follow me. Here was Jesus influencing, changing and
transforming those who heard his passionate words and saw this man cleansed of an evil spirit.
The people were amazed, they were astonished, speechless-- And the disciples learned from
Jesus and who he really was and is. Maybe, the disciples knew that nothing in their lives was
going to be predictable any more. They followed Jesus- the teacher, the one with authority over
evil spirits, and the one who is holy and from God. The disciples were just learning that Jesus
was beginning to change the world—through healing and hope and his passionate words.
A Russian born author Alexander Solzhenitsyn writes of the role of the church in his
former homeland in the book “The First Circle” No one stops them from ringing their bells; they
can break communion bread anyway they please. They can have their processions with the cross.
But they will in no way allow them to have any connection with social or civic affairs." The
church can go through the motions, have a presence, but it dare not have an influence.
This is one of the reasons why Jesus came and called people to follow him. He wanted to
show others that yes He is the son of God but he also wanted to teach people and show people
about passion and love. When Jesus prayed and preached, his words were filled with passion, he
truly loved the people and cared about their future. Their everyday life was simple but he offered
to them hope for a better life- with God forever if they would answer the call to serve others in
Today’s church does not have the same influence it once had—but the authority of the
church remains steadfast if those who believe and support their church, truly have faith. God in
Christ gives us the authority to bring about change in the lives of people. Good things happen
when we pull together in the name of Christ, for the sake of social justice and right living.
And this is what the disciples witnessed that first day Jesus taught in the synagogue and
called out an evil spirit. This is one of the reasons He came and as we continue to learn more
about Jesus’ ministry amongst the people we will understand that Jesus came and called his
disciples to follow him for many reasons. Are we willing listen to Jesus’ passionate words and
to follow?
Let us pray.
God of grace and love, through passion Jesus healed a man with evil spirit. Through passion he
shows us how to live with love for others. Enable us to hold on to these words in our hearts and
minds so we may see the lives of people lifted up and transformed for Christ. We ask this in
Jesus/ name. Amen.